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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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an accident, but the confirmation is 100%, the novelty is 100%, i am not saying that he is probably not alive, but there is no legal confirmation, so the general prosecutor's office is doing everything according to the law now and doing it absolutely correctly. okay, it is clear that before that, what about you, mr. yuri, i also wanted to ask you about how the demining of kherson oblast is going, because we know that kherson oblast is such an agricultural... region, and from time to time such terrible news, when our farmers go out into the field, and unfortunately get injured, because those the fields are strewn not only with wheat, but also with these russian wastes, how much actual demining is currently taking place, how is it done, can people do it themselves, is there any additional financing in this regard? in fact, a lot of effort is directed to ensure that our... this is our second
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threat, and we also, we lose a lot of people precisely from mines, from unexploded ordnance . currently , the occupied territory is approaching 40% of the verified territory, which is considered relatively safe there, why relatively, because there is always a risk that something remains, firstly, secondly, well, constantly. do not fly there, there is a chance that ammunition remains that has not been restocked, so you need to be very careful, even in these territories there, which have already been checked, there are risks not only for agricultural machinery when it is working, there are risks for all people, a special rural terrain, forest strips, rivers, special risks where there were once units of the russian federation, they left behind a lot... such
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gifts in quotation marks, and they are very mean, there are cases, there are many of them, when there is double mining, that is, there is one land mine, under it another water mine, we have calculated that the workers, when they will work with the first ammunition, that they will be able to activate the others and detonate them, and so on unfortunately there are cases, and unfortunately there are tragic cases regarding the loss of our sappers. well, this work is ongoing, in fact , a lot of people, a lot of brigades, and the state emergency service, and the police, and the military are engaged in this, there is a maximum effort in this direction, well, thank you very much, mr. yuriy, yuriy saboletskyi, first deputy the chairman of the kherson regional council was with us, and they talked about what is happening in kherson, in the kherson region, well, meanwhile, the stavropol region, russia is 400 km away from ukraine, we can see how this morning, literally... an hour ago it happened, i
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understand that the plane that took part in the air attack on ukraine falls like this and then explodes. it is obvious that it is still being established that it could have been, the russian authorities actually say that they claim that both pilots ejected successfully and have now been taken to the hospital in moderate condition, that is, if it is really shot down, for example, by ukraine, a russian strategic jet bomber tu-22 m3, classification nato backfire, it means that, well, in general, it is difficult to imagine whether it was possible to get at such a distance, and on the 16th already here, what is happening , you know, maybe on some other day, there would be some great joy about that, of course there is joy that minus one plane, but on... and those news that are from the dnipro, about the fact that
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but, but look, maybe, maybe just maybe there would be more news just like this, maybe this tu-22 didn’t have time to launch what it was supposed to launch, it could also be that, and if it was the one that launched it, then this too, too, of course, of course payback for our enemies, and here she found them, and this somehow inspires faith that they will not get away with it so easily, and... they will reach them, we already have odarka, a white volunteer from the dnipro, with us, we will ask about the consequences of today's attack in russian, about how, how it all happened, mrs. odarko, wanted to say, you are welcome, in principle, i am glad to see you, because it means that it did not affect you, but unfortunately, unfortunately, dnipro is in the news today, and the news is sad. congratulations, unfortunately, i really can't say good morning. because for the people of dnipro it is a very
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difficult morning, from 5 o'clock to 5 o'clock we all woke up to explosions, there were a large number of them all over the city, i'm sorry. and we have, unfortunately, a terrible hit to a residential building, a five-story building, it's very scary to drive by, because people's screams could be heard there, and now part of the street is blocked off, we already know about nine victims, and currently the search - rescue the work is going on, at 5 in the morning you... were woken up by the explosions, did you hear the air raid siren, how loud were the explosions? the explosions were very strong and very loud, that is, we have our own network there and a volunteer network in the city, and people
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from different corners already wrote that they could hear explosions, and then also wrote that they saw parts of the downed enemy. rocket debris is seen, yes, someone found it in their yard, someone found it on the street, but the most frightening thing is that it hit a residential building again, and once again the russians subscribe to the fact that they are committing absolute atrocities, i.e. at a time when people with small children are sleeping, staying at home, they hit the residential building in price, said the mayor. filato about the fact that the russians aimed at the center, why is this so, or do you have any ideas? because they are not people who can have ideas here, which has been happening for a year in a row, they are beating absolutely without any
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logic, and unfortunately, this is not the first residential building that is suffering in the dnipro, we have no logic in this see, i i think that no ukrainian can do it, the day before the sbu detained a russian agent who was actually pointing missiles and drones at the dnipro, and it turned out that you know it, not some older person who found a scoop there, maybe he misses him, is nostalgic for his youth, in fact, with some cheap sausage there, and the person is young, an aitivite, i would still say that - that it is suspicious. well, anyway, that is , look, well, there is such a moment, we have no proven, no court decision, detained a suspect who is suspected of that, he faces 12 years in prison, claims that he is an ideological supporter of racism, and i will now say a very unpopular and
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scary thing, but unfortunately there are still a lot of such people, it is terrifying that they walk the same streets with us, so that they are very close, at all. .. standing next to and looking at a person, you can never tell what is really in his head, what thoughts, but these are terrible, it is scary to say it, but dnipro people, even i cannot call these people ukrainians, who carry out such corrective actions and refer to various objects, including civilian, so infrastructural, and what i... to understand what are the motives of these people, they want the defeat of ukraine, they want the victory of russia, they just want money for this, i don't know, i don't know for this specific case, but for this i don't know a person, but from what
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i had the opportunity to communicate there, the motives are very different, absolutely so absurd, someone is trying to take revenge on his relatives, and when we heard about cases where... pilots who directly dropped bombs and launched missiles at cities where they were born in ukrainian, some over 400 hryvnias, yes, such sums were announced, the data is sold, the motives are completely different, but whatever it is, there is evidence and an understanding that ukraine will definitely win, and... unfortunately, at a very high price, and this whole struggle , it will continue for a long time, but i think that we need to talk about the fact that we have to be more united, be more attentive, pay attention to those who walk by it, who
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pass by, so pay attention if you see suspicious people somewhere people who photograph certain places, let's say yes, more and more. all this, because it is my belief that there are still many separatists and collaborators among us, and i repeat, you are horrified that... it is not somewhere over there a few kilometers from the front line, and that it is here in the relatively peaceful dnipro . mrs. odarko, i also wanted to ask you, as a volunteer, i do not know when volunteering appeared in your life, whether it was in 2014 or already in 2022, and in principle, it is not so important, no matter how much a person does it, it is important what he does with... for by your observations, because i observe, we hold meetings, how it
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moves in some waves, and again, now again i see the posts of my familiar volunteers that the meetings are going hard, it is because the meetings are going hard, that people want to forget about the war, is it because we currently do not have help from the united states of america, although we are terribly waiting for it, and there are also fierce battles there, specifically for that... help to ukraine, and because of this , our military has increased the number of requests for volunteers, volunteers according to citizens . i think that everything is going in a complex way here, and this wave, it is repeated, yes, indeed, it has already, let's say, fluctuated, and we see a regular decline, then rise in the meetings, unfortunately, but... the rise of the meetings , yes, there are more of them, it comes after
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another attack by the russians, and whether it is with rockets on this or that city, or due to more active actions on the front line, for some reason, people in our country consider it necessary to give a larger number of donations only when something happens really terrifying, and somewhere there is a little impression that part of the population. maybe really as they say that they are tired and somewhere they would like to distance themselves from it a little, but it is necessary to be very clearly aware that the war, the war, it does not go on every day, it goes on every minute, and our guys are holding the front line with enormous efforts, does it affect that, rather, i am sorry, does it affect the fact that we do not have the help we would like, i think that somewhere it is. however, it should really rally even more and provide these donations and
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support even more. regarding the dnipro itself, i can point out that we have, in my opinion, mine observations, the volunteer movement is quite active, and the number of people who donate regularly is there, some donate from their last funds, some, let's say, less actively participate. however, although it is difficult , we all try to cover the meetings and those needs, yes, with which the boys apply, plus the city itself provides assistance and support to our armed forces on a regular basis, maybe somewhere we would like a little more of such activity from other cities, maybe then the community itself, and the people themselves would feel it would also help more. thank you very much, ms. odarko, odarko bila, a volunteer from dnipro, where today she... who became the main target, today's target, of today's russian missile attack, and unfortunately, now there is a hit
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in a residential building, and there are dead and wounded , we will monitor this situation and inform about the consequences that may still occur after this missile attack, now we are going for a short break, we will return and move with you to the occupied part of the territory. of ukraine to berdyansk, stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always, the fuel ran out in time, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmer kors from unpack tv, buy in time at a special price. for only 999 hryvnias. the corse trimmer is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn even in the most difficult-to-reach places: near fences, along paths, near the sidewalk, curb,
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winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover. the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day, with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue our marathon, our roll call, now we will move to berdyansk, we will ask what is happening in the occupied city, er, in the meantime, in the meantime, i want you,
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otto taka, then a little, appreciate a little , maybe as self-promotion. usually without knowing the advertisement itself wrote a viewer of our youtube broadcast about the fact that she is congratulating us and wrote that ms. lesya very emotionally asks to donate to the armed forces, and it inspires, to keep together until victory, in fact, i am very inspired by such words, because sometimes you make these announcements, you do, but somehow, well, there are days when the meeting somehow doesn't go well and you don't know what words to use to convince you that this is necessary, that this, that... that our boys need this help, they need it as much as possible faster, and that the amount is huge, and and that there is nowhere to drag, because the sooner those fpv drones get to the front, then they will do their work faster, then more of our lives will be saved, i mean the lives of our defenders, well, ours and yours, and more muscovites will be destroyed, so i i thank all those who
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respond to my appeals, respond, and in fact , i have already responded for this morning, i will tell you more precisely now, i am trying updates. at 10 00 responded, thank you for that, respond further, you can see the qr code, then the card number will appear here, so to your services, these details, well, in the meantime, we will talk with viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, mr. viktor, good morning, congratulations, good, mr. viktor, what is happening in berdyansk region, what is happening in berdyansk region, in our... . a great pity, no changes, actually, from the latest events, except that the occupiers flew to us a few days ago, and they admitted it and said about the command post, which their adversary allegedly tried to attack there, but they everything was shot down, as usual, but we know what the personnel was injured and part was destroyed, and in addition, the occupiers report about
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, for example, the repair of the elevators, which did not happen. launched after the renovation, the occupiers are trying to repair our seaside square in six months in preparation for the holiday season, in preparation for the holiday season, the occupiers are trying today to tax first of all the hotels in which there are no vacationers, well, they continue this policy of simply tightening the nuts for the local population and in relation to small business and in relation to anyone, according to the principle... or we you let's have a nightmare, or pay the money, or go and mobilize, actually, unfortunately, these are the realities of life under occupation today, and another reality is that, for example, there are people living in berdyansk who really like this new occupation government, and they went to to beat her, so that they would give them the housing
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that drove away the berdians, who did not agree to the occupation, how many of them there are, and in what way they are given this housing, yes, yes, well, we raise this topic constantly. housing, it is one of the most painful for local residents, for those who left the occupation, for those that remain, including, in fact, there are cases like this, specific, specific, absolutely cases when simply tenants who rent, rent housing from the owner, go to the so-called commandants there or some other gauleiters, write to them, some of their in the words of the boy, and then they are issued a warrant for that house, they rented it from the legal owner, and people come to the legal owner and say: sorry, now it is ours, it was yours, it became ours, it became ours, everything
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is solved very simply there, physically push-ups, physically transferred, and local, well , local in this context, in this context, they are not number one, number one is the arrivals from donetsk region who came from cities like bakhmut or mariupol, and these are arrivals from rosyushka. who came, they liked it, and they think that now we will stay and live here for free, so there are really more people who want to live here than we realize, and today the occupation authorities are trying to push back, saying that we don't have all the mechanisms, we we can't transfer this housing like that today, but we all know very well how it actually is happens because it is simply physically squeezed out and this housing is physically transferred to other persons. and documents are drawn up on them without absolutely agreeing and not even compensating the real legal owner, that is, housing in the occupation that belongs to people,
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absolutely does not belong to them today, that is the situation, that is, i understand correctly, it is not even taking away housing among those people who left, for example, berdyansk, because they did not want to be under occupation, even people live in berdyansk now, and a person simply comes and says, i like this apartment. i want to live there, absolutely yes, indeed the owner can live in berdyansk, he can rent housing in berdyansk, and accordingly, if, if the owner does not have a passport, if the owner has not left, has not registered according to the occupation laws, yes, indeed, that is, if you didn't arrange it, someone else will arrange it instead of you, this is housing, and here is who, who, who stepped on your shoes before, as they say, unfortunately, it's funny, but in fact it's very... sad, because it's just has today, they, well on the occupiers do it on a professional basis, all the time. the occupying authorities report that in the village of staropetrivka they were working on
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the restoration of the monument to vov, the great patriotic war, and in particular the chairman of the kholghosp, who at one time during the second world war was beheaded by the banderivites. from the upa, and that's where i got a little hung up, i thought, was the upa really active all the way to berdyansk, that is, they reached there and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so i was surprised, i think, which, which, which date got there and which squads exactly , well, in berdyansk about what, well, about the upa and about feats and about the heroes of the upa, the reality of 2014 began to be talked about, yes. real bander residents appeared in beryansk from the 22nd, when the resistance began and the partisans, whom the occupiers fear, began to appear, but he actually
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died at the hands of the bander residents in the village of staropetrovka, berdyansk district, and we will bring who, who else, if not obama, then the bander residents, here everything is very simple, here the fact is that the village of staropetrivka, probably, except for such monuments, the cursed ... tree dwellers and those who died from them, there is simply nothing left, there are either occupiers, or destruction, or some the monument stands in the middle of the field, that's all, well , there's nothing more to say about the occupation to the occupiers there, except for the probanders who were destroyed by the heads of the collective farm, and now let's just compare when the collective farms existed and developed in general, until what years did they exist, and when there were people from banda and where they were, history is silent, as they say, so you know, well... this is it, this is this, this is in full swing, the occupiers are pouring such and such acid there, well, maybe now there really
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are people from bandera, because i also read that it is occupation. the administration created a telegram bot, law enforcement agencies, so that you can report anonymously if you find out that somewhere nearby there is a saboteur, a spy, a person who carries out subversive activities and has a weapon, in a word, there is a special telegram channel, and you must be called to be vigilant, because in principle, spies will show the administration at every step now in berdyansk. but how strong is this partisan movement in berdyansk and we know how the russians killed two teenagers who opposed them, how widespread this phenomenon is and how these people in general, in the occupation, and not only in berdyansk, resistance is such a phenomenon as resistance exists and exists... despite
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such and such a long occupation, well , let's be honest, practically our entire world, the berdyansk world is pleasantly shocked because that this resistance still exists, and the resistance reaches such a level that these channels and bots are created precisely because the occupiers are afraid, the occupiers are afraid because of this, all the collaborators and all all all all the scum who participate in... elections, yes called, under guard, with a change of place residence, with other security measures, they are simply really afraid, resistance exists today, because in fact the resistance can disrupt these so-called elections, remember, not so long ago we had the elections of the dictator putin in the occupied territory, they were actually disrupted in berdyansk due to the fact that there were several sabotages and due to the fact that the occupiers
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could not even ... invite people to the polling station in the classic offline form, so to speak, everyone voted under the entrance, and the voting was held, one polling station was open, for 15 minutes, they took a photo-video and quickly went from house to house, because they understood that somewhere there would be another attack , the resistance is so strong that after the arrival of stormtroopers or other missiles, and the occupiers set up fire there . surrounding territory, that they are afraid that one hundred percent reports will be sent where they need to be, and there will be media content everywhere, and they understand that ukrainians are all around them, and even if this resistance is not active, they simply admit that they are not control society, no control the situation, despite the fact that many people left, succumbed to the propaganda, went to cooperate, despite everything,
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the resistance... lives, and it is controlled, adequately, absolutely, controlled by normal people who help this resistance, the resistance helps the armed forces, the resistance helps each other, and if there are any actions like the elections, then i think that the resistance will show its strength and the occupiers will continue to fear it, well, we thank these people, we keep our fingers crossed for them, may they succeed, mr. vik. thank you for the conversation, viktor dukalo, the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council was in touch with us, we talked about what is happening in the occupied city and in the occupied berdyansk region, we will soon watch the news, andriy already has one piece of news, i know he wants tell about it, about nataliya gumenyuk, well, i want to say that nataliya gumenyuk after collecting the signatures of more than 140 well-known ukrainian journalists who accused her, not only the military, of being ms. natalya gumenyuk.
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colonel a interferes with the work of the media and creates obstacles to the work in kherson and in general there is little news, very little is reported about the situation in the southern direction, she denied all this, mrs. natalya, but nevertheless a decision has already been made and the command informs that she has been removed from we simply do not have this job and at the moment a spokesman for the southern front, they are looking for one. successor, but we will not take away the work from our kateryna shirkopoyas, she already has a fresh selection of news, and she will tell you, in particular, about what are the consequences of the missile attacks in the dnipro. katya, you have a word. greetings olasya, greetings andria, in a moment i will tell you in detail the details of the russian attack on the dnipro, the number of victims there has increased sharply, and also what was the response of israel-iran.


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