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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. there are discounts on pulmolor tablets of 15% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics. even
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more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when it starts? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our marathon. i remind you that collection is in progress, 203 00. for this morning, we have already collected and for a few thousand will be like 300 thousand for this week. but for this to happen, you can click on your screens, see all the necessary information. hurry up, while you
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see this ad, scan the qr codes, or write down the card numbers or take a photo on your phone, so that later you can tell how much someone is sorry, and in the meantime, we will be with serhiy zgurets, military expert and director of information of the defense express consulting company, let's talk about the current one, and i'm sorry, god, i'm in a hurry live, dmytro kuzhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade and a major of the national guard of ukraine are with us, and... next will be serhiy zgurets, with whom we will talk about what is happening at the front, meanwhile we say to mr. dmytro, good morning, good morning, studio, good morning, dear viewers, if you can, glory to the heroes, if you can say where you are going, where you work, then tell me already, probably on some business, well, our team works in the direction of bakhmut, so i am going to... half district of tasks .
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what is happening now on bakhmutsky direction? in the bakhmut direction, it is now very difficult, because the enemy shifted his main efforts to this direction after avdiyvka, mainly armored vehicles, manpower, and it is already quite noticeable that it is army aviation, because shelling by fabs and kabs is carried out constantly, and they are shelling they are not just residential neighborhoods as they usually are. this is done by houses, and also they can bombard our positions there in the landings, in the fields, with aerial bombs, they use them everywhere they want, because after avdiivka they saw that this was quite an effective way to destroy our positions, after which their assault infantry simply did not need to assault with combat, but could simply enter the positions there behind... finish off those who were left,
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because the fap, he leaves no chance nobody if he gets into position. actually, we can now show a video, which, in particular, was made public by military expert rob lee. and this video is there, it was filmed by the russians, and we can see, it is claimed that it is from the time of yar, somewhere around recently. but removed and we can see that in in the immediate vicinity of the city itself , russian su-25 front-line bombers are operating and attacking, well, literally here and there, it’s not 70 km away, it’s just happening , the bombing is actually going on here with some kind of direct fire, and robla writes that this is a clear sign that
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the ukrainians lack ammunition to protect against from air targets, that is to say. how would you comment on this, whether we have to face such a situation near bakhmut, why some small portable anti-aircraft defenses do not work. well, the problem is that with the help of portable anti-aircraft missiles complexes to destroy an army aviation plane is quite difficult, because firstly, they have a high speed, and secondly, they shoot back. heat traps, that's what you can clearly see in this video, the enemy is really behaving very defiantly in terms of aviation, he allows himself to fly to a rather large depth of our defense, taking advantage of the fact that
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we have an insufficient number of air defense forces, as well as our own aviation , which can counteract them, how - what is left in such a you... how in principle to hold positions in such conditions? keep simply on the character, therefore that until the western partners give us what they promise, both air defense and aviation, we cannot counter their aviation with small arms, we can only try to shoot down their aviation with the available portable anti-aircraft missile systems, but again... it is like that quite a difficult thing, because if a helicopter, which is not so fast, we can still hit, then army aviation is a problem, but helicopters are not used much now, if they are used, they work from
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distances that are beyond our reach, because they understand very well , that they are a more vulnerable target, mr. dmytro, but now in... the law on mobilization has been passed, it is obvious that many men will be mobilized and not, well, maybe there will also be women, i don't know, but the question is whether we have enough there will be a number of officers, so tell us, for example, about your story, how you became an officer, how long does it take to train an officer? i became an officer a long time ago, i also graduated from the military lyceum and then studied at the academy, i... i have served most of my life, but regarding the availability of officers and whether there will be enough of them, i i will say that i know a large number of young men who went from a soldier to a sergeant in the army, and then later
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they became officers, and they turn out to be excellent officers, because they went through the entire school of private, sergeant, they experienced it all on their own and they are fine... they don't know what to do to motivate their soldier, how to teach him, and what he needs to provide, so i doubt we will have a shortage of intelligent officers, maybe there will be that not all command lines will understand what they have under the side are already actually ready officers who just need to be identified among the non-commissioned staff, give them the opportunity to prove themselves and... further appoint them to positions with the assignment of a military primary officer rank? you are a planning section officer, what does that really mean and how does logistics now decide the outcome on
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the battlefield? well, planning is not only logistics, planning is the conduct of combat operations, planning is exactly... the body that carries out interaction between units, rear and units, combat units, by support units, so a lot depends on this, it is both the delivery of ammunition and the transport of reserves, but directly logistics now depends on the direction, but in general it is difficult, considering that the enemy also has aerial observation means. in the form of quadcopters, they have fpi drones that fly up to 10 or more kilometers, which complicates the logistics itself, because if the artillery hits the sites, then the fpv drones hit point-wise, which
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complicates the delivery procedure itself for us ammunition or replenishment of positions, well, mr. dmytro, thank you very much for being able to join us, tro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade, a major of the national guard of ukraine, talked about, first of all , the situation at the front and the fact that the russian aviation is very... recklessly behaving last at times, and this obviously also indicates that we currently have a lack of tactical air defense, which could, could drive them away, and we are waiting for the appearance of those f-16s, of course, to see if they will change the situation, but now it is extremely important to hold our positions difficult, actually because of the advantage the russians in the air, it's actually amazing that it took the russians two years to finally capitalize on this advantage, because it was said to be their main trump card. even before the start of the invasion, all the intelligence,
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but now the situation is critical, in the absence of serious help from the united states. but there is help from our viewers, and i want to congratulate all those who donated to the collection for the 93rd and 72nd brigades of nafi vrodna this week. you and i have already collected 300 00 hryvnias this week, dear friends, and we... a little we are making progress, we now have some 921 and a half thousand left before we can collect the second million. imagine 921 out of 2 million. this is all we have left to collect, so please join in with your donations, for our military, this is a huge help, who , if not us, must support them. we're going to take a short break now, come back and continue, and there will be serhii zgorets, who... i 've been announcing so long and hard this morning, but that means he's going to have an interesting conversation, so
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reliable garden trimmer for only uah 999. trimmers, call, have you never seen the classic in the underpants, or what? i wrote a children's poem here, listen, the tractor in the field dir-dir, so why are we for peace. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two
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hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening. well, friends, we are back on the air, and serhiy sgurets, military expert, director of the information and consulting company defense express, contact us. sir good morning, good morning, i greet you, i greet our viewers, although this morning is not a good one, considering the news from dnipro, where the russians targeted a completely civilian house, it is not known what goal they pursued, there are dead, there are injured, mr. serhiy, how can explain this strike, just like that, well, actually
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now the enemy, as before, carries out such terrorist attacks using... guided missile weapons using of their planes, using unmanned systems, we remember the powerful attacks that the enemy carried out on march 26, there on april 11, when a significant number of guided missiles were used. now we have such a less powerful enemy attack, but shaheds and missile weapons were also used, and here we see that the main strikes were on the dnieper. in the cities near the dnipro there are really dead and injured, the strikes were carried out in the center of the city, so that there are such and such terrorist acts everywhere, and perhaps the enemy will later explain that he carried out these strikes on military facilities, but when children were injured and killed, it actually does not fit into this logic, and now, by the way, we see a video,
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it is precisely one of the planes that struck odesa, this the plane is 122m3. it crashed over the russian federation after returning from the execution of this criminal order, the reasons are now being investigated, the russian ministry of defense is emphasizing a technical fault with this aircraft, let me remind you that there are four crew members on this aircraft, they say that two found the rest are being sought there, but in any case we see that karma will catch up. had few russian enemies, and the enemy had one less aircraft that could be used for such terrorist attacks. in any case, in general, the situation with these missile attacks using both shahedeids and missile weapons really raises the issue of strengthening our air defense, now this is an extremely urgent issue, it was also raised at the meeting of the big seven and
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is raised at the precondition with our partners, yes that we see anyway that all these... actions are systemically interconnected there, the russian threat persists, we need to look for effective countermeasures, we understand that in fact it is unlikely that this is the result of any ukrainian air defense, but this is the crash of a plane in the russian old polish region, it is about 400 kilometers away, probably from the ukrainian border, that is , most likely it is a technical fault, it is really a technical fault, the consequences of such a technical fault. malfunctions, i think, this is precisely the constant use of these tu-22m3, probably they are not properly maintained to ensure safe use, we know of cases when russian cruise missiles fall on the heads of their already russian citizens, because in the same way this rush and
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attempts to do anything to carry out these criminal orders, they are just marked well, on such... security measures, well, probably, and the fact that russian pilots, technicians, often, probably, ignore security measures, as a result of which we see, well, destruction from such bombers of the to22, m3 type. i repeat, these are not the first such cases with these bombers, i hope that they will be continued not only due to technical malfunctions of the enemy, but due to the work of our air defense, due to the increase. air defense systems, long range that we can get from our partners, should we be so happy anyway, because there is a video that shows, it is claimed that it is times and literally on the outskirts of the city we can see on video, which , in particular, was spread or retweeted
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by a military expert about what, what, we we can see from this video that in fact the russian front lines. the su-25s work directly in the temporary yar, not behind the front line, not somewhere there, but they work literally on the front line, shoot down thermal traps, nevertheless, the bombing of the city with kabami is not 70 km away, it is simply reset, indeed, the russian aviation now feels a certain courage, given the fact that the capabilities of our air defense are quite limited, indeed... during the yarom era , there were several, let's say, videos, this is one of them, where we see that there are russian attack aircraft su-25s provide support for the russian infantry, yes... there were cases when russian helicopters also worked there, also carrying out attacks with their weapons on our units, and for this, of course
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, the question arose that if we do not have mobile complexes there, whether small or short range, the question arises, where are our anti-missile defense systems, why , so to speak, our calculations do not use portable anti-missile complexes in order to fight enemy aircraft. i think that such conclusions and such questions reach the general staff there, i think that it is in a certain way will change approaches so that russian planes do not feel so dangerous in the airspace, but i will add to this that if 125 can be fought with the help of manpads, then when we talk about aerial bombs, cabs, which are dropped from a distance of 60 kilometers there, outside of the activity of a number of our air defense complexes, the number of which is limited, then indeed now rather the cabs play such
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a sometimes decisive role in the destruction of fortifications, in the destruction of buildings where defense can be obtained, so that now this advantage in the air is one of the important components in tactics of the enemy at the current stage, and it is precisely one of such important factors on the part of the enemy that affects... our line of defense, and sometimes forces us to leave those positions that are completely destroyed due to the use of kaps. the british deeconomist wrote that ukraine has developed a drone with a range of 300 km, which is capable of flying to siberia. they marked this drone, they say that the ukrainians did it not out of great joy, but out of desperation, because they are waiting. on aid from the united states, and it is delayed, and who knows if there will be, and who knows in what size it will be, well, but, uh, they also say that
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despite the fact that the ukrainians are ignoring to stop the drone strikes on russian infrastructure, but some officials in the united states support the actions of kyiv . mr. sergey, what can you say about this drone, what are its features, in fact, we are really talking about the fact that there is a constant strategy. the ukrainian side to increase the number of systems and complexes that can strike deep into the territory of the enemy, we are also talking about missile weapons, at one time it was mentioned about missile 800 km, but these are rather, as i understand, the first steps towards the creation of an effective missile shield of our own production, and now the main emphasis is still on unmanned systems, which actually work according to the same principle as cruise missiles, when they.. . they strike deep into the enemy's territory, we know of several ukrainian-made systems that have a range of up to a thousand km, these are
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uavs there called lutyy, beaver, morok, which were used, in particular, for strikes on russian airfields, literally recently, reaching a distance there within 1000 km plus, about a new development within 300 km, indeed it is also based, probably. on unmanned solutions, what journalists, economists are talking about, but in any case we understand that now - the details, for sure, they will become known when the application of these systems with a range of 20 km will become systemic, and when we will see the results on the territory of the enemy, and then we will see the wreckage, and when the russian side itself begins to do some analysis there, i think that before that time to make assessments is not... it is not expedient, but in any case, if we take into account, in particular, the statements of the head of the gur, kyril budanov, he said that we have a list of goals, there is a strategy related to the destruction
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of objects of the military structure, the energy structure, this is what affects the enemy's economic potential, and this should be implemented systematically, and it is very good that this push is connected with the creation of new long-range unmanned systems, just fine. results, we are talking about oil refineries and the military there the enemy's airfields, and about various military facilities, all these are just elements of the reduction of russia's military potential, economic potential, which in one way or another , of course, affects the fact that the enemy's stability will decrease, well, the head of the cia , the central intelligence agency, william byrne said, that ukraine will lose by the end of the year if america does not resume its supplies. so this is yesterday's speech of the head of the central intelligence agency, yes, he just made his conclusions,
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er, or. how about me, first of all , to push my own politicians to adopt the decision to provide aid to ukraine, because before that there were very similar statements by the us secretary of defense, the head of the committee of the chiefs of staff of the united states, where she and emily and brown talked about the fact that the ukrainian military is holding back the enemy despite difficult conditions, which is necessary and equipment, and ammunition, and what is needed. a quick decision on unblocking american aid, so that in principle the logic of the statements of the head of the cia fits into this canvas, he categorically says that if there is no help, the ukrainian army will have to retreat, and the problem, he says, is not in the courage of ukrainian fighters, but in the fact that they really lack the means
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to conduct hostilities. for this, we very much hope for the decision of the congress, which will be considered literally tomorrow, saturday, when the congress will consider a number of bills related to the provision of aid to a number of countries, including ukraine, i hope that this package will be adopted in such a way that it will be an important military , an economic and political push for the situation on the front line to change to a new level stabilization, and then to create the conditions for maximum destruction. we still have a little time left, it is still interesting to talk about the israeli attack, everyone expected that israel would respond to a massive attack, also with a massive attack on iran, what can we actually say about israel's price attack on iran, well, we see , that israel really carried out an attack on iran, primarily in terms of targets, swakhan is
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such a... uh, agglomeration, where many industrial facilities of the enemy are concentrated, and i i think that this is quite a selective and point strike, which in a certain way, well, will reduce the capabilities of iran, but it is not the kind of massive strike that will force iran to take some more actions in response, because de facto, as far as i am concerned , iran is now well, it has rather limited capabilities, primarily in the field of anti-aircraft defense. defense and so on, he understands that if he now falls into the format of further escalation, the potential of the same israel to strike using its aircraft is much higher than iran's ability to cover its facilities, so in any case, i think that even though the united states has said that it does not support this strike by israel, in any case, i don't think that in the middle east right now after these strikes the situation will be
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well... or will go into the format of some kind of escalation, now i think that iran will swallow it and will not take any response actions. well, thank you very much for this conversation, serhii zgurets was with us, a military expert, director of the information and consulting company defense express, we talked primarily about the russian superiority in the air, about our chances to stand this year, and also, of course, we talked a little about the fact that iran attacked there. on israel, because today there were such people there right away, wow, that's it, now the third world war will begin. then, for the second time, everyone is shouting about the fact that this is the third world war, did people in 38 understand that the events in africa are already the third world war, the second, i do not understand, dear friends, we are approaching 9 in the morning , this is the hour when we honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short russian aggression, and unfortunately, this morning those ukrainians increased. i thank
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everyone for the almost 30,000 we collected today, because this is revenge on the russians for the lives they took. let us now remember them with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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