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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two people were killed and seriously injured due to the russian attack on the dnipro, the enemy fired missiles at the center in the morning. a five-story building was on fire in the city, the building is partially destroyed, there may still be people under the rubble. the rescue operation is currently ongoing, two infrastructural facilities were also damaged - said the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. air defense forces shot down 11 rockets at night and in the morning. the dnipropetrovsk region was also under russian attack. six people died in the senelnyki district, among them... two children, aged six and eight,
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two more people were injured, the ministry of internal affairs reported, more than a dozen private houses were damaged, fires broke out, and they were extinguished. two men and a woman were injured in kryvyi rih, and an enterprise was damaged in pavlohrad. rescue operations are currently ongoing. the russians targeted the infrastructural facilities of ukrzaliznytsia in the dnipropetrovsk region. railway workers were injured, the railway station was closed for several hours dnipro temporarily, the final stops were nizhnyodniprovsk and goryainove. now the station has been restored, the arrival of three trains: kyiv, zaporizhia, dnipro-kyiv and chernivtsi, zaporizhia is delayed. this was reported in ukrzaliznytsia. passengers who could not catch their flight are promised to find seats on the flight within a day. rescuers are currently working at the damaged facilities. the defense forces
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destroyed the russian tu-22 m3 strategic bomber carrying kha-22 cruise missiles for the first time. this was reported by the commander air force mykola oleshchuk. this aircraft took part in the morning shelling of ukraine. the attack on the plane was a successful joint special operation with specialists of the main intelligence agency. earlier it was reported that a military plane crashed in a field in the stavropol region of russia. the russian media wrote. that there was no damage to the victims at the crash site, there was allegedly no ammunition on board, the pilots managed to eject, they were found alive and taken to the hospital. for the first time during the war, ukrainian air defense shot down kh-22 missiles, and in general, during the night, the defenders of the sky destroyed 15 missiles and 14 drones. this was reported by air force commander mykola oleschuk. in general. the russians fired 36
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air targets over ukraine, among them two kha-101 cruise missiles from tu-95 strategic aircraft were shot down. the russians also attacked with two iskander k and six x-22 from the waters of the black and azov seas. the attack was repulsed by anti-aircraft missile forces, mobile fire groups and electronic warfare units. and to operational information from. of the general staff, 86 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest was in the bakhmut direction , where our soldiers repelled 25 russian attacks, and the ukrainian military continues to hold back the enemy. we follow, in fact, where they continue to destroy the enemy, and this is reported by our defense forces. the ukrainian military stopped the enemy near georgiivka, pobeda, novomykhaivka, and urozhany.
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donetsk, there the enemy tried to break through the defense 20 times. the russians do not give up their intention to knock out. our units from the left bank of the dnieper unsuccessfully attacked the positions of our troops 11 times. ukrainian aviation struck nine enemy concentrations in the district. and the rocket troops hit the control point of two artillery vehicles, the reb station, the district concentration of the enemy and the ammunition warehouse. nataliya gumenyuk was dismissed from the position of the head of the press center of the southern defense forces in the general staff , it was not called rotational measures, they are already looking for a new specialist for this position, the strategic communications center will work as usual. let me remind you that the day before , ukrainian media asked the military leadership to replace nataliya humenyuk. journalists claimed that she forbids.
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to cover russia's war crimes in the kherson region and does not give permission to communicate with the military of the armed forces of ukraine. nataliya humenyuk herself called the criticism absolutely. unjustified cia director william behrens warned us congressmen. if they do not approve aid to ukraine now, kyiv may lose the war by the end of the year - burns is quoted as saying by politico. he emphasized that thanks to military support, ukrainians are quite capable of holding out during 2024 and destroying the plans of the russian dictator vladimir putin. but if the aid doesn't... pass through congress, the picture will be much worse, burns warned. burns' statement came after house speaker mike johnson unveiled his foreign aid package. ran 5 km on prosthetics. yana stepanenko returned to
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lviv from the american boston, where she took part in the marathon. the girl lost both legs as a result of a rocket attack by the occupiers on the station. in kramatorsk in 2022, since then yana has been undergoing rehabilitation and actively engaged in sports. yana won the race participation to help raise funds for a modern protest for a ukrainian soldier. details from the girl's first marathon, see below. when you left, it was warm, but when you arrived, it became cold. yana, so that you don't freeze, we made you skinny and beautiful, you understand that it's a gift, keep it, right away. you will have a mother, so well done, well done, well done, well done, so she returned with a great achievement. 13-year-old yana stepanenko took part in one of the most prestigious running competitions in the world, the boston marathon, every year before it joins 30,000 participants. for
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the girl, this is the first race with prostheses, so she overcame 5 km, because children are not allowed to run the full distance. before the responsible start, yano. filled with excitement, but the support of people gave the girl strength. oh, i ran really well, i really liked it, it was hard, it was hard already towards the end, when there was already a kilometer left, then my legs started to hurt, i already felt such a heaviness, but still i ran to the finish line. there were ukrainians who supported me, and they ran with me for 5 km, even though they were not going to, but they simply supported me and ran with me. before this. the girl prepared for the race for two months and trained four times a week with a physical therapist and professional trainers. she ran 5 km in just one hour. the result exceeded the expectations of both yana herself and her mentors. we have made sure that 1-2 km
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or 5 km for a beginner is a bit too much. but when i arrived, we discussed between the coaches that probably in that situation, in those emotions, yana would still run 5 km. and we are enough. "yanu, run as long as you have to run, it's getting hard, stop, get out of the distance, it's okay. the most difficult thing was to start running, because she learned to walk first with these running prostheses, because they are quite specific, and then we learned to run little by little, and in general there was nothing difficult, because she is a very good, motivated girl, she had a goal, to which she boldly went, and therefore she succeeded in everything. with her charity run, the girl set herself the goal of collecting a sports prosthesis for oleksandra's seriously injured defender. a man lost a limb during the battles in zaporozhye direction and is undergoing rehabilitation in the center of nezlamna. yan stepanenko's mother and brother and fans were waiting for him at the finish line. and by video link, fighter oleksandr congratulated yana on her first marathon. the project was supported by 754
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donors who transferred various amounts. thus , the necessary uah 615,000 was collected for the protest. the girl's mother, natalya stepanenko, says that this is not the last victory for yana, and she did not even dream of such a result, it means a lot to her, but she is such a person that she did not give up, and she ran all five, i am very satisfied and i don't know, i didn't even have words, honestly, ukrainians cannot be broken, the story of a girl from donetsk proves. already in the next marathon, yana can take part together with the warrior oleksandr, and we have already agreed with him. train together natalya stare pravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. we turn our anger at enemy shelling into donations for our defenders. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for
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the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. we understand that our goal is ambitious - 720,000. but thanks to you, we already have 215 hryvnias. there are no small donations. each of our hryvnias is extremely important. remember this and please join ours. meetings for now, that's all the news for this hour, we'll see you later. dear friends, we are back on the air. two hours ahead in our company, and in the company of our guests we will talk about many interesting topics. well, to begin with, i want to say that we managed to collect it today
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already 33, hryvnias, and, listen, we have even less than 12 00 left, so that we already have 1 million 100,000 hryvnias in the account out of the 2 million that we need for fpv drones, you can now see what kind of fpv drones they are, how they work, how our military works on them... and how these fpv drones fly well and then hit russian equipment, one small drone can cause a lot of trouble to the muscovites, but in order for it to be possible for it to do this trouble, you need to join with your hryvnia, you now see qr codes on your screens, on the left and on the right, the one on the left, if facing the screen, is the qr code of monobank, and the card is also indicated on the top, and the one is fine. this is the qr code of the private bank and the number of the private card is displayed separately, therefore, to scan the qr code of privatbank
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, you need not just to open the phone camera, but to open the application, if you have it, and find the special scanner function there, pointing to this qr code . therefore, you can simply rewrite the card number and simply transfer it purely from the phone or from ibox, but while i was talking, another thousand was added, and we have already 1.89. 1528 hryvnias and 84 kopecks. for every penny, every hryvnia, our soldiers from the 93rd brigade and the 72nd are incredibly grateful to you and will be grateful to you, it is for them that we collect these drones. well, now let's add to our conversation mykhailo prytula, a military expert, a reserve colonel of the sbu, an expert in military counterintelligence. mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you. i congratulate you. you definitely saw what you saw. how beautifully the russian military plane falls, the bomber
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burns so much, they said that two had ejected, a third was being searched for the pilot, he was returning from combat mission, there are four crews in total, there are 22, as we have already been explained, and they cannot find one pilot, and they cannot find one pilot, the others are being taken to the hospital, it happened in the stavropol territory and so... you know, i know the solution to all that, and the solution to all that, how it happened, is in the stavropol krai, in the next video that we will show you, unfortunately, we cannot give it with the original sound, because this woman from the stavropol krai is addressing vladimir vladimirovich putin, we will show this video, i will comment what is there is happening, so the women and children have gathered, but take it away from the director for a second and i will say, remove that title so that people can see all the beauty of this madness, that means putin. in the boy's hands, there is some other nicholas the wonderworker or something, some other woman is holding some jesus christ, and the boy,
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the one in the blue, he was holding some other, i don't know, i am celebrating some russian holiday, well, some notes addressed to vladimir vladimirovich, and these women say that the governor of the stavropol territory, vladimir vladimirov, he cooperates and acts in favor of foreign agents who act in favor of ukraine. well , it’s logical, absolutely, but you know why they say that, because he evicts them from some dormitory there, they are veterans of labor, children of war and all sorts of things, well, you know, it always amazes me when people fumble there for some crumbs, well in fact, the russian state, a very rich state, spent billions and hundreds of billions of dollars to start a war to destroy cities in ukraine, and
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it cannot rebuild its cities, well, that's actually the whole essence of the russian empire, and the governor, well, maybe he really cooperates with budanov, it will be normal, because he is waiting for the period when stavropol will return to ukraine, and sooner or later it will happen, so he was a very good governor , they are very... perceptive, so maybe, maybe they have a sense in this, i don't know, they see more, nevertheless, they will also say that ukraine can be defeated by... by the end of this year and this is said by none other than william byns, head of the cia, or you say the cia correctly, but i already to tell people, the central intelligence agency of the united states, well, what can be commented here, commenting here so to speak, nothing, if there is no help, it will be quite difficult for us, ukraine will not be defeated,
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because it has not been defeated for thousands of years, but ukraine was, there is and will be, but... it will be quite difficult for us if help does not come in time, because the russians will be coming in large numbers, this may be the only resource they have, and accordingly we need to be ready for this influx, which is possible will be in the month of may, under the end of may, the beginning of june, what should be expected, and it is certain that this is what behrens' address is about, and this is what the president of ukraine and the head of intelligence say, so, friends, well, this information is absolutely adequate, i think that ukraine will survive, but it will be difficult. you know, there are two completely opposite narratives in the foreign media right now, one can be reduced to the fact that time is working against putin, against russia, as such, they
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are depleting their now strategic stockpiles of weapons, after all, the fall of the tu-22 is also to some extent. this is a confirmation that airplanes old, the resource is used up, there are no adequate spare parts, probably yes, well, it is unlikely that it was shot down by a ukrainian missile 400 km from the borders of ukraine, but the question, and another narrative is that russia is very successfully restoring its balance, this military, is even increasing it, and china is helping them a lot in this, and in fact, this supply will not run out. in a year, for example, that's what, yes and no, on the one hand, russia really loses a lot of potential, but the number of people in them remains large, this the second army of the world does not have its own aircraft carriers, no, well, there are not many things that it should have, but really it is exhaustion, exhaustion
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is quite serious, but the tu-22m3 that was shot down, it could have been shot down by the ukrainian rocket, the question is how much, what kind of rocket was it, and it could catch up with us that plane, the other truth is that these planes fell a long time ago, from the beginning of its formation, er, the tu-22 series, it went through several modifications, and these planes crashed a lot and a lot, that is, it's not a very reliable plane and... the ones that survived until now, well, that just drowned, this is the truth, any aviators can tell you this, you can especially look in the museum if it is still intact, that is, these are things that are, you know, evolutionary, that is, this plane could have fallen by itself to that he has run out of resources, they fly too often, well
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, will russia continue to increase its potential, but... to what extent, it will increase the number of drones and the number of personnel. it surprised me a lot recently, maybe it didn't even surprise me, it scared me a little. recently, there was a video, literally two days ago, on one of the russian channels, they taught people to wind up grandchildren. yeah, there was a person, what did they wrap them in? well, on the leg of some mannequin, well, a living mannequin. because it is not known whether a person is there or not, but they actually taught how to wind a fringe for the forelock in the shape of the soviet union model there, the so-called impregnate, which, in some warehouses in russia, there are several million copies, if not more, and they sewed very, very many of them, and they lie there in warehouses, these impregnates and they are specially for
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boots, that is, you can't put boots on them, but... they wear boots just like the grandson and the same as boots, there are quite a lot of his deceptions, and this particular video, it scared me a little, because it is one of the markers that they are starting to prepare the population to wear this forms, well , we understand what it means, you know, i’m by the way, but i, you know, we are surprised that they teach grandchildren to tighten and so on, it seems to me that for russians not to tighten, to wind, these are different things, wind. yes, the main thing is that they do not get confused, where it is necessary to stretch or wind, i remember that was a big, actually scary, scary video, because it says that they are collecting. they accustom people to the fact that they will have to wear this uniform, and that is, this uniform, it does not fit with berets, which are modern, it fits exactly with chebets, which
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are lying in warehouses, and now this is happening, that is, they are accustoming them to this, and it's actually these onushes, they are quite like that, but well, they seem to return to them in the same way as they do. the awakening of some of these victorious emotions of theirs. well, yes, they will now awaken these victorious emotions, we can repeat, we will get to berlin and all that, that is, the victory frenzy will be in full force, and after that victory frenzy they will try to teach everyone there to put on these stinking clothes for several million people. god forbid that they limit themselves. by their wishes and did not climb further, but i do not hope for it, a few minutes ago there was information from the main intelligence agency about this russian bomber, they say that it is
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not a technical malfunction, as the russians say, but that it they succeeded shoot down together with the air forces of cooperation at a distance of 300 km from ukraine, this is an interesting, bold statement, it is normal, but can you shoot down normally, because friends. a missile, well, an anti- aircraft missile, an anti-aircraft missile of this class, it flies for quite a long time, that is, 400 km, at a speed somewhere, on average, 1.5 km per second, it will fly already, well, we understand that there are more than six minutes , well , about 56 minutes, that is, it is quite a long time, during this time the tu-22 supersonic aircraft. he flies quite a distance, that is, this is a missile that could catch up with him, and the s300, which rises to a great height, is anti-aircraft, and already from a height it sees
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such and such a target and captures it at a certain, let's say , at a certain distance, then you find yourself alone, well, this is a rather successful operation and it is a rather serious missile, well, i think i should say that... those missiles were made in kyiv, so there is nothing strange here, it is not necessary for us to wait for american aims, but i just want to also say, in relation to this russian mobilization, here i am cited several times this week the opinion of the russian expert fedorov that he says that in our country, he says, in russia, well, like in our country, he has lived in prague for 12, no, more, 14 or even 16 years, but he says what he says, in russia... in the grandchildren they will say so in the grandchildren in the grandchildren they will say there with picket fences forward there
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okay they will go there but he says the problem is that now , after all, modern weapons and that million may not solve anything at all says if there is not there will be, for example, a certain number of bterov tanks, and this is one moment, and says a says they are running out, says i don't have time. we have to replenish, and the second point says that to, for example, 300,000 mobilized must be added, to 300 thousand mobilized must be added 30,000 officers, he says, and there are no officers at all, they have all been killed, well, you know, this kind of hope is quite naive, the russians can demobilize an army of two million, because they don't need it. a lot of time, they can do it in a week, eh, all the summonses, they have already been issued, they already have a mob resource, mobs, what are they called,
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mobs are signed, ugh, these lists are all agreed, this is the normal work of units, military committees, mobilization units, headquarters and so on, that is, it is not some kind of fantasy, it is normal work. of these subdivisions, what happens next in such cases? there is a very large amount of ammunition and automatic kalashnikov cartridges in the warehouses, they actually do not need anything else, that is, if there is such an influx, it is not so easy to destroy it, especially when there is green, when there is cover with leaves, when there is a shortage of shells on our side, for example , then it is quite... complicated with complicated the number of prisoners there are russian, and it was, this task, we saw what happened in bakhmut, when they were thrown like meat
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, the problem was real. and if there are more such people, then this is the tactics of the infantry of the red army, modeled on the 52nd year of the battle statute, according to which their modern generals studied, a wave goes, one, then a second, a third, nine waves go, and the first wave exhausts the defense , the second exhausts the defense, because it is simply technologically difficult, especially with modern means of defeat, so we have simply then, that then russian. what does the russian hold back from to mobilize an additional million now and throw them on the ground? lack of foliage, lack of victory frenzy, lack of warmth properly, i.e. you need to dress more seriously than just putting on a grandchild and er impregnate, well, actually everything, i.e. three factors that you need foliage.
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it will be warm, you don’t need to warm the army, you don’t need to dress it, more and more nothing, then the raising of fighting spirit and they left, what else do they need, well, even if it’s good, they left in sandals without sandals, bare feet, or everything arm? friends, let me remind you that at the time of his death, the soviet union had an army of 5.5 million personnel, 5.5 million, they were all armed with kalashnikov assault rifles, okay, they sold some, let them sell 3 million there, so, but they did something during this time, and they did it last year, the year before last, that is , they can make a large number of kalashnikov assault rifles simply
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automatically and... you don’t need to make any additional efforts for this, that is, the kalashnikov assault rifle has three stores with cartridges, material a bag of the 1878 model, grandsons' impregnation, kirz boots, that's all, nothing else is needed, mr. mykhailo, thank you for participating in our broadcast, mykhailo prytula, military expert, sbu reserve colonel, military counterintelligence expert, was in touch with us ... friends, while mr. mykhailo and i were talking, we were almost close to 1,100 hryvnias, some thousand and a half hryvnias are not enough to make 1,100 00, because there are already 1,98,260 hryvnias, 84 kopecks. qr code, you see, you know what to do, there is no need to remind, but if necessary, i will remind you, but later, after a short break, we will come back and
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talk about the elections in india, which are about to start and how important the choice that will be made in india is for ukrainians, stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always , the fuel runs out in an untimely way, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, the solution is the garden trimer course from rozpakuy tv, hurry to buy it at a special price, only 900.99 uah. the corse trimmer is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with thickets and lawn even in the most inaccessible places. near fences, along paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees. unlike gasoline trimmer kors is incredibly light. even women can use it. but that's not all. see how powerful trimmer kors is. how it cuts carrots in a flash, which means that our trimmer can handle even
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