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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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99 hryvnias with the possibility of free delivery , powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. greetings to everyone from espresso, yana yavomelnyk and the news editors tell the main events of this hour: two people died, another 20 were injured due to the russian attack on the dnipro. the enemy shelled the city center with rockets in the morning, a five-story building was on fire, the building was partially destroyed, there may be people under the rubble. the rescue operation is ongoing, two infrastructural facilities were also damaged - said the head of the regional military administration, serhii lesak. air defense forces at night and in the morning, 11 rockets were shot down.
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a child who was seriously injured during a massive enemy attack on the senelnyk district of the dnipropetrovsk region died in the hospital. so far, six people have died. among them are two children - an eight-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl - reported the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. there are also wounded. the six-year-old boy was in extremely serious condition. however, doctors managed to save him. more than 10 private houses were damaged, fires broke out, they were extinguished in kryvyi rih, two people were injured men and a woman, a damaged enterprise in pavlograd. rescue operations are ongoing. in the morning, the enemy also attacked odesa with missiles and attack drones. russian terrorists targeted critical infrastructure in the region. fortunately, people were not injured - said oleg kipar, the head of the region. defense forces.
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the russian tu-22-m3 strategic bomber was destroyed for the first time. this plane took part in the morning shelling of ukraine. this was reported in the air force. he was shot down from the s-200 complex three hundred kilometers from ukraine. attack on the plane. it was shared successful special operation of the military with specialists of the main intelligence department. they write to the ukrainian media with reference to sources in the department. earlier it was reported that a military plane crashed in... the territory of russia. rosmedia wrote that there was no destruction of the victims at the place of the fall. the pilots allegedly managed to eject. two were found alive and taken to the hospital. one died, and another is being sought. in kherson , the russians injured a local resident. the enemy attacked residential quarters of the city at night, the roof of a multi-story building caught fire. the rescuers hit on the spot. discovered
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the victim was handed over to medics, the state emergency service reported, due to repeated enemy fire, the firefighters had to stop the rescue operation several times, but despite all the threats, the fire was extinguished. agents of the atesh movement scouted new targets on russian territory. in novorossiysk, a group of vessels supporting the novorossiysk naval base, a fleet maintenance station and... a large oil refinery of chornomor trans-nefti were detected, it was also possible to find the location of patrol ships and oil tankers, i note, the russian federation moved most of its warships to novorossiysk from crimea after successful attacks by the armed forces of ukraine. and then about the losses of the enemy, another 870 russian invaders were eliminated by our defenders. in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion.
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more than 457 thousand muscovites burned in the hell of war, and with them enemy equipment. just yesterday, the defense forces burned nine tanks, 17 armored fighting vehicles, 21 artillery systems, 53 cars and two anti-aircraft vehicles of the muscovites. also, forever landed 27 enemy drones and three cruise missiles in the general staff reminds that all data are indicative. and i call... to support our collection of means of communication and security , the intelligence units of the third regiment of special operations forces are needed, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. the goal is ambitious - 720,000 hryvnias, there are already almost 250,000 in the accounts, there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, contribute, you can see all the details on the screen. in ukraine, the activity of
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a pro-russian political party was banned social-patriotic assembly of slavs. the decision was made by the eighth appeal administrative court of lviv, it was reported in... after the start of the full-scale invasion, representatives of the police force dispersed almost throughout the temporarily captured territory of ukraine, they are agitating local residents to support the aggressor and join the ranks of the invaders. the head of the organization, eduard kovalenko, is hiding from the investigation in the temporarily occupied kherson region, he was notified in absentia of suspicion of treason. there is a deficit in the energy system, ukraine since morning. involves emergency assistance from europe, imports are from romania, slovakia, poland, hungary and moldova, therefore from 18:00 to 22:00 business and industry may have capacity limitation schedules, the shutdown will not affect critical infrastructure facilities and
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defense complex enterprises, ukrenergo noted. there are 24-hour restrictions for industrial consumers in kryvyi rih , dnipropetrovsk oblast, after a morning rocket attack from nestor. consumers, repair work is ongoing. a storm warning has been announced in kyiv, the weather will be in the near future will worsen, strong winds will cover the capital, gusts will reach 15-20 m/s. the windy weather will last until the end of the day, the ukrhydro medical center warns. the first level of danger was declared in kyiv. in georgia. there were protests against the government's promotion of the scandalous law on foreign agents, according to the local media in tbilisi, students gathered under the parliament and then marched to the government building, where they invited the prime minister to come out and listen to their arguments against the law.
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the head of the government did not want to leave, rallies were also held in zuzta and gori. protest against of the draft law on foreign agents continue in georgia for the fifth day. the next actions are expected on the day of voting in the parliament in the second reading. the largest opposition parties announced full mobilization. latvia appointed a new head of the ministry of foreign affairs, she became an experienced diplomat baiba braje, who worked for 31 years in the country's ministry of foreign affairs. such a decision was adopted at an extraordinary session of the seimas. reports the publication lsm, 67 deputies voted for braje's candidacy, which was proposed by the prime minister, 11 and nine were against abstained, from 2020 to 2023, braja worked as deputy nato secretary general jens
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stoltenburg for public diplomacy. she has repeatedly expressed her support for ukraine and called to fight ways of circumventing anti-russian sanctions. to pay respect to the hero , the defender of ukraine pavlo petrichenko is being carried out on his last journey in st. michael's cathedral. our correspondent, kateryna galko, works on the spot. katya, my congratulations and tell me the details. i congratulate anueva, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. so right now they gathered near the st. michael's goldsmith's cathedral. less than a hundred people, and we see that people continue and continue to come, acquaintances, relatives, friends, colleagues of pavlo gathered here, as well as simply caring ukrainians, when, who sincerely admired a brave soldier and a conscientious citizen,
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the funeral service itself had just begun, for pavlo remembered as a very brave soldier, a person who will always come to the rescue, help, and also as a very cheerful and cheerful person, and about pavel, from the words of his acquaintances, let's hear it right now, he says, i'm not going to die, i it's very interesting to see how it would end, so i'll definitely live, and just honestly, it's hard to believe a person who somehow always, well, got into danger, was never afraid of danger, fought between policemen there, with policemen there, more nicknames , well, some acts. he constantly organized half-lying, he also threw monuments to lenin around the country, he somehow always managed to avoid death. let me remind you that on april 15, pavlo
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petrychenko, a fighter of the 59th separate mechanized brigade, died at the front. pavlo took part in the liberation of the kherson region and fought in the avdiiv region. before the full-scale war, he worked as a project manager, he was also a very active activist, he participated in the euromaidan, and was also one of the organizers of the public initiative that ordered... tyukandzyuk , the fighter, did not live until his 32nd birthday by just one day. eternal memory of heroes. i give you my best regards. thanks to katya, espresso correspondent kateryna galka from the capital. in kyiv , they said goodbye to pavlo petrichenko. ukrainian vanguard evolution of replenishment collections at the kyiv history museum presented a unique catalog of works by famous artists. the exposition consists of 30 samples of the avant-garde by ukrainian artists , the catalog presents works donated to the museum of history by prominent
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artists who are collectors. these works were exhibited in december 2013 and january 2014. they became the basis of the collection for the new branch of the museum, the vanguard museum. the first step that had to be done was to create a collection. in december , there was... an exhibition organized by our public organization 30 paintings of the most famous artists of ukraine from different periods of the avant-garde and presented to the museum, today this catalog was published, and we will present it, this is the first event, and the second event, which will be today, i would say sensational, these are the works of classical avant-garde artists, world-famous oleksandr ... god of mazov, padym medlar and anatoliy petritskyi, which were found in the museum's funds, and
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today they are hanging on the wall and are being exhibited for the first time in their lives. at this moment, the news editor has told about the main news, more about the important, you can always read on our website spreso tv. also subscribe to our social media channels and encourage all espresso viewers to support our youtube channel. and see you at 2 p.m. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. explosions at the dzhankoya airfield.
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the enemy suffered significant losses in the means of air defense of the crimea. what will demilitarization of the peninsula lead to? in in search of additional air defense systems, europe can transfer patriot and other means from its own arsenals to ukraine. what did eu leaders agree on in brussels? a critically important decision. congress. from the usa is ready to unblock military aid to ukraine, what prompted the trumpists to make concessions? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, army general mykolyum malomuzh, military officer and head and people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko, and military and political expert volodymyr tsibulek. however, before starting ours big conversation, let's watch a video of how the ukrainian... repulsed the russian assault in the area of ​​verkhokamyanka and zoloterivka in the luhansk region. in two days, the defenders destroyed and
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damaged 10 units of enemy equipment, including 6 mtlb and four t-80 bv tanks. the 118th separate brigade of territorial defense released a video of combat work. let's see.
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friends, we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also like this... video, besides you can vote in our poll, today we ask you about whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, yes, no, please vote on youtube accordingly. button, or write your comment under this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition (0800-211-381 - 0800 211 382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program
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we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone - mykola malomuzh, an army general. of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-10. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine released footage of the night attack on the military airfield in dzhanko, which took place yesterday, and there, as reported by the general staff , four s-400 launchers, a control point for air defense equipment, three were hit. rls and airspace surveillance equipment fundament m. what do these strikes mean, mr. general, is it preparation for the demilitarization of the peninsula, or is it the continuation of the demilitarization of the peninsula and the destruction of those installations that hit peaceful cities of ukraine, in particular, these four launchers
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c- 400, from which they attacked odesa and zaporizhzhia. kherson and dnipropetrovsk regions? well, first of all, we are talking about what is moving to a new tactic of neutralizing the strategic weapons of the russian federation, which is striking to bush objects of missile launchers, airfields that launch missiles or, for example, carry cabs, of course, these are ammunition warehouses, these are guidance systems, we are already talking about the foundation, and before that , respectively... there were other powerful models that provided just and targeting our cities, villages, infrastructure, and military facilities, so today we will simply expand the geography of strikes, taking into account the fact that we have more and more means of means, not only strom shadow, not only respectively but already
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and our own drones, our own missiles that can strike specific objects, crimea, in particular. is one of the powerful complex bases for striking our territory once, logistics hub-2, accordingly , the model for preparing reserves and sending them to kherson oblast, zaporizhzhia-3, this is one of the logistical routes of the aggressor, so destroy all communications right there, once , unmanned aerial vehicles, and this is what the shaheds launch every night, according to their intentions, we remember from the crimea, they are constantly. not only to the south, which is very sensitive, and throughout the territory, including lviv, kyiv, they even reach the east and, of course, strategic missiles, russia was very proud of its s 400 complex, a triumph, they even called this a great triumph, that it does not reach any systems, neither western, nor even
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ukrainian, in terms of impression, and understood their defense system, which is the system of... radar, the air defense system that protects them, and the triumph itself, aimed at missiles and aircraft, and here it turned out to be this triumph in quotation marks, now i take it, it is completely destroyed, and no one, but four, this indicates that it is not such a super-powerful and very intelligent weapon of the russians that we cannot destroy, but for a long time we recommended to the general staff, as a military sector that really has a deep command of the situation, to strike those objects. those who today are destroying infrastructure, striking civilian objects, primarily our residential cities, and , of course, military objects, this is the most effective means of preventing attacks on our territory, for example , h400 if four pieces of their complexes, they immediately carry them around odesa, mykolaiv, kherson,
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get them to the dnipro and further, further only from the crimea, as it is easier to neutralize them. winds, when they fly and fly literally for a few minutes to the object of attack, or, for example, when they have not yet deployed or are just trying to deploy, that is, when they are not yet ready to strike, when we conducted a complex reconnaissance operation, accordingly, the detection of all air defense systems that provide control, the detection of our strike groups and, of course, carried out strikes on all systems, such as s-400, on radar systems. on complex global radio intelligence systems, well, of course, on helicopters and the infrastructure that is there, this is a real blow, we are immediately in the same operational format. than a whole powerful block of aggressive actions of the enemy, starting from strategic missile strikes, ending with helicopters, mr. general, in the proposals for a vote in
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the congress of the united states of america, the congressmen should vote on a document that states that of this 60 billion dollars that promises us, the united states of america promises, part of the money will go to... the cuban atakams missiles, nothing like that had happened before, well , at least it was not observed when the american side announced where this money would go, and what's more, they didn't say anything and they did not write atakams missiles, the change has taken place, and the americans are already reporting that part of the money will go to these long-range atakams missiles, with the receipt of these long-range atakams missiles, can we expect... the further demilitarization of the temporarily occupied crimea, because it is clear that apparently in americans will there be restrictions on strikes on the territory of the russian federation, crimea was and
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remains ukrainian, and american weapons can still be used there? well , first of all, nothing happened by chance, a lot of work was done with the democrats and especially the republicans, not only through the state structures, but precisely through those channels that have a direct influence on trump. to the leadership of congress, especially representatives of the military-industrial complex, which is controlled by republicans and the us general association, so tom, sam kopkinson, the four-year general, who clearly set the task of supporting ukraine, especially after the strikes on israel, that this is a single bloc, russia, iran, this is a threat to the democratic world and a threat to the united states, and the united states cannot retreat now, and these clashes between the parties there, elections, lead to... a different plan, that's why such a powerful lobby format allowed to single out the atakams, the package will still be voted on, we hope on the 20th, and it is clear that it will be developed in
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every direction that is supplied, except for the atakams , it's f16, it's really controlled aerial bombs, these are radiation systems, these are other models that we cannot divulge today, but these are high-precision and weapons, high-precision capabilities of radio electronics that will create electronic. shields against russian missiles, aircraft and drones, this is the powerful format that will be added to other projects that are provided by european countries, purchased on foreign markets, and we do it ourselves today, so american missile systems, british skype t, skype, stromshed, and they will tell the french who will apply strikes on all objects, we identified four on... powerful airfields once, eight launch centers - two, 12 radio cation systems of various types - three, this is a powerful, crimean kerch between 4, this
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will solve the issue in the complex, well, it is clear all the bases, including the black sea fleet, have been replenished, respectively, the fleet itself, which is still there to barge at various points, respectively, the ukliprains that they will create there and bases for the formation of ammunition, oil processing, and petroleum products. especially for of all types of armed forces, this will be fought today by american, british, french, german, and, of course, ukrainian means, in the future, as we will be, i think, in the second half of the year , we will still succeed in the strategic positioning of counterattacks, and perhaps the deployment of strategic offensive operations in the south, crimea will be transformed into a powerful reserve, because the blocking of the kerch bridge and the destruction of the main strike groups and resources, which we... are talking about, but systematically, will allow us to enter there, and they will not be a powerful opera for us will be able to create mr. general, yesterday the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe recognized
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that oil refineries and oil and gas structures are legitimate targets for the ukrainian defense forces, as they are part of the war machine that is now trying to destroy the ukrainian state. resolution parevo. it is of a recommendatory nature, but can our european partners, in particular germany, provide us with long-range weapons, referring to this recommendation, that if a missile hits an oil refinery on the territory of the russian federation, that these factories are recognized as a legitimate target by the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and is this a sufficient argument, can it be a sufficient argument for our western partners? well, the resolution, first of all, really aims at the fact that the position of the countries of the european union and the countries participating in the parliamentary assembly of europe was clear, that all our...
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strikes on oil refining and other energy facilities are legal, because these systems are basic for striking and waging war. missiles do not fly without fuel, launchers do not move, planes also strike, ships do not float, that is, tanks and bmp batteries also do not go on the attack, that is, this is the main basic model, along with ammunition, which makes specific, global and tactical strikes on our territory. including terrorist acts of a global level, so it could not be otherwise, but whether germany, in particular, will be clearly guided by these recommendations, will be handed over to us, for example, by taurus. i said no, not yet, because in this situation, germany is afraid of a more global confrontation with russia, and especially scholz on this emphasizes that this can cause a global confrontation between germany and russia, here already both nato and russia, and can
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lead to systemic threats. the confrontation, i will say, is scholz's mistake, but i think it will not last long, after the transfer of large, so to speak, packages by the americans, first of all, atakams, after we receive weapons, ammunition in the format and not only old types, but what was rightly insisted for a long time, and today the leadership of the union, many representatives and the supreme representative, others pointed out that that it is necessary to allocate stocks of ammunition. "the bundessphere, the pentagon, the ministry of defense of italy, france, those high-precision weapons and missile systems that exceed russia by orders of magnitude, and it will not be their units, such as against air defense, as we say patriot or is, there are 3, 5,7 and so on similar, and many dozens, 40, 50 and so on in this plan, these are air defense systems, hundreds of two radar systems, this is another powerful shield, and
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of course shocks." groups of missiles of various types, it will be three, but sholsk, you know, when it will make concessions and can hand over these long-range missiles, when the americans deploy, when other countries of the european union deploy, all types of the newest types of weapons, and we will proceed with systematic measures of a strategic operation on the free territory, he will understand that there are no elections in russia, but we really need to finish the victorious war on the territory of ukraine. and here there really is a chance, from there he will move, he will say, together with others, he is ready to pass while he himself speaks, i don’t want to go to a confrontation, well, you know, this is the format, bury your head in the sand for now and hold to some extent, yes, i support, yes, i provide, but especially powerful, which gave an advantage on the front, systemic, strategic, i will not yet, so as not to stand out in this opposition with the russian federation, by the way, the federal chancellor of germany
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announced today that ukraine will receive six... patriot systems from nato partners, details, we are waiting for details on what, what and when it will all be, of course. well, in the meantime, i wanted to ask you, mr. general, about the statement of kirill budanov, who in an interview with the washington post said that ukrainian attacks on the territory of the russian federation will continue, in particular with the participation of russian volunteers under the leadership of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. i will quote general budanov. we offered. the plan is aimed at reducing russian capabilities, it covers many aspects, such as the military industry, critical military facilities, their airfields, their command and control points. mr. general, how do you assess our capabilities at the expense of russian volunteers, and not only at the expense of at the expense of russian volunteers, and at the expense of partisans, let's say, on the territory
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of the russian federation, to undermine their... capabilities and their military power, well, in particular, in the rear of russia? well, i think that we are in this situation to some extent. we carried out point operations, strikes, we went into bilharshchyna, bryansk region, respectively, other regions, but these were not decisive, so to speak, operations, they are point operations, they gave a chance, perhaps, to reorient a number of, first of all, representatives of the opposition, that there is an alternative, which can work on the territory of russia but at the moment, when putin is advancing, when the regime still controls all structures, including society, there will be no great successes yet, but they must be carried out, why? because along with the successes on the front, just such operations can initiate radical actions of the opposition in the future, when those who are afraid today will understand that putin and the regime are weak, then this is exactly the way of the russians, but i
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think that it is necessary to expand on... them activities and in different areas.


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