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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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m, watch us on youtube, watch us, please join us on the air, uh, then after the break there will be our news, and we will meet in a week in this format with you. alarm covered almost half of ukraine. the explosions in odesa are reported by public correspondents. greetings to everyone from espresso, yana yavomelnyk and the news editors tell about the main events of this hour. an employee of ukrzaliznytsia was killed as a result of a missile strike in the dnipropetrovsk region. another seven railway workers were injured. this was reported in the za company. there are two in dnipro
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killed and 20 wounded due to the russian attack. the enemy shelled the city center with rockets in the morning, a five-story building was on fire, the building was partially destroyed. there may still be people under the rubble. the rescue operation is ongoing. two infrastructural facilities were also damaged - reported the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. air defense forces shot down 11 rockets during the night and morning. april 20 was declared a day of mourning in dnipro. woke up from the explosion, saw smoke, burning, something in the yard, went outside, looked at their neighbors, saw what was happening, the neighbors, the men came out, started helping to dismantle the stones, dismantled so that the doors could be opened in the entrances, the daughter's hand was almost taken off. kind of a nightmare, i've lived
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most of my life, i've never seen such horror. a child who was seriously injured during a massive enemy attack on the senelnykiv district of the dnipropetrovsk region died in the hospital. six people have died so far. among them are two children, an eight-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl, the regional head said serhii lysak of the military administration. the six-year-old boy was in a very serious condition, but doctors managed to save him. more than 10 private houses, fires broke out, they were extinguished, two men and a woman were injured in a crooked corner, an enterprise was partially destroyed in pavlograd. rescue operations in the region are ongoing. three people were injured as a result of the shelling of bilopylla in sumy oblast. they were hospitalized in serious condition, the head of the community yuriy ezarko said. the russians hit the city center with artillery, four hits were recorded, houses were damaged and... on the spot
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emergency services are working. and collection from espresso tv channel, means of communication and security continues. intelligence units of the third regiment of special operations forces are needed. in the hot eastern direction, they will choose our independence with you in hard battles. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study. and in order to somehow thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the ambitious goal is uah 720,000. there are no small donations. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you see all details on the screen. volodymyr zelenskyi is in donetsk region. president already visited servicemen who are being treated in the medical company of the 95th separate airborne assault brigade, awarded ukrainian defenders with state awards. the head of state also held a meeting on the security situation in the region and inspected the construction of fortifications. secret energy developments were handed over to the enemy. in kharkiv oblast, the security service
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of ukraine hijacked a russian spy network. its participants were engineers, designers of a strategic enterprise. they sent diagrams and production instructions to the occupiers steam turbines, such studies are not made in the russian federation, the enemy needs them to ensure work at rosatom facilities and increase energy capacity for the manufacture of weapons and ammunition. during the search, the organizer was found five. hryvnia all traitors were arrested, they face life imprisonment. defense forces for the first time destroyed the russian tu-22m3 strategic bomber, with its help the muscovites fired at ukraine in the morning, shooting it down 300 km from the border with ukraine. elimination of the enemy bird was a joint operation of the air force and the central intelligence agency. according to preliminary information, he fell in stavropol. the russian federation rosmedia
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confirms the death of two pilots, in gur they say that this is the first successful destruction of a bomber during a combat sortie, i will note exactly 122m3. terrorists launch kh-22 missiles at peaceful cities of ukraine. great britain allocates more than 180 million dollars to strengthen the energy system of ukraine - said the permanent representative of the united kingdom to the osce, neil holland. the funds will be used for repair of damaged energy facilities, as well as to protect against further and probable attacks by the russians. let me remind you that recently the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko announced. annual russian shelling caused more damage to the ukrainian energy structure than the attacks of 2022 and 23. 40 people were detained at rallies in tbilisi, the ministry of internal affairs of georgia informs. they say that
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five policemen were injured. for the fifth day in a row, protests against the law on foreign agents, adopted by the parliament, continue in the country in the first reading. people are indignant against the fact that... the document is an analogue of what is in effect in russia. the next actions are expected on the day of voting in the parliament in the second reading. the largest opposition parties announced full mobilization. the president of georgia previously announced that she would veto the law. ran 5 km on prosthetics. yana stepanenko returned to lviv from the american boston, where she took part in the marathon. the girl lost both of her legs as a result of a rocket attack by an okup. by the station in kramatorsk in 2022. yana won the race participation to help raise funds for a modern day protest for a ukrainian soldier. details in our material. when you left, it was warm, but when you arrived, it became cold. yana, so that you don't get cold, we
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made you such a beautiful hood, you understand that it's a gift. hold on, there will be enough right away. so, well done, well done, well done, well done. she returned with a great achievement: 13-year-old yana stepanenko took part in one of the most prestigious running competitions in the world , the boston marathon. up to 30,000 participants join it every year. for this is the girl's first race with prostheses, so she covered 5 km, because children are not allowed to run the full distance. before the responsible start, yana was filled with excitement. however, the support of people gave the girl strength. i ran really well, i really liked it, it was hard, it was hard already towards the end, when there was already a kilometer left, then my legs started to hurt, i already felt such a heaviness, but still i ran to the finish line, there were ukrainians who supported me , and they ran
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with me these 5 km, although they were not going to, but they simply supported me and ran with me, the girl prepared for this race for two months and trained four times a week physically. therapist and professional trainers. she ran 5 km in just one hour. the result exceeded the expectations of both yana herself and her mentors. we were convinced that 1-2 km or 5 km for a beginner is a bit too much. but when yana was driving, we discussed between the coaches that probably in that situation, in those emotions, yana would still run 5 km, and we said to sany: "yan, run, how long will you run, it's getting hard, stop, get out of the distance, it's okay." but it wasn't to start running, because i learned to walk first on these running prostheses, because they are quite specific, and then we learned to run little by little, and in general there was nothing difficult, because she was very a good, motivated girl, she had a goal to which she boldly went, and therefore she succeeded in everything, with her charity run
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the girl set herself the goal of collecting a sports prosthesis for the seriously injured defender oleksandra rasny, her husband lost a limb during the battles in zaporozhye direction and undergoes... rehabilitation in the center of nezlamna, yana stepanenko's mother and brother and fans were waiting for her at the finish line, and the fighter oleksandr congratulated yana on her first marathon via video link. the project was supported by 754 donors who donated different amounts. yes, the necessary uah 615,000 was collected for the protest. the girl's mother natalya stepanenko says that for yana this is a small and not the last victory. and she did not even dream of such a result. it means a lot to her, but she's the kind of person who didn't give up and she ran all five, i'm very satisfied, and i don't know, i didn't even have words, honestly. ukrainians cannot be broken, the story of a girl from donetsk region proves. already in
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the next marathon, yana can take part together with the warrior oleksandr, and they have already agreed to train together with him. natalya stareprava, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. and finally, good news: a 17-year-old girl was returned to ukraine. in 2014 , she was left without her parents, a year and a half ago she... was sent from the temporarily occupied territory to russia, where she lived alone in a dormitory, about her whereabouts informed those who care, and as part of the project the way home, it was managed to bring her back to ukraine, the ministry of reintegration informed. for the moment, i have everything, meet marto liyarnyk and roman chaiko further in the espresso atelier.
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, roman chaika and marta oliarnyk will be working for you in the studio in the next few hours, and in this tandem we will arrive for at least 3 hours, there are actually a lot of events today that need our analysis. and clarification, so in our conversational studio we we will be with our guests, whom we will add to the ether, we will analyze all these things with you. now we will have the opportunity to join dmytro snigirov, a military expert and co-chairman of the public initiative, to teru. the right thing. let's start our conversation with the events in dnipro and dnipropetrovsk oblast. it is known that two people died as a result of a russian strike in the city of dnipro. the russians searched the railway... and the area right next to it, about why the enemy
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decided to search the dnipro railway station, let's talk with mr. dmytro try to understand, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes of the word, thank you for the invitation, congratulations, let's go, maybe you have some specific thoughts about why the enemy decided today to hit the dnipro railway station, where it is obvious.. . a huge number of people, where there were apparently railway workers who do not stop their work, even when there is an air raid in ukraine, and as a result we have injured and dead people, and also one of the missiles hit a five-story building nearby from the station, what do you think was the purpose of this terrorist act by the russians? were on the logistics infrastructure, to make it impossible to redeploy the personnel and weapons of the armed forces of ukraine to the donetsk direction. currently, in the donetsk direction , the russians have sharply intensified their combat operations,
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there is talk of an offensive on all areas of the front without exception. and accordingly, most likely, the attack on the railway station, according to the russians, was intended to put on hold the possibility of logistics of the armed forces of ukraine with the help of railway connections, other there are no explanations. well, in addition to the fact that they probably tried to once again create a picture of a large number of victims among the civilian population, which is not accidental among the means of destruction, this is the x22 missile, six missiles were fired on the territory of ukraine. i explain why i focus on this. x-22 is a soviet development, it is called a carrier fighter. accordingly, it was, let's say, its main tactical and technical characteristics, defeat. which allows us to say that
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the use of the kh-22 is a war crime, that is, the use of weapons of indiscriminate action, therefore, it is no coincidence that she was most likely beaten precisely because of the mass accumulation of the civilian population. mr. dmitry, but we see that of those six. two missiles were destroyed, that is, i am against the x-22, we are gradually learning to shoot them down, have we received something that can shoot them down, they were considered dangerous enough before, they are still considered dangerous enough, mr. roman, but i would like to comment, answer give an answer accordingly after the comments already directly from the officials, do for you know, a reasonable face, i don't... i would like to and even more so to provide general information regarding military-technical cooperation with our
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strategic partners, we state the fact that, accordingly, the x-22 units were shot down, and accordingly, the day before, there were statements by the german side and the delegation of the german side, where the issue of strengthening the ukrainian air defense system was resolved, including the transfer of additional patriots to us in... and by the way, regarding those patriots, in addition to chancellor scholz's statements, there were also statements from the netherlands that they were ready for live money. redeem and most likely it was so indicated somewhere there in in the direction of spain, and then there was information from our ministry of foreign affairs that not only the netherlands is ready to quickly buy patriots for real money, do you know anything about which other patriots the dutch are mentioning? well , the question again, you know, i have always urged
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that this kind of military-technical cooperation should take place in the silence of the cabinet. not on national channels, but we did not make this information public, this information was made public, we will comment on it, mr. roma, i will just give an example, you remember the situation with the swedish gripens, when the highest official level of ukraine forgot the statement that sweden is ready to hand over gripens to us, the result was, after pressure from russia, the statement of the swedish side, that for the time being it is postponed for an indefinite period. about the patriots, let's say that the main thing is stoltenberg's statement, which for some reason is not paid attention to, namely that ukraine has a sufficient number of patriots who, accordingly, are not involved, but theoretically can be transferred to the ukrainian side, and their number is called 100 units, we are talking about the same thing
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installation of patriots, not batteries, and this is indicative, that is, most likely you'. this is really a question of a country that will either transfer for real money, or strengthen the ukrainian air defense system with other, let's say, possible options. but, dear viewing audience, dear presenters, let's talk about the fact that the ukrainian foreign ministry should insist that poland and romania can create a so-called safe airspace over certain territories of ukraine. there are enough patriot systems in poland and romania, which can cover, respectively, from the polish side, ternopil, ivano-frankivsk, lviv region, their infrastructure facilities, and, accordingly, the romanian air defense system can cover the danube ports and odesa region, odesa, odesa itself. this would significantly reduce the level of missile terror on the part
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of the russian federation, and here the ministry of foreign affairs has a lot to work on. why does the ministry of foreign affairs graze from... the rear , i don’t understand why the western countries are constantly behind, excuse me, the initiator of one or another initiative, germany declares negotiations with the countries of the persian gulf, and where the respective statements of the ministry of foreign affairs and kuleby, respectively, they come out, they simply state the fact, and we do not have patriots, and what did you do to ensure that they were, why did germany find a patriot. why is the ministry of foreign affairs domestic, why did the czech republic find 1.5 million projectiles, instead of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, only a year comes out and states the fact: we do not have projectiles, and the czech republic finds them in two months, well, it smokes, that, that's frankly all.
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mr. dmytro, let's talk about the important week in washington, we understand what will happen on saturday. who should decide the fate of our country, this is me now, so to speak, referring to the words of our president, who said that without the support of the united states, ukraine will not be able to defeat russia, and on saturday the congress will consider four bills, one of them will concern the aid package for ukraine, and this is an unprecedented move on the part of the democrats, because, contrary to their own policy, they are ready now to support speaker mike johnson, who is a republican, in order to get this ... aid passed, but in this package we also understand that among other things long-range missiles may be allocated for attacks, and this will already directly depend on the political will of joseph biden, because even if the congressmen approve the package, it is precisely these missiles, whether they will be given or not, will depend on the decision of joseph biden. in your
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opinion, are we currently at the point where there will be no more doubts in the... american leader about providing ukraine with long-range missiles. well, there are many questions, let's take them one by one: first, regarding the fact that ukraine will lose, ukraine will never lose. ukraine was, is and will be independent of whether there will be support from the united states or not, therefore such an interpretation of the situation, the russian-ukrainian war, is at least inappropriate. now about the possible vote on saturday. four more than 400 amendments, that is, this raises the question again: they started to engage in legislative spam, well , the way out of the situation is if about... all 400 amendments by one vote, that is, they all removed them from the agenda and reached certain compromises, especially if a certain political the decision was made regarding the ata, and here
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the most interesting thing is that it is being talked about already biden was given a so-called diplomatic fork, when, accordingly, the biden administration accused the trump administration of not being ready to support ukraine, they played off this situation. a mirror to the biden administration itself, and we are ready, we are ready to vote, moreover, taking into account the national interests of america, moreover, we are ready to even consider the allocation issue, but now the last word is yours, mr. president, and this is where the most interesting will begin, and here we will take care of the position of the president of the united states of the states, because i will remind you, the united states in a strange way in the last... days, well, not the last days, but the last months, constantly express deep concern about the actions of the defense forces of ukraine, whether it concerns
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the striking of oil refineries, and a critic of the actions of the defense forces of ukraine, spoke the representative of the pentagon, who from 2017 to 2022 headed the american-russian fund, which was involved in investments. in the russian economy, well, not stupid, stupid, huh, i wanted to return to one more point, about which you mentioned, about the possibility of closing a part of the sky from the side of our neighbors from poland and romania, only yesterday i spoke with one of the experts, he says here the issues are not in the plane of can, they cannot, in the plane of political, this is what we are talking about now we are talking about you, because it is a patriot or f16. with appropriate air-to-air missiles that could cover, well, at least the same stria, but in the political plane this should be some kind of good for the military-technical
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american know-how, and how does it look in general, because there were no precedents, i.e. as what should it look like? absolutely correct mr. roman, thank you for your professionalism, the country of manufacture must give consent, accordingly, if the patriot is the country of manufacture of the united states. then the united states should approve the transfer of its air defense systems, which, by the way, were sold to poland, and to a third party, in our case, respectively, to ukraine. therefore , here again the question of the political will of the administration arises. once again, thank you for your professionalism. and now we will look at actual practical statements, practical actions, sorry, not a statement. of the biden administration regarding support for ukraine. ugh. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro snighir, a military expert and co-chairman of the public initiative right, worked for you on
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espresso. by the way, i would like to remind our viewers, those who are currently watching us on youtube and on tv, about our volunteer initiative, so we understand that the needs of our military are always there, and they need to be covered, and now it is actually about that... you need to buy drones, you know what they are now needed for front, so we ask you to join the collection, we are currently collecting 2 million for fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade, our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias, the first successful applications in piva on the battlefield are already there, join us so that they only become more. we are going to take a short break, after which we will continue to talk about today's attack on the dnipro, how our special services and our air defense
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succeeded for the first time in the entire full-scale war shoot down the kh-22, as well as land a strategic bomber, we will find out all about this in just a few minutes. wait. tired of the hard times. saws, then strong saws from razpak tv are just for you, they will easily cut trees and shrubs, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now, free shipping is available. check with consultants: cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this. with strong saws, just look how quickly they handle even thick branches. strong proteins are easy to use and mobile. once and it's done, and unlike standard
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in there will be some katsaps in ukraine, on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in the informational marathon with mykola in september. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15. on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 at... preso. what
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to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol, with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. well, the information day of the tv channel is in full swing. now we will have the opportunity to add the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine ilya yevlash to our broadcast. is already in touch with us. congratulations. glory to the heroes, well, today a historic event happened, our armed forces, air forces, and our special services, i mean the main intelligence agency, the ministry of defense, landed a russian strategic bomber and, i don't know, whether it was within the scope of this operation, or maybe it was some separate operation of our air forces forces, i mean the shooting down of the kh-22 missiles themselves. so please let me know as much
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as you can at this... moment, how did you do it? thank you for the question, yes indeed today was a historic event when we destroyed a strategic bomber for the first time of the russian federation, this is the tu-22m3, before we managed to shoot down drls aircraft, it was the a50 suushkopad, well, now for the first time we shot down the tu-22, of course, this is the first, but by no means the last aircraft, we are waiting for the tu-95 . in the future, i can say right now that this plane, it carried out launches from the waters of the black sea, where it fired missiles along the dnieper and along the crooked horn, after it fired back and had already turned back, a missile was fired after it one of the missiles of our anti-aircraft missile systems, yes, which one and caught up with this particular bomber, he was able to stay in the air for some time, but
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later everyone saw it. which one you are showing right now, right?


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