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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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in november, the vkk appointed judge berlimova's qualification assessment, and of course she did not appear for the interview. 238 candidates apply for positions in the higher anti-corruption court. 153 of them for 15 positions in the first instance and 85 candidates want to sit in the seats in the appeals chamber of vaks, among them 11 acting judges of the first instance of the higher antikorsud, who want to transfer to the appeals chamber. at the first stage of the selection , the suitability of... candidates must be assessed by a higher qualification commission of judges, those who pass it successfully will be expected qualification assessment and testing of personal moral and psychological qualities. the commission should also elect members of the public council of international experts for the competitive selection of candidates. the competition for the positions of vaks judges is planned to be completed by the end of the year. in ukraine, the competitive selection of candidates for the positions of judges of the most important thing in the country, the constitution, is underway. court of ukraine. judges are selected by
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a specially created body, advised by a group of experts, which includes international specialists. they evaluate the moral qualities and professional competence of applicants for high position 25 candidates took part in the first stage of the competition. experts admitted eight to the next stage. who got the chance to become a judge of the constitutional court of the country? this is allainyk, a judge of the civil cassation court of the supreme court of ukraine. she loves her family very much. professional action. the judge is very often intertwined with personal life and it is sometimes impossible to determine where this line is. from 2011 to 2015, allainyk lived with her nephew in a one-room apartment in kyiv. at that time, the boy was studying at at the kyiv national university of culture and arts, where by a sudden coincidence of circumstances oliynyk taught, i did not take any exams from him, i did not communicate with anyone, and it would even be immoral for me. because i know that i am a judge, and
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my reputation is quite important to me, on the contrary, there are strict requirements for training, for his behavior, in fact, in the third year , i taught civil procedure to him, because i was the only teacher. after graduating from the university, the nephew was looking for a job, but by coincidence, he was able to get a job of the higher specialized court, where my aunt worked, then went to work at... the kyiv court of appeal, where, as you might have guessed, allainyk was a judge. a competition was announced, and i cannot forbid him if there is a competition and he wants to work, to exercise his constitutional right, so he really passed the competition and when there was a question of liquidating the higher specialized court of ukraine for consideration of civil criminal cases, he was released. the question of work arose again. i
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used to work really until 2007 in kyivsky, it was the court of appeal of the city of kyiv, now, as the legal successor said, the kyiv court of appeal, in the 21st year, it seems, yes, in the 21st, he submitted documents, he passed the competition, the competition was fair, i think, therefore that the tests were on computers, judge allainyk does not see nepotism in the fact that her nephew studied and worked in institutions where she... herself taught and worked. i never even thought before that it could be in the future, such questions would arise for me , so that it was a doubt of my integrity the panel of judges, with the participation of ala oliynyk, made a number of decisions, which were later recognized by the european court of human rights as violating international obligations and the european convention on human rights, in particular due to the excessive length of court proceedings. and the imperfection of national
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legislation. no judge in ukraine, i think, as well as in any other country, does not care to take part in the adoption of a decision where the european court has established a violation of certain provisions of the convention. just like that, as they say, every judge doesn't want to have one disciplinary procedure. of course, there are such solutions. experts stated that alla oliynyk's explanation, in particular, regarding her career growth. nephew are not very convincing. nevertheless, it is believed that the judge meets the criterion of high moral qualities. oliynyk has passed to the next stage, and soon the commission will have to assess her professional competence. another candidate for the post of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine made it to the next stage. serhiy riznyk, vice-rector of ivan lviv national university franka, professor of constitutional law. he collects executive proceedings, in particular for violations of traffic rules. both a judge and
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a candidate for the position of a judge of the constitutional court must treat traffic rules with great respect. serhiy riznyk has accumulated as many as 18 fines for traffic violations over the past two years. avg. they include speeding violations, improper parking, and phone conversations while driving. riznyk himself is proud that he receives an average of two or three fines every year, and only 2022 turned out to be so fruitful this is the 22nd year of violations and in the 23rd year there are three again, two of which are parking violations. disruption for violations is 15 fines per year, a significant number. the 22nd year of e. turned out to be difficult for all of us , and i, in particular, had a very heavy work schedule, a significant workload with foreign students in conditions of attacks, in addition, we made several such serious long trips, well, let's say, to kyiv and a little further, in order
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to hand over foreign humanitarian aid to our colleagues, we covered over 500 km there at a time, the drivers changed, i do not rule out that it was not me who could have allowed such violations. serhii riznyk does not own real estate, but instead has a lot of savings. $68,00 in cash as of 2020. wife, small children, i understand that you were the main breadwinner of the family, what are the sources of these funds? as of 20, at the end of the 20th year at that time there was this amount of funds, unfortunately, it is already significantly less for this period of time, since there were expenses from... invested, but frankly i will say that from the point of view, even as we say to an intelligent outside observer, for 20 years of life, with the modest way of life that our family led, this is a normal
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amount. serhii riznyk explains that he was able to save a significant amount during 10 years of marriage, even before the children appeared, his parents helped with products from the village. our family has not purchased any real estate. property is nowhere, we did not buy a single car there for more than $11,000, and that was once, and the second one cost $6 or $700 after the sale of the first one, we were on a trip abroad once as children for almost the entire period of time. time i say, i'm not proud of this, because you have to find time for your family, for such expenses, but we lived economically, our parents helped us with natural products, here in ukraine... this is a fairly common practice, the group of experts missed serhiy riznyk to the next stage of selection: whether the lawyer will become a judge of the constitutional court, we will find out soon. and that's all for today, if you want to report corrupt judges or
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illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you right after week. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. meg turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. oh, there are no potatoes. will you bring and already, skin. caught, i remind you, comfrey ointment from dr. tice and you get up to work again, comfrey ointment - german ointment for joint and muscle pain, comfrey restores movement, from joint and muscle pain, natural comfrey ointment from dr. tice ,
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try also dr. tice's comfrey warming cream, a proven remedy. weekly the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, right up to holy victory everyone who pilots a uav,
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understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and... return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces, let's keep the line together. see this week in the program. betrayal under the soffits. why was the people's artist of ukraine sentenced to 10 years in prison? ruzhena rublyova, soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama school theater but how to turn from a successful actor into a kremlin jester? there were no unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of the heart of a tagaman, went to serve the rashi occupiers. culture and art cannot... be outside of politics, especially when this beastly underpolitics kills
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ukrainians every day, annexes our territories and tries to destroy our identity. in more than two years of full-scale war, media people, singers and actors have made their choice, or ukraine or bloody rubles. in past issues, i have already told you about the famous singer-traitors who continue to entertain the imperials. today, i want to pay attention to actors who open theaters in temporarily occupied territories in... ukraine and stage so-called russian classics there. the honored artist of ukraine ruzhena rublyova celebrated her anniversary, as befits a people's favorite, with a benefit on the stage of the native theater. the main roles are dream concerts, the title of people's artist of ukraine, and also international ones tours and of course thousands of fans. ruzhena rublyova lost all this on february 24 , 2022. how, i'll tell you now. ruzhena rubliva. was born in 1967 in the urban-type village of askania nova, in the kherson region.
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she has been on stage since childhood. she performed at concerts in the local cultural center. after school, she entered the kherson school of music, majoring in choir master. and since 1999, she worked at the kherson regional academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish, as an actor-vocalist, choirmaster and the author of the musical arrangement of performances and concerts. tzum, for more than 20 years of working in the theater, ruzhena managed to go on tour in 10 countries of the world, including portugal and france. as a choirmaster, she collaborated with the kyiv national academic theater of operetta. i never wanted to change my theater for another one. scenes lived over the years and contribution to the development of ukrainian culture in 2021 by decree. ukraina rublova was awarded the title of people's artist of ukraine, but she did not stay as a people's artist for a short time, because
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she betrayed this title by running to the accompaniment russian balalaika on the side of the invaders. when kherson came under the onslaught of orcs, lyubov rublyova's love for ukraine and her native theater disappeared somewhere. instead, ambitions appeared, they already wanted to perform on the big russian stage. ruzhena took her steps of treason gradually. initially, in the summer of 2022, she... became the director of two music schools in kherson, but for the great ambitions of zaprotanya to be a director, well, it was somehow shallow, so already in september, rublyova took the stage in the center of moscow and was accompanied by the choir of the troops of the national of the russian guard , our 10th airborne battalion performed a musical composition. this concert was dedicated to the russian occupation of part of ukraine. ruzhena rublyova, soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. so we need one. look how much determination is in
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her eyes, how much pride is on her face, she is here today, on this stage, singing a song that russia will not stand at the price of victory, and it does not matter how many people will die, how many destinies will be crippled, if the dictator putin wants, they, his faithful slaves, will do it, here she is true dedication to the botox killer. after this concert, rublyova from... engaged in campaigning for a pseudo-referendum on the accession of kherson oblast to the russian federation, and on february 14, 2023, she performed a solo performance symphony of one soul in the temporarily occupied genichesk. it was there that all the ministries and institutions of the occupiers moved after the liberation of kherson. and do you love the theater as much as i love it? the occupiers also moved the kherson music and drama theater to henichisk, renaming it to the russian one. they made, of course, the director of this primitive variety show lunatic rublev.
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she quickly forgot about the self-sacrifice of the ukrainian luminaries, now she puts on disgusting russian classics and actively tours the occupied territories of ukraine and the russian wilderness, rarely performing in collective solyankas of russian artists in moscow. here is a video of her recent performance in russia at the golden gramophone awards. develops the culture of his region, works with children. holds concerts, no matter what, such an outrageous pro-russian position did not remain on... noticed in august, the year of the traitor rublevova was charged with suspicion, after which the case went to the rivne city court, and on march 26, 2024 , a sentence of 10 years of imprisonment appeared with the confiscation of all property, including several of her apartments, which will be transferred to the state, and ruzhena rublevova was also banned hold a position in the field of culture for 12 years. could have
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continued to shine on the ukrainian stage, instead she chose to dance to russian harps for bloody rubles. who knows, maybe soon she will entertain with her songs and dances his fellow cavemen. at least we really hope so. in general, during the occupation , 25 collaborating artists were fired from the kherson academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish. general director oleksandr knyga announced this. one of these shamefully let go'. among the traitors is honored artist of ukraine yevhen gamayunov. now i will tell you how he managed to become a werewolf from a favorite of the public. i answered you, i did not ask unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. yevhen worked at the kherson drama theater for 17 years and acted more than 100 roles. in 2017, he became a scholarship recipient of the annual monetary award
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to outstanding figures for their contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of culture and art in the kherson region. in 2019, gamayunov received an honorary certificate from the ministry of culture, in 21 he became an honored artist of ukraine. people should go to the theater and watch the play for all performances, we work for this, to give emotions to the viewer. but time will show that gamayunov does not care who to give emotions to, he is not against playing both in russia and in the temporarily occupied countries territories of ukraine. when kherson was occupied. together with ruzhena rublyova, he quickly found his way from a ukrainian actor to a clown of a fake kherson russian academic music and drama theater created by the rashists. here gamayunov takes part in a cultural program dedicated to the visit of representatives of the occupation authorities of the kherson region to the russian city of
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anapa. but when our troops approached kherson, this cultural figure realized that it was time to... on his heels in the temporarily occupied genichask, where he takes part in productions under led by rublev's cosplay performance of the leningrad drama theater named after ukrainophobe maxim gorky, and at the invitation of the imperialists , sometimes appears in the capital of marzenny bulyts , moscow. sheep, horses, pillows, rings, i will not read these. yevgeny does not have long to be a clown with his russian masters. he still has to play the most important role in his life - repentance for his actions in the ukrainian judge. before the bloody war, she sang ukrainian folk songs, and then unexpectedly sang the russian national anthem. our state, russia
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is our country. meet, this is another one of... councilor viktoriya viktorivna kumanovska , born in 1968 in the city of nova kakhovka , graduated from the kherson school of culture, was a member of the famous folk band slavutyanochka. ukraine carols. the whole earth carols. when kherson was occupied, she quickly changed the ukrainian national costume for a loafer and a bow tie and started holding concerts in honor of the russian army and the occupation. here is a photo. she takes part in an event organized by the rashists, but this traitor did not manage to stay in kherson for a long time, she gave a trap to the left bank, as soon as the zsu began to liberate the region, now she is entertaining russian murderers there with her throat and waiting for suspicion, they thought to sit behind bars, she will not have as much fun as singing the anthem of russia and
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waving tricolor rags, and we will definitely witness her clumsy and belated repentance. this was a collaborator program and i am olena kononenko, if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week ether espresso. i like to fight. his country, i think it is a great honor for a man when he takes up arms and he is responsible for his actions. my name is kovaliv, mykhailo, and i currently serve in the drobitsy mertsk tsp of the military. i
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was still present on the maidan. of course, i had such a youthful call to all this, i was still a young boy then. i wanted some kind of movement, some drive, changes in the country, and... then of course i wanted to go and fight for my country, for my homeland, i wanted changes, of course, i was a student first in the first year, i did not finish, unfortunately, and the end of the maidan was the month of may, yes, then the maidan was already dissolved, and i had already volunteered, the right sector, there were not enough weapons for all. even here i was waiting for my turn, when i would have my first combat, for two months, because there were also certain situations, well, there was a lack of weapons, a lack of certain understandings of
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what was going on in general, a lack of experience, but the instructor was coming from abroad , the former afghans taught us, that is , something was built like this, something in comparison ukrainian nationalism of a certain kind of cohesion, that's the way we work with small arms, a sniper, a machine gun, we tried everything possible, simply... i liked it, i really like military affairs, military art, and i generally did everything i wanted, that is, i wanted, i was taught, and i was in intelligence, i was in the infantry, i was in assault units, that is, i tried everything , in the 15th year i already transferred to the azov regiment, from the 15th to the 17th -th year i was in azov, we worked in the direction of shirokino, then it was more trench warfare is as stationary as the first world war. there are generally slightly different situations, there are guys with a completely different worldview, they have a more developed cult of war, honor and dignity,
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and some certain historical facts, well , of course, i liked it very much, because it is fashionable there, there it is the trend is to fight, to fight for one's country, in the 20th year i signed a contract, got into the 24th brigade, so i wanted to try something... in general in life, but i knew that the armed forces of ukraine are a certain bureaucracy, there are certain shortcomings, of course, and i wanted to try it myself, of course, there are pros and cons in the armed forces of ukraine, but this ukrainian army is modern, and we are building this army, and we are changing this army for the better, in the 21st year we had a combat deployment , we went, drove into the chain war, gold, were present there for about 8 months, we were supposed to be taken out on february 24. i certainly met in the trench warfare here is the full scale, for me what i expected almost, what i wanted, and full drive,
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full scale war, planes, aerial bombs, what i wanted, my dream has already come true, i i think that this is what i lived for, in order to meet all this and fight this evil. then i was redirected in the direction of the frontier and... this frontier had no shells, unfortunately, the situation was very bad with the artillery, it practically did not work on our side, if they fired at us, i don’t know, probably, every minute, how much is there, how much is needed, we could respond in an hour or two, then in rubizhny, around rubizhny we were constantly moving, we were an assault group, well an assault group, an assault unit, we were practically not rolled out, today already... an hour here, an hour there, then the third task, then we spent the night somewhere, the next morning some kind of battle starts again, because the russians were constantly climbing somewhere, they always wanted something, there were
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a lot of them, unfortunately, from all sides, we already started to have casualties, unfortunately, three hundred, and unfortunately, i was also wounded, it was sometime in the morning, we had another new unit created, again, because we already had fewer people, we were told it is necessary to go there, there is already a certain amount of enemy forces there and we have to hold that front, we left, and again, we don’t know where they are, what units are next to us, that’s how it is, i don’t know how blindly, but of course their blood was boiling, we had to be there, a combat clash i was wounded, we had to report to me that my boys were wounded, i was asked to evacuate them, i was the commander of the detachment at the time. i report, unfortunately, i leave the protected city a little bit, it flies above my knee, i can no longer feel my leg, unfortunately, i already have two wounded, the situation, unfortunately, is no longer
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is controlled i was already dragged along the street, over stones, by my hands, that's how, because the car couldn't drive up, because the enemy troops were working, at close range and, of course, under fire with risky shelling, and i had one third, two hundred more, and more then, somehow, there were no buildings of any kind, all the boys were somehow dragging themselves, somehow they barely got there, barely hobbled, then our evacuation car drove up, almost from here too... and only then did we get into hospital, can remember his own brothers whom i saw a minute ago, he is alive, he communicates with me, he jokes, together we dream of something better, that will improve ukraine, but unfortunately, he will be gone in a minute, unfortunately, there have been many such cases, unfortunately, we, the 24th brigade , suffered a lot of losses, during the long time i was treated for about six months, i was
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taken out of state, that's how the condition is. but here is this bureaucracy, no problem, i experienced all these situations, then of course i didn't want to be disabled, i continued i want to return to the east, when i was injured, i did not know at all that such a status was of limited use, because it was something strange for me, i do not know what it is, then, then the order came that we cannot take you east , because you are of limited fitness, i also receive a disability of the third group, and i did not want to be a burden for the boys, by order of the general staff, i... was transferred to the tcc of the tsp in the city of dorohoby, i began to inform people, to say that i should go to the army, carry military registration documents with you, very there is a lot of negativity, a lot of misunderstanding, mostly more than 90% are very aggressive, what ukraine gave me, and why should i go to fight, open the borders in general, i am from here first of all, i can give you my passport, and why doesn’t zelenskyi go, but why doesn't the government go, there's a lot of chatter, a million reasons to abdicate responsibility as... there should
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be some kind of warrior cult, well, it's that we are the descendants of the zaporizhia cossacks, that we are the descendants of the sich snipers, that we are the descendants of the ounupa, it has to somehow be in such a state, unfortunately the times of the knights, unfortunately, are no longer the same, the knights are already gone, here are these soldiers, in fact, real patriots, those who i do not want to offend everyone, of course, there are still people here who, of course , are also patriots of ukraine, but mostly those who love sub-passionarians, sub-passionarians are people, what is important to them is to open... the refrigerator is cold, and there was a sausage for 12 hryvnias, everything is full, but some kind of spiritual development, some kind of spiritual development, where are you from, your history, the future, they are not interested, the main thing, that there would be work, it is difficult to work with such people, talk about why you have to fight for your country, because they unfortunately don't understand it, then probably money, i plan on until i get fed up, until or until i'm wounded, or until god forbid, i might not be alive, but i will know that i have done for the country everything
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that is important, everything that... everything that i could do, my conscience, my honor, my dignity, i will know my boys, my friends, my acquaintances will know , that i did everything as much as possible, i am responsible for myself, ukraine begins with me, personally, i give i can still give them anything, i don't see anything wrong with it. where does andriy yermak's influence begin and end? time magazine included him in the list of 100 most influential people in the world. donald trump has changed his rhetoric regarding ukraine, who
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influenced him and whether ukraine is worth it. take us advice and not attack targets in russia. we are talking about this today. this is svoboda live. my name is vlasta lazur. let's start. satellite images of planet labs for april 19 appeared, which show the consequences of strikes on the airfield in occupied by dzhankoya. the photos were published by the editorial staff of radio liberty's schema program. in particular, damage can be seen near ammunition depots and air defense systems. a series of explosions near the military airfield in the city of dzhankoy rang out during the night of april 17. the general staff of the armed forces reported that the defense forces of ukraine were behind the attack. gur said that as a result of the attack , four launchers of the s-400 anti-aircraft missile system, three radar stations, an air defense control center and equipment for observation. this airfield is one of the largest bases for russian helicopters, as well as a military transport hub
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serving for movement. both equipment and ammunition.


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