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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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the role that even mike johnson suddenly radically changed his position and now acts as almost the first lobbyist for aid to ukraine, although he delayed this time, well, let's be honest, for five months, that's for sure. well, you speak very often and you mentioned at the beginning about the cynicism of politics, yes there are ratings, there is an election campaign in the united states, let's be honest that even a lot of diaspora ukrainians support trump with his policies, and it seems to me that measuring the temperature or yes... categorically measuring one's support ratings or position on ukraine played a negative role, and that is why today we hear from presidential candidate trump that we cannot delay aid to ukraine. i think there is an important argument here, regarding the previous inadequate statements from the team of the presidential candidate, the former president of the united states, this is the first. second, of course, all of these arguments that you mentioned also have a piece of, ah, ...
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that's right to life, because actually very often the intelligence that our partners gather, whether it's british, or of the united states, other countries, they are very eloquent from the point of view of how decision-making is then built, and of course, that very often there ukraine and ukrainians surprise with their ability, stability, such uncompromisingness, but very often this is a very cold calculation , their interests, and it seems to me that everyone is now very well aware that there is still a very short period of time when it is on the territory of ukraine that you can defend yourself, that is, yourself, i mean the countries, especially the eastern flank of nato, these are nine countries that are doing very well today are aware of all this danger, and you know, it is already the russian federation, this news is evil, actually you mentioned iran and the attacks on israel, well, it is formed, and that is where both iran and israel enter. it's one
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sided, and protesting today, well, you have to call a spade a spade, if you don't see that russia is acting together with north korea, with iran, then it means that you are also helping an enemy that was an enemy a priori of the united states, other states, that is, the news of evil has been formed, and i want this insight, as you say, and such a quick reaction was much faster than these pre-election provocations. was as little as possible, but there was a real matter of the world, an understanding of what is happening now, because cynical politics, it used to be nord stream-2, its indulgence there by germany led to the fact that today we have a very great danger, which is already threatening and stands very close to the gates of nato member countries and the european union, thank you very much, and thank you also for your wisdom, you did not name china among the countries that are part of the axis of evil people's republic because even
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that year some republicans called there, well, but we understand very well that the direct supply of shaheeds, missiles, as north korea does, let's say, weapons, is one thing, to think that they can somehow help there is quite another, and that's why a country that can be our partner in solving this issue and overcoming this crisis, well, war is a global crisis, which can be china, i think we should do our part to the last and try to pull him from the side and at least present arguments to china said yes we will decide in a way that is beneficial to ukraine, because when they start talking about the fact that the eye of evil and everyone is included there, whoever they can, well, this is politics, you can't do it like that, because if china really fully helps russia, it will be completely different , war, we all understand it perfectly too, thank you very much, ms. oksano, oksana yurynets, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, was in touch with us, and now it's time to talk about the events at the front, around the front, the military results of the day and the week with serhiy zgurets, sergey greetings, greetings to you, vasyl, greetings
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to our viewers, today we will really talk about what was happening on the front line, the most revealing trends, revealing events, and also about how the ukrainian armed forces destroyed russian planes in the sky and on earth, and in dzhankoya, and there in the sky above russia, more on that in a moment. well, let's start, i'm going to sergey with a question right away, because i like the journalist's wording, they found out how ukraine shot down the tu-22m bomber, they found out, well, obviously they should find out experts, yes, but i will just voice this information, because it appeared. gromadsky writes about it with reference to his own source, another such interesting story, his own source, and there is another source in the main development department, the source of the source, under the source, but in...
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i'm joking a little bit about this, i'm just leading to the point that i like professional evaluations with a certain message about why you decided the logic, the chain of your thinking, not just with, but let them report that forces of ukraine, i will add allegedly, allegedly, because shot down a strategic russian tut-22 m3 bomber from the s200 anti-aircraft missile complex, which was developed back in soviet times, there, if i'm not mistaken, somewhere during this, during the korean war, yes, the vietnamese war, no, before the korean war, yes, please, well, today we know that the enemy carried out a combined missile attack on our civilian cities, on... in odesa , cruise missiles and iskanderka and shaheda and these tut-22 m3 strategic bombers were used, what an enemy used to launch kha-22 missiles. these missiles are fast, have a range of up to 400 km, and
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it was just after these launches that it became known that one of the russian tu 22 m3 planes had been destroyed. at first, the russian federation said that it was a technical malfunction, because of these problems the plane crashed, but then the main intelligence agency and the commanders of the air force announced that for the first time a russian strategic plane was shot down, now we see a video on our screen that showed the main intelligence office, this is the control cabin of one of the anti-aircraft missiles complexes, from which the strike was actually carried out against the strategic aircraft of ... "let's start this story, when
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this very plane of long-range detection was shot down, and now hur clearly enough hints that it was the same complex, and indeed at a distance within ... there 300 km, the only example that can have a similar the range is the s-200 system, which, according to the passport data, has a target range of 284 km, but there were probably areas where these russian planes approached, turned around, and at this very moment, from an ambush, there is such a tactical technique in air defense, and they were launched these missiles will destroy. a russian plane that was damaged, and then probably reached russian territory, where it actually fell and crashed, now we see this video, there were four pilots in the aircraft, two seem to have been found, one is being sought, the third
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died, i.e. two survived, one died, one is still being sought, and this is really the first case when such... a strategic aircraft of the enemy was destroyed, in total , russia produced, or the soviet union produced about 60 such aircraft, in combat-ready state, the enemy had 27, and now the main intelligence department also says that now the enemy will be afraid to enter with these tu-22s, to approach the same odesa region, because he used precisely those areas, and in addition to this message about beating here 22... m3 it was also said that the kh-22 missile was shot down for the first time. i think that the x-22 was probably shot down by other air defense systems near the dnipro or odesa, i don't know what air defense systems they were, but we understand that these x-22s can be shot down by such modern
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systems, whether it is an american patriot or a sumpty, this is actually just a guess, but in any case, we have today, well, a good day from the point of view of the demonstration of effectiveness. capabilities of our air defense, which knows how to combine the samples that are at its disposal, and this combination is absolutely a surprise for the enemy, as was the case with the a50 aircraft, and now with the destruction of the tu-22m3 strategic bomber. well , the enemy thinks that only he can come up with a cabin, then modernize the x69 missile there or do something else and surprise us. ukrainian experts also know how to surprise us, the question here is that we have enough money to buy everything that we have now. are produced by ukrainian, ukrainian manufacturers, why did i come to this, because i would like serhiy, who is very much not just interested in production of weapons, works with people who make and probably provides some help there, and also consultatively, so he is deeply involved in this topic,
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yesterday it became known that for the first time in history a foreign company bought ukrainian weapons for the ukrainian army, the sum was in question about 28.5 million is actually a lot, it is serious money, especially for ukrainian production, which is producing somewhere there and needs this and circulating money, money that could be invested there in new production, this is the kingdom of denmark, they... it doesn't say it was about which weapon was in question, but this is a cool case as such, but the point is, how promising it is, and on the other hand, why does it come to this, that we cannot buy our own weapons from our own manufacturers ourselves , and some will ask now: why should we buy our own weapons for ourselves, maybe send them to the army right away? well, in fact, the story, the dynamics are such that... the number of companies that began to produce weapons increased significantly, but
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the financial possibilities for purchasing these weapons did not increase, and yesterday just this case that you are talking about, it is based on the fact that the capabilities of the ukrainian defense industry, according to the minister of strategic industries kamyshchyna, amount to 20 billion per year, and at the same time ukraine has dollars, and this year ukraine has purchase only 6 billion. dollars, that is, in fact, there is such a mismatch of capacities and financial capabilities, and it is precisely this idea that the ministry of strategy and industry is trying to implement, that is , that foreign companies or on behalf of foreign countries allocate funds so that ukraine could purchase weapons and equipment of ukrainian production, there is such a first case, when denmark is one of the countries. has allocated 28 million dollars for this initiative, and the ministry of technology expects that
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other states will also do so, we hope that it will be so, but now there is another story that cannot help but worry me, i was doing an interview today with a representative of one drone manufacturer who says that in fact he was making drones, but now he has no orders for next year, just like a number of ukrainian companies do not have opportunities to have guaranteed orders, because there is not enough money in the state, at that time we have stories when we purchase unmanned systems of foreign production, precisely because foreign states are ready to finance the supply of weapons to ukraine from their own manufacturers, so in any now we understand that one way or another, but the military business, it has different manifestations, and besides the fact that we need weapons somehow... somehow there is a lot of competition for money and ukrainian money and
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money of foreign companies, so i would prefer so that the government finds a balance, so that more loading goes to ukrainian enterprises, especially when we are talking about unmanned systems, i am sure that they can compete in terms of quality with the samples offered to us by foreign companies, and well, let's say yesterday i also watched the video, no, i didn't watch the video, i watched the photo instead as the chief commander. of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr silskyi, a hero of ukraine, by the way, and the minister of defense, rustem umerov, they inspected and perhaps even tested the new ukrainian an armored car, this is an armored car, well , an armored car, it’s better to say that, because it’s not exactly a car, but it’s important that it’s being manufactured, i’m here now, we’ll move on to the situation on the fronts, and then there will be another question, because here’s fresh information, a voiced thesis jens stoltenberg, that the nato countries have done... they are ready to hand over
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air defense systems to ukraine as quickly as possible, and in the near future, perhaps serhiy has more understanding, and there is definitely more understanding of how quickly it can be, but first the situation on the fronts in the spring of time difficult, but today i read those reports about the heavy losses of the enemy, it is a repetition of the history of bakhmut, a repetition of the history of avdiyivka, there were also crazy losses, the core of the pkk was actually destroyed under bakhmut. wagner, avdiivka was pushed through precisely because of the lack of shells and the very active use of cabs, well, that’s what i ’m saying, it’s very simple, there at all, everything is much more complicated there, but now what is the situation at the time and in the adjacent zones, the front lines, and then avdiivskyi the direction is also probably here, since it is donetsk region, you can speak in v complexes, well, there are actually two areas that concern the protection of chasiv yaru, and the situation in certain areas around. these are interrelated elements, because really now the enemy is directing
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its main efforts to all these two directions, even if we look at the dynamics of combat engagements there, just over half of the engagements there fall on these two directions, now we see a map around that , what is happening around the time war, in fact, for the last day or two there, the situation there is dynamic, but the impression is that the enemy has now begun to withdraw time and accumulate strength in order to intensify offensive actions in the near future . now, as before, he is trying to act in such a way that both from the north and from the south, precisely from bohdanivka and from ivanivskyi, he ensures progress along these forest belts in order to get closer to the siverskyi donets canal, donbass, as well is trying to prepare for frontal attacks along
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the very route from bakhmut to chasiv yar itself, and this is just... the directions of attacks now remain so active and complex from the point of view of the enemy's actions and from the point of view defense, because one way or another, the enemy is still using aviation, cabs and artillery superiority, but if we look at the dynamics of changes in advancement, then these are just two directions from bakhmut to the west and from ivanivsk. also to the west, especially there is no advance there, i hope that this allows us to look with such optimism at the fact that the enemy there will suffer losses, the advance of the enemy will be minimal, when we are talking about another direction , that's what's happening around avdiyivka, there are nuances there that
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look more alarming, because during the week there have been such, well, in particular advances... of the enemy, now we see this map, where the advance of the enemy took place in the direction of the reeds and combat actions took place precisely in novokalynovo, we we can see exactly these two settlements, we can see these red wedges that have appeared there, and it is actually there that the main combat operations and the enemy's plan are currently taking place, as they admit, well, most experts are to somehow... in the direction of ocheretiny, novokalynovy and further, in order to create such an overhang from the north over the line of operations currently held by our troops, we remember that after withdrawing to the west of avdiyivka, our troops there hold a line of defense that runs along berdychi,
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semenivka, orlivka and further there umanske, not tailovo, this line is now held by our troops, but also this line... is actually separated from the enemy by a river or by other such convenient obstacles that make it difficult for the enemy to carry out offensive actions, unless we take pay attention to the traditional use of cabs, aviation and the superiority of artillery, so now the plan of the enemy is to ensure a breakthrough there in the direction of the enchanted and then from the north to create an overhang on this line of defense there and force our troops to withdraw to... further to the west to another line of defense, which is prepared, but which , one way or another, will still be connected with the abandonment of certain areas of the territory, and therefore there are quite a lot of videos specifically regarding the battles in both ocheretino and novoklinovo, this direction now extremely difficult, there was a video where the enemy is just trying to gain a foothold in the next one, where there was literally yesterday
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a video where the enemy enters. to the power station, then retreats in panic, but in the evening he stormed in the same way yesterday, and it seems that he is trying to gain a foothold in certain areas of uchereting, so in any case these directions are connected with chasivyar, avdiyivka, they are so or otherwise invest in the political tasks of the enemy, create preconditions for access to the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, and so on have a political flavor, given that before the inauguration of the russian... master thief there, they want to have at least some signs of progress on the front line. and we have just a few minutes, i won't emphasize then, of course i want to talk about the uglydar and about the work, but i think that serhiy will talk about it, but come on, let's give one question then, just so that we can now they did not talk about air defense, there will be help, everything will be fine, thank god, we hope, but this is what is happening right now,
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if you say the scope of the work is not the same, these are different areas, donetsk region and zaporizhzhia region, but what is the situation there? well, first of all, there are no special changes in the ugledar, but according to the work of the poerpomovo, the enemy there, as before, tries to carry out these flank attacks, enters the work, he is destroyed there, knocked out, this area remains, like other areas, extremely difficult, but we understand , that the enemy is focused on leveling the front line, and pushing our troops out of the bridgehead that was conquered... by our fighters during the offensive last year, i think i still very much hope that decisions will be made regarding american aid, and on the other hand, very much hope for speeding up. the supply of ammunition on the czech initiative, because so far the supply of this ammunition is not felt on the front line, this means that the procedures for the purchase and supply of these extremely
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scarce shells are still ongoing, and this precisely affects the fact that now the front line is the main is maintained at the expense of personnel, courage, but not at the expense of those of things that usually hold the defense, this is particularly artillery in the first place. we believe in help, here they write that ukraine and germany will launch several defense projects in the coming days, there is also other help, but here at the end i want to say that people can also do something, despite the fact that their politics , let's say, their government is frankly unfriendly to ukraine, i am now talking about slovakia and fico's policy, but i will say that the slovaks decided the organizations, such simple public organizations decided themselves to collect money for aid for ukraine, i want to tell you that... in such a short time they have already managed to collect 2 million 150 00 euros, well, it's actually not a critically
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large amount of money, but it's cool, it's cool, 35 thousand dollars joined and in this way they show that we are not fizos, we are slovaks, we support ukraine, i think the more such statements in europe, the cooler it will be, thank you serhiy, thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers, we hope that that our armed forces are protecting us now, but we must remember that each of us... has contribute to our defense in one way or another. sport on crutches, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. veterans of the russian-ukrainian war, who lost their limbs in the battles, organized a football team. defenders of our state are already playing in the polish championship. how football helps war veterans recover from injuries. let's see. glory to ukraine, to the hero, glory! there are seven football players on the field, they are stretching their muscles, honing their shots. valentyn osovskyi is one of those who play football in
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mylitsy. the man defended the country as part of the 103rd brigades of territorial defense forces. in january 2023, he was wounded under flint in the luhansk region. the left leg had to be amputated. during rehabilitation in lviv, valentina was offered to join the newly created. club, in the beginning, i think it was difficult, but over time, you even see by your own movements, by your technique, that everything is better and better, and the muscles get used to it, and you adapt to working with one leg, so i think, over time, practically, i hope, i will not feel discomfort. russian-ukrainian veterans wars have been training together for seven months. in the first football team of people who lost. end of pokrov lviv-amp 18 players. the team consists of 80% of military personnel who defended their homeland and, having lost their limbs, returned to life and
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continue to play football. and 20% of gray-haired people who were injured at work due to cancer. before going on the field, veterans take off their prostheses. according to the rules, players are people with amputated legs. they run and hit the ball with the help of elbow crutches, but they put a man without an arm as the goalkeeper. every workout consists of such, from such a sequence, it is clear that the massage therapist, physiotherapist prepares the boys for training, then there is a warm-up, then the main part and a hitch, the end of the training. the veteran team trains twice a week, and newcomers join the club, such as a veteran with an amputated leg. so far it's difficult, because i don't have a second leg, it's a little difficult, well, i still have to learn how to run properly on crutches, and because of that, i was in pain on my right, and my right leg was amputated, now
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i have to, well, learn to do everything with my left. sport is one of the best ways of physical and psychological rehabilitation, - says team coach bohdan melnyk. the main thing is to play so as not to harm rehabilitation. we already played the first round of the polish championship, played three matches. of which two were lost, one was a draw, and now we are preparing for the second round of the polish championship, which will take place from may 11 to 12 in the city of riaśców. the players of the team hope that soon a national football championship will appear in ukraine, among players with amputated limbs. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. the second hour of the great teru starts. and a lot of interesting things ahead: the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchevko, today morchevko, today we will have the economic results of this week, the weather from natalka
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didenko, actually a lot of interesting things, well... i will start with this information: one person was injured as a result of a daytime missile strike by the enemy in odesa region, the man was hospitalized, said oleg kipar, the head of the region. muscovites hit the port infrastructure of the region, they are working on the spot emergency services. well, one person, unfortunately, died as a result of shelling in bilopyll, sumy oblast, and three more were hospitalized in serious condition, the prosecutor general's office informed. the russians hit the city center with artillery. four hits were recorded, a high-rise building, a shop and a pharmacy were damaged. and unfortunately, the number of victims in the dnipropetrovsk region from the rubble has increased to seven. rescuers recovered the woman's body, 35 more people were injured. this was reported by the head of the region serhiy lysak. in the morning, the occupiers fired rockets on the dnipro, kryvyi rih and senelnikiv district of the region.
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a five-story building was on fire in the regional center, and there was also a part of... the building was renovated. there may still be people under the rubble. the search operation continues, five more high-rise buildings, several private houses, three educational institutions, seven administrative buildings, an office, a market, a hotel, a service station and two infrastructure facilities were damaged. april 20 was declared a day of mourning in dnipro. woke up from the explosion, saw what was in the yard. smoke, burning, something, she went outside, looked at her family neighbors, they saw what was happening, the neighbors, the men came out, started helping to disassemble the stones, to disassemble so that the doors could be opened in the entrances, my daughter's arm was almost taken off, some kind of nightmare, i have already lived most of my life, i i have never seen such horror, but it is truly terrifying... tomorrow, let's also
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honor the memory of the dead. tomorrow will be a day of mourning in dnipro. a 52-year-old resident of vovchansk was injured due to enemy shelling of the city, residential buildings, a church, a shop and a coffee shop were damaged. a fire broke out at the place of the attack, kharkivska reported regional prosecutor's office. previously, the russians struck with guided aerial bombs, mortars and artillery. helped men of conscription age to go abroad, the security service of ukraine detained the director of one of lviv's communal enterprises. the official took money from the conscripts for entering them into the system, so that the men could leave our country without hindrance. currently, law enforcement officers are identifying other participants in this illegal scheme in order to bring them to justice. he is on this wrapper
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tried earn $3800 us. after receiving $800 from the first client, the official increased the cost of his services. later , he demanded $15,000 from the other two fugitives. the law enforcement officers detained him red-handed in accordance with article 208 of the criminal procedure code of ukraine during the receipt of part of the illegal benefit in the amount of 10,000 dollars. golka public initiative and espresso brand media announced the beginning of a strategic partnership. the parties will work for effective information. ukrainians about high-profile cases, corruption schemes, etc misfeasance. in the future , joint projects will be published on both information platforms, and representatives of the media and public initiative are confident that such a union will help protect public values ​​and strengthen ukrainian statehood. we decided that all the anti-corruption investigations we will do are socially important topics. they
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will be duplicated in parallel on espresso, and on the youtube channel, and on the tv channel, and we will also distribute the important information that corresponds to the purpose and strategy of our organization in our social networks for their readers and listeners. i hope that we can mutually strengthen each other. espressa tv channel consistently defends the principles of transparency and accountability of the government, fight against corruption, therefore we are very happy to start cooperation with the golk initiative. and we believe that our cooperation will be fruitful and will benefit people, because this is our joint contribution to the development of a democratic country and civil society. defending one's homeland is the duty of every citizen. this is demonstrated by two military personnel from kyiv. whose stories are we? we will tell you now. let's see


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