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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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you can imagine, that is, we passed 5 months of certification, tests on the front line, on testing grounds, and so on, we reached contracting, we were not contracted, but at the same time companies that did not have certification were promoted, but at the same time they were given their orders for to be financed, that is, some companies are not at all unclear on the market, there were, there were such questions, i don't know how it will be now. and this is the first, second, indeed, under the previous leadership of the state special communications service, all that, well, in one word, indicators of cheapness and incomparability technical characteristics was a traditional method, that is, there was a head of the department, who is no longer there, who was engaged in this, who could afford to make a new assessment of military, military equipment there. not having
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qualifications for this, after either the national guard or other units applied and said: i need these drones, no, they said no, but we better buy them, who are you to, to say, what, what to the military necessary, when you sit in the office, that is , such things, they were, as they will be now, look, now the latest information that funds, funds have not been allocated for procurement and a decision will now be made. which drones to purchase, well, let's see how, how, how transparent it will be, how adequate it is and how much, at least, equivalently , those capacities will be loaded, those capacities will be loaded that are available in companies that were preparing for serious things, the release of serious things, and now they have to, if there's no contract, disband their teams and shut down production and freeze it all, and then to... unfreeze it all, it
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takes two or three months, plus shipping in parallel with the complete set, it also takes two to three to four months, depending on which complete sets you will make and in what volume, we are not deviating from our strategy, we are making a company for the production of motors, so it is also not an easy thing, no we have normal motors, no one produces them, we are going into it, we analyzed six... of those chinese enterprises, two were identified, in the end, one got out because of such a history of lies from the chinese side passed, we will do it all, we will do it, they began to purchase a serious line upon release motors, but if there will be such contracting by the state, it is not clear who will need these motors in the future, and so far we have... we do not see all those statements that
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talk about releasing a million drones there, yes they can be launched very easily by fpv these light drones but no no they don't solve the cardinal problem at the front, need heavy drones, need heavy kamikaze, 3, 4, 5, 6 kg, in parallel with long-range strikes, yes, but these things , which are there from a kilogram to two to three for a short distance, they ... do some tactical things of their own, but do not close these problems on the front, so this kind of history that has to change, definitely has to change, and the words that have been said that we will contract all the teams that have passed all the tests, field, combat tests , and of which there is the possibility, capacity and means to issue, this must be fulfilled, these words and promises. on the part of the state must be fulfilled,
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otherwise it will not be possible to simply trust the state. mr. valery, probably, we will put a full stop here, because there is really something to add to your words nothing, these are extremely important words related to the fact that the state, officials must fulfill their promises, which are given to enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, when we hear good, loud statements regarding production. and so on, and on the other hand we have, sometimes we see a different reality, when an enterprise that for a long time has been engaged in the creation of strike complexes, aviation complexes of various purposes, then these enterprises must also count on the support of the state, let me remind you that this was my co-developer was valery borovyk, the head of the board of the new energy of ukraine alliance, the commander of the white eagle special unit of strike drones, and we see that his company, in particular... there, the first contact company
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is now reconfiguring to other projects related to air defense equipment, in particular, he mentioned the german company deal, it's a defense deal, it's just... er, it's really a company that provides the supply of air defense systems to the country, there are probably technological solutions where ukrainian enterprises can be partially involved, this is extremely important, but in general, if we talk about the results, now really, when we talk about air dominance, which was the theme of our program, then of course we count on the support of our partners on the f-16, but in any case we do not have forget about our domestic enterprises that manufacture without... pilot complexes for various purposes, and assistance to our enterprises is no less important so that these enterprises then provide our troops with products that destroy the enemy on the battlefield. here they are were the main takeaways from this program, stay tuned to the espresso channel, there will be a lot of interesting stuff. see this week in the
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judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. competition for... the constitutional court, how the candidate's nephew advanced in the courts where she worked, i cannot forbid him, and why the contestant is a professor of law, collects executive proceedings, the year turned out to be difficult for all of us, congratulations, this is a judicial control program, and as always, we are talking about the main reform, on which direction our european prospects depend: as in ukraine a new judicial power is being formed, how is the competition for the constitutional court of ukraine and who? soon he can occupy a high position. about all this today, but first traditionally, before the news. oleksiy tandyr, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who last year in a state of alcoholic intoxication beat to death a soldier of the national guard, vadym bondarenko, who
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was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv, is allegedly trying to avoid punishment by mobilizing to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. tandyr has been applying for several months in a row with a corresponding request to the court. expressed a desire to become the deputy commander of the company in nizhynsk tro. according to watchers media journalists, he even received a letter from the military unit about the readiness of the command to take him to their ranks as an officer of the psychological support and recovery group. but the judge rejected the request and tandir was kept in custody until june 2. note that mobilization is a fairly common practice among judges involved in criminal cases. by entering the armed forces, they stop court proceedings. against himself it will be recalled that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv, oleksiy tandyr, in a lexus eu-350, hit 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv, 3 minutes before the curfew began. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the high council
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of justice regarding the tandyr case , a video from the scene of the accident was made public. the footage shows how the judge opens the door of the car, gets out of the driver's seat, approaches the body of the dead guard and grabs his head, but then tells the police that he is a passenger and will call them prejudiced people. i see signs in you, please listen, device, you agreed to take the test, you blocked me, i don't understand why, i consider you biased people, will pass the tests, look, i consider you biased people by vehicle, correct or not no, i don't know, you are the driver, no, who are you? i am the owner of the car, i did nothing, i was a passenger. at the moment , judge tandyr, although suspended from the administration of justice and is in pre-trial detention, has still not been dismissed from his post and still receives a considerable salary. what 's more, now he has a chance to simply escape from justice by mobilizing to the ranks of the zes. the supreme
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council of justice dismissed yulia berlimova, the head of the heniche district court of the kherson region. after the start of the full-scale invasion of russia, berlimova sided with the occupiers even today. carries out judicial proceedings according to russian legislation, illegally created by the russians in henichetsk judicial body. another person was elected as the head of the occupation court. however, berlimova remains a judge there and probably received a russian passport. also it is known that the judge's husband, serhiy dobrovolskyi, cooperates with the occupation administration. last year, in november, the vkk appointed a qualification assessment of judge berlimova , and of course she did not appear for the interview. 238 candidates apply for the position. in the higher anti-corruption court. 153 of them for 15 positions in the first instance and 85 candidates want to sit in the seats in the appeals chamber of vaks, among them 11 acting judges of the first instance of the higher anti-corruption court who want to transfer to the appeals chamber. at the first stage of the selection
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, the suitability of the candidates should be assessed by the higher qualification commission of judges. those who successfully pass it will be subject to a qualification assessment and testing of personal moral and psychological... qualities. the commission should also elect members of the public council of international experts for the competitive selection of candidates. the competition for the positions of vaks judges is planned to be completed by the end of the year. in ukraine, the competitive selection of candidates for the positions of judges of the most important in the country, the constitutional court of ukraine, is ongoing. judges are selected by a specially created body, and an advisory group of experts, including international ones, is selected experts they evaluate the moral qualities and professional competence of applicants for a high position. 25 candidates took part in the first stage of the competition. experts admitted eight to the next stage. who got the chance to become a judge of the constitutional court of the country? it? judge of the civil cassation court of the supreme court of ukraine alla oliinyk. she loves her family very much. the professional
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activity of a judge is very often intertwined with personal life. and it is sometimes impossible to determine where this limit is. from 2011 to 2015, ala oliynyk lived with her nephew in a one-room apartment in kyiv. at that time , the boy was studying at the kyiv national university of culture and arts, where, by a sudden coincidence, oli. taught, i did not take any exams from him, i did not communicate with anyone, and it would even be immoral for me, because i know that i am a judge, and my reputation is quite important to me, on the contrary, these are strict requirements regarding his studies, regarding his behavior, indeed, in the third year i taught civil procedure to him, because i was the only teacher. on after graduating from university, the nephew was looking for a job. by the same coincidence, he was able to get a job at the higher specialized court where his aunt worked, then he went to work at
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the kyiv court of appeals, where, as you might have guessed, allainyk was a judge. a competition was announced, and i cannot forbid him, if there is a competition and he wants to work, to exercise his constitutional right, that is why he really passed the competition and when there was a question of liquidating the higher specialized court of ukraine. consideration of civil criminal cases, he was dismissed, the issue of work arose again, i used to work in the kyiv court of appeals until 2007, it was the court of appeal of the city of kyiv, now, according to the legal successor , the kyiv court of appeals in the 21st year, it seems that he, yes, in the 21st year he submitted documents, he passed the competition, the competition was fair. because the tests were on computers, judge allainyk
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does not see nepotism in the fact that her nephew studied and worked in institutions where she herself taught and worked. i never even thought before that it could happen in the future for me to have such questions in order for it to be a doubt of my integrity. the panel of judges with the participation of ala oliynyk made a number of decisions, which were later recognized as such by the european court of human rights. which violate international obligations and the european convention on human rights, in particular due to the excessive length of court proceedings and the imperfection of national legislation. no judge in ukraine, i think, as well as in any other country, wants to participate in the adoption of a decision where the european court has established a violation of certain provisions of the convention, just as it is said that every judge does not want to have any disciples. of course, there are such solutions. experts stated that alla oliynyk's explanations, in particular, regarding her
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nephew's career growth, are not very convincing. nevertheless, it is believed that the judge meets the criterion of high moral qualities. oliynyk has passed to the next stage, and soon the commission will have to assess her professional competence. another candidate for the post of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine made it to the next stage. serhii riznyk, vice-rector of lviv ivan national university. professor of constitutional law. he collects executive proceedings, in particular for violations of traffic rules. both a judge and a candidate for the position of judge of the constitutional court must treat traffic rules with great respect. over the past two years, serhiy riznyk has accumulated as many as 18 fines for traffic violations. among them are violations of the speed limit, improper parking, and phone conversations while driving. riznyk himself is proud that he receives an average of two or three fines every year. it turned out to be 2022 so fruitful this is the 22nd year
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of violations and in the 23rd year there are three again, two of which are parking violations. disruption for violations is 15 fines per year, a significant number. the 22nd year turned out to be difficult for all of us. we , and i, in particular, had a very long work schedule, a significant workload with foreign clients. students in conditions of attacks. in addition, we made several such serious long trips, let 's say so, to kyiv and a little further, in order to transfer foreign humanitarian aid to our colleagues. we covered 1500 km there each times, the drivers changed, i do not rule out that it was not me who could have allowed such violations. serhii riznyk does not own real estate, but instead has a lot of savings. $68,00 in cash as of 2020. wife, small children, i understand that you were the main breadwinner of the family, what are the sources
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of these funds? as of the twenties. in the 20th year, at that moment there was this amount of funds , unfortunately, it is already significantly less for this period of time, since expenses were postponed, but i will frankly say that from the point of view, even as we say reasonable to an outside observer, for 20 years of life, with the modest way of life that our family led, this is a normal amount. serhii riznyk explains that he was able to save a significant amount during the years of marriage, even before the children appeared, his parents also helped with products from the village. our family has not purchased any real estate anywhere. we haven't bought a single car over $1100 there, and that was once, and the second one was $6 or $700 there after selling the first one. for almost the entire period of time, we were once with the children in
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foreign trip. i say once again, i am not proud of this, because you have to find time for... family for such expenses, but we lived frugally, our parents helped us with natural products, this is a fairly common practice in ukraine, the group of experts missed we will soon find out whether serhiy riznyk will become a judge of the constitutional court before the next stage of selection. and that's it for today, if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook. or to this e-mail address, see you soon in a week. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my
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name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine and the world. about the war and about our victory, today in the program. vendetta for the dnipro. the air force destroyed a russian strategic bomber in the air for the first time. will it prevent missile terror? mobilization of european air defense. scholz found seven free patriot systems in europe. it remains to persuade the owners to give them to ukraine. complaints of good russians. julia believes that ukraine underestimates the russian opposition, whether passive resistance will help overthrow the putin regime. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine yehor firsy, journalist roman tsympaluk, and head of the board of the institute of world politics viktor shlinchak. in
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the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, there will be a journalism club. with the participation of my colleagues kateryna nekrecha and yanina sokolova. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watch a video of the consequences of the night attack of russian terrorists on donetsk in the dnipropetrovsk region. forgive me, the regional center, kryvyi rih and senelnikivskyi district were under the sights of the aggressor. unfortunately, seven people died, and another 35 were injured. let's see the consequences of a missile strike. along the dnieper, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, everything will be fine, i woke up, i... didn't hear the sound
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of the siren, i woke up from the explosion, grabbed the cat, put it in the carrier and left, ran out of the house, my apartment now behind your back, i'm watching her tens of thousands strangle her, my daughter's hand was almost taken off, some kind of nightmare, i've already lived most of my life, i'm like this... the legitimate president of russia (0800-211) 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will match the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today
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's first guest, yehor firsov, a serviceman of the 109th battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, a sergeant of a company of attack drones, a member of the people's deputy of ukraine of previous convocations. mr. sergeant, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. i you congratulations, as always i wish everyone good health. thank you sir. igor, let's start our conversation with the downing of the tu-22 m3 plane. that night, one of the planes, a strategic bomber that was striking the territory of ukraine, was shot down, and it fell over the russian territory in the stavropol territory. the russians say that it was apparently a technical malfunction, but the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense andriy yusov is on the air. radio svoboda said that it was a special operation of the main intelligence management of cooperation with the air forces, let's listen to what andriy yusel said,
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an enemy strategic aviation plane was destroyed, for the first time during a combat mission, actually in the air during the period of a full-scale invasion, and destroyed during a combat mission, that is, another... plane, who was following him, was forced to turn around, and this means that a number of missiles were not fired over ukraine, in general , the operation was a certain repetition , including, of course, the gurmo operation to shoot down the a50 plane, which took place, which took place recently, so the distance this time is even greater, let's remind you that we are talking about a distance of about 300 km from... the ukrainian border, this is truly a landmark operation and a landmark result for ukraine. mr. yehor, this operation conducted by gurmo together with
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the air force shows that ukraine has more opportunities to hit aircraft at such distances, or the ukrainians are starting to adapt the weapons they have is in order to deliver such blows, that is, from the experience of use. the weapon you use, well obviously, the ukrainians are turning into kulibins, who are trying to hit objects with various weapons, it would even seem that in a completely unusual situation to shoot down such strategic bombers, in fact , this is exactly what is happening, ukraine does not have enough weapons, but we are starting to experiment, that's how it is, by the way, drones appeared, due to the lack of ammunition, due to the lack of a certain amount of artillery there,
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drones began to be used for a different purpose, and this was about a year and a half ago, and you can see what role, for example, the very same fpv drones are now playing a huge role in this war, and i also think that i don't have ... the technical knowledge there in the field of air defense, but i think it's the same story here, just because experiment of such military creativity, it is very good that we have it, it is very good that there are units that take similar risks, by the way, we do not know how many failed operations there were, for example, i am convinced that behind this the operation costs, believe me, colossal labor, a huge amount of... time spent by fighters on this training and well, how can we see the result. the result is very , very important for us, because believe me, now
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the enemy feels in the air, very confident and convinced, and we have very little means to, well, let's say, beat the enemy in the air, and we have patriots, anti-aircraft on air defense, but this is not enough to impose. the enemy such a struggle, the story here is as follows: terrorists flew here, hit, bombed peaceful cities, and they were destroyed, this is a very important factor, i wish the participants of this operation success, and let's hope that this will not be an isolated case, but that it will develop into systemic, systematic actions. general budanov says that this special operation was very successful. for a long time and in an ambush , special forces or people serving in gurmo sat for a whole week, until this plane reached
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the boundaries along which... they could hit and hit, he says that the distance was 308 km, well, this is quite a serious result , and with what we can congratulate the fighters of gurmo and the air force of ukraine, but you mentioned that this war is turning into a war of drones, in ukraine has even created a force of unmanned systems of the armed forces of ukraine, a decree was signed in february, sukharevskyi heads it. these forces of unmanned systems, how do you assess the beginning of the war and the use of drones, the first thing is from the ukrainian side, and the extent to which our enemy is now making progress in the use of drones, how quickly they adapt, because they probably have a larger resource base , they have more partners that
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can do it, meaning there... iran, china, i don't know, north, north korea, that is, what do we look like in the sky now with drones, and how are they? look, the situation is as follows, ah, i suggest even going back a little bit to the past, exactly a year ago, i brought my unit the first batch of fpv drones, i was still engaged in tactical medicine, these half-drones, when i showed them to my command, well, first of all, in no one believed them. but they said that it was impossible, unrealistic, they looked at them with interest, but they just looked at them, took them and could not believe that it could destroy a tank, but now , recently, a batch of fpv drones came to us in the amount of 300 pieces, and believe me, yes these 300 units, we will certainly destroy a few dozen tanks, howitzers, self-propelled artillery installations, now we are hunting
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for... such an installation, which, for example, releases there, well, let's say, rockets, so as not to talk about it widely, that's why everyone understands, and by the way, i'll say about our brigade that we already overtook the artillery a long, long time ago, and here, and our results, it's very, very important, that is, i don't know, well, by tens of millions of dollars we , only our platoon destroyed enemy equipment, so it is very important. it's a breakthrough, and we like ours unit, and in principle, all the armed forces of ukraine made there, well, not a step, just a giant leap in progress. but there is one nuance. the nuance is that the enemy is also developing very strongly, and the enemy is doing some things, well, let's say, even better than us, despite the fact that russia is under
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sanctions, but ... they supply, they supply drones, direct drones, china, for example, directly, we do not have such an opportunity to work with china, no company that will buy drones in china simply cannot to do, because there is some internal directive not to work with ukraine, it can be done through some country in europe and so on, to invent something, but we do not have such an opportunity directly, and i know that in... our enemy has a number of factories, large-scale factories for the production of fpv drones and more, so i probably won't have enough air to list what they have there, what we have, the main story is that they are at some points on head, higher and half a body, if ahead of us, aa they have more long-range drones of the lanceet type, super.


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