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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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it will somehow be awkward to ask him about it, well , regardless of the attitude towards the candidate or the president who may become a candidate in the upcoming elections, the very joy of the fact that ukraine will win and technically elections can be held, it should unite us in this joy, let's all say, that's the main thing, it 's just like some kind of dream, the end of the war, with the victory of ukraine, the question is, will we know the answers to all the questions, quickly? probably not, but it seems to me that it was important for us to know them, and even more so if it happens in the near future that ukraine wins, we will prepare for elections, and president zelensky, he will become a candidate and take this step, run for office again, then even in this election campaign there, it would be worthwhile to ask all these extremely important questions , because there should be openness here, if there is no state secret and so on, well, this is very, very important and very important. indicative for people
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who do not forget all these facts and moments, for journalists who do not let them forget about it because they are constantly reminded, answers should be heard, and if there were abuses, violations of the law, then the ukrainian people should also see this in the investigations, there in the courts and in fair verdicts. thank you, kateryna, a very short subtopic, colleagues, tiktok channels that spread russian propaganda have been blocked in ukraine, according to the center for countering disinformation. 24 channels that promoted pro-russian narratives have already been blocked, among them ostap stakhiv lviv, olezh konyuz, diana panchenko, and dubinsky pro, supershariy, well, that is, all those people who broadcast russian propaganda has now been blocked, very briefly, yanina, do you think the state is fighting effectively.
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we have russian propaganda on various platforms, well, how can it fight effectively when, instead of allocating funds for the creation of an anti-propaganda product, it allocates for the creation of programs about the political power of the president, or the employment of former, unfortunately unsuccessful and undemanding , unhappy workers of quarter 90. well, this is not a job, we do not have grants in the country for which journalists with their teams, newsrooms, anti-corruption or anti-propaganda, i mean those who fight against russian fakes, propaganda, and insiders, would fight so that the state would help. our youtube lives only at the expense of our viewers
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. viewers thank you, we have to, we have to fold, yanina, sorry, we are just interested in the authorities, i will say briefly, we do not have anti-propaganda, because it is not interesting to the authorities. thank you, and kateryna, very briefly, worked at radio crimea real for eight years, we spoke about the occupied crimea before the full-scale invasion, and in general... we do not have an information policy and did not have it all these years after the annexation of crimea, it seems to me, now, all the more important, the blocking, of course, is a good story of these malicious channels, absolutely their power was in tiktok, and this it is important, but something must be done with the global information policy. thank you, kateryna nekrecha, yanina sokolova were guests of our program today, thank you for participating in this program, throughout the broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you this, friends, do you consider putin the legitimate president of russia? the results of the television
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survey 8% yes, 92% no, on youtube we have the same ratio, 91%, no, and yes, 9%. we put an end to this, i say goodbye to you until monday, until 20:00, this was the verdict program previ and serhii rudenko, goodbye. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in psarynsky bam and ochad pharmacies. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% in psarynsky bam and ochad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society: the attack of drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right to start. portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think.
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political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent. in america they also say, let us have better roads, we will have even better roads, a special view of events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18 :15 for espresso.
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in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release? says energy expert olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war. who are the leaders? regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new
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release is already at the points of sale. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps. 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world i'm dreaming, norman, can we have it? imagine. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday - 18:15, for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts,
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inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. welcome to the espresso channel. today in our war and weapons programme, we will be talking about... the battle for the skies, about air dominance and how to achieve it for our air force and
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defense forces in general. and here, of course, the first steps are to receive f-16 aircraft from our partners, great hopes are placed on these fighters, but it should be understood that these aircraft in a limited number will not become something an example of such a universal silver bullet, however , in a certain way, they will be able to change the rules of the game in the sky in... ukraine f-16. at the same time, by the way, the minister of foreign affairs of denmark recently claimed that the first six f-16 aircraft, as he said, we will transfer this summer, and most likely, these will be the first f-16s that will be used for anti-aircraft missions defense and the prime minister of belgium said the other day that ukraine can receive the first plane by the summer of this year, which is quite positive. meanwhile, we are waiting for the fighter for new opportunities for defense forces, add ukrainian unmanned
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aviation complexes, how they develop, how they adapt to the new requirements of the military. so we will find out all the details about f-16 fighters and domestic drones in the next issue of our war and weapons program with ukrainian aviation experts and drone developers. my name is serhii sgurets, i am the information director. of the defense express consulting company, which now, together with the espresso channel, seeks to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of the military and the defense industry of the complex and now we are joined by valery romanenko, an aviation expert, a leading researcher of the nu, mr. valery, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. to each other, have a good day. of course, we have a basic topic of f-16s, but an even more basic topic is air dominance, and i can't help but start with the first question, which concerns the fact that today the commander of the air force
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said that it was possible to shoot down this russian bomber tu -22 m3, which was used by russia for the attack. what is your reaction, can we assume that this the carcass was shot down, perhaps by the s200 complex, how was it possible to shoot down the russian a50 before that? well, i... so to speak, i am waiting for more detailed reports, they say that they really shot down the s-200, it matches the range, in general, these bombers launch kh-22 missiles, the range of which is approximately 400, 50 to 500 km , yes, accordingly, they are suitable for hitting, well, not only front-line cities, for flying somewhere deep, they can come closer to our territory. and in this way to be in the range of our long-range systems, well
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i think that, as far as i know, before the start of the war, even before the start of the invasion , one s200 division was restored in our armed forces, and maybe we received additional missiles or additional launchers or in general whole complexes that were in service with poland and bulgaria, remained in the service of poland and bulgaria, well, i hope that this... the trend will be continued, it will scare the enemies, and now let's move on to the subject of the f-16. can we now say about the general indicators of the quantity that we receive from our side partners and about the expected technical characteristics of these aircraft, what are the best indicators we can hope for in those realities, given those previous promises from our partners. it is difficult to say anything here, because so much is closed
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from any media coverage, that one can only make some assumptions, well, the first assumption is that we will receive planes in the same condition as they were, say, well, the armed forces, say yes, denmark, denmark and norway, yes, these planes were, well, let's say, a little not modern, they. meet the block standard 50-52 as it is now the main aircraft in the aviation of the united states, the air force of the united states, but there is a radio... compare with the russian fighters su-35-su-30sm, yes, the range is about 300 km, that is, it is inferior, maybe, maybe, during, so to speak, the current,
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well, overhaul of these planes before we... some more modern radar stations will be installed, well then , of course, we have a chance for a full-fledged fight , the opportunity for our pilots to fully fight with russian fighters significantly will grow, well, besides, this is an average option, if we still get planes with radar stations of another three types, for example, the 86th station there. yes, it already has 120 km and, in general, for all the planes that have passed mmdu, mlu, midlife update, yes, that is, modernization in the process of their use, in the process of their operation, here, they got the opportunity during the next such stages, as they call it,
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after bole, modernization is difficult, this is mllu, and then there were stages of improvement, so... after stages, several stages, these aircraft received missiles with a range of 160 km, which in general exceeds the range of russian missiles by 40 kilometers, that is, somewhere we lose in capabilities, somewhere we gain more and better opportunities to defeat russian aircraft, and in general, what i really hope that these aircraft will have very modern, powerful on-board complexes in... nato countries in the united states always pay special attention to this, what is an on-board defense complex, this is radio-electronic equipment that can detect radar irradiation of russian fighter jets, missile launches and to put effective obstacles in such a way as to deflect these missiles so that they do not hit
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the plane, well, if these conditions are met, we will... we have enough such planes that will give our pilots the opportunity to fight the russians on an equal footing, well, i already i am not talking about the fact that we will be able to destroy russian cruise missiles more effectively, because, for example, the last modification was the installation of akws missiles, such as those on vampire complexes for... drones, the cost of such a missile is 25 00 dollars , for comparison, the cost of a shaheda is somewhere up to 200 thousand 150-200 thousand dollars, that is, we will be able to with the help of f16, even if there are older models, we will be able to destroy the russian shaheds quite effectively and cheaply, but in general
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, the question is, you know, inexhaustible, the equipment is so different. weapon options, so it is better if you ask some more specific points, because i can tell a lot here, because they know these machines quite well, i have seen quite a lot of them, well, then in fact it turns out that we will have to form such tactics where we have advantages , there we act, if we have the radar there is worse than that of the enemy, and the missile is better, after all, we will probably get involved in air defense tasks rather than some aerial duels, where we will definitely have... well, worse indicators and greater risks, so probably now the tactics of using these f-16s will rather be directed to the task of air defense. well, i think that's the imperative, the primary imperative that these aircraft will face, because you see the russians are now using the x-69 missiles, they that fly
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at a lower altitude, sometimes they break through our air defense systems, we have guns. let me remind you that this is valery romanenko and this expert, now we are recruiting our guest, we are talking about the f-16s, which should already arrive in the summer, or before the summer, as our partners say, the main purpose of these multi-purpose aircraft may be different, but it all depends on modification of aircraft and from the weapons that will be... on these aircraft transferred to our partners, also valery romanenko especially also emphasizes that it is extremely important that we receive these aircraft with electronic warfare systems. which, first of all, will provide important protection of these aircraft from russian guided missiles, this is extremely important, because this will be another indicator
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of increasing the efficiency of our aircraft and their protection against the russian threat, because the russian su-35 aircraft are in service there the missiles there are x33, which have a range of up to 300 km, as they claim. and precisely this combination in russian long-range aircraft has been detected up to 300 km, plus these long-range missiles create potentially significant threats, especially since at one time the a50 also works in tandem with the su-35s, that is, an aircraft that tries to detect enemy aircraft, and we understand that this spark a50 and su-35 will be just like that. . act in tandem about our f-16s. we hope that then the ukrainian f-16s will act in tandem with the nato avax aircraft, because these
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aircraft have much better capabilities than the russian a50 long-range detection aircraft. this avax aircraft provides transmission of data on enemy air targets to f-16 fighters and so on, even if our f-16 is in the first versions or in those versions. that we will receive will have a shorter detection range, due to the capabilities of the avax aircraft, our pilot will still have good situational awareness of where the enemy aircraft are. mr. valery, when we talk about the list of weapons, you mentioned air-to-air missiles, but our partners talked about the fact that long-range means will be transferred to... which can be used for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, what kind of means do you think can we talk about and will we not encounter
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the appropriate reaction of the united states to avoid such hostilities against the russian federation? well, the question here is so interesting, so here, if we get permission only for harm missiles, right? that's one thing, but if we get jasm missiles, then we can destroy russian rears at a great depth, because the latest models of jasm missiles have a range of up to 900 km, that is, in fact, we will be able, let's say, to destroy russian ships directly in harbors, they won't even need to be caught at sea, or... well it is in crimea, yes, there are none here at all, there will be no obstacles, because crimea is allowed, any nato resources that we receive,
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we can harvest in crimea, but in general, if there is permission to shoot on russian territory, then accordingly, a number of defense enterprises are also at risk of being destroyed by these missiles, there are still not 50 kg. is there 20 kg for what our drones currently have, well , a warhead, yes, and 450 kg is already serious, and i can’t help but ask about the price, because we say that there will be the first six planes, then maybe we'll go up to 50 f-16s, but mark milik, former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. in the usa spoke about the fact that this is quite an expensive pleasure, he said that 10 planes cost billions of dollars, and their acquisition is another billion dollars, that is, in fact, 10 planes are 2 billion
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dollars a year, when we are talking about 50 of these machines, the question immediately arises, will we incur these costs, or do we need to balance the quantity and our economic capacity? well, don't forget about the cost of the weapons that... will be used, one amram missile is already more than a million dollars, well, i am an amram with a range of 120-150 km, but in general very expensive weapons, besides, we are not getting new planes, that's really the cost of their operation can be very high, but i hope that if we show the result for... the use of these aircraft, then i think that the help from the allies will increase, because you see, it directly depends on our successes, so there were
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in. .. we were supplied with more or less weapons there, and i can't help but ask whether we should now take care of increasing the number of pilots that can use these f16 planes, because now we are talking about the optimal figure there, like 12 pilots, should we still think about increasing the personnel, so that later it would not be a deterrent in... maintaining planes? well, we already have a group of young pilots training, in fact without combat experience, and they have already been trained in great britain, and i think that this practice should be continued, and the more we will have pilots, it will somehow be easier for us, so, well, understand, we will get one, at most one brigade of aircraft, that's 22
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squadrons, 24 aircraft. and the russians can oppose us with up to 500 aircraft of new models, that is, in terms of the number, we also have to somehow increase the number of these aircraft, because there will be losses, well, of course, war is war, there will be losses of aircraft, losses and pilots, in relation to the optimal number, well it is necessary to assess the level of aircraft losses after some period, at least... a few months of combat use of these aircraft, but for now i believe that it is necessary to feed as many pilots as possible, if there is such an opportunity, if there are new sets from the kharkiv air force institute, then it is possible or the university of the air force, yes, it is possible to send our guys as much as possible to train not only pilots, but also ground personnel, and we must have a supply of pilots... we have to
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have planes, you see, we were promised up to 60 planes, plus belgium will also be decommissioned, other countries that have improved these machines will be decommissioned, well, there are, there are possibilities, i think that there are opportunities to increase their number, i think that if everything it will be fine with the united states, they also have more than a hundred aircraft in warehouses, but not in warehouses, there is a storage base and up to a hundred aircraft there, and i think that, after all, it is too early to say about the optimal number, it will show , will show the experience of combat operations. i hope that the experience of combat operations will be sufficiently effective, and then at the very end of our conversation, i cannot help but ask about other american aircraft, about a10 tanbolts, which are actually being removed from service. of the army,
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and a number of american publications wrote about that the us secretary of the air force said that ukraine is not interested in receiving these planes, although there were apparently previous proposals for the possible transfer of these planes to ukraine, although the same minister says that the planes are old, the planes are difficult to operate, but a number of ukrainian the publication picked up this topic again, which seems to be appropriate... to take up these aircraft for the needs of the armed forces, what are your assessments of such proposals and the rationality of such opportunities, well, you yourself say that the optimal number of pilots for the f16 is needed, yes, if we will start training pilots for the a10, yes, then it will just be a suicidal reaction, because this plane, first of all, is very vulnerable, in fact it is
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a flying cannon. what a huge, very powerful 30-millimeter cannon there , you know, it, you can put a bucket on it, it has such a huge diameter, yes, a very powerful cannon, but the range of the whole cannon is 3 km, that is, the plane will be destroyed instantly, it intended for actions in conditions of absolute dominance in the air, i.e. there is none, there should not be any in the area of ​​its action anti-aircraft missiles. and the russians have a short -range armor there, yes, there is also a medium- range beech, there is also a long-range s300, s-400, yes, that is, these planes, they will not even be able to hit, hit any enemy , they will be destroyed on approach. i'm not talking about the fact that this plane is not capable of air combat.


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