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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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tion, because this plane, first of all, is very vulnerable, in fact, it is a flying cannon, which is a 30-millimeter cannon, huge, very powerful, it, you know, its barrel can be put on a bucket, it has such a huge diameter, yes , a very powerful gun, but the range of damage of the whole gun is 3 km, that is, the plane will be instantly destroyed, it is designed to operate in conditions of... absolute dominance in the air, that is, there should not be any anti-aircraft missile systems in the area of ​​​​its effect, but the russians have a small range of armor, yes, there is also an average range of the beech, there is also a long range of the s-300 s-400, yes, that is , these planes, they will not even be able to hit, strike, some enemy will be destroyed on approach, i am not talking about the fact that this plane is not capable of air combat, it's not
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versatile, it's just an attack plane, it's not capable of carrying amram missiles and doing any aerial combat, yes, it doesn't have a radar station, that is, it's not even capable of detecting an enemy plane at a long distance to escape in time, it's not fast, and so if we get these planes, they will be loss of both our resources, efforts, money, because we will still have to operate them, yes, and the flight crew, that is, those who write about the fact that we need such planes, well, let them read a little, read something about this plane and about the conditions of its use, well, i will say one phrase that the americans believed that they had about 500 such aircraft there during the cold war, and they believed that they would be enough for two weeks of hostilities. mr. valery, thank you very much for these explanations about both the a10 and the f-16.
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let me remind you that it was valery romanenko, the estimable expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum, next we will talk about our unmanned systems, how they help the defense forces, but after the commercial information break. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. megu, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. try flabodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids, flebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any pain. there are discounts on pulmolor tablets, 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. premium sponsor of the national team. represents
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united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion out of spite. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday, from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs
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understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. want to understand how our... today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. we continue our "war and weapons" program. and now we will talk about our unmanned aviation complexes used by the defense security forces, and we will be joined by the chairman of the board of the new energy of ukraine alliance, the commander of the white eagle special unit of strike drones, valery borovyk. mr. valery, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. greetings, greetings. i would like to start with the fact that
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your company has developed and provides the use of various unmanned systems, including fpv drones. osa or under the osa brand, kamikaze attack drones, repulse there, kyivska rus, which models of your drones are currently most actively used on the battlefield and what is the greatest demand from our military? there is a demand for long-range drones, such as strike, it's 40 km, 30 km, that is, uh, those that hit targets. means already along the line of contact, which rebov obstacles are passed, which can be reached either by gps coordinates, if there is such a possibility, or by operators themselves who can reach the target, we also
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actively cooperate with services specialized in the use of the wasp drone, but i cannot say anything here. because this is from... closed information, now we are focusing precisely on strike drones and they will already be, if, well , the main brand that will be supplied to the front now is the order for your systems, what about this, who is your main customer now , or allows the volume of current orders to ensure the planned loading of your production, at all. does not allow such a situation not only for me, not only for us, so we closed a contract with the national guard, now our guys are working with them on the application technology in the zaporizhzhia area, there we help them work more professionally on
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the front line, and we periodically go there , so and, but for example, this is where we are finishing production now. 500 drones, 10 bpaks, actually unmanned ones, at their own expense complexes, and so far there is no contract, i met with high-ranking officials, spoke with the heads of uav departments, someone says that there is no funding now for contracting, that is, no prospects for long-term contracting, it is clear, this month we ... stop production and will wait next steps, because every day is the cost of salary, these people are hanging not under armor, that is, partly we have booked someone, partly people are just afraid, because tomorrow they can be taken away not based on
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their qualifications, but because of what is needed in fact, people are really needed on the front line, but we are worried about qualifications. for qualifications, engineers, assemblers, electronics engineers, and therefore, we do not see prospects in this direction for the coming months, we are now focused very much on the supply of other types of weapons, we are working on air defense, well, by the way, the first contact was made, it was me i think this is serious information, it became the first official supplier agent of deal defense, it is a large company that... german, which supplies iris systems, large radars there and so on, that is, we became the first we have officially passed compliance, we will now work with other large companies, german, french, here, and here is the drone production of drones, this is the story
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as i told it, well, this story is somewhat strange, because the president also talks about long-term contracts that it seems that our enterprises need your... enterprise since the 14th year has been engaged in the development of unmanned strike systems for various purposes, there is a practice of using them, there are military groups that use your systems, and as i understand it, there is no adequate response from the ministry of defense, the ministry of digital intelligence of the state intelligence service, that is, there is no order at all on your side, neither for the wasp, nor for the repulse, nor for kyiv rus, so it turns out, well, look, there are a lot of wasps, that is, only the special services with which... we work quite closely, we have work going on for their tasks, but this is separate work outside of the state special forces and the ministry of defense, that is, the osu osu, which is such a military analogue of the mavik, so only now do they realize that these
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drones, which are fpv, about which i spoke, yes, they fulfill their mission, but you can't spend the budget 80% of the budget only on fpv drones which. well, they don’t work under the reb, what great losses they have, that’s why long-range bombers need to be financed, but not necessarily kamikazes, not necessarily those with eight... we also have kyivska rus for 800, but this line , a line of 40, 30, 40, 50, 60 km, it is not contracted by the ministry of defense to date, it is not contracted by the general staff, the general staff makes applications, and so far funds, as of yesterday, i have information on contracting, they said that there is no for for this kind of kind of drone, well it is also strange to me, but the situation is such that there are many producers who are not contracted, you can do a survey of the market and ask
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who has what capacities, how much they are contracted by these applications and so that you can really plan your life, the life of his company for the near future, this is not the case now, maybe someone is fully contracted, i have not seen such people yet, well, yesterday from... it was a statement by komyshyn, who said that, relatively speaking, we are loaded there with 2 billion, we can produce products there for 20 billion, if i am not mistaken there, and we need to look for foreign money, so that the order is made from our enterprises for foreign money, and maybe then there is another version, it can probably still reduce the number of enterprises that are manufactured, but load them with work adequately in order to have, well, guaranteed quality and... well, the number of products, because it seems that you are not the only company that does not have a contract, in particular there athlon avia,
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also a leading company, says, i do not have volumes for the next year, and it is actually in two months the same goes in a situation where he will not have orders for the prospect, and he is looking for variations, how to get out of this story, well, look, then there was no need to tell everyone that everyone who has opportunities is powerful. and nato codes received permission to operate, all will be contracted, these were statements for more than one minister, not only fedorov there, not only, not only there the minister of defense, not only the chief of the general staff, everyone said , including the president, said that all who pass and can be supplied, all will be contracted, these words passed everywhere, we were told at all meetings and so on, but it is not so. that is, everything turned out in such a way that there is a skew in
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such cheap drones that burn en masse on the front line, and high-tech things in which funds are invested, minds are invested, intellectual potential, time, finances and so on are invested there, they, they it turns out that it is in a secondary place, and we have such and such an opinion. that it's probably easier there, it's somehow easier to carry out some, let's say, incorrect procedures, so what this drone was understood, it was assembled from a chinese kit, everything went quickly, everything is clear and so on, and where there is a technological process, there is a serious investment, engineering, where development needs to be constantly invested in r&d, in and there already it is more difficult, and that is why... it is less financed, and it is really needed on the front line, and we are not fighting
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only in a 10 km zone, we need to neutralize those means of impression that the enemy has at 30-40, 60 km means of suppression, headquarters, decision-making centers, and so on, and that you need to develop, yes, maybe at the first stage it doesn't work, you don't get these impressions, but then you change. frequencies, you, you work on it, this is a constant investment of your resource, your own, the resource of your people, a risk, because we, we leave in the collision zone, risk the equipment that is not contracted, which we ourselves take at our own expense, charge volunteer funds and we invest in order to go abroad and improve our domestic equipment, so as not to buy it in... the road abroad and these things need to be developed, this is what we constantly say with from the very beginning of this large-scale
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invasion, and in the 14th year, we are saying this, but a stage has come, when there are simple solutions to make there enterprises that quickly produce fpv, so even some deputies are already saying, oh, i have to to do, that there is a lot of money, it is easy to do to collect. to collect students here or there in the kitchen and so on, that is, everyone saw that there is, that there is easy money there, bought a complete set, yes, it comes later and so on, but... i did everything and it was gone, it is unprotected from rebu, it, it 10% flies to the target, yes, well, i am sitting here the first person who showed the fpv drone to the diligent commander-in-chief, i first showed him, he saw it for the first time at the training ground, when the americans tested theirs, we showed our impressions
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then at the training grounds, we brought this story to the armed forces, but it... got lost in ftv , then got lost in other developments that need to be invested in no less than cheap drones. it is necessary to make serious investments and investments and contract those companies that do something more than simple fpv drones. and this is not happening now, and 80% of the budget, i repeat, goes to such cheap drones. and you talk to the guys on the front line. what means are needed now, not only for 10-15 km, but also further, and they, they are not purchased, they, they are not invested in , this is such, such a story, and it is not only me that is so sad, panishera, ask in punisher, we recently talked there with, relatively speaking, the ideological inspiration of punisher, max musyka, who
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worked there for a little while with the state, traveled and so on, the same situation in punisher. same situation there you see, you say that in athlon, in artem, yes, that means in yunik, the same situation , aerial reconnaissance, i don’t know, maybe it has changed there , we talked a month ago, but here it is, this is a story that is distorted and it should not continue to live like this, they should go back and do high-tech things , because this is a prospect, this is the future, unfortunately, well, then i will ask about e, on the one hand, about the new official, about the head of a new type of unmanned forces, does he understand these risks, on the one hand, have you met with him, and on the other hand, actually it turns out that this procurement system based on the creation of these government procurement agencies, which are based only on cost
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indicators, then de facto this system actually goes against the things you say: that when purchasing cheap samples, we will never have money for such things that will be resistant to debt, more reliable, more complex, but at the same time more expensive, so it turns out, well, it's a little bit wrong here, no, a little bit wrong, the procurement agency headed by marina bezruka, it's actually like a bank, a military officer who is given orders by the general staff, what to purchase and where to purchase, and so... she actually fulfills the orders, the needs given by the general staff, so it cannot be said that they are not in the right system, the question is, that we don't understand who in the general staff makes the final decision, at least until today we didn't understand it, so because the preliminary
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orders that were, i can already say, orders came where 70% are no no. understandable companies, and some of those drones that are inserted into the half for the purchase, were inserted, we didn’t even have certification, you can imagine, that is, we went through 5 months of certification, tests on the front line, on training grounds, and so on, we reached contracting, we were not contracted, but at the same time, companies that did not have certification, but at the same time , their orders were given. to be financed, that is, some companies are not at all unclear on the market, there were, there were such questions, i don't know how it will be now, and this is the first, second, in fact, under the previous leadership of the state special communications, they took on all that, well, one in short, indicators of cheapness and not a comparison
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of technical characteristics was a traditional method, that is, there was a head of... management, who no longer exists, who was engaged in this, who could afford to make a new assessment of military, military equipment there, without having the qualifications for this, after how the national guard or other units applied and said, i need these drones, no, they were told, yes, we’d better buy them, who are you to say, what do the military need when you are sitting in the cabinet , that is? such things, they were like will be now, look, now the latest information is that funds, funds have not been allocated for procurement, now a decision will be made which drones to purchase, well, let's see. how, how, how transparent it will be, how adequate it is, and how at least equivalently those capacities will be loaded, those capacities will be loaded that are in the companies that were preparing
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for serious things of the release of serious evenings, and now they have, if there is no contract, dissolve their, their teams and close production and freeze it all, and then, to defrost all this, it takes two to three... months, and also the delivery of the complete set in parallel, it also takes two to three to four months, depending on which set of sets, in what volume you will make, we we are not deviating from our strategy, we are building an enterprise for the production of motors, which means that it is also a difficult thing, we do not have normal motors, no one produces them, we are going to analyze six of these chinese enterprises, determine... two in the end, one was chosen lies from the chinese side passed through such a story we will do everything, we will do it, they started
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to purchase a serious line for the production of motors, but if this is the case for contracting by the state, it is not clear who will need these motors in the future, and so far we have, well, we do not see all those statements, which... they talk about putting a million drones out there, yes, they can be put out very easily by fpv , these light drones, but they do not solve the fundamental problem on the front, you need heavy drones, you need heavy kamikazes, 3, 4, 5, 6 kg, in parallel with long shots, yes, and these things that are there from a kilogram to two to three at a short distance, they are doing some tactical things of their own. but they do not close these problems at the front, so this is the story that must change, must change, and the words that were said that
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we will contract all the teams that have passed all the tests, field tests, combat tests, and which are possibility, capacity and means to issue, this must be fulfilled, these words and promises from the state must be fulfilled, and... the state simply believes, then it will not be possible, sir valery, we will probably put a full stop here, because there really is nothing to add to your words, these are extremely important words related to the fact that the state, officials must fulfill their promises made to the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, when we hear good , loud statements regarding the production, promotion and so on, and on the other hand we have... sometimes we see a different reality, when an enterprise that has been engaged in the creation of strike complexes, aviation complexes of various purposes for a long time, then these
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enterprises also have to count on state support. let me remind you that it was, my co-founder was valery borovyk, chairman of the board of the alliance new energy of ukraine, commander of the white eagle special unit of strike drones, and we can see that his company, in particular the company first contact, is now... re-configuring itself on other projects related to air defense means, in particular he mentioned a german company, this is defens del , it is indeed a company that provides air defense systems to the country, there are probably technological solutions that can partially be ukrainian enterprises are also involved, it is extremely important, but in general, if we talk about the results, now indeed, when we talk about dominance in the air, which was the topic of our program, then we... of course, count on the support of our partners at f- 16, but in any case, we should not forget about our domestic enterprises that manufacture unmanned systems for various
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purposes, and assistance to our enterprises is no less important so that these enterprises then provide our troops with products that destroy the enemy on battlefield these were the main takeaways from this program, stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be a lot more to come. we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i have already told the story of this boy from the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region in previous programs. the child was abandoned by his mother, and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in the controlled part of ukraine. we spoke with the man and now i will tell all the details of this frankly shocking story. and i will look for him,
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i want to take him under my wing. she left home and then returned, but then, then left again, and i do not know the location of the common-law wife. so, when the full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this territory was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning of last year, the child's mother left home and left sasha with his old great-grandmother. with my own grandmother, yes, with my great-grandmother. with my babushko, it was a long time ago, probably somewhere in the 23rd year for sure, it was the beginning of the 23rd year, i learned about it, maybe she had previously thrown him to my grandmother on the mountain, left the house, for a long time the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother, but soon the elderly woman died and the child was taken away by the social services in the occupied territory. sashka was immediately taken out of lysychansky, all this happened about a year ago,
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the service came and took him away. the child, after that i knew where he was, what he was, well, i relatively knew that he was there by hearsay, by anecdotes , that he was somewhere in alchevsk, then he was transferred to luhansk, and then his whereabouts are unknown, that's why i'm his i will find out whether the child is still in the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, or whether the boy was taken to russia, so far it has not been possible to find out the father, of course the husband contacted the police, but so far there is no clue to find out... i appeal to everyone who sees this video, and especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sasha hrytsenko. the boy looks 6-7 years old, he
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is thin, about the height. 110-115 cm, he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. he is a very good child he is very attracted to people, more if anything, what he liked was, well, playing there, well , like all children, but this child, she has cerebral palsy, he could not pronounce such formulations, what words if there is any sense, sashko has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, namely. so he can't always articulate his thoughts clearly, but he is very empathetic and reaches out to people, if suddenly anyone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, call the magnolia children's helpline immediately on the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if you suddenly cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. it. just
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one missing child story. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received more than 3,000 appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. help anyone can find missing children. take just a minute of your time and stop by. to the website of the magnolia children's tracing service. here you can see all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help them find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. crime ua.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. russians in the morning attacked the industrial infrastructure of zaporizhzhia with missiles. there are no casualties. the details are currently being clarified - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. explosions also rang out in odesa. the air force command warned about the missile danger. an air alert continued in the region. well, the russians continue
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to shell. the enemy attacked propetrovshchyna in the evening.


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