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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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such a military-type analogue of the mavik, which means that only now do they realize that these drones that are in piva, about which i spoke, yes, they fulfill their own mission, but it is impossible to spend 80% of the budget only on fp drones, which they don't work under reb, what great losses they have, that's why we need to finance long-range bombers, but not necessarily kamikaze, not necessarily those that even... 700 we also have kyivska rus for 800, but this line, line 40, 30, 40, 50, 60 km, it is not currently contracted by the ministry of defense, no contracted by the general staff, the general staff submits applications, and so far the funds, as of yesterday, i have information on contracting, they said that there is no ee for this kind of drones, well, this is also strange to me, but the situation...
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is such that manufacturers many that are not contracted, you can do an increase in the market and ask who has what capacities, how much they are contracted for these these applications, and so that you can really plan your life, the life of your company for the near future, this is not available now, maybe someone fully contracted, i'm not yet saw such people, well... it seems that there was a statement by komyshin, who said that, relatively speaking, we are loaded there for 2 billion, we can produce products there for 20 billion, if i am not mistaken, and we need to look for foreign money to orders were made from our enterprises for foreign money, and maybe then there is another version, it is probably still possible to reduce the number of enterprises that are manufactured, but to load them with work adequately in order to have, well , guaranteed quality and... a granted number
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of products, because what is impression that you are not the only company that does not have a contract, in particular there is avia , the leading company also says: "i do not have volumes for the next year, and in fact , in two months, the same situation arises when he will not have an order for the future and he is looking for variations, how to get out of this story. well, then there was no need to tell everyone that everyone who has the ability to sweat." and nato codes have been approved for operation, all will be contracted. these were the statements of more than one minister, not only fedorov, not only not only the minister of defense, not only the chief of the general staff, everyone said , including the president, he said that everyone who passes and we can be, will supply, everyone will be contracted, these words passed everywhere, at all meetings we were told and so on, but it is not so. that is, everything
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turned out in such a way that there is a skew in such cheap drones that burn en masse on the front line, and high-tech things in which funds are invested, minds are invested, intellectual potential, time, finances and so on are invested there, they, they it turns out that it is in a secondary place, and we have such and such an opinion. that it is probably easier there, somehow easier to carry out some, shall we say, wrong procedures, that this drone was understood, it was assembled from a chinese kit, everything went quickly, everything is clear and so on, and where there is a technological process, there where there is a serious investment, engineering, where development needs to be constantly invested in r&d, and there it is already more difficult and... therefore less is financed, but it is really
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needed on the front lines, and we are not at war only in 10 km, yes zone, it is necessary to neutralize those means of impression that the adversaries have, means of suppression, headquarters, decision-making centers and so on, for 30, 40, 60 km, and this also needs to be developed, yes, maybe on the first at this stage, you don't get it, you don't get these impressions, but here you are, you change. frequency, you, you work on it, it is a constant investment of your resource, your, your people's resource, risk, because we, we leave in the collision zone, we risk the equipment that is not contracted, that we ourselves take for our funds, we collect volunteer funds, and we invest in order to leave and improve our domestic equipment, so that we do not buy it in... three expensive abroad and these things
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need to be developed, this is what we constantly say from the very beginning of this executive committee-scale invasion, and since 14 we have been saying this for years, but it has come. there was a stage when there were simple solutions, yes, to create enterprises there that quickly produce fpv, which means that even some deputies are already saying, oh, i have to do it, there is a lot of money, it is easy to do it, to recruit students there or this one to collect there in the kitchen and so on , that is, everyone saw that there is there, that there is easy money there, bought a complete set, yes, it comes later and so on, but... i did it and everything is gone, it is not protected from the reb, it, it flies 10% to the target, yes, well, i ’m sitting here the first person who showed the fpv drone to the diligent commander-in-chief, i first showed him, he first saw
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it on the training ground, when the americans tested theirs, we showed ours my impression then at the training grounds, we brought this story to the armed forces, but... it was lost, ftv then other developments overlapped, in which you need to invest at least as much as cheap drones, you need to make serious investments and investments and contract those companies that do something more than simple fp-drones, and this is not happening now, and 80% i will repeat that the budget goes for such cheap drones, and you talk to the guys on the front line... what means are needed now not only for 10-15 km, but also further, and they, they are not purchased, they, they are not invested in . this is such a story, and not only i have such a sad punishera, but ask punisher, we recently talked there with
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the ideological inspirer of punisher, max musyka, who worked with the state for a while there, traveled and so on, the same situation in punisher. the same situation there, you see, you say in this one in athlon, in artem, yes, that means in yunik, the same situation , aerial reconnaissance, i don’t know, maybe it has changed there a month ago, we talked about it, but here it is, this is a story that is distorted and it should not continue to live like this, they should return and engage in high-tech things because this is a prospect, this is the future, unfortunately. war, which for a day, well, then i will ask about, on the one hand , about the new official, about the head of a new type of unmanned forces, whether he understands these risks, on the one hand, have you met with him, and on the other hand, it actually turns out that this procurement system, based on
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the creation of these government procurement agencies, which are based only on cost indicators, then de facto this system actually goes against the things that you are buying cheap samples, we will never have money for such things that will be resistant to debt, more reliable, more complex, but at the same time more expensive, so it turns out, there is something wrong here, no, something is wrong, the procurement agency headed by marina bezruka, it is actually like a bank, a military, which is given orders by the general staff , what to buy and where to buy, and that's why... she actually fulfills the orders, the needs given by the general staff, so you can't say that they're not in the right system. the problem is that we do not understand who in the general staff makes the final decision, at least until today we do not
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understood, that is, because prior to the pre -orders that were, i can now say, orders were coming, where 70% are not... understandable companies, and some of the drones that are inserted into the semi-purchase, were inserted, they did not even have certification, you can imagine, that is, we passed 5 months of certification, tests on the front line, on testing grounds, and so on, we reached contracting, we were not contracted, but at the same time companies that did not have certification, but at the same time were given them, were promoted order. in order to were financed, that is, well, and some companies are generally incomprehensible on the market, there were, there were such questions, i don't know how it will be now, and this is the first, second, indeed, under the previous leadership of the state special communications, all that was taken, well, in a
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word, indicators of cheapness and not comparing the technical characteristics was a traditional method, that is, there was a ... head of the department, who is no longer there, who was engaged in this, who could afford to make a new assessment of military, military equipment there, without having the qualifications for this, after that ... like the national guard or other units they submitted an application and said: i need these drones, no, they were told, but we’d better buy them, who are you, to say what the military needs when you sit in the office, that is, such things, they were, how will it be now, look, now the latest information is that no funds have been allocated for the purchase, and now a decision will be made on which drones to purchase, well... we'll see how, how, how transparent it will be, how adequate it is and how much though b equivalently
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those capacities will be loaded, those capacities that are available in the companies that were preparing will be loaded to serious things, releasing serious things, and now they have, if there is no contract, to disband their, their teams and close production and freeze it all, and then to thaw it all, it takes ... three months and more and the delivery of the complete set at the same time also requires 2-3-4 months, depending on which complete set you will make, in what volume, we are not deviating from our strategy, we are making a company for the production of motors, which means that it is also not an easy thing, no we have normal motors, no one produces them, we do let's get into it , you analyzed six of these chinese enterprises... because of such a history of lies from the chinese side
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, everything went through and we will do it, we will do it, we were going to buy a serious line for the production of motors, but if there will be such contracting by the state, it is not clear, then to whom these motors will be needed further, and well, so far we have, well, we do not see all those statements that... and talk about releasing a million drones there, yes, they can be released very easily fpv these light drones, but they are not they do not solve the fundamental problem at the front, they are needed heavy drones, heavy kamikazes are needed, 3, 4, 5, 6 kg, in parallel with long-range strikes, yes, and these things that are there from a kilogram to two to three at a short distance, they do their own tactical things. things, but they don't close these problems on the front, so that's
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the story that has to change, definitely has to change, and the words that have been said, that we will contract all the teams that have passed all the tests, field, into combat tests, and which there is opportunity, capacity, and means to issue, this must be done, these words and promises from the state must be fulfilled. the nation simply believes in the state, then it will not be possible. mr. valery, we will probably put an end here, because there is really nothing to add to your words, that these extremely important words are related to the fact that the state, officials must fulfill their promises given to the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex. when we hear good, loud statements about manufacturing, washing and so on, and on the other hand we have... sometimes we see a different reality, when the enterprise, which has been for a long time time is engaged in the creation of strike complexes,
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aviation complexes of various purposes, then these enterprises should also count on the support of the state. let me remind you that it was, my interlocutor was valery borovyk, the chairman of the board of the new energy of ukraine alliance, the commander of the white eagle special unit of strike drones, and we see that his company, in particular the company first contact, is now... related to air defense means, in particular he mentioned the german company diehl (this is defensediel) this it is indeed a company that provides air defense systems to the country, there are probably technological solutions where ukrainian enterprises can be involved in part, this is extremely important, but in general, if we talk about the results, it is true now that we are talking about dominance in the air , which was the topic of our program, we... of course, count on the support of our partners for the f-16, but in any case we should not forget about
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our domestic enterprises that manufacture unmanned systems of various purpose, and assistance to our enterprises is no less important so that these enterprises then provide our troops with products that destroy the enemy on the battlefield. these were the main takeaways from this program, stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be a lot more to come. and what do you think about lakakalot fix? fixes, my dentist advised me, even particles of food do not get under the prosthesis, and the price is good, the right choice for my pension, lakalot fix - a new cream for extra strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums, so your choice is lacalut fix, try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids, flebodia 600, cure hemorrhoids
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without any oops, premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, together stronger! vasyl zima's big broadcast: 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news. and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. what can you feel when
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a piece of flesh is constantly being cut off from you, what can you feel? i understand that i definitely did not expect to see this. this, this is just hell on earth, they work as fabs, these are front-line aerial bombs that simply destroy, destroy buildings, factories of people, hello, men, are you all alive, put down your hands, yours, the city is raped by russian ammunition, the difficulties are such, the difficulties such, and those residents who are nearby, no one ready to help? once we go in, we see a picture, a person is lying, smoking, there is a hole in the roof in the ceiling, and there is a fence hanging there, there was a very cozy yard, and two russian rockets from an airplane hit this five-story building at the same time, it really
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looks like someone took your past, your memories, there is hope that one day i will... come back and hug again, hug with bahmut. ukrainian cities destroyed by the russian army are not just stones and ashes, these are school yards where children played, these are streets where adults went to work, these are squares where they walked grandparents and grandchildren were in love and resting, these are the places where life was boiling, and it ended on february 24, 22nd. this is until... and today we will tell you about some cities of ukraine that no longer exist. the russian army in ukraine uses scorched earth tactics. artillery and aviation simply iron residential quarters, turning them into ruins. in this issue, we will talk about avdiivka, bahmud and marinka with those who lived there and who can
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compare what happened and what happened to these cities. very great sadness after i saw the peaceful places, and i saw my place destroyed again, well, you are not surprised by the sinkholes, you are not surprised by the destroyed... houses, unfortunately, probably because, i say, you get used to it, aerial bombs, which was very painful when the sixth the school burned down, where the children studied, and my wife worked as a librarian, and we also started
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to hold some active activities there as a school community, now we will show you our school. during the two years of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, russian forces razed avdiyivka to the ground. most of it is connected with this city the life of our hero oleksii. here he is sitting in the kitchen with his wife, but the kitchen is gone. the house, the last time i came in, it was without windows, without a door, but it was standing, well , it was also sad, you go into your house, where are you, you find something, well, it doesn’t matter what... it’s impossible to get everything out there, you find daughters there there is a rubik's cube that she thinks about, maybe she will be there someday, she took it, it was the worst thing in her house, even if
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it was, well, more or less, yes, they survived, but still , these same constant thoughts about how it was here well, oleksiy took the family out of the city back in february 22nd, he himself returned to avdivka to help those who could not leave , there were so many difficulties, that is, they demolished the ninth and eighth floors, i don't even remember how many the number of people, or without a leg, or there, well, who could not move, we kind of... here we go, we see a picture: a man is lying, smoking, there is a hole in his roof in the village, and there, well, a fence is hanging. during his trips to
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avdivka, oleksiy often visited arkady, who before the full-scale invasion was working at a local music school. arkady decided to stay in the city. in the winter of the 23rd, he was killed by a russian shell. arkady. arkady, can i please have the keys from the 26th and 27th, i'm going to the mountain to rehearse, get them, for the first time russia occupied avdiivka back in 2014, when the russian federation started a war against ukraine, but in three months the city was liberated. at that time , for example, i did not have such a fear that no, although i remember when i was going to donetsk through a checkpoint, i was a little afraid that i would behave in my own way now... i will admit that that i don't want to see them here, or something like that. from that time, avdiivka became a front-line city, there were signs of a close neighborhood with occupied
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donetsk. well, in avdeivka itself, avdeivka itself is basically safe, until fellow separatists start shelling it with mortars. i remember how in the 17th year, too. there was a week, it seems, in the winter, when there was also some intensification of hostilities, it flew over the city, i don’t know where, well, someone was killed, it flew, and we were made such a headquarters at the stadium by the ministry of emergency situations, they put up tents, heated it, so that there was a risk that a pipe was broken, not a pipe, but heating from the plant, yes, we don't want to go anywhere, we've already been to slovyansk, we've had enough, a car in a recent mine... an industrial city, there were more than a dozen here enterprises, including the largest producer of coke, sulfuric acid and almonds in europe, the avdiyiv coke-chemical plant with
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a fairly large industrial zone, it was briefly mothballed in 2015 during active hostilities, but soon resumed work, our plant is the best, our plant is the best , the most, the most, and he is in the city the best, and our city lives because there is a factory. in 2018, avzivka began to transform... into a city of festivals. oleksiy and his colleagues also organized various creative events when famous ukrainian musicians, writers, and artists came. they, in turn , painted the walls of high-rise buildings. there was even an alley of murals. i even remember when serhiy eagerly asked me, says oleksiy, are there any security guarantees? hello everyone, we are zhadan the dog from kharkiv, and this saturday we will play in avdiivka at the art festival, there will be fun it will be interesting, it will be creative, come, see you, shake things up. in the autumn of the 21st, the last festival was held in avdiivka, and by march 23rd, due to the russian assaults , almost nothing was left of the city. well, in
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my opinion, aviation is used to simply destroy the city, er, to simply wipe it off the face of the earth. they work as fabs, they are front-line aerial bombs. e, which simply destroy, destroy buildings, factories and people. the enemy is concentrating its forces to push us away from the foothills of donetsk region. in tactical terms, it is very profitable. there is here and the railway interchange that goes from donetsk, the supply of weapons, the supply of bc, it is also at a height. therefore, on the 24th, the ukrainian military left avdiyivka, at that time, according to the national police, 700 civilians remained in the city. hello, guys. hello, guys, how are
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you, are you all alive? let go of your hands, what is wrong with you? what is determined by the scale of the battle? can you call the battle for avdiyivka large-scale, what kind of battle did it take for 10 years? of course yes if we talk about the amount of forces and means that were involved in this battle, let's say this, the ratio of forces and resources was one to five, one to seven and... if we say that 40-50 thousand stormed the russian bokivka, divided by eight, or by 10, and it turns out that it is 5 - 7 of our troops, that is, actually two brigades, two brigades against the background of dozens of brigades, can it be called such a large-scale battle based on quantitative indicators, well, i would say no, but according to the tension, according to the intensity of the battles, according to the desperation of these battles, it you can...
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talk about it, you can talk about it as about an outstanding battle, which actually left its mark in the history of this war already definitively, we had a big wooden table there, and we were such a beautiful cherry, and in the spring there, when it was getting warmer, we already started having breakfast. whether to have lunch there on the weekends, right at the table and when we were with children and we also had familiar journalists come to us so often or friends and everyone really liked such a family family circle sometimes in the evening they played the guitar, well, probably these family evenings, probably not anymore will return in any case. and such
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there are dozens of bridges like avdiyivka in donetsk region alone, it is still impossible to calculate the exact number. if we are talking about the donetsk region, about the destroyed at the end of september 2023, according to the data of the donetsk regional military-civilian administration, 41 settlements completely, and according to the data of the ministry of community development. of the territory and infrastructure of ukraine , 18,121 housing stock objects were destroyed, but it should be said that these are objects that are fixed, which will need to be rebuilt, and how many of them are not fixed, this is still work, well, for the future.
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a quiet, comfortable, peaceful childhood. my grandfather made a tennis table out of metal in the yard, my grandfather worked at the then artemivsk non-ferrous metal processing plant, he made a tennis table out of metal, sometimes we... as children, when it was getting dark, lay down on this tennis table, looked at these the stars, the stars above bakhmut, they were so bright, so mysterious, sometimes something moved there, we thought that a ufo was flying, there was a very cozy yard, and two'. ski rockets for the plane
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hit this five-story building at the same time, so coincided that... colleague serhii horbatenko, a journalist from donbas reality, originally from bakhmut, and he shared his memories and an exclusive video. serhiy himself filmed it in the city, which is now destroyed in shchemd. after all, before that, bahmud was one of the most beautiful and oldest cities of donbass, its appearance is not mines and factories, but champagne and salt. in 1950 , the artemiv factory of champagne wines already existed. fighters use bottles
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lying idle.


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