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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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we can keep it, let's turn around, well, why don't we just leave it all, it will be overgrown with briars, it will be stolen, this is our ten summer work, it will, well, come to naught, that's all. somewhere, old houses are being demolished all the time, and somewhere rockets and artillery shells of the occupiers. due to the russian occupation , we did not get to many places that we wanted to tell you about, for example, the house and museum of the artist polina raiko, in oleshki , kherson region, and the popov estate reserve museum in vasylivka, zaporizhzhia. with the beginning full-scale war, we ukrainians realized that our houses, our churches, our palaces, all our cultural heritage are also under the sights of the occupiers. the russian army intimidates
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cultural workers, robs, takes away or simply destroys valuables, and mercilessly fires at museums. in the zaporizhzhia region, not far from melitopol, the russians mined the territory of a unique monument of geology and archeology of world importance, a stone grave. this is the only place in all of eastern europe where non-rock painting has been preserved to this day. period from the late paleolithic to the middle ages. in in melitopol, russian troops looted a local history museum, from which they took a collection of kyiv, hun and sarmatian gold. currently, in the annexed crimea, the russians are dismantling the roof and ensemble of colored stained-glass windows of the unique crimean-tatar architectural monument, the khan's palace in bagchesarai. in addition, crimean tatar buildings, which have historical significance, are being destroyed. and not
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only in the south of ukraine, the situation with cultural monuments is critical throughout the country. hundreds of unique objects have been distorted and destroyed, but each of us must we will resume as soon as we return all our territories. and although we did not manage to go with the expedition to vasylivka, we were able to visit the other side of the dnieper, in zaporizhzhia. in some villages near... the city, we found several interesting folk houses. every time gives birth to its folk architecture, which comes from available materials, financial possibilities and the general context that surrounds this or that house. this is the father's idea. in soviet times, building materials were expensive, and in terms of volume, a brick and a bottle were of the same size. and... the cost of a brick was more than 20 kopecks,
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a bottle - only 2 kopecks. that's how dad got the idea. besides, he wanted to create something unique. he saw somewhere abroad, a shower made of bottles, and he wanted to try this method. his mother refused, but he was very eager to make the house the most unusual of all. my parents built it in 1968, in 2002 we decided to rebuild it, complete it, and then renovate it, because it is very old and in need of repair, and therefore we decided to insulate it, for insulation we had to come up with something new the option is not the same as everyone else's, and we decided with pieces of tile. make such a design, buy
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a cheap tile and cover it with some kind of pattern, we went to the shops, the price was unaffordable for us, we agreed with the guys that we could take just a block of tile, they told us: please take it away, these are your problems , we took this drop, started cutting, started gluing, we started to get it and that's it. and so we insulated it, the house is warm, life goes on, so we will finish everything. they called out to relatives and friends, they said we were collecting bottles, they demolished them relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, everyone, we first stored them in the basement, then the basement filled up, we started storing them in the garage, then they were washed, sorted, selected, because not all... the bottles were suitable, we needed
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the same, thick-walled ones, and so on a bottle was tied to a bottle with a wire and then the parts were combined, a country residence made of bottles. was not only a way to save on building materials, it was also a dream to create something unusual. this glass fortress took about 20 years of life and more than 6 thousand bottles. mom and dad are always there were dad, when he retired, spent most of his time there, on construction. and we are there, just have time to serve, then a solution, then a brick, then a bottle. all the youth there flashed in the country. folk architecture is not about advanced technologies and fashion trends, it is about the desire to have one's own home, warm, comfortable, inexpensive and one's own, and building one's own house is always a family affair, around which there are bound to be disputes, but which in the end unites
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the family? at first there were, the son took it all in stride, not beautiful, not fashionable, not now everyone got used to it, everyone came. they come , they look, they say, well, it’s normal, and it’s warm, and it doesn’t rain, it’s better than something else, they come, resting with someone, relatives, and come here to take pictures and go into the yard, that’s all, when you start seeing what comes out, you fall in love even more and want to work harder and harder to prove.
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you see, we turn to the place, a uniquely unique settlement in bessarabia, the architecture of which stands out among all, because the town stands. just on the water more precisely, in the danube delta. we are in vilkovo, the lowest settlement along the danube river - a ukrainian settlement, beyond zabylkovo there are no roads, no
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settlements. all roads along the left bank of the danube end 300 meters from here. for many centuries there was an impassable marshland here. now the town has grown. to an incredible scale, with hundreds of islands and hundreds of channels at the fork. the danube is the most turbid, naturally turbid river in europe in every cubic meter of danube water in an average of 400 g of silt, and annually the danube carries 200-220 cubic km of water, this is natural turbidity, it is not pollution, it is natural turbidity, new land is formed from millions of tons of this silt. territory, and people are already raising a little higher to get out of the swamp and build their estates, fork-built in the swamps, built by hand, and this territory claims to be the largest dry land, artificial, made in the swamps, made without mechanisms, by hand. and
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this was still dug with a shovel, so a little water has caught up here, go through it, look at the ericks, this is our street, the erick is a water the street, people climb up to their waists in eric, of course, in the summer, when they start to warm up with their hands , they dig a piece of the block from this established tree, let’s say fir, the board stands here and there and along the board, from here the soil is taken out and this area is raised, it turns out beautiful and
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practical, because it is quite, quite expensive to bring in soil from the side, that is, it turns out that the most important feature of local house building is to... before you build a house, you must first create an island of land on which it will stand . and that it has been done for generations, it has been 220 years since the fork, so the island did it. first the fisherman who came here was the first settler to do the smoking, then, when the children grew up, there was no electricity, there were 9-11 children in the house, so as soon as the boys reached the age of 16, so that no stupid thoughts would enter their heads, they gave shovel and all dug, and you see the classics, the channel, the channel
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and the bed. so, at first they mastered the beds near the danube, the children grew up, gained strength, and in order to burn this strength in the right direction, they dug canals, made land. here the land is made. when you travel by boat, you see quite a lot of trees, but only trees. along the danube and especially where people have made a height, a tree needs a certain height above the level, the average level of the water, even in the berbe, to grow, and therefore the trees grow only along the bank, and if people lengthen the land, then they grow further, the classic floodplains look like this, there are no trees, the trees are only along the riverbed, how many children were there in this family, how many were they able to delve into the floodplains, and on this side, there there were more sons, there were 13 children there, they
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went one bed further around the meadows, you see, as soon as they went to the meadows, a willow tree appeared there, a willow tree appeared, immediately biological diversity comes, everything that lives in the forest, here it is, until now , right here, poor thing, from this side, this is how the house stands on a height, yes, you see how she looks from afar, and this , from here it was necessary to throw this drain. to build a house, and it has been standing for many years already , and here it is 603 years, how? the peculiarity of the complex swampy terrain, of course, also affected the very method of building houses. these are all muddy places, the silt settles, the swamps settle, if you build from bricks, then in 5-10 years the house will sink 15 cm into the ground, but one house is 15 years old and the threshold is made, the threshold is not on... loading and it became thus, because it all sank by 5 cm, iso-reeds were built here, and this is
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a light material, a small load on soils that have a very weak bearing capacity, the largest reed thickets in europe are located here, 180 thousand continuous hectares successional thickets, these are reed forests, entire swamp forests, and this material has always been used for construction. you say wrongly, they tied him not because he was in the way, but so that he wouldn't fall and drown in the river, they tied him by the leg, because around the river, canals, we have already greased everything, and that's how everything was here before cut by canals, in 1961 they began to build a house, first they made the floor,
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this is how the house is built, as i showed you, and then here they already give danube silt from the outside, smear it, and put it on top plasterboard and anything else can be put on the inside in exactly the same way, but at the base there is a queue, it is like a prototype of a sandwich panel. it's basically a sandwich panel, here's the thickness, you see what it is, it's all a turn, we don't have
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humidity, and even the floor is wooden everywhere, under it is a shell, hey, come here, i'll show you, we've already poured crushed stone from above here , because when the wind blows, the seashells blow onto the bed, it never rains on the wall in our house, but it rains, there is never any dirt on the wall, because of that. what a conch, well, lately, you see, he is also we pour a small one, but we understand earlier, it is already later in the foundation, as they say, a pillow was poured into the ground, that the house is smaller. first they put a layer as insulation, then a metal mesh, and then they throw it on and then paint, smear, now everything is different, and that was 20 years ago, it was something new, to sheathe
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the house with clapboard, why, because especially here is the north side, it constantly rains in winter. this is a reed house, but since then it has been covered with plaster, it is a row house, it is a row house and a sandwich panel, and of course, it was under the reeds, but from the point of view of the fire department safety, we still made it out of tiles. roof tiles are a characteristic material for all of bessarabia. of the local options for covering the roof, there was only a queue here. but everyone wanted something more practical, so they imported tiles, as they say here, from the mainland. to this day, you can see ukrainian, romanian and even french tiles on the houses. look, marseille tiles, marseille tiles, there are quite a lot of them here, but the tiles must be on the same structure of the same type, because
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they have different locks, that is why the one chosen here marselisk, she has already moved, i think, to the fifth house, the fourth. the house, originally there were tiles, we already covered it with slate, but here there were tiles, our grandfathers covered it not with slate, but with reeds, there was always a second top, now this revival has also started, from here now reeds are transported all the way to the netherlands and there they make roofs. vylkov's life is even considered promising: the river provides materials for creating land, building one's own house, the river also feeds by giving fish. besides, here too... the swampy man- made earth proved fertile, you see we are getting ready, slavanda was planted yesterday, there is a strawberry over there, we have a strawberry over there, and the strawberry is very tasty, maybe you have ever heard of such a variety as zirnitsa, a cross between a strawberry and a strawberry, it has a fantastic aroma, unsurpassed, and when
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you come to odessa, its brought, this variety is first of all dug up, just this strawberry. it is the starling, because, first of all, it is sweet, it is so oblong, and it has an aroma, and it has a smell, the aroma is incredible, wartime is an opportunity to survive, to grow a vegetable garden, and in normal times it was oriented everything is for tourists, products are grown here, i told you on the danube mall, just as the nile civilization took everything from the nile silt, so here, and it is interesting for tourists, and they are willing to pay more than for industrially grown apples, strawberries and other things the south is probably the architecturally
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most colorful part of ukraine. here you can also find traditional crimean tatar houses. and besaravian dwellings made of stone, black soil and water, and mounded islands with reed and shell huts. but in fact, in which you won't get to a part of our country, we have something to be proud of, something to respect and something to protect. the whole of ukraine is incredible, unique and beautiful, and most importantly - united. it was, is and will be. now this difficult time of ours protects us. the beauty of our painting, it is a living history, and this , first of all, is such a cultural weapon in our time, because if you love something, you don't want to part with it, you don't want to exchange it for something, something else, this is an internal front, it is such a region where you and people can communicate on free topics,
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each of us can influence its formation state, so you can live in such beauty, in such a society. where people help each other, where everyone is so sincere, we live in a unique period when we have the opportunity to create the future in a time of war. if your throat is not ok, make a snicker, make ok, choose a taste, cough without pain, and still talk, laugh! sing! eucalor sweet lor exclusively in plantain near bagomfam. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in
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travel bam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts on zypelor of 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politclub is broadcast on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis. processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing
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to fight about, let's invent something, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets from us, and what does the world live on? now yuriy fizar will talk more about what has happened in the world, yuriy good evening, please
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speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. dyadenko is ready tell us about the weather on the day of the guest, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. congratulations. on april 17 , various events took place. strikes, if the armed forces of ukraine, for example, attacked military airfields there, dzhankoi, samara, a radio engineering center in mordovia, then russia also struck four
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houses and a hospital in chernihiv, as well as odesa, there is also a port infrastructure somewhere, i.e. absolutely civilian objects, well, you know, we are already used to it, that no matter where the russians hit, they will tell that they are military objects. and moreover, you know , i personally, from what i see, i see that they first hit, and then wherever it flew, they say that it was there for a meeting of the armed forces of the ukrainian armed forces, something like that, and this is just some kind of standard of russian propaganda, when they just hit at random and just randomly tell that there were some meetings, well, for example, like this. in in chernihiv, our missiles hit the location of the ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries. the russian air force has just destroyed the command post of the ukrainian army in
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chernihiv. the moment of the arrival of three russian cruise missiles at the building where the ukrainian officers were stationed on your screens. these are the shots shared by residents of chernihiv. as reported, this is a precise strike on the location of ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries. deployment point of the armed forces and foreign mercenaries. it was located in the building of the former provspilkovy hotel. moreover, the time of the strike was not chosen by chance. at the time of the arrival of our missiles, and they were probably hit by iskanders, an operational meeting of the command of the ukrainian military group north was taking place there. you can now see where exactly the meeting of the north troop group took place and simply assess this military object.
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russian propaganda in this regard, because if in the morning 60 were wounded, but there is, you know, something new in what i showed you, they were just
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saying something of their own fiction. then by the evening they had a video with a comment like that like a ukrainian blogger who decided to tell abroad that it was military, but here you know what is interesting, that with this single comment the russians argued for themselves and in general for everyone else that these were military objects, etc. ... there is no data, but they built their entire argumentation on this one comment. let's see how it was. great losses among the ukrainian military, former people's deputy ihor mosiychuk also admitted. official kyiv refutes this and tells tales that evil russians attacked the object of social infrastructure, not a military facility. three
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rockets. with strikes, iskander-type missiles, russian bastards struck the center of chernihiv, hit the hotel complex in the center of the city, where the military was staying, many dead, even more injured, unfortunately, there are military personnel, unfortunately, this is an eight-story building, which the authorities announced , a hotel complex in the center of chernihiv. many victims and civilians, today there was an attack on chernihiv, where, as many write in particular, three rockets landed in one place one after the other, and this place here is me i refer to the enemy side, this place was something like a hotel or a boarding house, but there were military personnel there, and apparently high-ranking military personnel, and he writes that it
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was leaked by someone. i really hope it was leaked by someone. well, at the moment, there is such an impression that mosiychuk himself is constantly leaking something, so interesting and strange, because, you know, these are his publications, somehow it’s just a standard story, when the russians commit another crime, mosiychuk gets out and starts to talk about the fact that it was not a crime, and this, of course, the motivation of these actions is very strange. and i guess, you know, when it's already entering some system, you can't say that it's a one-time thing, random, or a person, you know, for the truth, no, a person is not for the truth, because what is the purpose of spreading this information, explain what the purpose could be, here a bunch of absolutely civilians died, what is the purpose of sneaking out and justifying the russian strikes in essence,
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only one to help the russians, to help russian propaganda, in order to, well, just openly play on it boss, there is no other purpose in these actions, and neither do i i will tell you, this fits in with what is happening now with russian propaganda, because they are increasingly talking about how to literally act in ukrainian, on ukrainian territory, and how to find such bloggers who will to help, well, for example, konstantin zatulin, he is also so famous for the fact that he has been working against ukraine for a long time, for, i don’t know, 30 years, he constantly has some projects of his own that are directed against ukraine, all people , who work


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