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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. it. happened, the us approved aid to ukraine, the decision was voted in the house of representatives of the congress, 311 congressmen supported the bill, 112 voted against it. now this decision will be considered in the senate on april 23, after which the bill must be signed by us president joe biden. i will remind you that the total amount of assistance is about 61 billion dollars. a third of these funds will be left in the usa to replenish the americans.
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stocks volodymyr zelenskyi thanked the house of representatives for the adoption of the draft law on assistance to ukraine. the president stated this in his evening address. the head of state also expressed hope that the senate and president joe biden will be able to review and sign the document as soon as possible. another. today we received the decision we were expecting about the american package. support, for which we fought so hard, and a very significant package that will be felt by our soldiers, on the front lines, our cities and villages that suffer from russian terror. the chamber voted today representatives of the united states, thank you to each and every one of you who supported our package, this is a life-saving solution. thank you personally to speaker mike johnson, all americans.
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hearts, which, like us in ukraine, feel that russian evil must not win. joe biden is ready to sign the bill on aid to ukraine as soon as possible, the white house announced this decision, the us president called on the senate to immediately consider the document and send it to him for signature. according to biden, the decision on aid was made at a time of crisis, when ukraine suffers from continuous russian... bombing, so the president is ready to sign as soon as possible and send kiev the necessary weapons to fight against russia. thanks to american help, ukraine will receive an important resource for victory and reconstruction. this was announced by prime minister denys shmehal. he thanked both parties for passing the relief package in the house of representatives. the head of the government explained that the lion's share of funds is almost 50 billion. dollars will go to defense
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expenditures, about 8 billion more will be directed to budget support and more than 15 billion for economic assistance. in addition, they plan to spend 400 million on humanitarian demining and border protection. the prime minister added that our defenders have more long-range weapons and anti-aircraft systems, the authorities will be able to provide funding for budget expenditures and direct funds to restore critical infrastructure. eight people were injured as a result of a rocket attack on odesa, including two children, oleg kiper, the head of the regional military administration, said. he noted that he was in the hospital with a shrapnel wound a three-year-old boy is injured, as well as an 80-year-old woman with a fatal head wound. the other wounded refused to be hospitalized, the day before, the occupiers, let me remind you, hit odesa with three kh-59 missiles. they targeted the private sector, where houses were damaged and destroyed. the russians shelled
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dnipropetrovsk region that night, fired three artillery shots and launched attack drones at nikopol, mirivska and chervono-gryhorivska communities. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. as a result of the attack, the five-story building was damaged an apartment building and a private residence in ponivychchyna, farm buildings, fortunately, people were not injured. well , we transfer all our... anger due to enemy shelling into donations for our defenders. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. i know she is ambitious, but you and i closed much larger meetings. remember there are no small donations, but each of our hryvnias has. huge value, so
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get involved, all the details you see on your screens now. fighting for the right to be a father, military serviceman ihor solonyna from novoyavory. returned from the front in the winter of last year, but until now igor's ex-wife does not allow him to see their daughter yana, a 4.5-year-old girl, what prevents the husband from spending time with his daughter and how military servicemen's parents should act in such situations, let's see further. ihor solonyna has a relationship with the wife began to deteriorate even before the full-scale war. in 2021... the special commission that deals with children's issues, at the request of the father, established a schedule of meetings with his daughter. in 2022, the man went to serve in the lviv assault brigade. he was in hot spots in the zaporozhye region, near krymina, bakhmut and kherson. when he returned home,
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he underwent rehabilitation for several months. the couple officially divorced in september 2023. then the woman began to prevent meetings with the child. since i'm... a military man, then i'm inadequate, commodification of the military is complete in all spheres, elementary, i come to the kindergarten to see the child, i have no prohibition to see my child, they tell me, you, i do not allow you to enter the kindergarten, because the uniform of the armed forces scares people, scares children, i will not allow you to scare children, since this uniform of our defenders scares children, what is going on. according to the expertise of psychologists and other specialists, the man cannot cause any harm to the child, and the daughter herself needs the attention of the father, the man says, in the official bodies he is hindered and facilitated mother i appealed to children's services
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to help remove the obstacles. they did nothing. in general, complete inactivity, so that you understand, for now, for today, the child has lost. 560 hours of meeting with her father, 560 hours she was deprived of the right to communicate with her father, despite the fact that i was in the east for another year, if the child is now 4.5 years old, she does not see her father for a third of her life, then where are her rights? igor transferred uah 5.00 to the child every month, in total for the past year it was more than uah 300, he bought clothes, toys, if necessary, paid for the treatment of the child, as well as kindergarten and... leisure time english school. in a telephone conversation with espress, igor's ex-wife denied her husband's words and said that she does not forbid him to see the child, she did not want to answer any more. the case of ihor solonyna, regarding his participation in the child's life , has been considered in court for more than four months,
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each time the hearing has been postponed. such problematic situations are very common in ukraine. pravozahnyk assures that the military is really in an impasse regarding participation. child's life, and so on cases in wartime need regulation, first of all, to file a petition in court to speed up this case, it is justified, secondly, to file a complaint against the actions of the judge, if the case is delayed, thirdly, i see that there is a need, after all, and the executive committee , for example, the novoyavari city council was involved, so that the mother's behavior was considered at the committee meeting, because she was abusing her rights as a mother, i believe that here it is necessary to involve the authorities and
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local self-government bodies, well, as such an intermediary between the father and the mother for protection of the interests of the child, meanwhile... the committee of the novoyavoriv city council, which includes the child protection service, currently does not see a significant problem in this case, that there are two sides, yes, one side is satisfied, the other side is dissatisfied, but everything is equal the final decision is made by the court, but i think that two young people will find some kind of understanding and the service will contribute to that, i really think, but i think that everything will be fine, i don't see such a big conflict there, well, this is my opinion, for example , according to article 141. of the family of the code of ukraine, the mother and father have equal rights and responsibilities towards the child, regardless of whether they were married to each other. the supreme court also noted that the issue of raising a child is decided jointly by the parents. a father who lives separately from a child is obliged to participate in his
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upbringing and has an indisputable right to personal communication with the child, taking into account his attitude towards fulfilling his parental duties, the child's attachment to the father, and age. of the child, his state of health and other circumstances of significant importance. the mother, who lives with the child, has no right to prevent the father from communicating with the child and participating in its upbringing. if such communication does not have a negative impact on the normal development of the child. natalya stareprava, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks, meet my colleague andriy saichuk in a moment. we will see each other in less than an hour.
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well, congratulations to everyone who joined us, today is the 788th russian day of a large-scale invasion, my name is andrii saichuk, and you know, today we all have a good mood, muscovites are in a bad mood, because they understand that very, very soon the situation at the front will begin to radically change and the mountains of dead bodies in moscow. will be decorated, although there is a doubt that the decorations are actually donetsk territories and steppes. what we, we, what we're saying, we're saying that the united states is actually a symbolic half-step away from passing, well, it's actually a symbolic absolute thing, because in the senate, the majority of democrats and even republicans, the majority there are also with the help of ukraine, in short, it is about 61 billion dollars of military aid, they say that the americans from the biden administration were preparing for this decision, so everything is ready. is here, so in a week all the weapons will be here, i know what i wanted to say, michael mcfaul, former, former
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ambassador to russia, in moscow, american, remembered again this quote, a beautiful quote by winston churchill that he said at one time , you can always count on americans will do the right thing, after they 've tried everything else, at winston cher'. said about it, he knew what it was about, the prime minister of great britain for a very long time expected american help from roosevelt when they entered the war with hitler's germany, and roosevelt and the us congress at that time found all possible and impossible excuses, why not to give this help, well, some of them, by the way, were absolutely logical, because at that time there was a strong position of quite a few congressmen who rallied around one of congressmen, a veteran of the first world war, who said that to speak with... now against hitler is to take the side of stalin, and stalin is worse than hitler. well
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, there was logic in this, he said that we would betray the purity of europe, at least in the east, and in this yes, there was, there was truth, but that, and now we are reaping the fruits, and in principle, due to the fact that even though stalin died , but he is not destroyed in russia, we have this war, but we have dealt with hitler, germany today is a completely different country, but with russia, for example, as they did not listen to churchill at that time, he said in the 45th, let's analyze it now. with stalin, well, everyone was already very tired of the war at that time, we will ask how our military feels about the fact that the americans finally, the congress finally voted to help ukraine, konstantin denisov, spokesman for the legion of freedom, joins us, mr. konstantin, good morning, good morning, i congratulate you and the viewers of the channel, how did you feel when you learned about this news, well, it is very good that you voted for the provision of aid, ukraine should not only grow and thank you, ukraine should demand from western
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countries, not only demand, blackmail them to give us weapons, because to explain to them, everything is very simple, if ukraine falls, they will be next, putin will not stop until he plunders and enslaves everyone and does not spoil all other territories, so here you have to maintain a balance, and thank and ask, but at the same time... demand and force them to give us military aid, but at the same time not only hope that they are there for us will ship three boxes of rockets or they will give 10 planes, but to develop their own defense and military complex, industry, the same drone production, well, the propped-up plant is already a parable of vayazitsi, by the way, our yurko seratiuk, people's deputy, is already in the 14th year of sobodov. of the then leadership to evacuate the luhansk cartridge plant to the territory controlled by ukraine,
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to evacuate the donetsk tapas plant, well then they did not listen, today these unique military plants are in the hands of the russians, if they had listened then, we would have a cartridge plant today, and the same people, and radar stations and so on. mr. konstantin, where are you now, what is the situation in the direction where you are? zaporizhzhia region. we are and have been, starting with a full-scale invasion, a situation which, the russians are stupidly fooling around, they now have an accent, a little. they intensified their infantry attacks, well, they intensified it again compared to the previous days, when there was a relative lull due to the fact that they were out of breath, and their bk was a little smaller there, primarily due to the fact that they could not push, squeeze out our the guys from the occupied positions, no matter how they beat there, even on one of the plots, well, without
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a tie, they had to adjust the sunspot and simply burn the forest strip to zero, because they could not do anything. to do with the ukrainians, the aviation supports them, that is to say, planes engage in air bombing, and from helicopters they use guided missiles to hunt for our equipment, for strongholds, for observation points, well, for the most part, all their aviation flies over the civilian infrastructure, so that they do not tell there and they did not write in their reports what is needed now in order for... the situation to look different in the zaporizhzhia direction, for our fighters on the front line to feel calm and, i don't know, confident, well, first of all, nothing is falling apart, i don't know where did you get this information from, please feel very calm and confident about what is needed, what is needed, he said, yes, look at what is needed, a combat kit,
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everyone will tell you this from any direction, it is chronically lacking. ee air defense in order to counter russian airplanes, the same helicopters, because, to be honest, they loosened their belts a little after last year they were attacked in the direction of zaporozhye, you remember, there were strikes on the airfield, and our snipers shot back quite well, and as for the personnel , rotations, rotations, rotations once again, giving the boys a rest, replacing units, but not just taking them there for... swimming and the boys are idle there, as they say, kicking the air, but to engage in short-term rehabilitation, to give the opportunity to stay in the family circle, children to see my wife, to be with my wife somewhere , unite, that is, no one canceled such ordinary life needs, so to do, i say that in rotation, to give the boys the opportunity to rest, especially since we heard the statements
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of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces that they conducted an audit and found a number of units , who have not yet been there. in the combat zone, they started sending them to the combat zone, replacing other units, well, people are without rotation, without rest for a year and a half, they are not iron, so it is necessary to work in this regard as well and give the opportunity to the defenders to rest, so that later with new forces we can go into battle and throw the enemy out of the borders of the independent ukrainian state. thank you very much, mr. kostiantyn, kostiantyn denisov was with us, the spokesman of the legion of freedom, they said , among other things, that what is the situation now in... in the zaporizhzhia direction, and now we continue to talk about what america has confirmed aid of 61 billion for weapons of ukraine, there is also 10 billion of aid directly for the economy, there were and are republicans who spoke in the congress against, about 100 republicans, it is less a little over half voted against, and among them our marchlor green, who is
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also called the moscow march, and she already spoke in the... said that this is just a sell-out of america today, and we have such members of congress who waved ukrainian flags in the holy congress to the representative, just every american, i think, today should be just crazy about it, well, words, yes, she has such a good voice, so listen, you have a good dubbing, she has a rougher voice, i know. i'm missing that pitch, you know, here there is such a woman, she recently exhibited how she works out with a barbell, so the barbell ran away, the barbell simply bent, you know, got knotted, well, it's good that she is the only one like that among them, and not the majority, eh, but she is not the only one like that , but not a majority of them, it turned out
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even in the house of representatives, and this means that after all, well, at least, as oleg manchera wrote yesterday, half of reagan in the house did not twist, half twisted after yesterday's vote, dear friends, let's go now for a short break, let's come back let's continue our roll call, stay with us. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of it. bakhmut is the adventure that will stay with us until the end, our sky, children born in the era of independence, who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry, lemberg,
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mom, don't cry, a book by the writer elena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who is one of the first went as a volunteer defend ukraine and went missing on the wide plains. donbas kratau contains natural components that care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate, and increases physical and mental performance. cratal is a natural powerhouse for your heart. there are discounts on doolgit cream and doolgi of up to 30% in the pharmacies psylanskyk, vam and ochadnyk. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve
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facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in the information marathon. with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who make sense of and comment on the most relevant social discussions. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant. special guests, own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor
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of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two o'clock. of time, two hours of your time, two of the world, two hours to be informed , an hour to learn about the war and what lives economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our... nickname, we have good news, it has not been for so long, and it is certainly pleasing, although we understand that in the background of this good news , the same news still remains, when we
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talk about the fact that the russians are shelling peaceful ukrainian cities, taking the lives of our people, now we will talk about nikopol, which is constantly under the russian language, but now i was smiling, of course, but i just saw that this is an absolute reality, we were talking about margery green here, ah, that is, it's just... look, it's not me telling you that her called moscow march, or moscow margery, it's just look at today's, today's new york post cover, if we can show it, we can like, wow, here, this, this is the front page of the new york post, no, moscow margery, i don't know , for such... this is an insult to her, ugh, i think she is so much some rotten thing, she doesn't care, there is such a story, how there was such a japanese teacher in these
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marshal arts, so there were sword battles, and there he wanted to be insulted by some young man, some samurai, who wanted to dig him up for a fight, and that simply did not react to him, and he insulted him there, the whole school of theirs, and then nothing happened until... then he finally went away and the students said to that master , master, he insulted you so much, how do you feel? says: i can't be offended by a person i don't take offense at, well, like, it's impossible, here, but there is, and there is also, that is, there is such people are so wise that it is impossible for unwise people to offend them, they simply do not take them seriously, here is another story, this is a person who is also impossible to offend, because she seems so unwise to me, to put it mildly. that she can only be offended by something and she is offended, for example, by the ukrainian proportions in the congress, not without understanding, or understanding, the proportions in the congress, this is an incredible video, it's not only,
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you know. we were happy about what happened, what the congressmen did, who voted, but the congressmen themselves also cheered and waved ukrainian flags, i don't know where they got them, and what's more, if you listen to this video, we can listen to it now, hear how they say glory to ukraine, that's how glory to ukraine in the walls of the congress, it's so nice for ukrainians, it is all the more pleasant when there are ukrainians, there are those cities, those regions that are constantly under russian shelling, dmytro bychkov, acting mayor
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of nikopol. please join us, mr. dmytro, good morning, nikopol is constantly under fire, but for sure, for sure nikopol was happy that the congress voted to help ukraine. yes, of course, any aid that supports the armed forces of ukraine, supports ukraine's faith in victory, it is very important. yesterday we watched the vote, we supported it, let's say, morally, we were waiting for it, so... i hope that together with such a strong support from the american people, to whom we are grateful for their unbridled faith in our victory, we will also be joined by european and other partners who will help ukraine, at the same time many local bodies will join self-governments, which should, in principle, let's be frank, make a lot of appropriate reforms during the war in order to place even more appropriate emphasis on
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supporting the armed forces of ukraine to... help people, help children, everything that is needed, because indeed, as a representative of local self-government bodies, i understand that the potential in self-government is huge, we are talking about the priority of spending budget funds, reforms, regarding the initiation of the much-needed military rehabilitation support for the military, this is all necessary to do and not wait for the end of the war, it is possible to do it right away. today, then american and european aid, and an increase in the guidelines of ukrainian aid will give the necessary result that we expect on the battlefield. mr. dmytro, we were talking here about the republican woman who is constantly opposed to providing aid to ukraine, this marger green, if you met her, what would you tell her, how would you express your indignation to her that she... not
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on the side of ukraine, i think that it would be better to offer her to live for a week, for no reason in the nikopol district or in slavyansk or in kharkiv, it was the best option for her to see what russian aggression is, because it is very cool to talk about certain things there, which make her say it and not feel it, when the relevant people there feel it children, and a lot of people, when children die, soldiers die, will... speak, well, let's actually speak, let's speak so directly in the world politics, there are a lot of such requests for populism today, and populism exists in the united states of america as well, but what is strong united states of america, because there is a constitution, laws, there is a congress, there is a senate, and such cases as this woman we are talking about, we will talk, she cannot
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change, we will talk. and you, let's say, the support that ukraine has today in the united states of america, and we are very happy that johnson, who for some time blocked support for ukraine, still proved that johnson is a ukrainian surname after all, because we have boris johnson and now johnson is american, who also supports ukraine, this is very important, maybe to the dessert that dedicated to boris johnson, now comes another dessert. which is dedicated to mike johnson, people are creative in ukraine, and maybe one day he will come and try it in ukraine. mr. dmytro, for a week, you say, you would invite her to spend a week somewhere in the nikopol region, what does that week look like? well, the week seems to be continuing from the vicinity of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which the russians, the terrorists, built into their logistical and military facilities.


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