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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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in order for people to perceive it differently, remember last year how the chinese ambassador to the european union, the chinese ambassador to france, other countries, and then where necessary, the chinese foreign ministry, behaved, he says, no, no, this is not our official position, of course, this is not your official position, because your official position to beijing was clearly stated there, there, there. and you are up to it, you adhere to it, but these omissions, you see, show that china is very, very artistic in its understanding and, most importantly, in its practice of foreign policy. as it used to be there will be opinions, let's use only soft power and we will not advance anywhere and so on.
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wolf diplomacy has now begun, that is, aggressive, you know, with pressure, but not everywhere, because everyone understands everything, and the point is that we have to be realistic, let's say this, we initiated a meeting of our new ambassador to china a long time ago with special representative of the government of the people's republic of china on eurasia issues. lihuei, it was held on tuesday this week, and they talked a lot about what to do with the peace plan, with the conference peaceful, and of course, the issues of bilateral relations, political consultations, including the issue of the intergovernmental joint commission, which has not met since the 20th year, were touched upon, but we are everything for china...
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an achievable partnership is limitless with russia , of course, but we are strategic partners since the 11th year. china is the largest trading partner for us, we are so tiny for it, we literally do not reach half a percent, but it is a strategic partner for us, just as it is written on paper that we are also a strategic partner. one thing is clear: china pursues its own interests, and how it does it, how it does it, or... or exposes, it already depends, thank you very much, thank you very much, mr. igor, igor lytvyn, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the kknr, as a result of our conversation, i would say that this is the only country where the phrase is not all so unambiguously suitable, it fits just right for china, here he smiles here, here he smiles here, and he seems to smile at everyone, but the article is eloquent, so we will have it now. there will be a small interview, an interview about
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what is happening in moldova is in ours, our sister, i would say, because both moldova and ukraine simultaneously received the status of a candidate for joining the european union, and together we are moving along the path to europe, and when we cross this final line, it is not known whether this tape, to what extent, what is happening in the pocket, what is the mood there, kateryna galko asked the head of the representative office. of the european union in the republic of moldova, and this will be our interview, then we will have a short break, and then we will talk about the different guises of the president of the president zelensky. well, it will come as quite a surprise to you, i'm almost absolutely sure of it. and now the interview and advertisement. oh yeah. greetings
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viewers of the espresso tv channel, my name is kateryna galko, and this is our exclusive conversation with the head of the european union representation in the republic of moldova. let's start. greetings, thank you for making time for us today. so, on june 23, 2022, the european council granted the republic of moldova the status of a candidate for joining the european union. what are the prospects of moldova's european integration and what are the real terms entry? i believe that since june 2022 , quite substantial and quite impressive work has been done, because like ukraine, moldova had quite a lot of homework, actually more homework, if you look at the number of points that moldova had to complete, and the work is being promoted, this has been recognized by both the european commission and the european special
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attention must be paid in the screening and negotiation process. so now there will be the usual process that we have had with all the candidate countries that have gone through the chapters, which is the opening of the chapters, closing chapters, and it will take quite a long time, because the purpose of this process is to prepare the country for full membership with all rights and obligations. and can moldova join the eu by 2030, for example? this is the ambition of the country's leadership, and this is also what the highest eu officials said. that the union should be ready for expansion by 2030, noting that it is now 2024, and there is not
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much time left until 2030. this is a very ambitious schedule, but quite feasible if the high pace of reforms, the high pace of change, is maintained. for all the time, because one of the points that i keep repeating is that this is not only about the current mandate of the president, or not only about the current mandate of the parliament, which means that such a high pace of european integration must be maintained in the next election cycle, because we also saw bad examples, when countries lost their desire for european integration, and the process slowed down from ours. part of citizens to quickly and effectively join moldova to the european family.
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well, first of all, citizens will have the opportunity to most likely, as soon as the decision of the constitutional court appears, to mention it in the referendum on membership. this year, so this will certainly be the first step to show whether the people of the country want to continue moving in this direction. we see that the number of people who support the european union is growing slowly. of course, it depends on who is asking the question and what the question is. understanding that the future of the republic of moldova in the european union is growing slowly, although , of course, there are all rational reasons for this. including 2/3 of moldovan exports going to the markets of the european union, however, this will be a great work process, because there really is also the electorate that does not support integration into the eu, and of course, we
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work with all strata of the population. what do you think if mrs. maya sandu does not win the elections this year. and her place will be taken by a pro-russian representative, which is quite realistic, according to recent polls, if moldova can suddenly stop the eu accession process. first, we greatly appreciate the leadership of president mayesandu in the process of integration into the eu. after all, i believe that much of what the country has accomplished is to its credit, not only political steps towards obtaining the status of a candidate country. and the start of negotiations, but also all the essential steps that made it possible, namely the justice reform, in particular the fight against corruption, which were personal priorities for her, so we hope
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that the european course of the country will be preserved even after the elections, because it is also supported by the citizens, this applies not only to membership in... do you accept that russia can interfere in presidential and parliamentary elections elections in moldova in order to compromise the accession to the eu, how to deal with it? unfortunately, i am almost certain that russian interference will happen, because we see it on a regular basis, be it local elections. authorities last year, when there was a lot of this. we are talking about millions of euros and dollars that were brought into the country by various means to influence political processes. or take maria zakharova, for whom moldova has become a daily topic. i can say that this is, on
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the one hand, a reality, with which country will have to live until she becomes a member. since this was the situation with all candidate countries, russia tried to slow down this process, but at the same time it is important to take measures against russian disinformation, russian propaganda, covertly. after all, we need help so that the political process is genuine, that it is not controlled by uninvited pro-russian forces. of course, legitimate public sentiments can be of different directions, but it is important that such... processes come from within, and not be bought, and for this to happen, i think it is worth
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do several things: first, it is the work of law enforcement agencies, which must fight extortion. and secondly, it is work to combat disinformation. that is why we have now supported the creation of a stratcom center in the republic of moldova. which will hopefully not only analyze the narratives, but also provide advice on how to counter them, and of course, on our end, we're doing that work as well, both here nationally and through headquarters. ukraine and moldova simultaneously started their way to the european union, however, both countries suffer from the neighborhood with russia, one way or another, like the eu. plans to help these countries in their struggle? we provide quite strong
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support, and it's not only our projects, but when needed, it's also very quick and very large amounts, like for example to the republic of moldova in the last two years just to counter the crisis, the energy crisis, the migration crisis, the covid crisis, our the support amounted to more than 1 billion euros, so this is a very good example of what... ye really is a friend who knows himself in trouble. oh, there aren't any potatoes, you'll bring them already, assina, take dr. tice at every turn and get back to work. comfrey ointment - german ointment for pain in the joints there. natural comfrey matzah from dr. theiss. kratal contains natural components that carefully care
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who, to mykola veresnya, okay. a very interesting person came, meet. nikolay veresnya is visiting. boris pre. mother of god. well , yes, it was not mykola veresen, you probably recognized it, it was ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi. and serhii rudenko, journalist, publicist, host, author of a book, will now appear with us. zelensky without makeup. until he appears, i will explain why we suddenly did that. well, that's why we did it, because the book was published in the 21st year. zelensky without makeup, and its author is serhiy rudenko, and this book was translated into 25, 25, 25 countries of the world for the 22nd year, and now they say 40, it was during the break that i was told that 40 countries, so this one serhii wrote this book, and we decided
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to announce it in this way, because there was such a case when mr. zelenskyi said something about me. so funny, and we knew him somewhere in the late 90s, because he actually played in kvn, and it was called the team of the 95th quarter, there are controversial opinions about kvnu, it is increasingly i like this program less, but then i was on the jury, i was 1+1 if it accepted russian tv people and we were doing this program in kyiv, i was on the jury, and accordingly in... admired the team, among other things, and the team of 95- quarter, maybe someday i will tell you, when there is time, if mr. serhiy rudenko is now, i would not rush to television either, if, if i had a book translated into 40 languages ​​of the world, then i would not be so much either, no very so fast would somehow run somewhere somewhere for the sake of getting a little bit of glory,
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well, it's obvious why i'm translating this book now, because... well, ukraine is in the center of the world's attention and, accordingly, everything written about the ukrainian president, who is also in the center of the world's attention, is very popular , and it's obvious and organic. this joke appeared when we accidentally met in heraklion, the capital of cyprus, crete, the greek island of crete, and we just flew back to kyiv and met there and spent about an hour and a half walking, the plane was late. he must have found some such traits in me and then he made such a comic strip and now we mean it was quite popular there somewhere, i don't know how popular it was, i didn't follow, i'll tell you frankly, so they say that serhiy rudenko has already appeared, i apologize, mr. serhiy, good health, i now understand that i have
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to wear a crib, a person who is known in all countries of the world, an author, and so on, i will find a frog, a crib frog, i will be so elegant, and i will talk to you, we met, we met or saw each other for the first time when there was the first revolution students on the maidan, and then mr. serhiy was a student, and i was already a bbc correspondent, and he sometimes tells how i looked then, but the question is not about me and not even about serhiy, but about serhiy in the first place. i have a question, why is the book popular, simply because ukraine is popular, because the ukrainian president is popular, and that is why it is being translated, if this book was published in... the 15th year or in 2020 or even in 2021, would it be so popular that the war made this book popular, please, yes, hello mykola, it's me
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i remember you in october 1990, when there was actually a revolution on the granite, we really met when the journalists were on hunger strike, i was still a student, you already worked for the bbc, well, for our tv viewers, 34 years since... acquaintance is enough, both for my age and for mykola's age. as for the book about volodymyr zelenskyi, it was written in ukraine in 2020 and published in 2021, it was published in a small edition, i published it at my own expense and did it completely by myself, because the publishers did not really believe in the success of this book, because they said, well, what more can be said about zelenskyi? and than we know and who cares, since the beginning of the war, interest in volodymyr zelenskyi increased, of course, he became one of the central figures, and this
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was clear and obvious in 2022, starting from february 24, 2022, then in fact , there was interest in my manuscript, which was in ukrainian, a literary agent was found, who... quite promptly offered this book to various publishers in various countries of the world, we are talking about, to date , we are talking about 25 countries of the world, including in ukraine, er, that is, this book has been translated into mongolian, japanese, polish, german, english, italian, hungarian, romanian, well , that is... i won't even list them all, because it will be a very slow job, but there is obviously an interest in the new the leader, i wouldn't even say ukraine, but to
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the new world leader, because attention was focused on zelensky, as a person who leads the courageous ukrainian people, who are fighting for their independence from the russians, and therefore, of course , attention was paid to him. increased interest that is, these books were quite successfully published in these countries 25 23 in two countries they have not been published yet, but i hope they will be published, and of course these books had a very large press, almost all the leading publications of the world wrote about this book, that is, wait , wait, wait serhii, what are you, is it just like that? how is it, what is it, how is she, how is she, how is she to be consumed, is this some memories of people, is this your personal essay, what,
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is this an interview with some people, what is this, this was a story about who zelensky is , in the ukrainian version this book was called zelenskyi without make-up, well, actually, i wanted to give myself an answer to the question, who is zelenskyi, so i asked myself a question. after he won on april 21 exactly 5 years ago in the presidential elections, yes 5 years, he won in the second round of the presidential elections, i began to think, what do i know about zelensky, in fact, i began to collect all the information that, that was available to me, at my level, plus i had five commentators who in one way or another contributed to the creation of zelensky as the president that is, i had the former general prosecutor ryaboshatka, who had already been dismissed at that time. i had roman bezsmertna, who was in the tripartite contact group in minsk, appointed
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by zelensky and was not with zelensky for very long. i had viktor boberenko, who predicted zelensky's victory in the elections back in 2015. i had serhii gaidai, who dealt with... we guys from the servant of the people back when they were just founding the party, and there was geoleros, well, that's actually how these five looked, commentators, these separate sections, they were divided there into certain periods, into certain surroundings that were around zelenskyi, into certain steps of his, into certain actions of his, into certain communications he had with various people, who gave an idea of ​​who zelenskyi is? well, actually, i wanted to answer the question, who is zelenskyi? at first it seems that mr. sergey, listen, i’m sorry, don’t you think that we, at least i knew two zelenskys, i
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didn’t... i knew one, i knew two zelenskys, it was zelensky who caused me doubts, talented enough, well, a lot of people, i never liked him, i generally like humor, i like irony, but i don't like humor, and i don't like sarcasm, by the way, but some moments i really liked, some i didn't like very much , but the president, but zelensky until february 24 and... it seems to me that these are two different people, absolutely, and no one would believe, and i think the time will come when no one will believe, when in 20 years, when a new generation will come out , and we will begin, i hope, to live, you will definitely live, and they will say, and before that he was such an actor and otake played and did otake, then the youth will say: no, it can't be, he is a great president who could not play
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the piano with his genitals, he could not joke like that... like we just showed, he could not do that , could not do it, he was always there, and on the contrary, to people who would have been told in the 15th, in the 11th, in the 10th, he will be the president, a great war will begin, and he will stand with dignity, if, as the leader of the country, and everyone will, and speak before the parliaments of the whole world, and everyone will clap and so on, and so on, and so on, i think there are two zelenskys, no, i, i would say that there are actually four zelenskys, not even two. i argue with you, because there is zelensky from the times of show business, there is zelensky since april 21, 2019, when he was elected president, he was a political neophyte who entered ukrainian politics, who began to rule the state, not at all understanding how manage this state, in what way, that is, he was such a beginner,
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a novice politician, and we watched... years as he learned to manage the state, next to there were various people who tried to tell him how to do it, then these people in the environment disappeared, except for one character andriy yarmak, that is, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, who, well, saw him, quite a few first steps in politics, they are no longer around, those who brought him to power, the second period of zelensky is the beginning of the war. rather, this is the third, the third zelenskyi, the war began on february 24 , 2022, they also say in the west, listen, you wrote here that he laughed at ukraine somewhere, i compare it to the story that he traveled there not occupied, but already in donbas, which was about to explode into war, he tried to say something there about the russian language, about russians,
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about some kind of friendship there. here, but we do not have this image, that is, he is already a hero for us, he is a war hero, we perceive him as a war hero. this third zelensky is a person who, on february 24, 2022, remained at the head of the state, did not run away, and if someone there did not react, if he did not ironize, well, he really remained at his work post, as he should have for the president of the country, which began, and thursday:... the zelensky we see now is a man who runs, well, runs the state as best he can during a large-scale war, i think that this fourth zelensky is not like the first three, and he is not similar to any president in the world. why? because no one has such experience, the experience of managing a state during the repulsion of aggression, during an attack on the state, i
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think that this is what makes him different. in the world, of course, now there are a lot of complaints about him, a lot of questions, and well, this is absolutely logical and understandable, i think that all the presidents of ukraine, without exception, after five years of their management of the state , had questions, and most of the presidents lost their second, second term, when they were running for a second term, they lost this election, and in this too there is some kind of regularity, i.e. it seems to me... that the zelensky we see now claims to be the president of victory, that is, he wanted, he wanted to be the president of peace at first, then he became the president of war, and now it seems to me that he wants to be the president, anyone, anyone, sergey, anyone would like to be the president of victory, and you, and i, and any ukrainian, wanted to see, we strive, we are going there, i hope.


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