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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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silence, we remember and honor the memory of all those who died because of the russian invaders on our land. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to all viewers, my name is kateryna nekrecha, this is svoboda ranok and we are starting the information day together with you, and in this broadcast we are talking about the following topics: the ship is no longer ready for execution. tasks in the armed forces confirmed the destruction of the russian supply vessel. the commune caught fire on april 21 in port of occupied sevastopol. we will tell you all the details. the us congress supported aid to ukraine. the next step is approval in the senate and the signature of the us president. when will ukraine receive weapons in particular and whether they will help the armed forces of ukraine in the offensive of the russian army already in june and whether this help will be the last from washington. military personnel detained on suspicion of... by the police in vinnytsia region
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intended to escape from ukraine, the national police said. how was the detention, where were they hiding, are there any motives for the attack and what detainees say during interrogations. every weekday morning from 9:00 a.m. we talk about important events in ukraine and the situation at the front, be sure to subscribe to our channel and write in the comments where you see us from and what topics you consider relevant this morning. armed forces. of ukraine, the russian ship komuna was hit in occupied sevastopol, the information about this was confirmed by the naval forces, the spokesman of the navy, dmytro plytenchuk , said on his facebook page that the nature of the damage to the vessel is still being checked, but now it is definitely not able to perform tasks. information about the damage to this ship appeared on sunday morning. a video of the fire on the ship was distributed on the network, and a male voice behind the screen said that the ship had been hit by a missile. true, the occupation governor of sevastopol, mykhailo, entertains. stated that the military, they say, repelled
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an attack against a ship's missile, and the fire was caused by its debris. the russian ministry of defense did not make any statements regarding the incident. and already this morning , the russian telegram channel astra published a video in which a man claims to have filmed video of the fire on the ship, regrets it. astra writes that he was forced to do it. i am a sailor, on april 21, i took off the ignition. the ship that was burning nearby. i shared this video with close friends. i regret this very much, i regret it. i did it because of my very great stupidity. according to the analysts of the ukrainian deeppstate project, komuna is a unique rescue ship launched in november 1913, that is, during the time of the existence of the russian empire. it is designed and has special rescue equipment submarines and raising sunken cargoes. and then we will discuss
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all the details on our broadcast. dmytro plytenchuk, spokesman for the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, joined our broadcast. congratulations dmitry, thank you for joining. greetings from the studio, greetings to viewers and listeners. good morning. what interested the armed forces of ukraine, as you said, perhaps the oldest ship that underwent many repairs. what is interesting about it? well, it should be understood that they underwent not only repairs, but also modernization. and it's a search engine. lifeboat so to speak it was actually converted throughout its history, and this vessel, for example, was used by the russians to lift important elements at the site of the death of the cruiser moskva, for some reason this was chosen from the entire auxiliary fleet of support vessels, which once again emphasizes its uniqueness, despite his rather respectable age. but in fact it should be understood that
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the enemy has also added another element to their tactics, they are now hiding combat units behind ships of the auxiliary fleet, and this could be the cause of damage to this particular unit. the commune caught fire in the bay, not in the port itself in sevastopol, as far as i understand, but is there any possible destruction of the infrastructure there as a result? no, i do not currently have any confirmed information regarding collateral losses. and why was it in the bay at all? this has already become a practice for russian forces in crimea after the ukrainian strikes, in particular, to somehow hide these ships, so to speak, away from the eyes of the armed forces? well, actually yes, they are there because they are not can go on an external raid because of
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the danger, and moreover, they are still strengthening measures to close these bays from external attacks, and by the way, for example, this bay is protected as an air defense ship by the already well-known small missile ship cyclone, which is a carrier cruise missiles, but so far he has not used them, he was assigned the task of covering this bay from the air, as you can see, he has problems not only with calibers, but also with the air defense system, this armor is on board , ugh, and they... didn't see, or didn't have time to react, or just how did it happen that the commune was hit after all? well, we can't reveal all the technical details, about this operation, i can only confirm that it was carried out by the naval forces, and according to you
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, in particular, the commune was transporting underwater drones, deep-sea drones, what are the possibilities, if we talk about these underwater capabilities of the russian army, for underwater vehicles and for divers , there is always enough work in any fleet, but the uniqueness of this particular ship was that it could perform deep-sea work could lift some pretty serious heavy items that sunk, plus he was involved in submarine maintenance , so yes, it was an important unit, and again, going back to the beginning, despite his advanced age, he
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was on duty basically all the time . and it was already possible to clarify what other lesions were directly there, for example, are there any dead or not? was anyone on board at the time, was there a large crew at all? i do not have this information verified, i assume that given that it was sunday, it could have been sunrise to the shore of the personnel, but this is just my guess, the telegram channel astra published a video, we just showed it, with an apology from the sailor who supposedly recorded this whole situation with the commune, so why do you think ... if it is really true, they force to publicly apologize to the sailors in this way for the filmed video with the consequences of this arrival there or what happened there? well, actually, you know, it's such an interesting trend that the russians were shooting at us, and quite often they did it
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with impunity, as you can see, in our society in the same way, such a position was formed that it is not necessary to do this, it is not necessary to verify the results of combat work. the enemy should not work as adjusters, for the sake of hype, and in that sense they are now coming our way, when they started to get a response, when they realized that it gave them the ability to actually confirm fire damage, they also started to give this negative connotation to it, and ee in fact, if he actually posted this video... he was able to enter in the infofield exactly the results of their shortcomings in their work, well that is you you know that even at the official level they can get criminal proceedings for this,
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so this is done more so that others, others do not have the desire to film these results in the same way. dmitry, how and with what are the russian forces trying to compensate for the losses they are experiencing at sea? well, for example, if we take this unit in particular, it should be compensated under the given conditions by... perhaps because the internal ones, well, first of all, we should not forget that they still have a fairly large auxiliary fleet as part of the black sea fleet, there are and floating workshops, as well as other ship equipment, which is not something that can fully compensate, but in principle it is not the only ship, but it is unique, it is , firstly, and secondly, of course, ships of this class, well, again , they are simply no longer there, and secondly, they will not be able to go through projective waters due to their dimensions, through the bosphorus, the turkish strait, they will also not be able
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to enter due to the effect of the mondre convention, therefore, in principle, somehow restore exactly these losses it will be quite difficult for them, especially in the black sea. dmytro, i thank you for joining and telling the details about this commune, which caught fire in the bay of sevastopol, dmytro plytenchuk, spokesman of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, a captain of the third rank, was a guest of freedom mornings. i invite you to discuss what you hear in the comments, and also ask your questions to the speakers who join this broadcast. now let's talk about the situation at the front. although the russian army wants to seize the city of yaru in the donetsk region by may 9, when russia celebrates victory day, and start an offensive in june. about this ukrainian president zelensky said in an interview for nbc news. russia wants to mobilize. june 300,000 fighters, we are preparing for this, by may 9, russia expects
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to occupy the east of ukraine during the yar period, i expect that we will be able to withstand, that these weapons that i told you about will arrive in time, and we will be able to repel the enemy and then defeat the plans of the russian federation regarding full-scale, what... large-scale counteroffensive actions in june about plans to seize time until may 9, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general oleksandr syrskyi, previously spoke. british intelligence indicates that the russian army repeats the tactics used by the commander over time. 30-40 guided aerial bombs per day are dropped from aircraft from su-25 aircraft operating close to the contact line of isu-34 operating at a distance. at the same time, british intelligence notes that chasiv yar is well protected. and located on high ground. meanwhile, the russian ministry of defense reported that their army was fully entrenched in bohdanovka.
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this is a settlement in the north of chasovoy yar. earlier on april 13 about the occupation of this settlement was already reported by the russian side, but then the ukrainian general staff refuted this statement, reporting that bohdanivka was controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. but the officer of the rubizh brigade of the national guard, volodymyr chernyak , confirmed on the air of apostrophe on friday that the forces of the russian federation managed to gain a foothold in bohdan. fighting continues on the outskirts of ivanovsky, south of chasovoy yar. if the russian troops occupy ivanovo, they will probably try to semi-surround yar, chernyak says. oleksandr kovalenko, a military man, joins our broadcast columnist of the information resistance group. oleksandr, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations. considering the situation at the front, now we have heard about the situation around the temporal ravine. are there any chances for the russian forces to seize time in two or three weeks? no,
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not at all, they have now only intensified their actions in the area of ​​bohdanivka, and they cannot finally solve the issue of securing and capturing ivanovsky, this is the area of ​​responsibility, this direction is the area of ​​responsibility of the 11th odshbr, even though it does not have now direct subordination to the russian command, there is a centralized control of the airborne troops, and they cannot in any way significantly speed up the process of capturing ivanovsky, even despite the fact that they have been reinforced there by the 331st parachute regiment from the 98th airborne division, and in principle, until these... villages are captured , it is impossible to talk about any major serious offensive at the time of the yar with the aim of capturing the city itself,
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that is, the situation is very difficult now, the pressure is very powerful, but the catalysis of the offensive actions themselves, they are still ahead, in addition to everything else, even if we imagine such a negative scenario, ivanovske will be captured, and the russians will have the opportunity to advance in the direction of the hub, that is, to cover time... from the southern flank, klyshchiivka is problematic for them and andriivka, that is, from their southern flank, the southern flank will not be... protected and at any moment they can be cut off, so they will also be busy ensuring a more secure advance along the southern flank only after the capture of klechiivka and andriivka, and with klechiivka and andriivka they have big problems, they have not been able to solve them for quite some time, namely to regain control
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over these villages, do i understand correctly that the risk of semi-encirclement and... such an opportunity, it does not give russian forces every chance to capture the city? in principle, even in such a situation, there will always be appropriate logistics from the west, which will not allow to surround. semi-surrounding in this case is not a solution, and even more so, to talk about that in two or three two or three weeks they will have some kind of phenomenon. the results will be able to capture the city, no, they have such a combat task, the command likes to set unrealistic combat tasks for them, which have some such fetish for certain dates, but they will not be able to fulfill it in these terms. president volodymyr zelenskyi said that he expects that ukraine will be able to repel the enemy and defeat the plans of the russian federation for
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a full-scale offensive in june. weeks in the russian offensive army already in the summer? definitely, definitely, because this is a very important component in all aspects, and this is a different nomenclature of weapons and equipment, which we were in dire need of for almost six months, so yes, it will definitely help, the main thing is that it already arrived in ukraine as soon as possible, this will take place immediately after the signing by president shang joseph ba. the leader of the corresponding document, of course, i don't think that there will be any problems in the senate like in the congress with its approval, but it's a few days, and the process will already begin, you see, bloomberg writes that this aid from the usa will allow the ukrainian military to rest, but it is unlikely that it will be able to turn
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the tide of the war without additional resources, whether you agree with this opinion, it depends on what kind of... resources we will receive, i don't think that vedenya bloomberg knows what every dollar from every million and every billion will go to, and everything depends on the nomenclature, which can be directed either to defense, and it will be directed to defense, in principle, the first stage of receiving aid , this is the very creation of conditions for the most effective defense. the second, there is already receiving aid, this is the formation, among other things, of reserves and opportunities to carry out counter-offensive and counter-attack actions in the future, and therefore i think that this aid will include the first and second options, but in what quantity and under what names , technical components, weapons and so on,
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even to this day no one knows it, i think that even the usa does not know to the end which components these packages will be allocated to? about long-range attack missiles and other weapons, as if the us could send to ukraine as early as next week if the bill on the allocation of aid is presented to president joe biden for signature on tuesday or wednesday, the chairman of the us senate intelligence committee, mark warner, told cbs news. mr. oleksandr, what will be the goals, if such are these, well, for these long-range attacks, what are the priority goals for the armed forces of ukraine? no, well, let it be a surprise for the russians, who will fly over there, but in principle, of course, if we are talking about atakams, this is a lot depends on the modification, here you know, there is also a kind of a little secret, what kind of modifications we will get, if we are talking, for example, about the modifications
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of the first ones, when they appeared, that is, 160 km combat... on a cassette type, then these are airfields, the best facility for them, on which aircraft, attack helicopters, tactical aviation and so on are located, and if we are talking about a variation of 300 km, but also with a warhead of the cluster type, then again airfields, but this we are already talking about the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula of 300 km, and there are many such objects, and not only airfields, even placement elsewhere on the territory. the crimea of ​​the russian air defense forces. recently , dzion s-400 was actually disabled in dzhankoya and a rare radar was destroyed. and systems, so these are exactly the targets that will be struck, but there are other modifications, there is a modification with a post-chamber-fubas
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warhead of a penetrating type, or a volumetric detonation of an explosion, which is also very useful against a cluster of military equipment or even such field camps and many others, i.e there really is a variety of functionality. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for... joining our morning broadcast, oleksandr kovalenko, military columnist of the information resistance group, was a guest of svoboda ranok. us military aid may arrive in ukraine as early as this week, the chairman of the us senate intelligence committee, mark warner, said in an interview with cbs news. according to him, the aid bill will be submitted to president joe biden for signature tomorrow immediately after the vote in the senate as soon as the american president signs the document, military aid will be sent to ukraine, the americans... the media reported that the weapons were apparently ready to be sent. the aid package includes, in particular , atakoms long-range missiles, noted mark warner. approving us aid to ukraine will give a chance to
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win the war, president volodymyr zelenskyy said in an interview with abc news. i would like to remind you that on april 20, the us house of representatives, after several months of discussions, approved a bill on the allocation of aid to support ukraine in the amount of about 61 billion dollars. and 11 congressmen voted for 112 against. radio liberty correspondents asked people on the streets of kyiv whether they were following the process of providing aid to ukraine and whether such a long wait affected the course of the war, as well as whether the amount of aid was sufficient? let's hear what people are saying. finally, let this help, the event, let the weapons come already, so that we can ee... return, let's say, to the times when we had the advantage, when the advantage was our fighters, well, i hope that it will help ukraine to reach the frontiers, which are planned
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our president, i hope for a victory, and i hope that i will return home, because i bought a gift of energy, it made it a little easier, probably also made it easier, there is hope that they will help, and we will stabilize the situation a little. generally positive, but they dragged on for a very long time, a very long time, that is, it started somewhere from october to november, well, almost six months, almost six months, and the front is suffering a lot, i understand that they have their own political nuances, but still they promised from the first days that they would help, everything should be on time, well, we hoped that when they go on this vacation, they will come and... but it was very drawn out, it was very psychotic, when oh, when they blocked for a long time, did not want to provide help, these republicans are very crazy, forgive me,
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but so what, well, that's it, that's life, but the main thing is that, after all, the majority are democrats, the majority, if they still voted for and very cool, i remind you that this is not a poll, it's just the opinions of individual people on the streets of kyiv, but we spoke with a military expert about the fact that everything depends. the course of hostilities depends on the military one help, from the specific means that the allies will provide, but about the fact that ukraine's allies know and understand what exactly the range of weapons ukraine needs for defense - says the deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, yehor chernyav, according to him , prioritizes 155-mm projectiles , missiles for air defense systems and long-range weapons, in particular atakoms missiles, they absolutely clearly understand the urgency of this situation. the need to provide us as soon as possible those types of weapons, moreover, during this time, while we were waiting for a decision in the congress, well, our
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partners also did not sit idly by, that is, it will not be the start of production in order to provide us in a few months, they have accumulated certain of their warehouses, i think that the time to provide us with help will be measured in days, not weeks or months, moreover, well, you can write in the comments, and what are your expectations and did you feel some relief, probably in ukraine they did not follow the votes so closely in the usa, well, even more so relates directly to assistance to kyiv and the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr kraev, director of the north america program of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, joined our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, i would like to ask you whether you have optimistic expectations, or really already these days. a decision will be made and this necessary aid will be sent to ukraine. yes, good morning to you. according to the classics of american politics, the senate is more predictable. well, that's
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how it turned out. historically, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, that in principle in the senate is much higher and much better internal party discipline. previously, we heard that both the leader of the democratic majority, chuck schumer, and the leader of the republican minority, mccon, said that in principle there is agreement on the text that was adopted in the house of representatives. and if we have already seen about the house of representatives in these six months, you can never say anything in advance, and in principle there is complete discord and chaos when things come to a vote. then within the senate it is much, much more stable, there is less intra-party fragmentation, there is less let's say, interparty clash, the senate is always a kind of more moderate part of the congress, because i have no particular doubts about the senate. oleksandr, whose merit is it that it was still possible to vote for speaker johnson, who proposed such an alternative bill and agreed with everyone, or is it still the conversations with trump, in particular , the visit of david cameron, the prime minister
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of britain? ah, well, unfortunately, i rather stand in the position that the merit of the fact that it was voted for is that it became trump profitable, he simply saw that biden's ratings, despite the fact that the draft law on ukraine has not been adopted, biden's ratings continue to rise. all the previous 6 months, while trump blocked the ukrainian support package, we saw that he was a more or less stable leader. he was in the lead by only one and a half to two, there was a maximum of 3%, but he kept ahead. now biden has come forward. even before the vote on the ukrainian bill, and unexpectedly trump changed his point of view, he began to say that ukraine should be helped, johnson unexpectedly came out with an alternative draft law, that is, in this case , unfortunately, we were dealing with political technology, political technology that completely replaced politics, so it is not a merit there, but i will remind you that we are talking with oleksandr kraev, and we will talk further about, i
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hope for help from. the usa to ukraine, and oleksandr just mentioned on the air that after all, it is probably about the fact that the aid was approved thanks to the fact that trump himself, the candidate for the presidency of the united states, after all, changed his position regarding whether it is necessary to provide aid to ukraine, because i looked at the ratings, oleksandr krayev's opinion was just voiced on the air, and then we will definitely talk about the conditions of this aid, because, as we can see, the amount itself is almost 61 billion dollars, it has not changed. oleksandr kraev returns to our broadcast. oleksandr, tell me what are the conditions of this aid, what has changed from the first bill, which they did not want to adopt in any way, and what has appeared in this bill from speaker johnson. well, in fact, there are several points: firstly, this bill enables the house of representatives to directly put pressure on the president, that is, both on the issue of attacks and on the issue of the strategy for the victory of ukraine, which should...
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provide the congress precisely the presidential administration in the near future, within 45 days, literally, and these two fuses, let's say, appealed to those congressmen who doubted the necessity of this vote, because previously in the democratic package no additional levers of influence or levers of pressure on the presidential administration was not in this bill, there was just a monetary part that had to be approved, and now congress, in addition to having approved the aid package for ukraine. still got the opportunity to play with the executive branch of government, this is the first, the second is the issue of lending macro-financial aid and lending humanitarian economic aid to ukraine. again, it is written in the most free, i would say, even liberal terms, because in six months the president will be able to write off half of this amount, by the middle of the 25th year he will be able to write off essentially this entire amount if he wants to, but for those, for that part
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of the republican party that did not want to give money in ukraine... just like that, it became a good enough reason for to vote equally for this package, which they say, we provide what ukraine needs for survival just like that, and what is needed for a good life, well, it will already go to the credit. here is the statement of the chairman of the european committee in the bundestag, and he does not rule out that it was approved on saturday the us house of representatives, aid to ukraine may be the last, i quote him further: we europeans should do much more for ukraine, and will this aid from washington be the last in your opinion? yet? it is difficult to say, but i can already state that such a statement is very correct, that is, this statement is essentially aimed not at ukraine, not at the americans, this statement is aimed at europeans that regardless of what is there and how, we we have to do more, we have to step up, we have to be more responsible, and ukraine is first of all our partner and our neighbor, we have to do more, so no matter what arguments are used by people who activate european support.


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