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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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of the republican party, which did not want to give money to ukraine just like that, this became a good enough reason for everyone to vote for this package, which they say, what ukraine needs for survival, we give just like that, and what is necessary for a good life, well, it will already go to credit. here is the statement of the chairman of the european committee in the bundestag, and he does not rule out that the aid to ukraine approved by the us house of representatives on saturday may be the last, i quote him further: we, the europeans, have to do a lot for ukraine more. and will this help be the last? from washington in your opinion? it is difficult to say yet, but i can already state that such a statement is very correct, that is, this statement is essentially aimed not at ukraine, not at the americans, this statement is aimed at europeans that despite what is there and how, we have to do more, we have to become more active, we have to be more responsible, and ukraine is first of all our partner and our neighbor, we have to do more, therefore, no matter what arguments are used by people who activate european support, let them
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activate it, let them make it possible so that the europeans really help us more actively, first of all, just air defense, which is now a determining factor for us, but really, if we say, can this help be the last , europeans still doubt that the change of trump's position on ukraine is a constant, after all, trump is unpredictable, predictable only in his unpredictability, and therefore, in fact , anything can change his position on ukraine, just get up in the morning on the wrong foot. and he will already block the aid package for ukraine. plus, let's not forget that this year, in addition to the presidential elections, we have congressional elections, and the chance that an absolute majority of trumpists will take both chambers still exists. so yes, it's not an absolutely accurate scenario, it's not something that 's 100% likely to happen, but there's a pretty big possibility that with trump winning and a trumpian majority in congress, this really could be the last bailout. thank you oleksandr, who joined. on our broadcast
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, we talked about aid from the usa, which, well, according to forecasts, may actually reach ukraine in the coming weeks. oleksandr kraev, director of the north america program of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, was a guest of svoboda ranok. write your thoughts on this matter in the comments, well, then we will go to a topic that really causes a lot of discussion, a lot of comments. in the odesa region, two soldiers were detained, who shot policemen in the vinnytsia region on the night of april 20. this was reported by... the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine is also told there that the men were hiding in an abandoned building and were trying to go abroad. they allegedly cited the fact that they were transporting combat grenades as the motive for the attack, but this should be established by the investigation, according to the ministry of internal affairs. and they also report that the security service of ukraine is checking the involvement of the detainees in the activities of sabotage and intelligence groups. in addition to the attackers, their car was also found, with documents, physical evidence, clothes and... traces of blood in it. according to the ministry of internal affairs,
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two men, a father and a son aged 52 and 26 years old, opened fire on policemen in vinnytsia region when they stopped their car and tried to inspect it. 20-year-old police officer maksym zaretsky died on the spot. before that, he managed to injure the senior of the attackers, so they say in the ministry of internal affairs, another law enforcement officer, alive but wounded, in the ground forces of ukraine said that the attackers in the video of the policemen's cameras, which were distributed on social networks. these are servicemen from one of the military units. we will find out all the details that are currently known to the investigation. olena berezhna, spokeswoman of the national police of ukraine joined our broadcast. elena, welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. good morning to the studio. have the suspects been interrogated, do they admit their guilt and perhaps cooperate with the investigation? in principle, all the information that is currently available, you have just voiced it, i might add that it is already an investigator. the investigators
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announced suspicions under article 348 of the criminal code - this is the murder or attempted murder of a law enforcement officer and according to the first part of article 263 illegal treatment with weapons, the vinnytsia specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the southern region is in charge of the proceedings, investigative actions are ongoing, precautionary measures will be taken against them in the near future, preventive measures will be taken in vinnytsia on the territory where the crime was committed. also today will be a farewell to the dead 20-year-old police officer maksym zaretsky, who died in the line of duty, protecting his partner during an attack. and according to these articles that you voiced, what can be a precautionary measure? a precaution, of course. both the investigation and the prosecutor's office will request the selection of a preventive measure in the form of non-alternative detention. in general, according to article 340.8, the attempt or
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murder of a law enforcement officer is punishable by life imprisonment. is it known what they were carrying and for what purpose, whether they were carrying weapons or many? was she and where did they get her, where did they get her? how correctly you voiced that they claim that the reason for the attack, the motive for the killing of the policeman was that they were transporting grenades, but only when they are installed all physical evidence, and the investigation will be able to find out whether it was really, for what purpose and what was really the motive of the attack on the policemen, and this weapon was found? not yet, we don't have one. and did they establish what kind of weapon they were shooting from and where, again, that weapon was in their possession? yesterday, during the investigation , one weapon was found, whether it was fired from, it is likely that it was, but the examination will determine, and then it will be possible
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to speak about it officially. and tell me how the detention took place, we saw the video footage and, this is the room, is it there, who did it belong to, where they were hiding, is it possible that someone... helped them or not? helped, they changed places of stay, they changed cars, in the end they found an abandoned building in which, in which they hid and intended to leave the territory of ukraine, to leave, because of this they were in the odesa region, but thanks to a well-coordinated very complex operation by the police it was possible not just to detain them, but to do it without risks to the population for... the environment in such a place, it was a successful and difficult police operation. mrs. elena, how many people helped and contributed, are these people currently known to the investigation? so far, the investigation has not announced this information. but how many were there, one person or more? can you also tell who these people are? or
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colleagues or, unfortunately, to repeat myself, i cannot announce this information at this time, because the investigation is ongoing, it could harm the investigators of the investigation. important information. which is also written a lot in the media, discussed in the comments, and from where, from which brigade, is it known for sure, which brigade they are from, how they ended up in vinnytsia region, where this shootout actually took place, or was it arbitrarily leaving the unit, whether they were at the front at all, or maybe they served outside the combat line, well, these are already details that, if a decision is made by the investigation, they can be announced, they were military personnel and were in vinnytsia, they themselves.. . vinnytsians from there were already serving and were in that territory, and one of the detainees was wounded, he is an older man, a father, i understand, can you tell in what condition he is now? he is in a stable condition, even
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during the detention he was fatally wounded by a police officer who, protecting his partner, was able to fire several shots, but during the day that they were hiding, he ... was in a stable condition and was also given medical attention during the arrest, and he is stable today. the second policeman who was attacked during this situation, what is his condition ? the second policeman, whom you probably saw on the footage, he is injured, he is in the hospital in a moderate condition . and are the attackers wounded, by the way, more precisely, in... let me clarify whether he is in the hospital or not? the injured policeman is in the hospital, the attacker, the attacker, no, he is in a stable condition. well, i thank you, ms. elena, for joining in and being able to tell what was told. olena berezhna, spokeswoman of the national police of ukraine, was
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a guest on saturday morning. i encourage you to be active in the comments and share your thoughts about what you hear on our broadcasts. well, if you want, want, support... our project, it is very easy to do it, subscribe to our channel, put like our videos and you can share these videos in your social networks as well as in your correspondence with friends, colleagues and loved ones. next, let's talk a little about culture. the ukrainian family comedy krashenka will be released on april 25 before easter. the authors shot this film in just 10 days. the events of the film take place during easter week. the zabiak family, which has not seen each other for many, many years, despite the war, is gathering for easter. at their parents' house, two sisters and a brother notice that their father is behaving rather strangely, it turns out he's building a missile to hit moscow and end the war. according to actor volodymyr gladky, who played yarik from the zabiak family in the film, krashenka is a bright family movie. filming took place in
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kyiv and the region, pre-premiere screenings are planned in khmelnytskyi, ivano-frankivsk, lviv and kyiv. we will talk more about this tape later. dasha leheida, actress of the film krashenko, joined our broadcast, dasha. greetings, thanks for joining. congratulations katrina, thank you very much. tell us about the tape, what it is about, how did you manage to shoot it in just 10 days, and how did it all look from the middle of the shooting process? and as volodymyr gladkyi already rightly pointed out, after watching this film at the pre-premiere screenings in lviv, khmelnytskyi ivano-frankivsk, we were convinced that this is indeed a very warm, very bright family movie, and how was it possible to shoot it in 10 days, not i know, we must have made all possible efforts to make this happen, starting with the director, our team, and the studio. groups, and producers, actors, of course, what, ah, tape
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was created with extreme love and warmth, um, everyone was very involved in the process, it's difficult to create something, anything at all during a full-scale war, yes, but even in such conditions we were able to make something very bright and filled with love, and that. this is the kind of movie that i would really like to share with people, because these are extremely dark, scary times now, 10 years they cannot pass, it is like that, people fall into despair and despair, rise again, again we fall somewhere, we have a lot problems, someone gets tired, someone despairs in despair, someone in despair and... and we really need bright and good moments, bright and good moments in this
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movie, despite the fact that it is about, as i understand it, our present and the construction of a rocket, it is to reveal, maybe reveal a little secret, or managed to build this rocket and in general, is there a positive, you know, ending? well, look, i can't really spoil it, so why would people go to the movies and watch it, that's about it. to find out, you come, please find out if the rocket was built and what happened to it, here i am i don’t know how i don’t want to spoil too much, i want to say what is important for me, it seems to me that this ivan zabiyaka, this stas boklan, our extraordinary actor, can become a national hero, because this is the collective image of every ukrainian who does not looking at nothing in the super... and fighting everything and, as they say, fight, you will win. and if we talk
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about, in general, how difficult it is in our time, you said about the emotional part for creativity, when really in the time of the full-scale invasion of the great war, which we all experience to varying degrees, it really such a challenge, nevertheless, if we talk about possible such financial issues, how difficult it is to produce films now, how complicated even this shooting process is, when already... the money has been found, but because of worries, for example, security issues, maybe we have to postpone everything, what is the situation with this now? well, look, of course, the financing of some cultural projects there, let's say, is not the first priority, and it, well , it's clear where the money should go first, it should go to help the state, to aid to the armed forces, to aid in the purchase of weapons and everything that is necessary for our boys and... girls at the front, but, as you have already said, eh, it must be noted that this is a movie,
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there is no state money in this movie, it the money of the producers, who put their efforts and their abilities into creating this film, as they say, but when the money is already found, then another story begins with anxieties, with the emotional and moral states of each participant, because such are the times, such and films, and work, every... day happens something new and that's why it's hard, anxiety, yes, yes, we have to, we have to stop the process for a while until the anxiety is over, then it's all over again, that, that makes it difficult, we get out of schedule, everything is very, very - very densely built, i just remind you again that we shot this movie in 10 days, so yeah, that's it... it's all nothing compared to what we go through every
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day, and that's it. but thank you for sharing your experience. i will remind the audience that there were already pre-premiere screenings, but from april 25 the film can be seen at the ukrainian cinema, and the main question of this small interview with you is whether a rocket was built, whether you had a happy ending in this film, you can find out only when you go and watch it, because dasha did not tell these details. thank you yes. disconnected from us, dasha leheida, actress of the film krashenka, was a guest of freedom of mornings. thank you to all our viewers for being with us, every morning, i will remind you that... you can watch our project on the radio liberty youtube channel, also on the air tv channel. thank you for joining, subscribing, commenting and sharing this video, it really means a lot. my name is kateryna nekrecha, i and the entire svoboda ranok team wish you a peaceful day and see you soon.
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after subscribing to our youtube, do one more thing, pull out your phones, who has already hidden them, or who did it from a computer, and be please scan or take a photo, rewrite these details and donate here so that we can buy f5 drones for the cold ravine and for the black zaporozhians as soon as possible, because they know very well what to do with those drones with those fivishkas, so that it will be more difficult for the russians, so that they do not advance, on the contrary, they retreat, from everyone. .. informational fakes, in addition to flashlights with explosive devices in kharkiv and in addition to combat mosquitoes that shoot down the tu-22, i liked the most of the fresh russian whales that the russians finally captured budanovo . it is interesting that budanov himself, budanova, responded to this we don't ask, but we ask andrii yusov, the representative of gurmo, mr. andrii, we welcome you
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to our airwaves, and i congratulate you, they did not take budanov prisoner, because it is russian here. who threw something like this in the morning to brighten up monday, i don’t know, maybe they started listening to ukrainian music by klavdia petrivna, take me there , there is a good song of mine, maybe it didn’t reach them, but in fact, every time their fakes become more and more ridiculous, well, that is , there is no longer any strength or need to react to it, of course not, well, it is a delusion, which is not does not need a separate refutation and emphasis there, although it is clear, mr. andrii, and i am more technical. such a thing, in particular, the shooting down for the first time at a long distance of more than 300 km in that 22m3, and this is a strategic bomber, they flew... it was safe for themselves, fired and flew away from those borders, and accordingly, explain to us where the truth is here, because the russians say, that there was a technical malfunction, or in my opinion
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, our combat mosquito somehow hit, but it hit the plane so much that as a result, one pilot died immediately, and the second one was searched for a long time, yes what, what happened, this is a geopolitical historical malfunction, which is called the russian federation, and... what happened was successful, there was a successful operation of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine in cooperation with the air forces, the result is that we see beautiful epic footage, we will not reveal the technical details, but this is not the first such successful operation, gurmo recently also destroyed a regular a50 strategic aviation aircraft, and now also during the combat performance of the tu-22m3 mission. wonderful, that is, wonderful, and then definitely, no one plans to stop there, the fact that the distance from the border of ukraine
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is already 300 km deep into russia is not safe for russian aviation, well, this is such a new page, of course, they did not feel that way before this. when you say that we will not stop, then you announce that you can repeat, and how the russians react, do you have data? here , at these locations, where all this happened, at these borders, do they behave more carefully, how do their pilots fly more willingly now or less willingly, of course, well, it was actually a repetition, because it was not the first time operation, but this time, taking into account the previous experience and the distance deep into the territory of russia, well, we already mentioned the a50, so the enemy will definitely be forced to make adjustments to the tactics of its... strategic aviation, cover, escort, of course , that all this will have a direct impact, such work will become more difficult for them, and
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they will spend more resources on ensuring such tasks, there was also an announcement from your manager, in particular, the washington post is writing about it today, new volunteer special operations of russians, those who... the russian volunteer corps of the russian legion, this is a kind of announcement, but will a certain moment from these previous raids be taken into account, which, well, for example, for our viewers, which included sumy oblast, where some of them say, that the intensity of the shelling of us has some correlation with what the russian volunteers are doing on the other side of the russian-ukrainian border, i.e. they entered, they started bombing us more, that's what i'm saying. people of sumy, will this be taken into account somehow? well, it is always taken into account and studied. we we understand that on the ground, the situation can be perceived very acutely and objectively, the way
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it looks on the ground, but the general picture, it can look somewhat different, and that the recent actions of russian volunteers or the russian armed position, in particular, allowed to release , that is, they forced the enemy to overturn a part. forces from the front line, changed certain of their plans, which were and were known in relation to the north of ukraine, this is also a fact, it is simply clear that not all these things are visible and tangible to people who are close to the terrorist state, the state the aggressor, and the fact that various actions will be continued, they are non-linear, it is not always a repetition of the same things, well, obviously the armed opposition continues... its work, but please specify what it is about when mr. budanov announces that approximately in a month there will be difficult times, a difficult situation, and this applies not only to the front,
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not only to those announcements about the russian offensive, but also to the internal political situation in our country, what, what to wait for, what to prepare for? we see that the enemy does not stop trying to destabilize the situation in the country, spends a large number of resources for... ipso against ukrainians with the aim of dividing, demotivating, dissolving society. and yes, the topic of attempts to disrupt mobilization measures is being shaken here extremely urgently, and this story of ya ukhylyan is one such example, and of course, the issue of attempts to delegitimize the ukrainian government, the month of may, is something that was also warned about, together with the situation at the front, this is a certain... set of measures that the enemy is trying to implement. mr. andriy, there are still a number of people whom kobzon misses, he waited for strimausov and kyiv. you, you, you
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know what i'm talking about. i'm talking about the various balic and second balances, do the scouts know where they are hiding and whether they will soon go to listen to kovzon's songs? well, officially we do not make such announcements, we have never confirmed any details, but of course there will be a fair punishment for state traitors, war criminals, and many of them have already experienced it themselves, the best thing for them is to surrender to the hands of ukrainian justice. ukraine is a truly democratic state that respects international law, humanitarian law, international criminal law and provides even criminals with conditions of detention worthy of national and international law requirements, this is what would be the best scenario for them, but they are hiding somewhere in occupied crimea or in russia, because we are told from places that they appear only exclusively during force majeure, and then the detachments are somehow recorded in such a way that it is not clear whether they are
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there on the occupied part. are there reports from zaporozhye or kherson region or somewhere far, far away? well, of course, information about places the stay of state traitors is going on and this is part of the permanent work. we will not say more, but such news as there were previous times, in particular regarding strimausov and others, it is clear that they will continue, as well as the bologna rumble in russia. mr. andriy, in connection with the fact that the headquarters... this is most likely, they will transfer help to us in the coming days, and it will not be so easy for the russians on the front line and in general we are counting on such, do you have data on whether they are ready to change their plans of attack, whether they are ready or going in other ways, or in general not to attack now, that's how they react to these news, i don't mean public space, but in the field of planning, currently in the field
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of planning. the enemy is trying to act as intensively as possible to increase aid to ukraine, of course, this plan, there is nothing, let’s say, super new or secret, the more and faster there is help for ukraine, the faster individual actions of the enemy in individual areas will be stopped, and they understand this , they are also trying to collect information on our plans and on the plans starting from our partners, this is to some extent also a game of preemption, and also regarding those announcements that were also from the supreme commander, may-june, is intelligence observing its own tightening of the heavy reserve, because we hear from time to time that they they want to mobilize 300,000, but is there any data regarding the raising of new, de-conserved and restored equipment? there are data. e,
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the mobilization reserve, or the personnel reserve , is constantly introduced primarily to replenish losses from the enemy and to equip those units that have suffered the most losses. the same applies to de-conserved equipment, it did not stop being supplied to the front line, it is clear that the losses in the enemy's equipment manpower are large, they must constantly replenish them. this is not yet the story that shows the formation. there is a separate, separate large group for some full-scale actions, but this is how they transfer forces and means to replenish their losses. mr. andriy, thank you for participating in our program. andriy yevrusov, representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. time for news. time for news and actually, the news will continue this topic that we started. khrystyna parobiy will tell you more about what will be discussed in the next issue in a moment. christina, congratulations, and... you have a word.
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thank you, colleagues. kyrylo bodanov gave his forecast regarding the situation in ukraine in the coming weeks. i will tell you more in the release, as well as about the losses of the enemy, in a moment, wait. news in eteriso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment. three people were injured due to an enemy attack in the kherson region, including a child, he said oleksandr prokudin, head of the regional military administration. the occupiers targeted the residential quarters of cities and villages, damaged three high-rise buildings and three private houses. the russians also hit a private kindergarten.


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