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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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15% discounts on glicised and glicised max at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. on espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol out of concern. and respect to of liver and bile premium, the sponsor of the national team represents united by football, together, stronger , thank you for the espresso, thank you for donating, who hasn't done it yet, don't forget, there will be qr codes for fpv drones for our two combat brigades, donate and in the meantime, we will talk with the founder and... commander
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of the georgian national legion, mamuk mamulashvili, in connection with our studio. mr. mamuka, we welcome you. glory to ukraine. i congratulate you , glory to the heroes. we wanted to ask you for sure, first of all such a small preamble. suddenly, georgia decided to copy and make a scandalous russian law. this law in russia is used almost stalin-style, that is, simply. and in general, in principle, the mechanism is the same as stalin's, and here suddenly in georgia a completely similar bill goes through its first reading and a riot begins in tbilisi , and in general, i think that everything went wrong, all georgians do not like it, what will happen next, because there is a violent confrontation on the streets, you know, georgia has shown. showed
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at the first adoption of this law, the georgian community reacted very sharply and showed that it would not accept such a thing, nevertheless, when more or less active events were ripe, the georgian authorities again put this bill to the vote, and this kremlin directive, for the second time. it would be foolish to arouse this mass of people who came out, we understand that the main argument of a large number of people is that this law contradicts european norms, accordingly, the eu can now roll back its decision and no longer contribute to rapprochement with georgia or georgia with the european union , but actually such...
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there were no precedents in history, it had never been done like this before, and judging by the fact that the eu actually gave this, this rapprochement to georgia in advance, it is possible that they will not act now. what? you know, this is the last straw for georgian society and the georgian government. georgian society will never allow and has never allowed pro-russian authorities to distance georgia from europe, and in this case.
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they won't be, huh, mr. mamuka, we talked with you at one time about how relevant it is are the philosophies of the ukrainian rebel army, for your freedom and ours, you then talked about how a free ukraine and a free georgia are possible in this regard, and thus explained the participation of georgian volunteers in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in defense, how do you see this scenario in relation to your homeland, freedom? vello will go in such a way that at first there will be one of the ways, i think, after all, it is peaceful, it does not look very likely that this pro-russian government in georgia will be overthrown, that is, it is some kind of force scenario, then we have to to end the russian-ukrainian war and after
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that, too , to return the georgian territories occupied by russia by peaceful means or by force, well, that's how a scheme emerges in me, you see some... different logic of the development of events. i see that georgia, unfortunately, has to go through everything that it is going through now again, but the georgian society has evolved, they understood that it is not possible to declare a civil war. and such cases have already happened in georgia, but this time. the government does not have any legitimacy in this case, so in my opinion we lost lost the connection, well, that is, i will remind, in fact, about
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what i reminded mr. mamutsa at the very beginning of the creation of the georgian national legion, he actually explained why... his brothers took up arms and defend the independence of ukraine, this is precisely about that at one time he was still the head of the first independent ichkeria of chechnya, do you remember whom the russians eliminated, he said that ukraine would be next, yes, i am quoting dodayev, well, somewhere this logic about a free ukraine and the liberation of the caucasus from russian imperial oppression, it runs now in russian-ukrainian front, we have re-established contact. mr. mamuka will continue his opinion, actually what, what will happen, what will happen. rosen society has come through several revolutions and civil wars in the 30 years since
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the collapse of the soviet union, and now it has learned to respond correctly to provocations from the authorities. i am sure that the rosen society will be able to. change, re-elect the government, and choose your method, the statement of the occupied territories, and how do you see it, is this the liberation of the occupied territories of georgia by force, or as a result of this war diplomatically? this should be decided by the society, we... carry out the orders of the georgian society, as in ukraine, because we are also part of the georgian society, and the fact that we are here now is also the order of the georgian society, the society will decide in what way to do it, but first it is necessary to change
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the government, which is absolutely pro-russian, well, if you look at georgia, if you look at such a growth in general, then who... who will be subject to this law in the event that it is adopted, we understand that the most likely media, because a lot of media actually use donor aid very often from the united states, from other western countries, which are trying to implement these democratic principles and transparency in the media, so that society can see what is happening, see true news, true information, who more?
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in order to eradicate the free media and those organizations engaged in education. and thus we will fall out of the democratic channel, and georgia will find itself in a pro-russian one. what would have to happen for the authorities to refuse adoption of this draft law, i am not talking about canceling it or making some changes to it already after its adoption, but at this stage to say no, we are not doing anything, is this at all possible? the authorities are so scared, despite
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putin's pressuring, but in my opinion, in the end, they will withdraw from this law, say that in practice, uncontrollable processes are taking place in our country, they are trying to somehow adopt this law, i think that the more people goes out into the street, the sooner this problem arises it will be decided, mr. mamuka, but i also wanted to ask, how do you see the future fate of the ex-president of georgia saakashvili, he is sitting and somehow it is not at all clear how the situation will develop further, from time to time some small interviews break through, where he says, that he fears for his life, since in fact the penitentiary system is fully just as accountable to the fsb officers in the kremlin and maybe... the kremlin, and he will be
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held as a hostage. at this stage, he is more of a prisoner of war than a political prisoner, he was simply arrested, they could not provide some legal grounds for arrest. this is now a reality, political arrests are one of the levers of directing russian peace. and if the georgians overthrow this government, i.e. a change of government, does this mean freedom for saakashvili, or what? so when will the democratic processes begin, which now practically do not exist, in this case in georgia. prisoners will generally be on the street, free, and georgia will be able
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to develop more dynamically. mr. mamuka, thank you for your service, thank you for being with us, mamuka momylashvili, founders commander georgian national legion. i would very much like our next meetings with mr. mamuka to sound something like this morning when they announced that there are no queues at the ukrainian-georgian border. dry , sunny, dry weather and we invite tourists from one free, independent country to visit another, we also remind you that you can listen to all that we are talking about now, either in full or in excerpts, the most important fragments on our youtube, if you still haven't joined youtube espresso please do it it's great simply, literally one click. and you have access to all our ethers, to special projects, to this essence of the so-called shorts,
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join, stay with us and be sure to leave your comments, because it is important for us to know what you think and how you evaluate our work, and we in the meantime, we are bringing our next guest, yevhen magda, to the conversation with us, the executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevhen, we welcome you, congratulations, glory to ukraine, i am subscribed to the espresso youtube channel, it's true. thank you for that support, and i want to go back to the 20th, i am one of the first reactions that i saw specifically in russia, russian reactions to the decision from the united states. you, you mean medvedev pulled out a bottle, poured it and tweeted that or something? the first reaction was that i didn't see it, but i saw the message that it was actually a gift to the ukrainian nazis on the occasion of their birthday. well
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, there were many and different such things, that is , they had a field for creativity, well, this is the emotional part, you know, i will say that there is such russian idiom, good literary, powerless evil. the russians actually, i think, made a lot of different efforts to prevent ukraine from receiving this aid, but their efforts...they failed, and diplomatically, although not without problems, ukraine beat russia in this matter, because ukraine has managed to restore bipartisan support, which, well, which, let's say, has been so unstable and
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turbulent in recent months, and accordingly we have to pay attention to it. but we must realize that russia will now try to achieve some success at the front, until the time when american military aid arrives, well , in a renewed powerful flow, this must also be realized, and accordingly, russian propaganda will not end, i have already spoken about it, that russia now, i... here i heard the words of mr. budanov about maidan 3, well, this may be the name of the russian operation, i would call it kremlin spring, because it is simultaneous pressure on the front, it is a simultaneous desire to destroy the ukrainian energy industry as much as possible, it is a desire to undermine trust in
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the ukrainian authorities and many other things, i.e. including complex actions. in the background are aimed at demoralizing ukrainian society, this must be taken into account and it is necessary to work on it, well, okay, but this is from the point of view of their plans, i wanted to ask you what it means to restore its ugly, but bipartisan cooperation with the usa, there is an election campaign , we understand that part... of all those problems lay in the minds of the trumpists, in the specifics of this election campaign for america, but part also lay in the ukrainian channel, so in this case the restoration of the two-party system, it means that as at least until the end of the election campaign, do they turn a blind eye to all kinds of ermaks and other problems? you
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know, roman, the thing is, if we 're going to... focus on personalization, we're going to talk about yermak, about marjorie taylor green, about victoria sports, about anybody else, well, anybody you want, i'm all for we proceeded from national interests, if we have them of course, if we have them, then we should formulate them accordingly and distribute them accordingly. to show that we are, for today, for the united states, nothing else, you see, benen was also shown, also a very interesting character, eh, what, we, we are for the united states a point in the struggle between good and evil, if we show it, then there will be completely different reactions, simply, in a country in which four
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or five presidents... are credited with the saying of somos, of course he is a scoundrel, but he is our scoundrel, it is not necessary to talk about who and what, in our opinion, influences domestic politics. the united states in this case, if it does not sound cynical, we should be perceived primarily as a mechanism strategic partnership, how we interact in this sense, that is when we will interact with the united states in a proper way. we will confirm the strategic partnership, i will not be afraid of this formula both in word and deed, then i will, as it seems to me, we will have a completely different situation, just don't confuse deed and ideal, okay, mr. yeven, and you, by the way, you you somehow explained to yourself why
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so many suddenly appeared in the homeland of democracy, discussions, established institutional politics... er, followers of maryana bezuglai, we just found them were shown here on the screen, all these green spartans, and by the way, you, you can also say what will change for the planet, because there is news of a planetary decision, maria, mariana bezuga decided not to leave the servant of the people, and this is a planetary decision and the weight of the event, but still, what happened to the americans, that they have so many marians, if in the context of marians b... with an angle, then i think that this means that the republican party can sleep peacefully, they will not have to co-opt her into their ranks, and this is already a plus, so to speak. seriously, nothing strange happened, the issue is that russia very skillfully uses those stereotypes and those opinions that
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exist today in relation to the united states, since 2016, during the campaign of the year 16, russia tried in to intervene, in the 20th year, well, they even openly talked about it, in the 20th year there were also similar interventions, and this is also enough... i think it is obvious and understandable, but now reuters already wrote last week a small a column about the fact that microsoft records the revival of russian hackers on v the american segment of social networks, this shows that the russians know very well how such technologies work, and accordingly their bots ... roles they will also work for this, their goal is not really trump's victory and not biden's victory, their goal is to create chaos, because only in conditions of chaos
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will there be a situation in which it is possible to attract some radicals, to attract other radicals from one side, because the united states, after all, as a country is not only democratic, but also many, and to find different, let's say, non-systemic ones.. . subjects of influence - this is a purely technical issue, and after that, for us, at the moment, i am sure that we should talk about the need to create certain mechanisms that will support us in matters of strategic partnership, and for us, bipartisan support is a guarantee our, if you will, stable position, because then we will ... not only receive aid packages, but we will have the opportunity to engage in dialogue and achieve some
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progress in relations with the united states. that is why i say that we should be a point in the struggle between good and evil, because in this way we have to respond to theses, first of all , christian morality and those things that exist today, that is, we agree with you, sir. eugene 100%. thank you for participating in our broadcast. yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics was with us. with that, roman and i also say goodbye, have a peaceful, safe day, take care and stay with espresso, because there will be news in a few minutes. petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable. and as always, the fuel did not run out on time, but it is desired to have a beautiful, well-kept plot. there is a solution. garden trimmer tv. hurry up to buy at
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stronger together. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news, working in the studio khrystyna porubiy. the enemy fired at a bus stop in the dnipro district of kherson. a 44-year-old woman was injured in the attack. she was hospitalized, the regional military administration reported. the russians also struck the karabal district. there , a 63-year-old man was injured and was hospitalized.


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