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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine in eterispress news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the enemy fired at a bus stop in the dnipro district of kherson. a 44-year-old woman was injured in the attack. she was hospitalized, the regional military administration reported. the russians also struck the karabal district. a 63-year-old man was injured there and was hospitalized. with
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contusion, mine-explosive and closed craniocerebral injuries. one person died, six others were injured due to shelling of donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. at night, the russians hit s-300 rockets on ukrainsk and novogrodivka in selid. a guided aerial bomb was also dropped on the village of progress. as a result of the attack, apartment buildings and private houses were destroyed. educational establishment. industrial facility and enterprise. a minibus with passengers crashed through a large sinkhole in the kyiv region. two people died, seven more were injured. all are in serious condition, the state emergency service reported. the accident happened in the morning near the village of oliva on the highway ivankiv-radomoshel. a minibus takes people to work and the road collapsed under it. there were nine people in the cabin.
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russian missiles were aimed at kherson. the sbu detained the ex-deputy and his accomplice. according to the investigation materials, a former deputy of the kherson district council and a hospital employee secretly recorded the locations of the military bases. the suspects also collected information about the consequences of enemy airstrikes. all data was transmitted to the occupiers through another agent. the enemy group included a total of four people. tell everyone. rumors about suspicion. working people less than pensioners. the ministry of social policy presented the demographic strategy of ukraine. we will ask our correspondent dmytro didora what the situation is with the birth rate and how to provide social benefits for such a large number of taxpayers. he is with us live. dmytro, congratulations, you have a word. i congratulate khrystyna, and
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i also congratulate our viewers. indeed, people who pay taxes now are less than pensioners, but they say that in order for social benefits and pensions to grow, one and a half people are needed for one pensioner, who pay at least one state tax. regarding this, let's hear straight away. today, we have 10.5 million people who pay a single social contribution, this is a contribution that is immediately transferred, let's say, to a pension, and 11 million pensioners, so that every pensioner is paid at least uah 500 in pension, everyone who works , only the euv in the part of the pension contribution, must pay at least 500,
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one to another, this makes it impossible to increase the pension for pensioners in ukraine, because there is no resource. also, the minister of social policy noted that it was received recently aid voted by the united states congress, it cannot go toward people receiving pensions because there is no way to explain to american taxpayers why they are not receiving them. pension from the state, and they send these funds for pensions to ukraine, today they also talked about the fact that the birth rate in ukraine last year was only 187 thousand newborns, which is 32% less than before the full-scale invasion, so the ministry of social policy plans attract those who are abroad, thinking how to bring them back home, they cited the example
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of leka hrytska, known on the internet, who returns to ukraine every year and settles here, and he already has five children, whom they are currently investigating as well. plan to attract diasporas, ukrainians in several generations, and this is all the ministry of social policy is thinking about today, how to implement, how to make ukraine attractive so that people can return here today, they talked about access to medicine and inclusiveness, about what ukrainians cities need to become more inclusive of people, to people with disabilities, and they also gave examples of what ukraine needs more... and educational programs to provide people with education, so that's all i have time to tell christ at the moment. thank you dmytro, our correspondent dmytro didora talked about the demographic situation in ukraine. destroying the russian evil before the international
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earth day, ukrainian defenders eliminated another 730 occupiers. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , the defense forces have wiped out more than 400 and 60,000 invaders from the earth, and with them they have been incinerated scrap metal just yesterday, seven tanks, eight bmps, 17 artists, 35 units of enemy cars and special vehicles and one anti-aircraft vehicle of the muscovites were destroyed. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and i remind you about our collection, means of communication and security, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they are fighting for independence. of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we 've already made the down payment and have some left over to collect about uah 400,000. so let's not
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delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. the street named after white angels will appear in kostyantynivka in donetsk region, the regional police reported. in honor of the police unit that daily evacuates people from the frontline areas. the city's longest street will be renamed. the name was proposed by the townspeople themselves to celebrate the heroism and sacrifice of ukrainian law enforcement officers. the new head of the press center of the south's defense forces became dmytro pletenchuk. he reported this to the department's page. it should be noted that before his appointment, pletenchuk was the spokesman of the naval forces of ukraine. let me remind you that before this position of head of the press center was headed by nataliya gumenyuk. she was released on april 19, because journalists complained about problems with
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obtaining permits for filming in the sector of the operational command south. spectator stands on the champs-élysées with... sports fields in ancient palaces. france is preparing to host the olympic games on 20-24. in paris, the grand palace is being converted to on the banks of the seine river, where the fencing and taekwondo competition will take place. spectator stands for bmx freestyle, skateboarding and break-dancing are being installed on the square of consent of the famous champs-élysées avenue. let me remind you that the olympics are less than 100 days away. 10,000 olympians and 4,400 paralympians from 206 countries will take part in it . such was the morning in ukraine. i say goodbye to you, until tomorrow, stay with us.
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the politclub program is broadcast on the espresso tv channel. greetings, friends, vitaly portnikov is with you, two hours of analysis current events this week. our first guest, dmytro snegerov, a military expert, co-leader of the public initiative right. congratulations, mr. dmytro. hello, thank you for the invitation. and so, let's talk with you about how the military aid of the united states can really affect the... defense capabilities of ukraine, because the decision has already been voted on tuesday by the house of representatives, on tuesday i hope the senate will also vote and next week the aid, at least the military one, will begin to appear in orders of the armed forces of ukraine, perhaps even from the european stocks of the pentagon, how can this really change the situation, well, let's
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talk about what will be the very first supply of weapons, if we are talking about artillery shells, then accordingly we will be able to get the situation. on the front line under control, let me remind you, currently the ratio of fire damage is 1:6 in favor of the occupiers, accordingly, the advance of the russian occupiers, their certain tactical successes in donetsk. direction is primarily related to the lack of a sufficient number of artillery shells, so i will not to jump ahead, but it seems to me that artillery shells will be the priority of delivery, respectively, plus air defense systems, and , accordingly, missiles for air defense systems, taking into account the unprecedented activity of the russian side in striking energy and critical infrastructure. plus, let's talk about the fact that
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the decision was made for the consideration of the president, and it is not for consideration, it actually says that biden should either agree or, accordingly , reject the decision to transfer the attack to ukraine, and with an impression range of up to 300 km in my opinion, mr. vitaly, this is a lightning game by trump's team, they created a so-called fork. for the biden administration, when biden , god forbid, refuses, he must explain his position not only to the americans, but also to ukrainian and european partners, and most importantly, all theses about trump's pro-russianness, they are effectively nullified by this decision, but less so if, accordingly, there is a positive decision for ukraine, then... we will receive weapons that allow us to keep under fire control of both the occupied territories
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of mainland ukraine and, accordingly , the territories of the occupied crimea, and this significantly strengthens the position of the armed forces of ukraine at the time of liquidation of the field infrastructure of the enemy. tell me, how do you characterize the current situation near the checkpoint, to what extent is this a tactic of the russian troops, reminiscent of what happened near avdiivka? not only under avdeyko, mr. vitaly, let's talk about the fact that this tactic was practiced by the russians back in 2022, unfortunately, the ukrainian media spread information with a link to the build that this tactic is in fact a copy of the actions of the russians near avdiyiv or bakhmut, firstly, the tactics of the so-called local boilers of flank coverage of the positions of the armed forces of ukraine were practiced by the russians during the battles for popasno and severodonetsk. then russian general lapin was awarded the title of hero of the russian federation precisely for conducting these
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operations. the basis of these operations consists in flanking the positions of the armed forces of ukraine with the aim of operational encirclement of the ukrainian group. and let's say so, the main goal is to take it under direct control or fire control of the location of the armed forces of ukraine, which does not allow allows, does not allow, respectively. rotation of personnel, evacuation of the wounded and, accordingly, transportation of bc, this is the main task of the russians, so it is no coincidence that they are currently pressing precisely on the flanks in the chasivyar area, trying to break through to the location. chasivyar is located at a crossroads, the road is not only a key point of defense of the armed forces of ukraine, but also, accordingly, a rather powerful logistics hub. and tell me, in principle, do you think this american aid is something now
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will force the russians to reconsider their plans for a possible attack on ukrainian positions? mr. vitali, and about american aid, let's talk, i generally got the impression that american aid was voted for precisely after the signing of the law on mobilization, and all these political games of the united states were primarily connected with the fact that ukrainian . the parliament artificially delayed the question of voting on the law on mobilization, that is , the american partners had a great opportunity to argue to their voters: excuse me, in ukraine the law on mobilization has not been voted on, why should we help the armed forces, and as we can see, literally in a few days, after the adoption and accordingly signing of the corresponding law on mobilization, a package of... technical assistance is voted on, that is, we can assume that
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there are certain grounds that, accordingly, delaying the law on the provision of military technical assistance was an element of the military-political pressure of the united states to adopt the law on mobilization. regarding the plans of the russians, and again, let's refute those theses which are heard in the ukrainian media about the next offensive. russians at the end of may, at the beginning of june. mr. vitayu, well, you are not surprised by this thesis, against the background of the messages about the already voted military-technical package. aid from the united states, against the background of the statements of the president of the czech republic that their country has found not a million, but a million and a half shells, and against the background of the statements of the eu countries that the so-called aid program from the eu country for the supply of artillery shells to ukraine, and we are talking
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about 500 thousand, it will work in the coming weeks, that is, let's put ourselves on... russians, the projectile initiative of the czech republic, the projectile initiative of the eu countries, will work by the end of may, and ukraine will receive military and technical assistance from the united states, and do you think that against this background it makes sense for the russians to start another offensive , if this one hasn't ended yet. in my opinion, it is said that the russians are trying to use the so-called window of opportunity. until the end of may, namely at the moment of the assault, and the time of the ravine and the further advance, god forbid, if they succeed in capturing chasivier to the administrative borders of the donetsk region, this is in their plans until the end of may, that is, you believe that it is in donetsk that this main such offensive will take place, absolutely, mr. vitaly, let's
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talk about the fact that it is donetsk that will become the main direction of the russian attack, i... explains why on september 30, 22, the russian dictator signed a decree on the inclusion of the so -called lpr within the framework of administrative borders into the russian federation and, accordingly , if currently, as of april 20, the armed forces ukraine controls approximately 45, and according to other estimates, 50% of the territory of the donetsk region, so this is primarily a personal defeat of the russians. to the dictator and the military, and political, and information failure of the first stage of the so-called svo. what do you think, in principle, about all these conversations about the fact that the russians can attack kharkiv, to what extent are they confirmed by reality now? not confirmed. let's talk about the fact that this is an informational and psychological operation, and the fact that it is ipso is evidenced by
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several factors. the first is the source information if you remember before that. on march 22, a vorstka first appeared, that’s right, with this message, it found absolutely no reaction, then the so-called opposition medusa advanced a thesis about the possibility of an offensive on kharkiv, again there was no reaction, accordingly, the russians went to raise rates and already directly one of the leaders of the russian federation , after all, this is the minister of foreign affairs, promoting that. regarding the possibility of an offensive on kharkiv, and here it has already rushed, moreover, let's talk about the fact that the date of the statement was not chosen by chance, well look, on the 18th, on the eve of the vote in the house of representatives, that's right, here we can talk about the fact that two target audiences were chosen, the first was the american one, on which military-political pressure was applied, that is
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, russia tried to show the scenario of the further development of events, if there is a suitable program. .. a vote on the decision to provide aid to ukraine, well, and accordingly to ukraine in order to force the general staff to redeploy operational reserves, without provoking internal migration processes, namely the exit of local the population is from kharkiv, and there are 1,300, and the third is to sow panic, chaos and distrust in the actions of the central government, and unfortunately, the ukrainian media help in this, but you know, i was surprised that after... the first information in to the ukrainian media, namely on april 19, on april 20, a second wave took place, just at the time of the vote in the house of representatives, and with reference to the so-called institute for the study of war, which generally assumed that the target could be not only kharkiv, but, accordingly, further advancement into of ukrainian territory, and this so-called
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the institute is not the first to produce outright disinformation about the plans of the russians. command, i will remind you, in january , with reference to such an authoritative primary source as a russian literary critic, they already reported that the russians should advance on kharkiv, and the deadline was january 15, well, the degree of idiocy, it is just critical, imagine, literary the critic reflects on the plans of the general staff of the russian federation, however, the ukrainian media did not even check... american, have suffered this blatant misinformation, but, dear society, the viewing audience, according to sources close to the ukrainian special services, behind the american institute for the study of war is a certain anton yuriyovych gerashchenko,
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well, to call him a citizen of the united states, in my opinion, is quite problematic, you don’t did you confuse the institute of war studies with the institute of the future, mr. dmitry? no, absolutely no, no, mr. vitaly, actually he should talk about the fact that these two institutions, he... taking care of, tell me, mr. dmitry, for your, your curiosity, how did the russians realize that america would approve the aid, because their reaction yesterday evening, yesterday evening, today, it basically looks like they are surprised, to say the least, well, to put it mildly, sir, you perfectly understand the mentality of russians, that's right, you are a professional, and judging by the reaction, you are hysterical until the last moment. frank reactions, they still hoped that the aid package would be blocked, i will emphasize again, in my opinion, the statement
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lavova was just an element of military and political pressure to make a positive decision for ukraine impossible. in your opinion, these strikes on the so-called ukrainian radar container, to what extent they can really reduce russia's ability to control ...strikes on its territory, because after these attacks they began to say that they crossed red lines in general, that this is the line of nuclear security of russia, this is where putin goes wild, how serious is it? no, no seriously, and thanks for your professionalism, let's remember who started it talk about red lines right? ugh, there is no question in your mind that there are too many red lines drawn for us by the western nations, in the first place. american, and just on the eve of the vote in the house of representatives, and regarding the strike itself, it seriously weakens the position of the russian
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federation, in general, let's say, the creation of a common anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense shield. given that they have catastrophic losses with long-range radar detection aircraft a50 and a50-u, striking. on this strategic for russian targets, this is quite a serious success of the ukrainian side, but let's talk about the fact that the russians refused to build a morning warning station in crimea, voronesh m. this is already a crisis. well , let's say it's a failure of the russian general system. of anti-missile defense, i will remind you that in soviet times there was a dnipro morning warning system, and a modern one was supposed to be built in its place, but as we can see, this is
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the decision to refuse construction, this is just an indicator of the effectiveness of the defense forces of ukraine. if we talk about further actions, to what extent can drones really solve these problems, which, let's be honest, russia is trying to solve with missiles? in general, as much as possible. not to use combined strikes on russian territory? well, let's talk, if information has already appeared that the range of damage is already 3,000 km, not even one and a half, then we can assume that the russians will have serious problems, and the main thing is about the same red lines, the last strikes of the ukrainian drones in the last two days, oil refineries, smolensk region and answered. the kalud region is quite indicative. ukraine once again demonstrated the subjectivity of decision-making regarding strikes on the oil refining industry
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of the russian federation, and the oil base that was attacked there was actually used as a staging base, and the corresponding oil was to be processed in the republic of belarus , in order to reduce tension on the background of successful ones. struck a ukrainian uav, and if we talk about ourselves uav strikes, the export of russian oil and petroleum products, gasoline and diesel fuel decreased by 14%. the russian federation was forced to take unprecedented measures to ban the export of gasoline and diesel fuel, and moreover, to increase the import of gasoline from belarus and kazakhstan in order to prevent social upheavals in the territory. empire itself, the only thing that surprised me in this story was that the west began to say that these strikes are unacceptable, that they can cause an increase in the price of oil, and
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i still don't understand the logic behind it. absolutely it is clear, if we look at who resorted to such warnings, the representative of the pentagon, who made similar, let's say, statements, let's call it that diplomatically, and from 2017 to 2022 headed the american-russian fund, which was engaged in investments in the russian economy, that is, it is about the fact that a person... in fact, using her official position, currently she is a representative of the pentagon, tried to protect american investments in the russian economy, well, this is not stupid, why the ukrainian political leadership and accordingly the fact that the ministry of foreign affairs did not make relevant statements is incomprehensible to me, especially if you imagine that the office of this organization was in moscow at all until 2015, which is a paradox. no, not a paradox. thank you,
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mr. dmitry. dmytro snehiriv, a military expert, co-leader of the public initiative on the law of the case, was on the air on this broadcast, and now we will talk about the near east with mykhailo yakubovych, a historian, candidate of historical sciences, a researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg. congratulations, mr. mykhailo. good evening. well, eight a few days ago, iran's attack on israel took place, which was essentially a fiasco. thanks to the efforts of the israeli air defense forces and the air defense forces of israel's allies, then there was a very careful, so to speak, israeli strike on iran, can we draw any conclusions? yes, it is possible, as we can see, the parties did not go beyond certain limits, proxies, iranian proxies and israeli proxies were actively involved, in particular in the territory
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of northern iraq, that is, kurdistan. well , after exchanging these blows, both sides showed that they can, in principle, continue coexist in the regime in which they have already coexisted for many years, that is, there are certain verbal threats, but there are no such existential actions, and now, in fact , the future hostilities have moved to the territory of syria and iraq, in particular, israel has inflicted. certain strikes have already been carried out on the shiite groups, and now there is a question from the dutch heights of the assad regime’s threat to syria in particular, and this has pushed back the peace in gaza for a long time, since these reactions we have are the allocation of american
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aid on the one hand, but on the other hand, there is a threat of sanctions, by some israeli formations on the part of the usa, here it was shown that the game is going on for a long time and such unconditional support of israel, which was, well , now it still remains in doubt, even despite the fact that israel directly declared a threat, and there was a threat, and accordingly, such allies as britain and the usa, jordan were involved in shooting down these crowns of missiles. here, but the conflict continued on its trajectory, and judging by everything, peace, specifically in gas and in general peace in the region, is very, very far away. and tell me, please, in principle, you understand why the westerner leaders, primarily the president of the united states, joseph biden, but also other leaders of western countries, tried to prevent israel from responding to the iranian military. well,
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first of all, they don't want to. a slight escalation on the part of iran, iran has accumulated a lot of resources to fight, the iranian regime is relatively stable, no matter how hard they try to shake it there, and there are also certain fears of an attack on american bases in arab countries, which in particular do not want this, and right here the biden administration must pay attention to these things, including the left community. since the left-wing community, which is currently running for elections in europe and in many places, is a conditionally liberal community, is critical of israel's actions, often accusing it of genocide, gas, and so on, so the americans must take this into account and try to go somewhere in such a middle way, to maintain, but if one were to refrain from actions that are too active, it is the same as with...
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bringing up from oneself any guilt and.


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