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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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is there a possible motive for their such and such behavior ? is it possible that they had to use this weapon somewhere? does the investigation have any definite ideas about where they took it and for what purpose? marta, i think we need to wait a little bit, because the pre-trial investigations have just started, we have to understand with you that we would like to get the answers yesterday, of course, but the investigators have to document... and interview the witnesses, in particular, the eyewitnesses , communicate with the leadership of the military unit, in particular with colleagues, military personnel, in order to understand what could have been the root cause of this kind of behavior, firstly, the arbitrary leaving of the military unit, and secondly, it was with a registered weapon, plus the fact that they talked about in the national police that they transported ammunition and... them into the water,
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and only then the investigators will be able to say and explain how, what was their motive, what they were afraid of and whether it could have been avoided, a little more time, and allow me, and regarding the escape for border, there was also information that they were being detained just in time trying to escape, is it true? as far as marto can refer only to the information provided officially by the national police, that they really were gathering in front of... the border and they wanted that they themselves came from vinnytsia, that is, this murder tragedy happened in vinnytsia, and the military unit in which they served in odesa, and they were caught precisely in odesa, that is, these facts will be revealed, how they were able to in what time, for example, from vinnytsia, what they were in vinnytsia clearly, so i really also saw that allegedly wanted to flee abroad, well, it is logical, after you... leave an arbitrary part, and for that
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the punishments are quite severe for those who flee in the conditions of martial law, then i assume that they really wanted to escape from ukraine. mrs. tetyana, forgive me, we understand that an irreparable tragedy happened, a 20-year-old policeman died, but if, for example, we talk about the analysis of the actions of the patrol police, so to speak, who stopped them, started the inspection of the car, and so on, and we understand that rather, there was still... one citizen of ukraine was in the cabin, which was imported, so to speak, for further procedural actions. i don't know whether this information has already been officially confirmed or not, whether the activities of the police will be analyzed during this specific check and possibly an attempt to detain? i think that the national police, following their instructions and ... especially those under
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martial law, we, that under war conditions, many police officers, as well as employees, also state emergency services, unfortunately, not only under enormous threat, and die defending independence and fulfilling worthy of their duties, so i hope that certain conclusions will also be drawn from this unfortunate conclusion of the case so that the lives of policemen in the conditions of the ... state will be better and not only that they will still be more protected and have, perhaps , even more freedom of action in such a situation, which has been in our country for the third year in a row. we thank you. tetyana sep'yan, the communications advisor of the sdf was in touch with us and actually informed us that today they have to choose preventive measures, this is about two soldiers, a son and a father, who actually is suspected of murdering a law enforcement officer in vinnytsia region, and they killed the second one. he
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has certain injuries, that is, he is currently in the hospital, by the way, there is information that the policeman maksym zaretsky, who died during the attack on the night of april 20, was already said goodbye in vinnytsia, and maksym was 20 years old, he served in the response sector of the patrol police, therefore, according to the inspector of the response sector of the patrol police oleksandr yakymenko, maksym zaretskyi worked for them for three and a half years, proving himself on the positive side, i.e. today vinnytsia held it. the last way, now we are going for a short break, after it we will continue our broadcast, so stay with espresso, there is a lot of interesting and useful information for you ahead, in a few minutes we will be back, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws unpack the tv just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is also...
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess and analyze the events them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine. the world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. the information day
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of the tv channel continues, well, there are a lot of events, an important signal came from germany, so the german government assured that the new patriot air defense system will be delivered to ukraine as soon as possible, said the state secretary of the german defense ministry , simtie möller. yes, quote, quote, moeller, germany has already transferred numerous air defense systems, but the situation proves that ukraine needs greater protection and the ability to repel attacks that are carried out from a long distance. so she assured that germany, which announced the transfer of the third patriot system to ukraine, would see to it that the new one was delivered as soon as possible at a reasonable price. norway decided. to this german initiative, prime minister of norway jonas agar støre announced it, and it is also known that latvia is ready to hand over short-range anti-aircraft missiles to ukraine, latvian defense minister andris spruts said, well, more details about, more details about more ,
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i would say yes, we will talk about international events with yaroslav voytko, a diplomat and as an international expert, mr. yaroslav, we welcome you to espresso. i congratulate you and our viewers, but let's start by suggesting that you and our viewers watch the material of our colleagues about the historic decision, yes about the long-awaited one. the decision we've all been waiting for, so finally agreed, after half a year of delay , the united states house of representatives over the weekend supported the provision of an aid package for ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific region, and now the final vote in the senate remains. let's see about exactly how we went about this decision of the house of representatives is detailed in our story. let's see. being america's enemy may be dangerous, but... being america's friend is fatal. the meaning of this aphorism, which is attributed to the legendary
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us secretary of state henry kissinger, ukrainians had time to reflect on during the last six months. that's how much time congress needed to finally take up consideration of the vitally important aid package for ukraine. back on october 20, president joseph biden proposed a bill that provided for the provision of military support to ukraine, israel and taiwan, but the document became a hostage of the electoral process. campaigns and irreconcilable contradictions between democrats and republicans. the result for ukraine is an acute shortage of artillery shells and air defense equipment, a retreat from avdiyivka and the threat of a collapse of the front, which the media write about and ukrainian and western politicians are already openly talking about. it is necessary to say precisely the congress, if the congress does not help ukraine, ukraine will lose the war. and find a public format. "if ukraine loses the war, there will be other states are attacked, and this is a fact.
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the most surprising thing in this story is that after a half-year delay in the bill, little has changed in substance, almost 61 billion dollars have been pledged for ukraine's needs, this is the same amount that the biden administration proposed. not all funds are directly received by ukraine. more than a third, i.e. 23 billion, will go to the purchase of weapons to replenish the pentagon's warehouses, the surplus" will go directly to the ukrainian defense forces, both for immediate needs and for long-term programs, finally almost another 8 billion, this is a direct budgetary support of ukraine. the last item was the subject of almost the most heated debates, in the end it was formally formalized not as a grant, i.e. non-refundable aid, but as a loan, which, however, the us president, with the consent of congress, will have the right to write off. the only significant innovation of michael johnson, the joint project was divided into... three parts, separately for ukraine, israel and taiwan. in addition, there appeared a clause on the confiscation of frozen
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russian assets in favor of ukraine. i think that helping ukraine right now is critical. i really believe information and briefings we received. i believe that xi jinping, vladimir putin and iran are indeed the messengers of evil. i think vladimir putin would march across europe if he were allowed to. i think that... i think that he might have a conflict with poland, or one of our nato allies. was speaker johnson really so frightened by the closed briefings of numerous american intelligence agencies? perhaps, in particular, this week , cia director william burns spoke before the congressmen. he directly warned the american legislators, if you do not vote, ukraine will fall there is a very real risk that the ukrainians could lose on the... battlefield by the end of 2024, or at least put putin in a position where he can
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essentially dictate the terms of a political settlement. it is not only about russian aggression, but also about china's cronyism, its ambitions and our allies and partners in the indo-pacific region. it is really a question of whether our adversaries understand our reliability and resolve and whether our allies and partners do. however, there is another explanation why speaker johnson agreed you. to bring to the vote a bill without reference to the security issue of the us-mexico border, which the republicans insisted on earlier, this is donald trump. thanks to the support of the ex-president, the little-known congressman from louisiana, mike johnson, headed the lower house of the parliament of the most powerful country in the world, and his opinion for johnson is much more important than intelligence briefings. trump de facto won the nomination from the republicans and is ready for a rematch with biden, he... can hardly be called a sympathizer of ukraine, he criticized the biden administration for helping kyiv, stressing that once he returns
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to the white house, he will be able to stop the war in 24 hours. the former us president was against aid to ukraine. two ex-prime ministers of great britain tried to change his opinion at once: boris johnson, who met with trump that year, and current foreign minister david cameron, who spoke with trump this year in early april. according to the media, both missions failed, but... after another meeting with speaker johnson, trump did not object to the aid package for ukraine, if it is issued as a loan. and then something unexpected happened. in your social network. or ex-president, or not the first time he wrote about the importance of ukraine for the united states. why can't europe contribute the same or proportional amount that the united states of america contributes to help a country that desperately needs help. everyone agrees that the survival and strength of ukraine should be much more important to europe than to us, but it is also important to us.
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come to europe. donald trump, president of the usa in 2017-2021 probably. candidate of republican presidents, has trump changed his mind, and if so, why? perhaps he also received information about the real state of affairs at the front, the only way to save ukraine, as kissinger himself said, the lack of alternatives miraculously clears the brain, and speaker johnson heard trump's main demand. in his project , it is clearly stated that us economic aid cannot exceed 50% of the total aid of the allies, primarily the eu. japan, which is important, the initiative contains a call to the president biden to finally provide ukraine with missiles for long-range attacks. it is interesting that in the document, the purpose of aid is not only the ability to defend itself, but also ukraine's victory over russia. the only question is whether american lawmakers have matured to this goal too late. well, yaroslav
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voydko, diplomat, expert, internationalist, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. yaroslav. glory to heroes. well, right away, we would like to ask you whether we should expect any surprises from the american senate, i would like to remind our viewers that with congress, thank god, less than six months have passed, but the issue was resolved. so, the question now of the senate and the question of the administration of joseph biden, yes, because they glued the extremely important case of atakams, so we understand that the biden administration has been trying for a long time to... the decision regarding the supply of the longest-range missile systems of this type, yes, that is, we were supplied, yes so to speak, well , the old ones with a radius of action somewhere around 150-170 km, what do you think about the prospects of quickly adopting and carrying out all the necessary bureaucratic institutional procedures? well
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we already know that the senate will vote tomorrow on this bill, for this they... postponed their vacation, which was supposed to start on monday, and we will thank the leaders of the senate, both the democratic majority, all the noise, and also mitchunel, a long-time friend of ukraine , this is a minority of republicans in the senate who consistently advocate for aid to ukraine, this does not mean that everyone there unanimously supports our state, there is one, for example, senator james. vance, who is an outspoken trumpist who says you can't do this, and there's another senator who says, i hear that putin wants to conclude a peace treaty with ukraine, and ukraine is just reading, unruly, i will not vote for aid to ukraine, that is, there will be votes
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against, and accordingly, these are the republicans, i think that the democrats, as they unanimously supported. in the house of representatives, this bill, all four, including the ukrainian bill, will be the same in the senate this time, the only thing is, it will be an amendment to the law that the senate already adopted in february this year, but then the house of representatives two delayed for months, broke on the four bills, as we know, we have passed the separation, now this package will arrive tomorrow. to the senate floor, although there will certainly be some debate there, again there will be naysayers and naysayers, but my expectation is that it will be passed tomorrow and will be forwarded as soon as possible to the administration of the president of the united states, and biden has already said he would sign it immediately.
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yes, mr. yaroslav, i would also like to ask you about the statement that politicos published on... that the united states is now are considering sending additional military advisers to their embassy in kyiv. i want to go back a little bit because it's very important right now because we 're talking about financial aid, we 're talking about military aid from the united states, and we also need to talk about whether we're listening to our allies from the united states, because last year there was information that, after all, our friends and partners in washington... still advised us to make such a targeted counterattack on the south of ukraine, but our government, the military command decided to make several such smaller offensives at the same time, and we see it. what exactly has this situation led to, do you think, is official kyiv ready to listen to those who can help
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plan these or other strategic plans, and in fact, so that we not only make decisions and take money from the americans, but that we also also tried, well, to listen to their advice, do you think we're actually at that point now, when we need to do it, when we should we take them into account? opinion, the advice of our partners should always be accessible to them, because without their financial and military help, ukraine could be in a very bad situation, and this is exactly what the cia director, who was mentioned, was talking about, he just briefed the congressmen about that without such help ukraine could, which you and i really do not want to... on the contrary, this is the 24th year, we cannot count on the fact that there will be any counter-attacks, any successes in the ukrainian army, although we very much for it
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hopefully, but at least this year is a day to persevere, and it's very important that in this aid that will be provided, these programs that you also mentioned in your report, that the president can... weapons and transfer to ukraine, this is such a presidential drawdary, and the one that is already being transferred is one program, there is another program that provides for the replenishment of american weapons, which will be developed new, and it is very important that just projects that... by the house of representatives, these programs, they are until september 2025, that is not only until the end of this fiscal year, but also
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until the end of the 25th fiscal year, you need to listen, of course, here i will not act as a military expert, which i am not, what my probably miscalculations, what other considerations were there, why last year. the counteroffensive failed, i think that these 60 new employees will report to the us ambassador to ukraine, but they will be military experts, they will be distributed in such a way that they will advise how to conduct these operations, although we will always have direct contact, let's say the same general zaluzhnyi, and now general tyrskyi, they have permanent... chiefs of staff and his chief, with minister otino, our minister
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of defense has contacts, but these 60 people will follow me just to ensure that all the help that arrived, they not only tracked how it went to the borders of ukraine, how it will be distributed in the future at those points where it is most needed for... now it is not all 60 billion, there are not 60 yet, there is less, because 8 billions, everything will be economic aid, which, by the way, must be used by the end of this 24th fiscal year, that is , those advisers, they will make sure that the equipment is in working order, that they are actually normal, military operations are planned, mr. yaroslav, forgive me, but i now meant several additional advisers. to strengthen the defense cooperation management at the embassy, ​​er, this is actually about defense cooperation, why am i what am i leading to, why am i asking this, because you know, it's very
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wrong, as for me, to take money, to ask help, but at the same time do not react at all and do not listen to what is advised, because then we will look for extremes in this situation, why it did not happen, why it did not work out, and then again the authorities will nod at washington and say, well, because that's how it happened, because they didn't give us this, they didn't give us that. and here, if it turns out that we are a little, as if cunning, because we are asking for help, but on the other hand, we do not agree to some of their and, well, if only their experience, they have intelligence, for example, which we really need right now, in accordance we need to pay attention to what they say , and they will certainly pay attention, and they are already talking about what i am saying, that this constant connection, after a full-scale invasion, it has existed for two years. specifically between the military, and therefore they cannot, in principle, tell us how to act specifically in a specific situation,
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listen. we will, especially since they will really help us, i say again, in those points where there should be this or that technique, and this or that defense strategy, and then not only that, we have already said that this not only defense strategy, but this time the aid is aimed at defeating the russian federation, it is the first time that it is formulated in this way in american legislation, it is not just for us to defend ourselves, so yes, we will listen, and on the other hand, there are, let's say, advice , not to hit the oil refineries of the russian federation, this is on the one hand, in america they also say that they do not advise to do this, that they say this, forgive me, but they say this openly, for the economist last week he wrote about what the americans really are behind closed doors
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they say something completely different. but they can't afford to talk about it openly right now, so yes, their official statements are one thing, and what they say behind closed doors is a little different. well, you see, let's say, the same parliamentary assembly of the council of europe says that, er, it is possible, let's say, the same oil refineries, this is a completely legitimate target for the ukrainian armed forces, because in this way this country is an aggressor, it will be hers.. . the economic and military potential to be destroyed, because it is not only there, let's say, about gasoline for some cars private ones, it's aviation gasoline, it's more than a hundred products of oil refining that go to help the russian army, and so here again military diplomats need to diplomatically listen to the advice that these 60 new councils will give. but this decision,
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it seems to me, should be a joint one, and our ukrainian commanders, like anyone else, have in these two years, well, more experience in how to beat the russians in a field battle, the americans do not have such experience, they will only now to study, so to speak, now everyone has in military academies, what zaluzhnyi and our other military commanders did, as it was possible in... in conditions when, say, the same russian army far exceeds the ukrainian military potential, if the territory is 28 times larger than ukraine, if the population 2.5 or even more times more than the ukrainian population, how is it possible in this situation for two years, in three days, as they once thought that they would take kyiv, all of ukraine in a week, but
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still this experience, which.. .with smaller forces , our army managed not only to stop, but also in several directions, we mention , for example, kharkiv, kharkiv region 2022, the liberation of kyiv chernihiv region under actual occupation, all this must also be taken into account, listening, we must do our own work, that's what i will say, golden words, thank you to you, mr. yaroslav, a diplomat, an expert, an internationalist, well, they talked about overseas affairs, how they can affect our internal situation in ukraine, well, what is the key story, that the united states has taken an extremely important, significant step, we are waiting tomorrow, tuesday, yes, well, let's hope that the senate doesn't give up, well , everything will depend on president biden's administration there, well, that's tomorrow, well , we're ready to learn more news from our colleague iryna koval, who is already ready with us
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to share everything. iro, we congratulate you, we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out. thank you marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the evacuation from donetsk region, also about the church in which the abbot, the traitor was found, where it happened, and also about which hospitals will move to a qualitatively different level of palliative care, more details in the issue. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on tv channel


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