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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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it is worth, well, in the issue i will tell about the fact that the court chose a preventive measure for one of the suspects in the murder of a policeman. wait for more details in the release. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the spresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. two months behind bars, without the possibility of making bail, the vinnytsia court chose a preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of policeman valery vasylak. during the hearing, he admitted his guilt and said that he was very sorry for the crime he had committed. judges today will also choose a preventive measure for his son, who was with him during attack
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let me remind you that on the night of april 20, they opened fire on two policemen who stopped their car for inspection in vinnychyna. according to the investigation, the attackers were transporting ammunition in the car. as a result of the shooting, one law enforcement officer was killed and another was injured. both attackers are military. meanwhile, in vinnytsia they said goodbye to... beaten patrolman maksym zaretsky, he was buried on the avenue of fame of the cemetery in bershad. the young man was 20 years old, his parents were left without a single child son zaretsky studied at the national academy of internal affairs and served for a year and a half in the response sector of the patrol police. today is a day of mourning in the bershytsk community. ukraine continues to celebrate bravery. soldiers who defend their home
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from the enemy, president volodymyr zelenskyy said during the ceremonial awarding of defenders. the head of state presented the order of the golden star to the families of seven fallen heroes. three active servicemen also received this highest state award. the president honored ten more ukrainian defenders as an award, the cross of military merit. those present also honored the memory of all soldiers who died for ukraine with a moment of silence. i am proud of every ukrainian soldier, i thank every family of our heroes, for such sons and daughters of ukraine, i thank all sergeants and officers who really care about soldiers and are an example for them. i ask you to always remember, to remember each and every one who gave his life in battles, for the sake of ukraine. british prime minister rishi
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sunak and nato secretary general jen stoltenberg will arrive tomorrow on a working visit to poland. about this said polish prime minister donald tusk. according to him, together they plan to discuss poland's national security and cooperation between the countries. the issue of providing air defense systems for ukraine will also be discussed. i'm talking about patriot air defense systems. that we were investigating their quantity in europe to see who would be able to supply them to ukraine. germany has offered its systems, but of course there are other types of weapons that could help ukraine defend its skies. so poland will actively promote this issue. mountains to romania. two residents of transcarpathia organized a scheme to transport conscripted men abroad. they were discovered by the border guard when they stopped two of them. cash with a group of people. customers had to
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pay the dealers 20,000 dollars each and conquer the mountains to get to romania. the organizers also involved a taxi driver in the scheme, who did not know about the criminal intentions of the passengers. those who want to flee the country will have to pay a fine, and the smugglers face criminal liability. about 6 million citizens have fewer workers than retirees need to be additionally involved. to the labor market in order to ensure an increase in pension payments, said minister of social policy oksana zhelnovych. currently, ukraine has more than 10 million citizens who pay a single social contribution and 11 million pensioners. also, novich added that the aid for ukraine approved by the congress cannot be used to pay pensions to citizens of ukraine. one and a half people to one allow us to increase. the amount
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of pension contributions, provided that there is a job in white, that taxes are paid, and so on, and therefore, it is approximately 6 million that need to be attracted to the labor market in order for our pensioners to be able to live. decently and so that we have the opportunity to increase their pensions, this is objectivity. in america, there are no joint pensions, there is no such thing as a joint pension, there are accumulative retirement accounts, like insurance, and so it is very difficult for them, for their voters, to explain if, if they do not pay their citizens some such pensions, then why they have to transfer to pensions for citizens of ukraine. support for students. over 10,000 laptops received by schoolchildren from zaporizhzhia. region from unicef. the project is implemented together with the ministry of education and science of ukraine - announced the head of the region, ivan fedorov. heads of educational institutions will hand over new gadgets to migrant children, children with disabilities, orphans and schoolchildren from low-income families living in the frontline region. eyes for the military.
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in the winter, trench candles were made, and now kremenchutsk volunteers have taken up the complex development. by request. fighters created an analogue of the russian complex by murom m. it enables conduct distant observations from closed positions. our film crew saw the first piece of equipment capable of saving more than one life. now we are looking at an object that is 4 km away from us. control is very simple. the left button moves the image to the left, the right button moves the image to the right. with this regulator , you can change the speed, as in a train. a few simple manipulations and we can see landscapes inaccessible to the human eye at a distance of up to 6 km. a complex that can
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distinguish a ukrainian soldier from an enemy from afar, scans the space and reproduces the image on the screen of any modern device. the military asked that this device not... give a signal over the air, but that the communication between the operator and the device be via wires, so that the soldiers and their other devices could not record what it is useful for? it is installed in any room, there are green spaces, and the operator can be hidden up to half a kilometer along the wires, who will control this device, seeing military equipment or gathering... our enemies, the operator already transmits a signal to either artillery or sniper the eye is the result of painstaking work of dozens of people. as the developers joke, it was possible to write more than one dissertation in the process. the initial version has already received positive reviews among the military. currently,
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experts want to reduce the size of the structure and improve the functionality. the computer program will compare the picture that is on the screen today, well, this minute with the previous one. that is , it means some kind of changes, if they have occurred, the system will send a signal that guys, something has changed, some new object has been drawn on pictures, there is something that deserves your attention. the next development will be to use night vision devices, because the quality of the image drops due to noise, this is a common optical phenomenon. i gave up the initial idea to do a normal scan with two mirrors for safety reasons, use it. whether this device, while observing enemy positions, the operator will remain safe, and that is the most important thing. we made an angle of 90°, well, at a distance of 4-5-6 km, this is a crazy distance, and up and down are also very large angles. moreover, we
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we hope that this development will find demand even after the war, after our victory, that the border guards will be interested in this ukrainian development. all sorts of environmental specialists, just private security systems, something like an oil plant or protecting fields and so on. in order to get things done, the invention was sanctified. i invoke god's blessing today, and may the lord strengthen you, may he grant you many good deeds to do, may he strengthen you, may he give you the strength, the strength, the intelligence that is needed to preserve human life. in the plans of the developers, certification and output to serial production, given the urgency. the need for such devices at the front is counted on the support of the ministry of defense. anastasia ushak and serhii vitrovy from kremenchuk for the espresso tv channel. a monument to the late queen elizabeth ii and her dog was erected for the first time in great britain. the
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opening ceremony took place in the city of okem. in particular, about 50 corgi dogs took part in it. it was a favorite breed of the late monarch. four-legged furries. walked in solemn procession in front of the sculpture together with by their masters. and i want to remind you about our collection. communication and safety equipment is required. intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and it remains to collect about uah 400,000. so let's not delay. the war continues, the help of each of us is very important. you can see all the details now. on the screen, such were the news at that time, we will see you
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already at 6 p.m., you can read more on our website espresso tv, a brief summary of the main things in our social networks and watch us on youtube, my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskiy continue the ether of the espresso tv channel. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a matryk topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose the topper matryk, which comes in... packaging that's easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film,
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saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did the propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. on tuesday, april 23 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. what time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it
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protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. premium sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, stronger together. well, the informational evening of the espresso tv channel is already underway, so the day was quite... informatively rich, but the evening is not inferior, now we are in touch pavlo koval, general director of the ukrainian agrarian association, glory to ukraine, mr. pavle, we congratulate you, glory to fellow heroes. well, right away we would like to ask you about sowing. spring, sowing , we understand how many different problems there are. on the one hand, there are regular shellings in the east of ukraine, on the other hand, we understand that mobilization is ongoing, and not always, so to speak, mobilization plans, they, so to speak, allow people to get
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armor in a timely manner, and, accordingly, the story with fuel. we would like to ask you now so big... we using masks to characterize the current problems, how they are solved and in general, what is happening with the crops now? yes, well, this is of course a relevant topic today, well, we say that today, if we talk about grain crops, including corn, we planted a little more than 2 million hectares, if we talk about technical crops, we are leading here sunflowers and sugar beets, and somewhere we are approaching 1,800 hectares, of course, this is for now... the campaign is not finalized yet, it is in full swing, and we can only to state that some southern regions have completed the sowing of early grain crops. if we talk about some forecasts and some estimates, then several such forecasters, analytical centers, forecasting
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centers say, they all agree that the yield this year and the gross harvest, the harvest will be bad. will be somewhat smaller compared to last year, well, the thing is, should we sound the alarm already, i think that last year we talked about record harvests, this year, if there will be somewhere by 8-10, maybe 12% gross the collection is smaller, then here it is necessary to speak, and for whom it can be a problem, if we evaluate, let's say, the long-term security inside the country, then there is no reason for us to care if it does not deteriorate... the situation there is connected with, say, hostilities, if the dynamism of the front lines will not change if there is no increase in the bombing of civilian infrastructure, including the port near-port in our southern regions, the odesa region there, if we have supplies of material resources coming in rhythmically, but if
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to talk about the problems faced by agrarians, then they are really present, and here it is worth highlighting, well, at least several such factors, the first is that we must distinguish between a seed company in the frontline regions and a seed company in the central, western, northern part of ukraine . second, we must understand that among the factors that do not contribute to such a timely rhythmic work of farmers is e-mobilization, which you also mentioned about the reservation of personnel. and this is a big problem, we acutely feel the shortage cadres, especially a number of qualified... cadres, which are urgently needed in the spring field campaign. the second such factor, or perhaps the third, is of course the availability of financial and credit resources. we understand the conditions in which both business and the state are, if all the funds, as soon as they appear somewhere, they usually go to the security system, but you understand, the third consecutive military sowing,
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the third consecutive spring company at the expense of the internal reserves of the enterprises themselves , she is in... underlined, and these opportunities are ours are unlimited, and we already feel today that we are losing, both in terms of technological efficiency, we may lose productivity per hectare of a number of crops and agricultural crops, but we are also losing in terms of product quality, and this can happen, you know, over the years, accumulate over time, and then it can cover as fast as a snowball, so you need to think about it today, we understand that there is a state program 579, but... there are already insufficient limits for a large number of businesses, and then interest is already included not 5-7-9, but something higher, and those that become beyond strength. separately , it is worth noting that the state usually pays attention to the frontline regions and liberated regions, but there are mines, land pollution, and the rates of demining and clearing
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of agricultural land, of course, are still low, we understand everything, but we need to take into account the possibilities. if we talk about the export potential with such planned harvests, it is somewhere at the level of 70-73-74 million tons of grain and oil crops and legumes, and with such a harvest we will form and decent export potential, that is why farmers are in the field, farmers are optimistic, it is difficult for us, but we still carry out a complex of works, the only thing i want to emphasize once again is... factors that accumulate, pile up in agriculture in the form of problems, the same low-quality seed that we are forced to use in insufficient quantities due to financial difficulties. mineral fertilizers, insufficient quantity and quality of plant protection products, which will affect, as well as the volume of production, the same can be said about the quality of products, therefore
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we need to take care of this, thank you, pavlo koval, the general director of the ukrainian agricultural and agrarian confederation was in vterispresso, and antin and i say goodbye for today, but by the way, after our broadcast there will be an interview of our colleagues with volodymyr vitrovych . about how negligence at all levels of state power caused the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant and how this tragedy was the beginning of the end of the soviet union, because this week in ukraine they remember the anniversary of the chernobyl disaster, and i will remind you that in on the night of april 26, 1986 , the fourth power unit of this nuclear power plant was destroyed by two thermal explosions, so the situation today, what it looks like and why it happened, what the consequences were, will be discussed in the interview. well, for today, antin and i are already finishing our work, we worked for the next few hours for you, antin borkovsky, yes, we will see you tomorrow, and
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now we are watching an extremely important conversation of the people's deputy historian volodymyr vyatrovich, see you soon. espresso interview on vlasne tv channel espresso. here we talk about the most important events of the week, but also discuss the most interesting things that concern retrospective issues. here we are discussing the actual events that took place in the past, that took place in ukraine, and what our future depends on. today we... will talk about a very sad date in ukrainian history. on april 26, every year, the day of remembrance of the victims
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of the chernobyl disaster is celebrated, this is the day when, unfortunately, an explosion occurred at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, and we still, until now, even at this time, when in fact 38 years have already passed, we have many questions, and... we want to hear the answers to these questions. we have in the studio today volodymyr vyatrovych, historian, author of the bezseler ukraine history with grif secretly. he opened and is researching the archives of the kgb. in particular , he writes about the chernobyl disaster. head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance in 2014-2019, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. good day. sir vladimir, even today, after so many years after this terrible disaster, is it important to talk about these things, is it important
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to talk about the truth that was hidden from us even in the times of the soviet union, and even very often, in fact, before the revolution of dignity. we are aware that many archives, many things were tried... to hide even during, during independent ukraine, after the restoration of the independence of our state, it is definitely necessary to talk about it, because it seems to me that the history of chernobyl is a story about , how hiding the truth can literally cost people their lives, this is a story about how the desire to cover up the extent of this disaster resulted in people simply not being given the right information, and the people who uh... trusted the authorities, who believed that they had to do what the authorities said, probably suffered the most, so it's a very instructive story in in the context of, probably, even world history, in the context
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of the history of the soviet union, because for me , the chernobyl disaster, for sure , became such a trigger that started the process of the collapse of the soviet union, but this is a very instructive story for us, for modern times, then when we live in a world where perhaps the truth is not hidden so much as behind... its simple tones that really such a thing can and must be a lie, and even now it is worth remembering this chernobyl story in order to understand after all the value of truth and to understand, to catch up. in your works, you focused a lot on the question of what the kgb actually knew about a whole series of problems at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, about negligence, about the actual problems during construction. about the fact that, in principle, such a disaster can happen, it was all obviously hidden from society, like any similar things at
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the time. of the soviet union, as far as you estimate, it was still possible to avoid this then, or somehow, if this information had been more open, more people knew about it, even the same soviet officials, that's how much it would have been possible to avoid, or was this catastrophe essentially already laid by the very existence of the soviet union, i absolutely agree with the delivery of your thesis, because indeed this catastrophe... was laid by this very the soviet system in which it took place, because to talk about if there was more open information in the soviet union is like a complete moron, because the entire soviet union was built on the secrecy of information, on the inaccessibility of information, on lies, propaganda, on the , that those people who wanted to know the truth were even persecuted and physically destroyed, therefore, unfortunately, it could not be otherwise in the soviet union, and it is interesting to understand, in fact, the documents of the kgb show
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that... the work of the soviet the state knew the truth about what was happening from the very beginning beginning with this chernobyl nuclear power plant. it must be said why there are so many documents of the kgb about this object. it was from the very beginning considered an object of strategic importance from the very beginning of its construction in the early 1970s, was under very careful supervision of the kgb, up to the point that they studied all the inhabitants of the former villages of the towns, pripyat. er , they made lists of who among them, who, who has relatives abroad, who even found someone there, whose relatives were in the ukrainian insurgent army, all these people were under very careful inspection, under very careful supervision by the kgb, precisely because it was considered to be an extremely important object not only for soviet ukraine, but for the entire soviet union, and by the way, it must be understood that this the object was subordinated directly to moscow, that is, not to the ukrainian ministry, not to the ukrainian
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soviet socialist republic, but to the moscow one, and that is why we have such a large number of documents, so it is very easy to reproduce from these documents that everything went wrong from the very beginning not so, but the very process of construction of this nuclear power plant was accompanied by constant violations of the norms that had to be observed, taking into account the fact that this is not even just a power plant, it is a nuclear power plant, this is one of such not-so-frequent experiences in the soviet construction, and... and the kgb constantly informed the party that whenever some material was stolen, it was replaced with the wrong, low-quality one, there were already some first cracks, but they looked at all this with narrowed eyes, because the most important thing was to be in time to another anniversary of october, before starting the chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1977, as an example of such great achievements of the communist government and
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everything. of the entire soviet regime, launched, of course, but literally immediately after that, again according to the documents of the kgb, we see constant reports about problems with the operation of this power plant and at first of a minor nature, then as the operation of this power plant increases , the introduction of new power units of this power plant grows problems up to the fact that in 1982 year, one of the accidents occurred, which was accompanied by such a significant emission. radioactive substances into open space, and again, only those who made these reports knew about it, that is, the chekists themselves, the kegibists themselves, and those on whose table they sat, and they sat on the table exclusively of the leaders of the communist party, people , who lived and worked there, who, unfortunately, were obviously poisoned as a result of these exits, could not and should not have known anything about it, and i think that, for sure,
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this has become such a practice. information, it should be, according to the management of the communist party, also applied to the disaster that occurred on the night of april 26 , 1986, the only thing that prevented it was the scale of this disaster, such a powerful scale that its results were learned hundreds, thousands of kilometers away from ukraine, for the first time it is clear, something significant happened on the territory of sweden, where an increased radiation hazard was recorded at a new nuclear power facility, and they thought that an accident might have occurred in them, then they realized that it was not, that it was about , what what the wind brought some air that was poisoned by radiation, that was the beginning of this , literally, this leak that spilled into the...


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