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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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regarding the provision of aid to ukraine, and of course , as they say, in ukraine, it is neither yours nor ours, that is, he chose such an average public position, but nevertheless , despite opposition, despite delaying this support, the congress provided this aid to ukraine, or rather, voted for the provision of this aid already at the end of this week, the first arms, after the vote in the senate of the signing. by president biden should go to the ukrainian state, this is a very important decision, friends, because actually, it is very difficult to oppose russia, which has a large the military-industrial complex, which is helped by china, north korea in different ways, and iran, so it is clear that this help is important, it came, albeit late, but we know that... these
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weapons will go to the front already on at the beginning of may, it is quite obvious, against this background, elon musk, who owns a large media empire, an empire in the form of the social network x and other large innovative enterprises, commented on the approval of aid to ukraine by the us house of representatives, aid to ukraine, which... musk himself says . me the most what worries me is that there is no exit strategy, only perpetual war, in which children die in trenches from artillery guns, or load machine guns and snipers in minefields. a very strange statement, although predicted by elon musk, he talks about children who die in the trenches, referring not only to ukrainians, but also to russians, and...
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musk did not say a single word about the fact that on that side the russians and they send those children who are occupiers, aggressors, who are part of this fascist russian regime, which is going to kill ukrainians, which is going to destroy ukrainian cities and villages, and this is also an indicator of how elon musk is trying to flirt with vladimir putin, how he is trying to do re'. towards putin, because according to mask's version, as i understand it, the war would end when the united states of america stopped providing weapons to ukraine. if washington had made such a decision, or rather no decision at all in the congress of the united states of america on april 20, i think putin would have celebrated a victory because russian forces were outnumbered with... weapons, with
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bigger, with more weapons and opportunities at the front, and this threatened not only ukraine, but also europe, and not only europe, the whole world, because vladimir putin, having tasted this victory over ukraine, would do everything to, the whole planet was simply conquered, or... let's say, he would have tried to conquer a part of this planet, planet earth, in order to rule, to spread his dictates, this could not be allowed, it is absolutely obvious, and this is evidenced by in particular, what he wrote on the internet x is his closest associate dmitry medvedev, the former president of the russian federation, and now one of vladimir's henchmen. putin,
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he says that happy state bastards voted for it, and they voted for the continuation of the civil war, the divided people of our previously united country. it was a vote of happy, state bastards, and for the continuation of the civil war, divided people of our, previously united state for the maximum increase in the number of victims of this war. - he wrote, that is, medvedev together with putin believe, or try to show the world that this, that this war is civil, they say, on both sides, there is one people who are fighting, only this part, as they praised this decision in the congress, this will be an indicator for many countries in the world and an indicator and a marker that
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will allow them to provide us with weapons of various types, well, at least if the americans will provide ukraine with long-range missiles in the near future. attack missiles, this means that sooner or later germany will also make a decision to transfer taurus missiles to ukraine, this is absolutely obviously. this is how we see how over the past two years our partners have been expanding the line of aid to ukraine, starting with light weapons and ending with serious weapons, i hope that both attack aircraft and f-16 aircraft will soon... sometimes affect the russian-ukrainian front and will show the russians their proper place and in what way they should get out of the territory of ukraine, well, in the meantime, a rather important topic, which
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was discussed in the ukrainian and european cabinets during the last week, is the provision of an anti-aircraft system to ukraine. of defense, the russian occupiers are launching missile strikes and drone strikes on strategic objects of ukraine, on critical infrastructure objects, on cities with millionaires, and not only on cities with millionaires, and of course, zelensky appeals to the whole world and appealed to the whole world , so that they find air defense systems that are not currently being used by our western partners in order to close... the sky over ukraine, in the coming days european countries should make concrete decisions to send to ukraine has seven air defense systems, or more air defense systems, seven was called the number there, otherwise the ukrainian energy system will be destroyed, said
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the high representative of the european union, josep borel, during the meeting of the g7 foreign ministers in capri, let's hear what borel said. we cannot rely only on the united states of america, we have to take responsibility and stop saying that the states will do everything, we have to do something ourselves. we have patriots, we have anti-missile systems, we must to take them from our warehouses, where they are just in case, and send them to ukraine, where the war is ongoing. i'm sure we'll do it, but we have to move. well, in the meantime, the kremlin is talking about... that the more the west helps, our western partners, the greater the risk of a nuclear war, this is what putin's horse, the minister, the so -called minister of foreign affairs of the russian
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federation, sergei lavrov, let's listen to what he says about the risks of nuclear war. westerners are balancing dangerously, western countries dangerously balancing on the edge. a direct military confrontation between nuclear powers, which threatens with catastrophic consequences. of particular concern is the fact that the trio of western nuclear powers are among the key sponsors of the criminal kyiv regime, the main initiators of various provocative steps. russia always threatens us with nuclear weapons, and not only us, but also the whole world, and they were already in favor of... they were about the fact that the budapest memorandum, which was signed in 1994, provides that the states are the guarantors of this memorandum, and the united states of america and great britain guaranteed ukraine protection in the event of a nuclear
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attack or an attack by a nuclear state, meaning in this case the russian federation or another state, and with reservations. let me remind you that two more countries signed the dapper memorandum, these are france and china, and they also guaranteed ukraine safety from possible unauthorized actions by any nuclear power, and here in this situation, when lavrov constantly repeats like mantras that there could be a nuclear war , that we can strike at territories of ukraine or nato countries. i think that in this story. all the guarantors of the budapest memorandum would have to make an official statement and warn putin and his gang that if this happens, all the guarantors of this memorandum will use their right and strike at the russian
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federation and the bunker of ordinary putin. it seems to me that those who sit in the kremlin lack some... sober reaction to what is happening in the world and how it all might end. well, in the meantime, friends, we we are conducting a survey during this broadcast and we are asking you about whether russia will dare to... use nuclear weapons in the war with ukraine, we have this question in the survey and on youtube, everything is quite simple there, yes, no, or your own version of the answer, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phones and vote if you think that russia will dare to use nuclear weapons in a war with ukraine (0800-211-381), no 0800 211- 382, all calls for price. dreams are free vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, well, while this
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delusional medvedev and lavrov are trying to threaten everyone and distribute threats. yulia navalna, the widow of oleksiy navalny, gave an interview to time magazine and appeared on the cover of this respected and influential american magazine. magazine, she, her photo was published as one of the hundred most influential people in the world, she said that good russians is a very bad phrase, they say that ukrainians use this phrase, it is wrong, i think that they, it means that ukrainians simply do not want to look for these anti-war russians, but such russians do exist. it's just hard to expect them to go out, because as i said, these are all heroic people, they are ready
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to engage in various types of struggle, it is important to support these people, i believe that it is a mistake of the ukrainian government to ignore them. this story and these, this quote from yulia navalny, to be honest, confused me, because the widow of alexei navalny has been living outside of russia for the past two years, and understandably so. what is possible, she has completely lost the understanding of what what is happening in her homeland, and what, exactly, what is faced by the majority of russians, or a part of russians who do not agree with putin's actions, who believe that the war is unjust, that this war must be ended in some way, it seems to me that yulia, yulia navalna is not that... persona is not that figure that can be considered as an alternative to putin, because
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she actually looks quite weak, she is a person who has not participated in any elections in the russian federation, she is not that a person who is ready, like her husband, to go on everything, well, it is meant in confrontation with putin, even going to prison, and in the end, yulia navalna did not answer. about the future of ukraine and about the future of crimea, and therefore, we remember oleksiy navalny's phrase that crimea is not a sandwich, why should we return it, who, no one will do it? it seems to me that in order to complain about ukrainians and accuse ukrainians of misunderstanding the so-called good russians, yulia navalnya should emphasize her vision of how she would like to cooperate with the ukrainian state, as she refers to ukraine, where the borders
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of the russian federation end in her head, if, of course, she is preparing for a political struggle, because it is clear that a hundred influential people of the world are on the cover of yulia navalnaya and it seems that our western partners, in particular the united states america, they are betting on yulia navalna, the meeting with biden, which ... happened right after the death of navalny in colony, it probably gives her the feeling that the civilized world is betting on yulia navalna, i don't know if it is or not, but in order to fight against putin's regime, these phrases about the fact that ukrainians do not fully understand how to work with russians, it seems to me that these phrases are not enough, they look so... funny against the background of that grief and the tragedy that we
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are all experiencing in ukraine, when russian missiles, russian troops are destroying our state, killing our brothers, sisters, friends, and to say something to the ukrainians who say, well, it is short-sighted to call everyone the so-called good russians, because these horo are good russians. there are, and these are good the russians will one day save both russia and ukraine. let them save themselves, ukraine and our western partners will be together. to save the civilized world, civilization from the horde state, which is now the russian federation, well, a few more topics, friends, in the last week, because there was a lot, and in today's review i will also mention its territorial assembly centers, because we have witnessed near the village
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of chornovuzi, chernihiv region, a group of civilians attacked... an employee of the vyzhnytskyi district procurement center, when he issued an alert, the soldier's car was blocked, and force was used on the man and threats were made to protect him, the soldier had to shoot into the ground, let's see how it turned out. call the police, what are you doing, the children are small, call the police, call the police,
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well, we see what these conflicts with tsc employees and the misunderstanding of civilians lead to, that a person in military uniform, a person with a gun, in the performance of duties, if someone has a claim to the shopping center, so he should come to the regional assembly center and say that he is there... he has does he have any protest, or can he protest, but it is not quite right to attack people in military uniform during the war, although two servicemen in odesa region committed the murder of a policeman in vinnytsia region, obviously you know about this
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story, how did they stop it, referring to the police car of two troops... employees for inspection, and from the injuries received, that is, one of the detainees started shooting at policemen, policemen, and one 20-year-old law enforcement officer, unfortunately, died, the attackers were detained in odesa, they turned out to be the father and son, 52 and 26 years old, former fighters, 28th separate mechanized brigade, they uh... intended to flee abroad to moldova, today they were given preventive measures, both father and son were caught, and now they face imprisonment for a term from 9 to 15 years, or life imprisonment, the father and son left the military unit, they were transporting weapons,
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grenades in the car, and this is also a very big question, in fact, why in their car ... there were so many weapons, it seems there 20 or 30 grenades, and the question is why they were armed, in short, there are a lot of questions, i hope that our justice and our court and the prosecutor's office will find out all the details of what and how it happened, and why this 20-year-old law enforcement officer actually died, why they shot him and what it is for the scheme? were about the transportation of weapons, perhaps in this story there are other participants who are not in the frame, who did not get into this bloody story, which flared up just literally in front of our eyes a few days ago, in a word, there are a lot of questions, as well as questions about a possible military
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justice, which should be, apparently, in such a country at war, military courts are also meant. and the military prosecutor's office, which were at one time shortened or reorganized general prosecutor's offices. in short, there are a lot of questions, and we hope that this case will still be solved and brought to court. well, in the meantime , information is spreading through social networks that in 2014 the official of the ministry of defense dmytro voloshenkov was an active participant in the anti-maidan in... and headed the city organization of the party of regions, the head of the defense agency procurement of the ministry of defense marina bezrukova wrote that in the coming days dmytro voloshenkov will be... fired, as people with a pro-russian background should not work in the defense procurement agency. dmytro holoshenkov wrote, she came to the agency long before my appointment in june
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23 as a manager of external economic activities, it remains unclear to me why dmytro's previous political experience and positions during the revolution of dignity were not taken into account as significant risks, so i an internal investigation has been initiated regarding... the completeness of the special check that he passed when he was employed in the agency, this is an example, friends, of how people with weak views who had, shall we say, an anti-maidanist background, and a person who stood up for others all his life get into power principles than the principles for which the armed forces are now fighting. of ukraine, for which, for the principles that every ukrainian fights for, for some reason this person ended up in a position, in one of the positions in the ministry of defense, and it is
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a defense procurement agency, and he was admitted to information that is secret information, as i understand it, it is difficult to even imagine why this person did not pass a special check, because it is obvious that... he should have passed such a special check, why dmytro voloshenkov found himself without such a special check, and against this background, the journalists of slidstva info found out that the person involved in their investigation, the former head of the cyber security department of the sbu, general ilya vityuk, was filming shootings on the maidan by berkut as an operative of the service. in general, to be honest, this also does not fit at all. in the head, as a person in in 2014, as an operative, i was shooting shootings on instytutska street, you see, now he
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is surrounded by this red circle, as if from an ordinary sbu operative, in 10 years he grew up to the general of the security service of ukraine, the person who managed the cyber security department, too. there are a lot of questions about this, obviously the answers to these questions should be given by the internal investigation of the security service of ukraine. and finally, mariana bezugla, mariana bezugla, who is a political torpedo, in the service of the people, announced that she will not leave the servant faction people, although in january she was going to leave, as bezugla wrote on her facebook page. i decided to stay in the faction of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the servant of the people, so as not to let the president down in difficult times, it
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would be possible to make a scandal, to demand that i alone be released, but why, if they ask not to shake such a difficult situation, well, it is already some , frankly speaking, it is absurd, because maryana bezugla, who made sure that... as a result, a decision was made regarding the resignation of valery zaluzhny, we remember these numerous publications of bezugla on facebook, her public statements and torpedoing of the central committee of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhno, she decided to remain in the servant of the people faction despite everything, and she left the party, well, there are a lot of questions for the leadership of the parliament, why did bezugla remain in the servant of the people, why is she still, uh is the head of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, she is the deputy head of this committee, in a word, there are many questions, we do not
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know the answers, but mariana remains in the servant of the people faction, this is probably the last thing i can say, to add something more to the sense there is no friends, during this broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you about the following: will russia dare to use nuclear weapons? in the war with ukraine, let's look at the poll results, which we have on television 30% yes, 70%, no, on youtube we have a ratio of yes, 32%, 68% no, well, almost the same ratio. friends, let's put an end to this, i wish you good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, we will meet tomorrow, as usual at 20:00, there will be a new verdict. there will be new events, there will be new guests, do not miss the verdict program, on i put an end to this, goodbye.
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greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for 13-year-old maksym pivkop, who disappeared on april 14 in the poltava region. it is known that the boy was fishing on the banks of the sula river, near the village of stara musiiivka, but did not return home. on the day of the disappearance, the parents periodically called their son to find out that... he was all right, but later he stopped picking up the phone, so the parents went to him, they did not find the child at the place and nearby, so they immediately asked for help. now to the search operation law enforcement officers, rescuers, divers, dog handlers and concerned local residents were involved, but, unfortunately, the boy was not found yet. and that's why i'm asking each of you, and especially the residents of poltava region, in particular
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khorolsk. community to carefully look into maksym's face. in appearance, the child is thin, 165, 166 cm tall and has blond hair. the guy was wearing a green jacket and dark pants. if you know any information about maksym pivkop, please immediately call the hotline of the children's search service at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine for free. in general, a child can get lost at any time and anywhere and for completely different reasons, but unfortunately, not all parents and children know what to do in such a situation, so here are some important tips: if the child is very small, put in your pocket a note with your phone number or other contact information, if older than three years, be sure to study together the number of your
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mobile phone number. or where, when and to whom it can be reported. also learn the home address with the child, this is important. explain to yours a child, if he is lost where there are many people, must stand still and wait for his parents to return. if this did not happen, the child should be found among people, adults, preferably with a child or an elderly woman, and say that he is lost. and the most important thing for the parents themselves is not to panic. remember where you were last seen. the child, if he has a phone, call, ask someone from acquaintances or relatives to stay at the place in case the child returns. if possible, make announcements over loudspeakers. if failed find the child, immediately contact the police, provide a photo and all necessary information. also, contact the hotline of the child tracing service at the number 116.30. our
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consultants. they will quickly and in detail tell you step by step how to act and what, first of all, to do in such a situation. of course, god forbid that you never need our number, but just in case, remember or write it down 116.30, the hotline of the child tracing service, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. and another very important moment when the child will be found, in no case. do not scold her, the child did not want to get lost, she, like you, experienced considerable stress. it is necessary to show her all your love and care in this state. and i emphasize once again that the child's disappearance must be reported immediately, without delay. for example, it was the immediate reaction of the parents that helped quickly find their ten-year-old son in the city of vyshneve in the kyiv region. his mother contacted him to report that the boy had disappeared. she
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said that... at 19:30 her son left.


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