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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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photos, so on the example of the milk farm there, we can say that it is not the first time, ugh, animals are beaten, well, of course, they fight with animals, and let's take the same felman park there, there were also animals there, rescued , there, who are sick, and what they did to them, it is not known, it is clear, mr. yevgeny, thank you for the good work that you are doing, leave. a kharkivian with a connection yevgeny khaustov, the founder of the khaustov charitable fund, who saw the kharkiv tv tower hit with his own eyes, it will surely be one of the symbols of this russian-ukrainian war, senseless symbols, it's a pity that the chickens won't become, because hitting the chickens with rockets is also fantastic, and in the meantime their orcs are drowning, but they are moving them to the occupied territories, in a word, an apocalyptic absurdity, to... somehow do our contribution
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to detain them, to repel them, we can all do it together, i am talking now about the collection for our defenders, for the cold ravine and the black zaporozhians, we are collecting uah 2 million to buy fpv drones of our own production, such have already been tested, precisely the kind that our boys and girls need, here props, you see on the screen, two bills, two qr codes, which is more convenient for you? so apply them, choose the one that is more convenient and the method that is more comfortable for you, the main thing is that the funds accumulate in the account, uah 1333.594 is already in the account, 2 million is needed, i remind you, please be active, financially responsible, because if not at the front, then for the front, let us be guided by this principle in order to bring our victory closer together. so you see, drones
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are exactly what the defenders are asking us for. and two qr codes, because it's two teams, two meetings are needed, so you can divide your donation in half and send a qr code or card to one and the other. we don't have much left if we attack him from this community. and i have that, i have information for our viewers as well, that... we continue to collect information for you, now we will look at the kherson territory from the south, the head of the kherson regional council oleksandr samoilenko in communication with our studio, mr. oleksandr , good morning, i congratulate you, what did you look like in odesa, they were beating over mykolaiv oblast, they were beating shaheds, what happened once over the kherson region at night, you know, unfortunately, it happens that kherson region is the bridgehead from which... the enemy is launching
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all these shaheds, so we can hear very well when they are moving towards our neighbors, our, our air and anti-aircraft defense also takes part in their destruction, well , let's say this, we have what we have, they break through and they, well, unfortunately, harm our neighbors, including kherson, mykolaiv, and other regions. well, what are the shaheds flying through our region, does it affect the lives of the population now, we we understand that in the kherson region the alarm sounds so often that it does not sound at all, first there are explosions, and then either alarms or messages, does it somehow affect the lives of people, stay, plant gardens, work, is there also an outflow, somewhere are they trying to move to quieter places, at least with the children? well, you know,
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the current position of both the military administration and the authorities as a whole is that people with children should leave these territories there as much as possible, really, while the shelling is taking place, because you and i know that over the past day, well, i i have as of april 22, we have eight wounded in the territory of the kherson region, one of them is a child, and, unfortunately, these are, you know, indicators. that exist, and we can’t do anything about it, at least until the promised weapons from our foreign partners there arrive there, besides, everyone, let’s say this, well, the shahed themselves, they are to a lesser degree bothering the khersonites there, really , because kherson is not a target for the shaheds, we are under artillery fire, under mortar... arrows under rocket fire
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there are fire control systems there, so we really don't have it, well today kherson people don't always have the opportunity to use it. there is anxiety and somewhere to go into storage, because sometimes the arrival happens sooner, well, but people, people are returning to their homes, no matter how it looks, people are trying to work today, we, well, let's say this, are planting gardens, working today, well, there are a certain number of public catering establishments there, some enterprises are working today. which provide services, i mean in the regional the center, so life does not stop and regardless of any things there, the people of kherson live, kherson is ukraine, and our citizens there show it every day. well, we
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see that life is raging, life continues, because even the other day there was a message, the news was not in social networks, but simply in news agencies that in the first two weeks, at the beginning of april , 11 children were born in kherson, what do you say? that encourage families with children to leave, when babies are born, do these families stay at home, or do they still evacuate, what program? well, look, there is no forced evacuation program today, although kherson oblast is a territory where combat, active hostilities are taking place there, still, we cannot forcibly evacuate people there today, well, except for those, let's say... settlements that are located directly near the water and which, let's say, are under constant fire, we, well, as the information was already passed earlier that four underground hospitals are being built , well, they are being built, they are being equipped, let's say, four underground hospitals there, in
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including the provision of services related to the prenatal center there or the sex house there, let's say, today... there is a project in the city for the arrangement of an underground school, well, i mean schools, a storage room for children to use, let's say this storage, well let's say, there are such, well i won't say it's a children's playground, but such an entertainment center for children who still remain, again, which are arranged in safe cities, which are arranged in vaults on the territory regional center. therefore, let's say, the government accepts maximum, today, maximum measures in order to avoid any injuries to children or damages that may occur during shelling, well, but the evacuation and removal of them,
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well, that is still up to conscientious, conscientious parents to the most extent, although today there are suggested opportunities to leave for safe places. conditionally safe regions, these are summer camps, so to speak, those that are being set up, and these are sanatoriums there on the territory of ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, and lviv regions, which are offered constantly, i mean, for older children, so there is an opportunity to leave, there is an opportunity to live outside the safe areas , so, let's say, work is constantly being done in this direction. mr. oleksandr, i just looked at this report in the photo, well, at least to understand the scale, i’m talking about what is called the cossack hut, opposite the new hut, there is no bridge, eh, the new hut on the left bank is under the occupation of the cossack huts, there are
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serious blows on what used to be a residential building, i understand that there are probably no people there in kozatskyi at all, judging by number of destructions, and how in general this zone from the cossacks. those settlements that are literally on the shore, there are kozatskyi, mykolaivka, lviv, ivanivka, tokarivka, there, people live there, they are beaten every day, and there is simply no living place there anymore, did you hear us, mr. oleksandr, well, in you know us, all this, well, the inhabitants of the south have already shown themselves in the fact that, well, our people, this is flint, this... they do not leave their settlements, to say that we have at least one settlement in which there is no not a single inhabitant, well, very much it's difficult, i, well, i can't say fortunately or unfortunately, unfortunately, that we are being shelled, unfortunately, that we cannot oppose, well
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, today there is a worthy, worthy, worthy repulse, let's say, the enemy in these shellings, but there are people, people set up temporary... shelters for themselves there, temporary shelters, well , shelters, let's say, so they stay in their native villages, right? yes, it remains in the native villages, moreover, they occupy the native land, let's say, yes. and we hope for such a harvest, which the kherson region is famous for there. please tell me more such a thing, what does the infrastructure look like in the occupied territory now? we previously reported that the russians are building roads, the occupiers are building roads, a part of the railway is being led from mariupol through mariupol, in the kherson oblast there are roads in order to supply equipment and personnel to the front via these routes. composition, what is the situation with this now, how are they progressing? well, well, i
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will tell you that according to the information, yes, according to the information that is available, well, all their work there is, well, the construction of roads for the continuation of the war, it is not construction there infrastructure for the inhabitants of these territories, photos and video materials that come to us from the occupied territories, they show that places, cities, towns, they are in a state of extreme neglect, they are not rebuilding anything, they are not doing anything, all the medical institutions that there are, well, almost all of them, let's say, in the occupied territory, they are equipped for military hospitals, and in order for our, let's say, kherson residents to receive medical care, they need to... well, you know, look for a place where it maybe, but the main thing is, well, sometimes to leave even for
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the borders of our, let's say, region, in order to receive elementary medical care there, this is what, well, completely distinguishes it, because even in the very, well, worst, let's say , shelling the territories of the de-occupied kherson region, medical care is provided in to the full extent, at any time, let's say this, for disasters there provides emergency aid, we must, that means, we take it to the cities where it can be provided and in full extent, the enemy does nothing, we must understand that the enemy on nothing in the occupied territories builds, he arranges for himself opportunities to wage war, no, let's say, no improvement of life for people, well , it doesn't even conditionally exist, the enemy is... it's terrible, it's the toughest, probably, than any animal
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that lives there today on earth, so you can't expect any help for people from them. mr. oleksandr, thank you for what you told us, for sharing the information, oleksandr samoilenko was with us, the head of the kherson regional council, and we saw that there is already a harvest in kherson, but the prices are the same expensive, as in the capital, as well as... other cities, cucumbers for 100 uah, tomatoes for 120 uah, and those are the famous kherson tomatoes that are harvested right there, but it is only april, well , well, but they are already there , so we have a short break, after which we will communicate with the deputy of the drushkiv city council, we will move our gaze east closer to the front, be with espresso, gasoline. trimmers are so heavy, noisy and inconvenient, and as always , the fuel ran out in no time, and so you want
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we, when, and, look at any local zmi, public. here, in fact, the message is constantly air alarm, air alarm, repulse, air alarm, and that so often that during the day probably dozens of times, how do you live in these conditions? well, ms. oksana, as for the air alarm, it sounds constantly, now it sounds, and it can be for two, five, 10 hours in a row, it does not scare anyone in the sense that, of course, it is a great danger. but people would be used to working under air alarms, the worse situation is that in addition to air alarms there are constant explosions, and super-powerful explosions, now i am a watchman, now the city of drushkivka is behind the mountain here behind the donetsk ridge the place chasivyar is located, which is at a new height, and constant, constant
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high-power explosions are coming from this side, it scares more, and it scares in the sense that, of course... "if the enemy goes to this mountain, to chasivyarivsk, then the road will open to drushkivka, to kramatorsk, to sloviansk, to kostiantynivka, and we understand that we will be shelled not from cabs, but from artillery, but there is another direction that is very dangerous, which is not so well covered in the news. the fact is that from avdiivka the enemy is advancing on pokrovsk, and is advancing on sorry, very fast, i read. that ocheretyn was captured today, you know, from ocheretyn to the kostyantynivka-pokrovsk highway 10-12 km and to cut this highway, it will be extremely dangerous, and the speed with which the enemy is advancing from avdiivka to pokrovsk is falling, probably more than anything, because well, we
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were told that both the second line of defense and the third line of defense were built, but look at the deep state. we don't have to look, we can hear it with our own ears, we hear how the ground trembles and how the air breathes from the explosions, but we see the advance on pokrovsk, and it is frightening more than anything, but let's see how it will be in a week or two, when the promised aid reaches the armed forces, we understand that these are the explosions that you hear from the time abyss, they are using ki... aerial bombs, they in the same way as in avdiivka, they bombard, and do they often hit something by accident, 20-26 km is a short distance, i... i mean, i'm looking at the map, between you and the abyss of time, there are targeted strikes you, or just by chance something sometimes flies by, and perfectly
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aimed shots, and well, not every day a few it flies to kramatorsk and drushkivka once a week, and kostyantynika in general is not constantly bombarded by missiles, it is bombarded with anti-aircraft guns and other types of weapons, because it is aimed at. in our cities, it is there, it is present, it is constantly absolutely there, and the enemy is hitting, well, only their aim is impressive near kostyantynivka in the village of a rocket, not a rocket, well, a super-powerful rocket hit the cemetery, blew the cemetery to pieces, that is, nothing is sacred, they kill the infrastructure, they kill everything that is, everything that can be used for to do to them... the most sacred memory of our people, of our dead, of our ancestors, that is, this strange nation, if it is not
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stopped, then you understand, by and large, democracy will lose now, and it must be recognized , losing not to totalitarianism, but losing to money, what is being done now with this help, which has finally been accepted, for which we really hope. because everyone who lives in our cities, which surround the north, everyone felt extremely, well, this vote, we waited, we understand that this is the only, the only the ability to stay in the cities that we are now, which are very, very close to the front line, which are destroyed, as you see on the screen now, but we are used to living on our land, we want to live where we live, so ... this is exactly what we will clarify in the chasivyar video for our viewers, yes, chasivyar is almost completely destroyed, but cities like lyman are also destroyed, i was in lyman, which
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was under occupation, then liberated, now our lyman is ukrainian, they ukrainian will always be an extremely beautiful, interesting city, in the times of the ravine, such a complete boom destroyed, that is, there is this influx, it is medieval, which is nothing. well , she couldn’t carry it with her, that’s clear, and now we see what it is turning our cities into, it’s not even medieval, it’s the traditions of the horde, and they are hordes, they can only be stopped by big weapons, big funds, which you talk about they said, and we were just looking at the mirror of the week here, but this is your festival of life, optimism and faith that now these western weapons will come and we will push back the russians and return to... territories or what are we talking about this tender for maintenance of green spaces in the kramatorsk territorial community, this is what roman
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said, about 25 km from chasovoy yar from the line 3 million uah, so for green spaces, roman, oksana, well, there are more such wild things that happen here and 3 million hryvnias for the planting and repairs of pulleys, which no one will go to, and the laying of paving stones and tiles in the markets. and so on, and as you like, now pressing the business that is left in terms of passing the annual mot on cars, imagine what we have, well 20 km to the front line, it is clear to us that the vast majority of cars with foreign license plates, volunteer cars, and we are forced by stricter requirements regarding the passing of a technical inspection, that is, we live in different... probably with the local authorities , in part, we live in some kind of, i don't know surreal such a world, where one side
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is at war, according to the other side, there is an opportunity to make money from the war, i just want to understand the mechanism of making such decisions, you hear the explosions of guided aerial bombs and heavy artillery from the abyss of time, you can hear it in the ear this time in the city, someone is making a decision here we are planting bushes here now hapa. we have soldiers who are on the prowl, that's what they call these jeeps that haven't passed customs clearance and they go straight to the front, and who makes this decision that let's stop this jeep and send it for forced mot, let's understand that it's full, full the responsibility for what we have in the region is entrusted to the military administration, that is , not the deputy corps, not the unelected bodies do not work, only the people who are appointed work. directly to the head of the military administrations, all the decisions that are made are made individually, and i remember in the year when there was such a controversy about
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the fact that we had a part of the personal income tax of the military, whether it was good or bad, they asked, it is probably not a good idea to take extra money in such regions of the frontline, i said that the main thing is not to take their money or not to take it, but the main thing is where to invest it, it does not matter who will use it irrationally, whether it is kyiv or kramatorsk, alas, this situation happens and we see that we see what you said, green space, and repeat the tiles, and repairs. ridiculous, but at the same time, in general, well , my friend, it is different for the better, and although we also have water supplied now according to the schedule, but it is supplied two years ago , it was not supplied at all, and in general, there is, the program works, there is restoration, that is, it all depends on how professional he was when the head of the military administration was appointed to this or that city. mr. mykola, you are at
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the beginning of our conversation. thought about these engineering structures, about fortifications, or you have seen with our own eyes these structures in your surroundings, what they look like, without details that the occupiers can use, but so that we understand whether there is a place, whether there is a place to build or so, or just a couple of dug ditches, well, as for the line of defense , then - eight years ago i went to show my granddaughter, she was still very young at that time, i showed what was happening in 2014 and what defense lines were being built at that time, and trenches were being built, and they were, by the way, probably and held back the enemy from the side of turetsk, look at on the map, turetsk, the front line did not move in 2014, everything
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remained as it is, as far as the situation with the defense line is concerned now, i will tell you that this is the ridge that goes from sloviansk, kramatorsk, chasivyar, there and to toretsk, it saves, it is our most savior fortification, in addition, the syvirskyi donets channel, donbas, is also completely mined, and yet i saw with my own eyes that this ridge is now. yes, buildings are being built there, quite strong, quite protective, well, you just need to understand one thing, that it is the third year of the war, and it had to be done on in my opinion, much earlier and much more actively, well actually we want to thank you mr. mykola, mykola dubnya, deputy of the druzhkiv city council, well, what are two words for what we were talking about, because someone might not understand, the mirror of the week is exactly what it often
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gives information . from various tenders, including through the prozoro system, yes, yes, the kramatorsk city council has announced a tender for services for obtaining green spaces, uah 3 million, while explosions can be heard from the neighboring temporary yargo, which is 20 km away, such realities, yes here literally a few days before at the end of the week, there will be time to apply, to apply for this tender, to submit your proposals, landscaping is certainly nice, but probably not completely... at the time when you need to build those engineering structures that mr. mykola just talked about , when you need to build fortifications, trenches, when you need to equip some such places that our defenders will be able to use, not in order to admire nature, more news about odeshchyna, in particular, we already know, will tell in a moment, literally khrystyna parubi, because it's news time on the espresso tv channel, khrystyna, you have a word. congratulations, colleagues,
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thank you, yes, i will tell about the details of the night attack on odesa and the work of our anti-aircraft defense this night in the issue, and also about the situation at the front, don't miss it in a moment. news. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. russian terrorists attacked four regions of ukraine at night, launched 16 attack drones and two iskander ballistic missiles. our defenders of the sky shot down 15 drones in the sky over mykolaiv region, odesa region, kyiv region and cherkasy. the russians attacked from the occupied crimea, as well as from kursk.


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