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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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bloggers, like a resident of makiivka, stavos of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. on tuesday , april 23 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new one. in a two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. do you know what day it is today? today is world book day, and about books. and copyright, we just have books, copyright didn't work out, we take these for... there are never too many books, and since there aren't too many books, that's why we need to communicate with writers, with publishers, what we are doing, we present in our studio our next guest maryana savka, editor-in-chief and co-founder of the old lion publishing house, writer, translator, performer, artist, many things in one, mrs. maryana, we welcome you, good morning, i would i objected here, thank you, and why do you object that we did not work out with copyright, well...
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somewhere it worked out, i mean in book publishing, where everything is clear and works, but somewhere it did not work out, as musicians would say, well, for sure yes, the publishers have been more clear about this and we are trying to work professionally within the limits of the actual copyright, without violating anyone's rights and borders, and we successfully sell the rights to the works of ukrainian authors abroad, i suggest that you are interested now. we will ask you to share with the musicians later, and now we have ready-made video material for this day, for this holiday, about people who during the great war found the strength, courage, courage, inspiration to continue speaking, so let's watch together our story about writers who are more will not write a single book because the russians killed them. many people know the names of their books ukrainians, but no new editions...
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during the full-scale war, the russians killed at least fifty ukrainian writers, poets and translators, people who created a new ukrainian culture and raspberries. write hundreds more works. friends come in march together with migratory birds, streams of melting snow and young primroses, with the first sunny bunny, the sound of drops on the roof, or the song of a nightingale, convey greetings, leave us with the breath of autumn and return in spring, friends go with mists and become migratory birds. december 2021 yuriy dadak, better known as yuriy ruv, presents the vanilchastal collection in kramatorsk, as it turns out to be his last life-long book, because already two months after the publication of this video, on april 1, he will die during a mortar
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shelling in the luhansk region. during his lifetime, yuri ru managed to publish four collections of poems and found the literary and educational project spirit of the nation. you have no way out. because you have already been left alone, although they still give the command and say: "serve, little animal, serve, it will end with shame, returning on a dirty shield, or in a quiet ditch by the road, run, if you have time, run. gleb babij in full gear reads one of his poems. in 2014, he joined the ato as a volunteer, and in 2022 he returned to the army. on july 28 of the same year , a man with three brothers blew himself up on an anti-tank mine near izyum. during his lifetime , glip babich managed to become the author of the anthem
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of the kolomyia ten, write more than half a thousand poems and songs, and publish only one book. welcome to the most terrible talk show "war" on the tv channel. please, please in your hands while you've got them, stomp your feet while you've got them, meet the guests in the studio, they're back from the fire, their eyes are earth. the second year of a full-scale invasion, maksym kryvtsov reads his poem symbolically titled talk show war in the bulandazh. later, in 2014, he also volunteered in the ato, and with the beginning of the great war he returned to the ranks of the zu. january 7. in 2024, maxim died as a result of artillery shelling in the kharkiv region. the day before, he published his last poem on the social network, which turned out to be prophetic. for life maksym published an author's collection of poems, poems from the war book, and also worked on a novel with
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the previous title radio oblivion. he did not have time to finish it. a heart without feelings, eyes without a look. so if i'm dead, bury me. humanely, so as not to have to wander among the likes of me again. olena rybka quotes a poem by volodymyr vakulenko at a dinner in his memory. even during the occupation of izyum, the man refused to leave the city. on march 24, 2022 , the russians kidnapped the writer right from his home. later, his body, shot through by two bullets, found at the site of a mass burial. during volodymyr's lifetime. of books, already after the author's death, his diary of the occupation was published, which volodymyr managed to bury at home under a cherry tree, before he was kidnapped by the occupiers, and was found by the writer and poet, victoria amelina. air alert
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throughout the country. yes, as if everyone is being shot every time, but only one is being targeted. mainly from someone who is from the region, today it is not you, the rebuttal, but this is the performance of victoria herself, in june 2023 on the stage of the art arsenal, the writer read her poems for the last time to the public, immediately after that victoria left for kramatorsk with the colombian delegation. during their dinner, the russians launched a rocket attack on the pizzeria building. amelina received. seriously injured and died on july 1, 2023 in a hospital in dnipro. victoria managed to become a winner of the joseph conrad award and the author of two novels and a children's book. but
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she never had time to finish her first non-fiction work in english about ukrainian women during the war. russia's war against ukraine has killed or caused at least 48 deaths ukrainian writers, poets and translators. however, there are more dead artists than is generally known: hundreds more books could have been published by ukrainian authors, hundreds more lives could have continued, had it not been for the russian attack. yes, well, some of these authors are in the publishing house of the old lev, correct? marian, yes, volodya vakulenko was our author, ugh, i'm victoria, today, by the way, the opening of victoria's memorial plaque at the 50th school, where she once studied, is about to begin. i'm just looking at the scale losses, so among. poetry and writing, and they are already beginning to be commensurate with what our children learn in schools called
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the shot revival, somewhere it is, you can now add to that list the incredible poet boris homanyuk, who was taken away by the war, and we still haven't we know where, how, what, whether he is alive, but there is very little hope that he is alive, and this is a very powerful voice, a very powerful poet, ugh. we have already raised this issue, we have already discussed it with the people of art, and the question is simple, is it worth it to those who write, who create, who can make a huge contribution to our victory, but not at the front, actually with their other work, should such people go there to the trenches, we hear the overwhelming answer that it is necessary, because it is another experience, because it is actually possible to transfer this experience later. creativity and bring it to a large number of people, what is your opinion, how do you see it? i believe that it is very important
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for a person to feel whether it is a vocation, because many of those poets who are now in the war and those who died are them followed the first call of the heart, and they went to the war as volunteers in the first days, well, i am talking about a certain balance and this, because the more one loses. the fighting people, the fighting nation of the elite, because it is the elite, one way or another, the concentration of humus increases, it is true, and on the other side, on the other side, the enemy is mobilizing bio-organisms that do not even reach the level of homo sapiens, because conversations with those detained captives indicate that this is just a subspecies of some kind biologically similar to a person, i mean. we burn the best resource nations in the fight against them, but oksana is probably asking about this balance, whether it is worth
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mobilizing and taking up arms not from the point of view of the vocation of a writer, a poet, but from the point of view of this, but you understand, roman, it is a very fine line, because the whole ukrainian people is not humos, it is a nation, and they and i cannot be, well, we cannot divide them so sharply into an elite that cannot be sent there. to the front and to ordinary people, because we are all one people, and it would be wrong to make this sharp division, i am not in the plan to do any such estimated things, i am talking about the fact that there is a huge amount, i watched a video yesterday, how powerful thousands of men storming the consulates, who should have mobilized, not all of them, they swam over, i understand such a scale, and i am talking about it for a moment, but the fact that... there are so many men who look like such
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strongmen on the outside, and then, they have such a rabbit heart, and who are simply not ready to fight for their country at all, it's very sad, but surely a warrior is not someone who is strong, strong with strong shoulders, and the one who understands feels how important it is for him the defense of our own country, how much we all feel personally involved in this, you know, i feel very sorry for all those who died in this terrible war, i understand that these are simply irreparable losses, because we are losing a real gene pool, and our future is very , let's say, is looming with such
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great crises, demographic... now actually give birth to children, and who would later become ours, our support, ours building our country, but i hope that it will end after all, and i really hope for the strength of the allies, that they will still be here... they will appear, not only, let's say, with weapons, but also with their own presence , it seems to me that it would be important, and we have already lost too many. writers, and well, it’s just not, well, you know, emotionally it’s impossible to let go, but you know, we understand that it’s all very alive and the fact that today the actual opening of the memorial plaque to victoria, and we’re just publishing her book now, it's in print, that's it
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it's just that we live in such, such a meat grinder, psychological, emotional, and actually, ah... guys live in such a real meat grinder, where every minute can be the last. yes, this is the experience gained by the entire country, the entire state, and from which one must draw fundamentally important conclusions. it will be simply tragic if we do not draw these terrible conclusions and go into the future as normal people, rooted in their own identity, people who understand what a huge price they have already paid for being to feel one's own dignity and to build a normal country, an adequate, identical, nationally identical country, let it be a political nation of people who have different and belonging to different minorities or nationalities, but let this the political nation will understand how important the ukrainian factor is in
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this, in addition to the testimony of victoria amelina, you published and republished vaca. you published humanyuk's africa, there is now a lot of literature, actually both military and non-military, but which concerns those writers, those authors who suffered, or were in the war, or are in the war, or died because of the war, what do people need more now, what is the balance, maybe in terms of percentage, what does the ukrainian literary environment need, what is the topic, i thank you very much for asking andrii khomenyuk, so what for... for me, this is such a very refreshing example, when a person, well, already of such a very mature age went, went to war, endured everything, came back, wrote a great book, and was also recognized with awards, call sign celt , we talked about it with him, i'm just him, he too
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asked this question that we ask, and people who did not miss this war, do they read these books or not? this question is, of course, read, i think that a lot of people read it, uh, but now we need different literature, and in parallel with what should be created, the literature of the fact, actually, the literature of that war, which was seen with our own eyes , er, literature should be created, let's say, light and humorous and optimistic, for this mentally. balance, because i am from, well, these military books of our writers who have gone through the crucible of war, returned, they are not always intact, i was just reading godimenko's book, he signed it for me, i still remember from the beginning of the war in saigon, who gave me a book and said: listen, you read it, i say, but whoever
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he was not in the army, he will not understand anything, here is saigon, it is so sharp, i am in this plan, that people who missed the war because of... themselves put it in the form of texts, you mean the book of andrii homoniuk, and this and that andrii humanyak, this is the book africa, saigon - this is what he wrote mud, even when it was just beginning russian, this is an older book, vodymenka is fresh, it is unread, you know, it is unread, that is, after all, the war really did not start in the 22nd year, it started, at least in the 14th, and it was already appearing... literature, but since the country itself and, let's say, the political elites, in particular, they are somehow in thoughts and in and in informing, and in some certain politics, and well, let's say, understanding what this war is for us, they are somehow its
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they put it on the sidelines for the awareness of themselves, the people themselves, that at some point they... who accepted that this is as if yes, here we are, here we are there, we live here, everything is fine, there were some conflicts, armed conflicts, it was as if some kind of war was going on there, well, some people died there, but it seems that all this is somehow already in the past, still the concept of optional experiencing optional experiencing the war, and in fact these guys who were there, wrote there, died there, if they had stayed in this, well, this is just fear, well, this is with... in fact, in such an optional state of awareness with the whole society , that they, they were extremely important, and it is necessary i had to finish reading, read, but the human psyche... it is such that it tries to push away everything that is so difficult and irritating for it, so you can understand why this process took place, and now it is necessary not to let people not finish reading this, let's say, you understand,
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now, again, keeping in this balance, so that we don't go, you know, with our brains in some solid like this, in pain and in stress, we still have to understand and we have to see them, so for it is very important to us that this... minniks and from time to time broke out of of their military actions and got into public places, now, by the way, there will be a reading of our arthur drona again in lviv, so i hope that many people will come and see a guy who had an incredible experience of war, and i wrote yesterday letter to oleg sentsov, well, again, let's remember that oleg is simply our, well, symbol of the nation, he is not an indomitable person, i don't know that. for me, it's such a role model for boys, let's say, growing up, that it's just wow! oleg, i say, oleg, we are very cool, if i let you go, at least for a couple of days to
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the book arsenal, it is at the end of april, may, the beginning of june, he says, well, if i will, if i can, then i do not promise anything, and because he is constantly, you know how many times he already got into various stories, and was in the column, and fought, and had contusions. well, we have literally two more minutes and we still have a few questions, how literature has changed, how much more frank, deeper, perhaps more painful it has become in not two years, but in 10 years, i remember when the invasion began in the 14th year, and came out the book was also published, the war that changed rondo, and it was an event, wow, we now tell children about war, and now that children see it, how deeply hurt literature is now. this is already a whole body of literature for children about the war, about how to talk to children about the war, well, recently we published a book about the war, and
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it was written on my own from my own terrible experience of losing a husband in the war, and this is the sashko with the nickname tango, sashko osadko, who we published his book, his stories, which he i didn't have time to see either, that is, he didn't, he didn't happen as... let's say, the author of his stories, because he died earlier, but this is actually this, that's how this story is made, but it, well, it's still some certain the period of history that we have to live through and move on, it is very important, so we will move on, it is all really very great , there is a great level of this frankness, a great level of pain, and we have already learned much more, you know, to spectrally feel in this in what is happening, well, to sum it up, there is something new among all those literature of war, we already have our hemingway, or do we still have to wait for him, i think he
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is, but he is still in the process of writing, we would like to thank maryana savtsa, the main editor-in-chief and co-founder of the old lion publishing house, for the conversation a writer, a poet and our friend, and we are pleased with it, i would like to remind you that this conversation was dedicated to the world book and copyright day , so we congratulate you and all writers, poets, everyone who celebrates this day, please write more, because creativity is something that must go hand in hand with ours soldiers who are at the front. well, next, a little pause, watch the news, after the news we will continue the conversation in this studio. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and as always, the fuel ran out in no time, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmer kors from unpack
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11:00 am
united by football, stronger together, 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio all the time. the minister, ex-head of the agrarian committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, is suspected of land embezzlement worth millions. the scheme of illegal acquisition of land for uah 291 million was exposed by nabu and sap, they reported there. a member of a criminal group included geocadastre employees and the minister, as reported by the public with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies, it is about the minister.


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