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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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his diary of the occupation, which volodymyr managed to bury under a cherry tree at home, before it was stolen by the occupiers. it was found by the writer and poet, victoria amelina. air alert throughout the country. it's as if everyone is being shot every time, but only one is being targeted, mostly someone from the countryside. today is not you, rebound. and this is the performance of victoria herself. in june 2023, on the stage of the art arsenal, the writer read her poems to the public for the last time. immediately after that, victoria left for kramatorsk with the colombian delegation. during their in the evening, the russians launched a rocket attack on the building of the pizzeria. amelina was seriously injured and died on july 1, 2023 in...
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a hospital in dnipro. victoria managed to become a winner of the joseph conrad award and the author of two novels and a children's book, but she did not have time to finish her first non-fiction work in english about ukrainian women during the war. as a result of russia's war against ukraine , at least 48 ukrainian writers, poets and translators were killed or died. however, there are more dead artists than is generally known. hundreds more books could... to be published by ukrainian authors, hundreds of lives could have continued if not for the russian attack. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost kuro - urination under control. kratal contains a natural component. which
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savings. great returns of great lviv. conversations, discussions, finding solutions, the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we didn't... we won this war, but we must end it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and more.
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feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when it happens liver, aloholk, and what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together we are stronger we are coming back this is a big ether and it continues now is the time to talk about money oleksandr morshchevka money during the war oleksandr i congratulate you please i congratulate the audience thank you vasyl the next few minutes about the most important thing now with the hryvnia, and there is also news about gas and electricity tariffs.
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for the population, i will tell you everything in detail in a moment, wait, well, the hryvnia waited and... this week, the national currency began to strengthen, it happened to vasyl, on the news about the successful vote for state aid to our state, really news, well, they essentially play a role in the financial market, in particular, in money changers, so that money is like this, well , we will talk about matter that reacts to both positive and negative, so i will add that at the end of last week , in some places, they asked for more than uah 40 per dollar, but here in... bankers say in industry associations , representatives of financial institutions that now the dollar is not in short supply, it is already being thrown out at the interbank by those players who supported the american, well, with the aim of later making money when it can, for example, the dollar rise in price, now
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all this excess is being thrown out, therefore the hryvnia is also strengthening accordingly, well, according to this week's forecasts approximately 39.50 will be asked for a dollar. well , this small range will fluctuate somewhere below 40 hryvnias, but i am sure that when finally the withdrawal from the states will come to ukraine, the dollar will fall even more against the hryvnia. well, electricity tariffs will not fall this year, and will grow by 15%. in 2025, there will be the same amount, these are the forecasts of experts published by the ministry of economy. i would like to remind you that while the ban on raising prices for gas, hot water and heating is in effect, this moratorium does not apply to electricity and cold water, so the government is already saying that the increase in kilowatts is necessary due to the need to finance the restoration of the energy infrastructure, it continues to suffer due to russian shelling. earlier, the representative
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of the verkhovna rada committee on energy, oleksiy kucherenko, said that the calculations are certain, they show that sobiva. electricity is now 3.5 hryvnias, while the current tariff is 2.64 kopecks per kilowatt, and the forecast is such that electricity prices should be raised at least to the cost price to 3.5 hryvnias, well , forecasts are forecasts, and in fact they come true in the near future, well, such are our realities, but there is positive news, let's talk about oil and gas. announced today that it will keep the price of fuel for the population unchanged until may next year, well, the largest gas supplier in ukraine will continue to sell you and me a cubic meter for 7.96 kopecks i will add that oil and gas currently provides
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fuel for almost 12.5 million families, well, if we talk about energy, which is really important at the moment, there is no threat of blackouts, yet... in one lyceum in virpenim, in a local educational institution, solar panels have been installed, they are making a bet on green energy, let's see the plot, how it is possible to save money and how important renewable energy is for ukraine. a step towards energy independence was made at irpinsky lyceum no. 1. 64 solar panels were installed on the roof of the school together with a storage system energy in ukraine. such a station will help to provide more than 25% of the annual energy consumption of the lyceum, moreover, the building will be able to work autonomously for up to four hours. storge will provide back-up power supply in case of a blackout, that is
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, now our mission is to provide electricity to schools and hospitals in ukraine precisely in case of blackouts. mrs. yuliana, the initiator of the project. the irpin lyceum attracted her attention two years ago, and since then the work has been boiling. the implementation of her energy act for ukraine fund was helped by international partners, the german bsw solar and participating companies. officials of the federal republic of germany, deputy federal chancellor and federal minister of economy and climate protection robert habek and member of the board of directors of the european solar association jörch ebel visited the ceremonial opening. such initiatives. believe that they can become a real salvation for the new ukrainian energy system. most houses in kyiv have the same flat roofs as this building. i want to say, what we see here on school roofs should not stay only here
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on school roofs. it can actually happen part of the puzzle of restoring energy supply in ukraine in a decentralized way. it's just, unfortunately, much easier to attack one elect'. station than 1,000 or 10,000 different roofs where decentralized generation systems are located. the solar supports ukraine initiative is aimed at... using the power of solar energy to restore communities throughout ukraine, because a smooth educational process is definitely a component of sustainable development, such solar stations are able to save about uah 45,000 annually, because from now on the lyceum will produce and record electricity itself, this energy storage can be pumped in during the day and use this electricity in the evening, at night or in the morning, when there is no sun yet, so there is no doubt that even by itself... solar generation helps, and if solar generation is supplemented by nastrojas, then it generally helps significantly and can
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help to have additional amounts of electricity during more hours of the day. and what is very important, such an innovation will make it possible to study even during blackouts, which, unfortunately, are already traditional for ukrainian schoolchildren. not will be, the educational process will be interrupted, we will not sit and think about how to protect ourselves. and what should we do with these children who will come in the afternoon, that is, on the second shift, how will they go home at night, how will we sit without light, the installation of a hybrid solar power plant in the irpin lyceum number one is part of the company 100 solar schools, its goal is to equip a hundred schools throughout ukraine with renewable energy solutions, thanks to which education will develop even in difficult times tests, but... nowadays, in one more lyceum of irpen, they can definitely not worry about the possible schedules of turning off the electricity.
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kateryna galko, dmytro nikiforov, espresso tv channel. life goes on. and yet we hope that the next spring will be much brighter, much more fragrant, much whiter. well, it is interesting here that the german government understands that in order to preserve our energy during... during mass attacks, it is necessary to build as many small solar stations as possible, like the one at the european lyceum, i think that this initiative essentially has to be supported by other international partners, the government, and erect solar panels not only at schools, at hospitals, at socially, socially important institutions, thus, even though there is not so much solar activity in winter, of course, but solar panels can... generate current , so that, well, this structure works, but we also have such warm days in winter that it is possible
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to generate solar energy, i am not talking about autumn, summer and spring, so it is extremely necessary to use it, relatively speaking, the same in germany does not have such happiness as he has ukraine, in terms of sunny days, there are both showers and fogs, well, in a word, now we need to use everything that will help us survive, and maybe even develop and see some new quality of our life, but we would never know, that it is possible, and now... war is scary, but war is its opportunity, and the main thing is to use it and compensate for some negative moments. i agree with you, vasyl, and i go further, minister of agricultural policy mykola solsky, ex-chairman of the agrarian committee of the verkhovna rada, in particular, is suspected of embezzling millions, the scheme of illegal acquisition of land worth uah 291 million was exposed at butasap. it was reported there that the criminal group included employees of the geocadastre, also according to the investigation, the participants of the scheme appropriated
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agricultural plots in 2007, we are talking about sumy oblast, the persons involved were searched, the plots were seized, and suspicions have already been served on all of them. well, if we talk about agrarian topics further, then the european parliament supported the continuation of preferential trade in food products with ukraine for another year. however, the decision provides for additional safeguards in order to protect european farmers, the report says. in particular, the european commission will be able to quickly apply the necessary measures if our agricultural products cause problems in the countries of the european union. further, this decision must be approved by the council of the eu. well, i think it's just a procedure left. indeed, individual decisions may concern grain crops from ukraine, oil crops, precisely these products. farmers there, that it collapses the market of a number of european union countries, but i
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am sure that this decision is important, whether our agricultural products collapse the market or not, everything will be to depend on experts, and not just some protesters who are simply destroying ukrainian grain at the border, and the united states of america is preparing a draft of sanctions that can cut buckets. chinese banks are isolated from the global financial system. in washington , they hope that the innovation will force the commercial support of the russian military complex to stop trading, he writes. the wall street journal newspaper , citing its own sources, notes that penalties are provided for servicing the export of dual-purpose technologies. since the outbreak of the great war, china and muscovy have only increased their share of trade in yuan relative to the dollar. this is how they try to avoid a number of economic restrictions on the part of america. well, at the very end
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, i will only add that... more and more moscow is trying to find certain loopholes to bypass the sanctions, because they work and bring some benefit, but still, russia's economic power can still last six months, a year and a half, before than it will finally begin to weaken, well , business insider writes about it, referring to fund estimates carnegie, well, they say that the international monetary fund predicts that this year the country... will grow faster than all other developed economies, indeed russia invests a lot of money in the defense complex, thus increasing its gross domestic product, and thus the economy of our the enemy still has a certain margin of safety, unfortunately, but you have to look in reality, the sanctions
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are working, but the enemy is also finding certain ways to further... grow the gdp. i will end the issue with this, but a long broadcast continues. more will follow. see us. let's continue as oleksandr said, the enemy increases the gdp, or vladimir vladimirovich putin, or the gross domestic product, but let him not increase either. and what will be discussed today in the verdict program. serhii rudenko told us just now. guest, sergey, congratulations, your program will start at 20, what will be discussed, please. good evening, vasyl, today we will talk about the suspicion of the minister of agro-industrial complex of ukraine, sotssky , for appropriating land and participating in land scams. in addition, we will remember about the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs regarding the termination of
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consular services to conscripts abroad, is it motivated? these men return to ukraine. we will talk about all this during the next hour. our guests will be former prosecutor general of ukraine yuriy lutsenko and executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda. of course, of course, we will also talk about the great american aid, which we expect even after the decision in the senate, because the meeting should start in parallel with our program. united states senate of the united states of america, but for now this meeting has been postponed, we are waiting for news from washington, we hope that the senate will still vote to provide aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars, and of course, biden will sign this law, and the armed forces of ukraine will finally receive the expected weapon. in
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the second part of our program, which will start at 9:15 p.m., we will also have... gerashchenko, halyna vasylchenko and oleksandr mareshko, people's deputies of ukraine. let's talk about expected resignations in the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, because today it was announced that it might to be brought before the parliament, the question of the dismissal of several ministers, but this did not happen, the question was postponed until may, and here many questions arise in connection with the fact that on this very day, when the question was supposed to be considered. regarding the rotation of ministers, there was information that the minister of a&c is suspected of taking possession of state land worth 291 million uah, and today on butasap they announced the suspicion of the minister, of course this is a big scandal, despite the fact that we live in
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war conditions, but it turns out like this , that... in the highest echelons of power there are people who break the law, who allow themselves to behave the way they behaved, and before the war, in short, there are many questions about this whole story with the minister of agriculture of ukraine, as well as about the future government. we will have a large block of questions with people's deputies about whether ukraine is still a parliamentary -presidential republic or a presidential-parliamentary one. presidential in general, because we do not see any reports of ministers, we do not see any reports of the prime minister, we do not see active work of the verkhovna rada regarding the formation of central bodies. authorities, in short , there are many questions, i hope there will be many answers from our guests as well, we start in 10 minutes, the big broadcast of winter continues,
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vasyl, you have the floor, thank you very much sergey, so at 20 the verdict program will be by sergey rudenko, well and now lina chechenina, that today, she wants to tell us, the father of the family is building a rocket in the village to hit moscow with it, and at the same time he is dealing with family quarrels, this is the plot of a new ukrainian comedy. rashenka, which will be released on thursday rolling. lina chechenina is now at the premiere screening and is ready to share her, i hope, positive impressions. good evening, please. vasyl, congratulations, greetings to our viewers, thank god, they are positive, i liked ukrainian comedy, you know, there are christmas comedies, there are new year's comedies, and now we also have easter, i'll tell you about it in a second. but before that , i can't help but tell you about the news that today
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shook and pleased many people in our film community, the fact is that the court finally recognized the council for the support of cinema illegitimate, i want to tell you that this council is the kind of body that, in principle, determines who receives funding at pitches and contests at state cinema? projects will win and as a result, which ukrainian films will we watch in cinemas, this council, its members' terms there already expired last year, but the nobility held on to their seats, and even through the courts they wanted to stay, but today that's all - they were still recognized as illegitimate, by the way, they say that the upcoming dash cinema competition will be canceled anyway, i let me remind you that a large part of the film community does not oppose him, so that the money for the film... is given to the defense forces, and now about krashenko, i started watching this comedy now at the premiere, watched 40 minutes, and i already have enough positive impression, we can
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now watch a-ah this this film, yes , it is about such a man stanislav boklan, he is very charismatic, very so angry, he lives alone in the village and after the beginning of a full-scale roundup, two of his will come to her, to him to... a terrible secret, that this bit is preparing a bomb that he plans to send around moscow on easter. let's look at the passage. you set the coordinates, press the buttons. he will never marry, goodbye, lord, he is resurrected, i will say that
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the jokes in this film are tough enough, well, we have seen tougher ones, but they are not too sweet, there is enough of such a strong word, i also liked how everyone plays actors, here the kasunk is excellent, that is, everyone, everyone. everyone is very pleasant to look at, and the actors have built each such a bright enough image, just what i like the most i liked it, because he already has a commercial streak, and he understands very well where you can make money and how to do business, such a future good businessman, i don’t know if at the end of the film , this grandfather in the role of stanislav cormorant will hit moscow with a rocket , but i will go and look, and to be honest, it still seems to me that this is a very good comedy, it is such a ... officially commercial successful mass comedy, you don't need to expect any intellectuality from it, but it is not primitive, as we often think we can see precisely in ukrainian commercial products, which
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calculated on the fact that a lot of people would come, and the creators would make money for me, for some reason they think that this tape is a hit, it will also collect a lot of money at the box office, and in principle , it will satisfy a much wider and more demanding audience than ukrainian comedies usually do. that's all, i ran, i look, well, in tarantino's inglorious scum they shot hitler, why not fire a rocket at moscow? thanks to chechnya, now natalka didenko will tell us about what the weather will be like in ukraine, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow and about eighth verdict, don't miss it, be with us, be for espresso! hello to everyone, our dear viewers, of course a synoptic hello,
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let's talk about the synoptic situation of the nearest one. days, but for now, well, it is interesting to talk, given the fact that the weather sometimes jumps just like on some such huge swing, about the influence of her well-being, and especially often this is quite clearly manifested in the spring, because we often hear even from specialists, from experts , doctors, that there is such a term as spring exacerbation, autumn exacerbation, so this is what they advise to to protect oneself from the negative influence of various things. of such weather changes, well, they advise here such simply terrible advice, simply terrible, they recommend setting the alarm clock about an hour earlier, that is, waking up earlier, which is very useful for the body especially in the spring, and we will simply soon feel how our sleep normalizes and the condition will return to normal, if it was not normal, well , it is recommended to go to bed earlier, that is understandable, and i have been struggling with this for many
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years, just unsuccessfully, but still , i always hope that someday it will be possible for me will succeed a contrast shower is already very suitable, it is very useful for blood vessels, for blood circulation, and it is also said that it plays an important role in acclimatizing the sleeping body to spring. well, it is clear that physical exertion, daylight, finally longer and fresh air help the body adapt. and if you don't usually have the opportunity to walk in the park every day, it is recommended to come somewhere for a while. a few stops earlier to walk, of course more sunlight, the famous vitamin d, which i think is talked about almost everywhere already and everywhere, and oxygen during such walks gives the brain energy, and this cures boredom, and of course it is necessary to ventilate the room, even if it is cold, even if the wind or rain is pouring down, it is necessary to ventilate the room
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immediately after getting up in the morning opened the window, for example, i don’t have time to open the window, as my cats are already sitting and breathing fresh air and all animal protectors, i want to reassure all animal protectors that we specially bought and ordered such special nets that protect animals from, god forbid, falling out of windows, that is, such special strong nets, that is, we all breathe fresh air, and we and our friends with four legs and a tail, well, we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, tomorrow whether there will be... no storms or not, tomorrow to your , now, i apologize, for your attention, the forecast chart, you can see that a slight activation, here is the next night, in general, during the day, small fluctuations, in general, such a calm situation, so we move on, do not linger here and move on to the actual synoptic situation, which i mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, so the weather forecast for the next day, in the western regions, what will the weather be like tomorrow,
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i want to say rain right away, i haven't seen rain in a long time, as they say, the air temperature is quite, well, so comfortable, i would say, somewhere +13 +17, it is traditionally warmer in transcarpathia, but there will be a strong wind, so umbrellas and some such windbreakers tomorrow. in the north of ukraine, tomorrow is also expected rain caused by an active cyclone, and the rain may even be heavy, take this into account, there will also be strong to stormy winds, so tomorrow and clothes and ... salt and appropriate footwear, although the air temperature is quite high, but the increase in wind significantly lowers the air temperature. in the east of ukraine tomorrow without significant precipitation, it will be very warm, i would say +19 +22°, but in the kharkiv region it may rain even in the evening. in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow the weather will also prevail with periodic rains, although with a fairly high
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air temperature, but... in the center tomorrow , the southeast wind gusts will reach 15-20 m/s in some places, so tomorrow in the center i remind you once again rain and strong wind. in the southern part of ukraine - april 24 will be a real summer. there , the air temperature will sometimes reach 25-27 or even 28°, and precipitation is not expected, well, conditionally , the weather will be excellent in the south tomorrow. in kyiv, i would n't say so, because... because tomorrow it is kyiv that will be under the influence of this active cyclone, which will come to us from the southwest, so rain is expected in kyiv tomorrow, even heavy rain in places, strong to storm gusts, gusts, sorry, stormy gusts of wind sometimes up to 15-20 m/s, and the maximum temperature air +10- +12°. this is how the rainy weather will be tomorrow in many regions of ukraine, guess what.


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