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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill, it is not about banning the telegram, it is about regulating its work, we are dealing with a mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city, and then in the middle of the night , an enemy army came out of it. ex-spy roman chervinsky is waiting for the court's verdict. what's up with the case, let's talk to his lawyer. american aid for ukraine is already in european warehouses, how quickly and most importantly, safely will it be able to be delivered to the front and what will it affect, we will talk about this today, but let's start with... human services for
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the border, where services are denied to ukrainians, presumably because of the mobilization law. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. for ukrainian men of pre-winter age who are abroad, the state of ukraine has suspended the provision of consular services. look at what was happening in the premises of the state-owned enterprise document in warsaw, where more than fifty people were waiting for the issuance of passports. they could not get the document. the ministry of foreign affairs stated that this is temporary, they say, until there are clarifications of the provisions of the law regarding strengthening of mobilization, which volodymyr zelenskyi signed on april 16, and which in fact has not yet entered into force. the law enters into force only on may 18. for now, only consular services are possible for ukrainian men abroad, which are related to returning to ukraine. although in the same warsaw, the dp document has now declared that the passport cannot be obtained through a technical one.
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a malfunction of the system, and this despite the fact that the submission of documents takes place without problems according to the electronic queue, the correspondent of radio liberty in poland reports. listen to what the people in the queues are saying. they say that for technical reasons they do not issue passports and that's it. the people are very dissatisfied, angry and even said that they want to storm, simply. that's how it looks. i think not, they simply, when this document appeared, they decided one day to stop it. cut off and everything, i think it is not related to this, somehow it will be suspicious, i have been there since the 16th year and just wanted to extend the documents so that everything was in order, but it did not work out, just today i wanted to pick it up and it comes out yes, i won't take it it turns out that i won't take it, what are you going to do, wait, wait, force probably won't help here, it won't lead to anything good, we will monitor the website of the dp documents, look at the situation for everything we can hope for, they will go on an assault, security will come, i will take everyone away.
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human rights are violated, so i think so, firstly, secondly, i think that there is now very strong corruption in ukraine, and the one who is now, namely zelenskyi, yermak, his green team, they occupied ukraine now and they are doing everything to destroy the ukrainian people, the ukrainian people. the nation and
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ukrainian land, now at this time it is not people who should fight, but technology, and again, what are presidents created for, what are deputies created for, in order to prevent war, on the one hand, i can understand, but let them get busy those who left during the war, and those who came before the war, i understand that the boys have to fight. but many guys also have families, they also have families, there is no justice in us in ukraine, so i think that on the one hand it is half and half fair, let them first take away those who went abroad due to disability, according to that, anyone who still has a family can return, but if it happens that here, for example, there are many young guys who will build their future here and they will not watch, so that in our country, i repeat once again, that there is no justice in ukraine at the expense of mobilization, it depends on whether it was...
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legal to cross the border, if a person has been living here for a long time and has not connected his life with returning from ukraine to ukraine, then i well, well , i think that it is not wrong, but those who... who are illegal, then in this way, maybe it is worth them return those who did not legally cross the border. these are the comments we received in warsaw, it is interesting that the temporary society learned about such an innovation, not from the ministry of foreign affairs, not from the government, not from the verkhovna rada or even the president's office, that from now on all ukrainian consulates stop providing services to men of winter age , the mirror of the week reported the previous evening. journalists published a letter signed by first deputy minister of foreign affairs andrii sebi. who until recently was andrii yarmak's deputy in the president's office, and just two weeks ago he transferred to the ministry of foreign affairs. in the morning, minister dmytro kuleba confirmed the information. he stated that it would be fair, because , as they say, there is a war in the country, and in the conditions of which the protection of the state should become the main priority. what does it look like now? this is a man
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of draft age who went abroad, showed his country that the question of its survival does not bypass him, and then comes and wants to receive services from this country. so? does not work, there is a war in our country, staying abroad does not release a citizen from his duties to his homeland, that is why i yesterday instructed to take measures to restore the fair treatment of men of mobilization age in ukraine and abroad, it will be fair, but actually without warning, this morning ukrainian consulates abroad stopped providing consular services for men of winter age, which we just showed. literally a week ago, an american political publication wrote that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , about 650,000 men of draft age could leave ukraine, most of them fled illegally. edition literally stated that the surge of patriotism that was at the beginning of the war has evaporated, now ukrainians are evading the draft en masse. this, this is a quote.
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this video is also from a week ago, after the mobilization law was signed by the president, hundreds of men rushed to passport centers to renew their documents. while this could still be done without military registration data. then they were also indignant that they had to stand in queues for a long time, but the question is whether such methods as limiting consular services will help men of winter age to return home, and accordingly, mobilization, this is what users write about it, for example, under the post of the same dmytro kuleba on twitter. listen. the most stupid decision: the men will still not return, but we will lose our citizens, instead of fighting corruption, bogus documents for departure, dealing with the one who... released portnov and hladkovsky with how the kyiv majors received the status of unfit . that is, there is a law that has not even entered into force yet, there are other normative legal acts that regulate the provision of certain services, but mr. kuleba decided to disperse with the populist and moroli people. yes, honestly, i
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think, and put a bolt on the law. are you sure you are a minister? an unpopular decision, but a fair one. the decision is aimed at turning back, if you don't want to, then the state in... ukraine is not interested in providing you with any services. all this demagoguery about returning after the war is just a lever to win extra buns for yourself. and what does it change? nothing. in fact, after the end of the war, much fewer people than could return to ukraine, but the main thing is that it is ephemeral justice and earning opportunities for officials at consulates. serhii petukhov, a teacher at the national university of kyiv-mohyla academy and deputy minister of justice in 2015 , has already joined our broadcast. good evening. good evening. first, i will start from the letter of the law. is this a legal decision, taking into account the war, and taking into account that according to the law, which, however, has not yet entered into force, men really, including abroad, must update their military registration documents. this is a good
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question, because the law has not really been adopted yet entered into force, and accordingly, there is no way to temporarily apply it to this one. dates, there is also no separate procedure for clarifying the provisions of the new law referred to in the letter of the ministry of foreign affairs, the law, i clarify, is only interpreted by the constitutional court of ukraine, and as far as i know, there was no appeal to the court, but due to the absence interpretation, this does not mean that the law may not be applied, or that a law that has not entered into force may be applied, so in fact, such a hasty application of... the law raises questions, in the letter of the ministry of foreign affairs, which was published by the mirror of the week, if it is genuine, there is a reference only to the provisions of the constitution on the duty of citizens of ukraine to protect the homeland, at the same time, this provision does not give the right to apply a law that has not yet entered into
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force, so the question of such application there is a law, and the explanations that have been provided so far are not clear and understandable. what consequences can such decisions lead to? well, look, this decision is motivated as a fair decision, and that makes sense. it's obviously unfair when someone fights, someone doesn't. on the other hand, it is clear that this decision is unlikely to encourage men who do not want to be in ukraine to return to ukraine to update their data, because it is clear that they will not be able to leave ukraine after updating their data, so it does not look like that this law will lead to a mass return of ukrainians to ukraine, to which it may lead, ukrainians who will not be able to obtain, extend or restore their ukrainian documents will remain in their host countries, or with temporary
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documents issued by this state, or may even apply for temporary protection of this state, obtaining asylum, obtaining another status that would allow them to stay legally in this country, and it cannot be ruled out that such states, where our citizens live, in particular in the european union, can go to a meeting in order to... so that people have legal documents, because this is the application of the law and the deprivation of their own citizens of consular protection and the right to confirm their identity, which are basic citizens' rights, can be considered as a discriminatory measure and in fact lead to the fact that applications for asylum or obtaining refugee status will be considered for ukrainians, as well as, for example, with... additional protections, protection measures are taken for citizens of belarus, this is very an unfortunate
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comparison, but it cannot be avoided, because recently belarus refused to provide consular services to its citizens who are abroad for a long time, and it seems that ukraine, by this measure, by its decision, not wanting to compares itself with belarus, although for completely different reasons. listen, let's try, i don't know, to be lawyers for the government, maybe there is some logic in all this story that we still don't understand, well, the things you are talking about, minister kuleba can't fail to realize them, or there numerous advisers, deputy ministers, some of whom are also lawyers, but still such a decision was made, despite the fact that the law did not enter into force, maybe this is part of some, i don’t know, big strategy, maybe they hope that... people will apply for asylum en masse, asylum will not be granted, they will be deported to ukraine,
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of course, maybe it sounds somewhat conspiratorial now, but it can't be, just knowing that this is a partial violation , if we are talking about the letter of the law and go for it anyway, well, with regard to deportation, it is not profitable, and when something similar was discussed last year and it looks like some consultations were held with european states, there were public statements by high-ranking german officials , i remember who said that ukrainians will not be deported for any reason, even if ukraine demands it, and it seems to me that the logic of this, as broader as the entire law on strengthening mobilization, in addition to ensuring this mobilization, it is after all the restoration of a sense of justice for people inside ukraine, for men who fight, or volunteer, help, and it is important to support such a spirit of feeling. justice for our citizens, at the same time the way that is chosen in that, in this case, me
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seems to have the opposite effect, because this law will not return anyone, on the contrary , it will encourage people to think about how to legalize in the countries where they are and get either a new citizenship, or the right to permanent residence, or another way to permanently stay where they are and to travel freely, therefore... from the point of view of restoring justice, this is understandable, but it seems to me that in that part the law is simply not that it does not achieve its goal, but makes it worse, does the opposite. you know, i was here a few broadcasts ago people's deputy fedir benislavskyi, who is a lawyer and representative of the president, previously in the constitutional court, later in the verkhovna rada, and he said that this law is primarily about helping ukrainian men to register. but it was supposed to happen when the law came into effect, now, as far as i understand, ukraine has cut off
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even this possibility, but the law has not come into force there yet, how have consular services already been limited? well, no, even according to the explanations of the ministry of foreign affairs, the only consular service, which can be provided to citizens of ukraine, to men now is the provision of a certificate to return to ukraine, that is, those who wish to return to ukraine, even if they do not have or have lost a passport, will be able to do so... but, for example, i understand that they will not to register as citizens of ukraine children who will be born to men abroad, this is already such a strange kind of justice. possibility, if this consular service will not be provided, or if a person needs to be issued a notarial power of attorney to dispose of his property, that is, this in fact, it is a very significant restriction of human rights, which is hardly justified by the goal that needs to be achieved, and as for the fact that people need to be returned
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to be registered, well, they can be registered even while abroad through an electronic account in fact, i don't think it's possible. or as a person who has recently been in the military itself, in order to be registered, you need to pass a medical board before that, and this is definitely not done electronically, you need to pass a medical board in ukraine, it certainly doesn't exist at embassies, so it's hard for me to imagine that it's possible to register, unless it's some other kind of registration than the one we have in general, so i don't think it's about having to somehow just to register at the embassy as a military obligee, it probably involves... returning to ukraine, passing the so-called military hospital commission, which determines whether you are fit for service or not, and after that registration. obviously, this means that these people will not be able to later to leave, i.e. here the state of ukraine tells its citizens that either you return to ukraine and cannot leave, if you are a military member due to your health, you can be called up for service, or we cut you off
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from any consular services and consular protection, because... part of consular services is, if a citizen of ukraine gets into trouble abroad, that a crime has been committed against him, he is detained, ah, there is damage to his health, or he has disappeared, and consuls provide consular protection, represent, and his interests before by state authorities, protect, look for him, establish contacts, give money if necessary so that he can return, facilitate the investigation of a crime if it was committed, that is, i wonder if now there will not even be consular protection for these ... men , well, sergey, how do you evaluate the communication itself and how it was done, i reminded you that at first the document was published on the pages of the mirror of the week and with reference to sources, then in the morning the minister confirmed, by the way, the state enterprise the document generally reported that they don't issue passports for technical reasons, they didn't mention the government's decision, but how do you
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evaluate the communication with society on this issue, it's unfortunately some kind of game. i think it is fair to come out and say that we have made such a decision, we believe that it is fair, yes, it will outrage someone, it will be uncomfortable for someone, but it will, but it looks like the entire process of updating the legislation on mobilization is so painful that it is accepted somehow in a crumpled form at the last moment, without explanation what exactly will happen, from what moment, and this obviously does not add... confidence to these measures and to ukraine as a state, to the fact that it will be a prosaic, fair process, because it is obvious, for example, if now all ukrainian men will soon have to undergo a medical examination and register or update their personal information, and if they don't, they will face
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legal consequences, is it self-evident, firstly, it puts a lot of burden on the.. . military mother, a secondly, it creates space for corruption, because when you don't have a thousand people and you can choose whom you apply negative consequences to, in what order, this is an obvious space for corruption or at least some kind of favoritism, so in general the way in which it is accepted and the communication is communicated is definitely not conducive to trust, because it is not clear whether this procedure will be transparent at all and whether it... will be fair in itself, by the way, and what is your attitude, we showed just the statements of the people who are standing there in the lines in warsaw, and many of them says that he said so, let them first catch up with those who left, those who fled, today i saw maryana bezugla's statement, she says that she is waiting for the children of officials who will be registered abroad to go there
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and update the data, how it is possible that the ukrainian authorities , on their part, could contribute to at least this degree of discomfort. in these people who slept abroad because they believe that what is being done to them is unfair, yes, the question of justice is always very painful for ukrainians, and when they feel that something is unfair to them, they are ready to fight it, in fact there is no simple answer, it seems to me that this attack, which will be done now, will definitely not contribute to increasing the sense of justice, perhaps we should go back and consider. and in what way during the war, a significant number of men left ukraine in one or another illegal way, and apparently there are investigations, certain facts are made public, but those. the numbers that are called are tens of thousands of people who used check-out systems like volunteers, as well as drivers who delivered humanitarian goods, and it all happened on
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the basis of some statements and appeals, lists, it seems to me that this is how it always works in ukraine, full transparency is required if you went abroad on the basis of some letter, all these letters should be published, citizens should know who left, when, on what basis, then no one will have it. questions, why this happened, or why this or that man is abroad, and even then , civil control, public control of this will allow us to find out who abused, who is responsible for it and what punishment should he face for it, it seems to me that transparency in who goes abroad, on what grounds and when he returns or does not return, this would be a measure that would, well, give a sense of justice for ukrainians, i thank you. for the comment serhii petukhov, lecturer at the national university of kyiv-mohyla academy and deputy minister of justice 2015-19 . thank you. well, then we talk about western
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aid for ukraine, not only american aid, how much, how much is this aid, to turn the tide of the war in favor of ukraine. the british government has announced that it is allocating 500 million pounds to help ukraine, which is more than 600 million dollars, and will give the ukrainians a record- breaking package of military aid, including missiles. prime minister of great britain rishi sunak announced this officially during his visit to poland just recently, although the decision itself was known the night before. according to the press release, the package will include more than 1,600 shock and anti-aircraft missiles, including a new batch of storm shadow, 60 boats, boats, 160 armored vehicles, the same number of armored vehicles and about 4 million rounds of ammunition. well, as for the american aid, which still needs to be approved by the senate and signed by the us president, so, as cnn writes, most of the american aid has been placed in warehouses in
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germany and poland in advance, this will shorten the time for its delivery to ukraine, one of the first to be delivered scarce artillery shells, but it will be difficult to organize their delivery to the front, the publication notes. this is serious a logistical problem, taking into account the huge amount of equipment that will have to be delivered to... the destination in a short period of time, well, in a short period of time and probably relatively imperceptibly. oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military legal studies, joins our broadcast. alexander, good evening. good evening. do you expect any such significant shift or change in the balance of power due to aid from the united states, because yesterday there were different predictions. someone says that it is enough to simply defend yourself, so that there are fewer losses, but to some extent it will not lead to serious changes at the front. what you say is already a lot, in fact, i want to tell you that it is necessary to understand that the more means we have, the more opportunities there will be to stop the enemy, to inflict maximum losses on him. in this
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case, when we put, it is necessary to proceed from the tasks that are currently being put before our forces. the number one task is to stop the enemy's offensive, break the pace of offensive operations, exhaust russian units and be in active defense, which means to be ready to seize the initiative at least in some parts of the front and conduct, well, at least local tactical counterattacks, such tasks are set today, i think that such tasks will in principle be carried out, in case of normal rates, stable supply of this aid , fast, and i think that they will be like that, everything is leading to this, you see how the situation has developed, that russia is intensifying its offensive at the end of may-june, and i think that... that certain volumes of aid just in ukraine will start to come both from the united states, and from britain, and from the european union, which means that this will strengthen our capabilities,
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the capabilities of the defense forces until the moment when the russian offensive intensifies, and it is obvious that if we see from the month of october, russia is on the offensive and in principle for the previous 3-4 months , ukraine acted without american aid, and then... in principle, russia was unable to achieve serious successes of an operational, strategic nature, then it will be even easier to do this with weapons, so i am practically convinced that with these aid packages, the russian offensive it will be possible to stop it, that's for sure. and what do you say about the aid from great britain, they stated, well, first of all, it is about 600 million dollars, and they stated that this is a record package of military aid even for them, what does this indicate? and this shows precisely the understanding of the moment, as you can see, here again, russia is moving quite powerfully, they are trying to develop an offensive, and
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they were counting on the fact that the west... will not support ukraine so actively. putin's calculation was that the united states would be in internal political struggle, elections and maybe even until november, they won't vote. and european countries will not be able to block this, these needs of ukraine. but a completely different trend is emerging. the usa is now once again confirming its leadership, which is very important in the world. britain is following suit, i think other countries will follow suit. and now the situation is somewhat ... changing in our favor actually, because now we have a chance to repel these attacks, and the russian calculations did not come true, as far as british aid is concerned, i would draw attention to such a feature that, after all, this is aid for operations in the south, and i admit that a certain part of this aid is possible, it will be precisely to be able to carry out certain operations on the left bank of the kherson region,
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operations for... strikes on the crimea , well, storm shadow is a sight precisely for strikes on crimea, that is, it seems to me that it is somewhat even an attempt to look into the future this summer, this fall, and what if there is a chance in ukraine for certain counteroffensive actions and it is possible to act in the south, this is what british aid is about it seems to me, well, if stormshedov is for crimea, then what are we attacking for, i understand, well, at least from what volodymyr zelensky said the day before. after talking with biden, he thanked him for the attacks, which is worth reading, how is the issue resolved? eh, attacks are for what stormshadow is for, in principle, well, i think that in the end, why not be ashamed and not say that if it all works together, we will have the opportunity to strike a combined attack on the crimean bridge, for example, or on other russian objects troops in the occupied crimea, which had not
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been able to be hit before, or they... were out of reach, i.e., the trends that existed now, they already demonstrated that even without non-ballistic attacks, ukraine managed to pass the echeloned air defense system of russia in the occupied crimea, and if you add to that ballistic missiles, such as the atakams, then i think that the chances of passing this and that anti-aircraft defense and hitting other objects only increase. let's talk more about the territory, which is significant closer than crimea, i am talking about kharkiv region, we see such, well, targeted, massed, daily strikes, attacks on kharkiv, today's report of the american institute for the study of war was dedicated to kharkiv, it was noted that moscow is currently conducting a coordinated air and information operation in order to firstly , to destroy kharkiv, and secondly, to convince ukrainians to flee from the city, because
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a russian offensive is approaching there. er, what do you expect in the near future in kharkiv and whether ukraine will have time to use the forces and means that have have time to arrive to repel the attack from kharkiv? there will be time, including these means and those means that are already there for that, because in principle ukrainian forces are preparing to repel attacks in this direction as well, because there is an understanding that russia can conduct attempts at a sweeping strike, i.e. not frontal, but... kharkov, but to try to bypass kharkiv and take such a wide half-ring of it in order to cut the main logistical routes of supply and roads, and in order to counteract this scenario by land, the ukrainian the troops are determined, as far as i know, because again, this is one area where russia can step up. my last question, please tell me what do you think made the american... i
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think he was influenced by the conversations with cia director burns and the reports that he had, that he had the opportunity to read, the understanding of the situation and moment, i assume that his church community is the same as what was said, so in the end it is a very important question for him whether donald had an influence on it trump? i think that everything turned out in such a way that it will not be otherwise. on the other hand, i see that johnson acted very, well, let's say, in a statesmanlike way, he showed a statesmanlike position in the interests of the united states, no matter what, and no matter what he was reproached by , including some of his own party members, because otherwise, the us could lose its leadership just because of johnson's position, you see, i think he wouldn't want to be the person in history that because of...


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