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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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put on this ussr t-shirt and it tells something, you know that even in stalin's time silovyov was shot for russian chauvinism, well, the same would have happened to other propagandists, medvedev would have been shot, putin would have received life imprisonment, this is in the old days stalin, they seem to be for the ussr, the ussr for all that it was, weak and terrible, but for the russian chauvinist there, people quickly ... packed and for the spread of such narratives, which now sat in moscow, if not for life, then for 15 years -20. therefore, now we see that the ideology of the kremlin is at its worst option, they started with a soft ideology, russian peace, which turned into racism, this is russian fascism, and now we already have this radical form of russian fascism, and i would call it putinism, putinism is a radical form of fascism, which ... worse
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than, perhaps, nazism in germany and italian fascism, that is why it is not so easy to deal with such people, the intimidation of zephyr and mr. dmitry medvedev, they work less and less, meanwhile, regarding a nuclear strike , no one would somehow want to feel it close to themselves, so the event is certain measures always... took some careful steps, but now it becomes clear to everyone that this evil dog from moscow should not just be somehow not paid attention to, but probably take a stick and raise it so that it wags its tail. studio. mr. oleksandr, thank you for your comment. oleksandr levchenko, our diplomat and former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the republic of croatia, bosnia and herzegovina about the current one. situation, we
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sing, emka lor - sweet lor exclusively in plantain podbaun. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world dreams, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this is in informational. marathons with mykola september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world,
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the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when there is a liver? aloholk and for bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder. alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we return, while the unsanctioned children of the russian big boys remain in europe, in the same europe, for example, in riga, they organize the basements
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of municipal buildings so that they can hide there in case of something and even call on people to arrange their basements in such a way that in the case of some missile it was a shelter. the swedes started doing this even earlier, so the closer they are to russia, the better they understand what needs to be done and who should not be left on their territory. we have our next guest on the phone, political technologist taras zahorodnii, mr. taras, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. let's start with a fresh topic, we also asked our previous guest about it, and we will ask you. the state debt office of the united states published such a report for the 23rd year, where ska. that the only marathon in ukraine is actually a violation of human rights, and so on on the one hand, these states constantly give us some kind of help, they don't seem to say that this is something for you, or we demand something in return, and on the other hand, there is always such and such rhetoric, either directly or indirectly, that you
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must carry out reforms, you must improve legislation, you should become a more democratic country, now after this. can't there be some pushback, aren't we in danger of something, some possible less cooperation, less help, if this continues? well, let's do it anyway for help, the united states of america doesn't do anything that easy, right? if there was no resistance of the ukrainian people and what the ukrainian army is doing, of course, no one would help anyone, there would be great concern and a lot. what's more, i also believe that there were strikes on the territory of the russian federation on the oil and gas infrastructure, we went into strike mode against the interests of the united states of america, because american companies also work there, they were afraid that ukraine could stop the transit
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of kazakh oil , which is exported through the territory of russia, the two companies ezon and chevron, and there is a test right away. began to be sure that this was also pressure on the united states of america, they realized that ukraine could create a big problem for them in the form of the collapse of the oil and gas system of the russian federation, and this threatens the collapse of the russian economy, so let's not think that we help, there are many supporters of the union with russia in the war against china in the united states of america, the united states of america has always played these russia since 1917, remember at least 14 points of udder wilson after the first world war, you will see there that they actually emphasized the integrity of the russian empire, there was no
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mention of ukraine, for example, that it could become independent, as well as the baltic countries and finland, but poland, for example, was indicated , that they should be independent, like the countries that were part of austria. empire, so let's understand that first of all there are interests, interests that are also driven by the elite of the united states of america, and we... we should first of all thank not the united states of america, but the ukrainian army and the ukrainian the people, who forced them to play by their own rules, but they can, well, you know, the american elites can forget a lot of things quite quickly and not remember, well, but we see that it fits into a certain logic, first the representatives of the state government will show, that we demand from the ukrainian authorities to tell us the truth, not half-truths. about the situation at the front, it was about a month ago, now we see that in this official report, too,
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they talk about this marathon as a violation of human rights, so not from the point of view that diplomat levchenko spoke to us about, the country in the war should speak with one voice, but one true voice, not a false one, this is what this report hints at, and in this case, violation of freedom of expression of one's thoughts, or misinformation, information, so in this ... plan, there may also be an option , that is , tell the truth to both us and yours, it could be read somewhere like this, respectively, how the office will read it, i don't think they will read it somehow, but i can, it is possible that they can then offer an israeli option, military censorship, everything related to the army, including war, cannot there is no need to comment on whether israel is a democratic country, israel is a democratic country, i think that they... offer such an option, because in this case we must understand what true
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information means, listen, well, let's also know don't run, someone is saying something and we are all here running and discussing what true information means, well, always using true information as an example, we will drink coffee on the embankment in yalta this summer, this is classic disinformation, no, wait, that's a question to budanov, so we... don't know which one for what purpose did he speak, i am not anyone's lawyer here, we must understand that the war is quite complex and in fact a multifaceted thing and that it is possible that they had such an idea, i cannot say anything here, i cannot comment on the agents of the special services, yes, and in this case, we must understand that american intelligence has a lot of opportunities to get all the information they have, they have satellites, they have confident representatives and... there are many special services in ukraine that clearly and clearly and know a lot more than ours
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some government officials, about the economy, by the way , too, so we should, you know, not read everything else there, yes, so what happened, so when, well, i do not think that this will be any key activity of the state department and relations of the united states of america with regard to ukraine. and if we return to our discussions, discussions about that. that something needs to be changed urgently from the point of view not only of the war economy, but also of the government that would manage all this, and in this case, the more we hear positive arguments for a technocratic government, there is not so much national unity as it's just a government that will deal with the armed forces and the war and the economy, the more we see attempts there to make some tricks, some personnel reshuffles, against this background there is a wild scandal with minister solsky and all these stories with
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the state geocadaster, with appears from the deputies, we even get to know candidates who are determined to leave, as the minister of justice malyuska says, and then it is all canceled again, that instead of moving in the direction of this logic of the government of war, what kind of players are we the government must be changed, i completely... agree with you, because the government, especially mr. shmigalyu, makes it seem as if nothing is happening in the country at all, that is, we see that nothing is being done to reduce non-productive expenses, on non-productive expenses that are not relate to the war, it concerns various greenings, there is no sequestration of the budget, a ban on financing some things, restrictions on the import of some goods that i can produce in ukraine, because it is... just draining resources from our country, failure to ensure the secrecy of the military industry, failure to provide credit
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the military industry, even under the 579 program, they lend to anyone, either retailers or agro-defense workers, but not the military industry, non-provision, non-provision of at least the export of military-industrial complex goods, if you don’t have orders for them, as komyshen recently said, give them at least money. in order for them to be able to earn it, earn on the free market and integrate into the western, into the western technological, these connections, which... are very important in fact for the existence of ukraine, because the more interconnections we have, especially from the military industry of europe and of the united states of america, the better it will be for us, and it will already be of interest, and you don't know, all these conversations about values ​​and so on. when the united states of america doesn't have an understanding of benefits, it suddenly forgets about many
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things, about values ​​and so on, especially when they started telling us not to hit. on the refinery, because it turns out that it will affect the international energy market, well, such a statement, that's why, of course, the government must be changed, money must be found, because the opportunities for financing the military industry are in number, if there is not enough money, then it can be concluded that industrial complex enterprises can issue state government loan bonds, the state bank can buy them back. money, and the national bank can refinance this money according to the scheme, as it was done in the 21st year, when bonds were issued under autodor, so that it would finance the construction of roads, that is, then it was possible to do it, but now it turns out that it is not possible, and so in this case
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i think it's criminal negligence on the part of the government, an inaction that doesn't provide an opportunity to increase production of one's own. in our country, and what is this action, activity of the government, now i am talking about the restriction of consular services for men of conscription age from 18 to 60 abroad, there are simply no longer queues in warsaw, there was a rally of some kind, some huge action in embassy, ​​on the one hand, we understand that there are certain obligations, on the other hand, there are some... perhaps not restrictions, but an attack on people's rights, how do you view all this? i am negative about this practice, what is done, because it will lead to what people will simply start applying to the national register of citizens and renounce ukrainian citizenship, it
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will not lead to any positive consequences there or an increase in the mobilization resource or so on, this is a challenge. just a negative reaction, all the more so we must understand that many people are abroad, they are in reality on legal grounds, ah, some are being treated there, some for various reasons, may have lived for a long time in, for example, in the european union, and he had a ukrainian passport there, now he thinks why he needs a passport at all in this case case, i believe that it should be canceled, it will not lead to anything, i am sure... that the government and the authorities should first of all expand the social protection of servicemen who are now going to the front, their children, families, ah, i don't know, there is a mortgage, land to give away, which we have available, provision of guaranteed, for example, admission to ukrainian universities, children of these
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veterans, and those who serve so that a man who goes to war understands that his family i will be provided. the resources for this in the country are in principle sufficient, but what is needed engage in, and not like this, well, i think that this does not work very well, and it is in fact a violation of the constitution, this is a populist step, have they not thought it through, but it is quite sudden, like the philipskonopel, in fact, popped up yesterday, you know, i have a description of this action, but it is purely obscene and therefore i will not speak, but everyone understands that i want to describe this, well... it is absolutely, well, marasmatic, i would call a step that will not have any positive consequences, from the word at all, sir taras, why are you so dramatic and important to us? there are moments suddenly, because i understand that this is some kind of throw-in, that it must have been invented by someone, that it must be done, i am
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talking about yesterday's events, when after the first reading the text of all was already approved... there is, and here suddenly, with a violation of the regulations, procedures and knee-jerk violation of the law on the functioning of the english language in ukraine, suddenly they are again trying to push in something that a huge number of people are against, that is , the english language, so until the day of the english language , they suddenly destroy the ukrainian dub, and that it's a tsomapernik to a windmill, like our polish neighbors say, why are these...well, i don't know how to call it correctly, because you can't call it ipso, because it's as if our lawmakers are doing this, why are such things initiated in general? well, to be honest, i don't understand logic either. i am against such a law, because due to dubbing, well, you remember that in 2006, when it was introduced, it had already given birth to the ukrainian school of dubbing,
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many people in creative professions got the opportunity to support their activities, and i i believe that if ukraine has dubbing and people tend to listen to dubbing, then it should be, no restrictions, well, in this case, i don't think that it is... necessary to introduce, well, people won't listen, well, we're not used to english in cinemas to read subtitles, they will eventually start, get on the internet now and find the russian version of the pirate version, which they will search for on torrents, but this is not even about the essence of the changes, but about the fact that these are people's deputies, who also understand how much is needed now urgently, it is possible to meet on some things that... are needed by the defenders of the front or something else, but they do not, urgently convene committees and urgently with a violation of the procedure, something is already added to the already agreed law, that is, there is
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some initiator, there must be some center making a decision, let's go to the bespredel, well, look, we still don't know who is guilty or not, in this case, well , maybe some of you know, some group of deputies, maybe a part. of the president's office, i am not sure that zelenskyy is personally involved in this, he does, i think that he is busy that's enough, here, well, they decided to do something in order to create such and such a bill, to promote it, perhaps with some informational purpose in order to divert attention from something, i do not rule it out, here, but what will it be, how it will actually come, considering the opposition that existed before this, to this... law, well, let's see in reality, well, the idea is probably like this, but will it be implemented, well, let's see for now , thank you, mr. taras, for the horror on our
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airwaves , it was political technologist taras zagorodnyi, roman and i are also saying goodbye, take care have a peaceful and safe day, donate to the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine, because this is something that each of us can do actively, otherwise we will show you the bridge of the dpr again, so donate. support our armed forces and see you stay with espresso for a few minutes of news. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always , they run out of fuel in no time, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmer kors from. unpack the tv, buy it in time for a special price of only uah 999. the corse trimmer is a lightweight, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn even in
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we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on the air of the news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. details of the attack on russian. oil depots drones destroyed 26,000 cubic meters of russian fuel in the smolensk region. that night, ukrainian drones hit several enemy oil depots at once. about this write the ukrainian media with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies. rosneft was not counted, in particular, two storage and pumping bases for fuel and lubricants in the villages of yartsevo and rosdorov in the smolensk region. after powerful explosions took place there.


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