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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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wait, let's go back to the studio, the president of the united states, joe biden , signed a bill to help ukraine, taiwan and israel, but this decision of washington caused outraged reactions, both in moscow and in beijing. but why? that's what the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast live from london are about. jafer umerov is in the studio. so, more than 95 billion dollars are received by israel, ukraine and taiwan. and the day before, the united states senate overwhelmingly approved the long-awaited package of foreign aid. this aid package was voted for 79 senators, against much less, only 18.
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and today the president of the united states, joe biden, has already signed this bill and said that this aid will make both america and the whole world safer. it will make america safer, it will make the world safer, it will maintain america's leadership position in the world, and everyone knows it, by providing vital support to america's partners so that they can protect themselves from threats to their sovereignty and to the lives and liberties of their own. it is also an investment in our security, because when our allies are stronger, and so are we. aid is already on its way, they say in the united states, but where exactly? most of the approved package will go to help ukraine, it is a well-known sum of 61 billion dollars. it is worth adding that almost 50 billion of this amount is allocated to the defense industry of the united states. more than 26 billion will be spent on military aid to israel and
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humanitarian aid in the gas sector, and 8 billion will go to taiwan and other allies of the united states in the indo-pacific region. in israel, a country with status ally of the us, have already reacted to the adoption of the long-awaited package. it is worth adding that washington provides israel with almost 4 billion dollars in military aid every year. the head of the israeli foreign ministry israel-kaz thanked the united states and added. that this step sent a strong signal to israel's enemies. more about tel aviv's reaction from bbc correspondent yolanda nel. the reaction of the israeli minister of foreign affairs israel katz did not take long. he thanked the us congress for the decision and the overwhelming support of both parties, noting that it is powerful a signal to israel's enemies. of course, this package was passed after some democratic congressmen said that further military aid to israel from. the u.s. should come under
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certain conditions because of concerns about the way the gas war is being waged, but those voices have not been listened to. if you look at the $17 billion that will go to israel, about $5 billion of that will go toward replenishing and expanding the air defense system that has proven its value time and time again over the past six months while the gas war rages. before and new threats arose when iran struck israel this month using drones and missiles, the first time directly from iranian territory. in addition, billions of dollars are foreseen in this amount, which will be spent on an improved weapons system, increased production of weapons, and the purchase of supplies and services in the united states. and if you look at the separate amount of money that is included in the same legislation that talks about aid to israel, it's $9 billion, it will be allocated for humanitarian aid to civilians who are in conflict zones all over the world a large part of this money will be directed to aid the palestinians in the gaza sector. what about ukraine? the approval of the long-awaited
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aid package, which ukraine has been waiting for since last year, gathered a lot of positive words and reactions. in an interview with the american channel nbc news, president volodymyr zelenskyi said: the new aid package will improve the situation at the front, help protect time from the russian offensive and will have an impact on mobilization in ukraine. on the x network, zelensky thanked the united states and added: long-range capabilities of ukraine, artillery and air defense are extremely important tools for... the fastest restoration of a just peace. bbc correspondent james waterhouse has more on ukraine's reaction. president zelenskyi and the government are really very grateful for this help, which should finally come from america. they call washington a beacon of democracy. but of course, there is also what the ukrainian generals talk about when it comes to expectations from this package. in my opinion, this is very important. they talk about the need for ukraine to simply stabilize line because at the moment, figuratively speaking,
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they are standing with their backs to russia, defending themselves and trying to dig new defensive lines, new trenches everywhere in the east, in the northeast. there are real fears that russia is preparing for an offensive, although it is probably very difficult to predict, but the public fear is at least that russia is trying to pressure ukraine's second largest city, kharkiv, which is located about 40 km from the border with russia, and the number of missile and drone strikes on it has noticeably increased. the past at night, a large residential quarter and the city authorities of poboya were affected. that there will be even more destruction, but i must emphasize that russia tried to capture kharkiv before, but it did not succeed, at the beginning of the invasion, when it had better and bigger forces, but ukraine then managed to defend the city, however, now we are in the middle of a war
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of attrition, when both sides are trying to mobilize as many men as possible. obviously, for ukraine, this package will contain much-needed ammunition that can...stop the russian tide for now, while any talk of exemptions are now on the back burner, any soldier on the front lines would like to have ammunition to be able to do their job, whether it's artillery or trying to suppress the enemy or an air defense battery trying to prevent russian airstrikes because russian forces really have air superiority in that area, for example a city like that... even though it's under ukrainian control, the russians can just drop anything from the sky on it and you won't do anything if you just sit there in trenches with limited ammunition. this is a much needed boost. if the reports are true and some of this ammunition can
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arrive within a few days, that would be appreciated. but ukraine cannot solve the internal problem of mobilization by trying to attract the necessary troops to the army. number of men, why? because there is no clear time frame for how much will have to be served, so there is no clear plan for ukraine, but this week there was much expected and good news. bbc correspondent, james waterhouse on ukraine's reaction to american aid, to which russia also reacted, the spokesman of the country, which has been waging a brutal war against ukraine for the third year, dmytro piskov said that the decision. the united states was expected, but added: it will make the united states of america richer, further destroy ukraine and lead to the death of even more ukrainians. according to the bbc's defense correspondent, the russians hoped to advance the front line before the arrival of new
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western weapons, while the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces are waiting for fresh ammunition to stop saving projectiles on the road. no less than in russia. the american aid package was also expressed in china, but with another part of the package, the one aimed at supporting taiwan. the spokeswoman of the chinese government called the provision of us military aid to taiwan a serious violation of the principle of one indivisible china. today , us secretary of state anthony blinken arrived in china for a three-day visit, and although the main purpose of the visit is to establish cooperation between washington and beijing, he will have to answer some uncomfortable questions. by... in particular, about the latest aid package, which in the states was called a package to counter communist china. a spokeswoman for the chinese taiwan affairs office said that this aid package sends the wrong signal to separatist forces advocating taiwan's independence.
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the bbc's laura beeker. next, about blinkin's visit. at the top of the agenda for both sides are the issues of ukraine, the middle east, and taiwan. beijing reacted very... strongly to part of the bill passed by congress usa regarding taiwan. they strongly oppose the aid package of the united states to taiwan and declare that it is the will of the separatists on the island. china considers the self-governing island part of its territory. this is one of the red lines for china, which they believe america should not cross. so anthony blinken should expect a strong reaction from his chinese counterparts when he meets them in the coming days. as for ukraine, the united states believes that china is supplying russia with components that can be used for production weapons so far, beijing has not officially supplied moscow with any weapons since the beginning of the russian invasion, but the us believes that china is supplying the russians with dual
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-use goods, and they are insisting that these supplies stop, which is exactly what anthony blinken is talking about. when it comes to these allegations, beijing says it's absurd and they're also ... against it, but they'll also have to discuss it when president putin is expected to come here in the coming months, so it's likely that washington will try push china before... he tried to convince president putin to end the war in ukraine. laura bicker talked about blinken's visit to china, but the american aid package was talked about not only in china, but also in berlin, where the prime minister of great britain rishi sunok came to visit. the day before, during a visit to poland , he officially announced the largest british military aid package to ukraine in the amount of half a billion pounds. today, berlin and london have committed themselves. cooperate within the new defense initiative. on the common olef scholz said at the press conference:
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the united states aid package in ukraine does not release europe from its responsibility to support ukraine. by the way, this is risha sunok's first visit to germany as prime minister. according to the bbc's berlin correspondent jessica parker, sunok tried to persuade olaf scholz to provide ukraine with more long-range weapons. this meeting was extremely friendly, as both leaders exchanged many compliments, especially regarding the support they provide to ukraine. in europe, it is the united kingdom and germany are the two leading donors of military aid to kyiv. so in that sense , we are dealing with an extremely important partnership, but if you look deeper, the differences in their approaches are striking. for example, chancellor olaf scholz repeated at a press conference that he would not send cuban taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, despite the tangible pressure he is under and diplomatic suggestions
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from the united kingdom that he should do so, but chancellor scholz today insisted on his position, said that these had not arrived missiles to ukraine. and on the issue of defense spending, prime minister sunak announced yesterday that britain will increase defense spending to 2.5% of gdp by 2030, or at least intends to do so. he was asked how he was going to finance such plans, assuming of course he wins this year's election, and although the polls look pretty disappointing for him, he said he has a plan to cover the increased spending. germany, for its part, will just reach 2% of gdp this year and, as far as i know, has no plans to increase defense costs. here's what's interesting: germany will spend 2% of its gdp on defense. for the first time since the beginning of the 90s, that is, for the first time since the end of the cold war. they believe
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there is still a lot of catching up to do and often refer to the concept of zeiten wende, which chancellor scholz brought into political use after the full-scale russian invasion, a turning point in how germany views its own security. many here believe that this reversal process is too slow. so about... the president of the united states, joe biden, signed a bill into law on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. he said that deliveries to ukraine will begin within a few hours. ukraine will receive anti-aircraft defense, artillery shells, armored vehicles and anti-tank weapons. before that, the document was supported by the house of representatives, and later by the senate. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , previously hinted that due to the delay in aid from the united states, ukraine lost avdiyivka, but now it is able to defend itself. an important city of the time of yara. he added that ukraine thus got a chance to
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win. however, this is a united states decision outraged both russia and china. so subscribe to our social media pages so you don't miss the most important news and analysis from our correspondents. we are on facebook, instagram and tiktok, on youtube you can watch our episode if you missed it on the air. subscribe, leave comments and likes. we are carefully in sochi. but that's all for today and we're back on the air tomorrow at 9. keep yourselves! congratulations, friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the espresso tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, today. release unprecedented control over the news.
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the us state debt office included a single telethon in the report on human rights violations in ukraine. will the authorities draw conclusions? restrictions on consular services abroad. a representative of the ministry of foreign affairs can be summoned to the council to explain what european governments and courts will say. zaluzhny received. greman, the ex-head, is leaving for the diplomatic service in great britain, what does this mean for ukrainian politics? about this and more in the next 45 minutes. we will talk to our experts, but i will introduce them a little later, i will remind you that we work not only on the air of the tv channel, but also on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video and also participate in our vote, today we ask you about whether consular restrictions for men abroad are justified, yes no, everything
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is quite simple on youtube, if you sit in front of the tv and watch... on tv, then if you think that consular restrictions for men abroad are justified 0800-211-381, no 0800 211 382, ​​call, all calls to these numbers are free, and at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce today's guests of our studio, this is oleksiy koshel, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today, and maksym rozumny, doctor of political science, political expert, mr. maksym, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. well, because we're asking our viewers if they think so consular restrictions for men abroad, which came into effect literally the day before yesterday, are justified. i will also ask you,
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gentlemen, what you think about these consular affairs, this consular epic and... the reaction of those people who are abroad and the reaction of some people in social networks and in society as well, mr. oleksiy, well, i would break there are several questions: firstly, will these sanctions or these actions by the ukrainian authorities be effective, i am 100% convinced no, that is, it is difficult for me to imagine that men are at risk of losing your passport, there are other documents, perform notarial services through the consulate. for them to return to ukraine, well, obviously they will, but no more than half a percent, well , maybe even less, that is, these actions will be ineffective, whether they will be with a minus sign for ukraine, they will definitely be, because it will raise a certain wave publications in the west, western citizens will again read, eu citizens will again
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read about hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men who are illegally in their territory, this will give... this is a bad story for us, but i will remind you that for several months there was a similar story, when we tried there, representatives of the ukrainian authorities said that let us control the money that goes to ukrainian refugees, later there were several statements about the need to return ukrainian men, but there was no mechanism, there were good words, there were appeals, but there was no mechanism, as a result, again... a wave of publications and skepticism about ukraine, but regarding the need for such actions, well, again, we must also think also about the issue of justice, the issue of those men who are in ukraine, are on the military register and can be mobilized at any moment, or those who today defend ukraine at the front, and therefore from
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this side, as an answer to the topic of justice , well, first... the actions, in my opinion, are absolutely correct, the restrictions fully correspond to the thesis of justice, but, but these are points, they do not regulate the mechanism itself, the regulatory and legal framework needs to be improved, here is a small example, you cross the border illegally, you a fine of uah 800, a person who organizes the crossing of men across the border, eight years in prison, well, in my opinion, these are slightly different things, i.e.... the article on illegal crossing of the state border should be criminalized, the rules on the organization of transportation through the boundary needs to be clarified, because some receive a conditional sentence of one year, others receive eight years, and there are many such moments, that is, this issue cannot be resolved by one pr campaign or one statement or
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one action, the actions must be systematic and complex. thank you, mr. maxim, how are you? do you think they are justified? do such consular restrictions on men who are abroad mean citizens of ukraine? well, i would also divide this question into several. the point is that, uh, obviously, it's, uh, logical to limit the rights of people who have broken the law. we are talking about people who illegally left ukraine during martial law. but we understand that there are many other people abroad, men of conscription age, who did not leave ukraine, we can say that they did not... fulfill the norm of the law on the need to become for military registration or to update your data , so to speak, about your status, your condition and
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re-register in this way in the territorial recruitment centers, but well , all these are logical legal questions, which seem to be inappropriate in this decision, that is, the rule-maker in this . this is the deputy minister, as far as the screens of these documents on the internet allow, so to speak , to understand, he, so to speak, did not bother to simply wait at least a couple of weeks, when the relevant law comes into force, and acquire at least, actually at least some legitimacy of this step, that is, it is purely a pr action with a political goal, justice, well, yes. it is obvious that these men who have gone abroad are either in no hurry to defend their homeland, uh, not very sympathetic,
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there is a desire, so to speak, to punish them in some way, but, uh, the state, well, the state acts according to the principle , when the punishment is legal, logical and well-founded, that, that, how, how they did it. and what they actually did shows that this punishment is purely declarative, which has a political purpose. to generalize throughout this history, it can be said that this is such a political pr, which obviously has such serious negative consequences for the very image of the state, and about this image of the state in the eyes of its citizens. and our foreign partners, precisely, i would be most concerned, that is, we can, so to speak, for a couple of days, get, er, a feeling of satisfaction,
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justice, here, here we finally showed them how it should be, but the effectiveness of the ukrainian state, trust in the ukrainian state, the presence of the rule of law in ukraine in general... it is once again put under there is a big doubt regarding our foreign partners, well, i am afraid that this pr is also aimed at them, we remember how our partners complained about these conscript men, these are german politicians, some said, who are outside ukraine , we remember the american senators who also advised us to somehow increase... the scale of mobilization, perhaps because there is synchronization with that decision in washington and the readiness of our european partners, perhaps there is a desire
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to take such an effective political step with counting on their reaction, they say that we are also trying, we are also doing something, but with such one-time pr actions, it is obvious that we will not build state policy, in the committee of the verkhovna rada on national security, defense and intelligence, they say that the committee may summon representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs for an explanation regarding the suspension of consular services for men abroad, said a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, solomiya bobrovska, in an interview with radio liberty, let's hear what she says. this law comes into force, the law that there are two months and 60 days for people to have the opportunity to come to the tsc, or another option - to issue
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an electronic office and there to receive a barcode or any other electronic documents confirming some kind of result of the fact that you entered your data in the amulet, it will be confirmed at the consulate during service, when receiving consular actions. as always, no one explains all this to anyone, the mfa, how he attacked me simply because, how to say, diplomatically, because of some back yard, and actually not just an idea, through which should be adequate, they repel all our citizens, literally push them to receive temporary residence permits of other countries. the european union stated that they took into account the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine to suspend the provision of consular services. of mobilization age and will continue to provide them with temporary protection, but this is a decision made by the ukrainian side, and well... it will probably be
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contested by some of those people who are on the military register in ukraine, but cannot use consular services services, that is, after all, not all of them are people who illegally crossed the border of ukraine with the european union, not all of them are hiding there, because some of them have the legal right to stay abroad, there are three children, or they are guardians. and here, in fact , all of them are deprived of this right, the right to consular service, although the law on mobilization comes into force on may 18 , 2024, and there will be, as solomiya bobrovska said, 60 days in order to update their data in the tsc , that's what's in the current situation european courts can say if
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citizens of ukraine. will appeal the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine regarding the restriction of their rights, of course, we can now talk about the fact that this is true, it is the duty of every citizen of ukraine, according to the constitution, to protect their state, but it so happened that i do not know how many 600,000 or 700,000 men from ukraine are currently abroad, and can they be brought to justice through european courts? in this decision, mr. oleksiy, you know, a very interesting topic, very an interesting topic, but it seems to me that it is important here for some serious analyst, legal group to analyze and find out all the risks, by the way, i do not exclude anything, because yes, a citizen illegally crossed the dniester through the tisza, through the tisza, he can pay his symbolic fine of €200, well , that's what ukrainian
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legislation provides today, and then he's clean. before the law, that is, i do not rule out that the appeal mechanism through the european courts, it may work, if it does, it will just be a sentence for those who made this decision, but why, why exactly such decisions were made, that is, the decision must be made legally flawless, but if you and i were to develop a decision, we would involve the best experts, we would involve several legal groups, we would conduct focus groups. we conducted a detailed analysis there and then came up with a solution, here i get the impression that the decision was made simply from the wheels, and actually i did not even expect anything else, because in general we have built such a sick, lousy distorted model, management model in ukraine, the head of state publicly said that tangential to the development of state decisions by five
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or six. he did not name the surname, we can only, or rather, he even named some of the surnames, but among these surnames there was no prime minister, no chairman of the verkhovna rada, no secretary of the national security council, well, what are we talking about, i.e. deletant decisions, not professional decisions, decisions based on the pr base, so i do not rule out that there may also be an appeal, but here there should still be a professional assessment, a decision aimed at justice. called the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba, termination consular services for ukrainian men of conscription age living abroad, i quote mr. kuleba in an interview with the guardian. the guys in the okupuks are very tired, they don't understand why the government is not trying to get more people to participate in the war. according to kuleba, it is not yet clear how many ukrainian men will return, but he considers it unacceptable for men abroad
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to sit in rest camps while others die at the front, well, quite logical and correct questions are articulated by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine no one will argue with this, but over the past two years we have actually seen many variations of how people tried to go abroad both legally and illegally, and these systems are the way, we remember how places were bought there, people left as volunteers and did not return to ukraine, mr. maksym, you say that there is more politics in this decision, but if we talk about the practical plane, kuleba does not know how many ukrainian men will return, if, if this number is not so significant, or it will be right to say that we took this step, we were wrong, but we acted according to such and such a situation.


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