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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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and for them this promotion will also be very difficult and it may take a lot of time, i.e. there will be no quick victory or very fast promotion, besides everything else there is also, and let's not forget , a difficult landscape for them begins, because if they advance there is reservoirs, which are a natural obstacle and the village is quite uncomfortable for progress. poroskov'ivka, and that's why the next stage of going to poroskov'ivka and fighting for it, not so much for kostyantynivka, but exactly for poroskovivka. well, that is, in fact, we now have such a direction there, where they are probably concentrated and trying to advance no less than there under the timer, about which they talk a lot. yes, during the yar, the direction of ocheretino, novamykhaivka - this. now
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the locations were the hottest, they remain the hottest in terms of the intensity of offensive actions, other areas of the battle line are less intense, there are manifestations of assault actions, but there is something else that should be noted, these are beligorovka, srebynsk forestry and thorns, but generally russians replaced the intensity compared to, for example, the end of the 23rd, the beginning of the 24th year. well, ocheretin, as far as i understand, can already be considered lost in principle, that is , at least that is what they are talking about there more or less, as well as the strong promotion in novokalynovy, novobakhmutivka, there too, this is already the avdiiv shade of the past, it is rather necessary now i don’t know what to call it, well, maybe pokrovsky, that’s how to say it, because exactly...
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this place is now the one on which the wishes of the russians are concentrated, their attempt attack on pokrovsk, but as for ochereteny, to what extent this loss undermines the possibility of building our defense line, after all, because it was about building defenses along certain lines there, well, like that. in some places there are heights of water obstacles, that’s how it will be now, because in principle, well, there is a loss there, let’s say so, a line, well, a line by itself has not been completely lost yet, the hostilities continue there, the russians really entered the settlement, they control its part, especially the southern part part, and now they are trying...
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to knock them out of there, especially the units of the 47th separate omsbr are trying to do this, separately it should be noted that why ocheretina, because ocheretina is located on route 0511, in fact , 0511 is the one that logistically leads to pokrovsk, that is why the russians intend to advance precisely in the direction of pokrovsky and... in addition to everything else, ocherino is located further north than it was placed, where our defense lines and boundaries are now, to the west of avdiivka, that is, on the one hand, they continue to advance , are trying to continue advancing in the direction of pokrovsk, on the other hand, they are trying to bypass our defense lines so as not to go head-on. not to waste a lot of resources,
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they stick to the main logistics artery 0.511, that is, along the route, this advance negates logistics for them in the first place, but there is a summary and corresponding nuances from this, that is, with such an advance, they do not control their southern flank, and this is a threat to the , if the flanks are not aligned, they are at risk. to be, to put it mildly, in a not very convenient position in the future advancing in this particular direction, something could happen and so one way or another they would be forced to stop this advance and begin to level the flanks, most likely after they take full control of the village itself, but again for now it didn't happen, huh, well, i understand that... there is an
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opportunity to hit them from several sides and somehow reduce their ability to move, but for this, you need to have more opportunities, means and forces. about which we can say so for now let's say to wait, but there is nothing to talk about in this regard yet. ok, thank you, it was oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political analyst of the information resistance group, thank you very much for joining us, i remind you about our collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, now we we have a short break, after which yehor firsov will join us. a serviceman of the armed forces and let's talk about what is happening to him at the front and what is happening around his unit. there are discounts on linex forte capsules 15% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are
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discounts on zippel - 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the minds of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war , russians live freely and multiply. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of telegram with the russian special services, currently telegram has at its disposal the data of more than 20 million people, this more than action, telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some
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objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill, it is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night. hello, this is svoboda ranok. information project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict
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with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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so, let's continue, we have been joined by yehor firsov, a military officer of the armed forces of ukraine, who serves in the attack uav unit, i congratulate yehor, i wish everyone good health, well, actually, i want to say that you have such a collection for the needs of the 109th brigade, with the goal of one and a half million, and that's exactly what drones are for, as i understand it, as a rule, yes, well, in principle not mainly, yes, there are fpv drones that we
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work with, our formation directly, the only thing, we have not yet fully decided, it will be night drones or ordinary daytime drones, and because... drones, because the enemy has now actively moved to offensive actions at night, and here we are, well, fpv drones, drones are high-precision weapons, and we are now... shifting more to night work, well, you already started to say a little bit that the enemy has switched to such active offensive actions at night, in general, what has emerged from such a possible new tactic of the enemy? well, first of all, we saw that for some time a lot of equipment was used, a lot of it burned as a result, then very recently there appeared such, you know, large barbecues on tanks and equipment, it is interesting how it affects in reality. that is , is it effective at all? yes, well, let's start from the end: barbecues on tanks, we are all from
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they laughed at that, you mention those pictures there, actually, it's not that, well, it's very effective, because well, for example, we can't hit a tank in full, because it's protected by the fpv drone, i mean, because it's protected by such a structure , i am not a tank driver and i have never even driven in a tank. not that worked there, i don't know there, how the crew behaves there, what they see, but the fact that i, as fpv drone operators, cannot effectively destroy a tank that is equipped with such protective things, that is a fact, and it's a real pity that i see that some of our equipment is not to the end if he neglects such and such. well, here is the equipment, let’s say this, here, and it allows, of course, the enemy fpv
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drone operator to destroy our equipment better, so, well , here the enemy has a certain advantage, because he begins to think more deeply, for understanding, well, i ’ll tell you this, somewhere around 30 - 40 boards of fpv drones were shot down by the enemy with rifles, not kalashnikov assault rifles, but specially... rifles, shotguns, as i understand it, they have crews working in them, targets who are on duty and protect the very, ah, the very equipment, that is, when, for example, we fly there on saushka, which is self-propelled an artillery installation, which gives nightmares to our infantry, and we fly through the guys, but the most important thing is to fly this crew that starts patrolling, and if he heard... the brave crew, if he heard that the fpv bird is flying, he starts to chase them, that is these are orcs, well
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, specifically for this function, but their function is to knock down half buckets with shotguns, and in general, i will say frankly, the enemy's tactics have not changed, they were refined, starting there with the bakhmut attack of these small groups, they were polished to the maximum in avdiivka and all. what happened in avdiivka, everything is now being implemented by the enemy along the entire front line, starting from ugledar, ending there at the very end of liman, but this is in the wide use of fabs, planes, all the artillery is flying, and unfortunately, the enemy continues to outnumber us in artillery installations and shells in general, and this... small groups mainly storm our positions at night, this
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is how the situation looks in principle, and have you already seen in your direction that they were trying to storm, here they are there on golf carts, here are some on motorcycles, that is, now in the summer they are starting to use such things, and it's like, well, in theory, it's a little harder to hit them, when they're all riding on one armor of some kind, there are several of them at once and you hit and hit them all, and then they get distracted and... it's like it's harder have you encountered such a thing or not, but of course you have, in fact, only yesterday i saw it constantly on the monitor screen , that is, these columns have already ended, wide accumulations, for example, i have never seen the last time somewhere near avdiivka, if i am not mistaken, it was there sometime in october , there were significant accumulations of infantry that is, there were 40 orcs so and so... right now, the maximum we can see is six or eight orcs who
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appeared there and quickly hid, and we need time to fly there, hit them with a target and so on, so their tactics a lot, well, how did it differentiate, yes, that is, there were many, many small groups, small these small movements, you can even see them riding on motorcycles, on buggies, on... pedads and so on, well, by the way, concerns with the appearance of fpv drones and we have the same, i, for example, there were cases when i walked to the position of 3.5 km. because it was much safer to go on foot than to drive on the road, which, if it wasn't for the fact that it was shot through, but flown by fpv drones, that is, for the fpv drone, someone is walking there, for example, he saw me, well, i protected myself with tree branches, there i go on the runway and i feel calm, but if i
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just drive a car without a driver, well, it's very, very dangerous if an fpv drone sees me. that is , i, as an operator and half-drone, as a commander in a platoon and half-drone, see this as a significant threat, and now we have just begun to equip cars with e-reb, that is , we drive and jam everything around us, but unfortunately not everyone has such installations, it is desirable that now, in principle, every moving car, i do not know there are buggies , if you want, anything, at least a motorcycle, so that it has a rap on it that jammed in the range of 50-300 m, everything around you, well, but this is also threatened by the fact that you can catch your own drones, probably absolutely true, the problem is that when we pick up the fpv bird, the main thing
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our problem, the first one is to fly our rap, because it is closer to us, that is... we, let's say, the fivishniks, and there is an infantry, there is a certain mykola, his wife made a collection for him, collected for a small rap, here is mykola brought with him to the position and turns on this rap uncoordinatedly, and jams us, and we think that it is the orcs who are jamming us and so on, and there are simply millions of such processes at the front, yes, uncoordinated processes, and we need to start, well, let's say... so make this, if you like, chaos in the good sense of the word, because war is always a little chaos, and sometimes not a little, to make it controlled, trained, here, with a lot of data, so that you open the tablet and see where you have a reb, where it is turned on, how to fly it and so on, this, by the way, well, very- very important question, and i want to say,
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i was active there in civilian life , and i had less. and correspondence than when i, for example, sit in positions in the trench, because you are constantly corresponding, these, coordinate the frequencies so that you do not interrupt, in short, i am now starting to climb already in the jungle, i will say only one thing that what you see on video, when flying fpv, this is only the tip of the iceberg, behind all this there is a deep, unreal, how big... work and moderation of this work, well, let's say so, by the senior command, so that it is as effective as possible. well, i understand that so far there is no such unified system for the coordination of uavs and the work of the rebs, but is it theoretically possible on the basis of the nettle or something like that? in principle, this
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is theoretically possible, it goes to the point, and, for example, my task, as the chief sergeant and... to make this consistency between units, between there, for example, those who fly and between the infantry and so on, that is, it is to ensure communication, it is possible, well , listen olga, let's say it like this, even a year ago, the fpv drone for many people was generally super, some kind of surprise, some kind of by some kind of miracle, a year has passed and you won’t surprise anyone with this now, in reality, an fpv drone destroys a tank, and a sau and a sundial and... and a tor and whatever, and there are many more of them, thousands and thousands, now every second, for sure i don't know, there are hundreds of drones in the air at this very second, and maybe even thousands, of course the increase in the use of drones, and it requires a certain moderation and
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problems arise, so everything goes to this, that this problem will gradually be solved there, but of course not... well, how do you assess the saturation of drones in actually, the occupying forces, because they are trying to do this as well, they have contacts with china there, as far as we are concerned, they ultimately have a certain base and the ability to do this far enough from the front, that is, now you, how would you assess whether things have increased there , that is how is it yes, i will immediately thank your viewers, by the way. because here the phone is vibrating and they are constantly ringing, thank you very, very much, we will use everything as intended and with the best video report, how we smoke and destroy something, so, but... i have, i have one clarification, we are talking exclusively about fpv drones or the field of uavs in general? well, let's talk about fpv, it's still interesting about fpv, i would say that
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everything is not so bad, the situation in them, they feel that there is more fpv, i can't say the number, but it feels more fpv, they can use this fpv as just another drone, that is, if we have a target, we use it only then. a drone, they use it, they just picked it up and are looking for a target, but did not find it, the drone just fell there or hit somewhere there and so on, and here, ah, the initiative and the use of the ability to use this drone is behind us, we are much better we use, much more developed crews, somewhere i would say half-heads per head, we are better in application, but half-heads per head they are better at... unbaked, if we talk about bepils in general, then they are significantly our enemy in this the component outplays, because they
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have long-range drones, reconnaissance drones, which, for example, well, as of now, i am in a more or less comfortable place, that is, 20 km from the front line, and i do not exclude that, for example, above me now the reconnaissance drone flies easily, it draws something, i, for example, am not so much a target, that is, just... a car, but this drone will record the movement of equipment, the accumulation of infantry, entering and exiting somewhere, and so on, that is, this constant monitoring, and the enemy will certainly win with this, if he could to draw something like that is interesting for him, then he immediately transfers this data to other groups there and they already send missiles there, shaheds there and whatever, that is, the war has become more... online, and the information is interesting as of now, i know a bunch, a bunch of points where, for example, the enemy's s300 system was slaved, but it doesn't give me anything, i
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need it to work now, so that in 10 minutes i can assemble my drone and hit this system, already there, if that's the case for yesterday, well , it doesn't give me anything, that's why the birds, which hover in the sky and are constantly watching, analyze the situation, he has a significant an advantage, and unfortunately, this advantage is now held by the enemy, so our engineering rooms, our state in general, it is strategically very important to beat the enemy not on the battlefield, in the engineering rooms, with the involvement of our engineers, foreign engineers there, we have something to offer the whole world and so on, that actually, exactly the problem you are talking about, we are seeing now, when our systems were affected, well , it was clear to the kharkiv district. that this is precisely the work of this scout drone, which is simple scans and has the ability to guide russian missiles, and there were missile strikes
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by iskander, and in fact, until this situation of combating such uav scouts is resolved, the air defense situation will not be resolved, because we cannot bring the air defense so close, it will be hit it's absolutely, so in fact it's the biggest, i think the problem now is this... these long-range drones, thank you very much, yehor firsov, our time is up, i wish you the greatest success in your work, and be sure to donate, i urge you all on any shock drones, this very important, well, we're running out of time, we'll see you in a week, stay with espresso, we have a lot to do. the search for
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16-year-old danylo pyatnytsky, who disappeared at the end of last year under very mysterious circumstances in slovakia, where he lived and studied since september 2023, has been going on for the fourth month. his mother is looking for the boy. it is even difficult to imagine what the woman has experienced during these months of obscurity, in what condition. she is staying, but mrs. anastasia is doing everything possible to find her son or to find out at least some information that can help in search i appeal to all concerned citizens with a request, if anyone can help in the search for my missing son, pyatnytsky danylo, born on august 24, 2006, unfortunately, there is still no information, he is from... december 22, 2023. dani's mother told us that he enjoyed studying at a university abroad. he called her and said that
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he was fine. however, on december 22, 2023 , contact with him was lost and nothing has been known about him since then. he didn't say anything at all before his disappearance. at 12 o'clock in the afternoon we talked with him, he says: "mom, i haven't slept for almost a day." he says i want to sleep, i will sleep for a couple of hours and call you. i dialed him in the evening on the same day, his phone was already turned off. as soon as we received a message about the boy's disappearance, we immediately contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who in turn posted information about danilo on their internet portal. a request was also immediately made to the police of slovakia. in addition, some slovaks joined the search ngos. here, for example, is a photo about the search for a guy on the website of one of them. we are doing everything possible to find danya. however
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, for now. unfortunately, there is no information about him. the boy's mother also revealed some very suspicious details. danylo studied in bratislava at the comenius university at the faculty of management, and lived in a center for children and families in the village of bernolakovo, which is about an hour's drive from bratislava. however, as it turned out, in the room where danya lived, after his disappearance, bezlat and scattered things. i was informed that his foreign passport was torn up in his room, everything that could be beaten up, although it does not resemble my son's behavior at all, i don't even know what must have happened for him to behave like this, the boy's mother and has no idea where her son could be, does not understand at all how this could happen, but assumes that danya could not contact this company, moreover, after his disappearance
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it became known that... that since november he did not attend training, although my mother does not know about it i didn't say, i don't know, we were already thinking, maybe he, i don't know, he has some friends, maybe some not very good, not very decent ones appeared, because i talked to a girl who studied with him in zaporizhzhia , in our city, they graduated from gymnasium, and she also went to this university, only she has a different department. another faculty, and she told me that on the eve of his disappearance on december 21, they met in the evening, and he said some such ridiculous things, that is, that the slovak fsb or the sbr is following him, that he has a bug on the phone, that is, she said that he had some paranoid, well, there were thoughts, some, he said such incoherent things that she , well, never, well, there was no such thing behind him,
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that is, we... she thinks, maybe there are some narcotics he has already contacted some company, so if you have at least some information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or if you live in slovakia and suddenly see danya or know something about him, call immediately under the number 11630, this is the only european missing children hotline that works in 28 countries in europe, so if you are in europe and want to report... information about a missing child, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, don't delay and call the single european missing persons line from your mobile children 11630, you will receive professional help, support and step-by-step instructions on how to act in such a situation.
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we are starting an information day on the espresso veterino tv channel. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. five rescuers were injured in mykolaiv. they extinguished the fire that broke out due to the explosion of an unknown explosive device, a repeated detonation occurred - the state emergency service reported. cars also caught fire, explosions are not related to russian shelling, nearby houses were not damaged, - added the city official.


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