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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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gave for some hundred thousand hryvnias a huge premises, warehouses. our tv channel will monitor the situation so that housing for the military appears on this site. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. thanks to my colleagues for the material. the russians report that they have temporarily blocked the crimean bridge there. why exactly is not known, more news in a few seconds from khrystyna parubiy and our colleagues from the news department. christina, congratulations, you have a word. congratulations, colleagues, poland is ready to return men of conscription age. all the details about it i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the situation in ukrainian cities and at the front, don't miss it in a moment.
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news on espresso. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. five rescuers were injured in mykolaiv. they were extinguishing the fire, which was caused by the explosion of an unknown explosive device. and there was a repeated detonation, the state emergency service reported. cars also caught fire, the explosions are not related to russian shelling. the houses are nearby. injured - added the mayor oleksandr sinkevich. gazogin got involved because of the russian attack on dnipropetrovsk region. the occupiers hit nikopol and the chervonogrigorivska community. three private houses, a monument, a greenhouse, and power lines were also damaged, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said. russian atrocities in the occupied territory. the invaders killed a 60-year-old woman in the jubilee
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community of the kherson region. they also tried to burn down her house, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the invaders came to the victim's home and demanded money. the woman refused and was shot. he will sit in a pre-trial detention center without bail. such a preventive measure was chosen for the abbot of the saint metropolitan arseny of the sviatohirsk lavra of the moscow patriarchate. he was informed about the suspicion of spreading information. the regional prosecutor's office told about the location of the defense forces. last year in september, during a sermon in the church, pip told the faithful the addresses of the checkpoints of the armed forces of ukraine in the kramatorsk district of donetsk region. then video liturgies were published on the website of the lavra and in the local telegram group. moskovskii pop faces up to eight years in prison. poland is ready to help ukraine return men of conscription age - said the minister of defense. he did not announce the details of the country,
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but noted that many poles are disgusted when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafes, and at the same time poles themselves should make efforts to support ukraine. according to eurostat, as of january 2024, more than 4 million ukrainians live in eu countries, of which about 860,000 are men. since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. poland sheltered 950,000 ukrainians. atacoms missiles and badly needed air defense systems, president volodymyr zelenskyy spoke about new assistance from the united states of america. also he thanked president joe biden for quickly signing the support bill into law. these days they worked as actively as possible. with our american friends at
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all levels to quickly fill this package from the united states with exactly the kind of weapons that our soldiers need, from atakams and artillery from anti-tank weapons and missiles for the hymars to the necessary air defense and equipment. the delivery of weapons to ukraine will begin in a few hours. by. joe biden said after signing the aid bill. the first receipts will include one billion dollars worth of support for the armed forces. he also noted the exceptional bipartisan unity during the last senate vote. let me remind you, in general, the document provides for 61 billion dollars for ukraine. i will make sure that the deliveries start immediately. in the coming hours, we start from. to ukraine
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air defense equipment, ammunition for artillery, for jet systems and armored vehicles. you know, this package is literally an investment not only in the security of ukraine. and the security of our country. we send equipment to ukraine from our own stocks here in america. meanwhile, the united states of america has already sent many long-range missiles to ukraine, and in the near future there will be even more deliveries - white house national security adviser jake salvan announced. he specified that ukraine undertook to use american weapons only within its territory and not to strike with them. across russia. i can confirm, as you have heard from others, that in february the president instructed his team to provide ukraine with a significant number of etokoms missiles for use on sovereign territory of ukraine. this batch started moving in march, which the president gave permission for on
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march 12, and these missiles arrived in ukraine. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. four combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest - in the avdiyiv direction , the ukrainian military repelled 27 attacks in the areas of ocheretyne, solov'ove, novokalynove, berdychi and netaylove settlements in donetsk region. another 25 times the russians tried to storm in the direction of bakhmut and 19 times in the direction of lyman. unsuccessfully. nor is the aggressor abandons attempts to knock out our units from the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the ukrainian military repelled four assaults. our aviation and missile forces struck 12 enemy concentration areas. and i remind you about our collection. the intelligence unit of the third
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regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 72,000. with your help, we've already made the down payment and have less to collect 300 00 hryvnias so let's not delay. the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. another lyceum in irpen is not threatened by blackouts. it was installed in a local educational institution. solar panels. who helped with the equipment and what are the prospects for such seemingly small innovations? we will tell in the story. a step towards energy independence was made at irpinsky lyceum no. 1. 64
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solar panels were installed on the roof of the school together with a storage system energy in shelter. such a station will help provide more than 25% of the annual energy consumption of the lyceum. moreover, the building will be able to work autonomously for up to four hours. the storage will provide backup power in the event of a blackout. that is , now our mission is to provide electricity to schools and hospitals in ukraine precisely in case of blackouts. ms. yuliana is the initiator of the project, the irpinsky lyceum took an interest in her two years ago, and since then the work has been boiling. in its implementation. the energy act for ukraine fund was helped by international partners, the german bsw solar and participating companies, officials of the federal republic of germany, deputy federal chancellor and federal minister of economy and climate protection robert habek and member of the board of directors of the european solar
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association jörch ebel came to the opening ceremony. such initiatives, they believe, can become a real salvation for the new ukrainian energy system. most houses in kyiv have the same flat roofs as this building. i want to say, what we see here on school roofs should not stay only here on school roofs. it can actually happen part of the puzzle of restoring energy supply in ukraine in a decentralized way. it's just that, unfortunately, it's much easier to attack one power plant than a thousand or 10 thousand different rooftops where decentralized systems are located. generation the solar supports ukraine initiative is aimed at using the power of solar energy to restore communities throughout ukraine. after all, a smooth educational process is definitely a component of sustainable development. such solar stations can save
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about uah 45,000 annually. because from now on the lyceum will produce and store electricity itself. this energy can be pumped in during the day and used in the evening. at night or in the morning, when there is no sun yet, so it is undeniable that even the solar generation itself helps, and if the solar generation is supplemented with energy storage devices, then it generally helps significantly and can help. in more hours of the day to have additional amounts of electricity. and what is very important, such an innovation will allow learning even during blackouts, which, unfortunately, are already traditional for ukrainian schoolchildren. the educational process will not be interrupted. let us not sit and think about how to protect and what to do with these children who will come in the second half of the day, that is, on the second shift, how they will go home at night. how will we sit without light. the installation of a hybrid solar power plant in
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irpin lyceum no. 1 is part of the 100 solar schools company. its goal is to equip 100 schools across ukraine with renewable energy solutions. thanks to this , education will develop even in difficult times tests and now, in another lyceum in irpen, they can definitely not worry about the possible schedules of turning off the electricity. kateryna galko, dmytro nikirov, espresso tv channel. life goes on, and yet we hope that the next spring will be much brighter, much more fragrant, much whiter. see you at 10 o'clock, stay with us. we thank our colleagues from the novyn editorial office, we are coming back, and artem
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lysogor, the head of luhansk ova, is already in touch with us. mr. artem, thank you for waiting, thank you for being with us. good morning, i greet you. is this morning good for luhansk region? you know, it is difficult to say and call this morning a good one, because for more than two years there have been constant attacks on luhansk region, in fact, only in the past day, as you already said in the ether, 15 ground assaults were carried out, the russians tried to advance like in bilogorivka, both near grekivka and near nevsky, indeed, only on nevsky, in the direction of 19 drones yesterday, the enemy used our defense forces, while not stopping shelling the settlements themselves, in which people are still located, about 25 times artillery systems covered our settlements next to the settlements, it was possible to prevent victims, but there is some destruction, yesterday our groups were there and helped
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to throw away, well, the damage caused to buildings, materials have been delivered, they are working there for the time being, and so, in principle, the enemy does not change tactics, constantly attacks, very persistently tries to put pressure on the ground, as well as on the sryblyan forestry, and on nadiya, on novoyehorivka, well, including on makiya, such a luhansk direction... the enemy is quite alive, trying everywhere to find a place to break through, but thank god, our guys, the line is unchanged, our guys are fighting back, counterattacking, and really there is great honor and respect for our fighters, actually this lyman direction, i see what the russian public and soldiers are writing, and they say that they have begun to realize their advantage in long-range means of defeat. is this or is it observed exactly in the liman direction?
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you know, it's seen across the board clashes where battles are taking place, because the thief often uses unmanned aerial vehicles, including artillery systems, only the day before yesterday, one of our brigades where it works on fortifications, in the immediate vicinity 150 m away, a cassette lay down, so the enemy constantly finds out where they are defense forces, where the troops are located and tries to hit our targets with long-range artillery, missile systems, and drones. well, in this area of ​​the srebyansk forest, forestry, we see again, fresh videos from our defenders, the attacks intensified there again, look, the activity of ground attacks does not stop, the shelling continues constantly, just like in sribliansk. the forestry guys there are very, if you can say so, doing a good job, because we
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also see with you the capture of orcs, and the destruction of a large number of both equipment and infantry outfits, but i will not say that this is only for the sreblyan forestry is happening, and belogorovka is constantly under pressure, as is sreblyansk forestry, including the terni direction, and the enemy is constantly on the move, sune, sune and tries to knock out the main artillery first. or with the rockets of our guys, or with kababs, then they try to advance at least 50 m on the ground, but thank god, the guys fight back, well, we just started showing the footage of this srebyansky forest. the whole forestry looks like this now, unfortunately, almost everything looks like this, dug up, cut off, the enemy is destroying it in a row, last year he tried to set it on fire, but you can see the positions are completely mowed down, but in
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such conditions the guys are holding the defense the luhansk region, those inhabitants of the forest, because we understand that people... perhaps they moved a little somewhere, after all, there were no people in the forest, animals, wild birds, predators, they were killed by the russians, did they manage to flee here, resettle, you know, that , which we have in terms of the sanitary and epidemiological situation, a lot of animals went to the territory of controlled ukraine, a significant number due to the fact that there is a water barrier, went to svativ oblast, went to the starobshchyna district, a lot of game went. so let's see, but this will be a separate conversation after our victory, because there with the game that took place in such conditions, i can also, there may be problems that will have to be investigated, and the people, mr. artem, those people who lived in the de-occupied settlements, in fact on that still small patch of luhansk region, which is under the control
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of kyiv, do they stay in their homes, or do they try to move out somewhere, move a little further to... yes, look, most of the people, they moved back when the de-occupation was carried out, but now there are 61 people left as of now, we provide as much as possible for all their needs, if they you can to provide in such conditions, when you are constantly being shot at, unfortunately, a week ago , she disappeared from contact, when our workers and policemen visited houses, provided and transported humanitarian aid, one woman disappeared, there is a forest right next to her, now they are continuing searching actions, we still can’t find it, we are looking, we hope for the best, we looked for relatives, but no one knows where she went, so now we are looking for more, and what can be heard from the occupied part, what are the changes there, spring has come, what is going on there, you you know, there
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the situation in general, as far as the medical field is concerned, is a very difficult situation, because more... people with whom we have contact complain about the emergency medical services, because in general, emergency medical assistance is quick, so-called, as in us, yes, she either doesn’t come at all, or she comes in three hours, including when a person has a critical situation and, let’s say, it’s bad enough, it’s not a fact that they will come to you and provide help, well, that’s also including even the same ones, we have family doctors, they have therapists, yes, who prescribe medicines, buy most of these drugs. it is simply impossible and you have to order from russia and wait for about two or three weeks, and if you have more funds, then again the story with expensive delivery works, but we understand that for people who are on the front line, any amount, it is catastrophically large, in everything else, yes, it has warmed up a little, people have become a little better,
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but let's say this, the oppression has not decreased from this, here in general, yesterday we only... treated for me in general, let's say, shock therapy when before the lpr now they have brought new textbooks for russia, new, let’s say, recommendations on how to teach for students, and excuse me, when they bring in and give students a dictionary, i will read verbatim, if you allow, the dictionary of the main terms related to the sphere of state policy, regarding protection of the traditions of russian spiritual and moral values, culture, historical memory, that is... to what extent is the influence on our youth, if even such dictionaries of basic terms, how to correctly call what russia does, what it produces, the russian church of the russian orthodox church and what our enemy produces in general, you understand that even for children, for brainwashing, they bring such manuals that exactly how to speak, how to speak, i think, they will also come up with tests on this matter, fine, but
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these are different subjects or some specific ones, i'm talking about textbooks, in particular. look, all our textbooks were wiped out, let 's say, in the first days, when the enemy just started opening schools and everything related to the ukrainian language, everything related to the history of ukraine was taken away, exterminated immediately, the enemy faced the problem that they lack teachers of the so- called russian language, so now we receive a lot of information from schools there, in any case , we receive information, and we know that children sometimes... when the subject of the russian language is discussed, that , which is most heavily promoted by, let's say, russia, events are held when, er, well, let's say so, er, students. learns independently, because there are not enough teachers, ugh, and if you go back in general even to this moment at the beginning of the war, 10 years ago, the russians were
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that in these territories of the republics, as they said, textbooks were published, and it was written like that, well, there was a textbook on the history of the dpr, there it was from ancient times to today, well , that is, from i don’t know, pithecanthropes and... and to donetsk, they introduced such a line that it was as if there was such a kind of donetsk russia, but regarding luhansk region, they came up with a different concept at that time, there was also a textbook, and it was some ancient russian cossack people of luhansk region, but they continue to bend this same line, the cossacks or as? yes, yes, yes, literally when last week, the week before last, we received information that the military-historical society... such a public organization in russia plans to organize a history for the future in the so-called lpr, in order to introduce, let's say, federal technologies and make
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a reboot , as they called it, the blood-drenched ukraine of history, the same thing continues, you see that these circles are constantly being created , these, let's say, interbrigades are constantly being created for children in order to educate them in the spirit. well we we understand very well, this is the politics of the soviet union, the politics of russia, because they always campaigned, from the school bench, from the spiritual bench, they always tried to report, just the day before yesterday we had a meeting, a conference with our religious communities that left luhansk oblast of all denominations, and it was really terrible to hear there about the destruction of the ukrainian temple of the ukrainian orthodox church. prostitute, which was simply dismantled with excavators, then our representatives of the luhansk region, of the greek-catholic direction, said that they came to their church in starobilsk, came
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a representative from russia, destroyed everything and put the now-ruling father from the russian orthodox church there, burned books, well, you know, the persecution of witches, about what, what tolerance and what tolerance of beliefs or tolerance of other teaching of something, it can go there, now no way . completely , russia automatically suppresses everything that is ukrainian, and what is the mood in general, because when we talk, for example, with our guests about the occupied parts of zaporozhye or kherson region, the most, let's say, in the kherson lands, there is a feeling of a certain internal resistance to the regime occupation, that is, there is, but what about luhansk region, which the enemy has actually controlled since the 14th year, a large part, and now almost... all of it, that is, they managed to persuade the local population, why am i asking, because i remember my previous meetings with representatives of the best from the best, they were elected
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in luhansk region by deputies, majoritarians, mainly from the party of regions, then it was terrible about a stitched scoop so rusomir, and they were the best of the best from the party of regions, as they will say, but not now, you know, the moods are very different , a lot of people, let's say, give them a hard time, a lot people want to return to ukraine as soon as possible, or to leave ukraine, but they do not have the opportunity, there are, of course, collaborators who support this whole situation, about what you say about internal resistance, well, i think that it is of the territory of the 22nd year, which was occupied in luhansk region, it is even larger, we can see the result of both mobile resistance and internal resistance, but it is really very difficult, the enemy is very, let's say, putting pressure on... people, most of the population centers, which are tangent to the lane, to the collision line, people in general, in general evicted territories, only
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one or two russian postipakas remain there, who are there, who will have to answer later, and of course, they are very oppressing people, very much for any right, especially the territories, so what about those who are there 40 km from the front line , er, by pretending to be guilty, you can get... to the basements, let's say, there are different information, they find, a drunken guy came out there, he said so, in ukrainian, they took him two days later, he came back all blue and beaten, that is, well, different information is coming in, so people are now very careful, very secretive, because really, the enemy's special services are quite active in suppressing any manifestations, mr. artem, thank you for participating in our broadcast, the head of luhansk ova , artem lysogor, was with us, from cherkasy ova. a fresh message about the night dawn attack by the russians on the region, according to preliminary information , a critical infrastructure object in the cherkasy district was damaged without casualties...
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six people have now sought medical help, and with that we are going on a short break, then we will return and we will analyze what there are fears happening at the front, because the russians are already convinced that we are about to hit the crimean bridge, there are 15% discounts on pulmolor tablets in pharmacies along poroznyk pam and oskad. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate, and increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. who would who did not say, but bravery is not
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics. even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what
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