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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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at a time when we daily remember and honor the memory of all those who died because of the russian occupiers, because they invaded our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to all, this is the freedom of the morning, the project is about something important, i am oleg galiv and we are starting, polish minister of defense władysław kosinia kamysh said that ukraine's neighbor is ready. to help return men of mobilization age, while the cabinet of ministers of ukraine forbade repatriation foreign passports and passports of citizens of ukraine abroad. so what future awaits ukrainian men, in particular in europe? the president of the united states of america, joe biden, signed the law on the allocation of almost 61 billion dollars in aid to ukraine. let's discuss how these funds can change the situation on the battlefield and what will be used as a priority. well, russia captured 8 km of territory. cheretyn
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during a sudden breakthrough, taking advantage of an error in the rotation of ukrainian forces, writes the telegraph. was it possible to avoid the mistake what conclusions should the ukrainian army make? we will ask an expert about this. chat under the broadcast is a place where you can always share your thoughts and impressions, so i invite you there. russian troops advanced 8 km into the thickets of the donetsk region due to an unsuccessful rotation. brigades of the armed forces, during which the front line was unprotected, writes the newspaper telegraf. the journalists found out that the russian army was able to seize the reeds after the departure of the 47th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which was supposed to go on rotation. this is an experienced team that was formed in order to to lead the ukrainian counteroffensive last year, and which has been fighting non-stop for 12 months. instead, brigade 115 was ordered to replace 47, but when 47 retreated, russian troops attacked and broke through. positions
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of the armed forces. taking advantage of the lack of replacement, the russian army advanced along the railway track, which runs northwest from avdiivka to ochereteny, writes the telegraph. company commander of the 47th brigade mykola melnyk told journalists that the only reason why russian forces could not advance deeper into the territory controlled by ukraine was that the 47th entered the battle again. analysts of the ukrainian deep state project blamed the leadership of the 115th for the failure of the defense in this area, about which... they wrote the day before in the ukrainian general staff about the loss of ochiretengo and did not report it. in the latest summary, it is said that 15 attacks of the army of the russian federation were repulsed and that the fighting is ongoing. russian pro-war publications write about the attacks and attempts to surround the village of novokalynove to the north of ochereteny. arms deliveries to ukraine will begin immediately in a few hours. this was stated by us president joe biden right after he signed the law on helping ukraine with... israel and taiwan.
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as part of this law, the us announced a new $1 billion aid package. it will include ammunition for heimer, 155mm shells, missiles for air defense and bradley fighting vehicles. also javalin anti-tank systems and auxiliary airfield equipment and other weapons. in the list of weapons published on the pentagon's official website, there is no mention of atakams long-range ballistic missiles. however, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy confirmed that they will also be in the new one. the aid package , the representative of the state department, jake salevan , meanwhile, said that ukraine had already received the atacoms missiles, although the delivery took place secretly for security reasons. it is not known how many missiles were transferred. those deliveries began in march as part of the aid package the president agreed to on march 12. and these missiles arrived in ukraine. this happened after russia acquired and used ballistic missiles on behalf of north korea against ukraine, and ... also
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after russia renewed and intensified attacks on civilian infrastructure in ukraine. the reuters agency, citing an unnamed american official, writes that ukraine used these missiles on april 17, striking . on the military airfield in dzhankoy in the occupied crimea. the publication politico writes that long-range missiles have been used twice before against the deployment of russian troops near berdyansk, zaporizhzhia region. and a historic day for the security of not only the usa, but also europe, joe biden called the day when he signed the aid law. disputes between republicans and democrats about this lasted from december last year. the journalist will tell why some senators changed their minds and supported the law. kateryna lisunova of the voice of america ukrainian service. after almost a full day of debate and consideration of the aid package, the senators finally agreed and voted for aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. after the vote, both republican and democratic leaders spoke on
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the senate floor and said it was a historic decision and perhaps the most important bill congress has passed in years. this law is one of the most significant ones that were passed by congress for. recent years to protect america's security and the future of all western democracy. this is an extremely important day in the history of our country and the free world. nowadays, everyone is watching and waiting to see what we will do. when vladimir putin began escalating the war against ukraine, i told our colleagues that both allies and adversaries would be watching america's response very closely. it is time to once again recognize the base. true alliances matter. the aid package was accepted by an overwhelming majority 79 for, 18 against, but among those who are against - three democrats and nine republicans. i spoke with those who voted against, as well as with those who changed their minds and voted for aid to ukraine and
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partners, although they had previously voted against. and i also asked the legislators why we had to wait so long for this help. received the previous bill, which has changed. the current bill includes a loan component and attempts to seize russian assets. american taxpayers must be considered in this process. i always supported ukraine, but we need to protect our own border. so far it has not succeeded. therefore, i strongly support ukraine and welcome the item on the loan. this is correct, because we have our own large national debt. there is also a clause on the seizure of 300 billion of russia's sovereign assets. they created this mess and they must pay. i definitely support helping ukraine resist putin's disgusting imperialist war. i strongly support this. but at the same time, i strongly oppose helping the netanyahu war machine, which
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killed more than 33 thousand palestinians, 2/3 of them women and children. i voted for aid to ukraine and against aid to israel. just like... the country of the united states has a very strong democracy, people have different views, they argue. democracy is not pretty, it is not fast and inefficient, but it is the voice of the people, and that is how we work here. in order to bring aid to ukraine to a vote, speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson actually risked his position, which is why the far right is now calling for him to be fired. but nevertheless, the speaker stated, in reply to my question as to why, again, the aid had waited so long, he said that it had been approved as ... as quickly as the house could. the house of representatives had to set aside time to debate this issue, and it did so rightly. i think we did our job and i think history will judge it accordingly. thus, after six months of delay, congress finally agreed and opened
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the way for almost 61 billion in aid to ukraine. next, another test for washington will have elections, presidential elections and congressional elections, and after these elections it will be clear what... will be the future policy of the united states of america towards ukraine. kateryna lisonova, voice of america, washington. we are joining oleksandr musienko, he is the head of the center for military legal studies. i will only remind you that the topic that we announced, in particular what awaits ukrainian men abroad, what actions can be applied to them by european countries, like ukraine in this context, introduces its own innovation, we will talk about it, so stay while the conversation with mr. oleksandr. mr. alexander, i congratulate you. congratulations, part of the united states aid to ukraine is already in poland and germany, cnn wrote about this, can this really be the case, and please detail what ukraine can get for the front right now in the context of this one billion, and in general, if we are talking about the whole package, first of all, i
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think it is true, in poland and in germany there are warehouses for storing american weapons, this is no secret, there are united states bases in germany. ramstein is very well known and not only, and actually speaking, american weapons are also stored at this american base, which i understand, poland is the same, accordingly, this was done and prepared. precisely in order to deliver it to ukraine as quickly as possible, i.e. in the next hours, the next days, this supply went straight to the front, well, in fact , as far as logistics would allow it to be done quickly. as for the package, that's basically all there is to it of the list, here is everything that was at least published, i mean 1 billion, it is all needed, starting from air defense missiles, which are needed both in the rear, and manpads are needed, for example, stingers are now at the front, where russian attack aircraft fly and strike
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the positions of the ukrainian troops, ending with spare parts, equipment, which is necessary for the renewal and repair of damaged artillery systems or damaged equipment, that is, everything in this package, but if you look at it, it can all be used, and this is the essence, in what, in what operational efficiency and... and what is the importance of this particular package, because it is very substantive, it is not about what may happen there soon, are we preparing, will we train our military in three months, will we apply it, no, it is about what is now in fact, it can arrive and can already be used, and i would highlight, in addition to air defense systems, these are artillery shells, and there are also high-explosive ones and dpicm, that is, they are cluster ones, as well as to deter these numerous infantry assaults of the russian enemy troops, the second one there... after all, the question of mes attack, well me i think that yes, let's say, additional
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equipment and equipment for hymers systems - this is meant, at least this topic has now become clear for us in the fact that this issue has been removed, that is, this red line no longer exists, that is, these missiles can be in it is also important to apply to ukraine, to strike at the enemy's rear, to prevent the enemy's troops from deploying in battle formations and advancing, the mines that are there, explosives, jade. adjusted air bombs so that our aviation, which does not yet have an f-16, works, that is, as much as possible , what is needed now to send to the front and use against the enemy and slow down his offensive pace, inflicting maximum losses. mr. oleksandr, it is clear with one billion, if we are talking about the whole package, this is the aid that the states allocated in order to actually maintain the defense, or is it still about so that ukraine can prepare a counteroffensive, which president zelenskyi, in particular , for... revealed that the counteroffensive that took place last year was not the only one. i think that
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for now we can talk about active defense, which involves, well, actually as soon as the opportunities arise, our troops will use them and win back the occupied territory from the enemy, but i would draw attention to the fact that the atakams is such a thing, for example, or a long-range weapon that can be used both defensively and to be used in a counter-offensive, because strikes are made on the enemy's... communications, management, warehouses and then there is an offensive, and it seems to me that hints of an offensive are also in the british aid, because if you look at the british aid, that's all help about the south, i think, there boats, boats, stormshedow, light armored vehicles, just to move very quickly, as if like a package for expanding the bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region, i perceive it like this, which means that... in principle, the united states and britain laid the possibility that
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as soon as the conditions arise, ukrainian forces will be able to attack in the south, precisely on the left bank of the kherson region, precisely with access to the administrative borders with crimea. well, strictly speaking, such parameters are also laid down, but first of all , this help is still about defense, about repulsing the russian offensive, but you know, we will see in the course of hostilities, because in the 22nd year they also provided us with help, russian troops were advancing, but it was possible to liberate kherson and kharkiv region. mr. oleksandr, we still have literally up to two minutes, maybe even one and a half, about the situation in ocheretyn and how the russian army managed to advance there. i would like you to explain, in fact, how these rotations between brigades on the battlefield take place, what it looks like, and whether you agree with what the telegraph wrote about, that the breakthrough actually happened because that they took advantage of a mistake in the rotation of ukrainian forces, and who should be responsible in this case, what is your position on this matter? i think the breakthrough happened because...that's the way it was on the battlefield, you know, we can say as much as we want now that mistakes were made somewhere,
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maybe at some level something there, let's say, didn't work perfectly perfectly as it happens, well, in war in general, it happens like that, it happens perfectly in theory, in practice, you see, it is not possible to work out everything as you would like, well, let's go to the details, that's why conditions have developed that the enemy has been on the offensive since mid-october, and we lack forces, opportunities, and so on. these rotations take place and so on, and somewhere, let's say, the enemy took advantage of the moment, struck a blow, managed to advance, this is what happens during war, i think the least that we should look for the culprits here is in... our military of our command, but with that the publication that i'm actually talking about in terms of what the telegraph wrote about, you don't agree that this is the only reason that there was an error in the mind, well, the main one, probably the main one, and no, well, well of course not, well, the factor of the russian troops is also there, you understand, well, the enemy was somewhere more operational, he was faster, that’s what happens during war, well, he and he eventually achieved
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a certain result, that’s all, thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining and explained, talked about important topics. oleksandr busienko, the head of the center for military and legal research, i can say, is a regular guest of our broadcast, and this is important. thank you, mr. oleksandr. consular services, restrictions for men abroad, a ban on sending ukrainian passports there, will there be poland will send conscript men to ukraine, and the minister, actually one of the ministers of the polish government, has announced that he will help ukraine in this matter, these are the topics that we will discuss today, i suggest you wait, because there are many important . changes in this context, and for now i will tell you about the ukrainian energy support fund, which collected about 410 million euros from 13 partner countries to support the ukrainian energy sector, this is money for the purchase of generators, transformers, spare parts and repairs after attacks on energy facilities. also, the head of the government, denys shmyhal, says that the mini-tet network will be deployed across ukraine for the upcoming heating season. the day before
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, ukrenergo reported on schedules of energy supply restrictions for industrial consumers throughout the country. there they continue to urge ukrainians to save electricity, especially during peak hours, from 19 to 22 every day, and industry and business are asked to involve energy imports and alternative power. in kharkiv, the situation with the restoration of electricity supply is the most difficult of all regions, there and schedule of hourly outages, the light is turned off for at least 3 hours, but sometimes it is not there for longer, due to overloading of the energy system. in these minutes , dmytro sakharuk, the executive director, joins our broadcast. det. i welcome you. good morning. thank you for finding the opportunity to join. the dtek group lost 80% of its generating capacity after the russian forces actually reported this to your representatives in march. as of now, is there any information on how many of these capacities have already been restored. what is the general situation? yes, indeed, after three attacks, at the end of
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march, beginning of april, we lost 80% of the generating capacity on our six. distances because they were all fired with combo attacks, unfortunately they were those attacks effective. today we have partially restored generation, unfortunately, it is a small, small number of units that have been put into operation, the main work on defecting is currently ongoing, a lot of equipment is damaged, the best forecast is to restore up to 50% before the start. heating season to 50% of what it was destroyed, for this, of course , many factors are needed, including money for restoration, because only up to 250 million dollars are needed to purchase equipment, plus up to 100 million are works, and it is necessary , of course, to ensure the protection of what is
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being restored, because for example, by last winter we had prepared 10. rebuilt after previous attacks at a cost of almost 110 million dollars, and unfortunately all 10 units that were rebuilt, they were destroyed or damaged again, so air defense is critical, i i hope that after laws voted in america we will be better off with missiles for air defense and we will be able to defend in principle what we are now rebuilding, rebuilding to get through next winter without a ... well a significant deficit, please tell me, did you say about that out of 80% of what was destroyed as a result of the attacks, about 50 are, according to the best forecast, able to be restored and you want it to be restored before the start of the actual disgraceful season, and are there those objects that are not subject to restoration at all, i.e. experts examined them at your place as well there is an understanding that it is necessary to rebuild, because what has undergone
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renaissance cannot be restored, there are such objects, there are such objects, about funds? these are large sums, the ones you mention, where will you get them from, is there an understanding, is it foreseen, maybe i don’t know, there is an increase in electricity costs, what does the state of ukraine say about it, the authorities with whom you communicate on this topic , explain that this, well, before that , the main burden of recovery, we took on the funds that i said, these were our funds, now, of course, it will be much more difficult, because on the one hand there is no generation, that is, there is no possibility to receive sufficient funds. volumes for restoration, on the other hand, significant costs have already been incurred in previous periods, so where can you get funds for equipment now, the first source is usually to look at old stations. which are in eastern europe, which were built during the soviet era, which are very similar to our stations, and these are germany, these are the baltic countries, these are romania, bulgaria, greece, and now
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we, together with the ministry, are actively working on this, all the energy workers for that , in order to to organize visits to these stations, to agree with the ministries of energy of the countries so that they give the opportunity to dismantle these stations, of course this will not allow to transport everything completely in blocks, but... this is partly some kind of auxiliary equipment, there are engines, fittings, some transformers, you can take and it will be the fastest way, because it would basically take time only to deliver from abroad to us, the second direction is the use of dollars, funds such as energy community support fund or usate or jaika, this is japanese assoc the organization provides assistance, but here , unfortunately, the funds we are talking about are 20, 30, 40 million euros or dollars, which are currently there in these funds, so this is, let's say, such an auxiliary story,
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but it also needs to be used, because now any what kind of help will be useful, the third is the company's funds that we have, or we get from the market, or those that we can attract, raising funds is also an option, it is some kind of credit funds, but for this... but create conditions , unfortunately, our private companies cannot service debts, therefore that there is a prohibition of the national bank on coupon payments, that is, interest on loans and on the loans themselves, unlike state-owned companies, or those that pay money to international organizations, and this certainly does not allow us to raise funds, here we hope that the national bank will support the initiative government and will enable energy companies to get an opportunity. to buy currency in order to service current obligations, because no one gives money if the company is in default, well, that's what such a small one looks like
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technical history, but hundreds of millions of dollars, which are necessary for restoration and for the construction of new generation, which will also be important, distributed generation, to build it without recapitalization, unfortunately, are not possible, but there are conditional conversations with... you do not talk with the ministry about the need to increase tariffs, as you see it, in order to be, in fact, still at the end of the deficit in the power system, it is often observed, how can it be covered, please tell me , briefly to conclude, now there is a deficit, it is covered partly by imports, partly by restricting consumers, now it is industrial consumers, across the country, in all regions there is a restriction every, every day, in most... hours during the day. thank you, mr. dmytro, for joining in and telling us what it looks like in reality and now, actually, what is happening with the power system. dmytro sakharuk, executive director of dtk, joined
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our broadcast. thank you. well, poland is ready to help ukraine return men of conscription age to their homeland. about this said the minister of defense of poland. in an interview with the polsat news tv channel, he said that warsaw had already offered such to kyiv before. help i think that many poles are indignant when they see young ukrainian guys in hotels and cafes and hear how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. the polish minister made this statement against the backdrop of the suspension of consular services abroad for citizens of ukraine, namely men of conscription age. the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs says that this is temporary and necessary to resolve the issue of military registration of citizens who are abroad. minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba says that this is a matter of justice. for example, men who left the country showed the state that its protection does not bypass them, and now they want to receive services from it. the innovations of the ministry of foreign affairs
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caused outrage among ukrainian citizens living abroad. and the day before , it also became known that the ukrainian government has banned men from sending ukrainian passports abroad from the territory of ukraine. these documents can only be obtained while in ukraine. this is stated in the resolution. of the cabinet of ministers dated april 23, which was published on the official website of the government. however, this does not apply to those who have legal grounds for leaving ukraine. natalka volosatska, radio liberty's correspondent in poland, has been following the developments with consular services for men for several days. hello natalia. congratulations. what do ukrainians abroad say about the latest innovations and decisions of the ukrainian authorities, what about the suspension of these consular services and the ban on remittances. and is it possible that they will react to the words of the polish minister that poland will help ukraine to return such men home? minister olezhe said
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this late yesterday evening, so people will only find out. we are monitoring the reactions, but obviously the men of conscription age were not happy with such a message, how exactly poland is ready to help ukraine return men, the minister did not specify, he only said that they will be guided by the request of the ukrainian side. the consulate stopped providing services to young men, but in warsaw submission of applications for obtaining passports is in progress at the department of the dp document. yesterday it happened behind closed doors, i.e. the doors to the passport service... were closed, and people who came to submit documents were led into the premises by a back door. they did so because the day before, people who wanted to pick up their already ready passports, but could not, officially, due to technical reasons, blocked the work of the passport service, cursed and were indignant. this is how it looked the day before. in short, look, guys, she is is already trying to disperse the people, kick them out, the guys here, well done, just blocked
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the booths so that no one could come in or submit. serve, people who come with the hope of getting ready-made passports, do not believe that the system does not work, are convinced that the reason lies in the law on mobilization, they demand either passports or the return of money, insist that they be given a written refusal to issue a passport and plan to write complaints to the dp document e-mail. when i was 16 years old , i had to
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get a passport for the future. or i'm not i know, he can leave for a vacation and so on, and about 16 days ago i received a message that it was possible to pick up the passport, it just turned out to be technical problems, i think so, but i really don’t know how it is, we can’t pick it up now that will do, well, try to wait, maybe something will change, there is hope, maybe someone from up there can come to... something is happening, it is not clear that i came to well hope, as they say, there is hope, in general, obtaining an internal passport of ukraine, abroad, everything is fine with me, i applied to the months of march, and in the future i cannot get anything specific, there is no information, do not wait for the question of what to do, we ourselves do not know anything, first of all, the people
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who are here, they... paid a lot of money to receive themselves services, the consular service itself costs 375 zlotys, a passport costs 1,500 hryvnias, and a large amount of money was charged for the consular service, it is about $200. we also know that yesterday the police came to the dp document, they fined several men who allegedly tried to break into the official premises of the passport service. when people will be able to get the passports they ordered earlier. and they do not say whether they will be able to get them abroad from the dp document at the moment. colleague. thank you very much, natalia. i know you are staying on top of this situation and we look forward to hearing from you on how things will unfold. natalka volosatska, correspondent of radio liberty in poland, about the situation that has arisen, in particular, with obtaining foreign passports of men of conscription age who are in the territory eu. the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine not to provide consular services to men of conscription age
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abroad is currently not being commented on. in the european union, at least the european commission declares that they are only taking this information into account. we take note of this announcement. i have no specific comments when it comes to the temporary protection directive, we do not distinguish between gender and enlistment status. it is not for us to comment on the decisions of the ukrainian government regarding measures to be taken in the context of the conflict. the only thing we can do is explain what the situation is by these persons who are on the territory. europe, this is what we can do. meanwhile, germany says that kyiv's decision not to serve ukrainian men in consulates abroad will not affect their refugee status, particularly in germany. the official representative of the ministry of internal affairs of the country said this in response to doicheveli's questions. in these minutes , vasyl pavlyuk joins our broadcast, he is a diplomat and consul general of ukraine in lublin in 2015-22. congratulations. good day. thank you for your...


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