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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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the decision of the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs not to provide consular services to men of legal age abroad is currently not being commented on in the european union. at least the european commission claims that they are only taking this information into account. we take note of this announcement. i have no specific comments when it comes to the temporary protection directive. we do not distinguish between gender and enlistment status. it is not for us to comment on the decisions of the ukrainian government regarding measures. which must be applied in the context of the conflict. the only thing we can do is explain what the situation is by these persons who are in the territory of europe, this is what we can do. meanwhile, germany says that kyiv's decision not to serve ukrainian men in consulates abroad will not affect their refugee status, particularly in germany. the official representative of the ministry of internal affairs of the country said this in response to doicheveli's questions. vasyl pavlyuk, a diplomat and consul general of ukraine in lublin, joins our broadcast right now. 15-22 years old, i
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welcome you, good day, thank you for joining, there are a lot of questions in this topic and we will try to find an answer to them so that there is more light and more understanding. in general, how can the polish authorities help to return men of conscription age to ukraine, what do you think could be hidden behind the statement of this minister, if it is possible to delve deeper into it somewhere, what international laws or acts can regulate this and whether it will not contradict human rights. first of all, we must understand what we want, what our government wants, what our cabinet wants, this is the question that is now rose, it should have long ago, even two years ago, when the large-scale invasion began, it was necessary to normalize all this, but god be with him, now the law on mobilization was adopted, everything is correct, everything is fine, and it became a question of male citizens of ukraine who are outside our country, there is a solution to this issue, there is no
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need to act as the government has done now, because the government does not think what it is doing, i am very sorry to say this, because it is the truth, these men, or men who, say, they are outside our state, they are not it's just that some work here, some study, there are different people, people who left before the war, have families, have children, and now at one moment it all stops for them, some are in ukraine. tells, yes, everyone should run to the front, put the machine gun in the teeth and let's fight, maybe this is also right, because today we need to update our armed forces and so on, it's all normal, but let's do it in a civilized way, if what, what is the goal of our states, do they want to return all the men to ukraine, or do they just want to digitize and do it analysis of how many male citizens of ukraine are outside our country. it could be done very simply:
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give the consuls another right, give them the relevant documents, the corresponding right, so that they turn to the consul for certain services from citizens of ukraine, he normally puts him on the record, informs the central authorities of ukraine, this is all normal, today it's all a computer, the computer perceives everything, and in this way these citizens of ukraine would not be left behind, because let's be realistic, those who have already left or run away. no matter how, they don't will return to ukraine, they will continue to stay outside our country, some legally, others illegally, and many of them helped ukraine , organized rallies for ukraine, against russia and many, many others, i have to say, commenting on this statement, the head of the mfa said that actually ukrainians who went abroad want to receive services from ukraine, but in return there is... a constitutional
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duty to protect, this is exactly how the mfa explains it, and actually, it is also necessary to say that the law on mobilization, which will come into force on the 18th of may, it foresees how citizens abroad should update these documents, and indeed in the committee on national security, in particular on our broadcast, representatives said that the ministry of foreign affairs was able to make such a decision without specifically informing the committee about it, but still, let's let's stop, perhaps, as soon as possible on how you see whether the polish authorities are interested in returning ukrainian men of conscription age, and this... labor force is a labor resource there, which is available, including to ukraine, and which can be for this way there is, maybe some kind of law should be adopted, i don't know, to deport such men on parole, or is this not provided for by international law? nothing has been foreseen and this will not happen, the statements of certain government officials, the polish ones or the minister, i read, he told the minister of defense that he will help ukraine return men, this will not happen, because basically 99% of everyone here... they work, they
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study, they bring some benefit to the state where they are, and no one will do that, because if the minister of will do this, then polish society will do the same... we will influence its decisions, this will not happen, and nothing will happen, i say once again, our government officials, our government must do such things, of course, this is all normal, and the law has been adopted, it must be implemented, but we do it in a civilized way, why are we now dividing society into two camps again, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, when he was inaugurated, he correctly said that there are 60-70 million of us there we live in the world and it doesn't matter where a ukrainian is lives in which country. we are all ukrainians, he did the right thing, i support him, well done, but today, with these actions, the government is dividing the ukrainian people again today, do it in a civilized way, put on the record who really has the right to a deferment there, okay, they have a deferment, who does not have one rights, that means he must go and serve,
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if he wants you think that there were actually other ways, how could it be implemented in a different way so that it would go through this process more calmly, of course, of course, definitely, and you have to remember that we have the constitution, be careful. they read the constitution and do not violate human rights, because such actions violate human rights. mr. vasyl, i also want to ask you such, you know, a popular question, which is of interest to everyone, you, as a person who communicates with those who are in the territory, in particular poland, those who moved earlier, before the full-scale invasions , then, as you say, they have already built families, have jobs, in your opinion, there is a threat that if such actions are implemented , ukraine will thus lose people, and they will look for ways to affect in various ways... in europe, actually, and even in the comments they write that they are ready to give up ukrainian passports, i will tell you, it will be massive, massive measures, you will see
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. who do not want to fight, understand, let's be realists, you will not drive them to the front by force. let them help our state in another way, i don't know, with money, with some other actions, well, if he doesn't want to fight, how can you drive him there, well, again we are returning to stalin's times, well, well, we are an example in one place and let's go to the front, well, there's no need to do it like that, let's do it in a civilized, intelligent way, and the world will understand us, well, there's no need to do it all with such methods, there's no need, mr. vasyl, i thank you very much for joining, i thank you for your position, vasyl pavlyuk, diplomat, general the consul of ukraine in lublin in 15...22 is a guest of our broadcast, i just noticed that the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba said in an interview with the guardian that he considers it fair to limit the days of consular services abroad for a man of mobilization age with in view of the bias towards the adoption of a new law on mobilization and we leave the right to the ukrainian government,
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in particular we invite representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs to our broadcasts in order to further clarify these details, perhaps not everything is known, we do not know everything and we give such the right and such an opportunity to talk about this in more detail on our broadcast, therefore... i once again call on the representatives of the ministry, if there is such a desire, because society needs to join the broadcasts and talk, well , in the meantime , dmytro lazutkin is now joining our broadcast, this the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, mr. dmytro, i welcome you, my congratulations, thank you for joining, please tell me from the moment when the new law on mobilization becomes effective, actually the new norms of this law, and this is roughly from may 18, how much time will the husband have? conscripts in order to update their data, actually military registration documents, and what will it look like for those in ukraine and for those abroad, what options are there? from may 18 , conscripts have 60 days to update their credentials, this can be done on
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the territory of ukraine in three ways, either through an electronic cabinet, or through the tcc of the isp or through snap, for those who are abroad, there will be an opportunity to to do in... in consular institutions, and also again through electronic cabinet, if a person has not done this within 60 days, accordingly, the time of administrative responsibility comes, and then all the procedures are laid out according to the law, a lot has already been said about it, well, roughly like this, that is, it is mandatory for men abroad to go to ukraine for there will be no such need to update your data here, you do not necessarily need to go to ukraine, but if a person... wants to protect the homeland, wants to join the defense forces, then it is clear that it is worth coming to ukraine when i served in the 47th regional mechanized unit brigade, we had, for example, mustang, a famous rufer, who returned from the united states of america in order to join our brigade and take part in the counteroffensive,
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well, in further combat operations, and there are quite a lot of such people, so it should also be taken into account , who will be willing to return to ukraine and fight for its independence. well, it must be said here that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, a really large number of men left their jobs abroad and returned to ukraine in order to take up arms and to go defend her, we also talked about that, and yet i want to ask you that... you know, justice is a word that is very often heard in the context of the mobilization bill that was and was considered, then the law that attitude, the head of state and ukrainian deputies often appealed to this word, what do you think, and in particular the position of the ministry, the norms that were adopted, which will come into effect from may 18, mobilization according to this law, it will be fair , well, at least, the norms of this law allow more it is possible to conduct a high-quality record of conscripts and update the data so that the tcc and sp know who is reserved, who can be
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mobilized accordingly, and so on, whose family circumstances have changed, who has the right to deferment, and this is obviously also about justice, it is possible to discuss and of course the first version of the law, the draft law, yes, you can talk about what the norms were there, you can compare, but you have to work with reality, and currently ukraine needs protection, the situation... is very, very difficult along the line of combat confrontation, and now we we know that ukraine receives serious, substantial, foreign military aid, but missiles and guns will not fire by themselves, we also need people who will be motivated, who will be ready to defend the homeland. mr. dmytro, please also tell me about the electronic register of conscripts and this electronic office in which you can update your data, at what stage is this implementation now, and what will it look like in the future? well, at the stage. active development, i communicate almost every day with people who are engaged in this,
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there are actually a lot of questions and including those related to technical solutions related to cyber security, because it is very, very important, we understand how sensitive this story is in general in the context of cyber security, but at the same time the process is going, the process is moving, very talented people are involved in it, it is planned that everything will work in june. that is , the electronic office, in fact, about which there is so much talk, that data can be updated there, and this electronic register, just like that in june, can start working in june, and in this way it will be possible to upload some information about yourself, information from various state registers will be pulled into this register, and thus this service will become more convenient for a large number of citizens who are already used to living, so to speak, with the help of a smartphone. or laptop, tablet, so i think it should be very convenient.
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mr. vetre, if it will work in june, that is , those men who are abroad, they will have time in the two-month period, when there is an opportunity to update their documents themselves, to do it in the electronic cabinet, to update these data also. now everything possible is being done for this, so that such an opportunity exists. and some vlk will have to pass a military medical commission additionally for this, or it is just to change the data, conditionally, if a person moved, i don't know, she had three children there. has the property status changed or something like that? well, the electronic cabinet currently does not provide for the passing of the vlk, but it is about updating your data, first of all, about changing your place of residence, about changing your family situation, and so on, booking, reservation, all these things that we said about a little earlier another question that i would like to ask you, of course, is that you cannot comment on the actions of the ministry of foreign affairs and their decisions, but still, can you tell us what it looks like from the point of view of the ministry of defense? in terms of the tsc, there is a lot in the comments, if you read social networks, and there live people write
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their own stories, they are alive and ask their questions, the tsc abroad, they can generally exercise their powers, and now there are representatives of the ukrainian tsc who abroad, i don't know if they go or will go there in order to serve summonses to men, well, you are trying to drag me into the territory of the most uncomfortable issues, from which politicians are often very... cannot comment on certain actions of the ministry of foreign affairs, because, well, if we were to enter into some such fantasy league, well, it would be, i don't know for sure, definitely, the question here is that the tsc actually is, after all, a zone responsibilities of the defense sphere, i.e can, it is possible to reassure ukrainian men abroad who are worried about what they do not know there after... i
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thank you for answering these questions, as you say, as uncomfortable as possible, perhaps for many politicians, but we also need to talk about this, because the mobilization process, you know, it is not easy, and we see what is happening in particular both abroad and in ukraine, and we need to explain to ukrainians what and how it really is, thank you very much for your involvement, dmytro lazutkin, the minister's spokesman. of defense of ukraine, the guest of our broadcast, as mr. dmytro himself noted, answered not quite convenient, perhaps, but important questions. thank you! this is the svoboda ranok project, traditionally in this... we talk about important things, you stay with us, i thank you for your activity in the chat, today you are very active, obviously the topic we discussed in our broadcast is important to you, so write your comments, share this broadcast with your friends, there were many answers to important questions, we will meet you on the air tomorrow, me my name is oleg harliv, this is a radio liberty project, liberty morning, subscribe to our networks.
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shape, call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress instead of a full one. mattress, pay only half the premium , the sponsor of the national team represents united by football together, stronger, good morning to those who joined the espresso. thank you to those who have already donated because they were with us, and those who will now see the qr codes must also remember that we are collecting for two brigades at once, here are these qr codes for fpv drones, they do a good job, we guarantee you video reports, and we also guarantee a report, but today, for example, you have already donated 15,000, we need a little more, sorry, not 15, a little less, but
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we are moving forward direction, so please make it 15, 20 and 50 per day. would be a great result. in the meantime, we will talk with our next guest, dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy and an expert on ukrainian-hungarian relations. actually about we will talk about this later. mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. and not only the hungarians, but we will start with the hungarians, with the hungarians, mr. dmytro, because peter siyarton does not want to talk about how he had a good time in sochi. hungary threatens to block it once again . one of the packages of european military financial aid, now it has wording not only about poor children in the schools of transcarpathia, now it basically says that until ukraine stops its persecution of hungarian companies, such a strange persecution, yes, such a strange wording,
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and what will he come up with next and to what extent is it possible to move from words. before a real blockade , it is important to explain the context, and the hungarian veto is usually a veto when you threaten to block, but in fact you want to send signals, prove something to someone, in the end bargain and not block anything, er , what is the motive behind the current actions of the hungarian parties, the first is, of course, they... want to show that they are trumpists, yes, that is, this is a signal to trump, viktor orban is targeting him, that's what the trumpists were doing until the recent six months, viktor orban. could not to do this at the level of the european union, yes, he wanted to block the opening of negotiations with ukraine, 50 billion, which were confirmed to us in january, but where can he
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show this signal, look, i’m like you, i can do this too to block, then it is important for him, the second is of course the question of his game with brussels, yes, that is, to do everything that contradicts the policy, strategy of mrs. ursula, the president of the european commission, and her team. and this brussels establishment in general, this is again viktor orbán's goal for the next few months he is generally planning to play a game so that ursula fonderlein does not become the president of the european commission again, he is looking for a partnership in paris, he is trying to tie melonia to this, that is, this is such a game, the third is the elections, the elections to the european parliament and viktor orban is not can go with openly anti-ukrainian, again... slogans, but he needs to show something, and here again he intersects with what trump is going to the elections with. well, and fourthly, it is of course to find a reason so that viktor orban does not
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meet with volodymyr zelenskyi, that is you see, everything is not so good in the relationship, there is one more condition, here you help our company director so that their licenses are not taken away or there are no other nuances, that is, this is the real one, and this is the political context, because behind the fact that says peter siyar, this is... the political context, fifthly, we can add , of course, the money of the european union, which they want to negotiate additionally for about 2 billion in military aid, based on the principle that before helping ukraine, give money to a country that is a member of the european union, there a lot for hungary blocked, here, but now it is more of a tactical move, because well, this game, when you, when the hungarians tried to combine or create a dependency between ukraine's aid and hungary's problems with... the law, because of which their funds are blocked, it is in principle not worked, regarding the fact that if there was a meaningful part of the subject matter, well, look, ukraine itself
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is interested in such companies as otp and richter being happy in ukraine, especially now, when, you know, we need any taxes, investments, because precisely they go to the armed forces of ukraine, that is, they cannot western aid, macro, is aid to go for procurement from... but taxes can go, so i think that this is again a technical point, and somewhere there will be a phone call , a conversation, and if indeed the issue of 2 billion military aid will be to be on the agenda in the near future, then it can be resolved, mr. dmytro, and now the situation of hungary in the eu, it may not be shaky, but brussels hints at something every time, and strasbourg is not always satisfied either. here, for example, is the last resolution of this term the european parliament, which evaluated democracy in hungary, writes: serious shortcomings are connected with the justice system, the fight against corruption, with
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conflicts of interest, freedom of communication, fundamental rights and so on and so on and so on, the electoral system and the whole world, and with it follows from all this, they conclude in the european parliament, that hungary fears that it will not be able to reliably fulfill its role at the head of the eu council, that is, the second half of those from june. in the 24th year, accordingly, they think about how to protect the values ​​of the european union from hungary, is this resolution, or can such an attitude towards hungary also be a lever of influence, somehow to steer hungary in the right direction? of course, look at this situation, these 14 years, how long viktor orbán has been in power, these are roughly the same signals coming from brussels and strasbourg. well , of course, it depends on the tone, since 2020, when the mechanism of the rule of law with the connection to the money to the structural funds of the european union came into operation, hungary was not just
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fined, it was fined, few people know this, it was fined until the 20th year, there were certain money fines, but this mechanism has been fully operational since the 20th year and now this money is simply blocked, eh, eh, i would like to clarify that we will be chaired by hungary from july 1, no from june 1, it's a big chance for us, actually. because in june there is such a tight calendar, the elections to the european parliament, the results, the negotiating framework should be voted on on june 27, and there will be the issue of the new european commission, that is, you know, very, very long ago, there were attempts and such pressure on hungary in general to to deprive her of the right to preside over these six months, well, this pressure remains, i would say that you should not be afraid of the presiding officer. hungary is in the eu council, hungary is preparing for this very much, in fact there will be such a, you know, game of tug-of-war, because hungary wants to show that it can be a leader. alliance
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with a constructive leader, but with his own special agenda, yes, that is, not to block everything, but, for example, to make some progress for the western balkans, and there from the point of view of dialogue, from the point of view of european integration, and here, frankly, for ukraine, such a thin moment, because viktor orbán wants to play in such a way as to give a complete green light to the western balkans and imagine that ukraine is not on the agenda for joining or expanding the european union, so here we have to... you know, rely on allies and, let's say , this agenda, which hungary will have the opportunity to influence in one way or another for six months to adjust. well, and you understand, the european union is built in such a way that even the country that presides has a little more, of course, the authority to initiate, but it does not control the european union, so it is not worth anything here, let's say, to be afraid. mr. dmitry, we have talked more than once about this phenomenon, when people who know what the russian-fascist
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occupation is... not from any movie stories, but from their own history, quite often make a strange choice, an example is slovakia, now these elections to the european parliament, which you have hopes for, they will recruit different alternatives , fuyt dolchlen, they will recruit all those putin fersteers, or have the mood changed, they will recruit, but there will be no disaster, while it looks like the european people's party... will again be the first, that is, the question what will really happen with right-wing, and there are two, two two such teams of serious right-wing, some are really pro-russian, you called them shelepen there, salvini there, and there are, you know, western right-wing, they are ideologically, probably more so, even orthodox, that is, it is just meloni, eh- eh, it's peace, by the way, yes, and it's exactly this group
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of preserves. and reformists, orban plans to enter there, but orban just wants the right-wing to unite and become a key ally of the european people's party, so uh, so far it doesn't look like this one, well, and accordingly they could claim, well how at least for the third place, and maybe even for the second place, well, for the second place, hardly , that is, the third place, yes, it would be, it would be a success at all, now, if one of these right-wingers becomes the third place, it will be, it will really be such a signal , here eh, but let's see, that is , european elections, they will depend a lot on mobilization, on the turnout, and you know, there will be such litmus tests for such important or large countries, and to be honest, i have the opportunity to communicate with such a french political environment, and they panic a little, but because inside france it looks like ms. le pen, her team... can
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get some unprecedented results, and that, you know, maybe in the overall european proportion it won't give anything particularly critical, but from the point of view of france in the context of europe , it can be a shock, but again, let's see, because it can change the turnout so much, the last presidential election in slovakia, they showed that there with a difference of two weeks, and the mobilization of voters can turn it upside down the results and distribution seats, so i would still wait like this, that is, there will not be a disaster for sure, but the way the right-wing finish, this is an intrigue. thank you, mr. dmytro, for the current analysis of the situation. dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the central european strategy institute, was with us, and here it is approaching 10 o'clock, which means it's time for the espresso team of journalists to tell you what happened in the past hour. i will be a little ahead of the events, because there is a message from sumy oblast that i
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was there today. the battle of our border guards with the russian drg, but will not tell everything, because khrystyna parubiy knows much more and is ready to share this information with all of us. thank you, colleagues, there are wounded from the morning attack of the russians in cherkasy region, i will tell about the situation there and in other regions in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, wait. news in etheresus, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant thing at the moment: six people were injured in the morning russian attack on cherkasy region. our anti-aircraft defense shot down the missile, but the object of critical infrastructure was damaged - reported the head of the region ihor taburets.
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four wounded by russians. shelling of donetsk region. in dobropilly.


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