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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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it's news time on the espresso tv channel, and we're coming out of hiding again, due to the fact that the enemy may be in the air, please stay in safe places, and i'll tell you about the most important events at this time. summonses will not be served abroad, defense ministry spokesman dmytro lazutkin said in a comment to radio liberty. according to him . and ukrainian
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recruitment centers abroad is unrealistic, so after the entry into force of the new law on mobilization, men of draft age who are outside ukraine will have 60 days to update military registration data, it will be possible to enter data online through the electronic cabinet already from june. created a green route for dodgers. border guards exposed another scheme of illegal transportation. men abroad. this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. the organizer of the scheme was a 43-year-old resident of vinnytsia. the attacker and his accomplice guaranteed the evaders to leave for hungary through checkpoints. €800 was charged for such a trip. organizers detained detained for bribery in dnipropetrovsk region. the head of the district court was exposed and. his intermediary, this was reported
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to the national police. the official promised the suspect in the criminal case to remove the seizure from the property, instead he demanded $2,500. in the course of the investigation, it was documented that the persons involved received funds, after receiving which the judge made an illegal decision in favor of the person. during searches of places of residence and work. involved, the law enforcement officers seized the funds that were received as an illegal benefit. now the issue of reporting the suspicion to the head of one of the district judges and the mediator is resolved. europe should not become a vassal of the united states because it does not have enough weapons for self-defense, french president emmanuel macron said during a speech to sorbonne students. macron already.
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has long called for european strategic autonomy that involves less dependence on washington. this position gained more resonance after donald trump , after donald trump's statements about europe's insufficient contribution to financing of the north atlantic alliance. it is obvious that there is no defense without the defense industry. this issue is about transforming the urgency of supporting ukraine into long-term efforts. this is what we call the military economy, which we are pushing hard with minister lecorne. we've had decades of underinvestment in our manufacturing. they also created a very strong dependence on non-european industry. so faced with that, we have to produce more, and we have to produce more in europe. nato secretary general yen
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stoltenberg visited a eurofighter fighter of the german air force. this happened as part of his visit to the rostock laga air base, where the luftwaffe air squadron is located near the coast of the baltic sea. stoltenberg noted that this squadron of rapid response aircraft is an important contribution to nato's air defense. polish president andrzej duda invited the country's prime minister donald tusk to discuss the placement of nuclear weapons under the nato program. they plan to discuss this at next week's meeting on wednesday. meanwhile the kremlin has already had time to react to this news. there they began to threaten that the nuclear facilities of nato countries would be allegedly legitimate targets of the russian federation. putin's election cannot be considered legitimate. this is stated in the resolution
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adopted by the european parliament. at the meeting in strasbourg, 493 deputies supported the document. 11 spoke against and 18 received. the parliament calls on the member states of the european union and the international community not to recognize the results of the presidential elections in russia as legitimate, since they were held on the illegally occupied territories of ukraine. in resolution to emphasize that, even within russia, these elections did not meet basic international election standards. united to help veterans. five non-governmental ukrainian organizations presented the memorandum. on joint cooperation, its purpose is to promote the psychological support of ukrainian servicemen, veterans and members of their families. today, the state does not have time to cope with all the challenges faced by our defenders, so such coalitions from public organizations will help
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to make support for veterans more stable and powerful. in the flow of work there, each of us in our own organization, we can ... and live in some kind of approximate bubbles of our own, yes, that is, you see, and there is not enough mutual exchange, trends, problems, challenges, methods of solving them, and we and our colleagues realized that in order to fill, you know, expand this understanding of where we are, what works better, how to work, well , it is necessary to actually unite and sort of coordinate joint efforts so that we can be more effective. a lever of influence or a decision that will anger ukrainians, the minister minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba shocked men abroad, because in a few days consular services outside ukraine will cease to be provided to ukrainian citizens of conscription age. and
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this ban will be in effect until the provisions of the law on strengthening mobilization are clarified. this and much more will be discussed today in a talk show by velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. and now the project journalist andriy didovovodyuk is with us live. and andrei, i congratulate you, and i want to hear more information from you about how you plan to use ether today. greetings from the studio. i greet the audience espresso tv channel. according to good tradition , today the broadcast of the project velikiy lviv starts with a big conversation with vitaly portnikov. we will discuss with him between. we will talk about the public situation concerning ukraine, in particular the visit of us secretary of state antony blinken to china, because, according to the media, blinken is supposed to push the leaders of china there to end their ties with the russian federation, while we will be
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with vitaly pornikov to find out what the actual consequences of this visit will be for ukraine, because experts, internationalists predict the positive in this matter. another big topic, as you mentioned, is the situation with regard to those ukrainians who are currently abroad, because they have stopped providing consular services to men of conscription age, we will look for the pitfalls of this history and try to give answers to really difficult questions, who is to blame for because of what happened and how ukraine should proceed with regard to those people who left the borders of the state. with american support for the country, in particular , we will find out how much of this aid allocated by the united states, in particular, it is about 61 billion dollars, how much it will actually be enough, and whether it will be able to turn the tide of the war in
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the near future, we will talk about this and not only in our studio, with military and political experts, in particular yevhen dyky, markiyan lopachak, andriyan... mikhalchyn and others, i am sure that the broadcast will be constructive and interesting, so i encourage viewers to join in watching, we will start at 21:15, the studio, thank you to the journalist of the project, says velikiy lviv, do not miss it today at 21:15 on the espresso tv channel, and i have to remind you about our collection, means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have less than uah 300,00 left to collect. let's not delay, the war continues,
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the help of each of us is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. we will see you at 6 p.m., as always you can read espresso tv on our website, also follow us on social media and watch our unique content on youtube. literally in a moment, meet my colleague olga len, well, stay in safe places while the air alert continues throughout the territory of ukraine. when you sleep on... a flat surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and
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judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. quick evaluations of the vkks, how the judge's wife passed the interview in 7 minutes. i have worked in the judicial system all my life. but where does the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy come from? valuable property, my brother gave me his apartment, watch on thursday, april 25 at 17:45 the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two
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hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. what to do when there is a liver, allochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together are stronger, congratulations, a stunning reversal has occurred among the russian propagandists, so you can already join. were about the fugitive president viktor yanukovych, but russian propagandists did not forget about him.
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moreover, you know, how they pushed him to the post of president, a whole brigade of polytechnologists from moscow came to work there, and more than once, twice, when he was running for the post of president, they convinced him how beautiful he was, how ukraine needed him, in the end they convinced him, he became the president, then the opposition, the maidanites. they said that something is wrong with this president, and in general somehow he is not doing the right thing, and what do you think, now the same thing that was said on the maidan about yanukovych is being said in... the studios of russian tv channels. yanukovych, then that one, vitya shapka, yes, vitya shapka, for sure, yes, or a pilotka, i don't know what he was wearing on his head. yes, the one who made money by quickly removing hats from people who sat like an eagle on the toilet, yes, yes, to the point, two meters tall, why, he couldn’t even
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commit a serious crime, robbed women, women, just nothing , yanyk had two cottages. three yes three they say, they say, three, they found one, three, well, but there was no authority, we all thought that he was an authoritative thief, but he was also shameful, that is, it suddenly turned out that he was a thief, and this is what people who were his factions say parties that seem to have supported him all this time, you know, well, with such talks... a few more years will pass, and they will say the same thing that we are saying now about putin, putin, well, three dots, and this is just the impression that there is not much time left to wait, literally a little, and we are also talking about it we will hear, we will hear many more things that we are talking about now, and they say that it is not so, and then they will tell, but no, that is how it is, here is a thief, there is another murderer there and
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so on, well, there is also another event, they talked, talked, talked, they talked for two years, the third world war has started, the third world war is already here, but something happened and the third world war is already here, and suddenly with the same mouth, it turns out that it is not the third world war . militant rhetoric is growing in ukrainka, podolyak believes that the third world war is already underway, he of course weak imagination to myself, what is the third world war, and in general, the ukrainian leadership is tormented by megalomania, it is not going, no, it is not going, there is still a hybrid war, i believe that the third world war can only be among the main countries. ukraine is not such an enemy that one could say that the third world war is going on. well, actually, you know, this was and is
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in general, the concept of war of the russians and the kremlin, just to wage war. hybrid on the territory of ukraine, and ukraine seems as if it will not be able to respond, this main idea did not go anywhere, it does exist, therefore, of course, every time it turns out that ukraine is giving back, that ukraine is getting weapons for this, that it is impossible to come to ukraine like this and suddenly ukraine is unarmed, yet there is some possibility of resistance, this all surprises them endlessly, and every time it is for they have such, you know, the news that they... tell each other, they say, you said that there would be no weapons, but now there are weapons again, and here , once again, there are weapons again, and again like this, you know , news that in principle, when a country is at war, it can buy, yes, it can to receive weapons for this war, just as, by the way, russia also receives these weapons,
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it does not surprise them that they can buy weapons somewhere and steal them in some places, even while ukraine cannot get something. weapons, buy and so on, something they did not expect such a turn, very strange, and you know why so, because this was their concept of war, and now surprise, now suddenly eyes opened. america, of course, america, of course, will still give money to ukraine. everyone agreed that it needed to be proven, it was a little funny to listen to those who believed that they might not approve of it, because the war will end, because all resources have been exhausted and no one will give anything, they will give, they will give everything. they will give as long as there is something to give, and there will always be something to give, yes, you know, in fact, they are all deceiving, because they really hoped, uh, well , they did everything so that such people would not give weapons to ukraine, and thought that that's how they achieved it, and it must be said that their company was still successful, it delayed
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the opportunity for us to get weapons and... you know, despite all that, well, in the russian the studios somehow do not even hide the fact that this is actually the only thing that allows them to have at least some success in ukraine, but only when there is no ukraine, not even that there is a sufficient number of weapons, any weapons in general, but then, yes they can do something, and this is after all those cries that they, how will they be able to fight with nato, with which... nato, you and an unarmed ukraine can at most capture one town and village there, that's all, that 's the end of it, and now there, you know, hysteria and panic, that the window is possible... you see the possibilities, is closing, it turns out that this was the only window of opportunity, for all these, well, almost 10 years that they have been at war with ukraine, the only
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window of opportunity was when russia achieved something there, you know, was able to influence ukraine through some of its agents, some time did not provide enough weapons, when there was literally a crisis of shells, this was the only window of opportunity, listen. it seems to me that we have a window of opportunity until the summer, why until the summer, if there is an arms delivery on friday for this agreed 61 billion, for the amount that is for weapons out of these 61 billion, until they leave, the package is being prepared and deliveries will begin, well, they will deliver a batch there, i will not argue, but we will see, because with
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air defense equipment, i do not yet see that they will be supplied with anything specifically , let's wait until friday , and you know, father, they are trying, again, to tell their viewers what everything really is. and everything was already brought and only then did they sign something there, but they themselves understand for themselves that this is not the case, that the only reason they could do something was that we really did not have these weapons, from the word absolutely, well, and now there they are trying to calculate how far the weapon will go, whether it is really far, they are all like that, and you know, it is even somewhat useful here, now listen to how they generally see the nearest time of war, because we have their ideas about what can be, what can't be, but the idea of ​​the russians, it, you know, they
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broadcast it, and it shows to some extent that they can, but actually, they also discuss that moment very much, what is it now, you know, speed competition, after all, who will be able to mobilize everything quickly now? all your strength, because this is the decisive moment, for the second, third attempt, the fourth , there may simply not be an opportunity in russia, but it was now, and if we pass this period now and then we can concentrate, get weapons and something, well to show in terms of defense, that's all, they have no further opportunities, somehow, there are some, you know, there are no such super... their weapon moments or anything else that will allow them to continue this offensive that they have arranged, that's what exits from what they are they are talking in reality, but listen, well, it’s
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actually, well, it’s said in a slightly indirect text, and what’s changing, and what’s changing, they’ve already set part of it, if they cross the border without biden’s signature, they will put everyone there, well , they won’t, but there will be a big scandal, this cannot be done. six months was a chance, it was the reserve that ensured the advantage that is present now, the question rests on the timing, if the process is delayed and moves from may to june or july, then of course it will all be there already. and aviation will already be there, f-16. the question is what will happen now, escalation is being prepared, the parties are beginning to strain resources, very large. the story will be from different sides, on the one hand the warehouses are starting to be emptied, on the other hand the economic component, what is happening now is the beginning of a beautiful path, until then the big
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question is the timings, while this window of opportunity is there, if you continue to prepare, prepare , cook, then within a few months this option will change. in fact, the question is who will make it sooner? that is, it turns out that it is... you know, the golden hour at six o'clock months, which for some reason is ending, but what about all this, that russia is preparing some terrible forces to attack kharkiv, for example, but it turns out, no, there are no such large forces, but they are now standing there under the chasm of time, in the area of ​​the coal mine, and more there in the area in the direction of pokrovsk, and that's all, but there are no more forces, these forces are revealed, they are greatly exhausted and it is revealed. that it is not possible to somehow concentrate them again in a few months , that is, no matter what they shout there, no matter what articles they try
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to provoke in the western press. you know or somewhere else, about how you can't beat russia, but it turns out you can. moreover, well, this hysteria continues, they all understand, the only reason they are winning now is because they are winning the air war, but as soon as there is an opportunity to strike at their airfields, it will be over, that is, a war on equal terms with by russia, and russia will lose it, it can win only in the war for...
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that weapons will be delivered , i say now, although american sources say by the end of the week, although we note at the same time that before announcing military aid, the usa, as a rule, delivers this aid to ukraine, so it can be assumed that everything that the package provides for... because as you know, we will not be able to apply these attacks now to exactly those cities that she said on russian territory, ukraine will be it will not be possible to use one's own weapons so immediately and so directly effectively , but in the end it will still give a much
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better situation than it is now. uh, although, of course, this is the direction in which i already spoke about it, we must go, that is, we must still talk about the fact that russia is ready to the use of foreign weapons by ukraine on russian territory is morally ready, because they, you see, the audience, have already prepared themselves for this, and somehow i have not heard that they had so much, somehow, you know, had any objections to this , well, they don't have , they don't say anything that this... it can't be that these are red lines, have you heard something like that? i didn't hear, well, why then, i think, somehow inventing something, telling about some fairy tales, about some kind of escalation that will come, but will not come, that escalation, which is more than the one that already exists, but in the end the war will be even, and then you can say something about the fact that you can find out something on the battlefield, because on the battlefield you can find out
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when you really have ... you have the opportunity to fight on the battlefield, if you don't have the opportunity, your hands are tied, that's exactly what putin's policy is designed for, that's all that happened before, you were great about it, the only way for them to fight, this is when everyone grabs ukraine by the hands and shouts: oh, don't hit the factories, oh, don't hit the russian ones oil depots, but don't hit something else, god forbid, because peaceful russians will suffer from it, oh my god. ukrainians, of course, can, you can kill them all, but you can’t kill peaceful russians, for some reason, let them kill ukrainians, i like it better, so when it’s madness, it will stop, and the russians are ready for it, well, i i think the song will be completely different, the cries will be different, you know, and we may not hear any more that no one has ever defeated russia, but russia itself has won maybe two or three times in history, that's all
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otherwise she was defeated, or those... thanks to her allies, she managed to win something, and in the end, when she was not russia, russia herself somehow did not manage to fight very well, because without all the others, without the same ukrainians, well, somehow it turned out that way in history, without ukrainians, they cannot fight at all, and they did not have the victories that they had without ukrainians, but there simply were not, well, in the end, because they still expect all these, you know, they have such an impression, that the russians in general... trust our western partners more than we do themselves, because they naturally expect that after all, their western partners are already fed up with all these russian tricks, and in the end our western partners will say, yes, it's time to somehow tie with this an incomprehensible hybrid like this one of the speakers called war, it is necessary to really show how it is possible to fight with western weapons, in what way and who can do what, and therefore... you already know,
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even solovyov fell over.


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