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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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even if we do it in different fields, we still support each other. so, the large-scale book country continues today and will also continue for the next three days, that is , friday, saturday and sunday, if you have time, if you are in kyiv, be sure to visit, you can definitely spend more than one day off here , i suspect even two, because, as you can see, there is something to talk to, something to see, something to buy. the choice is huge and even if you don't like to read, they promise that they will definitely pick up something for you too, and you will find out that you love books, so we will continue to see what we have not yet managed to see, vasyl, and i will pass the ether to you, thank you, kateryna galko, our correspondent from the book exhibition, it is a pity that i there is not, well, but in any case we will, i will tell you later, when it starts, we will,
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the following frames may shock you news from the scene of the events live kamikaze drone attacks political analysis objectively and... there is no political season, exclusive interviews 'yu, reports from the hottest spots the front freedom life frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. chernobyl the worst man-made disaster in the world. a disaster that affected hundreds. thousands of people,
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destroyed hundreds of thousands of fate, the consequences of this tragedy are still felt, good evening, we are from ukraine, we will continue the great ether, now is the time to talk about money, money during the war, oleksandr morchenko is with me, oleksandra, please have a good evening. vasyl, thank you viewers for being with us, in the next few minutes we will talk about international aid, also you will learn about the shortage of personnel, why ukrainians do not want to work in business and what demands they make, also an important decision of the national bank took place today at the meeting of the board of the nbu, wait for the details in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money. during the war,
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partner support will continue. volodymyr zelenskyi met today in the capital with the minister of finance of the great britain jeremy hunt, and called for the strengthening of sanctions against russia. the ukrainian leader thanked for the largest package of defense aid from of the united kingdom. i will note that we are talking about half a billion pounds. but in total, 38 billion dollars of foreign support for such financial assistance. our state can count on this year, said the head of the national bank andriy pyshnyi. according to him, only in march we received about 9 billion dollars from our partners, which made it possible to increase international reserves. now they are almost 44 billion. currently, the government is strengthening its own resource base, increasing the involvement of the domestic market, domestic investments, and foreign ones, that's why so far, this is a reserve of economic strength in ukraine. yes, and by the way, it is precisely because of this
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margin of economic safety, the national bank made an important decision today, it reduced the discount rate by as much as a whole percentage, now it is 13.5% per annum, well , in fact, a certain strengthening of the hryvnia was taken into account, now it is against american, essentially shows a stable position, due to the decision of the united states to continue supporting our country, this news strengthens the national currency. also income, as i have already mentioned, from various foreign countries that support ukraine, they are there, the stock of gold and foreign reserves is only growing, we hope that the government will come to an agreement with the creditors, and in the near future all our external loans will be restructured, that is, written off in installments for further payment, well, i will not dwell on the accounting rate, 13.5% per annum, this is an excellent indicator for the economy for... loans and
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deposits, and it is also interesting that the cabinet of ministers included hotel ukraine in kyiv in the list of large privatization objects. the state enterprise already has starting price, it is more than one. hryvnias without value added tax. they plan to put the asset up for sale at the end of summer. vitaliy koval, head of derzhmaina fund, is sure that the cost will be much higher. in his opinion, state-owned hotels such as ukraina, kozatsky on independence square in kyiv can become the flagships of privatization this year. three world-famous networks are already interested in them. next, we join serhiy marchenko, the founder of the recruiting agency borshch, in the conversation. let's talk about the labor market. good p.m, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. serhiy, well, here is an interesting study, an interesting figure from the european business association, that currently 74% of companies in our country are experiencing a shortage of personnel, this figure is much higher than it was, for example, in the fall of 2023- oh, then they reported a 55%
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labor shortage, in your opinion, why are there fewer workers now, because the government should... on the contrary, attract ukrainians living abroad to ukraine, and in particular , motivate women to return home, why do we now have to such a lack of qualified, in particular personnel? well, look, i haven't seen any government actions so far aimed at returning ukrainians who are currently abroad, so it's hard for me to comment on whether people are returning, obviously they're not returning very much, but... on the other hand, if we consider this the situation you are talking about, the labor market in ukraine is formed in such a way that even before the beginning of the large-scale invasion, we had a real shortage, especially, especially of specialists, and after the beginning of the invasion
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the situation did not get better, because many people a huge number, according to my estimates, about 2.5-3 million people of working age, who used to work, joined the army. have now gone abroad, some of them work remotely, but most of them have left the economy of ukraine, unfortunately, and we do not see these people in the economy, so these forecasts and these figures reflect the reality now, people are really critical is not enough and i want to draw your attention, this is eba, this is a european business association, you have to pay for membership, and it, this... association, has the best companies of ukraine, and we can say that even the best companies of ukraine, in 70, three quarters of these best companies have serious problems with personnel, what can we say for other companies that do not have any bright
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employer brand, we really have problems on the market . mr. serhiy, you mentioned that the outflow of workers abroad, labor resources, as well as mobilization, but... the experts of the european business association say that among the problems is not only the desire to work remotely, you mentioned remote work, namely talent shortage. what means this term is the lack of qualified, intelligent, not only qualified, but also possibly creative personnel in ukraine. you know, we are currently in such a strange situation that for some reason we call people talents who are there plus or minus some head on their shoulders, because one of the main requests of our clients who are currently looking for personnel is that he must be very experienced in this field, he must at least be willing to learn, and i understand the word talents in this context as
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simply a skilled worker who knows how not only carry bags, he knows a little more there, he knows how to do some graphic design, maybe he knows how to carve some details, maybe he is a person who knows how to drive a car professionally there, that is, ordinary simple people who have at least some qualification, they are now even included in the category of talents, because there is really not enough people, and the struggle for them continues, i can only ask, well, soon we will graduate from both bachelors and masters and specialists from higher educational institutions, as well from youth vocational technical schools. cadres, well, which are definitely not covered now, most of them are at least under mobilization, these are people who can come, what are the offers for them, are they looking for people in universities, or on the contrary, they offer some job fairs, where these students could come, well , graduates, in fact, and in order to already talk with them and somehow try to attract them
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to work and at least evaluate both their capabilities and their capabilities, well, i will just add here that probably these graduates will close those holes and vacant niches in vacancies, and in that the same time they can be paid. less than experienced personnel? well, you have a big illusion, actually, that they can be paid less because the current graduates are not the graduates there from 20 years ago, and now every graduate is from a university. wants $1,000 from the start, and not all employers are ready for this, but on the other hand, the best employers in ukraine, they really work with universities, they work with graduates even at the senior year stage, they try to attract them to some internships, somehow show themselves for that young people graduate from high school they came and occupied vacancies, unfortunately, some centralized, some things that are done by the state for the employment of students, there are practically none, or if they are, they are very fragmented, perhaps where
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there are enthusiasts in the leadership of higher education institutions, who really cheer for the graduates, but if we talk about the situation, then most often young people still look for employment opportunities themselves and use some traditional services, such as job search sites, or some groups in messengers where you can get some kind of job offer, well, at least young people do not yet have such a factor that really indicates that there is a shortage of personnel, such as burnout and fatigue, they still have to work, build up their experience, thank you for the conversation, serhii marchenko, founder of the recruiting company agency borch was in touch, i will read interesting information myself, i follow the economy of the aggressor country, so already there the prices of bread have increased from the beginning of the year from 10 to... such data are also from the kommersant business publication. the decision of the bakers spurred on the essence
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inflation in general, the aggressors in the country, in the ministry of agriculture and rural affairs, are said to be communicating with bread producers, taking the problem under control, but this does not solve the situation. bakers still include the price of fuel in production, in particular, they say, transport costs have really risen, and this cannot be avoided. well, i'll just add here. that transport costs are becoming more expensive due to the fact that there is a shortage of fuel in russia, there are gas stations in the country, and the price for it is rising, even it was forbidden to export various gasolines abroad. well, that was the information for today, i will say goodbye, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us. theatrical boom continues and intensifies, musical chicago was presented at kyiv operetta. tickets the nearest shows are sold out, also in the ivan franko theater, fans of ivan uryvsky meet his new work
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maria stewart, there are as many as five shows ahead of you, which you won't be able to attend, well, maybe someone will get there, but in general you won't get there. lina chechenina, she will remind the reasons for this agitation, her word. musical chicago, one of the most popular in... the world is also well-known cinema, and therefore it is not at all surprising that the people of kyiv and kyiv came in droves to watch the production already in the ukrainian operetta, in the kyiv operetta, but bohdan strutynskyi, the kermanych theater announced this production a long time ago, he said that he managed to get the rights for a year for free, it's a lot of luck, and for us the audience too, because if the rights were bought, i can only imagine how much the tickets would cost, but... but now, if you 're thinking of going to chicago in may, you
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might have two options to do it, but there won't be any, because all the tickets are sold out, absolutely all, there are none, this is an absolutely normal situation for ukrainian theater life now, because ukrainians have come to love the theater even more and are ready to buy even very , very expensive tickets for several thousand to see the or another production. chicago, let me remind you, tells about the murders by women of their husbands or lovers, respectively in chicago in the 30s, in the 20s and 30s, these were high-profile murders and high-profile court cases that were written about in the yellow press, for they were watched americans, and in the end, the musical itself is based on these psychological things and humor, of course, as well. in the franko theater , ivan orivskyi, one of the most popular theater directors, also presented his
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novelty, which is a potential whale, certainly called maria stewart, it is according to schiller, but ivan orivskyi changed, of course, the first source, and gave his own interpretation, this is the story about two women, about mary stuart and about queen elizabeth, mary stuart, let me remind you, was executed in general at the end of this story, the play, or rather... the novices of ivan uryvskyi, they are defined, defined by such brightness, costumes, such unprecedented, such an unusual, unusual form, in general. which simply attracts the audience in photographs, people want to see this beauty, this unusualness, and it is certain that this is one of the secrets of the success of his performances, for the konotopsk witch, for his superhit, it seems to me that it is impossible to buy tickets, i have already lost every hope to see this play, in
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the franka theater they are trying to somehow solve this problem, because the problem is particularly related to with overbuying, people who buy... a lot of tickets, and then sell them at a high price, they tried to sell them offline, that is , just open a sale at the box office on a certain day, a lot of people passed by, and it is not very convenient, my current manager of the franka theater , evgeny neschuk promised that they will experiment with the action, they, quote frank and the ministry of digital transformation, will try sales in this application, there are also many skeptics, many people, by the way, do not want to set themselves the action. but well, all other options have already been tried, they are not very good are working, well, let's try some more action, and i will also talk about cinema, the film i am victory and berlin is being released in poland, it is very interesting to see what the box office will be there, because in ukraine this film has already reached the top of the most profitable, highest-grossing films
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ukrainian films in the ukrainian box office, and i think that, first of all... a few more weeks of distribution and it is certain that the film will rise even higher than on this list, and also toni noyabrova, the director presented a new trailer for her film "you love me" with a question mark - this is another movie about the 90s, but since we understood that the ukrainian audience is scared off by this definition of a film about the 90s, the authors try not to talk about it, to say no, this is a film not about the 90s, but about my personal... history, and it really is a film about november, first of all, there is no black woman, which is often expected from films about the 90s, there is her personal story, let's see an excerpt, you are an adult, come to yourself, quickly, excuse me, don't tell me what you can buy here, oh sad, just
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tired , oh, everyone is getting tired now. some time has passed, it is so restless, the film you love me will be released on may 30, and here it is, it tells about such a personal story of a girl who goes to school, the collapse of the soviet union, the collapse of her family, because her parents are divorcing, she herself is experiencing some first feelings are romantic, and this is a rather nice movie, which i would advise you to go to at the end of may, and well... thank god, it is much easier to buy tickets to a cinema for ukrainian films than to a theater for ukrainian plays. that i just want to briefly say that already on monday the 29th, the great ether, ether from kyiv, from our studio, we are in full force,
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we are almost moving back to the capital of ukraine, i really want to thank lviv for these two years and two months. and different emotions, but actually beautiful emotions to lviv and the people of lviv, so on monday the 29th, the big one will already be in kyiv, we will meet there, we will see each other, but for now stay with us, i will say goodbye to you, i still have time, actually, many thanks to the city of leva, to all those with whom i managed to meet here, and be friends, talk, quarrel, discuss, it was a wonderful time, a wonderful period, we with... during this time we were able to collect a lot of donations with your help for our army, for which special thanks and great respect for this very important work, we will see how it will be, we will keep you informed about everything that is happening and to work where our fate will determine us, well, but again , i will say that on monday in kyiv, new time, new opportunities, new prospects will be on the big airwaves, at least for sure, and now
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natalka didenko will tell you about what the weather is like will be in ukraine tomorrow, and whether indeed... there will be frosts at night, and then the verdict of serhii rudenko, stay away from espresso, goodbye, take care. synoptic greetings to all, our dear viewers, let's start with such a sub-section, as they say, you asked, we answer, i get a lot of letters, they ask about this dust from the sahara, about the cloudiness of the air, about yellow sediment, about yellow rain, well... . and all kinds of things like that, and did this happen before, well, it is a phenomenon, about the transfer of dust, dispersed particles from the sahara in the upper layers of the atmosphere. through a lot countries of europe, and this dust, this smoky sahara, so to speak, reached the territory of ukraine, and many of us observed it, if somewhere
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at the beginning of the month, it seems, on april 1, this dust moved and we had dry weather, so it interfered to people, especially those with breathing problems, but now it has become more visible, so to speak. because we just had atmospheric fronts, rains, and more people paid attention to it, such a phenomenon happened before, of course, because the process from the south, so to speak say, it happens from the west to the northeast, and the cow is so light, weightless, it rises very high and then is carried by the atmosphere and is carried many kilometers, we know all this thanks to the movement of, for example, the same cyclones, just in our country before... no there were so many gadgets, phones and the ability to instantly photograph everything and record, as i already said, this dust, this smoke, how dangerous it is, they ask, well,
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how can a big smoke or dust storm be dangerous, for example , that is, of course people who have breathing problems or allergies, for example, they may feel it in some way, well, of course , some general discomfort, yellow rain, yellow fog on the car, well, it’s clearly not very... nice, that’s how it is, this is a phenomenon , i will say once again that this dust is not sand, but rather dust, it moved from the regions of the sahara in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and in ukraine already tomorrow, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, practically this polluted, naturally polluted air mass will leave our territory, we go further and let's move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention, as always , predictions. the diagram shows that there will be small fluctuations tomorrow, but nothing extraordinary, there will be no serious magnetic disturbances, so we just observe and return as usual to
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the weather, and the weather tomorrow will be rainy again in many regions of ukraine, we will start from the western regions , from the western part, rain is expected there tomorrow, low air temperature, only +12 +16° in transcarpathia to +18, in the north. the air temperature in ukraine is very high heterogeneous zhytomyr region-kyiv region are fresher, and sumy region is very warm up to 21-22°. but rain is expected in places in the north of ukraine tomorrow as well. tomorrow is a real summer in the east. 23-27, 23-28° without precipitation. it's sunny, well , summer, as i already said. vinnytsia will be fresher in the central part of ukraine. finally, the territory of the center, the air temperature is high, from 19 to... 24, even possibly up to 25°, for example, in the dnipropetrovsk region, there is a possibility of thunderstorms in places of rain, please do not be afraid of thunder,
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rain is likely in the southern part of ukraine, but sometimes there will also be a lot of sunny clearings, that is , it is not some kind of protracted heavy autumn rain, it is more like a summer one, and the southern part, as it should be, will reach high degrees of +19 +25°. in kyiv tomorrow, the weather will not be southern. and rather northern according to logic, because tomorrow in the capital the maximum air temperature is only +12 -13° and there is also a chance of rain, sometimes even a thunderstorm, but we will not end our meeting today on a cold rainy note, i want to say that on saturday and sunday on the 27th i look at the calendar on april 27 and 28, most regions of ukraine will have dry, sunny weather, and of course, always watch the updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine.
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events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events. analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m., studio evening with anton borkovsky on espresso. greetings, these are the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len, and we have, well, recently there have been many events and changes at the front, battles during the yar era. er, battles for staromaisk, harvest, battles around avdiyivka, well that is enough, enough, enough activity is so high. well, on the other hand, i will
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also remind you about ours. the espresso collection and the public base organization baza ua sprovit call for support for the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. this is our own production, testing, variations to the needs of defenders. and we can provide all this by collecting 2 million hryvnias together. we have already collected 1.5 million, there is still half a million left. please join, you see, privatbank, monobank are here. qr codes, account numbers, invest in our victory, invest in the destruction of the enemy, these fpv drones allow you to do this directly, so this is simply the best contribution to our victory that you can make right now, and let's see now what has been happening on the contact line for the past few days, well, we'll talk about it later. map of combat operations for
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period april 17-24. tactical failures on the front versus strategic victories in the war. the russians captured novomykhaivka, entered the strategically important next and came close to the temporal abyss. instead, the armed forces of ukraine dealt a dagger blow to crimea. counterattack of the armed forces in the time gap. the pace of the russian offensive slowed down a bit. they are fixed at the achieved positions. meanwhile, enemy aviation. razes the city and ukrainian positions to the ground, in addition, the occupiers are trying to finally knock out our military from the last positions in bohdanivka and completely capture ivanovske. however, within a week, the defense forces completely nullified the results of their assaults. instead, in response, the armed forces launched a pre-school strike on bakhmut, where a guided missile hit the command post of the 331st airborne regiment.
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about a dozen officers were eliminated. including the commander, there are a number of wounded. at the same time, soldiers of the fourth assault battalion of the 92nd brigade named after the kosh chieftain ivan sirk to the south of ivanovo launched an offensive and knocked out the russians from previously captured positions. this will make it possible to strengthen the overpowering one defense of klishchiivka. postavdiyiv front, crisis in ochereteny. on the southern avdiyiv front, the occupiers suffered heavy losses and were unable to break through further to the west after the may day occupation, and also rested on our defenses near yasnobrodivka and umanskyi and failed to cross the durna river near orlivka, samenivka, and berdychiv, so they postponed their efforts on the northern flank. the offensive on novokalynovy ceramics stalled, but the enemy managed to break through in the direction of ocheretiny a week ago. over the past few days they have developed their own
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offensive and reached the center. of this town also expanded their wedge in the southwest direction and entered novobakhmutivka and began to attack berdychi from another flank. this advance of the russians on the commanding high ground, which extends through ocheretyn, is quite threatening for our defense of berdachi, semenivka and umansky from the right flank and novokalynovy and ceramic and from the left. therefore, these days, the battles for ocheretyne continue quite intensively, to help the defenders. bradley from the 47th brigade, who are holding the defense in the neighboring town, came to the town plot in berdychi. on the ughledar and kurakhiv directions, the armed forces of ukraine are holding back a powerful offensive. unfortunately, the defense of novomykhaivka, in which our heroes restrained the invaders from october 22, fell. the village is almost completely occupied, the defense forces retreated in the direction of the next settlement of kostyantynivka. active attack on
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the village, armed forces of russia. federation began seven months ago, during which time, having lost tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of armored vehicles, they managed to break through to the west for 13 km. this is too little to to secure the donetsk railway, the mariupol highway, that is why the russians want to develop success. they storm along the entire perimeter of the front from metilsky to the recently captured victory, but fail. near marinka between the victory of george. the occupiers occupied part of the gray zone, moving their positions one kilometer west. fierce fighting continues in krasnohorivka, where last week the rashists stormed the southern and eastern outskirts of the city. the defense forces managed to partially knock out the occupiers from the eastern districts, and the fighting for the southern building continues to this day. with...


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