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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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it was the reserve that ensured the advantage that is present now, the question rests on the timing, if the process will be delayed and will move from may to june or july, then of course it will all be there already. and aviation will already be there, f-16. the question is what will happen now, an escalation is being prepared, the parties are beginning to strain resources, very large, it will be a very serious story from various sources. until then , the big question is timing, while this window of opportunity is there, if you continue to cook, cook, cook, then for several months this option will change. in fact, the question is who will make it sooner? that is, it turns out that it is some, you know. the golden time of
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six months, which is ending for some reason, and what about all this, that russia is preparing some terrible forces to attack kharkiv, for example, but it turns out, no, there are no such large forces, but they are now standing under the chasm of time, in the area a coal miner, and even there in the area in the direction of pokrovsk, and that’s it, but there are no more forces, these forces turn out to be greatly depleted, and it turns out that... their capabilities after a few months are somehow so again it is impossible to concentrate, that is, so that they do not shout, whatever articles they try to provoke in the western press, you know, or somewhere else, about how you cannot defeat russia, but it turns out that you can, moreover , well, this hysteria continues , they all understand, the only reason they 're winning now is because they're winning the air war, but as soon as there's an opportunity to strike at... their
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airfields, that's over, that is, a war on equal footing with russia, and russia it loses, it can win only in a war with a lot a weaker ukraine, and only when this ukraine does not have weapons, and as soon as at least some weapons are visible somewhere there, even if they have not yet been brought, they have not even been given the opportunity to use them, hysteria already begins, well , please, for the sake of understanding... to understand atakamsa - it is 300 km. bryansk is belgorod, kursk, bryansk, voronezh, sevastopol, orel, lipetsk, donetsk, luhansk, rostov, on the don. this is a huge territory of our country. ukrainians are now getting it. i say now, although american sources say that the weapons will be delivered by the end of the week, although we at the same time we note that... before declaring
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military aid, the us, as a rule, delivers this aid to ukraine. therefore , it can be assumed that everything provided for by the 61 billion package is already on the territory of our enemy. well , again, this is a lie, because, as you know, we will not be able to use these attacks now on those very cities that she said, on russian territory, will use her own weapons, it will not be possible right away directly effective, well, but in sum, it will still give a much better result situation than it is now, although, of course, this is the direction in which i have already talked about it, we must go, that is, we must still talk about the fact that russia is ready for ukraine to use foreign weapons on russian territory, morally ready, because they , you see... the audience had already
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prepared for this and somehow i didn't hear them so strongly, somehow, you know, had any objections to this, well, they don't, they don't say anything, that it can't be, that these are red lines, have you heard anything like that? i didn't hear, well, why then, i think, somehow to invent something, to tell about some fairy tales, about some kind of escalation that will come, but that escalation will not come, which is more than the one that already exists, it will just happen in the end. the war will be even, and then you can say something about finding out on the battlefield, because you can find out on the battlefield when you actually have the opportunity to fight on the battlefield, if you don't opportunities, you have connected movements, putin's entire policy is designed for this, everything that happened before was great about it, the only way for them to fight is when everyone grabs ukraine by... and
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shouts: oh, don't hit the factories, oh, don't hit the russian oil depots, don't hit something else, god forbid, because peaceful russians will suffer, oh my god, ukrainians, of course, can do that. you can kill all of them, but you can't kill peaceful russians, for some reason, let them kill ukrainians, it's more like that, but when it's madness, this one will stop, and the russians are ready for it, well, i think, it will be a completely different song and the other will be, you know, screams, and we may not hear them anymore some things that no one has ever defeated russia, but russia itself won, maybe two or three times in history, everything else was defeated, or only thanks to allies. she managed to defeat something, and in the end, when she was not russia, russia itself somehow did not manage to fight very well, because without all the others, without the same ukrainians, well, somehow it happened in history, without ukrainians they cannot fight at all , and they didn’t have the victories that were without the ukrainians, but there simply
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weren’t any, and in the end, because they still expect all of them, you know, they are the impression is that the russians in general trust our western... partners more than we do ourselves, because they naturally expect that the western partners are already fed up with all these russian tricks, and in the end our western partners will say, well, it's time somehow with this, to connect with this incomprehensible hybrid war, as this one of the speakers called it, it is necessary to really show how it is possible to fight with western weapons, in what way and who can do what, and therefore you already know, even salvia. .. overturned from scaring the world of nuclear weapons, now he is scaring the russians with nuclear weapons, well, because no one, you understand, ukraine is not a nuclear state, but now we do not have a nuclear bomb to drop it on the russians, the only country we have here is right here, yes , which can use some kind of nuclear
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weapon, this is russia, and then suddenly burn up in a nuclear flame, solovyov is threatened. specifically russia for some reason, and why? well, probably because, you know, they would rather drop these nuclear weapons on themselves, i can't explain it in any other way. assertive phrases that you do not understand are humanism. what do you want to the whole world disappeared in a nuclear flame? the answer is simple. do you want russia to disappear in a nuclear flame? in order to please the west, should russia be destroyed as a country of traditional values? i don't think this is the right approach. well, about the country of traditional values, it is precisely here that traditional values ​​have been undermined by one, what is
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the latest news that, well, in principle, shook russia. deputy minister of defense was arrested in russia. and this is of course an absolutely amazing story, because this deputy. minister of defense, well, he is a close associate shuigu and a person who, you can say , is a little bit wrong, well, a person who provides shoigu with money, let’s say this, that is, who literally helps and creates a system that enriches shigu, and suddenly this person was arrested, this is a very traditional value for russia , because how can a person be in such a position and not steal, moreover, here... the deputy minister of defense, well, for example, there, all, all his children there, when he and his ex- wife live in the west, the new wife is there has an israeli passport, that is, everyone fortunes were also taken away, well, that is, such
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traditional values ​​that solovyov worries about them, well, he stole impiously, as it turned out, simply impiously, so that he was forced, judging by everything. when they chose something like that in their internal fights there , you know, these are all the stories in fact, there are some subterfuges, constant problems with the fact that there at the front they have terrible losses, really, that someone did not deliver something there to that front, about the fact that there was no heating all winter, in the end it somehow begins to shake the russians, you know, all this history, it is necessary to throw a bone to the russians. they found a bone, this bone turned out to be like this, you know, straight, well, fat, and what is characteristic, straight to the army, russian, immediately to the basman court, where a decision was made this morning to arrest the deputy
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minister of defense of russia timur ivanov, he was detained the night before at his workplace, he is accused of receiving a particularly large bribe, a crime according to the investigation in... he committed as part of an organized group during the performance of contract and subcontract work for the needs military department. the maximum penalty under this article is 15 years in prison, followed by two months. ivanov should be sent to a pretrial detention center. the case is being monitored by the fsb military counterintelligence. ivanov has been in his position for the past eight years. in the ministry of defense, he oversaw the work of the military construction complex, was responsible, in particular, for property management and housing provision. together with the deputy minister, serhiy borodin was arrested, who, according to the investigation, conspired with third parties to receive a bribe together with the deputy defense minister. ivanov takes office deputy minister of defense since 2016, before that for three years he was the director of the defense department, and also worked as the deputy head of the government
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of the moscow region and at the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, well, what do you think the size of this bribe is, what they said, i don't know, to me first, when i read it, i had the impression that it was some kind of typo, because it said 1 billion billion rubles, well, of course, it will be less in dollars, well, just a billion. you can imagine, billions, well, of course, they didn't take him for any kind of bribe, there are some insiders there something wants to introduce some new people to some streams, because i already said once , i told a whole program here about the fact that now 6% of russia's gdp goes exclusively to the army, and a third of russia's budget also goes to the same place. this is a huge amount of money, and this person was engaged, as you saw, in construction,
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resettling someone somewhere, that is, some kind of social protection, that is , mostly in such areas, where this is actually created the most, well, you can think of ways to to steal, and he stole, i stole not for not only for myself, no need to think so, this person was, as you understand, not going to stay in office for so long under ministers and... others, a person who is not deeply embedded in the system, who is not part of this system, but apparently the moment has come to redistribute somehow, there is more senior comrades, maybe the circle of people who have the right to share has decreased, well, you know, everything has happened, so of course there are details, who exactly stalked whom, the fsb is spying there, or vice versa, who is expelling someone, well, it is difficult to say now, we will still looking at this situation because... what it is of course absolutely fantastic, but it
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is clear that you know, well, for a long time, there was no such need in, i would say, putin's government to throw someone like that, like a bone, and this also speaks of some such state of internal turmoil, when it is necessary to cover up all the stories with something, well , let's watch, it's so... the story is interesting, so what, and we don't need to stop, after all, such a well-known associate of putin, valentina matvienko, well, frankly, i can say, appeals to the fact that, finally, somehow , all the others follow this ivanov, i would like to no matter the tribunal, it will take place anyway, sooner or later it will take place, the tribunal. well, in our hands, satisfy your wishes,
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here is matvienko, the tribunal, the most harsh for her, everything as she wants, everything as she loves, everything as she literally dreams and not only for her, so we are waiting, waiting for changes, we are waiting to see how the situation will develop further, and we believe that we will be able to overcome it, because mordor is simply necessary. to overcome, this is a necessity, without this, neither the world nor we will be able to live peacefully or develop, this is what we have to do, consider, this is our historical mission, let's see, what is bahmut? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery
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is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys, they never cry. lemberg. mom, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son. a hero who is one of the first volunteered to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients
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come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboralay openly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova. quick evaluations of the vkks, how the judge's wife passed the interview in 7
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minutes. i have been working in the judicial system all my life. but where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy get valuable property. my. the council gave me his apartment. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. about how much whether the transformation is successful and whether they respond. and the professional qualities of high-standard justice enforcers we will talk about today, but first to the news. the supreme council of justice dismissed volodymyr kupin, a judge of the balakli district court of the kharkiv region, who is suspected of treason under martial law. according to the investigation materials, even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion on february 27
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, 2022, the judge moved to kupyansk, captured by the russians, and began to cooperate with the occupiers. in a few months indoors kupin of the kupyan district state administration, as a representative of the occupation authorities, advised local residents on legal issues under the legislation of the russian federation. during the liberation of kupyansk by the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr kupin fled to russia. the supreme council of justice also dismissed alla demidovska, the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv. in 2015, the decision to dismiss the judge was made by the then supreme council of justice. parliament dismissed damidovska and the judge by its resolution. she appealed the decision, the grand chamber of the supreme court announced the verdict only that year in june. the decision of the high council of justice on dismissal is upheld. in march 2013, alu demidov's security service and the prosecutor's office jumped on the receiving end of a bribe. she, along with another judge andriy makuha and lawyer yevgeny pedenka, received $7,000 for speeding up the case regarding the violation
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of customs legislation. the special service claimed that according to a previous agreement , allamidovska was to receive $500. despite the criminal case, demidovska continued to serve as a judge and during the revolution of dignity chose a preventive measure regarding the activist vladyslav tsylytskyi. detention allegedly due to mass violations and disobedience to law enforcement officers. in the report, the suspect stated that after the arrest, he was brutally beaten and put in a closed van, after being examined by paramedics, he was taken to an emergency hospital . svitlana kolegayeva, the judge of the dysnya flight to kyiv, has mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine and is asking to stop the case against her regarding drunk driving. in 2021 , a judge is drunk driving an audi registered to her mother flew off the road. blew down a pole and crashed into a tree. no one was injured by the smoke. the obolon district court of kyiv fined the judge uah 17 and deprived him of his driver's license for one year. at the same time, public activists
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sent a complaint against kolegaeva to the supreme council of justice with a demand to dismiss her from her post. since the disciplinary commission of the ukrainian people's liberation army recently finally started considering the complaints of judges that accumulated over the past years, svitlana koligayeva's future as a judge was in jeopardy, so she decided to mobilize. accordingly, i asked the higher the council of justice to suspend the consideration of the disciplinary case against her during martial law. according to the anti-corruption center, the judge's lawyer did not provide the vrp with evidence that kolegaeva was really mobilizing. however, the third disciplinary chamber unanimously granted the judge's request. therefore, kolegaeva retains the status of a judge and will continue to receive a judge's fee. last year she earned uah 1,300. renewal. and reforming continues at all levels of the judicial system of ukraine, and the further, the more problems surface. competitive commissions and expert groups are working to exhaustion, every day they have to study
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biographies, career path and reconcile debit and credit in the declarations of candidates for judicial positions and active servants of themis. the second panel of the higher qualification commission of judges, apparently, is very tired. ruslan sydorovych, lyudmila volkova and roman kydesyuk expertly manage to lead the fastest. conversations with candidates, for example, one of them lasted only seven minutes with the assistant to the chairman of the northern commercial court of appeal olena mykhalyuk. from my early years, yes, especially from high school, when we started teaching the discipline of law and i participated in school olympiads, i dreamed of becoming a lawyer. olena mykhalyuk - the wife of oleg matuschak, a judge of the western commercial court of appeal, has 37 00 dollars and 175 hryvnias of her own savings, and is already in the midst of a full-scale one. purchased mercedes-benz for over a million hryvnias. however, the vkks board was not interested in this. please briefly describe your motivation for becoming a judge. the first and
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how convenient it will be for you to move. mr. roman. daddy there will not be too many judges in one family. these are all questions from the commission to mykhalyuk. thus, without further elaboration, the members of the committee of the interior decided that the candidate was suitable for the position of judge and recommended her to the lyubashiv district. court of odesa region. another quick interview, without additional questions, was conducted by the members of the vkks with yulia bulanova, a candidate for the post of judge of the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. according to the anti-corruption center, she is the daughter of the rector of the zaporizhia national university and people's deputy of the eighth convocation mykola frolov. any court is a very responsible, responsible court. public activists have many questions about bulanova's property. for example, in 2022, her brother, who works as a lawyer, gave her an apartment in kyiv with an area of ​​93.5 square meters. the market value of the property, according to experts of
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the anti-corruption center, is more than uah 8 million. in the declaration, 100 uah is indicated. the members of the commission, on the other hand, have questions neither about the brother's ability to earn money on such an expensive gift, nor about the significantly higher cost real estate other than that specified in the declaration did not arise. in 2021. i transferred to work in the office of the general prosecutor and moved with my children to the city of kyiv after the divorce, and taking into account these circumstances, in the 22nd year, my brother gave me his apartment, which he owned by right of ownership. in april 2020, bulanova's father, an ex-people's deputy, bought a nissan kashkai car, which he gave to her already in may. here, too, no extras. questions from the members of the commission, they did not see anything suspicious, he bought it for his own own needs, but certain circumstances of my family life developed in such a way that... i
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got divorced in may 20, and this prompted my father to change his plans for this car and temporarily transfer this car to him for my use. yulia bulanova's professional competence is questionable. the candidate for the position of judge has been working in the prosecutor's office for more than 20 years. currently, i am a prosecutor in the prosecutor general's office and could not answer the question correctly, but please tell me, can the prosecutor's office now file lawsuits in the interests of the state or a state-owned enterprise, but these, no, unfortunately, not at this time. instead, the procedure for organizing the activities of prosecutors in relation to the representation of the state's interests, which includes, in particular, the filing of lawsuits, was determined by the order of the prosecutor general of ukraine back in 2018. it is surprising that a prosecutor with many years of experience, yulia
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bulan. she does not know this, she also believes that a judge does not have the right to own property, however , the members of the commission not only did not emphasize the ignorance of judges' rights and duties, but also persistently pushed the candidate to the correct answer. in general, according to the status judge, can a person have corporate rights, judge? no, it cannot, but corporate rights are, according to the european echr, this is property and? your protocol to it? it seems so. well, why can't one legally and peacefully own property? well, for example, you have an apartment in zaporizhzhia, yes, you can rent it out as a judge? so. can you make a profit? yes, from your property. well, that's it. despite such gaps in knowledge of laws, the commission unanimously recommended appointing yulia bulanova to the position of shevchenkivskyi judge kyiv district court. now the recommendation...
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should be considered by the supreme council of justice. we hope that she will have more inspiration and time to research and weigh all the pros and cons of appointing candidates to honorary judicial positions. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. all right, see you soon exactly in a week. we will not die in paris, now i know that for sure. the legend of the ukrainian year with an exclusive program. meet
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united by football, stronger together. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, this is more than an action. telegram is the fastest method of adjusting hits on some objects. that is why, in order to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the relevant bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we're dealing with a mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then emerged in the middle of the night...


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