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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of telegram with the russian special services, now telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, this is more than an action. telegram is the fastest way to correct strokes on any objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we have. deal with
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the mythical trojan horse, which was brought into the city, and then in the middle of the night , an enemy army came out of it. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own, the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, and value the ability to stand. shoulder to shoulder with brothers until the holy victory. anyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together! i greet you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazor. ukraine withdraws american tanks from the battlefield, the associated press reports with reference to high-ranking american military personnel, and as noted, one of the reasons for such a decision was russia's active use of drones. ukraine is becoming more and more difficult for ukraine, more precisely, it is becoming more and more difficult to protect its equipment from attacks, and according to the interlocutors of the publication, tanks are currently too difficult to control on the front lines, russian drones quickly detect and destroy them, in fact. the proliferation of drones on the
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battlefield has meant that there is no open terrain that can be traversed undetected. in 2023, the usa transferred 31 to kyiv abrams tank. five of them, according to the associated press, have already been lost. currently, these tanks are withdrawn from the front line and the us will work with the ukrainians to change tactics. this was announced by the deputy chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, admiral christopher grady. in a conversation with the associated press, he admitted that the concentration of armored vehicles in the conditions of the widespread distribution of drones can be risky, but as he says, tanks, which used to play an important role in the war, exactly what role and what ukraine can do specifically in this situation, we now let's talk. andriy kharuk, professor of the department of humanities of the national academy of land forces named after hetman pyotr sagaidachny, has already joined our broadcast. good evening. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, it turns out to be known. that
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expensive, modern american tanks, which ukraine has been waiting for so long, have now turned out to be irrelevant, unnecessary, such that they cannot be used, they cannot be used in the way they tried, uh, use, there is such an axiom, i love it very much to the cadets to repeat, tanks are not fighting, fighting structures, a tank by itself... is worthless on the battlefield and is too vulnerable, only if it is included in the appropriate structure, here already, based on our realities, it is meant not only the presence of appropriate engineering support there troops, infantry cover, artillery support, but also relevant anti -drone systems. only under such conditions
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will it be possible to use these combat vehicles effectively enough. what about losses? losses in any case, well, they... cannot be avoided, they, they will always be, it's another matter if these losses in technology will be compensated by the corresponding successes, uh, so far, well, we somehow do not see that the use of abrams tanks somewhere on some part of the front led to a turning point, here again, i’m sorry, i developed one more thesis, here is 31. tank. great britain, which has an order of magnitude fewer tanks, hundreds, not thousands, as in the usa, it handed over 14 challengers. the united states of america, which has several thousand abrams, transferred 31 tanks. it is clear that our
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command, realizing that this number will not be replenished in the near future, well decided that it might not be worth risking this technique and holding it for what... here are more, well, let's say so, decisive, decisive actions. and tell me, here is another moment, the associated press reports that ukraine received 31 tanks during the 23rd year, and five of them have already been destroyed. i don't understand, is it a little or is it a lot? so, what do you say about this number, is there no such thing as normal, this, this, this is normal, this, this, well, in general, losses are quite acceptable, from the point of view of technology, because from the point of view of... personal composition no loss well, it is not acceptable in our situation, so it cannot be justified, it is another matter that the same abrams or leopard 2, they provide a much higher chance of survival for the personnel of the crew than tanks
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of soviet origin, well , again, again, again, there must be a replenishment, there must be a replenishment, we see that... even in these new packages announced by the united states, there is talk of tanks, well, there is nothing, so far there is more talk about air defense , well, air defense, there are infantry fighting vehicles, brenkade class, here are artillery shells, actually about tanks, nothing is said about tanks, well, maybe, maybe the americans think that they are not a priority in this situation, well, but in any case - a breakthrough of the enemy's defense, the development of some offensive or counter-offensive actions without tanks, but i will emphasize again that the relevant structures are included, well , it will be difficult to organize it, professor, and tell me, please, about tactics, well, we
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saw the statement of the deputy chairman of the joint chiefs of staff committee, admiral christopher grady, he said that now the abrams are being withdrawn from the battlefield and... the united states, together with ukraine, with the ukrainian military, will work on a change in tactics. i don't know what kind of tactics we are talking about here, fighting without tanks, or tanks with something, defending, building some kind of structures for them. no, well, defending is not a tactical issue anymore, it ’s a technical issue, yes, it’s unlikely that the abrams will be covered with these barns, and we ’ll talk about sarai now, yes, there is such a practice in russia, yes, there , a, but, but is implied after all, most likely i would have missed, what would have been missed, what is meant is the establishment of a clearer interaction between tank units and units of other types of weapons, provision of cover by means of
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reb and means of destruction, i.e. hardkills of own axes against drones , and in this way, in this way... it is possible to achieve success, yes, and one more thing, respectively, and setting tasks in accordance with the capabilities, yes, it is not necessary to set tasks that exceed the capabilities of the same tank battalion , or now incomplete, of the understaffed abramsim tank battalion, and about the sarai, of course, i can't help but ask you, because there are videos on the internet of the russian army, these sarai tanks are multiplying, what kind of machine is this, what's in it? efficiency, i will only add that these are such tanks, barn tanks were seen in the battles for krasnohorivka, the first of which was destroyed in the hangar, the second was stored there or exploded somewhere on mines, well , at least there is a video on the internet, in telegram channels , what is their effectiveness,
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why are they, how effective are they, that's it yes, i don’t know, to sharpen in the design and what function they perform like that, but this is bringing it to... to the point of absurdity, is it possible to restore to a new level the concept of an assault gun, which was popular enough even during the second world war, the germans actually came up with . this concept of an assault gun, it is a tank, er, a tracked combat vehicle without a turret, with a powerful gun installed in the frontal sheet of armor, well , accordingly, due to the fact that there is no gun, the lower profile can be strengthened accordingly, so approximately it is right now the russians are also doing it, that is, as you can see, these tanks of theirs are almost blind, yes, because the view is provided only... go ahead, yes, it is difficult for me to imagine how the commander
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will be able to look at 360°, but from this tank, conduct an inspection, they are the same, and their weapons can fire only forward, at the same time they are quite well protected from the same fpv drones, yes, because not only the tower is closed. from above, but also the motor-transmission compartment, and we can see it, even there, as we look from the front in this hole, where, where the gun is sticking out, yes, it is also closed chains, which are supposed to prevent the actual penetration of these, that is, it is the video of the fividrons, the protection of the video fividrons, in fact, absolutely correct, that is, it is clearly sharpened for one task. for a defense breakthrough, a combat vehicle, it’s already, well, you see, just here you can see these
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chains, but look what, what comes out, russia, i understand, we can laugh at this design, make fun of it, but in fact it turns out that russia has found some methods to protect their tanks, even if they are ridiculous methods, but the modern american abrams that ukraine received, it is forced to withdraw from the battlefield, because there is no protection against fpv drones, well... actually, i wouldn’t say that russia has found, because you yourself said that such tanks are destroyed accordingly, this, well, according to analysts, two cases were recorded there, we we do not know how many were actually destroyed, how many there were, the eternal dialectic of confrontation between armor and projectile, confrontation between shield and sword, there is always such and such a struggle, it is clear that, for some reason , we saw that on the same abrams there , well, even... these visors are against or as it were
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to say grills were not installed against drones, well, maybe the reason is that in the abrams, just like in the leopards, by the way, the ammunition is located in the rear part, you can see the shells, and above them there are special knockout panels, knockout panels that ee when the ammunition is detonated, they simply... fly so that the shock wave goes outside, and not into the combat compartment, does not affect the crew, perhaps the refusal to install these visors, and against fpv drones is due to the presence of these knock-out panels, well i don't know how else it is to explain from a technical point of view, but now we are talking only about american abrams, but ukraine also received british ones. tanks and received german leopard tanks, can
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we now assume that it may happen that ukraine will be forced to withdraw all tanks from the battlefield, or british and german tanks are not so vulnerable to fpv drones, well, actually, as far as we can judge, the british ones are withdrawn there were challenges even earlier, as far as i remember, leopards 2 is used a little. more actively, well, they eventually arrived there a little more, but accordingly, maybe after all they showed themselves better, well , the challenger has a problem with the fact that there are non-standard ammunition, abrams and leopard 2, they are compatible in terms of ammunition, there is a smooth-bore gun, but on the challenger there the same caliber, but not a different gun, special ammunition is needed, maybe there is a certain deficiency in... in this regard, well, but, you see, the loss of combat equipment, it, uh,
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well, it, it's not , should not be a tragedy, because war, during war, equipment is lost, the other issue i was talking about, if these losses are compensated by the corresponding successes, and i will tell you, yes, we will get the f16, but at some point there will come a point when,... the first one is the f-16 will be lost, that's it , well, it’s not inevitable, it’s not inevitable, it can’t be avoided, and well, you still have to treat the equipment like iron, if... there were relevant reports about one of the leopard’s crews, which two or three tanks changed and himself came out of these battles unscathed, because even though the tanks were destroyed, well, that's a good thing, because people after all, trained specialists survived and survived. today, when i saw this news that ukraine is withdrawing abrams, i remembered how in february, the then
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commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi, just before his dismissal, wrote an article about the main tasks for the 24th year, it was called ... modern design of military operations in the war, in the fight for the initiative, by the way, today i tried to find this publication on the website of the armed forces of ukraine, i couldn’t find it anymore, it was deleted, well, there were re-publications, and here he said that in in modern warfare, the use of new technologies there, in particular unmanned systems, will be of decisive importance, and that all this must be increased, developed and so on, and what happened with the abrams, or is it correct to say? is this an illustration of what zaluzhny wrote about? you see, during this russian-ukrainian war of ours, meaning the two and a half years after the full-scale invasion, we had such striking changes in the methods and means of conducting hostilities, about which before
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the start of this full-scale invasion, well, we couldn't even imagine, and... first of all , this is actually this extremely large role of unmanned systems, and not only aviation, but the same sea drones, and now ground drones, yes they appear, that is, yes indeed, indeed, the military, and not only ours, but also those of other countries, may not have been ready for such a thing, i would not say progress, but a change in the way of conducting combat operations. actions, and actually, yes, you can hear such voices that the tank has lived its life, well, but the tank has been in existence for more than a century, ee has shown very good abilities, the ability to adapt to the changed conditions of the battlefield,
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that is, there will definitely be some way that will allow tanks to operate with... with minimal losses on a battlefield saturated with, well, the airspace above which will be saturated with drones, because well, in the end , tanks adapted to other means of anti-tank defense, so they suffer losses from grenade launchers, from anti-tank missile systems, but eh, well, this in no way made it necessary to talk about the decline of tanks as a class of combat vehicles, that is, after all... you can’t to claim that drones there will completely replace tanks, they cannot replace them, they could theoretically supplant them, but as far as i am concerned, this will not happen in the near future, that is , there will be an evolution, there will be an adaptation of tanks and structures , i emphasize once again
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the structures to the actual new conditions of the battlefield. thank you very much for your comment, andriy garuk. professor of the department of humanities of the national academy of land forces named after hetman pyotr sagaidachny was on radio liberty. thank you. russian troops are real the threat of capturing the temporary ravine in donetsk region, although it may not happen quickly. the american institute for the study of war writes about this in its current report. the capture of the city will allow russia to begin further offensive operations against the settlements that form. the ukrainian defense belt in the donetsk region, analysts write. in the same report of the institute, with reference to geolocation footage, it is reported that after a significant advance in the area of ​​the village of ocheretine, which is northwest of avdiivka, russian troops captured novobakhmutivka and advanced to the center of solovyova village. they are gradually stabilizing the ridge formed here and trying to expand it, which threatens
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the further lines of defense of the armed forces in this area. in the current review of british intelligence. it was also reported that during the last week, the advance of russian troops to the west of avdiivka, donetsk region, accelerated, despite heavy losses. there is a possibility that the russian army will be able to constantly strike ukrainian positions in this area, and will also take control of several settlements. what is happening on to donetsk region, we will also talk about this now, volodymyr nazarenko, an artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the rubizh army, has already joined the broadcast. the most reports and publications in the media are devoted to him. and do you see any signs that russian troops may take over in the near future, have the appropriate conditions been created there at the moment, modern war is
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a war where the situation is changing, where there are various threats, but again, what i know from my comrades, in particular from comrades from the fourth brigade of the national guard and from other units of the defense forces, then... the defense forces are doing everything possible with heroic efforts to stop the , repel the orcs' attempts to sneak in, again, the orcs spend all their attempts with frantic bombardment of nearby and distant villages, but the defense forces are making a system so that the orcs do not ... move and this is an extremely serious effort, more moreover, more than half of 90% of the enemy's attempts to advance, they are repulsed, and the enemy
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suffers fails, this is a combined effort, again, of artillerymen, and infantrymen, and attack uavs, and just pilots of copters and uavs of various kinds, again, efforts the enemy is directed not only at the time of the yar, but ... in general, along the entire front, the enemy is looking for weak points where they can advance, they have chosen the tactics of maximum pressure, and the defense forces are operating in dynamic defense conditions, the main task is to grind the main attempts of the enemy to advance and grind down a large number of enemy manpower, and nevertheless, is there now a reason to say that in the near future the russian army has a chance... and an opportunity to capture the time-keeping, something with our
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connection, do you hear me, i am very sorry, actually the situation, well, the threat is that the enemy is constantly firing, constantly striking, constantly trying to storm and... and again, the efforts of the defense forces are aimed at ensuring that all these attempts of the enemy where they fit, they enemy is preparing for each attack, and these attacks are in dozens of places, that is again, this is not only the times, it is also bilogorivka and in the direction of solidar, that is , the notch is fun in the direction of siversk west of solidar, again the enemy is trying to advance and forcefully recapture the positions they lost. in the summer, but again , the most important thing is that most of these attempts by the enemy take place, that is, forced battles, when the enemy attacks, concentrates a huge
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amount of artillery, and equipment, and ammunition, and personnel, conducts training, conducts remote mining, artillery training in all of these is applied by attack uavs, conducts reconnaissance, but the most important thing is that the defense forces even quite often provide all these conditions to the enemy to... accumulate, and answering your question, the threat is always there, but the defense forces neutralize and keep it as much as possible the front line, i do not think it is impossible to break through the front line, with which the defense forces must be ready, and in particular our brigade, in our area where tasks are carried out, my brothers, now in these minutes, in these seconds, ready for any situations , to any... development of events have plan a, plan b, plan c, and take all necessary actions to make all these efforts, attempts of the enemy impossible, but again, modern
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war is a very dynamic war, and in these conditions again, it is necessary to support, it is necessary to believe in the strength of the defense, in the actions that are taken, the efforts of the pilots are very important, i repeat myself again, because they detect all the attempts of the enemy to accumulate, before advancing, the enemy has to place somewhere... these stormtroopers, vladimir, let me just clarify why i already twice i am asking about chasivyar, today, as i have already said, many publications on this topic appeared, and even in the western press, for example, the economist writes, they spoke with colonel pavel fedosenko, and he told them that they were received very happily at the front, of course news that help may soon arrive from the united states, the fighters are expecting it, but he, he and the other fighters with whom the journalists go, still suspect that the yar times will eventually fall and that, well, american help already, he will not will wait for
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american help, and it is already... already i am asking you, it is unlikely that he can help, or do you share such predictions? i hope and believe that the defense forces are doing their best, my brothers, who are again doing their best to remove the attempts to repel the threshold where the defense line is now, so what will happen, i understand that you, you hope , that this will not happen, outline the situation, what will happen if russia seizes the times? there is a risk that the front line, in principle, we see, it is quite static, there are no sharp protrusions, sharp formations that would threaten some kind of tactical or more strategic rather big risk, and again, deep state map, it is a map as accurately as possible, but again it may not reflect
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the situation that the general has. . which the relevant military in the relevant areas of the brigades’ defense, which may not even be published, and the threat is the loss of any kilometer, any square meter of ukrainian land, because it is ukrainian land, has really been opened since the time of yar operational space, we are what we see on the map, it is not a secret, the following ravines of the cities of kostyantynivka, drushkivka, kramatorsk, sloviansk, etc., but again - the defense forces will hold defenses and hold defenses where they are held, and the main goal in the dynamic defense that is going on right now is - well, you won't believe the emotions that every soldier, every officer has when he sees a gunner pilot a uav, when he sees a shell or an fpv, a drone or other high-precision weaponry or just weaponry destroys the melee even one or two of three occupiers, blows up equipment, destroys an enemy mortar or an enemy
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cannon, and again under these... conditions, i believe that the defense forces and my comrades grind the occupiers every day, on the lines where they are now standing , and, but in these conditions , the main priority is to save the life of every ukrainian soldier, really happy news, er, more precisely, motivating news for many soldiers, for many military about american help. for me, as an artilleryman, it is extremely important that these are ammunition for... artillery of various calibers, which will simply increase our firepower, in a certain way will be able to add pluses on the scales, in order to counteract the firepower and those tons, tens of tons, in general, the insane amount of ammunition that the enemy possesses, in order to repel those attempts of the enemy to advance, again after all, it is the highest priority, it is to suppress the enemy artillery, not to allow the enemy
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to fire with impunity, because... to attack the near, far rear, the zero line of defense, in principle, the position of the defense forces of ukraine and in these conditions, it is possible, well, to try to get advantage in the quality and quantity of firepower, therefore, answering your question, i believe that the defense forces will daily and continue to grind a huge number of invaders every day, and that sooner or later the occupiers will end, accordingly, the mostly unsuccessful ones will end. the enemy's attempts to advance in many parts of the east and the front line in general, and then, accordingly, and i believe, i hope that sooner or later and sooner rather than later , the territories of ukraine will take place, as they took place near kharkiv, near kherson, we will free every inhabitant point, we will release, unfortunately,
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temporarily occupied territories. thank you very much, volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine. rubizh, we talked about the situation in donetsk region, and our colleagues, radio liberty correspondents, the film crew also visited the lyman region, also in donetsk region. look what they managed to capture there. we are located in the lyman direction. the orcs are climbing, the situation is tense. we go to the position, to the position of my artillery unit, where we perform various fire task, compared to soviet equipment, of course, it is much better, at least it is made by people for people, we worked on 2s3, we worked on 2s5, trofeyna and now
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we are working on this one on...


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