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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine rubizh, we talked about the situation in donetsk region, and our colleagues, radio liberty correspondents, the film crew also visited the lyman region, also in donetsk region. look what they managed to capture there. we are in the lyman direction, the orcs are climbing, the situation is tense. we are going to the position, to the firing position of my artillery unit. where we perform various firing tasks, compared to soviet equipment, of course, it is much better, at least it is made by people for people, we worked on 2s3, we worked on 2s5 trophy, and now we work on this one on... 109 109 there is a computer into which
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data is entered and transferred, it is killed and then it is guided, it is already guided with a joystick, no need to turn, no need to do anything that is, there is a minimum of physical work, and we don’t have a bull in our cars, well, ammunition, so what if a lancet arrives, the car burns out completely right before leaving, well, when the command to battle sounds, we load it, we are told which bulls we will shoot at, we load the tbk and we already go to the position, we shoot it, and you have it written here exactly what type of drone flies, and what and what now the lancet, the zalocorok helps, it helps, it scares more, the hall, for example,
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if we leave, we won’t have to wait long, literally minutes five and they are already somewhere with us, either sticking out in the armor or sticking out in front of the armor, well, he is somewhere in the vicinity of a kilometer from us, showing a lancet , a lancet curve, they want to hit someone, but no one, a digital fire injection system, a tracked base and yaku turret... this is an american self-propelled gun
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artillery installation m-109 paladin and it is currently operating in the liman direction. this year, the first f-16 fighter jets with trained pilots and personnel will begin arriving in ukraine. this was stated by the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, during a meeting of the members of the contact group on the defense of ukraine, also known as ramstein. so, during ramstein, austin announced that the united states would allocate another $1 billion military aid package to ukraine. according to him, the allies
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will pay special attention to the strengthening of ukrainian air defense. listen. ukraine is acute needs more air defense systems and urgently needs more interceptors. this will be a huge priority for all of us today. ukraine also needs more artillery and armored vehicles to protect its citizens and regain stolen territory. and we will do everything in our power to help them. earlier too. the us publication politico, citing two unnamed us government officials, reported that the us is putting the final touches on another of its largest military aid packages, and as part of rammstein also, well, they should, or maybe in the future they will announce it, it is about a package worth 6 billion dollars, and these 6 billion will be taken from the general aid package from the united states for 61 billion, which was recently signed by joe biden, the publication writes about this policy, the publication also said that the package... includes patriot air defense systems
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, artillery ammunition, drones, drone weapons with drones and air missiles, air for aircraft, but there are nuances, this package is a contract. with american companies for the production of new weapons and ammunition for ukraine, and therefore these batches will probably not arrive in ukraine soon, the publication says. that equipment, which also includes munitions for hymers and nasams, likely won't arrive in ukraine for several years, as the money is allocated under the ukraine security assistance initiative. the pentagon signs contracts with american defense companies for... the production of new equipment for ukraine, as opposed to using the reserves available in the united states. well and we already talked today about the fact that american aid is currently very much expected on the ukrainian front. i propose to briefly listen to the comments of the ukrainian military in this regard. everything is fine, but a little
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earlier would be better. why is this help important to us? there is an opportunity to defend your territory. we are very dependent on ar'. artillery shells and equipment, these artillery shells allow you to defend your territory at least, the equipment allows you to make three-hundred, even two-hundred-year-old well, it is also impossible to do rotations without using a regular machine, what you need the most, ammunition, which is artillery, artillery saves the blood of the infantry, artillery saves the blood of the infantry. serhii kudelya, professor of political science at baylor university, has already joined our broadcast. good evening, good evening, serhii, tell me, is it possible to state that now, after the aid for ukraine was voted on and biden signed it, the tension in the american
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political community has subsided, are you still awake? the tension remains, it seems to me, it is the only one intensifies as we as we can see, as we saw from the results of the vote, in the house of representatives, the majority of republicans voted against providing aid to ukraine, and this six-month process, which was accompanied by a large number of negative information emissions against ukraine, did not stop, it continues, it continues , it will continue in the form of attempts to remove mike johnson from'. from the speakership of the house of representatives, and that significant part of the republicans, as i said, the majority republicans in the house of representatives, they do not change their point of view, and they will continue to defend the position that providing aid to ukraine is not in
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the interests of the united states. therefore, unfortunately, it seems to me that with the beginning of the presidential campaign and with the appearance of trump as the main candidate, the topic of... ukraine will continue to be actively debated, but look, the same law provides that after 45 days, after as it was voted, joe biden has to present it to the congress strategy, because he was constantly reproached for saying that we are helping ukraine, but there is no strategy here, why, why, for how long, what do you expect to see in this strategy, how important is it, well, joe biden cannot provide a strategy. the strategy can only be given victory by the ukrainian leadership, and from the point of view of the interests of the united states, the strategy has been formulated repeatedly in various documents and by various high-ranking officials, and it is that the united states should help ukraine only as much as is necessary in order to
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ukraine was able to liberate all its territories. this goal was formulated two years ago, and it remains the same. republicans, some republicans, unfortunately... use the theme of strategy to emphasize to their constituents that america is locked in a war that has no end, and this argument that this war has no end, unfortunately , it it will be very difficult to overcome, because an ordinary document, it will not be able to level this argument in any way, and this doc this argument can only level changes in the field battle only progress, only a successful counteroffensive by the ukrainian military, is the only thing that can nullify this argument. and politically, i will say this, and for donald trump, who you mentioned, and for joe biden, how
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has this decision of congress on bailout affected them? let's face it, who won and scored political points from this, who, on the contrary, lost, and what, is there anything to discuss here and what and what to celebrate? well, it's obvious that joe biden actually scored extra points in the sense that his demands were met, they, he... was able to achieve his political goals, namely to achieve the necessary aid to ukraine this year, that is, from this point of view , joe biden definitely won, but we also understand that donald trump, he somewhat publicly changed his position, he moved away from such radical opposition and said , that maybe in the future we will have to provide assistance to ukraine in the form of a posture, that is, we see a gradual change in the public. donald trump on the eve of the presidential campaign, but at the same time we see that many of his
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supporters continue to advocate quite anti-ukrainian positions, and this gives me reason to assert that, in fact, privately donald trump does not change his views. well, actually, i wanted to ask what could have influenced him then, so that he at least publicly changed his views, and when you say that he might not have changed them privately, what does that mean? this means that he wants to minimize the risks for himself, because, as we can see, most military analysts and heads of, for example, the central intelligence agency have said that there are serious risks in case of not giving ukraine aid related to the success of the russian, the russian offensive, and if in the summer, as we know. and the president of ukraine spoke about this, that there are plans of the russian leadership to carry out a major counteroffensive, and if the russians
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achieved some success in the summer, and this happened primarily because the ukrainians do not have enough weapons, then the responsibility for this was transferred primarily to donald trump, and it could hurt, hurt his presidential campaign, which is why i think trump took such a neutral position precisely in order to minimize... risks in the event that ukraine, ukraine finds itself in a very difficult situation, but this topic will return in the fall, closer to the elections or after the elections, so closer to the elections, during, when, when the presidential the campaign will already reach, will already begin to develop, now we will get to the election, i'll ask you, i also wanted to ask about mike johnson, because i saw that numerous publications were devoted to ... the evolution of mike johnson, how his term as speaker began there and
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after all, how changed his decision about in ukraine, ukrainians, some say that his christian values ​​and convictions prevailed, some say that he was actually convinced by american intelligence, because he saw some kind of catastrophe there if ukraine did not receive help. what do you think about this , who or what played a decisive role in the fact that johnson changed his position, maybe even donald trump played you? i think that without some assurances from donald trump, it would take longer for mike johnson to change his position. donald trump, i think, gave it to him after all certain guarantees that he will not be removed from his position. and, as we understand, the significant position of the republicans in the house of representatives mostly depends on the views of donald trump. at the same time, it is difficult to make any final conclusions. conclusions that forced johnson to reconsider his positions, that is, he
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must have felt the burden of responsibility to some extent, nevertheless, as one of the key public officials, now in the united states of america, and understood, and understands, realizes that he is basically advocating not only the interests of a narrow group of radical republicans but he defends the interests of the united states in the world. and perhaps this, this awareness somehow helped to convince him, to push him to act more fundamentally in matters of providing aid not only to ukraine, but also to taiwan and israel, because, as we know, this decision to provide aid was made, passed as a package, and it involved giving aid to three nations, meaning that the united states is standing up for its own. positions in the world are geopolitical not only in one region, but globally. you
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mentioned the election, and quite a few european officials and officials assumed that due to the fact that there will be elections in the usa in the fall, this was most likely the last aid package for ukraine, do you share these opinions? well, i don't think there's any doubt that this was the last bailout, well, given that we have six months... to convince some of the republicans to support this bailout, with the presidential election coming up, it's obvious that this, as i already said, the turmoil will only intensify. here it is important to emphasize one argument, it is that there is a certain logic of the actions of this part of the republican wing, the radical populist wing, let's call it that, and it is connected with the fact that they believe that with trump's victory, ukraine should be forced to peace, using putin's rhetoric, and these people, they like to use different
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russian narratives, kremlin narratives, and they say that... america has very serious influence on the ukrainian leadership, and they consist in the fact that america can at any moment convince, force zelenskyi to go to peace talks with putin and agree on the cessation of hostilities. and this is already directly articulated by key supporters of donald trump. they say that we need to wait for the elections and then give trump the opportunity to sit down at the negotiating table, or rather force zelensky and putin to negotiate. and that is why , in the near future, that is , until the end of the presidential campaign, unfortunately, the new ukraine will certainly not receive any help. thank you very much for your comment. serhii kudelya, professor of political science at baylor university, we talked about american aid and what political
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consequences, political consequences, including for the united states, this aid will have and has. thank you for what happened. with us, for today we have everything, svoboda live will be back on the air on monday, and in the meantime, subscribe to the channels of radio svoboda on the internet, in this way you will support our work, there are discounts on bizyn, 20% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings . there are 15% discounts on zip-elor in travel pharmacies. pam and savings. champions league semi-finals only on mego. four are the best european teams and only two places in the final. bayern real and borussia-psg. turn on april 30 and may 1. exclusively on meggo. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps. 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. there are discounts on the room.
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15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, keep up with economic news, time for that, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news.
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presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. also distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what ours will look like
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accession to the eu. the project is close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday from... with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestri eu. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday's political club, huh? saturdays at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together stronger
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the search for 16-year-old danylo pyatnytsky, who disappeared at the end of last year under very mysterious circumstances in slovakia, where he lived and studied since september 2023, has been going on for the fourth month. looking for a boy, his mother. it is hard to imagine what a woman has experienced during these months of unknowns, in what state she is in, but mrs. anastasia is doing everything possible to find her son or to find out at least some information that can help in the search. i appeal to all concerned citizens with a request, if anyone can help in in search of my missing son, danylo pyatnytskyi 08/24/2006. year of birth, unfortunately, there is still no information, he disappeared on december 22, 2023. dani's mother told us that
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he enjoyed studying at the university abroad, he called her and said that he was doing well, but unfortunately, he is not on december 22. also, the boy's mother told some very suspicious details. danylo studied in bratislava at the university of the name. comensky at the faculty of management, and lived in a center for children and families in the village of bernolakovo, which about an hour's drive to bratislava. however, as it turned out, in the room where danya lived, after his disappearance, clothes and scattered things were found. i was informed that his foreign passport was torn up in his room, everything that could be beaten, although it is not at all similar to my son's behavior, i don't know, even. what must happen for him to behave like that. the boy's mother has no idea where her son might be. he does not understand at all how this could happen, but
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he assumes that danya could not contact this by the company moreover, after his disappearance , it became known that he had not attended school since november, although he had not told his mother about it. i don't know, we already thought, maybe he is in some company, i don't know, he has some friends, maybe. there were very good ones, not very decent ones, because i talked to a girl who studied with him in zaporizhzhia, in our city, they graduated from the gymnasium, and she also went to this university, only she has a different department, a different faculty, and she told me that on the eve of his disappearance on december 21, they met in the evening, and he said some such incongruous things, that is, what is slovak behind him... the fsb or the sbr is investigating that he has a bug on his phone, that is, she said that he had some paranoid, well, there were some thoughts, he said
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such incongruous things, that she never, well, there was no such thing behind him, that is, we think that maybe there are some narcotics there, he contacted some company, so if you have at least some information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or if possible you ... . to hang out in slovakia and suddenly see danya or learn something about him, right away call 1163, it's the only european missing child line that works in 28 european countries, so if you 're in europe and want to report a missing child, or god forbid, you have a missing child yourself , do not delay and call the single european hotline for missing children from your mobile phone. you will receive professional help, support and step-by-step instructions on how to act in such a situation.
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you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program chas tym. my name is maria olyanovska. congratulations. at the end of the saturated last week in washington, the usa announced new military aid to ukraine in the amount of 6 billion dollars. this was announced by the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, following the results of the meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine. the russians increased their own production. they are also supported by north korea and iran. i hope that thanks to the opportunities and... resources that we have provided, ukraine will have the opportunity not only to hold back, but also to restore its additional capabilities - noted austin. the details of this assistance are in the direct language of the minister.
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i am also pleased to announce today about an additional commitment of $6 billion, the largest amount of security assistance we have committed to date. it will include vital interceptors for ukraine's patriot and nasams air defense systems, more anti-drone systems and support equipment, and significant amounts of artillery ammunition. and air ground munitions, as well as maintenance and support. the aid announced by austin is the order of new weapons for ukraine from american manufacturers within the framework of the initiative promoting the security of ukraine. let's talk more about what this means with yulia yarmolenko, who joins from the white house. hello, yuli. congratulations, maria. yulia, given the specifics of this initiative, when can we expect the promised
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capabilities in ukraine? maria, let's first explain to our viewers that we will once again remind you that there are two main programs under which the united states provides military aid to ukraine. the first is the so-called program of presidential powers, when weapons are taken directly from the stocks of the united states and is sent to ukraine. this is a fast program. in this way, weapons can reach ukraine in a matter of days or even weeks. and it was under such a program that this week in ukraine, the united states allocated one weapon worth $1 billion. now this second program stands out. arms is an initiative to promote the security of ukraine. these 6 billion, which lloyd austin announced today, will go to ensure that ukraine concludes contracts for such an amount with american manufacturers, so that these manufacturers will make weapons for ukraine and send them directly to of ukraine. this program is a long-term program, and weapons do not hit the battlefield immediately. now, today , minister osina was asked how long it will take
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until the moment... this 6 billion worth of weapons can get to ukraine. lloyd austin said that it all depends on the type of weapons, because we know that this tranche includes ammunition, and artillery systems, and shells for these artillery systems, and accordingly he said that the weapons will come according to how quickly they are produced american companies, and he also said that for his part he would do everything to make it happen as soon as possible. from previous experience, maria, we know that it can take several months, from a few months, to a year, or even more than a year, to send weapons under this program. julius, before this rimshtein meeting today, president zelensky emphasized: ukraine critically needs patriots. is the us encouraging european countries to share these capabilities? how is this issue progressing now? yes, today president zelensky is, in fact, at the beginning of this meeting made it very clear that he wanted to see not only additional missiles for
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the patriot systems, but also missiles themselves. installations, which are extremely important for the protection of ukrainian cities and ukrainian civilians, and today lloyd austin was directly asked whether this was discussed at the meeting, and whether lloyd austin was able to convince any other countries to share this installation. lloyd austin said that it was definitely talked about, and he said that we'll see the results of those conversations later, but he gave some interesting details, maria, he said he is personally working with the defense ministers of a number of european countries to get them to share what they have in their installations. patriot, and he specifically said that you saw that i had several conversations with european defense ministers, i looked at who he had a conversation with, they were the defense ministers of sweden, the netherlands, romania, great britain and greece, and at the moment we do not see, that there are some positive signals from these countries that they would be ready to share their installations. lloyd austin said that it is definitely because these countries appreciate, in fact, that they have such capabilities, but he also said that the work is ongoing and that...


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