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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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additional missiles to the patriot systems, but also the installations themselves, which are extremely important for the protection of ukrainian cities and ukrainian civilians, and today lloyd austin was directly asked whether this was discussed at the meeting and whether lloyd austin was able to convince any other countries to share this installation. loydin said that they definitely talked about it, and he said that we'll see the results of those conversations later, but he gave some interesting details to maria. he said that he is personally working with the defense ministers of a number of european countries to ensure that they... shared that they have their patriot installations and he specifically said that you saw that i had several conversations with european defense ministers, i looked up who he had a conversation with, they were the defense ministers of sweden, the netherlands, romania, great britain and greece, and at the moment we do not see that there are any positive signals from these countries that they would be ready to share their installations. lloyd austin said that certainly it is because these countries value, in fact, having these capabilities, but he also said that the work continues and what... jen stoltenberg, nato's ceo,
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also had a conversation a week ago with all the defense ministers of the nato countries so that they would take this step and lloyd austin admitted that they are talking to their european partners that they will have to take itself a small risk. let's listen. i can tell you that we continue to work very seriously on this. all countries that have patriots certainly appreciate this capability, but i think that... in the future , we can hopefully work with several countries to provide an additional system patriot. you may have noticed that over the past few days i have been talking face-to-face with some of my european colleagues to discuss this and other issues. we will continue to work on this until we have the necessary capabilities. we will continue to emphasize that we are forced to ask countries to take on a little more risk so that we
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defense that ukraine needs, there are other installations, and he said that he is also working with various partners so that maybe they can provide other air defense installations, and that may happen rather. yulia, we are also waiting for the united states to present its strategy for ukraine, did the officials of the ministry of defense talk about this today? they asked today. lloyd austin and general brown about what the strategy of the united states is, and lloyd austin said that the main strategy remains the same, that the united states wants ukraine to be an independent, sovereign, democratic country, and they are working on it, and he said that ukraine can be successful if ukraine has the equipment it needs, and that's what we know congress did approve this week of additional funding for ukraine in the amount of more than $60 billion, from which the united states could already allocate its own. two
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aid packages, this first billion dollar package with the president's powers of attorney, and now this $6 billion long-term aid package. today , charles brown was also asked directly whether ukraine can win? he said that ukraine, now the entire strategy of the united states, all attention is focused on the fact that ukraine can defend themselves, but he also said they believe ukraine can be successful. exactly what this additional funding can do, help shape the future. you ask about how long its effect will be. i think there is already some effect in the near term, because now ukrainians don't have to save what they have, because they know that certain things are coming from this package and additional packages will come thanks to the additional funding that is provided to them more flexibility and opportunities.
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thank you yuli! about the results of the regular meeting of yulia yarmolenko told us about ramshtein format and new aid for ukraine from the usa. meanwhile, us secretary of state anthony blinkin, who is visiting beijing, beijing, said washington is fully prepared to impose sanctions against china over its support for the russian defense industry. during a meeting with... chinese president xi jinping on friday , blinkin's top priority was ending beijing's support for russia's war in ukraine. if china does not solve this problem, then we will do it, blinken said. china is the leading supplier machine tools, microelectronics and nitrocellulose for the production of ammunition and rocket fuel, as well as other dual -purpose goods that moscow uses to increase its turnover. an industrial base for
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the production of missiles, drones, tanks and other weapons that president putin is using to invade a sovereign country to destroy its energy system and other civilian infrastructure. to kill innocent children, women and men. it would be difficult for russia to continue its attack on ukraine without the support of china. blinken burdened china sanctions if the country does not stop this cooperation. however, analysts say this can be difficult because dual -use equipment is difficult to control. it can be exported for seemingly legitimate reasons to legitimate business partners. in addition, the shutdown of chinese banks. of the us financial system could harm the world economy and the american economy. china, in turn, defends trade with russia, saying it is within normal economic relations. it is unlikely that china will take any serious steps in response to the threat of sanctions from the us. obviously, this topic could worsen relations
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between the countries, which observers say have only recently begun to improve. meanwhile , us president joe biden plans to triple tariffs on certain steel imports. from china because he says they are hurting us jobs. with this statement, he addressed metallurgists in pennsylvania, a state that could play a leading role during this presidential campaign. andriy borys will tell the details. president joe biden told pennsylvania steelworkers he would protect their jobs from cheap chinese imports. and prices are unfairly low, because china's steel companies don't need to worry. about making a profit because the chinese government has subsidized them so heavily, they don't compete, they're a fraud, and we're seeing losses here in america. biden promised to stand up to unfair chinese competition, calling beijing xenophobic. chinese foreign ministry spokesman lin jiang says
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the accusations of xenophobia are hypocritical on the part of the country, which he believes should be abolished protectionist measures against china. china is aware of the relevant information. china would like to ask, are you talking about china or the us itself? biden's measures against chinese steel will complement tariffs imposed by his predecessor, donald trump, who imposed a 25 percent tax on certain types of chinese steel. in a statement to voa , trump's staff said the biden campaign is criticizing president trump's effective tariffs on china, while the white house plans to back off. similar tariffs. at the trump headquarters, the team added biden is run by either hypocrites or people who don't know what they're doing. one of the differences in the approach of the candidates is that trump has used tariffs more widely to influence new trade agreements, said rachel ziemba, a representative of the center for a new american
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security. they used the tariffs in part as leverage to reset the trade side of things. now the biden administration is using tariffs, trying to make more of them. targeted, but they also use industrial policy and other incentives to try to encourage production in the united states, for foreign and american companies to enter, to invest in the united states. the pennsylvania steel workers are an important voice in the state that can help swing the election in favor of either candidate. biden's campaign headquarters released a commercial featuring pennsylvania metallurgist jojo burgess. now we have the most supportive. american workers president than at any time in history. there is only one person donald trump cares about, and that is donald trump. trump campaigned for union voices during a century-long auto strike, telling workers that the biden administration's rules are encroaching on their jobs. the car
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industry is being killed and it doesn't matter what you get. i don't care what you get in the next two, three or five weeks. they will be closing down and will be making these cars. in china and elsewhere. an nbc news poll earlier this year found union voters favoring biden over trump, but by a narrower margin than in the 2020 election. andriy borys, scott stearns, voice of america. on april 26, ukraine celebrates the anniversary of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. could a nuclear disaster happen again? now at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which has been occupied by russian troops for more than two years. these concerns have intensified in recent weeks, amid claims by russian authorities about alleged drone strikes launched by kyiv on the station. the ukrainian authorities rejected the accusations, and international experts called it armed
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disinformation by moscow. what is the biggest threat to the armed forces, maria found out prussia during the two years of occupation, russian forces actually transformed zaporizhzhia as, peace. a nuclear facility on a military base, - says oleg korikov, chief state inspector for nuclear and radiation safety of ukraine. it was reported about the facts of mining, ah-ah. within the boundaries of promaydanchiki, within the perimeter of the nuclear power plant, the premises of the nuclear power plant, the occupiers use military equipment blasters as a shelter for their weapons, this was also documented once by experts of the ministry of internal affairs and communications, who are constantly at the nuclear power plant. korikov, who began his career as a naz circuit breaker, says: now in... all six power units are in a state of cold shutdown, this carries fewer risks in the event
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of an accident at the station, despite this, he calls the safety situation at the station, significantly degraded. the kakhov reservoir, which was previously used to provide water supply to the nuclear power plant, has actually disappeared. we have 10 power transmission lines along which it was transported. electricity from zaporizhzhya as to ukraine and vice versa, now only remains connected two lines, 331 and one 750, so we already had eight events related to the complete shutdown of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, its disconnection from the power grid with the activation of backup diesel power plants in order to ensure. accordingly, the safe state of the nuclear reactor. radiobiologist olena perenyuk investigates
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the safety of as. she says that a disaster comparable to chernobyl and fukushima is unfolding imperceptibly at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. yes, there are no emissions into the environment, but it is rather happy coincidence, let's say so. we are so used to the fact that all possible rules for the operation of nuclear facilities are violated there every day, that we simply have one more rule. the rule is less, one offense is more, one offense is less, but in fact it is a danger not only for ukraine, it is a danger for the whole world. in general, for the ukrainian energy system, perenyuk considers zs lost. we've already lost the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, so uh, i'm not sure what needs to be done to get it back up and running because we we do not know what exactly the russians mined. i don't think that the russians remember very well what kind of loose units they
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mined, and start this nuclear plant without going through it literally in small, small pieces and making absolutely sure that every node, every bolt is safe, in her opinion, the greatest danger may arise if the russian occupying forces, as they themselves declare, do try to start... start up reactors for energy production. i doubt it, but if so, and if it is atomic station, it will start, that is , a chain reaction will start and something will happen there, the disaster can be terrible. plus, we must not forget that there is no source of cooling there, that is, the kokhov sea has gone, and so far several dozen wells have been drilled on the territory of the zaporizhzhia airfield. and there is enough water from the wells to cool the cooled reactors, it will not be enough
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to cool the operating reactor. also, russia declares about the alleged strikes of drones on the territory of the zas. the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense has already denied it involvement of ukraine. and a recent report by the german greenpeace testified that most likely the russians themselves launched these drones for provocation. harvard university researcher. maryana budzherin says that there is no direct danger that the drone could immediately cause an accident, it is more about a disinformation campaign. recently, there have been several reports and a number of reports about torture and torture , which have been taking place for some time, against workers, ukrainian workers, workers from the as, and. there anyway in energodar, as well as at and at zs. several more reports were circulated that the equipment
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at the military base is now in a very poor condition. it seems to me that this escalation is so that the russians can divert attention and now put ukraine in a position where ukraine has to defend itself against these accusations on international platforms. however, korikov says that he will challenge the authority of ukraine as a state. that adheres to international safety rules for nuclear facilities, there is no such thing as kyiv is deprived of the ability to guarantee safety at nuclear facilities. instead, he says, under doubt, it is the authority of international organizations, decisions. is ignored by the aggressor country. the iaea regularly publishes reports on the situation at the nuclear power plant, but there they note that russian forces do not allow the agency's inspectors access to many premises and galleries of power units. it's generally believed that the presence of the magatai and their monitors there, well that's a positive, positive thing, but we all
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know also that this mission, it's limited in what it can see and when it can see. these experts, they move around the station only under the supervision of russians, yes, from certain ones special services and so on, their translators, these are also russians, and those people who give them or don't give them access to what they want to see and check there. kurikov explains that the leadership of the magat in vienna is under significant russian influence, in particular due to the presence in the leadership... of a significant number of russian citizens and the continued cooperation of the organization with moscow, this raises doubts about the impartiality of the agency. as for the current situation at the armed forces, he says, the ukrainian authorities are preparing for any scenario, including a radiation accident. in general, the amount of nuclear material, the amount of radioactive waste, the amount of fuel
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is, therefore, very large, and, er,... it is possible at the zaporizhia npp, in the state in which it is now, with personnel, with water supply, with electricity consumption , a radiation accident is quite possible, and let's say this, the options for managing its consequences are very limited, since it is a militarized station, and, let's say, the main goal is precisely... a military base, nor the safe operation of a nuclear installation, then, we are not we exclude any, shall we say, events. kurikov says that because that ukraine is deprived of the opportunity to guarantee zayasbezpek, in order to prevent an accident at the largest nuclear power plant in europe, the international community is forced
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to rely only on the mht inspectors present there. maria prus, maxim shulga, voice of america. it has been 38 years since the fourth reactor at the chernobyl nuclear power plant started up. for most, the territory of the worst nuclear disaster in human history is a zone of alienation, but for some it is also home. lesya bakalets will tell more. in the zone of alienation, you can hear the sound of silence. human activity almost completely stopped here 38 years ago. nature, on the contrary, filled all the free space. in chernobyl it is such a pleasure, as those who come say, but it suits us, that is, it is quiet, calm here, the liquidator volodymyr verbytskyi calls the exclusion zone simply home, he spent his childhood and youth here in pripyat, he still remembers the fastest way to the house where he lived, although it is not easy to see the nine-story building behind the trees at first. the first floor is the windows,
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exactly the bedrooms, on that side was the hall. despite constant work in the zone, volodymyr rarely comes here. memories of the past, of youth, they are better if you look at the photos of those times, as you enter this already destroyed, almost destroyed apartment. the views of the city, which have long since become the infamous business cards of pripyat, are personal memories for volodymyr. here is an amusement park that never got off the ground. there used to be a lawn here, not trees. and this hotel was not... characterized by high-quality service, i see it every day, here are people who do not see it and see it, for example, after 20 years, their pressure increases, and different bad things can end here, because youth has passed here, they still have a picture in their head of those times when they left, the night of april 26, 1986
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, volodymyr remembers it hourly. it was a day off, and i was just reading for a long time in the kitchen, and somewhere around 3-4 o'clock in the morning , the dispatcher came and said that something had happened at the station, and i had to go to work tomorrow. volodymyr recalls, they were taken to the station by bus, he saw the scale of the disaster from the window. they saw that there was none reactor, simply the collapse of the reactor shaft. for specialists, this, i say, is catastrophic. at that time, volodymyr worked as a defect inspector and at first his services at the station were unnecessary, so he was able to collect his wife and son for evacuation. we didn't take anything except children's clothes, well... we wrapped the children's clothes in several balls there in this very thing, we took them for ourselves only to change clothes, to change clothes, they said there two or three days,
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once again at the end of the year, already after how the sarcophagus was built, allowed to be taken there, for example, family photos, we took them, i took away books, i had about 500 of them there, that is, they took them away, we did not take any forks, spoons, plates, or anything at all. in other words, no one took the furniture, because it could not be brought in, because we arrived by bus and left by bus. volodymyr returned to the station in the same may and stayed for another year, and then moved to work in the exclusion zone, which was then already determined 30 km around chas. we try our best to secure the exclusion zone, we let's not touch nature, let it give it by its own forces, and it happens. but even after almost four decades, the ozone dosimeter is constantly on. warns of an invisible danger, well, 137 or 142 micro-x-rays is five times higher than what is allowed for ukraine. in the
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exclusion zone in the city of chornobyl, volodymyr survived the second evacuation, already on february 24 , 2022. the day before, he had finished his 15th day shift and in the morning he and his wife were going to go home to kyiv. on the siren couple first. didn't pay attention. when was scarier? april 26 or february 24? february 24. of what well, because we understood that then we understood that we lost the station and the city, here we are losing the state. volodymyr and his wife managed to leave, but lyudmila kozak did not. that morning she was at the station itself, which was occupied almost immediately. we could not understand at all what was happening because there was so much. equipment, heavy equipment, and there were quite a lot of little black men, in two hours we were told that we were captured. lyudmila kozak got there
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to the chernobyl zone as a child, after the accident, her parents came here from lviv as liquidators, they were told by the factory who would go, who wanted, well, both father and mother agreed and came here, and that's how our chernobyl life began. on february 24, ludmila was also supposed to finish her shift, but instead she spent an additional 20 days at the station, in the same room with three colleagues. we were allowed to go out three times for half an hour, it was the dining room, it was a medical examination, and it was a shower. we had our own schedule, we can say, three hours at a time, we work, 3 hours a day rest, because the eyes hurt a lot, and 3 hours of sleep. all. blown away, workers lost consciousness, but continued to work, lyudmila says. at that time, russian soldiers used the station as a recreation base.
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they said so themselves. this is our sanatorium, recreation base. there will be no bombings here, and you can have a great rest. we chose the dose very quickly. well, what to do? who will work , all the same, it was necessary to work. so they tried to prevent it. people in those areas as little as possible, just quickly did something quickly and that's it, and not to go there again. russian soldiers, lyudmila says, did not respond to the bans in the zone, dug trenches in the red radioactive forest, and ate local animals. then they killed a moose, they also roasted a goat , they also had a birthday there, they celebrated. a standard human shift is 12 hours. then, during the occupation, she spent 600 at work, then them. were let out of the station, other chas employees came to replace them. we stayed there, as it turned out, we were captured, and when you voluntarily go into captivity, these are
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just heroes. the russians left station 3 april lyudmila returned to work in three months, despite the protests of her family. it was interesting to come here first, it's interesting, you look at it, it's all broken, it's all so looted, it's so terrible. and again when they arrived here. when we left here there were a lot of people, so many that we have never had so many people at the station, and when we arrived, we will say goodbye here on this, take care and see you soon, there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel 30% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts on
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cheetahs. 15% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on bizyn - 20% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. war. russia against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu.
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vitaly portnikov and a guest. of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. events, events happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our
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future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good evening, today in the verdict program i will be your serhii rudenko, and i am terribly happy about it. we just had the opportunity to listen to the briefing on the results of the 21st. kuramstein, they heard everything themselves, there colleagues, journalists from various publications are being trained by representatives of veromshtein, and my colleagues, journalists, are also ready to analyze the most important topics of this week in all pairs, and today with me in the verdict program will be our colleague larisa voloshina, whom we congratulate, as well as oleksiy mustafina, journalist and. ..
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journalist danylo mokryk, this is what kind of company we have, friends, i congratulate you, well, i decided that so about the iron forks, knives and spoons that will be removed from russian airports and from airplanes so that terrorists do not use them there, about why lutsk city council banned the cultivation of bananas in lutsk, the famous volyn bananas, we will not talk about that, but about the fact that the leader of the majority of the us senate chuck schumer has now become honorary... chortkova is definitely worth talking about, this is the most important topic, of course, as on ramstein, this is the unblocking of all these 61 billion dollars of aid for ukraine, and in this case, your colleagues ask about the reaction to them from russia as an aggressor country, we see that there is no single method, some say that it will not give anything
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to the armed forces . of ukraine at the front, others from they sit in skabeev with sad faces and talk about the ukrainian atakams. why this time the disinformation machine suddenly broke down precisely on this american aid. mrs. larisa, you are probably the first to start. well, in my opinion, the russians did not expect ukraine to receive this aid, they absolutely believed that ... uh, the trumpists, johnson and such, and trump himself, would drag the election and then they would negotiate with by putin i don't know why there was such a belief, maybe there were some agreements, maybe there were some hopes, and this is introduced with the russians. let's remember that last time, when, er, trump was elected president, champagne was uncorked in russia, they sincerely believed that he was now their president, and that's why...


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