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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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there is one point that is not paid attention to: there are citizens of ukraine who are now between 18 and 25 years old, they cannot be mobilized according to the new law, but they are not allowed to leave the country so that they can, for example, get an education at universities . it is possible, of course, for patriotic reasons that everyone take all students from universities, return them, return them to ukraine, and let them drink, well, why not drink? 7 years waiting for them to have a time when they can mobilize, but i don't think this is a rational solution, i it seems that the deputies will have to sit down, think carefully and prepare some new amendments that would solve this problem, until this problem is solved at the legislative level, everyone follows the existing law, it seems to me that this is the most constructive proposal that can be in this case, i have now decided that one... another topic
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this week, it is also resonant, but if we could analyze it together, colleagues, in the verdict from a point of view that does not exist in us, but is so necessary institution, as an institution of reputation, i want it, so that we through it, through this prism, they looked at these events that have been happening in the last few days, and yes, the investigators of the national anti -corruption agency nabu issued. suspicion and tells us about the cunning schemes of the minister of agrarian policy around the state geocadaster, namely the plots that were supposed to go to the veterans of the anti-terrorist operation, but there such a schemer took the plot specially with a mandatory option, and then immediately transferred it for a long-term lease to a certain correct company, well in one word, for almost 200 million , such a schematos ee describes nabu, after which we we will learn from these. the order of things
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is happening, the minister, mykola solsky, writes a statement, submits it to the verkhovna rada, then a preventive measure is chosen, everyone at the time says, my god, what a good minister we have, he acted in a european manner, only suspicion, he immediately wrote a statement, immediately suspended for the duration of the investigation, then they choose for him, they say, to play it all for two months, or a bail of 75.5 million, today we... know that the unknown heroes of ukraine made that bail, and then the whole ministry says: no, everything is fine , minister mykola solskyi continues to perform his duties, and somehow all that europeanness fell away, and this institute's reputation is not even visible anymore. to me, this statement reminds me of a well-known joke, you know, if i don't come back, consider me a communist, and if i come back, well, if i come back, don't consider me.
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the fact that solsky is connected to the agrarian lobby and took an active part in the deals, we will not say until the court's decision, how legal or illegal they were, was known before he became the head of the committee, not that he was appointed by the minister , the question is why to appoint people to positions that have a clear conflict of interest, well, but then one thing was needed, so we push the person. to the position, now we need something else, there is a demand for justice, we exposed everything to everyone, and now, here we are, you must always coordinate your actions with the goal you set, this applies to everything, regarding, regarding the dp document, regarding receiving assistance from the allies, regarding, excuse me, mr. solsky, ms. larisa, and what about you, because i was most enslaved by this option, that at first the ukrainian family gave me... profit in my pocket,
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if you know how to make such schemes, you will always be in checkers and in pluses, someone pays attention to this, i paid more attention to the fact that, oh, and everything is finally civilized, there is suspicion, i will withdraw for the duration of the investigation, the court will give its verdict , here immediately no-no, they calmly paid the deposit, i'm already in place, i'm a minister again, that's what affected me the most, what about you, mrs. lario? well, first of all, we have to understand that this scheme is not only solsky, there is a whole bunch of people, including those bogus citizens who received these plots in their names and immediately transferred moreover, this scheme works constantly. we have a problem, we are constantly grabbing one another, but we are not talking about the fact that a huge number of people, or even more, take part in these schemes for years, decades. i call it, well, it is. there is such a name, you know, the burden
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of a small person, a whole bunch of mothers with many children, participants of the anti-terrorist operation, someone else, they write statements, they are allocated plots, because these plots. is for another atoshnik, who came and wrote to him, they say, there is no land, they get it, they get their thousand dollars, they give the plot to a dealer and leave, half of the country is already wasted in our country, and it's not only solsk, we won't learn yet, because we need to stop the schemes, and stop them at the legislative level, there will be as many such kolkas as possible, and the i am not happy that they are impeaching him, because i do not see where those who took part in this scheme were held responsible. the legislation is being changed so that this will no longer be possible, but mr. danylo, you often talk about the reputation institute in your author's videos, which is needed and does not exist, here is the story about exactly that, or here is a little different, yes, the only thing is that
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before answering your question, roman, i would still like to emphasize that bail is not a measure of punishment, it is not a fine , so doing... like comparing and talking about the net profit from the amount of damages, the amount of damages and the size of the collateral, this is not entirely correct. i gave you as an example how people discuss it, it is not, i also know these norms, but i simply gave that this is how people perceive such cases, well, no it is necessary to help them perceive it in this way, i think so, yes, look, as regards solsky's statement, if, on the one hand, in a vacuum, it seems like the right step is to file an application for dismissal in connection with such a story , only we have to remember that, in addition to everything else that you have already said, the same statement should be adopted by the parliament, uh, and what if, it is not a fact that the votes for it will be found in the parliament, so what
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if, maybe mr. tsovsky feels that everything will be absolutely fine with him, and that the parliament will express confidence in him, and so on he will still have to work on it for a long time. if we talk about reputation, we don't have this practice in power, we don't have this mentality in power, because on the one hand, let's imagine that even minister solsky is, for the best reasons, idealists. took, wrote this statement, like a conscious citizen and statesman. at the same time, we well remember oleg tatarov, who was not released by anyone after nabu isab also informed him of the suspicion, because more in the eyes of all honest and not-so-honest people, he was smeared from
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responsibility, as soon as they could. moreover, in our country, i know that i am already dealing with this story a little like a city madman, yes, but i just... i want to remind you that in 2020, in our country , olga stefanishyna was appointed as minister, vice prime minister for european integration , who already at that time was suspected of a particularly serious official crime, corruption, now she is accused, her case is being considered in the higher anti-corruption court, she is involved in the lukash case as her accomplice, and despite all this, no one cares, no one cares . did hard head, neither when i appointed her to the position as a suspect, nor now, when she is effectively negotiating with our partners in the status of an accused, that is , we do not have this culture of somehow focusing at least on reputational moments,
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for some reason we only have you ask a question about tatarov, zelenskyi or yermak, or about stefanishyna to someone there, they will immediately... mention the presumption of innocence, but people, we are not talking about criminal trials, dismissal from office is not a form of criminal punishment, we are talking about the fact that either we are fighting for some kind of reputation and for some kind of purity in power, or we pretend that all this does not matter, so separately, let's just imagine once again that solsky with he did it for the best reasons, even if it was so, then one isolated sol ossiei will not change all... practices, we need to fundamentally change the idea of ​​reputation, and this can be done only through society, if society has this request, danylo is right here said things, i smiled something to myself, when you said that dismissal is not a criminal punishment, i immediately remembered,
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that's right, when there is a suspicion, the biggest punishment is to send you, for example, as an ambassador to slovenia, well, if there are suspicions, how is it was to the minister of defense, then the worst... punishment, i went as an ambassador to slovenia, here's your punishment, oleksia, look, you are two dimensions, the question, the question of what to punish the slovenians for, here actually. poor slovenians, yes, but in this case, when we talk about the institution of reputation, reputation is what it is concepts, first of all, are ephemeral, and secondly, in the internal dimension it is read in one way, but there is an external dimension, and here with a light hand, just like our colleague danylo mokryk, i remembered it, and now i will ask my colleagues to prepare it and to show, because danylo told the story of the vice president of ukraine, who has , perhaps, sometimes more powers than the president. well, we are all together with you, colleagues, remember that tens of millions of ukrainians voted for vice president andriy
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yermak and for all his powers, international, internal, personnel, power, judicial and all others. and when i listened to this program, danyla, i paid attention again to what is called the reputation of all of us and the country, represented in one bottle by one person, and... it's not just about the contents, it's not just about, in one word, it 's reputation, international relations and diplomacy, it's a very delicate matter, now i can wait 25 seconds for you, and for the audience, and for you in our program, the verdict, 25 seconds for sure, of vice president yermamak in in communication with julianne, there is fantastic, let's just listen to how we are represented in the world. "if you have the opportunity, have your time uh to meet in
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ukraine and tell you, you know, know me personally, and we absolutely open, we absolutely work properly, it's mean that in any time where you want, you will have opportunity , you, we will be welcome to you to ukraine to meet in. i think that even people who studied german or french at this moment feel spanish shame, because here english is at the level of how much watch forkh, and this is a person who decides the safety diplomatic, other things, and this is the reputation of the entire country, and the armed forces, and those who sit in bodies in restaurants, it represents all of us at such a, such a ... level, mr. oleksiy, what to do with it, with such a reputation, but nothing, i think this is
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the least that can be presented to any official, i would like to hear how sullivan speaks ukrainian, i don't think that is much better, so again the question in therefore , it is not only about who and how we behave, by the way, today we mentioned spurs, which presented because she criticized irmak, but the question is that the president bears the responsibility for this, the president chooses his advisers, biden, sullivan, who, who is disliked by many in our country, also, by the way, zelensky yermak, that is, zelensky obviously bears responsibility for what his head of administration does, yes, but these powers, they cannot be represented by him, and he has no powers, the president cannot delegate his powers. it turns out that he transferred, no, no, legally he did not transfer anything, but yes
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legally, danylo, how about you, you yourself missed everything 100 times through yourself, your opinion, and ms. larisa, it’s just interesting, because here it’s about reputation, and about image and authority, and about everything you want, who the first, well, let me say this time, briefly, if we take salevan's analogy, the difference between yermak and sullivan is that salevan does not try to speak ukrainian and... to negotiate without an interpreter with the ukrainian side , unlike yermak, who it does, secondly, actually speaking, the problem of yermak is not that zelenskyy can appoint himself any head of the president's office, or in principle the president has, this is part of the mandate given to the president by the voters, to appoint anyone as the head of the president's office, but the head of the president's office with the corresponding... functions, and not actually the deputy president in ukraine. andriy
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yermak, de facto, according to his powers, is not de jure, because legally, zelenskyy really did not transfer anything to him there, although he granted him the status of a negotiator there at various points, but de facto, andriy yermak endowed with enormous powers and the mandate to endow him with these powers precisely to volodymyr. none of the voters gave, and there is a problem in this, that our absolutely top politician in the state is a person who does not even have any indirect legitimacy, that's where i see problems. ugh, ms. larisa, what do you do with this, because we understand that this is the most popular ukrainian according to the version of time magazine this year, the most influential, the most influential, yes, the point is that here i still agree with mr. oleksiy that it's not our biggest problem regarding mr. yermak, because in principle
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the president did not transfer any powers to him, yermak does not... sign at these negotiations, he does not sign like someone else, don't laugh, mr. danylo, he was not given powers, he was given power, and these are other things, these are other things, he does not sign anywhere, as i am yermak and the first one, that is, this is the moment that he is negotiating, it is not clear who he is, he is, in fact, on behalf of...
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pred "let's find out later that he signed, that your signature is under an illegal decision or with some kind of illegal device, he actually has enormous power, the state actually functions under his influence, but he doesn't put his signature anywhere, you don't see a problem in this, just listen to this one. mr. danyla, listen, i am saying that this is the problem, absolute irresponsibility under the crazy government, that the fair, that there is no problem here, it really is, because based on that, so, what are you arguing about, i i say that a person who has insane power, almost the power of the president, does not have the powers of the president and is not responsible
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for that, he does not sign anything, then he is in court, like every official in our country. mr. danyla, he is generally subject to the law on civil service, his powers are limited, he will be answerable to the law, here a person has the power of the president, and is not subject to it, this is the problem, it is absolute impunity, i agree with you, we have already had several cases with this sometimes there are problems in kuchma, so the head of the administration, first tabachnyk, then medvedchuk, now they are all. where it is, and then we see what is happening in us. that is, again, this is a question to zelenskyi, he does not understand this, he, well, the textbook cannot open ukrainian history, see how it can end. yes, look, we have to finalize, because we have 3 minutes left, friends, here's a minute for everyone, because through this prism, yes, the magazine of this most influential
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ukrainian, we got to the point that it's walking in circles again, because it's not in vain oleksii remembered. well, now it’s just time for the surname yermak, and before that tabachnyk, and before that and after him medvedchuk, well, we can’t break out of this a closed circle, danylo, but after a minute everyone finalizes, so let’s get into the water , the names are just changing, we have the problem of established practices and the problem of what is under the authorities, in particular volodymyr zelenskyi in general and... and this is even more intensified in the conditions of martial law, these practices periodically acquired a kind of caricature scale, because the analogy you give with tabachnyk and medvedchuk can be given there, yes, it is justified, but yermak, he is a caricature to that effect
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which tabachnyk, medvedchuk, there or baloga had. er, and in what way do we benefit from these practices, which with the help of not even the legal regime of martial law, but in general the atmosphere of martial law, are strengthened, established, and increasingly embedded in ukrainian society, i do not know, but we it is necessary to return to the fact that there is still a law and it has meaning, there is legislation and it has. the importance of practice cannot prevail over the law, we still have a moment left, friends, mr. oleksiy, either, or we must bring practice into line with... law, or adopt a law that corresponds to practice, or conditionally speaking, appoint yermak as prime minister, well then he will be responsible for what he does,
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such a scenario exists and that there are no opportunities to make such decisions now, there is , ms. larisa, you finalize, i believe that in this case we should talk about the illegal transfer of our powers. his responsibilities on the part of mr. president, so can he transfer them to the ermak, can he transfer all his love, can he transfer his mother-in-law to the dog, that is, what is it? we we are talking about the fact that it should be a crime, you are in office, you have statutes, duties and you must fulfill them, if you transfer them to someone, then it is a crime, this is how it should be if a doctor transfers his duties perform an operation. to his korish mihainik, i'm sorry, he will be imprisoned, but on the scale of the country, why is this, why do we pretend that it should be like this, but in fact, that we are not
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pretending, but just somehow got to this crime and punishment, crime and punishment, somehow it turns out here that there is awareness of the crime, there is no punishment, well, there are three dots here, colleagues, i really thank you for an interesting conversation for our viewers, it was a verdict program, larisa voloshyn, staffin, danylo mokry were in it, i am grateful to you, and i also thank the viewers for their attention, see you in the verdict, you will already tell serhiy rodenko, and i thank you too for your attention. there are discounts on bizyn, 20% more expensive in pharmacies. you and the saver try flebodia 600 pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids 600 cure hemorrhoids without any oops, if the throat is not
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ok, make a snort, make it ok, choose the taste, cough without pain, and also talk, laugh, sing, evka lor, sweet lor exclusively in plantain podbaunfarm. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics, today we will discuss with you, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, you have a word, two hours, so that... in the know economic news, time to talk about wartime money. oleksandr morchevka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. information viruses. almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war , russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are
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too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has at its disposal the data of more than 20 million people more than action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why. in order to limit the influence of telegram, i introduced the relevant bill, it is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better we will have a special view of the events in
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ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. welcome to the espresso channel. today in the war and weapons program we will talk about weapons, but in a somewhat unusual dimension, let's fight... about the potential and opportunities of society, if it is about ukraine, or about the population, if it is about the enemy russia, as the main and extremely important component of war. it is not only about the amount of mobilization resources, but about what forces, motives, approaches, and concepts are used by the states to resist and win the war. this is actually about the stability of our society against the russian horde, which goes to the front not only under
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coercion, but also for money. and... for the desire that ukraine and you and i do not exist. so, about the enemy and our systems and about whether civilization and democracy can give a decent rebuff to these authoritarian regimes with their so invented and practiced hybrid technologies for establishing a new world order. this is what we will talk about with our professional experts in the war and weapons program. my name is serhii sgurets, i am the director of an information and consulting company. defense express, which now, together with the espresso channel, seeks to cover the most relevant trends in the field of security and defense. and now we are joined by oleksandr shulga, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia, which is an informal association of sociologists, analysts, and researchers who study russia. mr. alexander, i congratulate you, happy to see and hear. congratulations, i just want
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to update what is now formal. we are also organized as a public organization, well then i will say, and i will also then add that, conditionally speaking, you studied russia there not only theoretically, but you were a sniper, fought in the armed forces and saw what the enemy does on the battlefield, how he acts , and this is probably also an important experience to understand the enemy, and i would like to start our conversation with whether there are differences in assessments of the russian state before the large-scale invasion and now after several years of war, which has changed in the enemy and what did we not take into account in the behavior, intentions, moods of the russian population in the conditions of the war? first of all, we did not study russia in depth, comprehensively, until the beginning of the war in 14th
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year, and even more so... this was a miscalculation, it was everyone's, not only the powers that were changing, but also us and you, i mean scientists , experts, it really is that we lived in such, you know, a world of illusion that we understand russians, we basically lived in the same country, well, they can be superior, they can be the same, if in simple language, but they well, they do not pose a threat, all these statements in moreover, even at the beginning of the division of the soviet union, regarding the fact that you will answer for crimea, this crimea is ours in general and so on, we thought that there was nothing wrong with that, well, they would talk and it would not go any further, but even after 14 year, when crimea was already annexed, when
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a part of the territory in donbas was... annexed, we still did not resort to a comprehensive study of russia, and this is really us, this is our first very serious recalculation, on the other hand, the russians studied ukrainian society, studied and the 13th year inclusive, and after the 14th, but the plus point is that, despite everything, they did not take into account, they did not understand ukrainian society, and it was a formal study, which facts... constantly these conclusions about of ukrainian society, its readiness to fight, were constantly adjusted, and in fact , only what the superiors wanted to see reached the top, in fact, the conclusions were exactly the opposite, they took our chaos, democratic principles as a weakness , readiness to fight for their independence.


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