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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EEST

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the greatest measure of punishment is to send you, for example, as an ambassador to slovenia, well, if there are suspicions, as was the case with the minister of defense, then the worst punishment, but you went as an ambassador to slovenia, here is your punishment, oleksia, look, you are two dimensions, questions, the question of what to punish the slovenians for, here , actually, the poor slovenians, yes, but in this case, when we are talking about the institution of reputation, reputation is such a concept, first of all, the fmr. secondly, in the internal dimension it is read in the same way, but there is an external dimension, and here with a light hand precisely ours colleagues of danylo mokryk, i remembered this, and now i will ask my colleagues to prepare it and show it, because danylo told the story of the vice-president of ukraine, who has , perhaps, sometimes more powers than the president, well, we are all with you, colleagues, remember we believe that tens of millions of ukrainians voted for vice president andriy yermak and for all of his supporters. weighing
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international, internal, personnel, force, judicial, and all others, and when i listened to this program, danyla, i paid attention again to what is called the reputation of all of us and a country represented in one bottle by one person, and this is not only about the contents, this is not only about, in one word, this is reputation, international relations and diplomacy - this is very...
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uh, you know, know me personally, and we absolutely open, we absolutely work properly, it's mean that in any time where you will, you will have opportunity, you, we will be welcome to you to ukraine to meet in absolutely in the level of the president, i think that even people , who studied german or french, feel at this moment. spain is a shame, because here english is at the level of how much watch forkh, and this is a person who decides security, diplomatic, other things, and this is the reputation of the whole country, and the armed forces, and those who sit in bodies in restaurants, she is all represents us at such a level, mr. oleksiy, what to do with it, with such a reputation, and nothing, i believe that it is... less than can be presented
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to any official, i wanted would like to hear how sullivan speaks ukrainian, i don't think he is much better, so again the question in therefore, not only in who and how we behave, by the way, today we mentioned spurs, which was brought up precisely because it criticized irmak, but the question is that the president is responsible for this, the president chooses. own advisers, biden, sullivan, who, many of us do not like, also, by the way, yermaka zelensky, that is, zelensky is obviously responsible for what his head of administration does, yes, but these powers, they cannot be represented by him, he has no authority, the president cannot transfer his powers, but it turns out that he did, no, no, legally he did not transfer anything, but legally, danylo, so... how, you yourself
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have missed everything 100 times through yourself, your opinion and mrs. larisa, it’s just interesting, because here it’s about reputation, and image, and authority and everything you want, who’s the first, well, let me say this time, briefly, if we take an analogy with sullivan, then the difference between yarmak and sullivan is that sullivan does not try to speak ukrainian and directly negotiate without an interpreter with on the ukrainian side, in contrast to yermak, who does this, uh, secondly, actually... speaking, yermak's problem is not that zelenskyy can appoint any head of the president's office, or in principle the president should, this is part the mandate given to the president by the voters, to appoint anyone as the head of the president's office, but the head of the president's office with the corresponding functions, and not actually the deputy president of ukraine, andriy yermak. de facto,
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he does not act on his authority, because legally, zelenskyy really has nothing to do with him did not transfer, although i gave him the status of a negotiator there at various points, but de facto, yermak is endowed with enormous powers, and none of the voters gave him the mandate to grant him these powers, precisely to volodymyr zelenskyi, and this is the problem that we have an absolutely top a politician in the state is a person who has no even indirect legitimacy, that's where i see the problem, ugh, mrs. larisa, and what do you do about it, because we understand that this is the most popular ukrainian according to the magazine's version. half of this year, the most influential, the most influential, so the point is that here i still agree with mr. oleksiy that this is not our biggest problem regarding mr. mr. yermak, because in principle the president did not transfer any powers to him, yermak will not
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insert signatures at these negotiations, no he signs like someone, don’t laugh, mr. danylo, dare, he was given power, and these are other things, these are other things, he does not sign anywhere, as i yermak, vtorioi, that is, this is the moment that he is negotiating, he , who he is, it is not clear, he is, in fact, from on behalf of zelenskyi , zelenskyi's butler , zelenskyi's maid, anyone, carlson could talk to giuliani. i appointed the minister under my signature,
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he has no authority, and therefore we will not show him anything after he signed, that your signature is under an illegal decision or some kind of illegal... borudka, he, in fact, he, he has enormous power, he, under his influence , the state actually functions, but nowhere does he paint his hands, he does not put, you do not see a problem in this, you are just a pro, listen, mr. danyla, look, i'm saying that's the problem, the total irresponsibility under the crazy power, that, that there's no problem here, it really is, because based on that, so, what you're arguing about, i'm saying that a person who has insane power, almost the power of the president, he does not have the powers of the president and is not responsible for that, he does not sign anything, he will then be in
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court, like every official in our country, mr. danyla, is generally subject to the civil service law, his powers are limited, he will answer to the law, here... a person has the power of the president, and is not subject to it, this is a problem, this is absolute impunity, i agree with you, we have already had problems with this several times in kuzhma, yes, the head of the administration, first tabachnyk, then medvedchuk, now where are they all, and then we look at what is happening in our country, that is, again, this is a question for zelensky, does he not understand this? well, the textbook can't open ukrainian history and see how it can end, so look, we have to finalize, because we have 3 minutes left, friends, that's a minute for everyone, because we through this prism, the magazine of the time of this most influential ukrainian , got to the point that it is again walking in
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circles, because it was not for nothing that oleksii remembered, well, now it's just time the surname yermak, and before that tabachnyk, and before that and after him medvedchuk , well... well, we're not breaking out of this closed circle, danylo, but one minute at a time , everyone is finalizing, so let's get into the water, do we just change surnames? we have the problem of established practices and the problem of what and under the authorities, in particular volodymyr zelenskyi as a whole, and this has become even stronger in the conditions martial law, these practices periodically acquired a certain caricature. smachu, because the analogy that you give with tabachnyk and medvedchuk can be made with baloga, yes, it is justified, but yermak, he is a caricature of the influence that
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tabachnyk, medvedchuk, or baloga, eh, and in what way do we benefit from these practices, which with the help of... not even the legal regime of martial law, but in general the atmosphere of martial law is strengthened, established, and increasingly embedded in ukrainian society, oh this... i don't i know, but to us we need to return to the fact that there is still a law and it matters, there is legislation and it matters, practices cannot prevail over the law, after a moment we still have to, friends, mr. oleksiy, either or we need to bring practice into line with the law, or adopt a law so that it corresponds to practice, or conditionally speaking, appoint yermak as prime minister. well, then he will be responsible for what he does, such a scenario exists, that
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there are no opportunities to make such decisions now, there is, mrs. larisa, can you finalize it? i believe that in in this case, we have to talk about the illegal transfer of his powers, his duties by mr. president, so can he transfer them to the ermak, can he transfer his lovers, that he will transfer his mother-in-law to a dog, that is, what is this? we are talking about the fact that it should be a crime: you are in office, you have statutes, duties and you must fulfill them, if you transfer them to someone, then it is a crime, this is how it should be if a doctor transfers his duties to perform an operation on his korish mechanic, then i'm sorry, he will be imprisoned, but on the scale of the country, why is this, why do we pretend that it is... to be, but actually we are not pretending, but just somehow got to this crime and punishment,
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crime and punishment, somehow it turns out here that there is an awareness of the crime, but there is no punishment, ok, here are three points, colleagues, i really thank you for an interesting conversation for our viewers, it was a verdict program, larisa voloshyn, oleksiy mustafin, danylo mokryk were in it, i am grateful to you, and i also thank the viewers for their attention, see you in the verdict tell me, serhiy. rudenko, i also thank you for your attention, there are discounts on vizyn, 20% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is
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the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. yuri, good evening, i'd like to speak to you. two hours to catch up economic news. time to talk about money in time. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of prideshnya, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and...
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stronger together, an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent... opinions, in america they also say, let's be better the roads are even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, so norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, authorized by the government. on the restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and
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europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu, like us perceive the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestria au. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course. the tape informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling them on ours. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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greetings, these are the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len, and
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we have, well, recently a lot of events and changes have happened at the front, battles during the time of yar. the battles for staromayorsk, the harvest fields, the battles around avdiyivka, well, that is enough, enough, enough activity is so high, well, on the other hand, i will also remind you about our espresso collection and the public base, the organization base ua of resistance , call to support the collection of fpv drones for 93- of the kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, this is our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, and all this we... we can provide together, having collected 2 million hryvnias, we have already collected 1.5 million, there is still half a million left, please join, you see here a private bank, a monobank, qr codes, account numbers, invest in our victory, invest in the destruction of enemies, this is fpv drones just right allow you to do it directly, so this is simply
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the best such contribution to our victory that you can make right now. well, let's see now what happened on the line of contact in the last few days, and then we'll actually discuss it. map of hostilities for the period april 17-24. tactical failures on the front against strategic victories in the war. the russians captured novomykhailivka, entered the strategically important next and came close to the temporal ravine. instead, the armed forces dealt a blow. attack on crimea. counterattack of the armed forces in the time gap. the pace of the russian offensive slowed somewhat. they are entrenched in the positions they have achieved, meanwhile, enemy aircraft are leveling the city and ukrainian positions. in addition, the occupiers are trying to finally knock out our military from the last positions in bohdanivka and completely capture ivanovske. however, in a week of strength
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defense completely nullified the results of their assaults. in return. in response, the armed forces launched a pre-emptive strike on bakhmut, where a guided missile hit the command post of the 331st airborne regiment. about a dozen officers were killed, including the commander, and a number of wounded. at the same time, soldiers of the fourth assault battalion of the 92nd brigade named after ivan sirk of the koshovoy taman to the south of ivanivsk launched an offensive and knocked out the russians from previously captured positions. this will make it possible to strengthen the overpowering one. defense of klishchiivka. postavdiyiv front, crisis in ochereteny. on the southern avdiyiv front, the occupiers suffered heavy losses and were unable to break through further west after the may day occupation, and also rested on our defenses near yasnobrodivka and umanskyi and failed to cross the durna river near orlivka, samenivka
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, and berdychiv. therefore, they shifted their efforts to the northern flank. offensive on novokalina. ke ceramics choked, but the enemy managed to break through in the direction of ocheretiny a week ago. during the last days , they developed their offensive, and reached the center of this town, and also expanded theirs wedge in the southwest direction and entered novobakhmutivka and began to attack berdychi from another flank. this advance of the russians on the commanding high ground, which extends through ocheretyn, is quite threatening for our defense of berdychiv. semenivka and umansky from the right flank and novokalynovy and ceramics from the left. therefore, these days the battles for ocheretyne continue quite intensively, he came to help the defenders of the town. bradley from the 47th brigade, who are holding the defense in the neighboring area in berdychi. on ughledarsk and
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a powerful offensive is held back by the armed forces of kurakhivsk in the direction of kurakhiv. unfortunately, the defense of novomykhaivka, in which our heroes restrained the invaders from october 22, fell. the village is almost completely occupied, the defense forces retreated in the direction of the next settlement of kostyantynivka. active attack on the village, armed forces of the russian federation. started seven months ago, during this time, having lost tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of armored vehicles, they managed to break through to the west for 13 km. this is too little to secure the donetsk-volnovakha railway mariupol, so the russians want to develop success. they storm along the entire perimeter of the front, from mikilskyi to the recently captured victory, but fail. near marinka, between pobeda and georgiivka, there is an okupa. occupied part of the gray zone, moving their positions one kilometer west. fierce fighting continues in krasnohorivka, where last week rashists stormed the southern and eastern outskirts
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of the city. the defense forces managed to partially knock out the occupiers from the eastern districts, and the battles for the southern buildings continue to this day. the armed forces of ukraine is preparing for the deoccupation of crimea. five american atak ms missiles hit the airfield near dzhankoy, where in addition to li'. and rotorcraft, the air defense division stood, as a result , four launchers of the latest s-400 triumf, two s-300 installations, three radar stations, an unknown number of aircraft were destroyed, as well as a warehouse of ammunition for air defense was detonated, the elimination of the unique radar system fundament mm is especially important , which was the air defense control point in crimea. according to its characteristics, it could ... chew and direct air defense to 10,000 targets, but ms attacks could not stop. now the calculation of how many such missiles is needed by the armed forces of ukraine to
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completely destroy russian air defense in the occupied crimea has begun. and in sevastopol, rockets hit the unique kamun ship, built in the distant pre-revolutionary year 1915 to rescue submarines. currently, he was pulling out from the bottom important for the enemy. cops of the ex-flagship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation cruiser moscow. strategic victories over russia. for the first time, our air force, together with the central intelligence agency and the security service of ukraine, made a successful ambush and shot down a strategic russian bomber tu-22m3, which was returning after an attack on the territory of our state. it's not even that there are about 30 similar ones left in russia... it can't produce new ones, it's that now they will be extremely careful, so the number of attacks on ukraine may decrease. in addition, three pilots were killed,
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which is extremely rare for such a unique aircraft in the armed forces of the russian federation. however, the real breakthrough was the drone strike on the strategic radar station nuclear cover container in the city of kavilkino, in mordovia. the station provided calculation and control for the launchers. anti-aircraft missiles, which are located throughout russia, especially concentrated near moscow, and should repel the blows of heavy ballistic missiles of the enemy. without this station, it is impossible to repel ballistic strikes. hopefully eight blasts from our drones were enough to ensure sufficient damage to the container. in addition, for the first time, our air defense system shot down two kh-22 supersonic cruise missiles and one modernized kh-32. in eight russian regions were visited by dozens of ukrainian drones, in the moscow, belgorod, bryansk, kursk, tula, smolensk, ryazan and kalutsk regions
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, electric substations, fuel storage bases and other objects of the enemy's critical infrastructure exploded. thus, in the smolensk region , an oil refinery, which was the main transit hub for exports from belarusian oil refineries, burned down. drones were set on fire in kamiansk-shakhtynskyi in the rostov region. tim plant, which produces solid fuel for anti-aircraft missiles, in kazan drones attacked the garbunov aviation plant, which produces tu-22m and tu-160-m strategic bombers. we win daily, death to enemies. so, let's talk with oleksandr kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information conflict group. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. congratulations. let's, you know, start anyway. from such urgent news, well , the senate has already voted to help ukraine, we have been waiting for this moment for a long time, it is clear that us president joe biden
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will sign it in the near future, and here... what do we do to expect, because, of course, there is a lot, but for six months we have been very actively talking about the fact that we do not have enough, well, we lack, let's say, on the front line of this aid, and what we can now receive, in the near future, from this aid, well here it is necessary to understand that this general aid is financial, it is the largest, than that which was allocated during the 22nd and 23rd. year, and this aid will start to be allocated actually immediately after the relevant document is signed by president joseph biden, and this will happen until the end of april, that is, all logistics chains, they will already work until the end of april, but this does not mean that we will get everything at once, it will be the same system, and
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the us will not abandon it, as in 22-23, that is, every month two packages each, with the exception of april, april, most likely there will be one package at the end of the month itself, and this package will include the corresponding weapons, so each month there will be two packages of aid in the first two weeks and the last two weeks, and what will be included in the first package, it certainly seems to me there will still be a list of ammunition. it is the ammunition that our artillery needs, and we do not rule out even the presence of artillery itself, barrel or jet, these will be anti-aircraft guided missiles for air defense systems, and some or other modifications, and i do not rule out that they can even be missiles operationally - tactical level, i.e. attacks, again for
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striking deep temporarily. of the occupied territories on the objects of the russian occupiers, and a separate article will in any case be about the equipment, i am not talking about abrams tanks, but it is medium and lightly armored vehicles that are needed, the same m2 a2 bradleys, which have proven themselves excellently in battles in the combat zone, and therefore it can be approximately like this, and approximately like this... a list of this equipment and weapons , which we can get precisely in the first package, and then it will gradually be different nomenclature, other means of defeat, as well as a mechanized component, well, you already mentioned missile attacks, and now the language, well , at least in the military, such conversations are leaking that perhaps there will be provided rockets, which have already been increased well, with an increased distance, the impression is up to 300
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km, something like that. but does this mean that we will finally be able to use these missiles on russian airfields on the territory of russia, or are these, you know, so far, well, romantic expectations, but no, i do not think that we are getting permission to use western weapons on the territory of russia federation, we will remain in the position that regarding those... to the occupied territories yes, that is, we will and will continue to take this obligation, and on the territory of the russian federation western weapons will not be used in the federation, and that is why it is precisely to strike at objects on the territory of russia, and we will precisely use a component of our own production, ah, this will stimulate the military-industrial complex, and we can really get
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a modification for attacking them for... 300 km, and because in the south of the crimea, we still cannot reach the south of the crimea with attack cams of the block one modification, huh, and that is why we need something more effective at longer distances, in the south of the crimea there are many such ob objects that need to be impressed first in turn, these are the divisions of anti-aircraft missile regiments that are concentrated there, and their destruction has an important role, well, when you say that... there is still something to destroy even on the territory of crimea, then maybe explain somehow, and how will we see it , that is, it's something that they shoot at ukraine, it's some kind of, i don't know, ships, well , that is, what it is, in such simple words, i think that it will primarily be about air defense means.


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