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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the bodies of two men were found in tisza by border guards in transcarpathia. the sinkholes were found yesterday evening while patrolling the ukrainian-romanian border. but it was possible to get the drowned people out of the water only in the morning due to high tides. and the strong current of the river. currently, law enforcement officers are establishing the identities of the victims based on information from the state border service. this is the 24th case of death of men in a mountain river since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. and to operatives news from the regions. two people were injured as a result of shelling in donetsk region, the regional police reported. during the day, the occupiers struck the population centers of the region more than 2,000 times. newly moved to the village. dropped
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a controlled aerial bomb, and also attacked the city of krasnohorivka. two high-rise buildings and 14 private houses were damaged. three residents of the kherson region were injured as a result of an enemy attack. in the morning, the occupiers bombed the berislavsky and kherson districts. residential blocks were targeted, two high-rise buildings were damaged and eight private houses, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the enemy also hit a higher educational institution, a critical infrastructure facility, an agricultural enterprise, and cars. two people were injured due to russian shelling in kharkiv region. the occupiers hit a truck with a drone in vovchansk, oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. also, during the day , the russians shelled a damaged kindergarten and 20 farm buildings in chuguyivska and kup'ynsky districts. 88 children together with
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families were evacuated from the front-line territories of kharkiv oblast over the last day, oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. we are talking about bogoduhivskyi, izyumskyi and kharkiv districts. i would like to remind you that currently mandatory evacuation has been announced in 47 settlements of dergechiv, zolochiv, lypetsk and boriv communities, and recently 57 towns and villages of kupyan district were added to this list. two ukrainians were killed in germany, a russian is suspected of the crime, the german police reported. yesterday , men aged 36 and 23 years old found a chisel with stab wounds near a shopping center in the city of murnau amstaffelse. a 36-year-old man died of serious injuries in the city, and the second is already in the hospital. during the investigation , law enforcement officers detained a 57-year-old russian.
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not far from the scene of the crime, the motive for the murder is currently being established. the kamas plant is on fire in russia, local media reports about a large-scale fire in one of the workshops in the city of naberezhnye chelny. at the same time, the emergency services of russia claim that only garbage is burning in the neighborhood. let me remind you that there is a kamas plant the main supplier of automotive equipment for the russian army of occupation. at night , mr. khankut in the temporarily occupied crimea was fired upon by atakams, according to russian propagandists. the consequences of the attack are being clarified, russia was also attacked by drones, the local air defense allegedly shot down 17 aircraft, the ministry of defense of the terrorist country reported. the governor of the kalusa region announced the destruction of three drones in the area of ​​the oil depot in lyudinovo, two more drones were shot down over the bryansk region. on the territory
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of belgorod oblast and three in kursk oblast. residents of bryansk region reported on social networks about the explosion at the local power substation. a powerful tornado passed through the southern chinese province of goundong. at least five people died, another 31 people were injured. this was reported by reuters news agency. the tornado had a third intensity level. wind gusts reached over 20 m/s. will damage more than 140 buildings. the military-style border flight 2024 competition took place in lviv region . for the first time, athletes from various branches of the military and even civilians took part in them. motivation our correspondents found out the participants of the competition. i ask you all to see what is happening. the border is a sports and tactical competition that brought together military personnel from various units of our formations. in general, they participated. 13 teams, we involved all civilians,
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that is, anyone can take part in the race, and thus we erase the boundaries between military personnel and civilians. people, this is already the third organized competition with the participation of military personnel and veterans, it is the first time that it takes place in such a wide format, because usually there were teams, this one from the carpathian border detachment, today a large number of representatives of security forces, defense structures, not only from the state security service, but i definitely believe that after our victory , your colleagues, our colleagues from other states, will be participants in such an event. throwing march in full military dress. the participants of the race had to overcome a distance of 3 km and overcome two dozen obstacles, including water ones. some obstacles cannot be overcome without the help of partners. this is an endurance test, an endurance test of every serviceman, an endurance test
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their strength. but fans from the support group could become an operator of anti-tank weapons and shoot a javelin using vr simulators, learn to provide first aid. as much as possible, we achieve a number of goals that we have set for ourselves, and when you come after the events with emotions, when you made new friends, when you understand that you should be physically prepared, motivated, when you communicate with our veterans and understand that there are no problems in life that cannot be overcome. the event was organized with the support of the state border service of ukraine and the seventh carpathian border detachment. and all funds collected during the competition will be transferred to the needs of the border guard brigade of the offensive guard. three gold, two silver and bronze. on the last day of the european parasailing championship, ukrainians won six medals. our athletes also set a world
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record. they will take home 68 awards. this is the largest number of medals among all participating countries, and the status of the most successful swimmer is ukrainian. team, confirmed andrii trusov. he won already the fifth gold in the portuguese madeira and i remind you about our collection, the means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000 with your help. we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than 300,000 hryvnia left to collect, so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen, no
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i beat, the willow beats, easter is a week away, christians of the eastern rite are currently celebrating palm sunday, the lord's entry into jerusalem. our correspondent knows how they celebrate in kyiv. kateryna halko, she is with us live. katya, i congratulate you, how many residents of the capital are consecrating willow seals today and what kind of atmosphere prevails? greetings khrystyna, greetings to the viewers of the espres tv channel. so, according to christian tradition, exactly one week before easter, ukrainians and not only ukrainians traditionally celebrate palm sunday. on this day, traditionally, they still fast, come to churches and consecrate willow branches. as we see. right behind me , the process of consecration is taking place, and now we can see that many people from kyiv have come to the cathedral to consecrate willow branches, also according to tradition, they can then be beaten a little, and as we can see, the children are actively engaged, they
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like it very much, this helps and the weather, the sun came out today, so everyone is very nicely dressed, in high spirits they come, approach, run up and consecrate their willow branches, i will note that this year we are still celebrating according to the eastern rite, but already next year we will celebrate on the same day as the entire christian world. also, of course, i will remind you that in exactly one week we will celebrate easter, and we want, we really want to believe that such holidays will bring us peace and tranquility, and of course, we do not forget those, thanks to whom we can be here today in such a calm and uplifted mood, consecrate the willow branches and... we will also be able to consecrate easter. so, that's all the information, let's stop now, khrystyna, i'll pass the ether to you. thank you katya. our correspondent kateryna galko told how kyivans celebrate palm sunday. i would like to congratulate all viewers on palm sunday, have a quiet and peaceful day, may the russian
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occupiers not spoil your holidays. and this concludes the issue, my colleagues will tell you more. stay with us. congratulations, friends, the saturday political club on the espresso tv channel, andriy smoli and vitaly portnikov, and at this time we traditionally discuss all the most important events of ukraine and the world, and we already have the first guest on the call: roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine , secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine of security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security of ukraine service, welcome mr. roman, good evening, and the first question, good evening, is about military actions, what we are currently observing, and what
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is saying now , general syrsky said that an escalation is expected, and we heard about the seizure of positions by russian troops in donetsk, even in the kharkiv regions, that several villages have been occupied, this can change the situation, i would say positionally for the ukrainian army, how it looks, in principles, well, in general, we have a strategic one. understand that the enemy, he has several tasks, he has there, short-term, medium-term tasks, short-term perspective, in them, we know that they depend very much on dates, and in them, the nearest holiday, the holiday that they cultivate, is may 9 and they need some kind of victory, yes, they had an avdiivka, but we know that putin has set a task, and this is confirmed by our intelligence, that they also want to seize chasivya, i... talked with the guys there, the situation is difficult there, but they assure that they don't it will be possible to do this, i hope that
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the command under the fortifications and providing a sufficient amount of ammunition, technical and replenishment will do everything to uh, to help hold it, because well, the enemy is really drawing troops there and there is even information that the south is from the left bank of the kherson region also overturns overturns some parts. including the 76th airborne division in order to concentrate a larger number of troops, this concerns short-term such tasks, in general, their tasks do not change, this is the capture of donetsk of the luhansk region, which they will continue to do in the 24th year, and they want to take the territories as much as possible before the maximum amount of aid comes to us and until, as they believe, it is easier to do, so, unfortunately, the initiative is in favor. .. due to the fact that most of the personnel, the number of personnel,
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the ability to supply more shells, are now temporarily on the side of the enemy, i hope that our partners will quickly provide us with help and we will be able to quickly transfer it to the front in order to stabilize the situation and do parity and, let's say, normalize situations on the battlefield. last night, the enemy made another... attack on our territory, it happened in two stages, in fact, again the main targets were energy facilities, mr. roman, please tell us what to expect next, what do you think the strikes will be, where they will go directed? well, we understand that in general we can only analyze what the enemy is doing and, in principle, see again the situation as a whole and what the intelligence says that the enemy has attacked and will continue to attack. to attack, we don't know when he will, maybe there will be some situation when he will stop doing it, but as of now we see that
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their task is to knock out our generation in order for ukraine, let's say, to force ukraine there to some concessions, to some kind of negotiations, in order to implement, well , to suppress the moral and psychological state, in order to force people from within the country to somehow influence the government, to possibly push it to some compromises. and this is the main task of the enemy, that he will continue to strike, we understand this, and our main task is to ask our partners to close the sky and give us the opportunity to give us more fpo. we can already see with this help that there is a certain amount of it there, but of course it was exemplary how it happened in israel when iran struck, in principle almost 100% of the missiles were shot down by israel as well. and allies, of course, it's easy to do when it's done for the first time, and you haven't run out of resources yet, but
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of course, i would like to see a similar reaction to the shelling of our infrastructure facilities, because i'll repeat myself once again, in the enemy, destroy our generation and all the consequences, the defense-industrial complex, the economy, uh, generation, drive everything into, let's say, times, let's say, lower us into drinking and economy. reduce as much as possible, mr. roman, but let's talk about this story with the atakams, because on the eve of the adoption of the law on aid to ukraine by the american congress. many people said that there is a kind of trap for the administration of president biden, or is there a separate paragraph specifically written about the transfer of atacoms long-range missiles to ukraine? and that it will be very difficult for president biden to comply with this demand of the lawmakers, and that it will put the white house in an awkward position, and maybe even force him to prove that
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ukraine does not need these missiles, or that it threatens the national security of the united states, until suddenly we learned after adoption of the draft law. that the missiles were already transferred even before the law was passed, that's why the americans delayed so long, and then , without even waiting for the law, they took it and transferred it. uh, uh, i mean, what we're talking about now, well, let's say, in general, about atakams missiles, but we know that they are of different types, and in particular what our partners are talking about, these are atakams missiles from the first series of production, with a range of 160.5 km, and we remember that there was already a discussion, including in the information field about their strikes, we remember that strikes were carried out on the berdyansky airfield, and on some other airfields , cluster strikes were also carried out, where a certain number of russian helicopters were destroyed, and these were rockets, but at this
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range, they are a range 165 km, what are they? were before us. and this is even before the discussion, when we had a setback at the front, well, let’s say so, but there was still no such thing, such politicization of aid, and even then they were handed over and used, and there was such a strong fear of our partners, that that we don't use them on russian territory, they are still afraid of that, so it was just a matter of 65 km, of course, the potential will open up for us if we ... get their latest missiles, which can fly at 300 km and there is a radius of deviation from well from the coordinates of the hit there by plus or minus 5 m, these are quite accurate missiles, so of course they gave us more opportunities, because to launch even these 165 km kilometer missiles, if you want to hit
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something seriously, you need to bring it close very cleverly to the front line. and this increases their vulnerability, and if we take about 300, then the crimean bridge also falls, although it no longer plays such a role, but in principle it is a spare source for the supply of logistics, but it still does not have , it shouldn't be, that's why i think it's another goal first, it should be destroyed, as well as objects on the territory of crimea, well, at the expense of other objects. we, we, even today we showed that there ukraine continues to strike with its own means, with unmanned aerial vehicles on objects and on airfields, how the strikes were carried out, including uh, this is also used by the security service of ukraine, alpha , the center of special operations, and the main intelligence management, quite effective, as they are called,
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these rockets for the poor, with their mass, still play the role of the task of strikes on e. infrastructure of the enemy, if there are no such missiles as tamag, then of course this is a way out, but when we talk about, you know, we call long-range attack missiles from the fact that we do not have missiles, there are short-range missiles, medium and large, it is in the nomenclature of strategic missiles, and these missiles are operational-tactical, they do not even fall into that nomenclature, but since they do not give us anything else, we are happy with them and of course... i think we will use them to the maximum and ask such blows to the enemy's rear that they will not be able to let's say, will weaken their pressure on the front edge. the american media, in particular cnn, point out that part or most of the weapons from the package that was voted in the senate and the house of representatives of the united
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states of america are already located either on the territory of poland or on the territory of the federal republic of germany. sir roman, how quickly can these weapons be delivered to us now and how much can they change the balance of forces at the front? well, it will all depend on our allies, but i will say that uh, we understand that it often happens, i don't i will tell you how much it is necessary, but it often happens that some of our, even our allies , some of their weapons already understanding about, well, for example, to help us when a decision will be made and when they understand that it will be made, and if it doesn't happen, then it won't change anything, to place some stocks in the european countries of our allies, so that then just quickly through the points specified in... chemists, we really need them in large numbers now, because there were
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reduced supplies and this had a rather strong effect on our defense capability, this is the 155-caliber and other 105-caliber, let 's say, artillery shells, rockets, this is what we need in the first place now, and additional barrels and all something else, therefore... it is already either already on the territory of ukraine, or close to ukraine, and i think that we will receive the most necessary quickly, the only question is how it will then be distributed along the front, we understand that the main task - it is also not only to obtain it, to establish it on the territory of ukraine, but also to preserve it, because russia has now, according to our data , included all its resources and the fsb and... foreign intelligence services of the main intelligence agency, he is interested in how they activated them in our partner countries in order to see through which checkpoints
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these weapons pass enters, where it is concentrated, where it is dispersed, in order to then strike at it, it is very important for them, because we see their reaction, they do not even know what to say, they try to reduce it, there is sand, he says , it won't change anything there, you know, people who sit in the kremlin, realizing that hundreds of thousands of ammunition are going there'. passes of various calibers and it will be tens of thousands of killed and hundreds of thousands of maimed russians, they say, well , it won't change anything, because for them human life is nothing, well, if it doesn't change anything for them, then we understand that it really will strengthen us, if we talk about the perspective, but in principle, if you see the entire theater of military operations, do you really think that russia will intensively advance now and next week precisely in order to gain a foothold on... some positions before we receive a lot of help, how realistic is it in principle from the point of view of possibilities? well here, mr. vitary,
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what do we mean, well, by offensive, i always divide active actions, offensive and offensive operation, if we are talking about an offensive operation, then just yesterday representatives of the intelligence came to us, namely an offensive strategic operation , for example, there i would play for the enemy, i spent there a part from the kharkiv region. these parts where zvugedaru there to make big ticks ee let's say so for capturing some regions or at least regions, russia, fortunately, does not have such forces now, so they now want to mobilize there, there are more than 400 people there to replenish the personnel, to create new units, they are in the process of doing this, but active actions and tactical-level offensive operations, which in the case of ours, let's say... such subsidence can lead to some kind of operational success, there are several cities or several villages occupied there, it can be, but whether they will be successful or not, it depends on us and we
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well, that's enough, i think it's easy, if help comes quickly now, we'll raise our mobilization resources, we'll be able to resist it and stay at least at these borders. mr. roman, there will be another question... related to the f-16, yes, we expect them according to one information at the end of may, according to information from other countries during 2024, when should we expect it, because after all, we will say it that way , one of the most effective countermeasures now, including shelling by the occupiers, well, the latest information that we you saw, we already had this at the beginning of the summer... uh , they talked about it many times, that there will be, but all the time it is postponed, if it is a question of training, it is very important, because, well, the problem is sometimes the latest weapons, i don't
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i've come across this once and it's so historical that you can give the best weapon, but if you don't train well, if they use it 20% at most, i've seen this effect when you give a person the best, well for example there's a thermal imager, he only knows on and kicked out, then that... let's say, doesn't give us an advantage, so if it's a matter of good pilot training, of course, we need to train them well enough so that they get the most out of those f16s that will come to us, but to get the most out of them on the condition that they have normal radars, with normal equipment, which we are promised, and which only technical support can give us advantage over the opponents, because if these are f16s of older models, then in principle nothing may change, except maybe... shoot down shaheds there and cruise missiles already on the territory of ukraine, and the main task and where they wanted to see it, of course, is in the confrontation in ... because just to avdiivka
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russia did not have an advantage, tobish, they had an advantage in the number of aircraft, but our air defense made it parity due to the fact that due to the fact that russia could not use it, and with the appearance of the kabis, with the decrease in the number of our air defense, russia due to the advantage, i believe, avdiivka was captured because the weapon is quite powerful and it had a strong enough effect on our defenders when it was impossible to hold. had to withdraw our troops to other positions, and russia realized that this was their trump card for the time being, as in every war, when poison and against poison are, someone has an advantage in the very short term, until someone finds something else, and now russia is trying to use this tactic also on the temporary eru, just falling asleep with kababs, knocking out our defenders, so i believe that these f-16 , i would like them to come and i hope, just before this start of russia
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actively. actions in order to, this is precisely this antidote, against the russian su-34 and su-35, which are the carriers of the kabs, in order to prevent them, no, not to give them the opportunity to fly up to the distance let me start, this, i think, will be the main task, in addition to the help in the air defense system, so that we can better hold our lines, i hope that before the start of active operations, this is may, on which we expect, some number of them will be, and they will be on... thank you, thank you, mr. roman. roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine. we're going to break for just a few minutes now, but stay with us. when you sleep on uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position. after all, you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with
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