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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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and hit these symbolic points of theirs, yes, and this is their resort, there is no resort, there will be no resort, and the fact that idiots go there, who still wants to take advantage of the situation, that’s what we have to prove, thank you, akhtem cheygoz, people's deputy of ukraine was concise, but very clear, so the news will come out on time and iryna koval is already waiting to tell. about the most important thing at the moment, iro, you have a word. thank you, colleagues, what an interesting conversation you had, i also listened, in just a moment i will tell you about the most important events of this time, so also wait.
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15 in ukraine, bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. in kupyansk , kharkiv oblast, a local resident was injured by enemy shelling. in the morning, the enemy attacked the city with hail. the regional prosecutor's office was notified. one of the ammunition hit a private house. a 51-year-old man with an abdominal injury was taken to the hospital. a 36-year-old woman was also found under the rubble. she received minor. damage more than 260 subscribers in mykolaiv region and kharkiv region were left without gas due to russian shelling. according to the ministry of energy in the mykolaiv region , high and low pressure gas pipelines were damaged as a result of the attacks. there , 163 homes were left without blue fuel. and in the kharkiv region, a gas pipe was hit by rocket fragments. gas supply was stopped for hundreds of houses. the bodies of two men
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were found in tisza by border guards in transcarpathia. the drowned people were found yesterday evening during the patrolling of the ukrainian-romanian border, but it was possible to get the drowned people out of the water only in the morning due to high rapids and a strong current rivers currently, law enforcement officers are establishing the identities of the dead. according to the information of the state border service, this is already the 24th case of death of men in a mountain river. a full-scale invasion. fatal traffic accident in odesa region. at night , two trucks collided on the odesareni highway near the village of krasna kosa, the regional police reported. as a result of the accident, the driver of one of the cars died. employees of the state emergency service were involved in liquidation of the consequences of the car accident. the rescuers towed away the equipment and washed away the fuel and lubricants materials from the road. rukhtra had to
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cover. the police are establishing the causes and circumstances of the traffic accident. and a reminder for ukrainian drivers. from now on , you will have to drive with your headlights or daytime running lights on outside the city and after may 1, or rather, all year round. the government made relevant changes to traffic rules in october. previously, such requirements applied only in... the period from october 1 to may 1. failure to comply with this rule will result in a fine of uah 1,500. according to studies of the use of daytime running lights can reduce the number of traffic accidents during daylight hours by 10-15%. poland called on germany to provide long-range taurus missiles to ukraine. warsaw hopes that it has olaf scholz's decisive actions. to encourage america's supply
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of atacams missiles with a range of up to 300 km, polish foreign minister radosław sikorski said in an interview with the german zmi. he also expressed hope that berlin will do more than it is doing and reminded about the supply of leopard tanks to ukraine. let me remind you, germany so far refuses to provide long-range taurus missiles to ukrainian defenders. according to experts, chancellor scholz fears that kyiv can use them for... for strikes against russia. two ukrainians were killed in germany. a russian is suspected of the crime. this was reported to the german police. yesterday , men aged 36 and 23 were found with slash wounds near a shopping center in the town of marnau am. state of felze. a 36-year-old man died of serious injuries on the spot, and the second is already in the hospital. during the investigation. the police detained him
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57-year-old russian man, not far from the crime scene. the motive for the murder is currently being established. the pope. francis embarked on his first trip this year, swapping his traditional popemobile for a motorboat as his visit was to venice. there, he immediately arrived at the women's prison, where the vatican has set up a multimedia exhibition that is part of the venice biennale, a prestigious international art exhibition that the pope has never visited before. francis moves around in a wheelchair because he is ill knee. the watch of the richest passenger of the titanic was sold for more than a million pounds , according to the rowyters agency. this is the highest price ever paid for shipwreck memorabilia. the auction was held in the british city of devises. the valuable
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thing was bought by a private collector from the usa. the watch belonged to business magnate john jacob astor. at the time of the titanic disaster, a man. she is one of the richest people in the world with a fortune of about 87 million dollars. during the disaster, the businessman died, his wife managed to survive. the tragedy happened on april 15, 1912. crimean corner in kyiv. in the greenhouses of the national expo center of ukraine , a room dedicated to the traditions of the crimean people was arranged. in a corner, you can listen to a record of... ancient crimean tatar songs and read books that tell the history of this people. it was initiated by the singer jamala and the organizers of the book country festival. in the coffee shops of kropyvnytskyi, a charity
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event was started in thanksgiving of the army. from now on, you can eat in the local establishments with benefit for the armed forces of ukraine. they can pay willingly dessert for a wounded soldier. then author's sweets. they go to the hospital where the wounded are treated. our correspondents will tell you whether the charity cakes are good for the soldiers. margarita is a volunteer. when there is a free moment, the girl comes to her favorite coffee shop, from now on she is happy, she can not only support the local business, but also treat the defenders with delicious treats. it does not affect my budget in any way and only affects the positive mood of people around me and my positive mood. so why not do something nice. especially for the military who defend our country and protect our lives. they treat the defenders with original desserts - says the owner of the cafe, kateryna. the facility, opened during a full-scale war, has its own production. this is, for example, an eclair, this is a shu cake, this is a donut, this is a cupcake,
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it is possible there lviv cheese cake, this is a macaron, a ceremisu, this is a trifle, this is something that is very convenient in transportation. treats for defenders made exclusively from natural ingredients, shared. mrs. tatyana, she is just checking the chocolate, currant, raspberry and mango cakes, the taste - she says pastry shop, unsurpassed, all products are seasoned with love and respect for the protectors, in general, thank you very much for the fact that they protect us, that we can sleep in our beds, that is, we can enjoy life, well, in general, a very big bow to our protectors, for for two weeks , the people of krypny bought 200.50 desserts for the defenders, volunteers and entrepreneurs delivered treats to the medical facility. military personnel from different regions of ukraine are treated and rehabilitated here. a sweet table for the soldiers was set up right in the yard. such support, the guys say, motivates. and this is a great support for the armed forces of ukraine and
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for the boys who are in the hospital. this is a great moral and psychological support. some are far from their families, from their homes. from the ternopil region, some from khmelnytskyi, yes, and they, well , volunteers give a little something, that it is at least some kind of home comfort, something to feel life. "pleasant surprises distract soldiers from sad thoughts and set them up for positivity," says psychologist hanna koleva. very important for our soldiers, it is attention, especially when they are being treated, so such a dose of, let's say, attention, positive emotions, it is very cool, because they feel this support, and since these desserts were bought. all customers of the chain of coffee shops, yes, it's very cool, because a lot of people got involved. the charity event in the city will continue in the future. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. and it remains for me to remind you about our collection of communication and security equipment needed
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by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front. and they give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and it remains to collect less than uah 300,000. let's not delay, the war continues and... the help of each of us is important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, there you will find a summary of most importantly, watch our unique content on youtube, and my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the ater in just a moment. we are working to ensure that you see an updated news release at 5 p.m.
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virtually silent, no more heavy, bulky lawnmowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience, comfort and a nice manicured area, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call, there are discounts on bizyn, 20% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and save, there are discounts on urolessan. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we... accept the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics
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about the world with maria gurska, sundays at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with au sisters. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project. this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football stronger together. we come back, we remind you
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that we ask you to donate, and in return we will ask our next incredibly interesting and competent guest, with us yuriy shcharbak, a diplomat, the former ambassador of ukraine to israel, the usa and canada. mr. yuri, we congratulate you. greetings, friends. let's start with the aid that we, for which we sweat... in fact , since last saturday, for a whole week, we discussed and rejoiced at a huge package of annual aid, and during the week we voted in favor of it. please spread out on the shelves, how will this aid come to ukraine, in what way will it come to ukraine, or is it every time, they should voice, announce, so yes, now 5 billion or 7 billion is going to ukraine, and that package may include such and such , production in the united states, or here we can buy
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something even in ukraine, what will be the scheme for the next six months, dear friends, the fact is that during the last meeting of rambstein of the so-called, well, a coalition of more than 50 countries that help ukraine, er, lloyd austin, minister of defense of the united states, uh, twice, uh, gave ukraine huge gifts, the first was a $1 billion aid package, and then two days later, there was... an absolutely unprecedented $6 billion aid package was announced, and many people do not fully understand what is the matter here, why these two packages and what is the difference between them. so, the first package worth 1 billion dollars is a weapon that is stored in the warehouses of the pentagon,
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and which immediately goes and has already arrived to the armed forces. forces of ukraine, including long-range missiles atacoms and other not incredibly vital weapons that we need, these are ready-made weapons that do not need to be manufactured, nor to wait for their appearance and transportation, let's say, the united states, because they are in warehouses in europe, and they are already in ukraine, this is help , which refers to 1 billion. package for 1 billion, there is something that we absolutely need today to repel an attack, for our very difficult operational and strategic situation at the front. and the second part is 6 billion dollars, it must be understood, it is an amount that is part of that 61
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billion dollars, which was accepted. in the us congress and we all rejoiced and rightly we rejoiced, and this is a share of 13, 13.8 billion dollars, that is , it is 43% of the amount that is available to order weapons in the facilities of the military-industrial complex of the united states states of america. that is, these weapons will still be manufactured, and they will go for it, it may take months, and it may take years, and it may happen that in a year, when there will be problems there , it is not known what the results of the elections in the united states will be, then these weapons will go it has been ordered for the next year as well, there it is
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too, beautiful... the selection in the so-called washington military market of those weapons and ammunition, let's say, we absolutely need ammunition for patriots, for anti-aircraft defense forces, 155 millimeter shells, multi-purpose radars, radars for the introduction of counter-battery combat, which determine , who will quickly determine where. there is an enemy battery, and this american radar system has a huge advantage over the russian one, and therefore we really need, it is very important to us , means of countering the russian drones, which are now literally occupying the sky over our over
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the front line, this is aviation ammunition and so on, and this... this six-billion-dollar program, which will be extended over time, is not immediately implemented, it exists within the framework of a separate program, because there are three or four ukrainian funding programs, ukraine security assistant programs initiative, usaai, such and such a program individually is very important for ukraine, this is how these two programs look, we. should understand the difference between them, mr. yuriy, look, we closely followed the so-called trump line in his own performance, and it was categorical. in two directions, both with regard to ukraine and with regard to europe, because he always said that you are at war on the european continent, in a word, all the financial burden should go to the eu, and
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here the taxpayers in the states, this was an early song of trump's election campaign, since now the intrigue remains until the fall elections, that is, 50 for 50, let's consider the option that after all, for example, trump returns with the republicans, which, which wing? trump republicans will dominate as of after the election in the fall if trump returns to the chair, the one that supported ukraine, or those that just pushed against him, and this change of the latest rhetoric indicated that some political technologists at the headquarters told him that no, work with voters who are also ready to support the armed forces of ukraine and ukraine in particular, was it a situational change or? your question is extremely fundamental and very important, what is happening before our eyes, during this famous historic vote in
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congress in the house of representatives, the republican party split into two camps. one pro-trumpist, there more than half of the republicans voted against aid to ukraine, including ours. from a handkerchief, victoria spars, the woman who was elected the first ukrainian to the congress, and there were those who voted for, and now this part of the party is the most intellectual, the so-called reaganists, who are against that, adventurous politics and populist red-necks and. .. they are against trump, who rules the crowd, aholocracy and so on, and now we don’t know how the election will turn out for trump, because trump was opposed
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part of the republican party establishment, including, it seems, this character who is on our screen, mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, and we will see, actually, a change in rhetoric. trump and the fact that he so allowed the alleged aid to ukraine, it is connected with his very bad prospects for the elections, because there are still neutral voters, who are more supporters of the republican party, but now they hesitate, in addition, there are very serious damage was done to trump and his faction by the jewish side the lobby because they have always had complaints about trump and the republicans, why are they delaying to help israel, when israel spent somewhere around 1 billion dollars in just one
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night of attacking israel with iranian missiles and drones, and immediately needed to increase its weapons and improve them, and the republicans delayed it and did not give it. did they finally provide this help to ukraine, israel, and taiwan, but trump still has this problem, first of all, his personally in connection with the trials in which he will still participate there and it is not known how they will end , and on the other hand, this intellectual-political split in the party itself, because there are healthy forces there, there are people who remember... uh, who was president eisenhower, reagan, well, these are people who the people on which america and its
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power rested, and now they have raised the question that it is necessary to stop, in fact, the slide of the party to trumpism, that is what the matter is, huh, mr. yuri, about blinken and china, i want to ask you a few more words, went, threatened, did not threaten, no cooperation with russia in the sense of no dual purpose goods, don't trade, you have other partners, and he kept these threats with sanctions in his pocket, it was a serious conversation, serious threats, is that what blinkin is for, you understand that after that, a certain softening of relations between. by the united states and china related to sidzenpin's arrival in san francisco and negotiations with president biden again. tension between the two
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countries has increased, this is a very strange phenomenon of the globalized world that is falling apart before our eyes into two camps, when the united states was incredibly dependent on china, and china is benefiting from american technologies and american investments, and china's exports have increased by three or four times. to the united states, exceeded the exports of the united states to china, and finally trump, by the way, started such a powerful anti-chinese policy and program, and now these parameters have already begun to change, let's say, china today does not occupy the first place in trade with
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the united states. states, and its place has been taken by mexico, which supplies a very mexico, vietnam, the philippines, they capture the niche that previously this trade niche was occupied by the chinese, but america is very strict, it may not be threats, but very strict was the warning from blinkin that... he asked the chinese to refrain from supporting russia in the war with russia, because russia supplies not only intelligence china, supplies not only satellite intelligence to russia, but microelectronics, machines for the production of missiles, and russia has a program to produce 1200 ballistic missiles per year, they provide very important. material such as
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nitrocellulose, rocket fuel, they provide cobalt and lithium, uh, they provide rare earth metals and dual purpose goods, which means that you can transfer the right machine and convert it there into, say, a rocket, because there's all the microelectronics in that plan, and that's why there was a very serious warning , and secondly, i thought it was very important, you know, we don't talk about this much, blinkin suggested and asked china not to interfere in the elections in the united states, i want to remind you that the chinese lobby is incredibly powerful and very influential in the united states, in the united states 3.5 million chinese ethnic citizens of the united states live in the united states, 1.2%. there are 500 thousand
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chinese. students, there are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, and there are hundreds of thousands of different companies and everything, they are conducting intelligence activities, they are working for china, and this is a great threat to the united states, thank you, mr. yuri, very angry, but specifically, and exactly that, what we wanted to know, thank you for participating in our broadcast, yuriy shcherbak, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine. in israel, the united states of america and canada, and also a writer, and a futurologist, because in his books he predicted everything that is happening right now before our eyes, and when he told us about chinatown in every american city and about the chinese, i immediately remembered the greedy, you know, it 's not enough, the chinese are not enough, and that's how it is looks in the states. a short pause, but don't switch, during this time you can get the job done,
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then the project is close to politics. close to the world with maria gurska to stay with espresso. it is about politics, it is about politics, about the world. i am maria gurska, a journalist the ukrainian tv channel espresso and the editor-in-chief of the eu sisters portal. next to me is pavel kovel, head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet and the governmental council for cooperation with ukraine. good day. thank you very much for this presentation, it is our first time. of ukraine, poland and europe. and let's start with the fact that this week the senate of the united states of america voted for a package of military and financial aid to ukraine in the amount of almost 61 billion dollars.


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