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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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an artist, an architect, an artist with a capital li, a master with a capital letter, they were close friends with yanovsky, and just as i was preparing this vivativ book for printing, i came across a letter from kry gryva, kri hyphen gry, hyphen va, in the yanovsky fund. in the filing cabinet it is described as a letter from an unidentified person, but it is krychevskyi hryhorovych vasyl, and... from the context, there is also about the novel, i heard that you took me out in the novel, ah, and they also had such a humorous address : oh, uncle, he is writing to yanovsky, they have a huge age difference, and it is clear that krychevsky loves yanovsky, well , maybe like a son, even, and that yanovsky also loves krychevsky, from yanovsky's correspondence and articles, he has an essay vasyl krichevsky, i, them, all yanovsky's essays about those people who became antitypes. i collected and
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added to this book in the vivativ edition, and in yanovsky's archive there is still a notebook, so beautiful with a red cover, you open the cover like this and there is a beautiful, pretty drawing of a sailboat, or rather sails, written by yuriy yanovsky, on the back yuriyka yanovsky wrote, this notebook to me presented by vasyl hryhoryovych kirchevskyi in odesa in the 27th year. and wrote with his own hand, and here is this cover to the master of the ship, this is krychevsky, yes, yes, this is also krychevsky, he even made two covers, because the first and second editions came out, where there are sailboats in which a human face can be guessed, and then the third edition, he made a different cover, there are only fonts, and there is the color red and blue, and he arranged the letters like this, the master of the ship is interesting, this is also such an original avant-garde cover. i would read memoirs
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bazhan, and he, and bazhan writes that there really was a great sympathy between krychevsky and yanovsky, and that yanovsky and dovzhenko, they were not inclined to trust anyone, but they trusted krychevsky, because krychevsky made many films at the odesa film factory at the time, and they are without and they trusted krychevsky very much, i want to ask you now about, you have such a good so good text. which is called ukraine without sundermokh, what would have happened if there was no sundermokh, and you, and you have such a whole, well, such an essay about how literature could develop, how many nobel laureates could have and international contact, if it weren't for sundermog, and uh, when you read this text, what else does it attract me to, the master of the ship, the fact that you read it, and you already read it as a utopia , you... you
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understand that all the main characters, all the main ones, mykhailo semenko will be shot, yes, dovzhenko will correct his biography all his life and in the end he will be chopped to pieces, as he said, so will tomaki yanovsky, he will not live to see up to 70 years old, and he will also be constantly oppressed because of this nationalism of his, yes, who else is a ballerina and naah will sit in the camps in golag, yes and but here... there is a phrase of tomaki, i want to quote it, it is the 28th year, friends, and look what is still in the 28th year , it was already the soviet government, and this is the period of ukrainization, but what else could be written, er, so yanovsky writes about himself, obviously, and how was it for everyone to understand that i have one bride, the bride from the cradle, about whom i was thinking, probably, even then, when he didn't know how, he still didn't know how to speak. bride, for whom i lived
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my whole life, i dedicated a steel sword to her, and for a heavy shield was put under her sword, for her i loved the sea, i put an anchor on the coat of arms, an iron heavy anchor, which is accepted by all the seas of the world, and a mighty ship sways above it, the culture of the nation, its name, that is, these things were still possible in 28, to say, and then all this... completely closed, that is , after all, the ship is a young ukrainian republic, you can interpret it that way, you can, this level of reading is also laid there, we have already done it several times, you already myroslava mentioned several times that the novel is difficult, and it seems to me that it is complex, on the one hand apparently, and on the other hand really complex, but complex in the sense that there are definitely many... these levels of reading, and we can
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read about morokina and love, yes, or we can about much more interesting things, some deeper things that are present for oneself. to read the author, but we already mentioned that the city was published this year, that they are almost the same age as yanovsky, the gravestone yanovsky, and these are the first debut novels, which are immediately so outstanding, uh, the kyiv magazine globus about conducted a survey about the master of the ship, well, they asked critics, writers, cultural figures, and among them there was a mortuary, well... this is the kyiv magazine pidmohylon is nearby, and the mortuary is very interesting. i read this novel in one sitting with immense delight and interest, he thinks it means he is the author
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of the city considers him outstanding even then in the 28th year, an outstanding phenomenon of ukrainian literature and in the 28th year he was still fat in kyiv. the literary monthly life revolution, and andriy nikovsky, a figure of the era of the ukrainian people's republic, a famous person, a politician and also a literary critic, during the year in the life of the revolution, he included two articles: one about yuri yanovsky and the other about valeriyan pidmohylny, that is, he who wrote reviews of techyina’s first books there and supported him, who wrote about the first editions of semank, this year he singled out two novelists and dedicated they are great... although they each wrote one novel, and about yanovsky in particular, he wrote that there is still no master of the ship, that is, his article for the master of the ship just came out, but yanovsky already had baigorod, there was a collection of blood of the earth, and in masters of the ship, they drink wine, contraband
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wine, the blood of the earth, yanovsky rhymes himself, you understand, gives us such hints about some additional reading and about the connection with his other works. well, yes, but it is not necessary to know this, yes, you can read, understand and love the novel without it, but nikovsky predicts a great future for yanovsky, which, er, was completely crushed due to the cultural policy of the soviet authorities. in fact, yanovsky's novel is such a crack, a window into the world, uh, which we... failed to save, can be interpreted like this, you mentioned this resolution, i also wrote it in the 32nd year of the resolution of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine on the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations, that is, it
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turned the literary process from a rickety fair, you write, into a gray collective farm, a crowd of cheerful, good-natured people turned the union of ukrainian soviet writers, that is this, this was his last, last flash of this, cheerful, good-natured, bright something, did he try to do something else after that, but already these, this was already considered isms, nationalism, and that's all, well, nationalism was sewn to him forever , maybe not from the master of the ship, but from the four sabers, for sure, and, after all, this is a truly nationalist novel. four saber horsemen is from his pre-war novels, it is certainly the weakest text, probably because of this he was there, where he already had to fulfill many standards, some requirements, and because of that, horsemen were always in the program of the soviet school, i, by the way ,
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i also studied riders at school, we were not given a master of the ship, respectively, and now the children of the master of the ship are studying, yes, as far as i know, he is in bigger programs. the same variations programs, but in principle the master of the ship is just now a program work, yes, that i too, by the way, in the 10th grade or in the 11th to understand the master of the ship, well, i don’t know, i don’t know that, it’s quite difficult, but you see, you see, children love, so the next point i want to discuss with you is yanovsky's nationalism, in the 45th year he works as a correspondent at the nuremberg trials. and then in the post-war period he writes the novel "living water", he writes about a ukrainian village, the one that survived the fascist navala, about that, about this one the reconstruction of the ukrainian world destroyed by the fascists and so on, and by the way, and and and this
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reminds me so much of dovzhenko's ukraine on fire, because in fact, what they beat dovzhenko for ukraine on fire, they started beating yanovsky for the same. for living water, and from kaganovich's presentation, i understand that, yes, he is being criticized for the fact that this is nationalism, he is being branded, he is being forced to ... rework this novel, and this novel turns out to be something like this, but i don't i read the novel mir, it is a reworked novel from this living water, i admit, i haven’t read it either, oh well, but my question is not about roman, but about how he managed to avoid repression, how he managed to save his life and survive, this is such a question, there is no answer to it, i believe that the nature of repression among the ukrainian... agencies was accidental, not in that sense, yes, yes, selective, they
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destroyed her purposefully, but each individual person is a set of coincidences, they could have shot bazhan, but they could have shot yanovsky, they could have shot the young man, but he could have survived, i don’t know, the gravedigger could have survived, i don't know who, that is, it is not in this regularities, not only that, there is a story about vasyl mysyk. when they came with a warrant for vasyl mynko, but they made a mistake and got to mysik's apartment, they also have similar surnames, and mynko himself, i remember seeing a documentary where stryi mynko tells that they say mysyk served time for me, yes there is a story about how , after the repentance of some meetings in the union, the poet poet ivan malovichko and the critics of polteratskyi were to be arrested... the little boy came home without a word and was soon arrested in the evening, and polteratskyi went to drink out of grief, and the whole night
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he wandered somewhere, he came in the morning, he was told that he was knocked on, he packed his suitcase and sat for a month without leaving the house, waiting for them to come for him, but they did not come, but he was already recruited later, that is, it could be that way , this is a lottery in which there was no winning in principle, but those people... were afraid for their lives and not all of them were brave, this is what i have to say about brave people, i am reading, i just happened to buy a book of texts and memories about maksym arilskyi, and and and in fact about him and his texts, and i want to quote as such a small literal passage, as maksym rylskyi defends. yuri yanovsky already after the death of yuri yanovsky, so this is an article
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called the truth is always the truth, in memory of yuri yanovsky, writes maksym rylskyi, this is the 62nd year, imagine, it has already thawed, yes, it is no longer a regime of repression or regime, when they simply destroy, come and take away people, but look how carefully and with what fear he writes. defending yanovsky, it means that he says that yanovsky is a very national character, and i stand by this, but with a national character - rylsky writes, even one should not confuse the concepts of national separateness, separateness, exclusivity or exceptions, or exclusivity, the friendship of peoples was one of the most precious. the tablet of yanovsky's worldview, you just imagine, this is me, so that people understand what was
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the context we are talking about, so he speaks, by the way, about the peak of yanovsky's work, that these are horsemen, in his article about this novel by louis aragon mentioned stendhal, and this is not at all a reproach to yanovsky, but it is the highest praise in the mouth of the french writer, both he and rylsky write that... i want to protect yanovsky from all kinds of suspicious isms, you should also re-read the novel "the master of the ship", which was at one time the same manifestation of creative searches and daring as the example of garad and goda fedin, and four sabers, and it is worth re-reading yury yanovsky's post-war novel living water . so, look at what rylsky is doing. rylsky in order to protect the master of the ship, he remembers. russian writer fedin, who wrote horoda i hody.
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just imagine how much and under what conditions writers had to write about ukrainian in general history and ukrainian, ukrainian culture, in order to have the right to remember at least, at least in a word, about the tragedy of, say, the second world war on the territory of ukraine. i quoted this on purpose, because it seems very revealing to me. how they tried to protect each other in their literary workshop, but the main story, the main question that i want to ask, i haven't asked you yet, it's about ostap bender. and tomaki, it is interesting that at the same time, in fact at the same time, that the master of the ship leaves, it turns out, ilf and petrov write a golden, golden tylonka, and actually appear, the myth of odessa appears, which is embodied
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for me in this specific humor. stapa bender and pilitya shura pilitya and so on, yes, that is , an adventurer appears and such a specific sense of humor, and there is a ukrainian odessa, or at least such a point of some ukrainian, ukrainian city, which is an embryo, which, which is not destined to grow, was there a chance for this myth to win over the myth in ukrainian odesa. russian odessa, eh, this ukrainian humor and irony odesa, because the book master of the ship also contains a lot of irony, so that it overcomes the humor and irony of absolutely such a russian-soviet group. uh, speaking of the 20s, that's a missed opportunity. i am extremely sorry for everything that, as a result
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of political and historical events, we in odessa have lost ukrainian. because the ukrainian element was very strong, not only the jewish element, but also the outskirts of odessa, they came from the steppe, all these odessa bazaars, milkmaids from nearby ukrainian villages traded there, and there appeared a wolf, and this it is not the only such hotbed of ukrainian culture, as the professor describes it, in those fragments that did not make it into the final version of the novel, there is a large reference to how the editor... that is , yanovsky talks to the professor for the first time at the film factory, and the professor tells him, you are here for a long time, well, as long as it will work, the editor answers him, and he says: it is good that you have come, we will spread our ukrainian settlement together. a settlement is a cell, an environment, they want to expand their ukrainian environment. i can even give an example, we
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we know very little about that odessa, but everyone knows about... circulations, and i will tell you about the master of the ship, three lifetime editions, then posthumous editions as part of a five-volume volume, twice in the 50s, at the end of the 50s and in 1983, and once in the series maritime library in odessa, i don't remember the circulation, but you have many collections of works at home, yes, that is, the general reading public buys one separate book, buys a novel, but not for... collects the pzt of all the writers there, and only this thin odesa book for the maritime library, it is all from the reprints of the master ship i will also remind you about the memories, when a writer died in the soviet union, the union took care of his creative heritage, it was republished there, transferred to the archive, for example, and the union also took care
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of the publication, collections of memories about the writer. yanovsky died in 54, and his wife. the widowed actress tamara zhevchenko died a year later, she almost, she could not live without her yuri ivanovich, and a collection of memories was published in 1985, 30 years after yanovsky's death, ah, because she was not cared for by the writers' union as friends, the translator tetyana stakh was the successor, and she and rylskyi, that is, those who were alive, they cared, in particular. bazhan, who lived a long life, they cared about the writer's memory, not the union, not some soviet institution. and returning to odesa, uvku is not the only one, that is, the film factory, the odessa film factory is not the only hotbed of ukrainian culture. in the 25th year before odessa, a ukrainian drama theater was created in odessa, it competed with the russian drama theater,
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which was usually there, it even happened that put at the same time. the play and newspaper reviewers recognized that the ukrainian production was more interesting, the director vasyl vasylko, a student of les kurbes, triumphed that they succeeded, so they succeeded, and this moment is in his memories, and this ukrainian theater, it was called the zhovtneva theater revolution, the troupe of the hnat mykhailichenko theater was specially transported from kyiv, and director marko tereshchenko was the first director. sir of the odesa state drama, their prima donna was natalie ozhvai, there in odesa the editor of the film factory met her mykhailo semenko, left the film factory on yanovskogo and took the uzvy. went to kharkiv, where she became berezol's first lady, he started publishing the magazine nova generatsia, and well, my favorite moment about the ukrainian poet sava
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galavanivskyi, who is a jew, originally from kropyvnytskyi, like yanovskyi, from kropyvnytskyi, or rather from the kherson province at that time, well, odesa was the center for the south of ukraine, no. went to study at an agricultural institute in odesa, and one day i was writing poems, and one day i saw an announcement of a tour, a tour futurist vladimir mayakovsky, he didn't know what futurism was, so he decided to go see it, and when he came, he saw a huge crowd, there were no tickets, he thought that as a student, he would always wander there, make his way and so on, and he decided send a note to mayakovsky that there is also a young futurist poet here, saying he wants to come to your concert. as for serhiy zhadan, approximately, and mayakovsky suddenly appeared on the cake from the dark side and says: who is the futurist here? and golovanivskyi
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has a gift of speech in general from surprise disappeared, he was still standing, squealing, but maikovsky sensed him, so to speak, and he extended his hand to him and through all the bluster, that is, he pulled out, and golovanivsky listened to mayakovsky, then he learned what futurism was, what poems volodymyr mayakovsky wrote, but golovnisky do not put. futurist in russian-speaking, mainly russian-speaking odessa, after such an acquaintance with volodymyr mayakovsky, who undoubtedly influenced the minds of young people, especially poetic youth, and golovanivskyi chose to become a ukrainian poet, i.e. ukrainian culture could and did win, even in such individual stories and cases, golovniyskyi wrote a whole poem about this meeting. a very good futuristic such a poem, written quite late meeting with maikovsky? yes, he became a ukrainian futurist and went to mykhailo semenko in kharkiv, because he had already abandoned the odesa
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film factory on yanovsk, he went to kharkiv, became a futurist, wrote futuristic poems, and then in his old age corrected them and killed this spirit of futurism, and more and in various critical articles there he wrote about himself, what he said youth, mistakes of youth, toyed with futurism. i know him already at this stage, when he was already criticizing, but i also know and, i also remember, and this speech is majestic and simple, you hear, the trumpets have sounded, it is the time of reckoning , and there was another, certainly, we have only one left a minute, and my question is that there are two myths of two cities, russian myths, bulgakov's myth of the city that ate. to kyiv, and now we are just trying to somehow overcome it with a ukrainian myth, which is actually organic and true, and there is
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a myth of russian odesa, and this is a myth that ilfipetrov and not only them, what do you think, is there a chance that the actual eye, at that historical point and in the catastrophe that we are going through, will still succeed... people at least, well, if not, not to change the view, at least to show that most people, yes , that there is another ukrainian myth of these cities, and odessa, and kyiv, that for this you need to know first of all, that is, i know, i tell, i do as much as i can, i issued a geushkoropiya to a female battalion girl, back in the 18th year, and wrote that here is who the bolgakov shaved from it city, is ukrainian ki. ugeushka rupiya, read, there is also ukrainian odessa, there is a master of the ship, there is over the black sea, not chuvytskyi, the classic will also be released soon in the vivat series, there is dawn over the sea by yury smolich,
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later a novel, but odessa is also very interesting in it, there are a lot of stories from the 20s, we can tell some anecdotes from the golden calf or from 12 chairs, but leonid chernov meetings with readers, you drive me nuts. walked into the factory and the workers asked why you were not complaining, but out of curiosity. well, you are me do you understand, well, that's what they said, why
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should i speak russian? language, a good, good story, and in fact, this is a story about what you need to know in order to love, and all these names and all the texts we talked about are worth knowing in order to love and to love the ukrainian version of their city, in particular. thank you, yaryna tsymbel, literary critic, researcher of the literature of the 20s, was my guest, i am myroslav barchuk, these are my names, and thank you for being with you, see you in a week, thank you, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack tv strong saws are just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work,
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