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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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the population of which is approximately 20 million men, of which approximately 10 million are 18-60, that is, aged, and we are looking for 430 00, and we have 10, well, okay, eight, well, okay, seven, okay, 5 million people who can potentially engage than what the rest of the people at the front are doing. look what i want to tell you, i want to tell you that anna yevamelnik, who you see very often, and she reads the news, interviewed ... such a star of stars czech hockey goalie, olympic champion dominique hasik, who life performed under number 68, as far as i remember, maybe i 'm confusing something, but it's exactly this number , the year 68, that's when soviet troops entered prague, and there were huge, well, in short , the occupation of czechoslovakia at that time, so it took annaev's interview about athletes and about the participation of... athletes in
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international competitions, it will take about 10-12 minutes, then a little advertising, and then you will see mykola september at this place, and now we have an interview and an advertisement. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm in javamelnik, and today i have a unique opportunity to communicate without an exaggeration with a man, a legend, one of the best. moat for the entire history of the national hockey league, as well as an olympic champion and a person who is definitely not outside of politics. domminik hasyk is next to me, he is a world- famous personality and the first hockey player who came to our country during the full-scale invasion of the russian federation. i am glad to welcome you to ukraine. thanks for your support and thanks for being on the right side of history. putin and many russian
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propagandists, they often claim that what do you see, the russians are here at my house, in another neighboring independent country of ukraine, they are not at war with the civilian population, they are looking for nazis, fascists, people from bandera, they are terribly annoyed by the song batko nas bandera, ukraine is our mother, and... can you imagine, they catch here in ukraine, even satanists, and i know that you have already managed to visit such cities as kharkiv, irpin, bucha, kyiv, and you have even visited vinnytsia, and one hundred percent saw the atrocities committed by the russians in our country in ukraine, and probably saw bombed ice arenas. tell us more about the purpose of your visits to ukraine. anoma. "i do not agree with the fact that russia
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calls ukrainians banderites and nazis. the real imperialists and war criminals are the russians, putin and the russian federation, which is committing ethnocide of the ukrainian people in ukraine, including ukrainian children. last june, i visited ukraine to express his respect for ukrainians for their ability to protect not only their country, but also european values, acting as a watchdog state for the whole of europe.also , one of the main tasks was to support ukrainian hockey and support parents and their children, especially those who play hockey. i am very concerned about the development of ukrainian hockey, as i feel responsible as an olympic champion for the development of hockey not only in the whole world, but also in ukrainian sports. what, for example, ukrainians feel and think here in ukraine, i understand. and i want to ask you how you
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think europeans and czechs feel, in particular, because for example, the distance from kyiv to prague is only 100, almost 400 km, and do they feel that this is a war in europe, which is going on in ukraine, it is already close, or is the war in ukraine and ukraine itself still somewhere very far away? the honor is very much appreciated... the republics are on the side of ukraine, they are extremely sympathetic to the ukrainian people in this war and actively support ukraine. the majority of people, citizens of the czech republic , are in favor of ukraine restoring its 1991 borders. they also realize that the ukrainian people should not only end this conflict, but also do everything possible to prevent a similar situation from happening again in the future. when i hear that russia... no
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are interested in politics, i don't smile, i laugh, because the russian federation, the war criminal putin, his regime and the kremlin, they use not only culture. and sports in order to promote their narratives in the world. we know that the russians play in the national hockey league, and you are a sports legend, your voice in this world, it is important. in your opinion, should the athletes of the russian federation perform, for example, at the olympics, which will be held in france this summer, and at other sports competitions. i'm sorry, that the western world allows russian athletes to participate in sports competitions, including the olympics, i do not support this decision, although not all athletes participate in competitions, but allow participation in sports competitions for
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many of them. since the very beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, russian sports and russian athletes have served as propaganda for the russian language. in the world competition for representatives from russia, it is actually a form of supporting their war and helping to spread the relevant narratives on international level. this war is causing great human casualties, and i will remain steadfast in my resolve and continue my fight for a total ban. supports russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, which in turn leads to the loss of human lives. not all
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athletes from russia support putin or the war, but unfortunately they represent their country and as representatives of russia they become part of the war propaganda. can't compete, i thank you for that, for supporting and advocating and doing everything in order for russian, you should not thank, it is important that this position is heard by people all over the world, but i thank you for your support, and at the same time i remember such, you know, pages of history, for example, the prague spring, this is the spirit of this the revolution and that matter... in the demonstrators against the soviet influence, i also remember what happened before the second world war, even how civilized countries wanted, thought that they would stop the dictator hitler by giving them territory, or, for example, by turning a blind eye to that hitler
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builds up his war machine. now i hope that the world sees that the ukrainians are not going to retreat and are not going to do anything. give back, europe helps ukraine a lot, but in your opinion, what else can be done to stop the dictator of our time, putin? first of all , it must be said that hitler and putin are very similar, and there is almost no difference between them. both were imperialists who wanted to take other people's lands in order to advance their own. lives, people whose territories they occupy, at the same time, they are indifferent to the lives of their citizens living in their countries, they send tens of thousands of people to war and
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death. the entire democratic world, including the czech republic, is helping, but much more help is needed. i will do everything to make that help much more intense. the goal of the western democratic world, including the united states, is for russia to return to its borders, for ukraine to rule in crimea again, and the democratic world will always support ukraine in this. nobody wants to dictate to ukraine what it should do. this must be decided by the ukrainians themselves, and the democratic world will always stand. what else can be done for what europe can do for ukraine, ukraine to have more weapons, ukraine to have more ammunition, now in your opinion, what else can europe do? i am very happy that in
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the united states, after all , aid was allocated to ukraine, it is not only money, but also weapons that will support you in the coming months. i feel that europe and the united states are together again, standing together again the parties of ukraine will help. ukraine needs not only weapons. which defends, but also weapons with which you can attack the enemy, and this is not only help with weapons, but also economic help, and we must do everything in order to cut off russia from the democratic, modern world. macron's statement that france can send its troops to ukraine, it made a lot of noise, but do you even assume that other countries of the european union can send their troops, for example, maybe...
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which help ukraine not only economically, the czech republic is one of the leaders of the countries, but also in weapons. the czech president initiated this assistance. shells for ukraine and will always help ukraine with weapons and economically. we picked up on the czech initiative of the president of the czech republic petr pavel about one million artyads for ukraine. if you have heard or read about the slovaks, despite their policies of their prime minister, people collected 2.5 million euros for us. but their government does not support ukraine, peter pavel showed a great initiative, and tell us a little
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more about whether you support this at all initiative? i really support our president and i think he is a great president for the czech republic. i also know about the situation with slovakia, with the pro-russian sentiments of the authorities there. today's slovak government is completely different from the czech government, both the president and the parliament. but at the same time, i am very grateful to the slovaks for the fact that, despite their power, they collected so much money to support ukraine. i thank you for this conversation, i say with confidence, until the next meeting in ukraine and glory to ukraine, glory to the czech republic, glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine, glory to heroes. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility.
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greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, close-quarters war in the east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining... vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. what
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to do when there is a liver? hello hulk, and for? bile that alohol, it protects both the liver and bile, alohol with care and respect for the liver and bile, the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! good health once again, my name is mykola veresin, by 8 p.m. we will discuss with you what is happening in the world and now. we will find out what was happening in the world, in the ukrainian-polish world in the world, these days 77 years, 77 years, the vistula actions are completed, whether it was genocide, whether it was a war crime, ethnic cleansing or a misunderstanding, well, there are many versions, we will talk about all these versions with volodymyr
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serhiychuk, head of the department of world history of ukrainian studies of taras shevchenko kyiv national university, doctor. of historical sciences, professor, good health, mr. volodymyr, thank you for finding time for us on sunday, thank you very much, good health, so maybe i have such, you know, such a simple and difficult question, is it possible to find an understanding, the poles say theirs, the ukrainians say theirs, the poles say that it was the ukrainians who committed the genocide, the ukrainians say that it was the poles who committed the genocide and... and if this has been going on for years and years and decades, and there is no agreement, is it really are among scientists, at least, i am just focused on scientists, because they have material, they can tell about each village, here it was like that, and here it was like that, here yes, here yes, here yes, what do you say, mr. professor, and i
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would start with the fact that the lands from which ukrainians were evicted in 1947. these lands have been around for centuries belonged to the ukrainian people, there were ukrainians there, ukrainians were evicted from these lands as a result of the campaign, not poles, so it was ukrainian land, so it was a crime against the ukrainian nation, which was there from time immemorial, so i can answer your question, but look, but you and i understand, and i think all sober people understand that... it was not possible without stalin, it was not some idea of ​​the ukrainians or the idea of ​​the poles to do this or that, it was decided somewhere in the kremlin, we are sending them there, and we take these here, and resettle ukrainians, resettle poles, where we resettle ukrainians too, not just anywhere, but exactly
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where comrade stalin said, and then the question arises, what to do with it, i will. the fact is that this issue was actually decided on august 3, 1944, in fact in stalin's cabinet. stalin then received the leaders of the polish government in exile, and the post-war borders between the soviet union and poland were discussed. and poles, poles, representatives of the polish government demanded that the border remain open. stalin refused he said to them, to the poles: "i can't be a greater pole, what will the ukrainians say to me then?" and he refused to return lviv and vilna, i.e. present-day vilnius, to the poles. and then the polish delegation
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offered stalin mutual resettlement. ukrainians from the territory that was supposed to go to poland were finally resettled in soviet ukraine during the war, as well as belarusians in belarus, and poles from the western regions of ukraine and western belarus, as well as lithuania in post-war communist poland, and thus the initiative of mutual resettlement, which one took place in the years 44-46, you repeat, because they did not achieve the desired result for them, namely, that the border remained until the 39th year. and therefore, in this situation, stalin looks like an outsider, so to speak, because he did not make this proposal, he
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supported it, and on the first night this criminal action took place, in the years 44-46 there was a mutual, so-called mutual resettlement, this is the resettlement of ukrainians to ursr, and... ukrainians to poland from ursr, let's say, it was, well , let's say, disproportionate, what's the matter, the matter in the fact that ukrainians moved to the territory of present-day poland, as, more precisely, from the territory of present-day poland they moved to the ukrainian ssr, as those who were autochthonous in the lands of lemkivshchyna, nasvsnia, polmshchyna and pidliascha. the poles who moved to poland, western ukraine, let's say they moved to their historical homeland, the veil, why, because they
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were colonists here, they already lived here for more than one century, their children and grandchildren were already born here , great-grandchildren and so on, but this territory was ukrainian people, and they were simply returning to their... historical homeland, and the polish government, by the way, called on them to return to their historical lands, why was it so important for the poles at that time to return, so that their population returned to the territory of poland, the fact is that after the second world war, poles were allocated the so-called zeme otziskanny, that is, those lands that had already been mastered at the time. and the new border along the oder and the neisse, it cut off from the german ethnic territory at that time already large massifs, such
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as silesia, such as pomerania, such as the eastern prussia, if east prussia, let's say, was divided into two parts, from one part the kaliningrad region was created as part of the soviet union, and this region was given away, even though it is adjacent. to lithuania, it was not given to lithuania, but this region was simply given to the russian federation, but those lands, that is, all the dying, in particular, and even this area of ​​today's gdańsk, which in german sounded like danzik, were all given, that is, to poland, and people had to be brought to these lands and settled, why, because... from those lands, let's say, only the western lands, those that were adjacent to the oder neiss, that is , silesia, so to speak, silesia, and then in
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the szczecin area, all these lands, zelena hura, all of this, reportedly 1.5 million germans were evicted, and these lands had to be settled by people who would look they would take care of the land, cultivate the land, and that is why we can see from the documents. as the polish authorities constantly ask the soviet union to speed up the resettlement of poles, because it is necessary to cultivate the land, and these documents are already clearly traced from the beginning of 1946, thus returning to the historical homeland, and ukrainians were torn from their historical homeland and thrown to the ussr, that was the situation, now there is another one, and the 47th year without... on average, if we failed 46th, 44th, 46th, and what is 47th -th year, what was happening then, what happened directly,
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the fact is that 482 thousand ukrainians were evicted during the years 44-46 before the ussr, but not all ukrainians were evicted, many remained, and they were ready to stay there in their native ... lands, but in poland long before that, before the whistle campaign, a long time ago, we know from documents even in the 43rd year, the polish underground was developing these plans, and even a day before the murder, in particular, in november 1946, a plan was already submitted about the creation of a single-national poland, that is, there was to be one nation, and thus... this process of creating a single nation was not hindered by national minorities, and the largest national minority in poland was the ukrainian one, and even those remnants,
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there were supposedly 100 of them somewhere there. 50,000 still remained after mutual resettlement, and so they decided to resettle these people, and it was already planned in november in the 46th year, settle on those lands that went from germany to poland so that ukrainians could assimilate there, that's how it was written, i can simply quote that document, let's say the document from february 1947, which was signed by the deputy of... the general staff of the polish army , general stefan mosor. there were the following words: in the spring, to carry out an energetic resettlement campaign of these people by individual families, scattering them over the entire united lands, where they quickly settle down. end of quote. this is the answer to what the vistula action was for, the assassination of general karol svirchevskyi, on
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which is sent constantly. ostensibly the main reason, it was just an excuse, and that is why on the same day when the ukrainian insurgents mercilessly killed general karol sverczewski in an ambush in the foothills, on the same day the politburo of the polish united workers' party meets and makes a decision , already determines the date, and during the month the action was being prepared, the army was being prepared. why is this a crime, a crime as a military one, because the army, the polish army , evicted the citizens of their country from their native places to the western lands, which were called, i repeat, lands odzeskane, these were the lands that went from germany to poland, that is , an operation was developed, this operation was held, its plan...
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of course it is secret, and here on april 28, so to speak, already in the 47th year, in the morning, it is very there are many memories of this, they knocked on every ukrainian house in the lemkiv region, in nadsian, in the kholm region, in podlasie, there, professor, here they tell me what they were, there was even a concentration camp in yavozhno, there was such and such a geographical place, and we, we'll get to that now, we'll get there. one and a half minutes, professor excuse me, there was, yes, you can imagine, for its citizens, the polish state created a constabulary in jawozhno, it is near auschwitz, but there was filtering, so who was supposed to, so to speak, well , through the prism of the vision of the polish authorities, who was who, how loyal he was, and those who were, say, in the ukrainian insurgent movement, they are, as they say, to the right, and... dozens
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of these people were shot, others were in prisons, all those who passed the filter, those in wagons and were taken to german lands and there settled three or four families per village, and each family settled in different corners so that they could not communicate with each other, so that they assimilated, and this was the whole policy of the polish authorities. or when later in the 49th year they also passed a law to deprive ukrainians of their own, their property on ukrainian lands in poland, and in such a way that they could not return to their ancestral places, and this law, professor, the last question, look, very important, understanding is possible, what you describe shows me personally, maybe i...
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i don’t know a lot, i definitely don’t know a lot, it shows that understanding, well, these are the next generations, it’s unknown when in 20 or 40 years, do you think, understanding can go away literally there today, tomorrow in a year two or three, well i i think that today probably not, because you see that polish farmers are blocking the ukrainian border, ukrainian bread is not allowed to pass or is dumped in the swamp, and russian bread... which goes through belarus is allowed, there are questions, that is, not all historical questions aware of our neighbors, good, thank you very much, thank you great, volodymyr serhiychuk, head of the department of history of world ukraine at taras shevchenko kyiv national university, doctor of historical sciences, professor, was in touch with us, now we...


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