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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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more comfortable conditions for our own possible victory in october, therefore , unfortunately, a very difficult, very difficult period is ahead of us, but georgian society will fight for the european aspirations and prospects of ukraine, and for our cooperation and friendship with our strategist partners, primarily with ukraine. i want to clarify, i understand correctly that this law will prevent, say, a grant of some kind of financing of independent media that still remain in georgia? not only, not only independent media. the point is that we have a very, very powerful non-governmental organization that oversees the election process. for example. for example,
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transparency international and others who have a lot of experience, and they criticize the government and supervise this process and so on, if this law is adopted, then these organizations will not have the financial resources to to continue one's own work, and this will also be beneficial, beneficial. of the georgian dream, because, as i have already said, the information space will be of a completely different quality, and the control of the georgian dream will be very, very powerful over this space, and it will be very easy for them to manage this process and use this... precisely the administrative
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and financial resource that they have. thank you, thank you, mr. valery. valery chichilashvili, a georgian diplomat, the former ambassador of georgia to ukraine, russia, and the republic of moldova was in touch with us. we're going to break for just a few minutes now, but please stay with us. the semi-finals of the champions league only on megodog, the four best teams in europe and only two places in the finals bayern real and borussia pss. turn on april 30 and may 1. exclusively on mego. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps. 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. the legend of the ukrainian year with an exclusive program. meet kyiv. dead rooster band. accompanied by a string quartet. the best picks. compositions, already on may 8 in beletaj,
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with olga lake. on tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday, at 22:00. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel from georgia to moldova. vladyslav kulmynskyi, former vice-prime minister for reintegration of moldova, executive director of the institute of strategic strategies, political expert in nask. congratulations mr. vladyslav. good evening, vitaly. thank you for the invitation. so we are we see that another drama is unfolding around moldova, i would say, with russian participation, and here it is. that a new anti such a democratic anti-european pro-russian bloc is being created right in moscow, so that there are no longer any doubts under the name of victory in the russian capital with the participation of ilan shor and political forces, which are all basically financed by this businessman, what is it for
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at all, what does it look like? well, first of all, it was completely expected, because now the situation in moldova is changing. on such a proxy clash, it is not a proxy war, but it is such a proxy collision. well, what is the main goal of russia in moldova now? this is, first of all, the creation of a satellite country in its own sphere of influence. russia cannot achieve this through military means, and it achieves this through its proxy forces. that is, the main goal of this proxy force is to prevent moldova from joining the european union and leave moldova in its own sphere of russian influence and create yet another threat to ukraine and romania. i will remind you that moldova has two neighbors - ukraine and romania. if we talk about the real
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influence of this block, as far as it can to be a really serious force during the parliamentary elections? very cool question, because... you know, as strange as it is that this block was created in moscow, it is yes, i also and good new news for moldova, because you know, i think , that moscow generally does not understand the social, political, and economic processes in the so-called post-soviet countries very badly, or rather, maybe it does understand them, but it refuses to recognize them, it refuses... to recognize that other political nations were formed in these countries , there is different views, there is a different political class and so on, and so on and so on, and well, moscow, since this is moscow's project, it practically determines the program of this block by itself, well, relatively
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speaking, what they are proposing now for moldova is such a moldovan gypsy and a kotyusha, or practically the same thing, this is an introduction to eurasian. union or the geopolitical wing of russia, all this has not worked for a long time, because we will all understand very well that in our countries there are already other political nations, already other socio-political processes, you can torture yourself there even to sing naked, but it's too much, it won't help, so it seems to me that all these slogans with which this political bloc comes to the moldovan domestic political scene. and this is probably the main goal - to get as much money as possible from moscow, but it will not have these, these slogans and this program, it will not have such a powerful influence on moldova. for example, i could
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tell you, because these are different examples, but for example, what was medvedchuk's influence on ukraine, how much money, money did he take from moscow in order to promote it in ukraine. the whole of moscow, and what do you know, if this ideological program, if it were built by local people, it would probably turn out to be... much better than what happened in moscow, this, it's not about it seems to me that it is more about the fact that this block, it is different from what was built before, in that it is more ready to destabilize, it is more ready to take radical steps, which may be the main goal of russia in this sense , but what is happening around the authorities in gagauz, because we saw. this story with the arrival of bashkan of this autonomous er, this autonomous, how
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to say, autonomous entity, is probably in the pockets of evgenia hutsol, an associate of ilan shooro, her passport was taken from her, there are even real such stories surrounding her with possible detention, about which she says all the time, it seems that moscow has decided that gagauzia is much more real. activate in terms of influence on the situation in the country than in transnistria? yes, it is, it is, because the government has been working on it for several years in order to, well, regulate, to maintain the situation in transnistria, and the authorities have succeeded in this way, because now, now , no one expects that there could be any threat from transnistria. but from gagauzia, the situation is different, and there they can, well, there is some, there
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is a threat, there are problems, but we must say that there are no common borders, that is , destabilization, it makes sense then, codes, when what is there will be done, it is possible to support it, and if it is not possible to support it, then what is the point in this, that is, well, the whole situation? generally controlled, but well, you know how, russia will never agree to the fact that moldova practically says that we are leaving your sphere of influence, and we are no longer interested in it. here, and russia with this, it seems to me that it does not agree with this, and in moldova now there is such an expectation that, you know, after this, as this goes, as this ideological rush does not work, then these proxy... forces, they can move to destabilizing actions, and
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the institutions of power must be ready for this, and this will be such a very serious challenge that will practically, well, demonstrate how much the institutions of power in moldova are ready for this, the referendum on moldova's accession to the european union is simply, let's say, another important step of the government, which should ensure... has a lot of support in the presidential elections, because it will be identified obviously with this course, is it still such an important part, if you like, the confrontation with these pro-russian forces, and both, because yes, it is a very important part of the pre-election program of the president, and it is also a way, well, to somehow finally fix this path on ... to the european union in constitution of moldova, well, you know, it is very
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important for russia to show that it has a referendum does not control the situation, what has france is a war, and you can imagine, if, for example, in moldova the vast majority of people say no to this referendum, then what there will be a good propaganda video, the people of moldova choose russia, the people of moldova said no to europe. union, the people of moldova refused the eu and so on and the like, but i am now sure that this will not happen, because probably somewhere around 65-70% of the population of moldova are in favor of this path, they will understand very well that the government makes a lot of mistakes, but as for the path to the european union, almost no one puts his foot down, but what... in fact, has now become independent of russian gas supply, as it
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could happen in general, you remember that at the beginning of mrs. sando's reign, when she was elected president of moldova, when the first pro-european governments were formed, then it seemed that moldova was simply in such an energy trap from which there was no way out, as in general the government of moldova managed to achieve this energy independence, circumstances, this is the first, and the second is ee... well, it's practically moscow's policy, because somewhere in the middle of last year, or not, two years ago, moscow practically put moldova in the wrong. possible conditions, because they, because they did not supply half of the gas supply, so moldova was forced to look for other sources of gas supply, and they found, they found, that is, we can, we can say that russia because of what they, they tried
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to force moldova there to some, i don't know to what, due to the fact that they... restricted volumes of gas supplies, they practically gave moldova a gift, because moldova , yes, it became practically independent of gas supplies from moscow. and where does transnistria get gas from now? and from russia, from the russian federation, yes. that is, they will receive free gas. and what will happen when ukraine stops supplying this gas through its pipeline? can you understand that? yes, it's very, it's very, it's very. a serious issue now and the government is currently working on it, and there are a lot of different options for how this can happen, but stopping this supply - it would be a very serious challenge for moldova and the entire region. if we talk about the development
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of events specifically on the transnistrian track, here is the moment when there was this congress of deputies from these levels in transnistria. who feared destabilization of the situation from this particular side, now it can be said that it does not exist, it can be said that the government has worked very professionally in this sense, this is what the government has done in the sense, well, somehow, this threat is practically through negotiations, negotiations , it no longer exists for moldova, but it does not indicate this. the fact that destabilization is impossible in moldova, as i told you, gagauzia, internal political struggle, all this will be very, very difficult for the government this year and next year. well, that is, it turns out that it is even possible to negotiate with teraspol, not taking into account the influence of moscow today, not necessarily, no, it is possible, perhaps,
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to negotiate that it does not happen. tion, about management, about conflict management, this does not mean that it is possible to talk about conflict resolution, because these are two different things, because now neither teraspol nor kysheniv, neither kyiv is interested in something exploding there, so if you, if you look at what the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine said, they emphasize that the only way to a settlement... regarding the management of this conflict, this is the way negotiations, this is the way of diplomacy, and they generally called on the kishens to increase the number of their contacts and , in general, all these negotiations were about maintaining the situation at different levels. if we talk about the presidential elections, ms. sando has undeniable chances
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to win, whether there will be any candidate who can really be competitive. yes, they, they have not decided yet, these competitors may still be, but there is not much time left before these presidential elections, i remind you that they will be on october 20, and that is already very, very little time, time for that , i would like to emphasize once again that such an expectation of destabilization is the biggest threat, yes, because if... there are any protests, clashes, then russia and all russian proxy forces in moldova, they will try to say that moldova, that the moldovan government does not control the situation, that it is a bloody government, well, you all know, all this development, the development of events, whatever it may be, so
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there is nothing new here either, because we have seen other empires that fell apart for a very long time, if... you take the british empire, the french empire in algeria, the dutch empire, portugal in angola, belgium in the congo, there was a lot, a lot of this happening there, and it is very important for modova now that the institutions of power work professionally , so that they find the answer to these security challenges that are sure to come. thank you, mr. vladyslav, vladyslav kulmynskyi, former vice-prime minister for the integration of the republic. moldova, executive director of the institute of strategic initiatives, political scientist, we are in touch. thanks for this conversation, and we're going to break for literally a few minutes to get back to the dialogue in the studio after that. how will the advertising go, have you never seen a classic in underwear, or what? i
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wrote a children's poem here, will you listen, the tractor in the field dir-dir-dir, so why do we have peace? there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in pharmacies plantain, you and the saver. 20% discount on visa in pharmacies plantain to you and save. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on. you can get into the atmosphere of football every monday at 10:00 p.m. expert analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project for
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experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. vasyl's big broadcast winters this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you. already the chechen line for information about the news of the presenters' culture, which has become familiar to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the birthday, as well as the distinguished guests
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of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. stand up to ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of hundreds. separate mechanized brigade armed forces let's stick together.
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we continue the politclub program on the tv channel, our guest vadim prystaiko, diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to great britain, congratulations, mr. vadim, good evening, but today the president is talking about the fact that the majority of countries in the world should force russia . to peace, this summit is to be held in switzerland, at which, by the way, not only president zelensky, but also president biden is expected, so it is really representative from a diplomatic point of view there may be a summit, but the question arises, to what extent can the world really force russia to do something, what is needed for this from a diplomatic point of view? i'm afraid to disappoint our listeners, and the solution to this question certainly does not lie in, you know, in the plane, let's gather 60+ countries and something... this suggested to putin that he will be forced under the pressure of our authority, or under the pressure of these large numbers of people, great bosses, like biden and all the others will come, and he
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will say: you know that i... i was really wrong, now i understand and the war is over, thank you all, goodbye, because what he 's doing, well, he's really doing it for himself, not for us, not for the united states. at one time, you remember, there was such an idea that all he wanted was respect, and if this respect was shown to him at the level of the greatest bosses, then after entering this club of two or three, he would calm down and everything would be fine from now on . obviously, this is absolutely not enough for russia to calm down, not only putin. in this context, very. surkoova, have you seen the article putinism as a method of governing russia for the next 100 years, and this is no longer an uncontrolled democracy, but putinism, putinism, yes, he says that even after putin, as such , the same concept of putinism as a method of state management will exist, and this will be our future , our government is obviously trying to come back, lenin and now live all the living, after tito tito there were few of them all, yes, but these are all familiar things,
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that's why i'm worried that despite the efforts. folk, which is always worth, you know, attention leaders, it is a certain resource that must be spent very, very carefully, understanding that the arrival of biden, he must bring a result, because the second arrival may not happen, what type of result, well, of course it happens that when the leaders gather, they expect immediately , that their arrival will mean something, yes, as far as i remember, there was a huge scandal in the state department when the us president went to the bukharev summit and despite... ukraine's support for the nato map, this was not done, and so showdown, which happened, how did our great leader come, and the decision we wanted was not made, i would also expect what will happen now, something like this must happen so that biden does not leave disappointed, well, from a diplomatic point of view, a tougher resolution , well, i understand your anger in your voice, because the military will probably
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not have any significant changes until june, i hope that it will not happen in favor of russia, i would like it in our favor, but by june we will not even receive the arrival of new weapons , what kind of partners we already have proposed, so it is to be expected that there will be some political dances with a tambourine around the fire, and calls to the parties and so on and so on and so forth. so i would like to ask about appeals to old women, now we see that china is playing a completely independent political game, by the way, he played such a ... this is a new trend absolutely, when they say, we want to hold a conference ourselves, we are ready to provide platform, let russia and ukraine talk on our platform, while lavrov says that switzerland is an awkward country, it in general, an enemy country, by the way, this is also a new word in world diplomacy, no one has called switzerland that way before, and this despite the fact that they are afraid to give us even cartridges from those german installations that were
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once bought and written off by them. well, yes, they do not sell weapons to ukraine and do not allow weapons of their own production to be sold, well, i also see that china, well, remember, this was a very interesting insult of china, when china called on its partners in the west not, relatively speaking, not to criticize china for intervention, and let's say on one side will not be allowed with such a harsh accent that china, it is doing everything it can to reduce tensions in the whole world, for the sake of everything good, against everything bad, but a clear position. we do not see a chinese mine, but the positions that were expressed in the program and with which the special envoy traveled around the world, well, they were obviously a test of the pen, because none of the countries bit, and in principle, the continuation of this dialogue did not take place , but from china's point of view, chinese diplomacy is a normal move, they traveled around, they demonstrated their presence in the process, the fact that there was no result was done for them normally, they have a longer planning horizon, they will wait, well, there is a general question here, maybe
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we live in some non-standard world where... diplomacy no longer plays such an obvious role, because diplomacy is important when there is no force as the main tool, and when in fact the bet is on force from all sides, what role can diplomacy have at all, i apologize, this may sound ironic again, i remember i hope we have one there in the 1990s, there was a minister of economy, it was absolutely unclear why we needed him, and now i have the impression that we will soon not need a minister of foreign affairs, because our allies support us, and in any case ... this is not some kind of diplomatic achievement, it is simply their reaction to russia's aggressive actions, and russia does not want to go to any diplomatic solutions, so what should diplomats do? you know, i agree with you, as it sounds good for me, for my whole career, i just have to put it, close it, i i often say at meetings with students, for example, who are going to become diplomats, that the profession is not only dying of late, it is already dead, in particular because the leader communicates with each other, and...


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