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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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until a few hours, so stay with us, and now with you will be kateryna from broadband, which means that we will watch the news, what happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour. katra, congratulations, you have a word. greetings lasya, greetings andria, in a moment i will tell our viewers about the successful operation of the armed forces against russian bases in the donetsk and zaporizhia regions and help with energy equipment from latvia. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the occupiers once again struck nikopol. in the evening they covered raicenter from enemy artillery. serhii lysak, the head of the regional military administration, informed about this. gymnasiums were damaged in the city. and also hit a
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power line, fortunately there were no casualties. ukraine and the united states are working on an agreement on security guarantees and are already writing the specific text of the document. president volodymyr zelenskyi said this in an evening video message. the goal of the two countries is to make the agreement the strongest of all, where specific foundations of ukrainian security for the next 10 years will be mentioned, the head of state added. we are also working on fixing specific levels of support, for this year and for the next 10 years, this is both armed support, and financial, and political, and what concerns the joint production of weapons, the agreement should be truly exemplary, which will correspond to the force of the american leadership, the aim of defeating the ukrainian... skov made several successful
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strikes on russian bases in the donetsk and zaporizhzhia regions, said the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. he also released video strikes and emphasized that the occupiers will not be able to escape from ukrainian defenders. and a number of chatbots that opposed the military aggression of the russian federation and helped the defense forces disappeared from telegram. the administration of the social network blocked them against the rules and public ones. the statement was reported to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, in particular, the yevorog bot account, the official gur bots, the sbu, the bot-coordinator for the south of the country and air defense were deleted. intelligence assures that the personal data of users are safe. however, they warned that the enemy creates bots with similar ones names, so please do not send personal information to them. another fake from the enemy. via messenger telegram
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, information is being spread about the alleged evacuation from the settlements of the kremenchug district of poltava oblast, supposedly due to alleged rocket attacks, from the state emergency service of ukraine. the emergency services state that such messages are an information leak. in this way, the occupiers seek to destabilize the situation in ukraine, where they urged citizens not to trust dubious sources of information. and to the operating room information on the front line from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, more than 130 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the fiercest battles continue in the avdiyiv direction, where ukrainian defenders repelled 55 attacks near novokalynovy, ocheretyny, and novopokrovsky. the situation is also difficult in the bakhmut sector, almost 30 combat clashes, in the liman direction, our defenders repelled 18 assaults by the invaders, in... novopavlovsk 15. in the kherson region
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, the occupiers unsuccessfully tried to advance near the wells five times. air force ukraine carried out airstrikes on 13 positions of enemy troops, and missile troops hit one command post of the occupiers. and by the way, i invite you to join our congregation. the intelligence units of the third regiment of special operations forces need means of communication and security. they. for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 300,00 left to collect. so no we delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is vital. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. the ministry of foreign affairs
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of ukraine stated that according to preliminary information, two ukrainians killed in germany were military personnel undergoing rehabilitation. currently, ukrainian consuls in... are clarifying information about the units in which they served and establishing contact with their relatives. let me remind you that a high-profile murder took place in the german city of murnau on saturday. two of our citizens, 23 and 36 years old, have serious illnesses was found with injuries near the shopping center. one of them died before the arrival of the medics, the other was already in the hospital. the police also arrested a suspect in the crime, a 57-year-old russian man. unknown people in russia shot police officers, according to propaganda media, one of the russian security forces was killed and four others were seriously injured. the incident happened at night in the suburbs of cherkessk, in the karachay-cherkessia republic. apparently, a group of unknown people opened fire with
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firearms and then detonated a grenade. the russian media said that all three the attackers were allegedly killed. latvia transferred to ukraine. energy equipment for the restoration of thermal power plants, this is reported by the local media. the aid package includes a high-voltage transformer previously used for russian gas, an air compressor and 60 tons of transformer oil. the transport costs were borne by the european union. the equipment will help provide water and heat to hospitals, schools and other facilities. let me remind you that earlier the ukrainian company tek reported that it was due to russian attacks. natets lost 100% of generation. in kolomyia in prykarpattia, a family with adopted children got a new home. the family moved from the kherson region because of the war. thanks to the efforts of philanthropists, the neglected premises of the
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kindergarten managed to be repaired and adapted for the residence of a large family. our carpathian colleagues will tell you in more detail. this is the family of viktor and maryna shapoval from the kherson region. they have an adult daughter, a granddaughter and five other adopted children. they came to kolomiysk region from the kherson region after the full-scale invasion of russia. at first they lived in the village, then thanks to the project move ukraine moved here to a bright and spacious premises. cozy rooms, several bathrooms, spacious corridors and a kitchen await new residents. we didn't expect, we, you know, we. lived, well, one day, we were all waiting in a state of anticipation, when it would end, when we would go home, but we realized that we have been here for two years already, it is already two years and a month, you can say, so we agreed to such an offer , because you have to live on, move on, everything suits, of course it suits, for two
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years we lived nine people in two rooms, you think, these sizes are not suitable, they are, of course, everything is beautiful, everything is bright. the most important thing is that there is light, it is like breathing, because the rooms are large, everything is beautiful, everything is served, despite the large number of adopted children, the shapavalis will not stop there, they want an even bigger family and will continue to adopt children, and there was a lot of love, they wanted more children's commotion, laughter, noise, in the house, our house is big, we have it, that's why we... there used to be a private kindergarten here, locals say, then it was closed and the large room was idle nothing to do, he was remembered when a full-scale war began, the local authorities allocated a part of the premises specifically for housing for a family of immigrants, new floors, new walls,
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and everything was completely restored, i would say one thing, our slogan, this is under... . turnkey, we do everything on a turnkey basis, in short, you see, the curtains are here, this is our production, our welders who worked on it, our furniture, which was built, many of them were built here, but many of them are from hotels in switzerland, geneva , we all do as it would be for ourselves, because fate is such that already. you never know, i 'm sure this family didn't think they would be living here, and then we have to remember that we can all find ourselves in a situation where we need help, so this is really huge for us joy, when we can do it, and that's it, today i think, okay, that's it,
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let's do the next project, we have to run now, benefactors spent more than 2 million hryvnias on arranging housing, ivan from prykarpattia... to find out more interesting and relevant information , subscribe to our site and our social networks, search espresso and on youtube. comment your important thoughts to us, be there every day, in a moment meet my colleagues andrii seychuk and lesya vakulyuk, we will see each other in less than an hour, dear friends, well, we are back on the air, lesya vokolyuk andriy saichuk, we work in this studio for... you, i remind you, we work until 12 o'clock, we have a huge list of guests and topics that
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we will raise today, and we will talk about all this with our guests, here are our viewers, some write in the comments under youtube broadcast, which they say, why is it the host smiles, listen, dear friends, well, if i come to you crying on the air, i don't know if i will give you some, i don't know, mood, strength to move on. on this day to move on in this life, although, you know, very often there are such moments when you want to cry, well, but i don't think that her host is demotivated, she is depressed, somehow it will contribute to the fact that you will not sink hands, listen, if you want no one to smile, then it's not our place. if you want everyone to laugh for no reason, then it's not here either, somewhere there is the 95th quarter, somewhere there
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search but the only claims really that i would accept would be claims that you lie to us but we don't lie to you and we don't lie to you even when, i don't know when the voice shakes because our job is really to be here a little grown up in this room. which is ours and which the enemy has climbed, and our mission here is in principle, sometimes jokingly, sometimes raising the mood, but always in general to tell the truth and talk about how it really is, and not as, for example, there is propaganda and so on, that's all they do, that's why it's ours the function here is who, who likes our style, who likes to meet these difficult mornings with us, always in a warring country, we are grateful and happy for that. that we have such an appreciative audience, which, for example, super duper donates, we collect calmly, about
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super duper donates, we have quite a bit left, well, i’ll tell you now, you say, she’s crazy, you know those bots that are there , they are sitting, no, maybe it’s nabots, maybe it’s real people writing, maybe the person is in a bad mood right now, maybe there was russian shelling, it’s broken, and then the presenter appears, and the presenter is smiling and she is taking her anger out on this presenter, i understand, but... people, just because i'm on tv, it doesn't mean that i'm some kind of creature, i'm a living person just like you, me too i live in this country, i also lose something in this war, i also experience the same emotions, but i do not come to you and write what is in my heart, my pain, anger, anger, resentment, i do not write this you, with this to a psychologist or relatives to tell about what i feel, but not to blame, let's not blame each other, we remember who we have an enemy, and he is to blame for
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everything we are going through. and now about superdonations, we need to collect less than 520,000, and we will finally have those 2 million for fpv drones, for which we are collecting, now you can see these fpv drones on the screen, how they look, you can also see the qr codes on your screens, please scan the card number above the qr codes and separately. the number of the card is given below, please donate, dear friends, when andrei and i were on the air last week, we collected 500, hryvnias, half a million for that week, i hope that this week we we will be able to repeat our success, and you and i will actually collect the rest of the amount that we need, and we need just a little 520 00 hryvnias so that we have 2 million, i... hope that together with our viewers, caring, with warm hearts, with understanding,
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who do not believe in this victorious victory, which is carried, for example, in the only news, but who understand the value of the truth, who understand that a terrible war is going on in us, who understand the price of every life, and actually those drones will save the lives of our military, so the qr code will be a phenomenon. here in corner, the card number is here, and we continue our conversations, and now with us is oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, who is in kharkiv, and here... i always know that mr. oleksandr, no matter how difficult it is, always also has the strength to smile, and this is what really impressed me about the people of kharkiv, that it is difficult, the city is so close to that damned russia, it is so difficult, but smiles all the same, the strength to smile still appears in kharkiv people, mr. oleksandr , glad to see you, glad
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to see you, good morning, i really like the channel, ours from the press, i watch it all the time and... this is now the dialogue that you had before my, my interview, it's very like that, very positive, because everyone should have an alternative opinion, everyone has, has, has, has the right to the truth, you know, now we have this request justice, and including this channel carries, this channel carries the truth and talks about how people really live. not only the people of kharkiv, all ukrainians, you know, i am always with great pleasure and today, despite the fact that i am a little sick, i still rush to you in order to make a comment and tell you that kharkiv, despite for nothing, despite the constant attacks every day, despite the constant shelling, kharkiv is alive, yesterday, yesterday, for example, it was
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very nice to drive by the central park, near sarzhany yar, where there was... an incredible number of people walking children, where everyone rested, as in pre-war times, you know, there was such a kind of silence, peace in the city, and life, life was made of glass, as if there was no war, but in fact there was anxiety again at night, again there were mlrs that were hitting izyumsk district, they called the palipts from the other side, they flew cabs and we are in permanent anxiety, after a nice weekend , entered holy week today, so i wish everyone to spend this terrible week in prayer, in their worries, before easter they dyed eggs, drank, baked easter, easter, prayed and prepared for the bright
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resurrection of christ, god will rise again, ukraine will rise, we just have to be. all of us together to give, to help our armed forces to be one big powerful force that is fighting the enemy, and the enemy, as you said, we have one, and there is no need to turn to internal internal quarrels, because internal squabbles are just playing along with the enemy, who today dreams of ukrainians quarreling among themselves, but ukrainians, ukrainians are one nation from kharkiv to lviv, and we... we, we will prove that ukraine is a powerful country, diverse, but we definitely love our country, we respect it, and we are united, i wouldn’t say to mukachevo, because you know, to the lion, i always go in the center, that’s why i’m tomukachevo, it’s like a little more north for me, and so from kharkiv we go to lviv and from lviv
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we are already going to lzvova, as if on other territories, but it is not important, the region is important, how ukrainians are very, very united today, no matter what anyone says or tries to divide ukrainians, ukrainians are united, ukrainians are strong, ukrainians believe in the armed forces, and ukrainians, the ukrainians have no other option but to fight and win, unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to renew some of the advances of the russians. hostilities and attacks in the kupyan direction, they have partial success in the kupyan direction in the area of ​​the village of berestovoy, this is the populated point, which we have been under constant attacks for a long time, yesterday we had six offensive attacks in this and that
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direction, all of them were repulsed, and today we have to... state the fact that constant assaults in the kupin region have resumed and every day they, they become more and more active, more active, i think it is connected with , you know, with the russian scraps there with the fact that soon may 9, 9 is there for them, you know that they are symbolists, and for them some limit of success, some village will be very symbolic, well, our armed forces are strong are holding e-e this direction and report that the situation is under control. and what are the moods of kharkiv residents, actually before. easter, is this a festive mood, mr. alexander, you know, a festive mood, despite everything, i get the impression that
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it was like the mood before the war, before the start of the war, before february 24, 2022, everyone is very are alarmed, but all the same, everyone lives their lives, some cannot stand the psychological pressure and still leave the city, but the number of cars and the number of people in the city is very large, we are in constant traffic jams, even on a sunday yesterday i was moving around the city, there is always a very large amount of traffic, everyone is in a good mood, everyone is in a good mood, but of course this psychological pressure, which mass media, in telegram channels. the russians constantly throw some new version of the offensive every day, when it will happen, how it will happen, with what forces, it really affects people, it
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affects people negatively, but at the same time i see that people are preparing for the easter holidays, people go to the cemetery, despite the fact that they are closed, well, they started going to the cemetery in the region, because it is customary among ukrainians to clean it up just... before the easter holidays, and then there will be coffins to come, there were painted, cleaned up, such a tradition, and no one has given up on it and does not give up on it, a festive mood, i would say that it is present, but it’s all the same, you know, with sadness, with sadness, because we are in anticipation of some permanent, permanent some pressure from the enemy, and the border, which is constantly under fire, and kabi yak... are constantly flying and mortar shells and mortar shells, everything that concerns the border, everything is very sad there, because it is under constant pressure, under constant
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shelling, and it is practically, well , practically impossible to live there, that is why the situation is under control, we , of course, we want, we want to celebrate easter and continue to live in a peaceful and independent free ukraine and fight the enemy, but the mood of kharkiv residents, to be honest, is at its core, how to deal with this mood, that is, i don't know how , that is, on the one hand, the situation is not easy, and with on the other hand, well, just saying there, and kharkiv is unbreakable, well done, hang on, i see this as a lie, well, for example, i personally, definitely, definitely, hang on here, inglorious, we are well done, it is not enough, it is enough when we.. . we are building fortifications, it is enough when we strengthen ourselves, it is enough when we understand the directions where the enemy can possibly attack, it is possible that
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he can attack, and we must prepare, it is important to find out which forces , in which direction and so on, one, one, one slogans are not enough, we need to work, we need to think about how we will defend, and constantly. to deal with this, well, by the way, i will tell you that we are preparing for any option, for any option, for any option of reconnaissance of events, it is not easy, it is not just some words, but kharkiv is preparing, and the enemy must understand that we are we understand their algorithm of actions, what they want, in what area, and we are definitely preparing for the fight. and not to intimidation there with slogans like: we are indomitable, we are well done, we will defeat everyone, we will fight, mr. oleksandr, i will ask you one last time,
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now ukrainians don't feel it, maybe those ukrainians who live closer to the front line, kharkiv region, including life with electricity supply schedules, how it looks now, to what extent, i don't know what the weather is like in kharkiv now, already, probably warming, eh, on the one hand, it seems good, because it is not cold at home, but on the other hand, there are, for example, products that can spoil, and they spoil at higher temperatures, how do you cope with those power cut? of course, kharkiv is the biggest suffers from a systemic, systemic lack of electricity, then... we have blackout schedules, but you know that people get used to everything, adjust, including we adjust to these schedules,
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by the way, on weekends. i understand that the balance of electricity was more stable, and in some areas the lights were not turned on, and there is a schedule for both industrial users and domestic users, we have a very large supply of generators, we also had one in in the 22nd and 23rd years, all enterprises, all, practically, who to whom you need electricity, they will provide it all. back in 22-23, they provided themselves with generators, so the business does not suffer fundamentally, everyone works on generators, and people who are at the household level, they have adapted to, well, they have adapted, they are adapting, we simply have no choice but to adapt to life in conditions where electricity is constantly cut off, you know, the only sad thing
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is that you get used to everything. enough and we already get used to it too and adjust our lives to the fact that there is a schedule in which there is no light for two or three hours a day. i would like to wish you to get used to the fact that there is electricity all the time, to you, mr. oleksandr, recovery, peace to kharkiv, kharkiv region, death to muscovites, death to muscovites, death to your enemies, have a peaceful day, thank you for the conversation. we are going for a short break, we will come back and continue, dear friends, while we were talking with mr. oleksandr, 9,000 was added to our account for the military for fpi drones, thank you to everyone who donated, invested their penny in those 900 hryvnias. let's take a break, let's continue, what is bahmud? bahmud is a place
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fear and the place of courage, no matter what anyone says, but courage is not the absence of fear, bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end, ours, children born in the era of independence, who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never... lemberk, mommy, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherniyka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. there are discounts on kvit, 15% in pharmacies plantain,
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pam and. the legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive program kyiv meet the dead rooster band accompanied by a string quartet. the best selected compositions. already on may 8 in belyatazh, starting at 7 p.m. enjoy the special sound of real rock. a dead rooster. buy tickets for... cratle contains natural components that take good care of your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate, increases physical and mental capacity. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts for visa. 20% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release?
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tells energy expert olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the disclosures section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an information project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson, live streaming. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. a story.


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