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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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or make some notarial contracts or agreements, i can’t do that either, if we move away from the question of fair, unfair, convenient-inconvenient, right or wrong, but if we talk about the letter of the law and about compliance with this law and for the permanence of our most important law of the constitution, is this decision correct, mr. sergiu... the fact is that what is constitutional and legal is also just. as for this letter signed by the first deputy minister of foreign affairs, from all points of view, this one the letter does not comply with the norms of international law, the general declaration of human rights, and the european declaration of human rights, further, it violates article 25 of the constitution of ukraine.
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he violates a whole complex of legislation that regulates both diplomatic communications and issues of the diplomatic service, including the presidential decree on the consular service, that is , actually from the point of view of the legal culture, ah, what happened, the employee of the consular service was given a choice to perform the law or follow the letter. first deputy, you, well, we just have to understand to what extent this shows incompetence, that is, unprofessionalism, legal lack of culture, and from my point of view, well, there are many ways, i tell you, as a former ambassador, in whose premises was the consulate, and we they constantly discussed similar, similar issues with the consul, such things are unacceptable, i will explain why, consulates,
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diplomatic missions, they are obliged to take care of the citizens of ukraine, and there are such things, even when there are no forms, there are documents and so on, because it is not only about about passports, and a death certificate, and metrics, a birth certificate, a marriage certificate, lost documents and so on, well, whoever took this step, or, first of all, i am 100% convinced that... no one in the ministry of foreign affairs could not have thought of such a step, because it would boil down to the point, these people, they go abroad with the deep conviction that they will help the ukrainians, you understand what happened, the ukrainians did not contact the consulates anyway due to the post-soviet post-totalitarian practice, which has developed, here is this set of decisions that have been taken in recent months, instead of...
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solving an urgent problem, and consulates, diplomatic missions are put in a situation where they are fenced off from the citizens of ukraine, the reaction will be, on the other hand, exactly like this, and one must understand that a citizen who does not have the opportunity to issue documents has many ways to move forward. i, when this story began these days, celebrated the anniversary of serge alfar, and there in the description of his biography, his history, his work in paris, the following example was given: the french came to him with a proposal to obtain french citizenship, to which he said: "i want to be a citizen, a citizen of ukraine", but he lived there all his life as a stateless person. it is necessary to understand that...
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a stateless person, a bipatriate, a monopatriate , and so on, they have absolutely equal status, they are no different, i just want our political leadership to stop doing nonsense, because we are just making a huge cohorts of people, i.e. individuals, it is necessary to understand what stateless persons will be, they will not lose anything, they, they will not lose personally, but their homeland will return to them with... their backs, the point is that remember with which, with what position the current president came volodymyr zelenskyi to the government, he spoke about the need to return, and today we need to talk about it, we need to work on it, we need to work with the consulates, we need to explain to the people who work there how to work, you know, i would be more recommended to open the regulatory framework and read what... obligations
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consulates, diplomatic missions have, how they are obliged to take care of people, even those people who are imprisoned abroad, i am not talking about adopted children or '. or refugees and so on, this situation infuriates me when i see that ah, well, well, well, well, well, it is definitely not from the ministry of foreign affairs that such impulses come, because people there understand very well , how the consulate works, and not only from the point of view of legislation, but also from the point of view of everyday life dialogue with citizens of ukraine abroad, therefore, frankly speaking, it is unpleasant for me to hear about such... and similar decisions related to the functions of diplomatic representatives or consulates, it harms the work of these institutions, it harms the work, it harms the image of ukraine in the end. thank you, roman petrovchuv, for the conversation, it was roman
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bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the republic of belarus. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us now. live there, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you think it is justified to restrict human rights and freedoms during war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own thoughts and comments, please leave them under this video, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote, if so, 0800 211 381 , no 0800 200. 11 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce our second guest, this is yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former commander of the aydar battalion plant, head of the national antarctic
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scientific center, mr. yevhen, i welcome you and i am glad you to see on our air, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. yevgeny, let's start our conversation with a message, and i really like you, i'm sorry, please, and you will allow me to interrupt you right away, this is unprecedented, this, and you will allow, maybe first yes turned out that i have been connected to the ether for a long time, you want to answer questions, questions and make a little bit of my dear previous guest, because to be honest, what i listened to just does not fit in my ears, but i would still like to our viewers heard an alternative. yes, the fact is that, well, let's start with a question that you ask the audience for some reason: do they think that the restriction of rights and freedoms during war is justified? well, first of all, it's kind of funny to ask
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people if the sun rises in the east and sets in the west? well, this is approximately from that series, that that the restriction of human rights and freedoms during war is not just justified, but a mine. and necessary, this is actually a norm of international law, even the european convention on human rights, in fact, one of the most complete documents, which, well, it is probably one of the most profound documents, based precisely on the priority of the person, not the state, but even this document contains a special provision just in case of war and emergency situations, that is, i would put the question completely differently, that is, if someone who considers... unjustified restrictions on the right and of human freedoms during war, let a person say whether he really believes that there is a chance to win the war without any restrictions on rights and freedoms. so i want to look at a person who is ready to prove that it is really possible to win a war, while completely remaining, with
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all that, in fact, a very large package of rights and freedoms, which in the 21st century in normal countries has become common for all of us. so, and moreover, there is another side here, in general, well, it is very obvious that what is actually happening, for example, in our case, there are not two countries at war with the same attitude to human rights and freedoms, we are fighting on the one hand a country that does not recognize any rights and any freedoms at all, and on the other hand a country that in peacetime is actually one of the most progressive in the world in terms of package. rights and freedoms, but risks losing all these rights and freedoms, all the whole package, if the war is lost. therefore , the question is actually very simple: are we, ukrainians, ready to temporarily give up some part of our rights and
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freedom during hostilities in order to keep them all for ourselves and our children in the future, or are we prefer to cling to... every single right and every single freedom until we lose the war, and as a result be occupied by a country that does not recognize rights and freedoms at all and lose them completely. all for themselves and for their children and grandchildren forever. so you have to ask questions honestly. perhaps there is someone who is really ready, but for the sake of living the last months with all, all, all rights and freedoms without any restrictions, then lose them all and forever. well, maybe someone is so ready, but people should clearly understand what it is about such a choice, or we temporarily voluntarily give up some. parts of rights and freedom, or we lose them all and forever, and not only for ourselves, but for future generations.
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this is about the fundamental question. but i would still like to reflect on what was actually said by the previous guest, who i respect very much, well, to be honest, with all my personal respect for him, but what i heard now, well, that's actually, as you say, that's formally all. right, but in fact it is completely crooked, but the point is that, i will not be formal now clinging to all the nuances related to the consular service, who has to issue which order to whom, that is not the point, let's take a closer look at what exactly our ministry of foreign affairs is doing now, it is doing, maybe even a little imprudently, it is doing with certain formal violations , in fact, they really are there, it is obvious, but what... in principle, he is doing, he is restoring the foundations of the constitutional system and the foundations of the social
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contract, our foreign ministry is now reminding ukrainians abroad of what they should have known themselves from the first grade high school, but not later, and that, and this is precisely what there is such a concept as the institution of citizenship, it is a certain type of relationship between a person and the state. and this type of relationship, the institution of citizenship, it assumes that the status of a citizen is a certain package of rights, a certain package of state services that a citizen can use, but it is also a certain package of duties that this citizen bears in relation to the state, and that these things are absolutely inseparable from each other, they are not interchangeable, on the contrary, there is absolutely... a clear logical connection, you have your rights and freedoms, you have the use
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of state services, so you must fulfill your constitutional obligations, and vice versa, you fulfill your constitutional obligations, and therefore you can demand certain services and certain rights and freedoms from the state, that's it precisely in the package, it cannot be done as, unfortunately, many ukrainians on both sides of the tyse think, simply... that the ministry of foreign affairs deals with those on the other side of the tyse, and those on this side of the tyse, relatively speaking , the ministry of internal affairs, but in fact there are thousands on both sides, where a lot came from millions of ukrainians who are absolutely sincerely convinced that these things are not connected, that you can have all the rights and freedoms of a citizen, you can use all the services of the state, but at the same time not fulfill or recognize any obligations. and what the ministry of foreign affairs is doing now is to remind those ukrainians who are on the other side of the elementary foundations
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of the social contract, that there are rights, there are duties and vice versa, and one simply does not work without the other, so let us remind , about whom we actually, yes, first of all, we will remind you that actually these ukrainians are required, they are only required to stop committing a protracted offense, i would like to remind you that... they are required simply to register for the military, nothing more, to register for the military at all, it is their duty all this time , this obligation has not been removed anywhere, and when crossing the yew, this obligation is also not zeroed out, does not disappear, but there is no way, don't say gop until the catch has popped out, so when you even popped the catch, it doesn't matter legally , illegally, most left legally, so when you leave from... zachop, maybe it will be a surprise for someone, but your responsibilities leave with you, so long as you have
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a blue passport with a stezum in your pocket, so until then, together with this passport, you carry all your responsibilities, accordingly, your rights , respectively, and services, if those ukrainians who are on this side use such state services as roads, schools, hospitals, whatever, they may not like them, how exactly these services work, well, excuse me, how do you and i they were built... but that's how they work, they didn't fall to us from the marz, but in any by the way, everyone uses them, and those ukrainians who leave that way, they use the services of the consulates, and excuse me, when they get into trouble there, the consul gets up in the middle of the night, he goes to take them out of the local boot shop, to run various situation, because he is a citizen, he has the right to protect his country, yes, but it automatically follows from this that the duties of the citizen also remain, but for some reason it turned out that a lot of ukrainians believe that it is not so that
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the state owes them, and they owe nothing to anyone are guilty and have no responsibilities, the mfa, as he managed, may be a little... disturbed, but simply reminded them of the basics of the constitutional system, and if someone does not like this social contract, i do not know of a single case of someone renouncing ukrainian citizenship , and his strength and power in this citizenship held, without problems, you write a statement, draw up this very blue three-pronged passport, and you nullify all your obligations, but accordingly , the state's obligations towards you are renewed in the same way, well... . not just like twice two. and here are any eyes distortion on the topic that i was impressed by the previous speaker, that he sincerely believes that the state should continue to fulfill all its duties and provide services to people who defiantly refuse to fulfill their constitutional duties. in this situation , i believe that the ministry of foreign affairs, regardless of whether it is cited in
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form, according to some dot in the law , it is deeply right in essence, it is right, it is. duties, and vice versa, there is a constitution , after all, it is also, and it is, article 63 and the constitution prescribes the rights and duties of citizens, but the constitution also guarantees citizens, including consular protection and consular services, that is, from which side to look at the basic law, do you understand? no, this is how both sides should work, but the basic law that is looked at only from one side stops working. yes, thank you, mr. yevgeny, i heard your opinion about our survey and about what was said by roman bezsmertnym, one of the co-authors, among other things, of the constitution of ukraine, 1996, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, meanwhile, says that the situation at the front sharpens, having a significant advantage in
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forces and means, as he says, the syrian enemy is actively attacking on all front lines in some... directions has tactical successes. the most difficult situation is in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, where fierce fighting continues. the enemy deployed up to four brigades in these directions, trying to develop an offensive west of davdiivka and mariyanka, trying to reach pokrovsk and kurakhov. units of the defense forces of ukraine, preserving the lives and health of our defenders , moved to new frontiers, west of berdychiv, semenivka and novomykhaivka. in as a whole in these areas, the enemy achieved certain tactical successes, but could not gain operational advantages. mr. yevgeny, considering the fact that the russians were obviously waiting to see how this whole story of providing us with military aid would end, they were trying to accelerate themselves, now in the current situation, what they are able to do in the future there by june or
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by the end of june, as predicted general budanov, that is, how do they... manage and do they now manage to take advantage of this pause that we had with military aid? well of course it succeeds, but it is not the only thing that helps them advance and win. let's be honest, all this time we had two critical problems, this is a lack of ammunition, caused by the blocking of us aid by trump and the trumpists, and a lack of personnel, that is, in other words, a banal lack of enough. the number of people at the front, and if the issue of ammunition, yes, after seven months of a terrible pause for us, but still, now this issue is resolved, the ammunition is already on its way, then there is nothing to do with the issue of people it didn't get better, if actually, what were the two advantages of the russians, the two advantages of the russians,
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because of which we lost avdiivka, and many other things, but literally, to be honest, i am a little bit... these euphemisms, these formulations, which are used in our official communication, this question is not personal to syrsky, it was exactly the same to him, by the way, when you read this official wording now that while preserving life and health, blah blah blah, moved west, berdychiv, novomykhaivka, so, excuse me, call things your own by name, we surrendered berdichy, we surrendered novomykhaivka, and many more, we surrendered the ocherins, and this is only in... the last days, you understand, that is, we surrender village after village, the front is bending, the front line is getting closer to you and us here gradually, yes, but why is this actually happening, because the russians had e. two advantages: they had an advantage in terms of artillery on average along the front, this is one of our shells against 10 of theirs, in those areas where they attack most intensively, this is one of
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our shells against 20 of theirs, and the other the advantage that they had is that in terms of personnel, there is one to 7, 1:10, that is , translating into human language, so that you and i can now communicate in this ether, each of our defenders for... now has to hold back one unit of enemy infantry, but once again, one fighter stops one unit, so if the ratio of shells changes now literally for days, yes, it won’t turn out to be one to one, but we don’t need to one to one, our artillery works much more accurately than orkivska, here we are we do not work on areas, we work on points and on objects, so we can afford much less shells than the russians need, but still we need shells... they are already on their way, they are on their way, so what meanwhile , what happened to the replenishment of our army? and nothing, that is, the russians have the us congress to thank,
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one of their two critical advantages is taken away from them, but the second one remains, and neither biden nor scholz, by the way, nor syrsky will do anything about the second one, and we have to do with the second one you ukrainian rear, civilian part of ukrainian society, which should ensure sufficient replenishment of the ranks of the armed forces. and until this problem is solved, no matter how many shells arrive, the advance of the orks may slow down, but it will not stop, because yes, on the one hand, i will tell you as a simple infantryman that fighting without the cover of artillery and under the cover of artillery are two very different wars, it's true. arta will speak again now, it's a matter of days, but still, still , no weapon can replace people, they fight in the hands of people, and so until... we won't decide this is the question of the ratio of manpower one to seven 1 to 10, well, even american aid, it will not be enough fodder, and this
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is what you and i need to talk about now, because the entire situation at the front is determined by this right now, you mentioned the american aid, that the weapons that will arrive will, well, one way or another also affect the course of the offensive. the russians and we are talking about tactical missiles and systems rather attackams and austin, lloyd austin, secretary of defense of the united states of america, says that it is not magical a means of carrying out an effective long-range campaign, which is exactly what lloyd austin said at rammstein, let's hear it. regarding the supply of atakams, how. you know, we previously provided the ukrainians with atakams, they are of different types, with different ranges, and of course a combination of munitions are sent there, but i
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won't go into the details of what we provided and when the ukrainians will actually use these munitions. the key position is that they have capabilities. russian sources reported that yesterday about a missile strike, attacks from a cross country tarkhankut of crimea, as a result of which four russian air defense systems 3 s300 were destroyed and 100 11 soldiers were killed. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine has not yet confirmed this information. how will the rear part of the russian troops and the resources that they constantly bring to the front change with the appearance of these long-range missiles, or is it about whether these missiles will hit at all. on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and on the same crimean bridge? well, i would take the crimean bridge by the brackets, in my opinion, atakoms is not the tool that
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effective specifically for the crimean bridge. the fact is that the atakoms will hit there, there is no question, but they will make a hole in it, we do not have the task of making a colander out of the crimean bridge, we have the task of collapsing it, and first of all collapsing its railway part. therefore, atakams is probably not... not something worth spending on a bridge, for this you need to look for other means, but there are many other, in fact, no less valuable purposes, this is just for atakams, and what we started with, just absolutely obvious, first of all this an ideal tool for zeroing out the enemy 's air defense system, that's the idea, you can of course try to hit many different rear objects with atakams, but it's much more effective, because there won't be thousands of atakams anyway, there won't be a wagon there, it's much more effective with atakams, wear... ts300 and s-400, into those holes in the air defense that are opened accordingly, tens and hundreds of our cheap ukrainian drones fly immediately further, and here is such
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a combination, we punch holes with atakams... so to speak, a home product, but this is a lot more effective, and it seems that this is exactly what is being worked out now, that is , the number one target for the attackers is the enemy air defense, the number two target is the enemy airfields, so eh, then only the number three targets are warehouses, the number four targets are command posts, no what more, i think, atakamsy will not spend, because even these goals are more than many enemies, but atakamsy. will certainly become a game-changer, something that is called something that changes the rules of the game. well, the fact is that you certainly should not think that this is, as our westerners say allies that it is a silver bullet that alone kills a vampire. in a war of such a scale as we have now, in principle, there cannot be any one weapon that will completely change the course of the war, well , if we bear the nuke in arrears, and we, unfortunately, bear the nuke in arrears, we foolishly gave it up ourselves voluntarily in the 94th year, yes, but,
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one way or another... all other weapons are not about breaking one type of weapon, but it is about such, you know, like scales of libra, and here and there atakams is a very serious hill here on our shawl of libra, in particular, we remember how it was before us the khymars arrived first, with seventy-kilometer missiles, and then immediately the zone of influence of our artillery increased from 30 km to 70, and the russians had to completely ... all their logistics and the entire system of troop management, and it took them several months to do this, and we a lot has been achieved in these few months, but now the situation is repeating itself, now the zone of influence has increased to 300 km, that is, three times, and the russians will have to adapt to it, so they will most likely adapt, but again it is a matter of a few months, in which a lot what can be done and a very short question, here is radislawski,
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the foreign minister of... poland is saying that this decision by the united states of america to attack will put pressure on berlin, and berlin will give us taurus, long-range missiles, is that possible if you can, very briefly, well, while we see what did not result, yes, i understand that there is an attempt to repeat the story with tanks, when we were given abrams only so that scholz would unlock the leopards, there is an attempt to repeat it, well, while scholz holds on , ot... bob persistence in other matters. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, why, forgive me, do you think. are you
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justified in limiting human rights and freedoms during war? yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you sit in front of the tv screen and you have a smartphone or a phone, you can vote if you think the restriction of human rights and freedoms during war is justified 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, now we will see the interim results of the survey, 37% think... yes on tv, 63% no, on youtube we have the following: 40% yes, 60% no, we continue this poll in the second part of the program, which will start in 15 minutes, after the bbc news from our colleagues, let's talk about the results of the week, and it will be 45 minutes of comments on the main events of the week,
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wait. to beijing not to help russia in the war against ukraine. first, there was a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs, and then with xi jinping. a few weeks ago to china.


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