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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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in deserted places, he periodically recorded his actions with the help of photos and video recordings, and kept the relevant material on his own laptop. police seized 20 packages of psychotropic substances from a resident of kyiv. the man said that he sold drugs with the help of so-called bookmarks. during the search of his place of residence, the police seized another 28 packages of prepackaged psychotropic drugs. currently, the person involved is in custody, for such a business, he faces up to 10 years in prison. unfortunately, a woman died as a result of a fire in a five-story building in the city of vinnytsia. by according to information from the state emergency service, firefighters have already extinguished the fire, they had to evacuate 20 residents, including three children, a ten-year-old girl is currently in intensive care, specialists are determining the cause of the fire. easter for the heroes
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of the families of those who died during the revolution of dignity decorated the lviv memorial before the resurrection day, native bodies made and painted easter eggs. 107 easter eggs were placed under photos of activists. representatives of the museum of dignity have already held such an action for the fifth time, the organizers show that remember the exploits of each and every one, all sacrifices were not in vain. easter eggs will hang on the memorial ceiling until the end of the easter holidays. easter eggs in our country are diverse, they are made by very different techniques, they are of course also made of plastic, but there are wooden ones, sycamore ones, which were painted by craftsmen with traditional paintings, some are blown from shells, they were painted with wax traditionally, there are also carved ones, there are drawings, drawings that made with the help of paints, if we can, we try to preserve that memory, so that you remember not only the year. and that you
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some citizens of that city remembered, and some even tourists who come to that place. we are withdrawing from the observance of the human rights convention in part, ukraine announced this in a written statement, the secretariat of the council of europe informed on april 4. the corresponding document states that the military leadership of the country has the right to restrict the freedom of movement of citizens and forcibly expropriate property for... for the needs of the state, as well as suspend the protection of property rights and free elections, such a step in the state was possible due to russian aggression, it it was not the first time that some of the provisions of the convention were suspended in the 15th year during the anti-terrorist operation, it is just interesting that it was actually reported in the third year of the war, and why could this not be done in april 2022, conditionally speaking, well, in kolomyia. that in prykarpattia a family from, a family
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with adopted children received new housing, a family came from kherson oblast due to the war, thanks to the efforts of philanthropists, the abandoned premises of a kindergarten managed to be repaired and adapted for the residence of a large family. our carpathian colleagues will continue further. this is the family of viktor and maryna shapoval from the kherson region. they have an adult daughter, a granddaughter and five others. children came to kolomyysk region from kherson region after the full-scale invasion of russia, first lived in the village, then thanks to the move ukraine project they moved here to a bright and spacious room, cozy rooms, several bathrooms, spacious corridors and a kitchen are already waiting for the new residents. we did not expect, we, you know, we lived, well, one day, we were waiting for everything in a state of expectation, when it would end, when we would leave.
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home, but we realized that we have been here for two years already, it is already, well, two years and a month, you can say, so we agreed to such a proposal, because we have to live on, move on, everything is fine, of course it is fine, we have been for two years nine people lived in two rooms, do you think that such dimensions are not suitable, they are, of course, everything is beautiful, everything is bright, the most important thing is that there is light, it is like breathing, because the rooms are big. everything is beautiful, i like everything. despite the large number of adopted children, the shapavalis will not stop there, they want to an even bigger family and will continue to adopt children. and there was a lot of love, i wanted children's fuss, laughter, noise in the house, we have a big house, we have it, that's why we decided with my husband. there used to be a private kindergarten here, locals say, then it... was closed and
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the large building stood idle, it was remembered when a full-scale war began, the local authorities allocated a part of the building specifically for housing for a family of immigrants. floors, new walls, everything was completely restored, i would say one thing, our, our slogan is turnkey, we do everything turnkey, in short, you see, the curtains are here, this is our production, our seamstresses who worked on it, our furniture, which was built, many of them were built here. but many of them are from hotels in switzerland, from geneva, we all do as it would be for ourselves, because fate is such that in life you never know, i'm sure this family did not think that they would live here, and then we must remember that we can all
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find ourselves in such a situation where we need help, so it is really a great joy for us when we can do it, and that's all today. i think, okay, that's it, let's do the next project, we have to run. benefactors spent more than uah 2 million on home improvement. from prykarpattia. ivan kharuk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. it's also really cool that there are people who find happiness in helping others, in this case ukrainians who suffered from the war, because they understand that trouble can come to any home, and by giving to others, you give the same in the future. and a big thank you to them, because when some people steal someone else's property here in ukraine, having positions, someone gives his betrayal to help strangers, that's great. well , we know yuriy fizer, so i am happy to congratulate him and introduce yuriy fizar svit about ukraine. please, you have the word. i congratulate you, vasyl. congratulations to everyone who joined us this season. greetings
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from this beautiful kyiv studio, familiar to vasyl and me, as we are, after all. so, today it's about this: russia is making the world more dangerous again, says the prime minister of great britain. shisunak robert fitso again for his own, well, the one who watches the column world about ukraine, he knows what i'm talking about, but more about that, and siberia continues to be flooded, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. europeans will stop, they will not die in donbas, but we will do everything to avoid what the ukrainians will continue. to die there, the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, said the day before during a speech at a special session of the world economic forum in erriyad, saudi arabia. and for this, he says, western countries must continue support ukraine while ukraine
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resists. at the same time, the chief european diplomat answered all those who ask questions like, how long will we have to spend money on ukraine? and here is a short one, very short. answer by joseph borel, as much as it takes. well, this is a completely obvious and completely correct answer for us. mr. borel's answer to the following question: how much will it take for our victory over the russian aggressor, who started this war, and who must lose this war. so far, there are no signs that management, while the russian federation and the federation could still use nuclear weapons on... ukraine. polish foreign minister radosław sikorski said this in an interview with the german newspaper bilt amzontak. according to him, first of all, western special services do not record the movement of nuclear warheads from russian warehouses closer to the battlefield. secondly, putin
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cannot decide on the use of nuclear weapons alone. next, a quote from the polish minister. it's not a weapon that he can... launch with the push of a button, there's a normal chain of command of the ministry of defense and the general staff for its deployment, and thirdly, says mr. sikorsky, russian troops are not ready to operate in a zone contaminated by nuclear weapons. well, here i would argue with mr. vasyl sikorsky a little, because no one asked the russian troops when they were allowed to enter the contaminated territory of the chernobyl nuclear power plant, no one. who did not ask them, and therefore, well, i will tell a story that happened in the 50s, if i am not mistaken, of the last century in the soviet union, when a special experiment was carried out, it was set of a nuclear strike, and then the russian, well, soviet troops were driven through the affected zone, how many people died there was not important for the command, because they were interested
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to see how the enemy would act in the event that we strike it with a nuclear strike, well for this we simply used soviet soldiers, who were not sorry, so now they can use russian soldiers, absolutely. therefore, for the russians, this is not a problem at all, therefore, of these three theses that minister radoslav sikorsky presented, two are okay, the third well, we can discuss, let's move on, do you like it? or not, but the world has really become much more dangerous, the prime minister of great britain rishi sunak said about this in an interview with the british television company sky news, according to him, a whole axis of authoritarian states has now formed, their values ​​are radically different from western moreover, they actively coordinate their harmful actions among themselves, and this causes considerable damage, in particular to great britain, that is why he says... the head of the british government, his cabinet decided to increase defense spending country and at the same time give less money for
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other needs. what's more, last week the prime minister of great britain announced that official london will also transfer its defense industry to military rails and bring defense spending up to 2.5% of the country's gross domestic product. and this is already a great achievement. more weapons will be produced, and if we need it, if there is no victory by then, more will be given to ukraine, so we thank the british for the support and help that we already continuing, to our great regret, thank you for your help, but to our great regret, we continue to receive for the third year already. china did not start the war in ukraine, china does not take part in this war and in any way...does not add fuel to the fire and does not get any benefit from it,
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an official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of linjiang said this during the briefing. yes, he responded to the statement of the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken , that the official washington can introduce sanctions if beijing does not stop helping russia. according to the chinese diplomat, his country has... the right to normal trade and economic relations with moscow, and nothing and no one should oppose this. at the same time, the representative accused the united states of america of adding fuel to the fire of the war in ukraine with constant supplies of weapons. and here, you know, to be honest, this statement by the representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of the celestial empire, that no one should forbid us to have beautiful trade and economic relations with russia, yes, but if you give
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dual-purpose goods, and you know that these goods can then be used by russia for the manufacture of weapons, well, they tell you about it, that's the main thing, and then you say: and no, no, we are a pain in the ass, well yes, just say that you have an interest, the worse russia is, the cheaper it is to buy something and the easier it will be in principle to seize later, well, not what to seize, china can to take back what russia took from him at one time, it is already theirs. well, it will be grandiose for him, taking into account the fact that he has not been anywhere recently... so , from may 5 to 10, he will visit france,
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serbia and hungary, well, we knew about france, but serbia and hungary, which have such a rather strange relationship, still continues to have a rather strange relationship with russia, it will be interesting to follow, believe me, i will do it, and you, the viewers of the channel, will be the first to know about it, well, he, very unfortunately, again for his own, robert fid. criticized the initiative of the citizens of slovakia, according to which they have already collected more than 4 million euros for ukraine. according to the head of the slovak government, military aid to kyiv will not solve anything, it will only lead to a prolongation of the war and new victims. he said this in an interview with yoi-24 tv channel. at the same time, mr. fitzov called the assistance provided by the west bank as windfall. and as a mantra he added his usual call for peace negotiations. next is a short quote from the slovak prime minister.
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i will always prefer a peaceful end to the war and a ceasefire at any cost. this phrase: "money thrown to the wind" struck me very badly. that is, the money that was transferred to ukraine in order for ukraine to be able to preserve itself as a sovereign, independent nation. this is money thrown away. an interesting phrase is this, at any price, and if they tell you the price of this, i will give up the territories of my country, well, that's how he will say i will give up, no, so fitso kazat, i will give up my country, well, for example, well, i just want to. at any price, but you pay her this price, and we will philosophize here, oh yes, yes, well and about one more champion of peace, this is madness, this is eternal war, yes, the odious billionaire elon musk commented on the information that
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ukraine is preparing a security agreement with the usa, which level this agreement should determine. of our support for the next 10 years, he wrote about this on the page of businessman david sachs on the microblogging network x, formerly twitter. in his post, mr. sachs, like elon musk, expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the congress of the united states of america to allocate $61 billion in aid to ukraine, and he reported on the preparation of this security agreement. so, the owner of tesla, spacex and many other things, elon musk, including the inscription quote: what worries me the most is that there is no exit strategy, only eternal war, in which children die in the trenches, from artillery shells, or loading machine guns and snipers on minefields. another statement that, well, as he said poetically, but tell me, i just might for elon musk, this is news
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that wars in principle do not stop for tens and hundreds of years, there are very short periods when there are no warriors, well, that’s why the eternal war... it’s, well , it’s eternal anyway, in fact, it’s almost never interrupted, just no, just this time, it affects directly, maybe some interests, or there are some masks somewhere here and it’s directly the united states of america is involved in this, but the plus is that someone is also trying to make money from this war, and we talked about some of them recently, we will not remind you, oh yes, yes, and a little more about the united states of america , it looks like americans will get a chance to see the debate between. the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, and the current owner of the white house, joe biden. the day before, joe biden expressed his desire and consent on the air of the sirius xm show. he answered the host's question about it like this. i am ready to debate with trump. i don't really know when it will happen. end of quote. a little later
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, the campaign manager reacted to this remark of the current owner of the white house on his page in the x microblogging network. of trump's staff, chris lacevita. he, in particular, wrote okay. let's fix it. i will remind you that with a call for a debate between the two main candidates for the presidential seat, biden and trump were previously approached by the owners of the main american television companies. i will remind you that donald trump repeatedly addressed joe biden and offered to meet him during the tv debates. joe biden somehow either did not respond to this invitation, or once he... said, well, i don't know what to talk about with him, that is, with trump, but we still see that joe biden is ready for these televised debates and very great readiness and the desire on the part of donald trump, since i have already repeatedly spoken on the air of the world about ukraine that his ratings are falling, according to some polls, they are lower now than joe biden, according to
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some polls, they are equal to joe biden, but for some, joe biden even won. and this despite the fact that even at the beginning of this year, donald trump surpassed the current american president by many percentages. that's why donald trump needs these debates, and frankly, joe biden needs them too debate. so let's wait and see what it will be. it did not pass without skirmishes. the night before , residents of the georgian capital, tbilisi, once again staged a large-scale protest against the decision. in the first reading of the so-called law on foreign agents. thousands of people gathered outside the building of georgia's highest legislative body, with some trying to get to the stage set up for a rally of supporters of the ruling georgian dream democratic georgia party. this rally is scheduled for today, there right now, maybe already
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happens. the police did not allow the demonstrators to do so, after which a large number of law enforcement officers began. they were even forced to use special means, several people were detained at the same time. around two o'clock in the morning, the demonstrators left the square in front of the georgian parliament, but at the same time they announced the next protest actions. well, it seems that these next protest actions will probably start tonight, and i suspect so, because today one of the committees of the georgian parliament already closer to the evening eh... made this decision about this the law on foreigners is already in the second reading and now it must be brought to the consideration of the parliament itself in order to... in order to adopt it in the second decision, but when exactly this adoption can be, unfortunately, it is unknown, well and it is also interesting that the president of the european council, charles michel
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, has repeatedly said that, by the way, right now we are seeing a live broadcast from georgia, right now this protest action is taking place, which, as i said, and probably there will be many such protest actions, that's charles michel called this law on foreign agents, at least its adoption in the first reading is a step. back in georgia's european integration aspirations. he said that the name has been changed, but the essence remains purely russian. and by the way, the day before, the executive secretary of the ruling party georgian dream, democratic georgia, the leader of the parliamentary majority, mamuka mnida, nina radze said that he is not worried if western countries decide to implement and, in particular, the united states of america decides to implement against georgia and him personally sanctions he said, "ah, it doesn't bother me." the leadership of russia does not trade with the motherland, so the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs of our northeastern, even to great
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regret, neighbor, who calls herself the official representative, whom i call the speaker, spokeswoman masha zakharova, commented on the information of the wall street journal that germany is not at all supports the confiscation of russian assets, because he considers them leverage in peace negotiations, if they begin. a lever that can force moscow to cede temporarily occupied territories in exchange for this money. masha zakharova called it rumors, followed by her short quote. i don't know who claims what there, but the assets on the territory do not change, they do not change. well, they were right, because the territories must be returned and we will return them. well, when age is not an obstacle at all, this can be and that can be. to be only still russian chechnya. the 16-year-old son of chechen leader ramzan kadyrov, adam, continues to be promoted. after
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at least 15 state awards and prizes, he was recognized again. adam was made the curator of the russian special forces university named after putin in gudermes. ramzan himself wrote about this on his telegram page. reason for appointment. no, don't think it's any. the young man’s phenomenal prodigy abilities, no, it’s much easier to appoint adam as curator of this university, the rector of this university asked, well, that’s it, and by the way, he received a bunch of medals, i won’t list them now, but now he’s also a curator, 16 years old, well, that’s it, and finally, a new record on the ishim river, this is in the tyumen oblast, still in the russian, and still in the federation, is being recorded again with... becoming the governor of this region reported this, according to him, the water rose again in all the flooded areas, while in the settlement of abatsky, its level rose
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to 12 m 9 cm. the critical mark is 9 centimetres, created on the rapid dams until restrain the onslaught of water, but not very much, i will remind you that severe floods in the tyumen, orenburg, kurgan and other regions began in april, and in some... well, that's all for me, for today in the world column about ukraine, that's all for today, tomorrow, as always , there will be more and more in our future broadcast, so do not switch. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast,
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new , two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top. guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. well, we continue, and now the news, unfortunately, is tragic, but urgent from odessa, as a result of the russian. rocket attack killed two people and a dog, eight more people were injured of varying degrees of severity, among the injured was a 12-year-old boy, who are providing the victims with all
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the necessary assistance, sincere... condolences to the relatives and relatives of the dead, this is information from the regional military administration of odesa. well , now it's time to talk about the most important news from the world of money. oleksandr moschivka is next to me. money during the war. oleksandr, you have a word. good evening. thank you vasyl, good evening. really terrible news in odesa, and it shows that once again our defenders need international help, i will talk about it, i will talk about the state debt, and also about energy. this is an act. topic from the world of money in a moment wait. i am alexander morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i will start with an important figure, the new aid from the united states of america for 61 billion dollars will only be enough for temporary stabilization at the front. these are the conclusions drawn by reuters analysts. and
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at the end of 2025, our state will again need a new support package. if the states and the eu decide to confiscate blocked russian assets, it could essentially solve not only certain disputes for the future financing of our state, but also solve many political issues, experts say. well, that's how much kyiv official will need to win as soon as possible. to gain advantages at the front, well, it is not known, everything depends on how the situation at the front will develop, how the war will continue - experts say. well, indeed, a defense company would cost less than trying to drive erephia out of the occupied territories. well, analysts say that due to the fact that the kremlin continues to increase its military expenditures, our state will need at least 88
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billion euros every year, vasyl is crazy, the sum of 88 billion euros, well, i don’t know, really, if you follow the way we received a package of aid from the states for 61 billion, it is problematic with certain obstacles, then about 88 billion is useless here, in my opinion, well, actually, it is always worth voicing, at least these numbers, then you can say something and maybe it will become real one day, but really, such sums still look like that, well , you have to understand vasyl that not all the numbers, not all the help that comes from international partners, are irreversible funds, these are mainly loans, and if we talk about loan that our state has to pay, here are the latest figures from the ministry of finance, as of march 31, the state and state-guaranteed debt of ukraine amounted to almost 6 trillion hryvnias, well, if in dollars, then it is more than 151 billion dollars that ukraine owes on its
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credit. well , the public debt has really been growing in the last month, and it is understandable, because we received certain aid funds from the european union macrofin, you have to understand, this is credit money, here before that, yuriy fiza just voiced the words of joseph borel, the main the diplomat of the european union, who said that we will help ukraine financially, as much as it will be necessary, but again, even listening to these words, you understand that somewhere people understand in their heads their... some kind of ceiling, therefore , it is obvious that this assistance must be timely and effective, then it will surely really work, because in this way it can be stretched indefinitely, and money will be spent, and the results may increase, but i think we need to think soberly here, the world understands that all debts ukraine will be able to repay, but after the victory, that is why our government, in particular, hopes for a certain write-off, maybe part of the loan, for a certain restructuring, so to speak, that is , postponement, i think, these mechanisms are from
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work... and ukraine will in the long run repay all loan. another situation, also difficult in the world of energy, in particular, in the summer, current consumption can increase by 20-30% on average. however, it will be covered by the generation of kilowatts from renewable sources, including solar power plants. this was announced by the head of the state inspectorate, ruslan slobodian the increase in the production of solar kilowatts is already taking place in once the expert says, however, the issue of economical use of current remains relevant, well, not only for business, for enterprises that consume a lot of power, but also for ordinary consumers, so ukrainians are urged to save electricity, in particular in the evening hours, when there is a peak load on the network well, but if we are not talking about summer, but about the upcoming heating season,...


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