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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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rights can now be violated, no, it is about a different modality, even. again, we return to this document of the last derogation, here it is said that, for example, the right, the right under the ninth article, namely the right to freedom of religion, it is declared that the withdrawn derogation, that is, now the state provides in the full right to freedom of religion, that which was declared at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, likewise... article 14 of the european convention on human rights, which deals with non-discriminatory treatment, i.e. lack of discrimination, the state also declares that this article must be fully observed in the territory, which is a de facto ideology under the control of the state, so mr. oleksandr, do you record whether it is possible, or whether or is there such a possibility to record the abuse of power of such the situation of people's rights in those territories under official control. and
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whether, in this context, citizens of ukraine can file complaints there with the european court of human rights, given that the country is in a state of martial law and in state of war this procedure has not been stopped, and of course, all possibilities of appeal to the european court remain in the case when there are reasons to believe that the state does not observe the rights defined in the convention. i would like to remind you that the main and most... by category, widespread violations of rights relate primarily to four articles, this is the right to freedom and personal integrity, the right to a fair trial, these are respectively the fifth and sixth articles of the convention, the third article is the right not to be subjected to torture inhumane, cruel, degrading treatment or punishment, and the first article of the first protocol of property rights, by the way, it was also limited, so to speak, in this derogation. submissions, that is, the state made
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a concession with reference to the fact that in certain cases there may be, for example, seizure, expropriation of some property that belongs to either individuals or legal entities, respectively, for the needs of defense, with the appropriate, this is on legal grounds and with the appropriate the procedure and compensation are appropriate, so when to talk about the observed cases today, they also invest in these four main ones. category, and in order to apply to the european court, it is necessary to go through the national means of exhaustion of judicial protection, that is, in fact, it is necessary to get an answer in the national courts, to prove that the person applied and could not achieve at the national level to establish the restoration of the violated right, and then apply accordingly in within four months of the last effective judgment before the european court of human rights and these procedures are taking place, we are also working on this process the procedures take place, nothing
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changes, and the betrayal is canceled, as far as you have explained everything, thank you mr. oleksandr for joining our broadcast, everything was professionally explained by oleksandr povlychenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, who was a guest of svoboda ranok. i will remind you that in the comments you can share your thoughts on this account, well, in the context of betrayal and victory, you know, it is already such a meme expression, nevertheless, you can write your reaction to such news. and in general, what do you think is interesting from what you heard on this broadcast, and what would you argue with? akhtem cheygost, people's deputy of ukraine from the eu, first deputy chairman of the committee on human rights, ex-politician, akhte maga, i remind you, spent almost three years in simferopol syuzo in occupied crimea, joins our broadcast. hello agta maga, thank you for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, how do you explain the suspension of the norms of the human rights convention on yours? also
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, nothing critical happened in this situation, in principle, this is a continuation, it has already been done once, but you know why there is nothing and there is no such thing that we all as a society do not understand now, but society always reacts to such cases as, say, the restriction of its rights, yes, because no... trust in these people, in the government, in these ministers, because they they sign some orders there, and then they themselves violate them, yes, this also applies to borders, yes, when they are released there for bribes and acquaintances, and everything else, this also applies, for example, to these restrictions, measures that. .. uh, to which we would have the right in
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peacetime, and why does this not apply, for example, to such a sect as uh, adherents of the moscow to the patriarchate, here in... i have a question, why do they go with these hades, why do they gather, why then we hear that their, how should i say, the abbots there, are knocking in the direction of russia, yes, they are sending data and so on and so further, that is, always after such restrictions or making such decisions, when it concerns human rights and rights'. society, yes, which ukraine is used to much more than, let's say, in some states, especially in russia, when we always say that we are not russia, and here we are waiting for such a banal thing,
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as justice, yes, that is, that everything was really according to the law, and that all this was not from the point of view of protecting individual... security, let's say , authorities, yes, and these are real things that would help us as society can avoid many problems today, so that the law works equally for everyone, but here, for the sake of justice, i will note that there are cases in the sbu, in particular, against some representatives of the former moscow patriarchate there, because that is not what they call themselves now, that is, we also see this. these cases are being conducted, and if we talk about the problem, it is not solved like that, you know, the problem is not solved that way, some people were arrested there, and some people there, i don’t know, were brought to criminal responsibility, there is a general threat, but actions in this
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direction, you are in the profile committee, you are the deputy head of the committee on human rights, and with whom maybe this is how ukrainians address deputies most often, if we... can you be brief, because later i want to ask you about crimea. i will briefly say that there is a constant reaction from society to the restriction of rights, or to court proceedings, rather to the fact that it is court proceedings does not follow the law, let's say it briefly. ugh. regarding crimea, i want to ask in general what is the situation there in the context of periodic explosions, what is there? something happened there the day before, maybe you have more specific information, because we asked, for example, dmytro plytanchuk, he is not ready to answer yet, the day before on tuesday night , local residents reported that there in simferopol, in gvardiysk dzhankoi there there were some explosions, what happened there, do you
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know, it is known, immediately after such actions of ours, you feel that the reverse, so to speak, communication he is not always frank, but i say, more emotional, because it affects the mood, yes, the mood of our citizens, and even more affects the tumoralization, which has been constantly lately among the occupiers, yes, especially collaborators, yes, and i commented yesterday that the absence was somewhere around 10 days or two weeks. of our active actions on the territory of crimea, yes, with those military, remote, our actions that lead to de-occupation, the mood there began to change a little, they began to think about
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some may holidays there, yes, they tried there to call for more people to come to crimea, yes , it is very important for... about these collaborators, the occupiers, to show that there is peace in crimea, that it is necessary to go to crimea, but in the last days, what we have done is again them, as they say, to consciousness, yes, led there, to feelings, as they say, they love this feeling very much, yes, this feeling, no, they are already uncomfortable, this is very important, we need to do this constantly now, and i know that and himself from
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gosem saturday morning. and then let's talk about a high-profile case that really shook social networks, there were many comments about it. in germany was told that they will not tolerate crimes against ukrainians, of whom there are many in the country, and they should feel safe. such a statement was made by the spokesman of the federal government of germany, steffen geberschreit, commenting on the high-profile murder of two ukrainian soldiers, which... i'm sure you've all heard this. now let's talk in more detail, and here the spokesman urged not to draw conclusions until the end of the investigation,
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which is being conducted by the bavarian law enforcement officers. it is about the murder of two ukrainian soldiers who were undergoing rehabilitation in germany. they lived in a refugee camp, so says the ukrainian foreign ministry. on april 27, they were attacked by an unknown person with a knife. a 36-year-old man died on the spot, a 23-year-old ukrainian later died in hospital. one of the dead is a soldier of the 122nd. of the mobile battalion of the 81st separate aeromobile slobozhan brigade, this information was confirmed by the command of the airborne assault troops of the armed forces of ukraine in 2023. the soldier was wounded in the battles for bilogorivka. the suspect in the attack was detained, he is a 57-year-old man who is a citizen of russia. the court sent him to custody. under what circumstances the attack took place and whether they were acquaintances is still unknown. the bavarian police are still investigating the motive for the murder. but does not reject political motivation either. in addition, the minister of the interior in bavaria, joachim hermann
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, stated that, i quote, alcohol could also have played a role in this case, and referred to some witnesses who had allegedly seen the three men together before. at the same time , bild writes: "there are no signs that the murder is connected with the russian war of aggression, although this motive is not excluded. therefore, german journalists believe that all three are men. could have known each other before. radio liberty's correspondent in germany, vasyl arovych, joins our broadcast. vasyl, i welcome you to our broadcast. are there any new details in this case and is there a lot of talk and writing about it in the german media. congratulations , colleagues, yes, this case has become a sensation in the german media. in general, in the region of bavaria , ukrainian people, both the ukrainian and the german community, are shocked by the terrible murder, because in such cases... here in fact such cases happen, in fact, they do not happen often here. initially, the case was handled by the general prosecutor's office of munich.
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the case has now been taken over by the bavarian central office for combating terrorism and extremism. they do not reject the political motive. yesterday evening, the mayor of the city of murnau, where the murder actually took place, said that he does not see any connection between the murder and the war against russia. of ukraine, but also said that the quote was dealing, they were dealing with alcohol. currently, it is also known that the main suspect, he's a 57-year-old russian, has lived in germany for the past 30 years, and he 's already been caught by the police, er, and now, er, er, german journalists have interviewed his neighbors as well, and they describe him as quite aggressive person, ukrainian war journalist andriy tsablienko also reported
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that this resident is known in the city as a fanatic, as a ze-fanatic, that is, he actively supported russia's aggression against ukraine. there is also, as i understand it, one motive that can also be, can be investigated by the investigation, this precisely because of nationality, if it is confirmed and whether this motive is discussed at all, again in the media. what are the consequences of this and what is the term for the suspect in this double murder? so yesterday we turned to the prosecutor's office of upper bavaria and the police spokesman informed us that a national motive is also being investigated, but so far, as far as we know, the main official representatives of the bavarian authorities report that there was no national motive. uh, at the moment, they reject any, in general, the investigation is ongoing, for now
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moment, they don't report that it could really be related to a national motive, but if it is confirmed, then of course it will be even more resonant, because there are more than 15 million ukrainians living in germany, and now people are worried about that they may even here be killed or suffer some injury from the crowd, thank you. for inclusion during your time, radio liberty correspondent in germany vasyl arovych said that the topic is gaining great resonance in the german media, indeed there are many ukrainians there lives, we will follow in the version. at least for now, here they are, and what the investigation will be, we will see in time, thank you, if you want to support us, and this is very important, believe me, just like this video, subscribe to our channel, this is not just a request, this is a really important story for that , so that this particular video gains more momentum on youtube, thank you for spending this broadcast with us, see you again,
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content that is available on the espresso tv channel. moreover, your preferences will help to be tele'. espresso visible so it's in the suggested list, so open youtube now, open the youtube broadcast and leave your thumbs up there, it's a small thing for you, but it means a lot to us, so join the gron, those who already is in the espresso family, and in addition to all that, you have the opportunity, for example, under our youtube broadcast, to find a description of the gathering that we are currently conducting, i am very hopefully this week. even sooner than by the end of the week, we will eventually close this collection. we need to collect 2 million hryvnias for fpv drones for both brigades of the 93rd and 72nd, and we are already on the finish line, some 216, if i am not mistaken, thousands remain to close this collection and to resound these cherished
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beautiful words: stop the collection of fpv drones , the ones you see on your screens now, oh yes, that’s how it takes off... beautifully, and then it flies beautifully and hits the russian equipment and destroys it, so those fpv drones, in the end found themselves on the front lines, protected the lives of our soldiers and destroyed muscovite equipment together with muscovites, just like in the video. so qr codes, card numbers from above, card number here, qr code here, you know what to do, and in the meantime we will talk with volodymyr ayrev, people's deputy of ukraine. is already appearing on our screens, that volodymyr, congratulations, congratulations, good day, i would start with what has been made public. mediarukh called for an end to the pressure on the public and to preserve the evening programs of the telethon. an appeal on social pressure has been made public broadcasting, and in particular to zelenskyi,
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stefanchuk, rahamia, poturaev, yurchyshyn and the embassy of partner countries, it is noted that a series of informational and institutional attacks on public broadcasting took place during the last week, in particular female deputies, members of the factions of the word of the people maryana bezugla . which spreads false information about the status of broadcasters in the budget, the remuneration in quotation marks of the members of the supervisory board, who are unpaid, about the fact that on the channel of the producers of the telethon edyni news they promote the idea of ​​depriving the public broadcast of evening prime hours, and about the lack of funding and so on and so on, of course we agree with this statement as well, we do not know how to host the espress tv channel now, for sure... mr. volodymyr, what is happening around the public and in why are these movements taking place now? well, actually, the public part is
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one of those parts of the telethon that is the least censored, and they at least try to somehow keep the balance, to take the opposition on the air, although it feels like the pressure is tough enough, that's why the president's office wants to... take the public, which stands out favorably against the background of the tv channel rada, inter 1+1, which is completely under the control of the bank, then it is clear that these attempts will be made and the bank will put forward these battering rams of its speakers in order to discredit the public speech regarding the statement, i can say that the statement is... of course good, but i don't understand why the media community still does not demand a total end to that telethon, which has already been named
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among human rights violations, even in the report of the united states state department, because in this part of the media statement, well, it's like asking for a better barrack in the constable, because what is happening today with the telethon, it absolutely does not... comply with any norms of democracy, freedom of speech and violates the basic principles of the european convention on human rights , business, the right to freedom of thought and the right to freedom of speech. therefore, in this case , the media community, i think, should fight for exactly this, and not for the best place in the telethon, but i fully and completely support the statement regarding the pressure on public broadcasting and the demand stop this pressure because... the public broadcasting that started, started to develop after the revolution of dignity, it's being rebuilt now, it can't be destroyed just
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because someone in the bank wants to implement their authoritarian, authoritarian wishes, and it doesn't matter, it zelenskyi or yarmak, the important thing is that after zelenskyi yarmak, ukraine must become a democratic free state, and no leader, no head of state, no government should influence the development of the public language of speech, which is a special, special, special part of our progress to the european union. you mentioned the single marathon or the single news marathon, you started as a journalist, there is another colleague of ours. he was also a journalist, then he went into politics and stayed in it, and yesterday he said that the attempts to discredit the joint marathon one
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news is part of the information war that russia is waging against ukraine, the adviser to the head of the president's office serhiy said in the same telethon leshchenko, who was a journalist back in yanukovych's time, advocated democracy and freedom of speech. well a then something happened to him, a kind of metamorphosis happened, and mr. volodymyr, how do you react to such criticisms, this is a criticism, i understand that the us state department is also concerned about the fact that this is part of the russian, a second front has opened, now we will have to fight with the americans , well, yes, it turns out that someone at the bank has only one enemy, comrade stalin, so in this case i propose... that leshchenko receive the lavrentiy pavelovich beria award, because if he is already looking for enemies everywhere, the enemies are already among our partners,
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particularly the state department. united states, the ambassadors of the g7, who have already expressed their concern about the situation with the telethon, the members of the european parliament, who claim the presence of censorship, well, we can go a long way, but so that you understand, i want to point out, but here i have i have in front of me, now i specially discovered a quote from the same leshchenko in the city of... the same leshchenko in december 2014, and then he stated that the creation of the ministry of information was when the first attack on ukraine by the russian federation, leshchenko said the creation of the ministry of information is a time bomb, and i will even quote, lesenko noted that a situation may arise
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that... "today the ministry of information will engage in war, tomorrow it will engage in censorship, where there is a guarantee that this will not happen, and he, he stated that it is not expedient to create a ministry of information in such a situation, according to him, it is possible to create a monster that can never be defeated it didn't happen, but..." the telethon that was created by the government, which serhiy lishchenko is currently serving in, has become this monster, and we still can't fight it, even together with the state department, this shows that , which, as a point of view , changes the seat of some activists who cover themselves with the ideals of democracy . mr. volodymyr, we now
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have such a strange system who now even society wants to expel, which gave all this a certain legitimacy and a minimal charm, and at the same time there are some telegram channels like trukha, nikolaev stink, or whatever , which i understand are entering the office of the president, but on the other hand, public trust in institutions is falling key, even to the president himself. believe that the activity of the ukrainian president is ineffective, the latter by the standards of the socialist party, this is more than those who think the opposite, if there were presidential elections now, in the first round a hard-working 67.5% would win, zelenskyy would score 32, as to explain this moment, that in our country the entire power is informationally concentrated, but the ratings are falling, and does this put pressure on
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the government at all, how should we deal with it, trust is falling. we have a minute, well, let's look at where zelensky's worldview was formed, regarding the media space, it was formed in russia, and since his 95th quarter was part of the kgb, fsb project called kvn, and it is clear that the influence of the russian narratives regarding... freedom of speech, he now determines the media policy pursued by zelenskyi and his office he, this is a completely soviet narrative, this is a creation, this is a marathon, this is a repetition, in fact, of the central television of the ussr, the central television of the ussr, when there was only one channel and it was completely censored. we remember this, not everything was so bad in the soviet union, but for sure,
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but... in t1, it was not bad, but actually, the ukrainians, they did not break out , they are breaking out little by little, not all of them yet, but very many have broken free from the strong embrace of such a scoop, and they simply do not trust such a format, in which there is no discussion, in which there are no alternative points of view, the worst thing is that it also affects trust in public institutions, which is a huge problem at the moment. volodymyr ariev, a people's deputy of ukraine, was with us during the war, but now is the time for news and kateryna shiropoys will tell us about it. congratulations, colleagues, in a moment we will quickly talk about the most important events of ukraine and the world, wait, don't switch.


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