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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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they want to carry out internal savings at the expense of the public broadcaster, which adheres to the standards of journalism, and do not pay attention to the fact that commercial channels receive money from the state, the state debt office said that there can no longer be a marathon, media people say that we still have to do, i don't know how the media community, as a society, about the fact that it might not be worth spending that money on commercial channels, to have this one marathon. and can they be given to matters that are needed for the front? well, you know that this government was elected by 73% of citizens, they have such a vision on information policy in the state during the war, we express our opinion, regarding the concern of colleagues, then i will say that yesterday there was a statement from the commission of journalistic ethics, today it is open...
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a letter from the public council of the committee for freedom of speech , today there is a statement from the media movement, all this i will tell you that the european commission has already called us , they are also concerned about this issue, because the issue of the independence of the public broadcaster, it is a marker for ukraine's accession to the eu, also, and by the way, our politicians on international events are very often praised reform, they say that it is successful, effective and all the rest, but unfortunately... there are very few politicians who help us, we are mainly helped by the parliamentary committees for humanitarian and information policy and the committee for freedom of speech, and a few people from time to time, for example , representatives of the leadership of the parliament and the head of the budget committee, who understand the importance of the public sector for democratic ukraine
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, came to us, for example, at the conference. reform, yes, i would say what else is needed, well, we still need to convey this information to a lot of people, we really want to hope that there is an understanding in the country, about how important it is that freedom of speech remains in the country, because then what are we fighting with russia for? when we start to resemble her, somehow without meaning, when we start to have only some... one voice, the one that is dictated from above, it's just not possible in ukraine, that's what the problem is, that is, even if you imagine it theoretically , that ukraine can be a kind of effective little russia, and even there to somehow effectively fight with russia, it is simply impossible, because the country is different, other people, it will not work out like that in our country, and we will not receive any support from the civilized world then, because, but the problem is that that we are already developing trust, but trust is already blurred, we see the latest numbers. in sociology, for example, the drop
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in zelenskyi's ratings is catastrophic, and how, what will be the response of zelenskyi and the president's office now, to try to tighten the screws and take even more control of the information space? do you understand that the problem is precisely that trust is falling because of the propaganda narrative that was carried out for two years, but people are not deaf, blind and social networks exist, that misunderstanding is the mission of the media in general for many politicians, they do not understand what the media is and why they are needed, that is, they still have some left, some remained in the matrix of the soviet union and perceive the media as a service, especially if they are financed from the state budget, others perceive that the media should be propaganda, well, the fact that these should be independent resources that should work for society, inform society. for them to be able
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to make important decisions for themselves in life, many do not have this understanding. mrs. svitlana, thank you for participating in our broadcast, svitlana ostapa, media expert, deputy editor-in-chief of detector media and head of the supervisory board of the public broadcaster was in touch with us, they talked about the attacks on the public broadcaster by maryana bezugla and not only. now we're going to take a short break, we'll come back and talk about... a person in ukraine and what does yesterday's news mean that ukraine is suspending some rights. all this later, stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matrik stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on it. perfect surfaces. order
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see this week in the collaborators program. as a shoe seller, he became the head of the occupying public chamber. as a result of the maidan coup, the legitimate government in ukraine was overthrown. but why is zaprodanka from luhansk region being taken care of by russian soldiers? i congratulate you on february 23. on tuesday, april 30, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espres tv channel. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour program format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your
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opinion at any time of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there will be a break? hello holk, and for bile, what? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder, premium the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. so, these are our final 20 minutes on the air on espresso, ours with andrii seichuk. and now we will talk about human rights. yesterday, ukrainians were alarmed by the news that ukraine suspended the protection of some rights of ukrainians. what does it mean, is it
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true or not. we will ask mykhailo terahkal, head of the strategic affairs center of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights. well, in the meantime, you still have the opportunity for these 20 minutes for... for our collection, for us it remains to accumulate some 2008, and we have already accumulated 30 this morning. mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you, have a good day. well, actually, like yesterday. the ukrainians were very upset and said that everything was over, there were no longer any rights to protect property rights for free elections, and immediately there were some refutations that this was not true, in a word, what happened, explain to us those who do not follow the way human rights are respected in ukraine every day, well, look, if you say that they are gone, then they have been gone for a long time, because... first of all, well ukraine retreated from its rights under the convention
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since 2015, but with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, that is, there was a fairly wide-ranging retreat, that is, the withdrawal of the sender in 2022, it was periodically continued there by state representatives, and here is this extreme continuation, that is exactly what what happened, it just... there was a continuation of this concession, even i will say more that the government actually canceled the concession from part of the rights, that is, it reduced the volume of the concession that was earlier, that is, if earlier, for example, there was a deviation from well, if we are talking about the european convention on human rights, then there was a deviation from part of the third clause of the article. convention, now
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with this extreme deviation, well, it no longer exists, that is, in fact, these articles are fully effective from april of this year, that is, it did not exist before, rights appeared, well, they existed before, but well, the state ... said that due to the serious critical military actions that are taking place there, she cannot ensure certain rights there, and therefore she needs to withdraw from these exercises for a certain time until the situation there improves, to put it so briefly, why was this news, which yesterday was a little shocking for many ukrainians, did someone just disperse it, or is it somehow related to the law on mobilization that was passed and it already affects... so, i can't tell you this question, this is a legal question, why
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did it spread so much information, because it existed a long time ago and existed in an even worse form than now, why it was just now that attention was drawn to it after two years of the existence of this delegation there, well i can't you maybe maybe there is a feeling in general that ukraine is somehow... allowed in those democracy ratings and indices? well, i admit, maybe, but well, even with the existing delegation, it is not, let's say, a guarantee that if a person, for example, if we are talking about the european court, he will file an individual complaint, then this delegation, which is there, it will protect the state from those violations that a person will complain about, because everything is very individual there. and questions will be considered, to what extent this delegation is justified,
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legal and so on. look, if we take, for example, if we talk about ratings, for example, in the human freedom index rating for the 23rd year, ukraine is in 83rd place, and we are neighbors with such a country as. doras, they have the same number of points as us 83, if you take another in the world famous index of democracy, which is made by the british edition of the economist, then we appear there 91, if i am not mistaken, our neighbors are kenya, african, and we asked very much in this index, we were, and now we are there marked as a transitional regime, the question is that if in the 20th year we were actually at the very, very, very top of this
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list and moving, as it were, in the direction of its inferior democracies, today we are already somewhere in the middle of this list and confidently we are moving towards an authoritarian regime, we understand that war is not such a time when democracy is stronger, nevertheless, what exactly in... deviations from democracy remain fundamental for us in your opinion? well, look , if any war, it narrows the rights there citizens, this is an object. active validity cannot go anywhere from this, that is, there are certain restrictions with the purpose of preserving the nation, preserving the state, that is, but if we say, then any deviation from there basic rights, it must be justified, it must be legal, it it should bear certain
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individualized circumstances, that is, it should not be, let's say, unlimited in time. automatic things, that's why every time the state addresses and explains why these delegations continue to be relevant, and why, well, today it is necessary narrowing of rights, will their explanations, well , by the european, for example, be accepted and taken into account by the court when considering cases, this question already depends on specific circumstances, specific violations, now there is the european court, a number of cases in which there were delegations, there on rights, he them communicated, and he raised very sharp questions about it, so it's not automatic, like defeating people's rights, that is, these are issues that will be considered if people go to, for example,
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the european court with individual complaints, see if we take , for example, the same list, economist list, democracy index, democracy, yes index, then we will see that the lowest score out of 10 points is only three for the point of government functioning, and we see that this is happening now against the background of the fact that we have legislation in fact , it is very often replaced by practice when there are... just government regulations that regulate some things, as is happening now, for example, with this story about the non-issuance of foreign passports for ukrainians who ended up abroad, and are voices pouring in here too, for example, to generally take property from those who are now of military age and are abroad, do not return, to take property here
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in ukraine, in your opinion, are such solutions also possible? substantiated with the position, the state of war with russia, and will ukraine be able to win lawsuits after the completion or suspension of active hostilities of citizens, if such property is seized from them on such grounds? well, look , if there are certain restrictions that can be justified there by war, but as i already said, they cannot be absolute and really correctly asked the question, when certain administrative decisions, including those of the government, narrow the rights that can be narrowed only by laws, well , this will be a problem, it will definitely be a problem, as well as if they are withdrawn
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certain property of people without compensation, i emphasize that there are no prohibitions. to confiscate property, if there are grounds, there is a certain prohibition to confiscate it without compensation, then this will also be such a systemic problem, another systemic problem is, for example, court verdicts in absentia, well, there is no regulation here at all, there is the departure of men abroad, this is another problem, which is also now being raised and will be the subject of consideration by the european. is already the subject of consideration by the european court, that is , unfortunately, there are many such problems, and there will be certain decisions on all of them, and accordingly the state may be responsible for this, if it is clear, violations will be established, mr. mykhailo, thank you for the conversation, mykhailo tarakhkolo , head of the center and strategic affairs of the ukrainian union for human rights, was in touch with us, they talked about problems
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with democracy, well, now we will watch a story about how the wife of a fallen soldier published a book about... their love, let's see, we sat down, i told her about it, and she cried , and i say: danechka, maybe you want to eat something delicious, maybe you want to play, she says no, i just want to cry, so we both cried with her. mrs. olesya tells about her beloved husband, who was taken away by the russians... the ukrainian war. bohdan was a courageous soldier on the battlefield and a loving father and husband at home the couple met back in 2014, when the girl was traveling to kharkiv from her hometown. raisins. later, they moved to poltava together. in 2015, the man went to military service, although at first he was refused due to his health, but in 2016
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he took part in the ato of oos. over time, he decided to enter the kharkiv university of the air force. he and his wife had a daughter there. after graduation , the family moved to bila tserkva. he served in the belotserk anti-aircraft missile regiment. he was the head of service worked for the axis, then we arrived in the fall, and in the summer he went on a business trip to the kherson region, and there he was supposed to be on a business trip for 8 months, he arrived there for 7 months and the war began. on that fateful day, february 24, olesya called her husband and was sure that the war had begun. the woman and her daughter then left the city, but constantly tried to keep... contact with bohdan, then the brigade was surrounded by the enemy, but fortunately they were able to move to a safe distance. for some time, the military docent defended the zaporozhye area and only occasionally
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got in touch. for the first time in six months, he managed to escape on vacation, so he decided to surprise his family. he said that an acquaintance should come over there, he says go and open the door, i open it, he is standing with such a bouquet, with a beard, and i am such a peresha. is it you or you or am i dreaming, i tell you how much time we have, he says, two days, i say two days, the donetsk direction became tragic for the family, then there was a mine nearby, bohdan was wounded, an enemy lancet flew into the car nearby and the fragment got under bohdan's bulletproof vest. olesya was pregnant at that time for the second time and as if she felt that something had happened, they tried to save the man, but they could not. in the inclusion it is written that he died from loss of blood, well, that is, there were visible large areas of damage, he was stabilized in the hospital,
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and they say that he was still conscious, he said that he did not remember. the wife recalls that the most difficult thing was to collect her emotions and tell her daughter that her father is no longer there. nowadays, little olenka remembers only happy moments, sometimes watches videos with him, falls in love. walk with mom and sister where she used to be with her father. the defender was buried in his native poltava, where he was born. bohdan's personal belongings remained as a memorial for the family: tokens, a bracelet, awards, as well as a large number of drawings from his daughter and letters from his wife. after the death of the associate professor , olesya published a book that she had started writing long before the invasion called more than infinity. it was based on all the memories of the couple's feelings and became a kind of last letter to the beloved, he really wanted it to be printed and dedicated to him, and all
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i will give the proceeds from it to volunteers at the armed forces of ukraine, so that it will be useful, i promised that he will be remembered, at least by his relatives, children, lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. there are 20% discounts on visas at the psyllanyk bam and oskad pharmacies. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and if you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area, there is a solution. garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, order now at a special price of only uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful to mow the lawn in the most difficult places, near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave big heavy
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12:00 pm
news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. air alert in ukraine, the military warns of the threat of ballistics. if it is announced in your area. do not ignore the danger, but stay in shelters. and one person died in kharkiv due to an enemy attack, oleg synygubov, the head of the region, said on the air of the edine novosti telethon. earlier, the authorities reported two victims of the attack, which also increased to seven the number of victims. at 10 o'clock in the morning, the occupiers targeted the kyiv and kholodnohirsky districts of the city with guided air bombs , hitting a residential building.


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