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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna sherokopoyas works in the studio, air alert in ukraine, the military warns of the threat of ballistic missiles. if a missile threat is declared in your area, do not ignore it, but stay in shelters. and one person died in kharkiv due to an enemy attack, oleg sinyogubov, the head of the region, clarified on the air of the telethon "ediny novyni". earlier, the authorities reported two victims of the attack, and the number of injured also increased to seven. at 10 o'clock in the morning, the occupiers targeted kyiv and holodohirsky with guided air bombs areas of the city, hit near residential buildings.
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and in the park zone, unfortunately, a hit was made in, let’s say, a civilian building of one of the civilian enterprises of our city, of our region there, we, that is, previously reported on two dead people, one person really, that is, the fact was confirmed, the other , fortunately, not , since the demolition of the rubble is still ongoing, and that is, we... of course , provide only the preliminary information, we will clarify it further. the enemy continues to terrorize kherson. in the morning, the occupiers attacked the city from the temporarily occupied left bank. under the gun got into the shipping area. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the regional military administration, informed. russian shells hit the private sector and almost completely destroyed the summer kitchen in one of the households. fortunately, the hostess was not injured. i went to the garden, i
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needed to go there, i wasn’t here, i went to the garden, i can hear the children here in december, the house was also destroyed , i ransacked their things, i don’t know if there is anyone living there, what is there or not, in odessa due to an enemy attack the vice-rector of the international humanities university boris vasiliev died, about it. announced at the educational institution where he worked. today is a day of mourning in the city for the five victims of yesterday's terrorist attack. there are still 23 injured in hospitals, four of them in critical condition. in the evening, the occupiers hit the city with a ballistic missile, previously loaded with cluster ammunition. they settled in one of the most popular locations among odessa residents and guests of the city. the so-called castle of harry potter, the palace of odesa students, was burning. law
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academy. and our hive, due to enemy shelling, offers to convert it into donations for ours defenders the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already contributed. prepayment and we have less than uah 200,00 left to collect, so let's not delay, the wine continues, and the help of each of us is very important. an agent in sloviansk, donetsk region, the security service detained an agent of military intelligence russian federation, she turned out to be a 25-year-old local resident with pro-russian views. the occupiers recruited the woman in absentia through her acquaintances, according to the tasks of the curators, the perpetrator was
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to discover bridges and pontoon crossings through which ukrainian defenders transport heavy weapons. the enemy needed such information to prepare airstrikes. for such services, the traitor received a monetary reward, she faces life imprisonment. in the morning, a truck was involved in a road accident in the solomyan district of the capital. previously, the driver did not manage to control the speed. and crashed into an electric pole, after which the car overturned, the pedestrian who was passing by at that moment was just a miracle of goals, the driver himself was also frightened, at the same time the patrol officers discovered that the man did not have an insurance policy and drew up an administrative report on him. 25 million tons of production fell to the military level of ukrainian exports. from
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black sea ports. last year , 1,300 ships used the sea corridor. this is already after russia's withdrawal from the grain initiative. this was stated by the permanent representative of ukraine to the un, serhii kisly. according to him, ukrainian agricultural products will be delivered to 40 countries via an alternative sea corridor, and this exceeds the volume of exports for the entire year of operation of the black sea grain agreement. russia continues the wards, this time in the city of ramenskoe, moscow region , a polyethylene warehouse was occupied. the fire covered an area of ​​more than 200 km, the ministry of internal affairs of the country of terrorists reported. firefighters previously evacuated 30 people from the building. law enforcement officers are establishing the circumstances of the fire. estonia will not deport ukrainian men with a suspended sentence passports this was stated by the adviser of
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the migration department of the ministry of internal affairs, aneli weeks. according to her, the mobilization should concern only ukraine. currently , 6,500 people live in estonia on the basis of temporary protection. ukrainian men of military age. iceland approved a resolution on long-term support to ukraine. the relevant document on aid for the next four years was adopted by the country's parliament. the resolution was proposed by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the country. it is aimed at supporting independence, sovereignty, borders, and civilian security population, humanitarian aid and reconstruction works in ukraine. funds for these needs. will be included in the country's budget. from warsaw to kyiv to ukraine. parliamentarians of the sejm and the senate of poland visited with a working visit. our correspondents will tell who they met with and what was agreed upon.
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for the first time, after the government elections in poland, a polish group of cooperation with ukraine came to ukraine. both parliamentarians from the seimas and the senate visited. they were warmly welcomed in... people's deputies mykola knyazhytskyi and artem kovalev. cooperation with poland is extraordinary for us important, especially when we talk about our european integration, about our military cooperation, about our support in international organizations. unfortunately, we had a time where this cooperation slowed down a bit, we had a lot of things that upset us, like the border blocking, now i think we are in a time where we are back to the great friendship stage again. in principle, we consider the platform of the friendship group as a powerful mechanism of parliamentary diplomacy and as a powerful mechanism for discussing current problems, as well as a serious start and a platform for development between our countries.
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during the two-day visit, the polish guests saw the tripoli thesis destroyed by the russians, and honored ukrainian heroes in the center of the capital. what they saw impressed them and assured them of... the need for further support, which they discussed with representatives of the cabinet of ministers and the verkhovna rada. this is how we see our role, a certain bridge between ukraine and the eu. ukraine is a european state that confidently moves in a western direction. poland is not only waiting for you in the eu and nato, but will do everything possible to support you on this brave but extremely difficult journey. such a visit. of polish parliamentarians, members of the polish-ukrainian group is especially important against the background of the aggravation of the situation on the front lines, and it will be another step towards strengthening great friendship and cooperation. for the second time, the center for civil liberties conducted
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a national monitoring campaign in kritts, which was revealed by the inspection, our correspondent dmytro didora knows, he is with us live. hello dima, so in general, how many shelters are there and how accessible are they? we have an inclusion dmytro is from the shelter, so we are waiting until he gets better, we don't have a connection, he will join us later. so, later he, dmytro, you have a word, if you can hear us, please tell us about the results of the inspection, the condition of the shelters and how many there are in general. hello katya, i hope you can hear me and i also congratulate our viewers, they already have in their hands that the center of civil liberties is sheltered according to availability,
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status, specifically, whether it is possible to go to the map of shelters, whether there is access to the shelter according to the general quality and the main problems that they. it is, for example, that the shelter cannot be found on the map, or it is closed, or there is no basic need for water, and there are also problems with water supply. and for example, shelters in an emergency condition were checked in a total of six cities, these are shostka, odesa, lutsk, kyiv, cherkasy, lviv and mykolaiv, and i want to note that in shostka they found the best indicator among them, according to the availability of the shelter, and whether it is open , but in shostka there were the most open shelters among those that were checked, but in mykolaiv this indicator turned out to be the lowest. checked 30 shelters, only two were opened. in general, how much
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shelters in ukraine and whether they are being repaired, let's hear further. in general, during the 23rd year , 6,828 objects of protective structures were brought to their proper condition, which includes both repair and capital repair, as well as the construction of new shelters, for which more was spent in general. this includes funds from regional budgets, local budgets, subventions, as well as grant funds. the representative of the ministry of strategy and industry reported that in 2020, we had 2,100 shelters, now this number has increased to almost 62,000 shelters. however, it noted that 11 of them are emergency. this is the situation with shelters throughout ukraine. thank you , dmytro, it was our journalist dmytro didora, he told about the results of the monitoring
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of ukrats conducted by the center for civil liberties. for now, that's all the news for this hour, i'll say goodbye to you already until tomorrow. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, and our victory. today in the program. next we have a video that we have prepared for you now, dear viewers, this is how an enemy tank burst into flames after a
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kamikaze drone strike by the pilots of the shadow air intelligence unit. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you the following : do you think it is justified to restrict human rights and freedoms during war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your own please write your opinion in the comments under this video. if you are watching us on tv,
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pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if yes, 0800-211381, no, 080-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up this voting. we have our first guest on the phone, this is roman bezsmertny, diplomat, politician, former ambassador of ukraine to belarus, people's deputy of several convocations, mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. serhiu. well, roman petrovich, let's start with the visit of nato secretary general jens stoltenberg to kyiv, because today there was an unannounced visit of the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance. he invited zelenskyi to the summit of the alliance in washington, but expressed doubt that ukraine will receive an invitation to join... this organization, let's listen to what stoltenberg said, i really believe that
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ukraine has a rightful place in nato, and we will do everything to ensure that ukraine will become a member of this alliance. in order for this decision to be made, we need all the members of the alliance to agree with it, we need a consensus, not a majority, but for all 32 members of the alliance to agree. "i don't expect that we will be able to reach such an agreement at the summit in july, but i think we will be able to demonstrate that we are getting closer." ukraine to membership, and that this day will come as soon as possible, when ukraine will become a full member of our alliance. roman petrovych, i understand that stoltenberg came to inform zelensky that ukraine is not receives an invitation to the north atlantic alliance. today they talked about the fact that ukraine
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will receive $100 billion in aid over the next five years, is this an adequate response in the current situation, is this enough, or should ukraine still insist on the status of a special nato partner of various countries in the field of nato, or rather, a special partnership with the united states, with great britain, but still, in the current situation, ukrainian diplomacy must make maximum efforts so that we receive a positive signal. at the anniversary summit in washington the first and most important thing is that the situation in the world is changing so dynamically and quickly that neither general secretary jen stoltenberg, nor all 32 leaders of nato member countries, no, you and i can hardly predict what will happen
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tomorrow in this matter , because until april 13, no one will think at all. could not that part of nato would stand up for israel when iran attacked israel on the night of april 13-14. all the more so when democrats are in power in the united states of america, who, as you know, have always avoided such and such behavior therefore, first of all, i would recommend that ukrainian diplomacy continue its work in this regard. ah, the following. and also, you also need to understand that 32 votes are 32 votes, and we can hardly predict what will happen to one, two, three, and how they will behave, so obviously in this situation there is a second track that must no less to work more thoroughly, this is as
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much help as possible to ukraine in the russo-ukrainian process. aggression so that ukraine could and was able to defend itself thanks to this help. the third track, which is necessary working out is a bilateral agreement. this topic, in fact, does not give an opportunity to press very hard on the first track, because i think that everyone has noticed that in both the american and european mass media there has been a general trend that everything will be done in relations between ukraine and nato countries, as it was done if ukraine was a nato member, it is only necessary to switch to a bilateral system of relations with nato member countries in order to implement the entire program, and actually
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this thesis about 100 billion, which sounds like: nato can. to create, because in fact the answer to this question lies in the national governments, which have already formed aid packages for ukraine, the so -called guarantees are being signed, plus or minus, but these texts, they are similar, and their essence is that, in essence, ukraine would transfer on bilateral relations by nato members, while it should be borne in mind that the current visit... he not only began to shape the responses and behavior of the participants at the washington summit to chernevoy nato summits, and the fact is that after the decision of the congress and its signing by joseph biden regarding aid to ukraine, nato, as the operator of this aid, must now
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discuss a number of technical issues, because of course, this resource is available, part of it. the resource will go to the united states of america, and part will be paid for and supplied from european countries, and a number of information that is now one way or another leaking from national governments suggests that nato actually plays a key role in this mechanism, so the third track, this bilateral relations, which would compensate for the actual mechanisms, ukraine needs to develop with these states, and the fourth thing. which must necessarily be worked out, this is actually the potential of nato, which until now has only been voiced in fragments, this is actually... my personnel, and the next thing is the formation of principles in the perspective of possible combat-capable joint units, which would seem
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to reflect nato, but in reality they would be formed from national armies, nato states, so in this case, if the choice is so and so a dilemma will be posed, then i would suggest to the ukrainian political leadership to go. to follow the second, third and fourth tracks, because these are the steps that solve problems and do not give an opportunity to aggravate relations with nato members, i am not talking about washington and berlin, because this couple and the link of coordination are clearly being followed here actions in matters of behavior at the washington nato summit, especially, mr. serhiu, it is the anniversary, and it is clear that, well, you know that everyone remains human. and well, you don't need to bend the stick here, because you can slap yourself in the face hit, therefore, if there is something to work on, at the same time, we must continue to correctly and
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diplomatically work out both membership in nato and the possibility of an invitation, because we understand very well that an invitation is not an introduction. roman petrovych, but considering that the united states of america also voted to allocate large aid to ukraine in the amount of 61. billion dollars and great britain last week announced 500 million pounds of aid, does this mean that both washington and london, and our other partners give a clear signal to everything to the world that in the future this aid will continue to flow to ukraine, which means that ukraine will not remain alone with russia, and this is obviously a signal. first of all, putin, who hoped that this decision would be blocked in congress and the senate, would not be adopted, or would be postponed, well, at least until
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the presidential elections, so what, how, how does this decision change not only the situation in ukraine, but also the attitude world to what is happening on the eastern and southern fronts in ukraine. obviously, this is not just an important step. and this is a step in a similar system steps, because in parallel with the fact that a number of national governments have made decisions on aid, decisions on increasing and accelerating the production of weapons, armaments, armored vehicles, ammunition and so on have been made in parallel. it is clear that the principle of operation in the civilized world is that they never stockpile weapons, that is, these weapons, as currently planned both in increasing production and in its modernization, will be supplied to ukraine, as aid within the framework of aid and so on. i note, i did not
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accidentally touch this fourth track and the question of assistance by personnel, troops and the formation of a joint strike fist and a joint command, because i have said more than once, it is a matter of time, because the point is that it is necessary to understand... in all national governments there is a public resonance, a public relationship, without such mechanism, these societies will not understand the importance of what the national government is doing, they will not understand the threat that russia poses to their states, so this is a step, not so much a step in terms of helping ukraine today, but a step that will allow these governments to do the necessary work and in the interests of nato. both in the interests of europe and in the interests of the whole world, in order to, including, resolve this issue by striking a blow against russian russia, defeating it on the
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battlefield in ukraine, this radically changes approaches, and from my point of view, this rationalism, which was manifested today in the tone of both speeches, it changes the rhetoric that remained until today from vilnius, because it was felt that in the relations between brussels and kyiv, and brussels and washington, and brussels, and even berlin, this tonality, it did harm, well, to put it mildly, it did harm, therefore the current tonality, it is absolutely correct, and actually it gives the opportunity to move in absolutely all directions, while solving the key problem, which is providing the maximum assistance to ukraine in all respects absolutely. directions of this assistance. roman petrovich, even last week there were several statements, or rather, several events, which indicate that russia is starting
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a race. armed, and in the style of the soviet union, because boris pistorius, minister of defense of germany, said in an interview with the ard tv channel, said that russia already produces more weapons than it needs to wage war against ukraine and warned against putin's further military ambitions. let's hear what pistorius said. russia's economy has been streamlined, and now most of the weapons produced no longer go to the front, but end up in warehouses. you can be naive and say that he is doing it out of caution, as a skeptic, i would rather say in this case that he is doing it because he is planning something, or has something already in mind? together with therefore, the un security council did not vote on a resolution on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons
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in... space, and the country that made this decision was russia, china abstained, and this is also very reminiscent of the soviet union and the confrontation between the soviet union and the then united states of america, or does putin have this potential for this arms race and will the end of this arms race for putin be the same as the end of the soviet union? well, the thing is, if they didn't... they weren't struggling now in rashistan, they don't have the opportunity now to gain the momentum that the soviet union had, from the point of view of all parameters absolutely, from here it is necessary to understand that it is more about a tactical toolkit, which is connected with the interaction of the russian federation with iran and china, because we see how they ran into
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the state department of the united states america. although we have been assured for almost a year that the supply to china, of dual technologies, of weapons fragments, of weapons components is not happening, in fact, if you pay attention to the dialogue that took place between anthony blinken, the secretary of state and sidzenpin, the chairman kenert, it is clear everywhere that it was actually about the fact that china not only supplies, but also finances. the military-industrial complex of the russian federation, this is firstly, secondly, pay attention, there the second issue was again the topic of iran's near east, which is expanding aggression, increasing the potential of producing military products. the fact is that in those countries in this triangle there has been a system of natural settlement for the exchange and supply of weapons and military technology for a long, long time. so what we see, if
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look at... the contracts of china and russia, russia and iran, then there are the main ones, the main volume is weapons, or combat equipment, or armored vehicles, i am not talking about the fact that, pay attention, in fact, russia's contracts with india, russia's contracts with brazil for the supply of equipment, ammunition, and so on, that is, in fact , it is about the fact that there... there is a certain naturalization in this in this triangle, so they will all build up armaments, and this applies not only to conventional weapons, in china, a decision was made to achieve parity in terms of nuclear weapons, and there is a gap of almost 25 units of nuclear warheads, then you need to understand what parity is, it is obvious that they calculate this parity based on the total number of three warheads and
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so... further from here it is obvious that a...


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